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_Week : 12
_Date of preparation: Nov. 4
_Date of teaching :___________
_Unit 4: Learning a foreign language
TASK 1:Odd sound out:
1 .a. campus b.practice c. language d. favorite
2. a. qualify b. scenery c. grocery d. academy
3. a. speak b. need c. read d. heart
4. a. practiced b. learned c. asked d. watched
5. a. school b. scholarship c. chemistry d. children
TASK 2 :Odd stress out :
1. a. foreign b. practice c. examine d. language
2. a. dormitoryb. university c. institute d. college
3. a. academic b. reputation c. experience d. intermediate
4. a. advertise b. express c. remember d. improve
5. scenery b. scholarship c. dictionary d. advertisement
TASK 3: Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that is best fits each of the blank space:
English has more than a century and (1)_________ half, been called a world (2) _________. The
number of people who speak it (3) ___________ their mother tongue has been estimated at between three
hundred million and four hundred million. It is recognized as an (4) _________ language in countries (5)
__________ 1.5 billion people live. In China, the importance attached to (6)___________ English in such
that a televised teaching course drew audiences of up to one million . But this spread of English throughout
the world is reletively recent. In the (7) __________ sixteen century English was spoken by just under
five million people. The (8) of English in North America was the (9) ___________ in its worldwide
expansion. The United State is a huge commercial market and this has tended to promote the English
language in many other nations. About eighty per cent of the data stored on the world’s computers

(10)____________believed to be in English and nowadays insufficient knowledge of English can be a
problem in business.
1. a. a b. an c. about d. one
2. a. people b. language c. English d. country
3. a. with b. like c. as d. such as
4. a. office b. offices c . officious d. offical
5. a. where b. when c. what d. which
6. a. learn b. learning c. be learn d. being learn
7. a. late b. later c. latest d. lately
8. a. arrive b. arrived c. arrival d. arriving
9. a. lock b. chain c. rope d. key
10. a. has b. were c. are d. is
(English 9)
(English 9)
TASK4: Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c or d) that are best answers:
xperts think that it is a good idea for children to learn not just one, but two foreign languages. They
say that learning two foreign languages develops children’s mind and increases their knowledge of
other cultures. The experts also believe that the two foreign languages children learn should be
completely different from one another, for example English and Chinese, or French and Japanese. In
addition, they say that children should start to learn foreign languages as early as possible, from the age of
about six.
1. According to the experts, children_______________________ .
a. shouldn’t learn more than two foreign languages b. shouldn’t learn foreign languages
c. should learn just one foreign language d. should learn two foreign languages
2. What does the word “they” in the line 2 prefer to?
a. experts b. children c. languages d. cultures
3.Children should learn ___________________________________.

a. English and Chinese b. French and Japanese
c. two foreign languages which are completely different from one another. d. all are correct
4. We could replace the word “believe” in line 5 with _______________________
a. think b. say c. know d. describe
5. Which of the following is not true?
a. Children should start to learn foreign languages early
b. Children should start to learn foreign languages from the age of about six
c. Learning foreign languages is good for children
d. Experts think that children should learn only foreign languages.
TASK 5: Choose the letter of the correct answer:
1. If she finishes work early, she_____________ home.
a. will go b. would go c. could go d. went
2. If the weather _______________ , we will go for a walk.
a. clears b. will clear c. be clear d. cleared
3. Galileo said that the earth ______________ round.
a. be b. is c. being d. were
4. I’ve known him _______________ I left school.
a. when b. before c. since d. until
5. _____________ is a large building in the college or university where students live.
a. Campus b. Hall c. Dormitory d. Institute
6. I’m looking _______________ to hearing from you.
a. at b. after c. forward d. over
7. Last week Nam said “I’ll do it tomorrow”. He said he would do it __________ .
a. the following day b. the next day c. the day before d. a and b are correct
8. The police officer stopped us and asked us where____________________ .
a. were you going b. are you going c. we are going d. we were going
TASK 6: Writing:
Write a letter of inquiry to the Foreign language Council requesting for more information about the
courses and fees.

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