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Gao Giong junior high school ____________________________, 2006
Class:___________________ Test on English
Name:__________________ Time: 45 minutes.
--------------------- ---------------------------------
I/ Match the questions with the answers: (2 marks)
1. Who does Tam live with?
2. Where will they meet?
3. What is Nga going to do this evening?
4. Why mustn’t children play with matches?
a. see a movie
b. It only takes one match to cause a fire
c. his mother and father
d. outside the theater
II/ Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2,5 marks)
1. Hoa_____________ in Hue last year.
a. lives b. lived c. living
2. Ba is not old enough______________ a car.
a. drive b. drives c. to drive
3. Trang had a new book and she has no homework today. She is going to ____________
a. read b. do homework c. see a movie
4. Ba and Bao _____________ chess tomorrow.
a. play b. played c. will play
5. Minh is usually late for school. He ought to ______________.
a. go to school late b. get up early c. do a lot of homework
III/ Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (2,5 marks)
dinner outside call school know under late vase cupboard good
Mrs Vui: I am going to be home (1)____________ tonight. I have to go and visit Grandma after work.
Nam : What time will you be home?
Mrs Vui: I will be home after (2)____________. You will have to cook dinner yourself.
Nam : All right.

Mrs Vui: There is rice in the (3)____________. But you ought to buy some fish and vegetables. The
steamer is (4)____________ the sink. The rice cooker is beside the stove.
Nam : OK. Give my love to Grandma.
Mrs Vui: I will. Can you (5)_______________ Aunt Chi, please?
Nam : No problem. Bye, Mom.
IV/ Read the passage and answer the questions: (2 marks)
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland on March 3, 1847. He later emigrated first to Canada and
to the USA in 1870s. Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, conducted many experiments and finally
came up with the first telephone in 1876. Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention at a
lot of exhibitions.
1/ Was Bell born in Scotland in 1847?
2/ Where did he emigrate later?
3/ Who is his assistant?
4/ When did they invent the first telephone?
V/ Listen to the dialogue and tick ( v ) the right words : (1 mark)
1. garlic 2. green peppers 3. ham 4. noodles 5. chicken 6. peas
------------------- THE END --------------------
I. Match the questions with the answers: (2 marks)
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
II. Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (2,5 marks)
1/ b. lived

2/ c. to drive
3/ a. read
4/ c. will play
5/ b. get up early
III. Fill in each blank with one word from the box: (2,5 marks)
dinner outside call school know under late vase cupboard good
(1). late
(2). dinner
(3). cupboard
(4). under
(5). call
IV. Read the passage and answer the questions: (2 marks)
Answers :
1. Yes, he was
2. He emigrated first to Canada and then to the USA.
3. Thomas Watson is his assistant.
4. They invented the first telephone in 1876.
V. Listen to the dialogue and tick ( v ) the right words : (1 mark)
1. garlic
2. green peppers
3. ham
6. peas
Gao Giong junior high school ____________________________, 2006
Class:___________________ Test on English
Name:__________________ Time: 45 minutes.
-------oOo------- ------------oOo--------------
Marks: Teacher’s comments :
----------------- oOo -----------------
I. Listen and fill in the missing words : (1 mark)

different other popular biggest
There are 3 aims of the scouting program. It started in England. Girls cannot join BSA
but they can attend(1)…………………..youth organization. Now scouting is (2)………………….…
worldwide with more than 25 million members and it’s the (3)………………….…youth
organization in the world. Now scouting program can be (4)…………………….from many
countries but it still keeps the three aims in 1907.
II. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B: (2 marks)
1. Where did your Grandma use to live?
2. Which subject do you need to improve?
3. Could you help me, please?
4. When do they plant trees along the streets?
a. English and Math.
b. Sure. What can I do for you?
c. She used to live on a farm.
d. On October 15.
III. Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (3 marks)
1. Mrs. Nga speaks English _____________.
a. good b. goodly c. well
2. We______________ television yesterday evening.
a. watch b. watched c. to watch
3. They should go to the movies ______________ 6:30 and 7:00.
a. on b. at c. between
4. Mai usually _____________ to school in the morning.
a. goes b. go c. went
5. Hoa used to ______________ long hair.
a. has b. have c. had
6. Quang had bad marks in Math last semester. He should _______________ .
a. watch TV a lot b. do a lot of homework c. write a lot of letters
IV. Do as directed below: (2 marks)

1. Ba loves (do) _______________ homework.
(Give the correct form of the verb)
2. Miss Jackson said to Tim’s mother: “ Tim was an excellent student”
Tim’s mother said to Tim ___________________________________________
3. Bell was born _______________ March 3
_______________ 1847.
(Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition)
4. May I help you?
(Answer the question)
V. Read the dialogue and answer the questions: (2 marks)
Nga: Good morning. I am enrolling for the summer activities.
Miss Lien: Let me get an application form and we can fill it out. What’s your full
name, please?
Nga: Pham Mai Nga
Miss Lien: And when were you born?
Nga: On April 22, 1989.
Miss Lien: Where do you live and do you have a telephone number?
Nga: I live at 5 Tran Phu Street and my telephone number is 3 847 392.
Miss Lien: Now, what are your hobbies?
Nga: I like drawing, outdoor activities and acting.
1. Who is Nga talking to?
2. Where does Nga live?
3. Does Nga have a telephone number?
4. What does Nga like?

----------- THE END ------------
I. Listen and fill in the missing words : (1 mark)
There are 3 aims of the scouting program. It started in England. Girls cannot join BSA
but they can attend (1) other youth organization. Now scouting is (2) popular worldwide
with more than 25 million members and it’s the (3) biggest youth organization in the
world. Now scouting program can be (4) different from many countries but it still keeps
the three aims in 1907.
II. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B: (2 marks)
1- c
2- a
3- b
4- d
III. Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer for each sentence (3 marks)
1- c. well
2- b. watched
3- c. between
4- a. goes
5- b. have
6- b. do a lot of homework
IV. Do as directed below: (2 marks)
1. doing
2. Tim’s mother said to Tim (that) you were an exellent student.
3. on - in
4. Yes. What can I do for you?
V. Read the dialogue and answer the questions: (2 marks)
Answers :
1. Nga is talking to Miss Lien.
2. She lives at 5 Tran Phu Street.

3. Yes, she does.
4. She likes drawing, outdoor activities and acting.

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