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lesson plan 9

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Unit 1 : a visit from a penpal
A. Aims: at the end of the unit ss will be able to
- make and respond to introductions
- scan for specific information
- write a personal letter
B. Language focus :
1. the past simple
2. the past simple with “ wish “
C. allocation
Lesson1 Getting started
Listen and read
Read the text for details about places Lan went to with
her foreign friends and activites they took part in
Get structure with “ wish “
Lesson2 Speak Make and respond to introductions
Lesson3 Listen Listen for specific information to select the correct
Lesson 4 Read Read the text for details, about Malaysia, one of the
countries in ASEAN
Lesson 5 Write Write a personal letter
Lesson 6 Language focus Get further practice on past simple ans past simple with
“ wish “

D. vocabulary:
(to) comprise compulsory Buddhism climate
(to) correspond ethnic federation frriendliness
(to) depend offical ghost Hinduism
(to) impress optional Islam mausoleum
(to) divide primary puppet region
(to) notice tropical religion ringgit
( to ) pray soil Tamil

( to ) separate territory
Period 1
lesson 1: getting started ( page : 6- 7 )
Date of preparing : listen and read
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Read the text for details about places
Lan went to with her foreign friends and activites they took part in and get structure with “
wish “
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 06 / 9 / 06
9E 06 / 9 / 06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
- have you ever been to Hanoi ? ss: listen and answer ( T – WC )
- where did you go ?
- tell me some famous places in Hanoi you know
Network : ss : write on the board one by one
Temple of Literature
One Pillar Pagoda
Step 3 : new lesson
1. Getting started :
“ Imagine that a foreign penpal is coming to stay ss listen and answer the question

with you for a week. What activites would you like
to do during the visit ? The pictures in the book may
help you “
- answers : a) Hung Temple ss give ideas and then copy down
b) Temple of Literature
c)Dong Xuan market
d)Army musseum
e) a foodstall
f) Hanoi Opera House
2. Listen and read :
• pre teach vocab :
• T/F statements prediction: (6m)
- set the sence :
Places in Hanoi
Lan has a pen pal and this is the first time this friend
has come to Hanoi. You read the statements and decide
whether they are True or False
-hang the poster of T/F statements on the board and
ask ss to work in pairs and guess which statements are ss work in pairs (guess)
true and which are false
a. Lan
s pen pal comes from Malaysia
b. Kuala Lumpur is a small city
c. The girls visited Hang Luoc street on Monday
d. They will write letters to each other again
-give feedback T- whole class
• checking the prediction: ask ss to read the text on
page 38-39 and check their prediction ss read and check,correct

• Multiple choice : ( p. 7 )
- ask ss to rad the text again and choose the correct ss work individually, then
answers compare with partners
* Answers : 1 – C 2 – B 3 – D check
4 – B
• Draw model sentence :
( What did Lan wish at the end of the week ? ) ss: answer
I wish you had a longer vacation.
- concept checking questions : answer then copy down
. form : ( about present )
( BE = were )
. Translation :
. Usage :
3. practice:
- ask ss to make sentences with “ wish “ ss work individually, then
1. you cannot swim compare with partners
2. you cannot visit your friend in England
3. you don
t know how to use a computer
4. your house is far from school
5. you don
t sing well
6. your city is small
Step 4 : homework
Write 5 sentences with “ wish “ to express the wishes + Ex 7 ( workbook )
• Evaluation :
Period 2

lesson 2: speak ( page : 8 )
Wish + past simple
Date of preparing :
09 / 9 / 06
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Make and respond to introductions
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 12/9/06
9E 12/9/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
.( Pelmanism)
- Prepare 10 cards with numbers on one side and the ss work in two groups
countries and their cities on the others
- Make sure the countries and their cities are mixed up.
- Stick the cards on the board so students can only see
the numbers. Devide students into two teams ans ask
them to choose two numbers. Turn the cards over and
see if they match. If not, turn the cards over again and
ask the next team.
- continue until all the cards are turned over
Tokyo Peth Liverpool Bombay Hoi An
Japan Australia England India Vietnam

Step 3 : new lesson
Activity 1:
- Teacher introduces the situation : Nga is talking to T - WC
Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school
- Ask ss to do exercise a) on page 8. The students have ss work in pairs
to work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct
oder to make a complete dialogue
* answers :
1- c , 5 - b , 4 – d , 2 – e , 3 – a
* Ask some questions to check students
understanding T- WC
. Have Nga and Maryam met ech other before ? ( no )
. Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Hanoi ? ( yes )
. What does she like in Vietnam ? (Vietnamese poeople are friendly
and Hanoi is a very interesting city
- ask ss to practice speaking the dialogue
. Teacher plays the role of A, ss play the role of B.
Reverse roles
. Students play the role of A and B to practice the ss work in pairs
dialogue. Reverse roles
Activity 2 :
- Set the scence : “ You are talking to Maryam
Friend. Introduce yourself “
- ask ss to take turns to be one of Maryam
s friends
and practice, basing the dialogue a)

Eg :
A : Hello. You must be Yoko
B : That
s right, I am
A : Are you enjoying your stay in Hue ?
B : Oh, yes, very much. I like Vietnamese people and
I love old cites in Vietnam
A : Do you live in the city , too ?
B : Yes, I live in Tokyo. Have you been there ?
A : No, What
s it like ?
B : It
s a busy big capital city. It
s very different from
A : I see
- ask ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue ss work in pairs
. first ask some pairs to present their dialogues
. then ask ss to practice with their partners
- while ss are doing their tasks, teacher goes around,
takes notes things should be corrected afterwards
- do the delayed correction T – WC
. final sounds : k, v, d
. Intonation in yes. No questions
Step 4 : homework ( Ex 1 + 8 - workbook )
• Evaluation :

Period 3
lesson 3 : listen ( page : 9 )
Date of preparing :
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Listen for specific information to
select the correct picture
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 13/9/06
9E 13/9/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
Jumbled words:
- write the words whose letters are in a ss play into two groups
random order on the board
- divide the class into two teams. Ss ss go the board and write
from two teams go to the board and
write the correct words
- the team which writes more crrect words
first wins the games
1. tccah = catch 2. Rkap = park
3. ondp – pond 4. Rssag = grass
5. rrubhmage = hamburger

Step 3 : new lesson
1. listening :
- set the scene : Tim Jones
s Mexican penpal ,
Carlos is visiting the USA
- ask ss to look at the pictures and tell the class what T- WC
there is in each one, where the place is, what the
people are doing.
• Open prediction :
- tell ss that Tim is taking Carlos to visit some places. Ss work individually
Ask them to think three things that Tim and Carlos
are doing
• possible answers :
. they are going to the park
. they are taking a bus
. they are going to the restaurant
- ask ss to listen to the tape to check their guesses ss listen
- give feedback
- ask ss to listen to the tape the second time
to choose the correct picture
* answers :
a) 1 b) 2 c) 2
2 Review the past simple : –
- ask ss to recall the form : ss listen and answer
. Verb + ED ( regular verbs )
. Past form ( of irregular verbs )
- ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer questions ss work in pairs
about what Ba, Nga and Lan, Nam did on the
weekend ( exercise 1 – p.11)

- tell ss that the activities happened in the past
- T models:
A : What did Ba do on the weekend ?
B : He went to see the movie called “ Ghost and Monsters’
A : when did he see it ?
B : he saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o
- Ask ss to do the same
- T corrects if necessary
Step 4 : consolidation ( the past simple )
Exercise 2 ( textbook ) Step 5 : homework
• Evaluation :
Period 4
lesson 4 : read ( page : 9-10)
Date of preparing :
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Read the text for details, about
Malaysia, one of the countries in ASEAN
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 19/9/06
9E 19/9/06
s activities Students

Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
Hangman T _ WC
- Draw strokes on the board. Each stroke stands
for a letter of the word
- ss take turn to guess the letters of the word
- if a student
s guess is not right, the teacher draws
a stroke ( according to the oder in the picture )
- if ss guess wrong eight times, they lose.
Teacher gives the answer.
- the word has 8 letters. ( Malaysia )
Step 3 : new lesson
1. pre reading :
( From the word “ Malaysia in Hangman )
- ask ss what they know about Malaysia
- ask them to make questions for what they want T – whole class
to know :
. Where is it ?
. what is the capital of Malaysia ?
. what is its population ?
. how big is Malaysia ?
.what language is spoken in this country ?
2. while reading :
- ask ss to read the text to find out the answers to the ss read the text and answer the qts
- Teacher gives feedback to the class
- Ask ss to read the text again to fill in the chart in
In exercise a) on page 10 ss fill in the gaps

• Answers:
1. 329,758 5. KualaLumpur
2. over 22 million 6. Islam
3. tropical climate 7. Bahasa Malaysia
4. the ringgit ( consisting of 100 cent )
8. English
- ask ss to do exercise b) : T or F ? ss work in pairs
• answers :
1. T
2. F ( there are more two regions )
3. F ( English, Chinese, and Tamil are also
Widely spoken )
4. F( one of the three : Maly, Chinese, Tamil )
5. F( English is a compulsory second language,
not primary language of instruction )
- ask ss to answer the questions in front of the class T- whole class
- T gives feedback to the whole class
3. post reading :
• Interview :
- ask ss to work in pairs
- give ss their task
A : you are going to visit Malaysia. Prepare some
questions to ask Maryam about her country ( refer
to the chart on p. 10 )
B : you are Maryam, from Malaysia. You have to answer
s questions about your country .
The interview may start like that :
A : Hi, Maryam. I

m going to visit Maylaysia on summer
holiday. I
d like to know something about your
country. Can you help me ?
B : Yes, certainly
A: what language is spoken in your country ?
B : Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil are also
widely spoken
A: Do children have to study any foreign language in school ?
B : Yes, English is a compulsory second language in
secondary school
A : Ah, I see. What abput te people ? what are they like ?
B : I think they are friendly ......
Step 4 : Homework
• Evaluation :
Period 5
lesson 5 : write ( page :11)
Date of preparing :
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Write a personal letter
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 20/9/06
9E 20/9/06

s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
• Chatting :
- Have you ever visited any other places in Vietnam ? T - WC
- When did you go ?
- How did you get there ?
- Did you visit any places of interest ?
- Did you buy any things ?
- When you are away from home, do you keep in
touch ? how ?
Step 3 : new lesson
1. pre writing :
- set the scence : “ Imagine you are visiting your relatives ss listen and answer
or friends in another part of Vietnam or different country”
- ask ss to aswer these questions on their own
1. Where are you now ? how did you get there ?
2. Who did you meet ?
3. What have you done ?
- what places have you visited ?
- who have you met ?
- what kind of food have you tried?
- What souvenirs have you bought ?
4. How do you feel now ?
5. What do you thinkinterest you most ?
6. When are you returning home ?
- ask two ss or three ss to tell the class about their visit ss speak in front of the class
- ask ss to work in pairs to talk to each other about their aa work in pairs

- remind ss about the format of a personal letter by ss answer
asking the question: what are the parts of a
personal letter ?
* Answer :
- A . Heading : writer
s address and the date
- B . Opening : Dear....
- C. Body of the letter
- D. Closing : your friend / regard / love...
2. while writing :
- ask ss to write a letter to their family, telling them ss write individually
about their visit
- ask ss to look at the outline on page 11 and ask
them what part of the letter they are going to write ( body of the letter )
- ask ss to follow the putline to write their own letter.
- Ask them to swap their letters, compare with their pair correction
s and correct if they can
* Suggested ideas :
- Fisrt paragraph :
I arrived at Da Nang airport / train station / bus station
at 2 p.m / 8 a.m / late in the afternoon / at midnight
/ .... on Tuesday / Wednesday / Saturday
Hoa / uncle Tan met me at the airport / ...thenhe /
she took me home by taxi/ motorbike / ...
- second paragraph :
I have visited / been to many places like the beaches ,

the Cham Museum, Marble mountains, supermarkets,
the water park, etc. i have tried different food :
seafood, Da Nang speciality, ...
I will visit Hoi An and My Son tomorrow / on Sunday
- third paragraph :
i feel so happy and enjoy myself so much. The people
here are so nice and friendly, the food are so delicous
and the sights are so beautiful.
I will leave Da Nang at 2 p.m / 7 p.m... next Thursday
/ Sunday... and will arrive home at 11 p.m / 5 p.m...
please pick me up at the airport / bus station ...
3. post writing :
• Correction :
- Choose some letters to correct in class
Step 4 : Homework
Ask ss to write their letter ( after correction )
• Evaluation :
Period 6
lesson 6 : Language focus ( page : )
Date of preparing :
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to get further practice with the past
simple and past simple with “ wish “
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 26/9/06
9E 26/9/06

s activities Students
Step 2 : new lesson
Activity 1 :
• Matching : ( on poster ) ss work in groups
G1 g2
Activity 2:
- questions and answer : ( poster ) ss work in pairs
Name Activity Day / Time
Example exchange :
- What did Ba do on the weekend ?
He went to see a movie called “ Ghost and Monster “
- When did he see it ?
He saw it on Saturday afternoon at 2:00
Activity 3 :
Speaking – writing :
Eg : a, I wish I were taller
b, ................................
Activity 4 : Game ( 3 wishes) T- WC
? What would you do if you had 3 wishes ?
Step 3 : homework ( Exercise 7, 8 – on p.10,11)

Unit 2 : clothing
E. Aims: at the end of the unit ss will be able to
- to ask and respond to questions on personal preferences
- to ask and give information
- to write an exposition
F. Language focus :
1. The present perfect.
2. The passive voice
G. allocation
Lesson1 Getting started
Listen and read
Reading for specific information and getting to know
more about the traditional ao dai of Vietnam
Lesson2 Speak Asking and responding to questions on personal
Lesson3 Listen Listening for specific information to select appropriate
Lesson 4 Read Reading the text for detail about jeans
Lesson 5 Write How to present one side of an argument

Lesson 6 Language focus practising present perfect and further practice of passive
forms of modal verbs , have to , going to

H. vocabulary:
1. Verbs :
Bear, embroider, encourage, fade, grow
2. Adjectives :

Period 7
lesson 1 : getting started
Date of preparing : Listen and read
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to Read for specific information and getting
to know more about the traditional ao dai of Vietnam
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 03/10/06
9E 03/10/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
Quiz :
- Divide class into groups. Ask ss to look at the

clothes people are wearing and take turn to decide
where each person comes from
- Example :
T : Where does the woman in picture a) come from ? ( she comes from Japan )
T : How do you know she come from Japan? ( Because she is wearing a Kimoko )
- the group who gives the correct answer gets a point
• Answers :
a) She comes from Japan
b) She comes from Vietnam
c) He comes from Scotland ( UK )
( He is wearing a kilt )
d) She comes from India ( she is wearing a sari )
e) He comes from the USA ( he is wearing jeans )
f) She comes from Saudi Arabia
( she is wearing a veil )
Step 3 : new lesson
1. pre teach vocab :
- poet ( n) ( example )
- long silk tunic ( n) ( translation ) ss: choral, individual, copy
- slit ( v) ( explanation )
take inspirarion from sth
- inspiration ( n) ( translation )
- ethnic minorities ( example )
- pattern ( n) ( picture )
- * Checking vocab : R-O-R
- get ss to copy the words into their books and then ss copy, then close notebooks
ask them to close the books
- rub out the new words one at a time. Each time you
rub out a word in English, point to the vietnamese
translation and ask “what is this in English?”. Ss follow instructions

When all the English words are rubbed out, go
through the Vietnamese list and get ss to call out the
English words
• set the sence : you are going to read the text
about the traditional dress of Vietnam
- ask ss to read the text to do the exercise a) ss: work in pairs
- give feedback
• answers :
1. .....poems, novels and songs
2. long silk tunic which slits up the sides worn over
loose pants
3. .......to wear modern clothing at work
4. printing lines of poetry on it.
5. .....symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and stripes.
- ask ss toread the text the second time to answer the
questions : ss read and answer
1. Who used to wear the ao dai by tradition ?
- Traditionally, women and men used to wear the
ao dai.
2. why do the majority of Vietnamese women prefer
to wear modern clothing at work these days?
- Because it is more convenient .
3. what have fashion designers done to modrenize the
ao dai ?
- they have printed lines of poetry on it or have added
symbols such as suns, stars crosses and stripes to the
ao dai
3. Post reading :
• Speaking :
- ask ss to use their own words to tell the group what

they have known about the ao dai
Step 4 :homework :
Ask ss to write down what they have spoken to their
Partners and add their opinion whether they like wearing ao dai or not
• Evaluation :
Period 8
lesson 2 : speak ( page : 14,15 )
Date of preparing :
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to ask and respond to questions on personal
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 04/10/06
9E 04/10/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
Wordsquare ss play into two groups
- ask ss to find 8 nouns and 4 adjectives about

- divide the class into two groups plaid, shorts, pants,shirt
- ask ss to go to the board and write the word
they find the group which writes more words will win sweater, jeans, skirt, striped,
game baggy, plain
( Or brainstorms about “ clothes “ )
Step 3 : new lesson
1. pre speaking :
• Pre-questions :
- which clothes do you like ?
- do you often wear it?
- When do you often wear it ?
• Pre teach vocab :
- plaid ( adj )
- faded ( adj ) ss : choral, individual, copy
- short – sleeved / sleeveless ( adj )
- plain ( adj )
- baggy pants ( n)
• Checking vocab :
* matching : ( p. 14 ) ss work in groups
Phrases Pictures
2. While speaking :
- ask ss to complete the grid with your partner

Weekdays Weekends Special
- ask ss to work in pairs to practice speaking
- T models :
What do you usually wear on weekdays / weekends ...?
Why do you wear these clothes ?
3. Post speaking :
- ask ss to write about their friend
s favorite wearing
Eg : Nam likes wearing a colorful T-shirt and blue
shorts at the weekends because .....
Step 4 : summary
Step 5 : Homework
Finish the writing
• Evaluation:
Period 9
lesson 3 : listen ( page : 16 )
Date of preparing :

J. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to listen for specific information to select
appropriate pictures,
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 10/10/06
9E 10/10/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
Matching :
Words Pictures
Step 3 : new lesson
1. Pre listening :
• pre teach vocab :
- announcement (n) ( translation )
- missing (adj) ( synonym : lost ) ss: choral,individual, copy
- entrance (n ) synonym : door / gate )
- fair (n ) ( explaination )
- doll (n ) ( realia)
• checking vocab : Slap the board
- Put the new words on the board

- Call on 2 ss in both sides to the front of the class
standing at equal distance from the board
- call out one of the new word in Vnese in aloud voice ss work in group
- two ss must run forword and slap the word, the
student who slaps the correct word first is the
winner and gets a mark.
- go on with the next ss ....
• Prediction :
- set the scence : you will hear an announcement about
a lost little girl called Mary
- ask ss to guess which clothes was May wearing
( ss choose A, B, C on p.16 )
Guess Listen correct
- give feedback
2. While listening :
• Check the prediction :
- ask ss to listen and correct the prediction
• Gap fill :
- ask ss to listen again and fill in the gaps ( on poster )
Alittle girl, Mary is (1) .....................years old. She is reported (2)
................... near the main entrance to the car fair. She has (3)
....................hair. she
s (4) ...............blue shorts and long sleeved (5)
....................blouse, she may be (6) ..................a doll.
* Keys : 1. Three 2. Missing 3. Short dark
4. wearing5.white 6. Carring

3. Post listening :
Mapped dialogue
- set the sence: this is the interview between a policeman
and May
s father . ss listen
- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board
- Elicit the exchanges from ss
- Have some pairs practice each change before going
on to another exchange
- after finishing the dialogue ask a good pair to
demonstrate the whole dialogue
ss practice
(T- WC, H- H, O - Ps, C-Ps )
policeman Mary
s father
what ........name ? her name
s .......
how old .......? she is ..............
what color ......hair ? she has ....... hair
What ........wearing ? she is .........
Is ....carring anything ? she may be ... –
All right. We hope.... thanks !
Step 4 : Summary
Step 5 : Homework
• Evaluation :
Period 10

lesson 4 : read ( page : 17)
Date of preparing :
I. AimS : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to understand the text for details, about
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 11/10/06
9E 11/10/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
• Shark attack :
- Cut out a shark ( or crocodile ) and a school boy T- Whole class
Or girl from card
- draw some steps, then stick the cut out boy / girl on
top of the steps, the shark is in the sea
- draw 5 gaps for the words Jeans
- ask ss as a whole class for a letter in the alphabet.
They have to try to guess the word. If their guess is
Wrong, the girl / boy has to step down. If their guess
is right, they will get one mark
Step 3 : new lesson
1. Pre reading :
• Pre teach vocab :

- material ( n) ( translation ) ss : choral, individual, copy
- cotton ( n) ( realia )
- wear out ( v) ( realia or explanation)
- style ( picture )
- embroider ( n ) ( realia)
- label ( n) ( realia )
* checking vocab: what and where
-have ss repeat the words in chorus then rub out word
by word but leave the circles. Remember to let ss
repeat before and after rubbing out each word. Ss listen and repeat
-go on until ss can remember the words
-get ss to write the words again in the correct circles ss play in two groups

• Brainstorming :
- ask ss some questions : What do you want to know ss answer, give their ideas
about jeans ? Make questions :
- Elicit questions from ss :
. Who first designed jeans ?
when did jeans become popular ? why ?
where were jeans made ?
what were jeans made of ?
what are some famous jeans designers ?
2. While reading ?
- ask ss to read the text and answer the questions and ss read and add more ideas
add more ideas
- ask ss to read the text again to fill in the missing s read the text and do exercise
dates and words, exercisea) on p. 17
• Answers : 1. 18
century.....jean cloth .....

2. 1960s.....students...
3. 1970s......cheaper......
4. 1980s .......fashion......
5. 1990...........sale ..........
- have ss work in pairs to answer the questions ss work in pairs
( exercise b) p.18 )
- give feedback
• Questions and answers :
1. the word jeans comes from a kind of material that
was made in Europe.
2. the 60s
fashions were embroidered jeans, painted
and so on
3. because jeans became cheaper.
4. jeans at last became high fashion clothing in the
5. because the worlwide economic situation got worse
in the 1990
3. Post reading :
- have ss to work in groups to discuss the questions :ss work in goups of 4 or 5
1. Do you like wearing jeans? Why ? ? why not ?
2. What type of jeans do you love wearing ?
3. Do you think jeans are in fashion ?
Step 4 : homework
Ask ss to write down what they have talked about in groups in their notebooks
• Evaluation :
Period 11
lesson 5 : write ( page : 18)

Date of preparing :
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to How to present one side of an argument
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9D 17/10/06
9E 17/10/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
• Chatting :
- ask ss some questions about their feeling when
wearing different types of clothing : T _ whole class
+ How often do you wear uniforms ?
+ How do you feel when wearing uniforms?
+ If you have a choice, what type of clothing
do you want to wear when going to school ?
why do you choose it ?
Step 3 : new lesson
1. Pre writing :–
• Pre teach vocab :
- encourage ( v ) ( explaination
- be equal ( v ) ( eplaination )
- bear one

s name ( v ) : ( picture ) ss : choral, individual, then copy
- freedom of choice ( n ) :
- self- confident ( adj )
• Checking vocab : Rub out and remember
- Get ss to copy the words into their books and then ss copy, then close notebooks
ask them to close the books
- rub out the new words one at a time. Each time you
rub out a word in English, point to the vietnamese
translation and ask “what is this in English?”. Ss follow instructions
When all the English words are rubbed out, go
through the Vietnamese list and get ss to call out the
English words
• presentation :
- stick or draw the following table on the board.
- Tell the ss it is the outline to present one side of an ss work in groups
- give out to the ss sets of different color strips
of paper, on which the content of outline is
written as follow :
s the readers know the writer
s point of view
Present argument in a logical way ( one in each
paragraph )
Give examples where possible
Sum up the argument
My opinion is ..........
I think .......

Firstly ..........
Therefore ................
In conclusion ........................
- ask ss to go to the board, stick the strips on the correct place
- they can do this task as a game. Group which has more
- strips filling in the table with correct content is the winner
- ask ss to answer the questions to check their understading :
+ What do you write in “introduction “? What languge is used ? ss listen and answer
- ask ss to read the topic and outline A
- ask ss some comprehension questions: ss answer the questions
what is the topic of the passage ?
why does wearing uniform ecourage ss to be proud of their
school ?
how do ss feel when wearing uniforms ?
do ss have to think of what to wear everyday ?
2. while writing :
-ask ss to read outline B and write a paragraph about 100-150 ss write individually
words to support the argument that secondary school ss should
wear casual clothes, using outline on p.19
3. post writing :
- when ss have finished writing. Let ss compare their writing ss compare with their
ans correct mistales their partners
- rake some writing to correct in front of the class
Step 4 : Homework ( Ask ss to finish their writing )
• Evaluation :
Period 12

lesson 6: language focus ( page : 20 )
Date of preparing :
I. Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to practising present perfect and further
practice of passive forms of modal verbs , have to , going to
II. Teaching aids : text book,
III. Procedure :
Step 1 : organization :
Class date of teaching absent students
9B 18/10/06
9C 18/10/06
s activities Students
Step 2 : warm up ( 7m)
Pelmanism ss work in groups
- prepare 12 cards with numbers on one side and
the verbs ( infinitive and past participal )on the other.
- make sure the ordinal are mixed up. Stick the cards
on the board so ss can only see the numbers.
- divide ss into two groups and ask them to choose
two numbers
- turn the cards over and see if they match:
Eg: run – ran , give them one mark . if not, turn the
cards over again and ask the next group
- continue until all the cards are finished
do visit go eat see Have
had seen ate gone visited done

Step 3 : new lesson : Review
1. Activity 1 :
• Guessing game : Language focus 2 T- WC
Modal : “ I have visited Dan Sen park “
S1 : Have you visited ...................yet ?
S2 : Yes, I have / no, I haven
t )
( I have already visited ....................)
2. Activity 2 :
Laguage focus 1 : ss work in pairs
- call 2 ss to read the dialogue
- I have known her for six months
- I haven
t seen her since 2003
- Ask ss to use the information in the table to make ss work in pairs
similar dialogues
3. Activity 3 . Language focus 4+5:
Passive voice :
• instruction :
They sell jeans all over the world T- WC
Jeans are sold all over the world
- elicit from ss the passive forms of the prsent simple
past simple, present perfect, simple future
- ask ss to do the language focus 4 ss work individaully
- T corrects
- Elicit from ss the modal verbs : must, can, should,

might and the pattern have to/ going to
Form : modal verbs + be + past participle
Have to / be going to + be going to + past participle
- ask ss to do exercise 5 on p.21 ss work individually
- T corrects
4. Activity 4 .
Language focus 3- Mapped Dialogue
- ask ss to work in pairs – using the iterm in the box
to make the dialogue
- set the sence: this is a dialogue between Lan and Ba ss listen
- Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board
- Elicit the exchanges from ss
- Have some pairs practice each change before going
on to another exchange
- after finishing the dialogue ask a good pair to
demonstrate the whole dialogue
ss practice
Lan Ba
Have you ever ......comic?yes, .................
When ....................last ? this ...................
Step 4 : summary
Remind sthe passive voice and the present perfect tense with “ yet “ and “ already “
Step 5 : homework
Rewrite the exercises done in class
• Evaluation :

• Period 13
lesson 6: review

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