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New total english intermediate teacher book

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Youobul.ry: Rtl.'10""~"""--­

hn do: [ncour4lt fuUtle •
'O,,",rs;Ilton by Uj)ff'S.inS Inlfte5t In




Is wid

'nmmaJ: ~~(do,lw."'-I

SpNkln. In" PnonUrKIltJon:
InlOll.llion In ecM IIUUlioM

"'k!Os 10 wtlte t~ti, ""'" """" '" tilt <~I" 01 • pIfl:o
of _
. TlIoy then
;0 "",imum 01 .iA r.mlly 00<1
!,"'nck· n,mes . .t.sk Ss to wfile dost ~iend~ 0' r~mlly
"U' the;' ",_10<1 01"'" .... ""s " ..1he<



kldi" .. , No, in my cukun! .

W"'i"" Unusual ho~
On cia: St~n I Co
• .2

G'lmmar: PftRn, Simpk> and Ptewnl


Yoc.bul'ryl ~'SOn;ll,tv
Spel~lnl .nd ""'"uncll'''''': Soun.b
;and speijinl: ·U·
K..... to.... start a con.-ersatlon wiln I

kid"", How _"Y Ir'tnd~ ~
On do, R~IPlla .. mpt.. .unatM! In

ymiI ""'" WOlds
Gramma" Pre!;('nl !'!,rKI Simple ~n~
Plst SImp\>
Yocll>\jl,ry: ..... uin..
Rudl".: 8,oth~rtV!lIslt"I"!: hllin. O


Com"", .. k .. "'"

tlonuibe alrif"lld
W.ite I seml·formal fmlll 1"I.odu(f

Wtlll ....



Kow \0-. W"lt InfO<1IIII1 .tId

ElItra ...o.ne...


Atti"" Indl.nd AtIi.cBoo~


L2 '"

... £10; ....... ,""~ .. . - by . _.... Inl.'nt .. WIIoI


SWt.~"'.""'w pt
1.) It

• - ... 0ft
..,.Inl ... ~ "'", ••



_10< ............. """"""'. I'D"rwII

l'ootIoUo IH..



. .____

~) rn"'''''PI'''I<>-",_~


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__ .,.jrKOfd""'_
"'""If uPO,.......

W,"t ........ m-rv...,....

" .......... _


)'QU ........



... rqlOlo,",UO.. ~_ to<

. I.....
.... ~"""

... 1;;0 ~ "110_ "110.<1\>00

Mlin P~o, okIl~ldost Irle

lo~ pl\Qto, (0lln8ves, ml •• lt' .nd .",p\oyft
MnXIIt photo: hlrBollom photo: .oIIelll~ts, r"ends. Mqu,ln\an<:u

2 • fn pacitl. Ss put Ih. otOfds infO /OU. StouPS. If thtle

''Plain ,h.m to uch Olhe •. (heck the insWi!/"S ..,th lhe
" holut~ PrM.ISf uyln.OI.., WOlds whicto the Ss ftnd
diflkulllo p,onounce.


t) boss, (iii ......... (01100'1\>0
b) 1",,",·ln·law. ~usb.nd. SI~pmOl"'"
() .qu.In.,,,... btil blend, doSt hiend. o.pllrietid.
!,iend 01. I'lend, old hi.nd
d) Sh"nSe',IUm·",""
• "sIo; Ss 10 .dd .nymo,. WOlds lhey know to tlCh .,oup.
Go 'ound and ",onlI0' 10 (hefredback ftom tht whole cliIss and wute Ss· WOlds CHI tilt

3 • T~II SS 10 COY"' .olum .. B ollh. 'able. In PiI"s.thf:ol
, ...d column" of .10. "bI, 0"" d l~\lss wII.ltthe phtlstS

in bold mun. Get fudba• .r umn 8 of th~ !~bl. and mal(h 'he bold ph'aW!> "om"
" 'Ih 1M ~ftnllion~ I.om 8. (lIeclass Ind flid! mo'e • .


wn .. III ..,...... diolomot ,.,.~. ,,,..... iCeop "'"<0_......
roIP'C "'I .......... quo MIe


, .. ""Y wo,d~ tn. Ss don·, know •• ncourage l hem ' 0

U!\tnl"l: "be.l ff~nd


1 • Pul Ss In pal,~ 10 t~tI ~ •• n ol he r il the~ naVE ~"'"
bo"n in SltUlhOM lildiMun what IYII" o f ,elilllon)/lips lhe pIIoIOS 5/IoW. Gel

f ",d~,k from Ihe cla)s.





4 • Ss look bOick" IIIe "",d~ Ifom Iht bo.< In ou.,,Posk them '0 .. ,Itt down fou, peoplt Iht1 know Ind .hoost
f,u. ;ciiet~l! ~latlonsh.lps wilh ' M
e peoplt IMfy chose. Mon\1O< i"d
al~ls l whfre neI ~ on fft)llywtll wifh II1Y boss.
Wlgolng. Get ffedb.ck f'om Ihe whole e ...... pI& on the boiord.

1.1 A lot in common?
• Ih,s IeSSOll. Ss d'lo( ....... whallhey know aboul
....wI1 hotIb,u and use ph",,",1 _"" 10 find oul aboul
•• hollle.'s ~'''li'''''''IMIi~ TMYllleR USl~n 10
"""sual hobbles and siudy Ihe use of a.ool".., .. ~ In
IPIe ~I~nlns_ Attn p.auisins how 10 p.onOllMe ellll)
lIWsHoos. 5s comptele lIIe leS'>on by findinl oul wh~1 lhey
~ In common wllh lIIei. daS'> colle. sun.

Speaking a nd lis ten ing
1 ~ Pul SludenlS In P."S 10 matth Ih e h obb i~5 ('-5) with
ItIt p/Iolos (A-O. (IIeek tile answe.s wil h tile whale class.

A$k II ~nv 5s da Ihue ~llyiHes and elicit whal Hley know





., , .]

, ,,

2a • focus 5s· ane"Uon on tllegappee:! s..mf!MU ,-,0.
.. paks. 5s eomplele IIIe saps wilh lhe loneti p,eposl100ns
~om lhe boA. ttl 5s lompart thei, Ins_,s wilh. dine,ent
lIill"" I nd liltn lheck lhe answe,s .. ilh lhe wholt cI~.s.
An .., ...


, 10'







.0 In

1 about

b • OM de tM dau inlo I'oups of Ih.ee a. fou •. In thtl'

"""po. 5s cMos.. lift 01 the quulions in .....cise 11

c ~ ""y the rt<:ontinIIK,in ud u~ Ss to tlk" II(II~. S.
(ompar. Ih"r. an.~rs in p''''. C.... ck lhe 1M..." wilh lhe

whole <laS'> and <""'plete lho HAtI column of tho tlble .




kil. olloI." ilylol: dou,l on,. I


If.,olnt M,nO.,I. ' M \'11

IIp:ontW""mbe. "",n.,
aU Uoes aod _ . muInclucle ""'"'" "umbe.

4 .. Put 5, ,nlo p,i". Gift 5•• how m'nults 10 !Ilk JOOut
illY u.uswi hobbin or l(1ivil~' lhey hJ\'f Ulefetd bac~

homth. whol. c\au.

5. Indi.-td ..... lly Il>ln~ ." an unu ....1hobby 0< let l.-tly
11111 II1ty h..... Il1td. Thon. In PII;". S. Isk ~Kh Oth.,.
"". imum of I"",nty q ..... lon.,0 Ity Ind (UtiS ",11.011"
J(tl.il~ or I>obby Is. S. un only In,,,,,,, .)'n. CH • no·. , ..

Msi ..amp\l" (In t"". be u..-d In a

totik OIM. Ss In lho cWos. Put Ss In !>Oi" '" they Ire
w,lh • !>OftM. tram a dine.enl I'OUP. 55 Wlltt
down .. hlllhfy Ih'nk tMir !>Onne.'s Ins_.s will be.

e • Ss itSk facti OIM' Ihei, quest;"n> .nd w,lle down tM
~. Gel fHdblck from


38 ~


focus 5s· aUenhon on IMqueSlions hom
21. Plav I". '«o,din!_5s liSlen and make nOltS
of !/Ie qu O'liQnS th~t tilth speake , answe" . 5s compa,e
Ihfj. answe.s in p.Ir •. Draw a lablt on Ihe board wllh four
,olumn •• ln Ihe fi,", column, wrlte the numbers oj the
~.ker~. In Ihe ~cond (Dlumn. write In.. question t~~t

oKh .~.hr an_..." •.

Ss prt-p,J'" a poS1.' p<..tnt.ohon'" In unu.ull hobby CH
Kllvlty th.1 O1he' 50 mi(hl not k_ much aboul.



DOIIloSut ,-quesllo")
DiIIoIue 1 - qutstiofr ~

DllIo!:U. } - quntlon 6
DII"","" • - qtJtsf\oft'
DI.oIo!:I>e s - questiotl.

b • Elici, Ihe ~wCHd. from I.... SS ~nd WII" IMm In tile
mOnt lolumn of t .... lable on, .... boa.d.

Arts .... ,

Dt.los..e 1 -Iuntinl
DI.lo!ue ~ nl'Oll(lmy (daulhte, nOl s"".k•• )

D"loa .. e) - ,now .itlna
D"loIue 4 - Ch ines..

Gr l\mmar illux m llry verba

( d o. boo h ..VII )

r.1I S. " hobby CH SjlCHt 11001 YOII do. W,ile tilt "'(Iow,.!
lwo opllons n...,lo tlCh olh.r II lilt botlom of tile
board. , The number 01
do lilt i'roOby i,port

1. f_ Of IIItH /Jtron Q WHt_ , No. t don'l_
tn pal .... 50 lhinkol qllHtioroS \hty("".sIt I'OU t .. iIh'e
tho""wo ........... Uit:iI tilt 50· que'-lloros n Will.
IO" .. lquesl ..... - . . ...chan,,,"". [1it:~lteKh the
dirrere"'t btl_tho lwo qllHtlons. his. _ que.tlorr
.nd , I•• ~o qutst ..... ) focus 50· aUtflllon .,., •• 'we<
2 aM • • ptlln t1>o1 n is. uSO!".d eikil ll ..cll tile "'11!0Ie ..... b. uSO!~'!'-188'. d""·1 di.""" au, ill..-t...

"_k. •.


D,~~es· 'uOOk~


"'k So: WIMrt <m' au.ll/clry ~rt>.! (da, be, ~J .nd
WIly do ..... use ,bem' (u,~ alf ,,~d as helping ~ r.g.
in rhe p~nr prrf~r, pIIS' Pf~r and, (OnrmOOus r~nsn;

go up 0' do"", al lbe ~nd!(upJ. Pt..ly Ih. ",maining Kho

in rM pII.5i~ form ond for Q~S'icn., n~9ilri~s ond
q~5rion logS), Ss then add ,u . ill.ry "",bs to the Adj~
B,amm., bo. ,

Ind uninlt.e'IN Intanalkm. O,aw 5s' attention 101M
P,onunc;at ion bank on p.1ge 16~.


b ~



Sslislen and {~.<k lhei' I nS...,'S I><:lo,e do ing

• (t." cMd. Ss IMn p",(h.t ,;ay,nB lhe di310gues In
~"$. DllIwSs' anenlian 10 lhe


fliotit tM au>.i!i.ory ...."I>!. in the tumplfs,
Atl"'" ,flmm.,





,, "",
•, ••


lII.... n·1

don 'l


6 ~ 5s "ad and (arrea 1M m'\labs In I"" faur
d""o",.,.$.. ~t 1IIfm com~'t wuh i INrt~r .nd IMi1 ~t
fotd~(k hom 1M whole d.,$..


A: Wh.t .ubietls do you liM ,e.dln. about!
"'e youl Wh.t ~pUrts JI.o. VI>\! !ikol

t don·t worry mua..I,uU! "'mttlmu I worry

" ,bout_I<

• ,""

~ lhe InlerMI.1or1
No. not ",.'Iy. IGII) h_ II ..... Do 'fOU!

NO. r "-.!!l. WI\iI.boolI'OU!
hs. ~!!n"

Am...., ..


, ""erestN
, "n,nlltrestN
• I.teresltd



"nlnt ••• SIN
Inl .....tN
Inl .. tstN

d .. Mod.llhe t ...mpl. wllh I student. S, praclise lhe
other dialo!ues In ~Irs, addrn, .xu. Inlorm.hon whe ••
pOMi~~, Gel leedback f,om , •• iou, pa,,, in lilt class .

loplain 10 Ss I ~attlloy s houldn', o,.rempl\3siS(: thti,
inter.sl as th is 'in h... the oppOs ilf ffff't.


~ Read the inst.uctions wrlh the Ss and check
undemandin!. Go Ih',",&h Ihe .""mple. Giw Ss • lew
mlnutts la writ. the lWO Ihings lhey .r. looking lor,

b ~ T.II Ss they .'. n.,... 80101 10 go round ,he cia •• ,

uklng queslion, to find people who match It... " •• nto",e.
Irom part •. (nthe Acllve g,ammar box. Mod~1 Ihe u.mpl •. IMn s"t Ss 10
minSIt 10 (omplel. Ihe itCrlvily, Get !.tdback hom ... rious
S. by .,krns IMm 10 'eport to.<k on ",meone who It>ey
hid "''''''lhinS in (ommon wrth.

,.11 Ss
h>r ,he nt" lenon, lhev .,e 80<"S '0 find


Pul S.I,!O ",,!rs. E.. h p.'r ,I\oos'" on" d;"logue hom
•• e"lw 6.nd 1"',"'nlll$o('llhe Inlo'm.I ...... Ss 1110" .tI
oulthe;' diolol"'" ,.. I"",h .. ~i' 0' the . . - d .....


IlnlOna lloll in echo


71\ ~ 5, do Ih. la,k Indivldu3liV. "slnB
C 01 ,h. Adive
cramm.r box 10 help Ih~m. S, tan Iho n cnedo nol do • ( I. ~~ check.
b .. 0 ... PlaV the .ecardln., Si hs!tn and che<.k lhel.
aOSWI:'Il. Get fH
.., ,

Qutstion .. ~'inllM lime proctdu.e 10' U(h ant. ChKk
!l\3t Ss have und.rstood Ih. orlltrffl(t ~Iwtf'n Inlt.estN


, .... M'
Old you!



Art you1

Do \'01'1
....... I""'I?
Dots M!

o ~ Play the lI"t question 3nd altlow.r ~g.ln an~ wrll.
bolord, [(jei! whetM' Ss Ihink
lhe ethel qUl'Stion an
It ~ows Inte~sl Of I~.k of Inl.'t\1 (jnletl'sleri). D.aw ~n
.nOW ."'- the question and Isk Sso Does lbe Info",.fion


out abou, an IKIOr ,ty, hobby 0' I klll tha,l, unu.ual
0, dilt ... nL t h.., . hould Hnd oul all they !>tS inn;nS ollh. ntxlifnon, pUI S, InlOgroup,.,.r
IOU' .nd ..1.<1 • ~Iuranl in flch (fOstudenl .,.,1, wil~ ' ~~.m.nt on I"" .ubject 'hev hi""
, ... _1Ied ;0<.1111 ;,thelr KilL rnt .... sl Of hobby•• _1.
, _ Q " " ' " f<>"" '" _ . ''''' oil,., Ss in rt~ croup
.1Iou1d 15k Qu ... tions 10 lind oul ;0<. much .. IMy <....
U.inl I"" I"."" fro,," tM Atl ..... Ifl",m", bo>.. 'oil Ss 1""1
IMy h..... 10 ktf'p ukln, quullofo. "nd ~'nr answtrS

lor al ,..,1 nin.ly ....,ond., 'Mil (~an!. 'h .puk.,.
Con 'inu< unli l oil four S. h..... " ..... nl.d ,he" 10P;(_

Reading and speaking
9 .. Prol Ss in 1>1'" Ind S"'" Ihtm \W1> Of Ih_ mln.l ...
10 discu» Ihe queSllOns. Gel ftf6back trom the ..nolo
(Ins and write Ihe lypic:.I IUtures of lhe Ss' cu!lu •• ;
(uIIU.t. on 1M bolo'd. 'ell Ss I""t lhe~ ' • • IU' .... m"hl be
(onside",d the sre"",'ype lor t heir (uIIU' •. "'" Ss, (}Q )'0<1
!hln~ DII p"opl~ in )'Our 'ul!u~ ort li~t this' Do )'Ou rhlnk
~!trtQl tPes Olf helpfullThen. dl$(uSS Ih. S,' an,we" 10
Ihel,,, qu.,l ion as. whole ,I....

I Oa ~ Pul Ss in pairs and I"bel p.l" A ar B. S. A
IndMdowUy ",ad and .nsWl:" Ihe quullon, on ""'.
whil,t Ss Bindi>ridu,IIV "ad.nd InSwe.IM quUlions on


PlO!e 1~7. Ss Ihfn .... Ihi, 'IJat, <10 nO( do ad.... correel 'R!oWf'S.
A , ~

• She IeIU"I'Y buI didn'l "'V a"vthi"l·
} E.... ryone wOS "'"dod. and.he 10k "",b.".,\.fII,
a Kf "Id Iha\ 'tordlt" Is som~'""1 iptOpie 10 ,how I'OU I""" Ihem,
S I lie Ule as m",h .. h. C<>\I\O,
• Theywe,. ,u'p,lnd ~ how mud. he att end
woniH ht would ~ sick.
) He lnou,kt It would pi,... hI> p... n's·ln ......
a lie ntt-ded 10 I;~ d"",n.

b • Reform ~itS wilh on, ,\IId'"1 A and '"'' lIudenl 8.
Tell 5. 10 Iflllhti. p.. t1ntrs 1M SIOfY lhey ...... in lhe;, own

_d •. EIICOU,;olf 55 10 do Ihis wilh Ih.ir books dowd,
Oftly ooeninllh,." If lhey .. ally gl'l SIU(k. In Iht chKk, ;o.k Ss B to 1ft! you about 5. A.... ,'ory and vi>t'w.. Thtn
1.2 How many fr iends?
In Ihis "'.son, Ss U,I,n to SOIrt.nd,. Th,ough thl' '0<11..1 they study _abltl~ry for
d,,,,,lbing p!'fSOflillity.nd prac\~ P1'O~unThey also u~ diff.... nl 5trattB,es lor ...ak'"l I,;....ds wnh
• 'tranSt'. Ss ... ad aboot the importltnc. 0( h.v;nllots
of IrI~n

PT~~nt Simple .nd ~.tsen l Conlinuou. le~~ •.

Lis tening

I. OIIt ot Ihe "a,IOIIal op'"" 01 Enlland .nd
Is ~d In m, .y
(e.s. Ens"",. "",!falla, Kow Z••1:ood. Ind ... PIIO'lln.
s."!IapIayo_ . to,!"' ... 11••, . _k~. lhe ....... iuOllSidetecl to

t>e I"""tlou. hood."" .,..." old I.d ,n ""ent VN'" h..
..~ .u..... tho -'d ... th .. " is now the _ond
mO>l widely ployed tum 'OO!! ,n the _Id,

whole d .. ss.
a • A.k 55 In PlOI .. ,o diMU"."Y posSible (ultu,, 1
mlSllrnlC'Slandlns. Ih~ h'" had. In Ih. (I." ehedit-C:uI. SOme 01 0, . .. and ~. k S. what could h ~y e t>etn
don. to 'I'Old Ihe ml.u nd ersta nd ing.

51 t~,"k 0( • possible

out. OIhe, S. t>aw 10 IU"" ..... , tho m,,,,nd,,,,,,.nd,nl I•
• nd "~I could t>e doni' 10 .l1OO1
I II ~ S. diMu., 1M Queslion. in pal,s. o.an8' pairs an d
S. discuss aRah c;.:.lfe.d~ck Irom ... Iou. S., who
"pu,1 .. hat thei, p~" ne,s laid Ihem.
I~ t

b • 0,., Piay the ,eco.ding. ask Ss to (OmPlt ,e anSwe.'
In paltS, then get I ~dbltk f.om Ihe ellS •. Ask S., Whol ;,
diffenmr about this friendship? (The,., 0,., lignlttn ~r3
~~n rlot-m.1 00 row Ihln~ )'OU rould N tn·,nds ,.;rh



~ mel

.bout throe ~... IIO .... ile _~ '" lhe

...... 'iRob!oftms _
.. Ih ... he ~ he'!. ""'.... fu""".nd
kind. They \live • lot In ..,,'" 01 hUmou"
4 ~ob like, tridot,




28. ~ OMde Ihe,"" Into PlOi'.ind ask lhe S. to do
Ihe octMty. i';litS Ih... fo.m ,,"OUPi 01 foo' 10 tht.M.... ' .. Befo.e doinS ,
che~.e f)OSit;..., ~"d M1I,liYoo ind ttw" lei lhem cht



, dependable
,• j••Iou.
tl .....


•, ......







oul. per_ with on. 01 the chl.lttf,i,lOf.' ""d tho

otto.. S. Iuve ' 0 "'"" wh" ... dlO'<l ive Is t>eln, i. sIoown.


b • In l>Oi .... <;Os di",uss t he qutsloon.nd 1M: n:~sons lor
ans_,. ~n It....... d.ud;",usSolol\.


W,th ,-,,,,,,,., ,1.0,,,, •. )'011 .,i.hl b,lio'iorm ... o'e

( 0.......1"',,1
..sloS • va'iely ol.lIila' ......
t.!. on . b..,h. In' daIS.



Il 1hiS <;.;In ~ don . n • PVllmld I!»irs Ind Iry 'nd as,", ... tho 'h .." m".\ important
.diKI ...... Tho. ,~poat Il1e t .... wit h t..., p.oil> PO'
l''''P ,nd _

,.aln "'Ih 10.., Plili, Get 1"""b;K~
101>lIl lho . _ do,..
,) ....,u, '''I>n!:o, ,1.0.", •. 1ft.. Ih.poir_rk. """ ,,~
, _ 10 tho I>oltdlod .'I........Won. Ki.,t~
Is ""l""llnt. Th ... Dlho, S. '0 Ih. ,1.0.. must giyo' • ....,M .... hV lhoV di,al'"" It 'M S. CI~"'" delend
00' oil" ob).,tio ... lhon Ih. "ud"nt .... ho mad" H",
cbjfIh •• nd of th" 11m" I lloca t..G. Ih. adj«live
Min. dol.llded iS lh" ",inno'.

.g"•. "'-

c • Ss <10 lhe activity in Plil'S. Gel


o • Do th is 3S' whole ellis. " ' i"ily. 10 begin Wit h. 'tad
oot one of the 5s toresponse (mike ."n: '» U"'""$Ilnd Iha, they ""we to
p,ovIde stimulu, to< fUrIhe. aMwe'lnl'~'o, ·no'). TileS who Ins_red . aOOlhe, .0nwe''''''lon '''rIt< .nd
another .tudent



to n:'POnd, (ontonu" with lhi, 10' • lew minute. unlil l he
con ... rsation .lartN' have t.e..n used 3 I,w ti mn. [)Klde
wit h the ~,I 01 tM cia •• on the beSt , •• pon • ., • .
d • S. do lhe aSC'ipl to IMther 1'"" 10 aet ""I.

from .arious


Pl'onunciation IlOunda..,d lIJM'lIIng: 'ea'
31~ . 0 •• Ss liSl" n 10 Ih" W<),ds.nd PUI t""m in the
(onee! ,olumn.



'1:/ upb..!. ..... n

'eJ ....... n!, julous

b •

Thl. should be <100M 10k. '"" ....1,hal ... AQee wi ... lhe
S. on I situII;"". '.,. I po,ly. S.IIIe. ,"in!le 11'fl"1
to . Iarl I ,,,,,_,.alion wllh I 'sltonso", II lwo poopl.
ton h."" I <0 ...... '''''11 ... which l""",v" '"'''' thon I"",
turns. th.y tan 1<\ bat~ down. 0.1. II: Hove )'Oil 'riod I""
r,,;II: Yo<
0',. WOuld yo~ lilt • ..,,,,., 8: Y.., pi."",. The

lI.t I .... _ ' " Ie" SlIMlnl •• e gul "nd "" •• ,. Wille I
.<rlpl"" til. sIt~.""". You un I"'" decid. on lnot!>e.
>i!uation and SU't Ill". Tho! last pa;r ~ in the ,an,. .. ,
wi....... Tlw Iosinl PI"S can t/oen.<1 QUI th .. , ''''PI!
In I.ont of thulo ... tho! wilVli", poi. 'OtIW< .. {ion, tn <1.0.",S of ""'"" Ih.n 1<0 .IU"'"t. you
,ould d",idt the d ... InlO , .... ",po,... '''''''' •.


0., Ploy lh" 'Ko'din, I_d~, Ss 10 ",,,,,,,I tho

so"t>d. IS IMy are plaved· 00 I

then ,n individual ,11<'(k.


C • GiveS, a minulO to add mo,_ W<),ds toeaa nd onOlhe, minutolo ' heck In PlIrS. Then •• k 5. 10 ,e~d
out thei' word, .. ilh the


U>e Pmnunciation Ilank Of' paSe ,(,) to! mor. ,,,,,m pires,


Socill MIWOfibepOpUi.o' ...,h peapt., 01 aU 11:0..
Tbey .11ow you '0 I,~nd. 0' PfOpl. you kr\fW ln Ih _, and. 1 _ .
... k. MW friend •. ~ple .." upl.-l pholo,. m.te

to torat. book alw.ys l.,pl iU' Iwo·way ,ol31"'Mhip a. )'Ou
,anflOl fo llow 'ryou ... friend. Wilh Twi'tet. h_ ..... '.lhe "".tion.h,p
(an he 0 .... way Ind you (In follow tllf ~I. 01 poople who
""n'l OY@ftknowyout ...... MSNi..1If~ ~ ,an (OtI',"uno:alol!l
lime Ind ~ ... Ilso
...."h """".,. [bay iu_lIsite wM$0011 'h,"lJ"


Wilt' lho foil_ina"" t1>t



.SI"'"g',," a ,~ fil'l Monds ""'ltmg 1<> iKlplJ'n.•
Rod "",Ku". (,Iom''' ;Un poel. ,o .,~ ' 1M ,inter)
C,-\ Ihll 5, u_st,nd lho ",.. n!nl of the

.... k 50: Do ,..., "9"'" "'I~ 1"'. quoit.' WhytWhr not'
4& .. s!; d,,,,u,. the qUKIions In PillS and th"" toml>O'.
with __ he< PIl" Get feedback trom tho! whole (Ia~~
b • S!;Sludy the H_IO". bo~ 1M put!he headin8~ in
Ihe 'orrKt pl...:e. Ask Ss 10 point out lhe \ey wo,ds that
helped them ,hoose Ihe .0"eC1lnsw.,. Then d,i lilh.
tonve,satio n ' Ia ,ters as I whole eta ...



on • S. d is.1>01 do not giVl' th" rat ....s.k them to p,o.,de l he (O".CI anS_ t.
b • S.,.ad and ch•• k Ihei' In . .. e, •. GiYe tMm no
mon: INn Ihlff minules to do Ih;". '-"I th ..... h<'(k th.l.
Inswns in poirs belOf. dOinl" doss .hKlt. II the anSW!!'


kfll~,~lidl tM COITect ~ns_'. (hKk

how minv of thelf
p!tdictions from t~r(iH 5& Ss lot ri.JhL


..... _s


• I (but tlrty ... nal all ,~friends)
J f(' )(IK Ihu","a')



6 • Give 55 lOOultou. minutes 10 do thrS ... livllV !>eta,.
IWlnS lnem ch~00 )'Ou og",. ",,' /h rhe altid.! Why,tWhy fIO,!ean )'Ou rn!ll~
{MI'I"" frknds' !




of ,..lory
IrKluH people with belt .. socill ~Us 60 bel'" I"


moI,I"'"lOO .. iII;a"

w, ..

ay.....". ~ people, .... wUl .Im hi..,
lhe 101m. ~~ .. bet of <!oK frler>ds

7 ~ S. ,ead the d iffe.ent commo"ts in pal" and d..:lde

whkh opinion, [hOV ac,..., Of di.ag'to with. lhe. Bel
feedbac~ f,om the wha le their InSw~rs.
8 ~ 55 dIK~U t M 1I"".';on, In pairs. Get feedback flom
liIe wtoolt
Grantnlar 1 l'""",,,ot Simple and Presen t

W"le the IOlklwl", ~nt'II(" on Ih' !>N,d:
, 10m ~ r..,(hef. 2 I' m ~nlJ __ «"",pl.I.lhl.

with somethins you alf .....Ing In.t day).
In p~:." S. disI,nltn(u.
EIIclt/toplaln lhat th~ fifOl senl"""" ~",.Ibt •• I,,,. ,al
lUi. ~nd Ihal lilt _ond sen,""" I•• "",e.hlnl .. hl(/l;'
I."" at thll momenl, "'51< 5s what lhe n.me. 01 11It~ Iwcr
1' ...m,lkal 'UUnUfU " '" (Pf..... nt Simpl. Ind Prn.nl
(0<>11_$.1. Ss wme 1_ ';mil.o ..... nt."'"" IbOut
IIIt"'H,..... oM IM"I lilt Pr .... nt Simpl, and _ us,,,,
lilt Pre .. (onti_$. Ss .nd llrei.
to 'heio
PIlI ..... (I,nk tile .... nl ...."';r; I whol, <18





9 a ~ SI .ud ...
(1-5) In lilt Anlve
and ....1<11 them with the tul., IA-£J.

Acthle Itammll









,."nu,,,,, 00'

b ~ W,ile I />QI. r""~ ar>d I'm holi~ C~fs;:' on the
bO;lfd. Ask Ss if they think both Hnltll(t$ I'" (ontet.

[Iicil whidl ..... Is 11I(0,,,,c/ (I'm /tolmg c/t«s;:'). [lIc~
Ih.t somf ""rt>s, ,sp..anod 1'101 ;In Htion, Ss Ihtn Gotl Jff<1bMk from Ihe wholt (1)>5. lIele. S5 10 Rtlelnc.
!>Olt >9. Mk Ss: Whal s''''''uI~ do "'t us;:' {O. habits!
routints, things lhal ott Irw~"""nfnf IN d.M.rlIH1I!1"
SIOI.' tp".sent 9mpl.). 00 we US. ,'''' ""'senf Conllnw>U'l
{or d~M.'lbjng Ihings thot Of( happen,'ng now' (Yes.) Do
"" use Ihe I',e,~nl Simpl. for temlX',a", slrualions Ihol
of( />Qppenjng around no",? (No, we use rhf P,,,,r nl

ACtion "'I~ 80, do, UI. ploy
Sl .. I. -m: btl..... tit<.. MOd •• 'r>!, ull8oIh: u.." think. ",..,

10 • In Pl'i", S, (Ofl..:t ~nt Simple 01 Pr.Hn, (onllnllO\l$ 'Olm 011""
.."bs In !>racket..
AM .... "
Ar. you .eadlnx
d""sn'l work



, om

dan'l h .....



Ir.you IMnl
Do yGU underst.""
Ir.)'OdOlf! Wlnt, hltt

11 • WI'I. Ih. ptompl. "om numbe., an ~~ I><...,d:
WItG/hOu.AA:>? lInd .,k Ss !>Il>dents lo .... t<. I qu .. t;a"
lbou~ I job. [WIIoI do )on Ih, board. In

Ss ",,,b quf'Slion) from tho olher
p.ompt~ (rro). Ss (omp;lrt I~f'i ... ns...... wnh IftOthe.
pai •. (lied< ans_rs wilh I~' wholf cl»s.


Whl' do)lOll 601

, w"" ''')'IIU dol"a " _

..!",hoot ., lire "..,..... tl

Ho'" ofton do \'0" 80 QUI ....[1, fri.nds!

4 Wh.. doy~ W~~I IIlms do y6 Wtw.~ do you u'"ally do "' lilt ..... k.ndsl
7 ...... "'" readi"l" aood boot< It the mo~"H
• ...... you ~"SI "'"lthI"l a,..,. ~ the~ day9 Why art you ,",u<!yina lnillst> this I'ur?
10 Art you doill,l "'1' other tOU.s.tS ~ the _ 1

1 2 ~ Ss ~k th.i. ~nn.,uM queslian5 ftom .... rti~ 11
and nal. dawn IIIe .ns_n. Gotl fffdlwr(k I""", tile whole


1,3 Brotherly love?
In Ihi. If~... n, Ss liu"n 10 ptOt)lf til kin! ~boul ... meone
I~ev ftll oul wilh. Th'"'llh~n ~id ilbout the Oa~slf:r

brolher. and Ihrough Ih i ~ lUI. look 31 Ihe gramma r 6flhe
Prewnl ~rf"<1 Simpl. and Ihe PUI Simp le.

Listenin g and speaking


b ~ Ss Iislen igain anod complelelhe r>Otes in ,.,.. t"ble.
I'MIw btiWfl'ft eKll Speilkf-r fOl Ss 10 wrile tllei' iln,_rS.
e .. Ss cl\t






..... -.
::.:.::: ."
- •. -_ .... tt.d


/We '" 11>0

morn"l "0


11011<\&, ''''






, 0<1"
.. " . ,-"."'~

Run OM( w. ,;on ""'.riurn hip'hop Ioond, p,uIKut;"tv
popu lI! in ,he ,980., T~ev ~'.' . nk.d fOllY"'Shlh
by Rollin9 Slon. moS.,i" l l" Ihe" Ii" of tl>< gr •• t.,!

musk. 1.tS of ollHme.
Mollammad All (19_'- ) I, bo ... 01.11 ~m., Born caul ... CI4 Ihl ......... I<.n _ ,
won 1M Heovvwrilhl WOIId I~I.,,,,,,, limes. lit onlv
IosI &.tllKtlts In a ......' ... ,ilty·""., fiJhts. tn 1999, h.
was <_ned 'f>OI1'
011"" <.... Iu.., I>v 88C

b ~ S, rtad 1M It.llo find 1M (Oller:1 an,we". Grt
leedw,k !.-om 1M wholt dils .... comparlnllhe """wer,
w.th Ihei, prediction ..

......... ,.U


4!l. .. Fo<us S. On 11>0 WOld. In t~e b"". In p.airs, Ss IrV
and predkl whallh. sto,v w, ll be abr)ul. Gel fe~dback Irom
Ihe whQle (lasS and writo some Ideas on I"" board, At Ihl,
'Iage. don'l

I "'::~";;;- .... Y'.,

011,,"- 1,10

M~ 100 PIUN a!O Iwo of ,ho Iud .. ! blanel. 01 'poIIS
equl""•••,,, and in pa'li1M "'trt founded by Iwo blo,""rs, Adolph .nd ~udotph
0•••1.., who fell 0"1 with uch a,hor ~nd !,,,,ame rivals.
Mld~, h•• g~"""lIy be,n 11M! more >",Itn"'lod In lhe,r doal with loolball stir O;wid !lockhl m 10
wnr 11

S,so,ooo.ooo 10 ~"" .... The phOlO . - . iI .t.Uu' of
MI 0 ...... in Ihe b.....e«lIn'... """Nller liO



Ssd~u .. Ihe '1ue'tion~ In pl ir, or .mall S,oupS.
Monito, Ind note down errorS. Wrlle lhe err"IS on t h~

boiII,d.nod .",ou,,,xe S. to wll·«(>rr",,!


t a ~ 0 ... FoS. dee.h phoiO. wllttdbad from 1M whoI. da ... Play Ihe
rKOIdi",. So. lisl,," and maid! •• h speaktr with a pholo.
Ss (I.lSS.


3 •


Wrrle I~ _d. "n 1M board, {fghl. ~rgut. dis<:~ ...
It>U ""' wi/h. In ~rrs. S'I~I' ~bo_d .'p~r~"" ond dfirdt ""'id• ...".d Is the ood "".
oul. (M ..... " dj,;cu ... I. tht odd ont oul " it does 1101


have an arll''''''"1
11.1 ... I \lIul') row
f.U oul ov,,, ""'"tlhin~



Mr. ~"" .. '"

. "IS I",




""fJUme'll: Th. Duslf1 brQlhefS IIlued. "';'ich led
,,,,,m 10 lourid "",pal ate Cllmp,nles, M;d~. and Pum8.
a bus ... lire brothers lo,meo •• hot to.Olhc r

• nickl\lllle: Ad1aI.. br<."", parr ot hit (omP'''''''' 1\1""'•
I .I>ot.... kt" 1M DnSters' I""". ~. ~kc'.
• _ ,at, Putn.o w.s """eel after • wIIcI Q,L
1M 19J2 Olympic Gim6: 1M Dissltr br~' fi~
101 G"' ..... "y,; i!lrltln
II III. 1912 OIympk Gl lnn.



2 .. ChePut Sll" pai" 10 Kue .. Ihe mln'"K wo,ds. 1Mn pi.:ov I""
rKordinl 1'1' S~ 10 li~len and (I\t

I!I .. S. read Ihe IUI'8';0 ~"d

ma'~ Ihe

",olen,,,S uue

m0' fa l,e (f). En'Qu'age S5 to (orreCI Ihe lal't ...olen,.,.
Cher:k Ihe ~n ...... " wilh In.. whole <1;1 ...

Adm. gnmma.







r {tie ... . . , ' -...k..J


r (T1w/ probibly IIIU..! about money or _rntn.)

r (,I,dldu" more ...o:t,,,,fullhan I'U~)

r (Sornt or 1M 1.0010$ and Puma empioytts st ill doll1

'a1k 10 each O1l\1rJ

6 • ASk 5s, Whot do )'Ou do w~~~ you find on "nknow"


word In altAI? I}o you (0) Look it up in Q dlcrionmy1 (b)
fgll'''flII1 (c) rry "nd worKou, its meaning? ASk 55 to
d,,,,un thiS In pairs and If"" "asonS lor !he l. ,nsw.rs . ~I
up words In iI d!eIOona.y

booI ... whUt 5Oml'1"..... ilnofinllwords me.ns you mllht
..ss somethln, lmponanl. R~;od I~fough tho: UltlonS
...,,1111 bo.o wllh Ihe s" and Ss on the definItion' ,-.. Br.;"~lDI", ''''' synonym$ 101 lhe
_115 Ihat the <1.a$5 miJ~1 know btlo", pUIlInl Ss in PlIil~
10 ftl'ld the WOtd. ,n Iht lut.


PIe",m ~""I

Pr ... nt ~rfP~.I Simplo
Present P"" .. t


PoS' Simpit'




b • F(IIhe «mK' oplion. indr.;.\ualty, Ihen (omp"'~ anS..... in

pairs. (heck th. an,"e', wi,h lh... ho~ (l •• ~. Th." refe,
S,to1h. Ret.", ",. on page '9 .
Pa.t Simp'"
alO. fu<
"",..,,,1 _,SImple

""riod, po;nl
Pre<.>nt ~1fKt Si/n!lle







c",1 S. 10 100\ ba<~ at lhe ~nlf""" .""" e>l!'(IM ....
lI.;"! lhe Al:1~ !,"mrnar bo •. elk;! whv lhe Prt~nl
"",leu Simpl. Or PaSI 5Im",. I, "lied In ueh Sfnlt""e.



~"" ~t'IUde,s

~ .... ke "'ort
0' ",,,Ieoc ... uslnl word5t~
" - but Ihlllk llIfo, <"'I<~u .. don'l k_. 1hen plM
1hI! _If""'" 10 011>0, S. 10 try Ind "'.... 1hI! "",.."',

""'" 11>0 to<Ile>!


7 ~ In lI'Ii,~ Ssl,kt lu,nsl0 ,etellthe ~ary. Romir>d Ss
10 "H tht ph'ilst. ham he",.., 2 and tilt ¥t'~ I,om
...,c IH 6.


I P ........n1 P erfect Sim pl...."'\
1'&!It S imple

9 • Ss read the thlu short le.tS Ind choos. tht ca"";1
answer> indi.idu.lIv btla,. .n'we,usons fo, thei, chaKes.





"-"', lurm

~ ..red


• flXUS s,,' .tWllion on Ihe WO«i' In the boo<. Ss do

Iht !iI~ 'nd"id .... Uy Ind lhen comll'l'" InS",.,. in ~i's .
w I leub,JIhe<.> wo rd. no"nallv appea' In tht Hnltnce,
~n $"" rS


WlI I~ 1M fall_inc ... 01 ........ on mf bo ~ ,d.
hfI.. SirIC. =al. 2 • _ _ him ,.,srf'ddy
Tell s. Ihll Iht ~ nl~n<"'''' "'" <011«1. In pil ...

50 <0<1«1 I"" ",nl_••. GfI.Hdt..di. ~"" writt I""
<OIIftI'on~ on I"" boa,d. unclminin. tl>o ..,bs, I I ~
/Iotlt hef't 5m(~ XIO>. ~ him ,...1~nIUlc~ I"" .,me. of t""'" sr, .. Silrlplf. t ""51 SJmpl~. In pai~ Ss dISt"" why we ....
I"~ W .. Ci .. ,". wI r_b.d hom HI~ <1 ..<-

, ...



• '"

I I,udy


, ,,.

I I ~ Put S. InlO pai .. 10 discuS!> \~ qunlron '0' • ' mlnul .... [IKourag. S. 10 ,hi •• D. il 101$1 IWO .dva",iI~S
.nd \WO d;".asha,e Ihelf in'Dlmilllan ~r>d c_
\0 In ilg'ftment. Gel
tilth C'Oup 10 ,eport baYOU' Cl ... h""" wo,k..! in, lamily COmpan1o EIKOU'ilg.
lhem 10 sha't Illti, e . ~,ien(ts .

Sa • S. ,ud the se nlen,". and de, ide ind ividua lly I'
they Ire e.ample. of the P,esent ~rle" Simple or Ihe Pas,

Simple, 5. (heck In pal .. and 1<'/ to create a ,ult 10' the
differen( t belwun lhe two 5t,uolu"" Gtt I.tthe "';'01. ctns.



1 V ocabulary phl'fOA&! verbs
In lhis leso.on. 55 look ~I pII'an, ~,b, thi!me 0/ f.mil ies and rc lalionsh Ips,. S~ thi'n ~5e the:;c

ph'85.>1 ,.,b. to 131k abo~llhe l, child hood and fam ily.

Write 1M followinl pl,,~1 ~r~ on Ihe t.o.d: look II/tet.
~. M - . "'"'1M. gtt:tw_ " ' " Ss "", .. h!< tM ...... OM
"'" and wily. """we<: g"''' becaUM M!< nil! • pl,,_
wrb.lrm.-d with,_b
,lid a p!eposition •• _b and 1""0 pre_10M'. 0' a "'"'"
and .n ad,.rb.
I a.


S. ,ead the leXI and anSWi!ltM quesHon •. Cho.;lt.
Ih. 'MW",S with the .. holeclns.


Enrt4h ,nd fronch bf(a""" oM ..... 1N""11tt up in
f~, bot M< ",'."IS ,"Ie Enlli .... .
~ En&fi>h bM'''M lhe [nct;u, student rJIotjld IIavtc
bftn ",¥Ii"ng hH freoch.
1 lIt"CluS- w ... n'.-d to bo lib thf Enllish .,udent,
She wasn', .u«."lul bf( ........ M .. asn', ruli'!


b • c;..1 5"0 lind blOUgh. "II in Ihe lext. (Ikilogaln whal
1M diffftfltC. is ~,,"en • normlrl ~fb .nd • phr.",1 ",'b.
S. 'MIrk i

1"""11> looked lltof, loki ott, uNltcl on. lot ..... Iook"
up 10. look ,11f.

2 • S. di$(uSS the munlnl 01 Ih. p hra.a l "" rb!; l!Om

ue«iM,.nd ..,ile' d.~nillon lor nhom the wllo~ d •••. S. malch Ih. ph",..1~rbs from
(olumn Awilh Ih. deftn'llons In c",umn B. ,~f~,rins 10 t~
lUI f,om ~'f,ci"" s. Che

•• •





3 • Ss do 1M a<l ... "y Indi>td .. illi'! and then chf"n5,"1i In plti .... Remind rhen. 10 ,hanBe 1M IMm when



~" .~.'

I" on


,• loW on
,• ",look...,hI""

11M! Q/f

up 10

1001<..:1 .ItH

4 • f'u t 55 in small IIOUP5 10 ,ud the queslions. Ss
answe, Ihe qu "Sllo ns in ' he i' s roops . Get ~.d b>ck by
1~l\ing •• rious Ss In each l'OuP ,0 tell th~ class on.
Inlerestlng thln8 lboo\ "'Oln" IMmt>e, of the;, !,oup.

~ • Think of an uample 01 something you h ...... lu'ned
«whelhe, .,.,.. uSN! .ny IfS5 how IheV record ,nd remembtl ntwvocaoolaryand
braiMlorm KI .... on ,he board. Re3d th":>ugh ,ht UI.lDn,
I."nln, boo w'th lhe Ss. Ask thfm 10 w,it. one (01 morej
ollhf!ir answers f rom •• e,ci5e 4. u5ing ~ phrasal ~,b, on
pi.,e 01 p;11lt'. I~e n POll Ss back into lhelr gfO~P$
ollh ... and fum. Ont pefSOn (oiled, Ih. p'",,". shuflle'
lhem .nd hand, , htm out, EI(h 51udent .. ads out Ih,1o
Mnltn,e{s) and the olh., 55 suess wllo,. il wn.


1 Communication

~ do 1M «tivlty .. polin.. 0... $ludtfU .... ..", .bOul """..
,."s find.!IIe ~ ... w...... lIile ~ OIht. "uc!M1 INd.

abou, Sam. S.IM~!Jwe 1M" lft.~,. belo.e doin ••

000Ii00t daln'S I. OM ot thO 1.'IMlI'''''''''' .. Men ....
tho "'It.... t. In • ..",.,d _ , . mer. _ I ....... lul~
, _ jobI and leo.. lim. lor ....0..1 "'1",,,irS. Hod;",.

_'.1''''' 'bobyboo_,' 1"""'Olion


3 •


boIwun '946and 1~). A5 ... 11 .. onlh,.dltin,

_pM," which (h~r(•• leo'.!""" Ire froe .hu. too. You
ton a l§(l dale In oI,\u.1 ,... Iitv 01 U,inl Skype o. 01"' ,

wao-t"ha",.d !.eM'.'. you ,.n also
tllOusht ooclll netwo,lUn, ,itt •.



IhTOUgh tht qUllilits wilh 1M S •. Elicil """,h

ph, .... indooos a ph ...a i ... ,b (gfl on wll~) and Its
me.ninl. Also tllcitlh. munlng of the tallowl ..!:
Stn •• of ~umou" fun (0 M uFOund. lift QmHOul of/he
pIltt)', n•• e." dull mOmtnl. S. thlok .bout whiCh fiw


qu.lili~. tMY ",ould

p~irs.nd t Mn wit" .nother p~ir. Fln~ IIy,lel fnd~>

to this ~non, S. Lllk about "",eting a _

pallner. Thoy
,..... out mo.e ,bout Inlernel dat ing through lhe listenin.
ond ' - peoplt doio:.iI'lI! lhem.. tvooson IhMII! siles. They
~udy phrlseS tlul. Un 1M vH'II>Il~its Ind ~ni'" by .."IIn. tlK.>i. own ploliles.

4 .. Rud tIIrough tM irn;uIXII""s. Use Sam's p,o~le Ind
..k Ss 10 underline whert Ihe four pOints .~ <_td In
hi. ptO~le. ChKk wllh lhe whole dUs. Thtn ,M S. len
minutes to ... It. their f.iend's p.o~~. EncOUfI!elhtfllto
use ;11 lenltwo ollhe ph ..... f.om e.
1& .. Put S.,nIO ..... U poups 10 dlS(." •• the d,ll•• enl
~ of "'~lInl I new p;"'I ...... Gol f~b"d from the

whott elis\>. Elicit Iny Olhe. rood p!.lr

pOrt ..... ,

Colleinto .mllt ,,"OUI>'. Givol .",h 1..... 1' th ... or Iou. p.o~ln.
GrouP' ,O""ld cllf;:k.nd C(}l rKI tho ",o~lu ,nd Ihon
dodd. on Ih. p.ofil .lhol is m".llikely 10 su" •• d. Thne
should then be pr• ..,nt.~ 10 the .Ut of the (la .. 10. othor
S~ to comment on.

b .. . " Read th,ou.h t he qu.stlons and elidt pO'n lbl.
.!!Sore r' for Question I. W!il. so me ide.. on the boa.d.

Ss liSten 10 the leco.d lng and ",mp •• e answers In p~I.~.
Ch"k the JnsWil' ~ ",lin t he whole da ... II nK~~~~ry, p loy
tilt fNo.dlnl ~1~ln btlo,e gi.in8 the ."~~r~.





srtn 10<: ~1Idtt1. of pa.1iarIa. _ p e t S . ~r>i"",1
_ ' " clISSiul ",uWe. f... and "",ut/ful ~
.lther lluln WI~I'" )'01<' own prafIIe, a IrIonrt
deKribes )'01<

.... k 5 •• boUllnt~rMI dil ins ";te • . Aok So: Who' $0" 0/
MOP I. u.e 'hemrW",,/d )'OU 'hiok of using 'hem!
Wlty,why noll
)'Ou !hIn. ,hor ••e 900(/ idea

!HIsines.' W/ly/Wlty nO!?
2 • Ss do t he "tMl'I indMdually and l hen d>e(k In pal.s.
"" IHdba(k from lhe wtro~ d .... A~k 55 what (hey Ih'nk
III the dtsc.iphoM. he they .eliable? Why/Why tK111

..., ,


Mtc! .. and RkhilD _nl to SSam and~. oIralt'd I """"" "' unlwrslty.
M~i.I: Itnuiu. 1..,.,11"" honn!' tl>oulMtut ~nd

",.101. !.mn .... l!wly
Sam: 1•• ,1 sen ... of hum""., n...... dull. has In
ootolon On evepYlhlnK.lOod li.len ••, kind Ind lun,
Nid i.: f.bulous cook, tomau' fo. he. dinner p.rllts,
enjoyS sodlllsl"l
50m: S90rfY, II~.. """,nl"'.



Review and practice



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WI1.t balKk do yo~ hul ilaw Lady GaGa. Cool,




1 • S$ .ead In. e",all. and m:akt nOlesi. 1M .ablt.



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Writing bank



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