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juvenible delinquence

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In many recent years, there is heated controversy regarding to juvenible delinquence. It
is remarkable because it is widespread and mean influence on young people, especially
adolescence. Generally speaking, juvenile delinquency refers to the phenomenon that a
child or young person behaves in criminal way. It is prone to dramatically rise in recent
years, in many coutries juvenible delinquence has become a topical issue. There are
plenty of factors that bring to adolescents’ strong aggressive and criminal tendencies in
a modern society, such as poverty, repeated exposure to violence, unstable family life,
delinquent peer groups and so on. Some of them will be discussed in detail below,
followed by suggested solutions.
The most affected factor is the loss of family life and the increase in family violence.
Many family predispose in using violence to teach their child. At first, the children feel
frightened, full of stress and desperate. Then they incline to wrong thinking about
violence and composure when acting violently. Busy lifestyle is another culprit, reducing
the chance of interaction between parrents and children and preventing children from
living and studying in normal way. Morever, indifferent attitude of relatives can make
them feel being neglected, cause some problem like learning disorders, a state in which
a young person lacks motivation to organise and follow learning plans.
A trigger for juvenile delinquency is exposure to violence. In modern life, people have
more change to contact with televised violence and the video games which include
violent content as the main theme. This effect has been spreaded by the Internet, which
tend to negaively impact not only young people but also adults of both genders, at all
economic levels and all levels of intelligence.
There are some other determining factors, but it is believed that family life and media
are two fundamental influential. Some suggest sollution are proposed to combate
juvenile delinquency. At first, adolescence should be correctly oriented and their
negative experience should be minimised. Adults should give them correct and
immediate instruction whenever they have any problem about violenct behaviour.
Adults obviously limit their speech and act in case they have bad influence on their child.
Mealwhile, it is imperative that parents limit or even prevent children’s exposure to

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