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Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (74.4 KB, 16 trang )

1. Can you introduce yourself?
→ My full name’s Nguyen Van Binh and now. I’m 23 years old. I’m studying in Dong thap
university which major in Math education. I’ senior student. My homtown is in Tanh Linh
district, Binh Thuan province.
2. What do you like in your free time?
→ In my free time. I often go out with my friend, listen to music, read book. So I fell relax and
3. Where do you often go whenever you have days – off from school or work?
→ When I have days – off from school. I often go back my homtown, go to the super market, go
to coffee shop. So I can’t get streess out and relax.
4. Does your name have any meanings?
→ Yes, it does. Because my parent hope me to be safe and sound in the future.
5. Do you have any Emglish nicknames?
→ Yes, I do my english nickname’s Bernie, I think it’s really interesting.
6. Which english name do you like people to call you?
→ My english nickname’s Bernie. It’s really interesting and I like it.
7. What was your favorite subject in high school?
→ My favorite subject in high school was geography. Because I got high marks it.
8.What is your major in university?
→ My major in Dong Thap university is Math education now. Im a senior student. In the future, I
will become a teacher.
9. Do you plan to get any other qualifications in the futire?
→ No. I don’t. Because I’m busy to work and maybe I don’t have enough money to study.
10. Did you to kindergarten before primary school?
→ Yes, I did. I studied this school near my house and had many friends.

11. What do you often do every day?
→ I often get up at 6 o’clook after that I go to school. Next, I play soccer with my friends. Some
times, I go to the super market in the everning.
12. What time of a day do you hate the most?
→ In the midday is the time that I hate most because the weatheris very hot and it’s noisy so I feel
13. Do you often sit up late go to bed late?
→ Yes. I do because I must do homework and prepare new lesson plans tomorrow. I often go to bed
at 11 o’clook.
14. Where do you prefer = (like) going in the evening?
→ I prefer go to the supper market, go to the coffee shop. So I feel relax.
15. Do you prefer staying at home to relax or spending your time out in the evening?
→ I prefer spending my time out in the evening. I often go to the supper market, go to the coffee
16. What do you often do at the weekends?
→ At the weekends. I often go back my homtown go picnic and go shopping with my friend.
Because so I can get stress out and comfortable.
17. Where do you like going to on S`aturday everning?
→ On Saturday everning I often go to the coffe shop, go to the ningh market and go to Van Mieu
park. Because so I feel relax.
18. Do you think your free time activities have brought back lots of benefist?
→ Yes. I do, I can get stress out, relax and help my family look after household work.
19. Can you introduce about your family ?
→ There are 4 members in my family. My parents are farther, mother, sister and me are student my
homtown is in My Tho city, Tien Giang Province.
20. Do prefer living in a nucleae or in an extended family?
→ I prefer living in an extended family. Because we can help to gether.

21. Who do you love best in your family?
→ I love my mother best because she has looked after me from a child to adult
22. Who is breadwinner in your family?
→ My father is breadwinner in my family he is a famer
23. Where is your hometown?
→ My hometown is My Tho city Tien Giang province it is beautiful place and peaceful life.
24. It your hometown a good place to live in?
→ Yes it is. It is a peaceful place and the people are really friendly and helpful. So I really like to
live there.
25. What is your homtown famous for?
→ My homtown is famous for (kể tên ba địa điểm du lịch nổi tiếng ở quê mình ra)
26. What is the most interesting part of my homtown
→ The park is the interesting part of my hometown ( kể tên những món đặc sản nổi tiếng ở quê mình
+ thêm cái 2,3 địa danh du lịch nổi tiếng của quê mình và nói nó beautiful)
27. What do you dislike about your homtown?
→ I don’t prefer the noise from the car motobile neighbour house karaoke.
28. How many languages do you speak?
→ I cant speak both Vietnamese and english. But my english is not good because i don’t have a lot
of words.
29. Which languages do you think the most difficult to learn?
→ English is the most difficult to learn because I’m lack of english words and am not confident
enough to speak english.
30 What skills are the most difficult to you when learning a foreign languages?
→ I think speaking is the most difficult to learn because I’m lack of english words and am not
confident enough to speak english


31. How do you often travel to work/ school everyday?
→ I often travel to school by bicycle, on foot because. First I can keep fit next it also protect our
envionment it takes about 10 minutes to go there so I can keep fit
32. Do you often go somewhere on sumer holidays?
→ Yes. I do. Sometime visit some beautiful places like Da Lat because so I cango down stress and
33. What means of transportation do you often take when you go travelling ?
→ When I go travelliong I often take by motorbike because first I want to save money to visit many
planees next it’s conviniment to rile any where for example to ride on small street
34. Do many visitors come to your homtown
→ Yes, they do. They often visit some beautiful places (nêu 3 địa điểm nổi tiếng ở quê mình ra)
35. What places in yor homtown can people come to visit?
→ There are many places (nêu 3 địa điểm nổi tiếng ở quê mình ra) that people came to visit
atweekends or on holiday
36. What disadvantages can socical networks bring to users?
→ AThere are some disadvantages of sosical networks (face book, zalo) Internet bring to users
personal information leak unexpeeted infomation, time consuming
37. What do youngster often use Face book for?
→ They often use to play game, to learn english and to listen to music
38. What benifist can facebook bring to users in term of learning english?
→ People can learn english free from fanpages or livestream programme
39. What are the disadvantages of having a smartphone?
→ There are some problems of smartphone that time – consuming not good our brain and eysight
40. What are the advantages of living in the city?
→ They are first it had good public services. For example, parks, supermarket, bus. Second, it’s easy

to find a good job with handsome salary. Last, it’s a good chance to study higher education with
famous university.
41. Which lifestyle is suitable to you – the city lifestyle or the countryside one?

→ The city lifestly for me because good public, easy to look for job, good chance to get high
42. Do you know why there are so many people want to move to big cities?
→ Yes I do because good chane to get high education, good public servicie, esay to look for jobs
43. Do you like shopping?
→ Yes I do I often go to the supermaket to buy candes, apple, milk
44: Who do you often go shopping with?
→ I often go shopping with my mother at weekend to buy milk, apple, candies
→ Do you prefer shopping in traditional markwts or in supermarkets?
→ I prefer often going to the supermarket to buy milk, apples, candies
46. Do you regularly do physical exercises? = Do you regularly do morning exercises?
→ Yes. I do. I often do exercises after studying in the afternoon. I play volleyball/foodball withmy
47. How much time do you spend exercising daily?
→ I often................................................................................................................................................
48. What sports do you love playing?
→ I prefer playing.................................................................................................................................
49. should kids be encouraged to take up sports?
→ Yes, they should. They should take up football, swimming, cycling to develop their height.
50. What time of day do you often do physical exercises?
→ I often do physical exercices at.........................................................................................................
51. Is there any particular indoor game you like watching?

52. Is there any particular indoor game you like playing?

53. What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

54: Do you like listen to music?
→ Yes I do I usualy listen to (kể tên 3 bài hát tiếng việt mà bạn thích)
55. What hat land sort of music do you often listen to music?
→ That’s Bolero, pop, Rock and balad,....
56. What is your favorite song
→ My favorite song are + (tên 3 bài hát của một ca sĩ mà mình thích) which is sing by + (tên ca sĩ
thể hiện 3 bài hát đó)
57. who is your favorite singer?
→ My favorite singer is + (tên ca sĩ mà mình thích) who sing some farmous songs + tên 3 bài hát
của một ca sĩ mà mình thích
58. What is your favorite season?
→ My favorite season is spring because the weather is warmand cool and I have enjoy Tet holiday
59: What do you often do to protect yourself from the weather changes?
→ I often do exercies, keep warm body and eat a lot of vegatables to privent disease
60: How many season are there in your homtown?
→ There are 2 seasons that sunny/dry seasons and rainy reason

Topic 1: Bennefits of life in big cities:
Good public services

Easy to look for jobs

Benefits of life in big

Your opinion

Good chance to get high

Topic 2: Problems in big cities:
Traffic cogestions

Ari and noise pollution

Problems in big cities

Your opinion

Over populated

- Firts. It’s good services. There are many good
public services like parks, bus or supermarkets
- Second. It’s easy to look good jobs because
there are many companies to invest there with
handsome salary
- Third, it’s good chance to get high education.
There are many international schools or famous
universities for studets to study
- Last, it’s easy to built new relabecause it’s

culturaltionals diversity there

- First, it’s traffic jams. It happens on rush
hours We spend hours go to the office
- Second, it’s air and noise pollutions to release
smokes from the factories cars
- Third, it’s over populated because lots of
people from countryside who move cities to
work or study
- Finally, it’s lack of safely. The rate of crime is
higher, likes robberies. Pickpockets or other

Topic 3: Benefits ofthe life in the country side

People are hospitable

Envireonment is fresh and

Benefits ofthe life in the
country side

The rice is cheaper

Life is more peaceful

There are some Benefits ofthe life in the country side

- First. We can People are hospitable people alway welcome others to visit
- second. We can Envireonment is fresh and pure because there are alot trees and no smokes from
the care
- Third. We can Life is more peaceful it a quiet place and not lots of socicalevils
- Finall. We can the rice is cheaper

Topc 4: the positive effects of face book
A huge source of

A good
to keep
of in
for study

Your opinion

Topic 5: the negative effects of facebook
Personal information leak

Unexpected information

Negative effects of

Your opinion

Time – consuming

There are some Positive (Negatives) effects of facebook
- First we can An useful for study learn english - Firts We can Personal information leak our
from fanpages of facebook
acounts of ATM or facebook are stolen by bad
- Second we can A huge source of infornation
- Second we can Unexpected information there
find out information easily to serve for studying
are many advertisements or bad information to
come out
- Third we can A good mean to keep in touch - Third we can Time – consuming for example
with relatives by the way to send messages or the children spend much time to play game
makes video calls
- Finall we can to relax We play game and listen - Finally it leads to not good for heath when

to music

using facebook long time. For example, it’s not

good our brain

Topic 6: benefits of smartphone


Benefits of smartphone

Your opinion

There are some Benefits of smartphone
Firts we can entertaiment play games and listen to music
Second we can study for example learning english by english appli cations
Third we can communications we keep in touch with relative and friends
Finally we can save hugh information
Topic 7: bennefits of travelling
See new things

Try new food

Benefits of travelling

Your opinion

Meet new people

There are some bennefits of travelling
First we can see new things know many famous lants capes Ba Na hill, Phong Nha cave, Ha Long

Sencond we can try new food for example when travelling Phu Quoc island we can enjoy many
diffirent se a food like lobsters, octopus, crab
Third we can meet and make lots of people like local peo ple or for eigness
Finally we can go down stess and relax
Topic 8: shopping online provides shoppersa lot of bennefits
Save time

Compare prices

Shopping online

Your opinion

Be Available 24/7

There are some shopping online
First we can save time by click a mouse We can abuy clothes when stay ding
Second we can compare prices for exxampla when we want to buy Iphone X we can compare the
price between shop A and shop B so we choose suitable price
Third we can be available buy any time when we have money
Finally we have many choices
Topic 9: benefits of playing sports
Keep fit

Prevent diseases

Benefits of playing

Your opinion

Have beter sleep

There are some benefits of playing sports
First we can keep fit we play basketball play soccer about an hour every day
Second we can prevent some common diseases like flu overnight high blood pressure
Third we can have better sleep go down stress after playing sport so we sleep will
Finally we can built a good relationship by the way to make many new friends
Topic 10: ways to improve english
Join in an english club

an enlish
social net
on linesites

Your opinion

There are some ways to improve english
Firts we can learn it from face or zalo
Second we can join in at Dong Thap univercity

Third we can take up an english commication online course in topica
Finally we can listen english song for example set up you
Topic 11: ways to self – study a foreing language
Use social netwworking sites

Whatch films with english

ways to self – study a
foreing language

Take an online course

There are some ways to self – study a foreing language
First we can learn it from face or zalo
Second we can for example Hariposter
Third we can take up an english communication online course in topica

Your opinion

Finally we can listen to music in english
topic 12: ways to develop listening competence
Use social network to chat in

ways to develop listening

Listen to news in english

Your opinion

Read more to enrich stock of

There are some ways to develop listening competence
First we can ways to develop listening competence learn it fom face book or zalo
Second we can listen to news in english on VOA or BBC
Third read more to enrich stock of vocabulary by the way read english short stories
Finally we can watch film wish english subritle
Topic 13: bennefits of group-study
Learn new study skills

Absorb the lessons faster

ways to develop listening

Create a friendly atmosphere
to study

Your opinion

Lưu ý: Phần này nhiều điểm hơn phần email hoặc lá thư nếu học thuộc cái sườn này và thế đúng
những từ vựng liên quan đến yêu cầu của đề thì sẽ được hưởng trọn 6 điểm của phần viết phần email
hoặc lá thư cứ tự nhiên chém

Chú thích: A là đề bài yêu cầu, B1,B2,B3 là những cái thuận lợi C1,C2,C3 là những cái khó khăn có
thể có trong những vòng tròn của đề nói hoặc có thể người ta cho ở ngoài
In recent years, A play a vital role on a daily basis. In reality A has both advantages and
On the one hand, A has reveal benefits. First advantages is B1 Another pros of A is in term of B2 for
example, B2, B1 As for the last positive factor is B3.
On the other hand, although A has many pros, there still exist some noteworthy disadvantages. First
of A is C1 next negative factor relatcs to C2 for instance,C2,C1 last it’s C3.
In conlusion, A has positive and negative aspeets. It is therefor good to be aware of all there so that
we make use of the advantages and minimize all the disadvantages
* Còn bài email hoặc lá thư thì người ta có thể cho về những loại như: giới thiệu địa điểm du lịch ở
Việt Nam, ở một tỉnh nào đó cho người bạn nước ngoài vào, hoặc giới thiệu cho một người bạn
muốn học tiếng anh ở trường thì bằng cách nào ,.... còn nhiều thể loại lắm
You have received and email from Mary on of English friend sh aslas you some conformation
about one of your friends read parts of her email below.

........I’ve just got an email from your friend. She says. She is going to attend a course
in LonDon. This summer she asks if she could. Stay with my family until she find and
Can you tell me abut in for mation about her thing like her appearanec,
personallites, interests and her current study, working if bossible. I want to see if will
fit in with my family
Hello Mary,
I’m glad to get your email and pleasend to hear. That you are in good heath. I write and email
to tell you about An who is my close friend, is going to study in LonDon is this summer. She is not
only good looking but also silim An is taller than me. She has long back hour An is both easy going
and help fulfor example. She always holps her friends. When they have problems.

We are studing the same. Major which is in Primary educawtion in Dong tHap university. She
and I have same comon hobbies. An of ten plays volleyball or gels to the super market wish me
when we have free time.

I look for word to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Best wisher,
You have received a letter from Alice one of your English friends shwantyou to give her some
advice about her trip. Read parts of her letter below.
I’m happy to invite you come to Viet Nam or Dong Thap however, I don’t
know wich/what places you will go? Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi or Hue? When/Which
time is suitable to travel?
In spring, in summer or in winter? Where you would like to stay during your
holiday ? In hotel in homestay or in motel? Andwhat activities would you like to take

Hello Alice,
I’m glad to get your letter and pleased to hear. That you are in good health. I write and letter
to invite you and your family to visitHo Chi Minh city in this summer.
I think it’s fantastic time with coll weather for you to visit some famous places. For example
Tram Chim national park and Sa Dec flowors village you and your family should stay in homestay
where is quiet place and peaceful life.
When travelling there, you should visit places by motorbike which is convenient to move.
During yourholiday, you and your family should travel abround the city in the everning, watch
musical performance and enjoy some spesical food. Further more, you also buy souvenirs as gifts for
your friends
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible
Best wishes,


You have recevied a letter From Mr David the director of ABC company where you wants to
know some information about you. Read parts of his letter below.

.......Can you tell me what position do you want to apply for? Whould you like
to do full time or part – time job? Explain why do you apply for this position?
Describe your qualifications, expertence and skills do you have? Where would you
like to do? In the city, in the town or in the countryside?
Dear Mr David,
I’m writing this letter to apply for the position of a cashier as advertised in Vnexpresscom
currently, I graduated from Dong Thap university with major in Primary education I would like to
work this position full time. I completed successfully both seft skills and communicate in english
with customers well.
During my final years at the universuty. I worked as a waiter I would love to use my a bilities
as well as expericence that gain for working I want to work in the city because it has a good chance
to promote hand some salary an active environment to work you may reach me at my email address:
ABC @gmail.com or my mobile phone 0123XYZ. I loook for word to hearing from you as soon as
Yours faithfully,

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