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Phòng GD –DT Đức Hòa Đề Kiểm Soát Chất Lượng Học kì I – Năm học 2005-2006
 Môn : Tiếng Anh 8
Đề chính thức Ngày thi :
Thời gian : 60 phút
Họ và tên thí sinh :....................................................Sinh ngày , tháng , năm :..............................
Nơi sinh :.......................................Học sinh trường :………………......................Lớp :............
I .Read the passage below and choose the corect answer .
Little Pea’s father was a poor farmer . Unfortunately , Little Pea ‘s mother died when she
was young and her father got married again . The new wife was very cruel to her and made
her work all day . One day ,the prince wanted to choose a wife from her village . Her new
mother didn’t make new clothes for her , but the fairy
did .She came to the festival and lost a shoe . The prince found her shoe and decided to
marry her .
1- Little Pea’s father was a poor  farmer .
 doctor .
worker .
2- LittlePea’s father died when she was young .
 sister
3- LittlePea new mother was very  cruel .
nice .
4- Her new mother didn’t make new clothes for her but the  doctor did .
5-The prince found her  pen and decided to marry her .
II. Choose the best answers among a, b, c by using a cross ( X )
1. ............ grade are you in ? 2. .................students are therein your class ?
a. Where b. When c. Which a. How much b. How many c. How old

3. I am not tall , I’m ............ 4. .........you have music yesterday ?
a. long b. short c. thin a. Do b. Does c. Did
5. He is not old enough ...... drive a car . 6. I usually ...to school at six in the morning .
a. in b. to c. at a. go b. goes c. to go
7. She never .......... soccer . 8. I’m going ....... visit Hanoi .
a. play b. to play c. plays a. to b. at c. with
Marks Remarks of the teacher
9. He cuts .............. 10. No one helps her . She does her homework........
a. herself b. himself c. myself a. herself b. himself c. myself
11.They should visit ........grandmother . 12. We .........to go home now .
a. them b. their c. theirs a.must b. ought c. has
13. Lan is good ........ Math . 14. We have math ........7am and 7:45 am
a. at b. in c. on a. at b. between c. in
15. He used ......... on the farm .
a. work b. to work c. working
III. Choose the correct forms of verbs in the brackets to fill in the blanks .
1- He ( be / is / was )............ always busy every moning .
2- They often ( play / plays / playing) ............sports on Sundays .
3- Last year he ( go / went / goes ).......... Hanoi to visit his friends .
4- She is a good student . She studies ( good / well / bad )............
5- There ( is / are / be ) .........so much fresh air in the countyside .
6- Lan likes ( go / going / goes )........... fishing at weekends .
7- She ( can / could / could be ) ...........write when she was young .
8- I love ( do/ doing / does ) the homework .
9- ( Should / could / Do ) .........you help me please ?Certainly .
10-I have ( lived / live/ lives ) .......... here for about ten years .
11-We ( are / am / is ) .........going to play tennis tomorrow.
12-She ( has / have / having )...........lived here for about 10 years .
13-Everyone in the stadium ( is / am / are )....... very excited .
14-( Did / Do / Does ) you go home by bus yesterday ?

15-Where ( was/ were / be ) you yesterday ?
IV . Choose the best answers among A,B,C by using a cross (X)
1. He will go to see the doctor tomorrow .
A. He is going to see the doctor .
B.He should go to see the doctor .
C.He ought to go to se the doctor .
2. He is not old enough to drive a car .
A . He must drive a car .
B. He mustn’t drive a car .
C. He should drive a car .
3. They should repair the roof .
A. They ought to repair the roof .
B. They must repair the roof .
C. Thay can repair the roof.
4. I have to do the homework .
A. I must do the homework .
B. I can do the homework .
C. I will do the homewok .
5. He is not tall , he is short .
A. He is not tall but short .
B. He is not tall and short .
C. He is bboth tall and short .
The end

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