smart contract
online compiler
online compiler :
MANUAL COMPILE(using geth)
connect to console
set up a chain
connect to main chain:go-ethereum/build/bin/geth console
connect to testnet:go-ethereum/build/bin/geth --testnet console
build a private net:go-ethereum/build/bin/geth --datadir “your_directory"
--rpc --rpcport port --rpccorsdomain "*" --port "30303" --nodiscover -ipcapi "admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3" --rpcapi
"db,eth,net,web3" --autodag --networkid number --nat "any" console
MANUAL COMPILE(using geth)
in console
var contractABI = web3.eth.contract([{contractABI}]);
var contract123 =
{from: address,
data: bytecode,
gas: gas
}, callback_function)
Quick Intro
Quick Intro
price unit:ether
address:you can withdraw from or save ether to it.
it can represent an user account
no code
or represent a contract
tied with a code
NOTE: same code on different address is different contract
send ether
or to execute function in a contract
or both
Quick Intro
contract: comprised of state and function
state: used by user to keep information regarding the contract
function: change state of a contract
NOTE: Ethereum discourage users from using state to preserve information, so it cost a lot of gas to either
create or change the state.
WHY? Since every node(miner) needs to keep a full copy of the blockchain, they have to be compensated
for storage cost of every contract.
every function comprised of many operations and there’s a price to every type of operation
there’s a fixed amount of gas cost to function you design and you have to pay for it when you want to execute a
you can decide how much ether you want to pay per gas and that becomes transaction fee needed for this
Quick Intro
If you are on a public chain, every storage cost matters.
But what if you are on a private chain?
you can have ether as many as you want so you don’t need to
worry about transaction fee
but does it mean that you can use as many storage as you want?
YES! but still, the costs of storing these states are to be
taken by all nodes in your private chain
How it work
How it work
• state
• function:operate
• design
on states
logic:use functions
to make your contract work
How it work
contract Count123{
uint counts(0);
function incre(){
counts = count + 1;
How it work
contract Count123{
uint counts(0);
function incre(){
counts = count + 1;
How it work
contract Count123{
uint counts(0);
function incre(){
counts = count + 1;
How it work
let’s take for example and write a simple bike renting contract!
state declaration
state declaration
contract bikeRenting {
address public owner;
address public currentRenter;
uint public expireTime;
state declaration
type , visibility , variable_name
contract bikeRenting {
address public owner;
address public currentRenter;
uint public expireTime;
state declaration
type , visibility , variable_name
type : bool, int, uint, address, mapping, bytes, string, struct
visibility : public or private(default)
public: accessible externally
(declare in your contract) uint public totalCount = 3;
(access in a console) mycontract.totalCount(); //3
(access from other contract) thatcontract.totalCount() //3
state declaration
Array in solidity :
address[] owners;
push item into array:
delete item:
address[3] threeOwners;
delete owners[2]
pitfall: only changes the value of specified item to zero
instead of erase the item
state declaration
mapping :
mapping(typeA => typeB) variable_name;
declare a mapping:
map address 0x123456789abcdef to integer 10:
mapping(address => uint) deposits;
deposits[0x123456789abcdef] = 10;
uninitialized or undeclared values are zero instead of NULL
NOTE: there’s no NULL in Solidity
state declaration
Units and Globally available variables
Ether unit:ether、finney、wei
time unit:seconds、weeks、years、now
now: present time
more specifically, the time when this block is mined, i.e,
the time_stamp parameter in the block header
state declaration
Special variables and functions
msg: information regarding this transaction
msg.sender: address who send the transaction
msg.value: value sent with the transaction
address related functions
address.send(amount):send ether to address
state declaration
Special variables and functions
reverts all changes made so far by the underlying transaction
confiscate all gas provided by underlying transaction
contract bikeRenting {
address public owner;
address public currentRenter;
uint public expireTime;
uint public unitPrice;
function bikeRenting(uint _unitPrice){
owner = msg.sender;
currentRenter = 0x0;
expireTime = now;
unitPrice = _unitPrice;