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Tutorials object oriented programming wi

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Java Arithmetic Operators
The Java programming language has includes five simple arithmetic operators
like are + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), and % (modulo).
The following table summarizes the binary arithmetic operators in the Java programming
The relation operators in Java are: ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=. The meanings of
these operators are:
op1 + op2
op1 - op2
op1 * op2
op1 / op2
op1 % op2

Returns true if
op1 added to op2
op2 subtracted from op1
op1 multiplied with op2
op1 divided by op2
Computes the remainder of dividing op1 by op2

The following java program, ArithmeticProg , defines two integers and two doubleprecision floating-point numbers and uses the five arithmetic operators to perform
different arithmetic operations. This program also uses + to concatenate strings. The
arithmetic operations are shown in boldface.
public class ArithmeticProg {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//a few numbers
int i = 10;
int j = 20;
double x = 10.5;
double y = 20.5;

//adding numbers
System.out.println(" i + j = " + (i + j));
System.out.println(" x + y = " + (x + y));
//subtracting numbers
System.out.println(" i - j = " + (i - j));
System.out.println(" x - y = " + (x - y));
//multiplying numbers
System.out.println(" i * j = " + (i * j));
System.out.println(" x * y = " + (x * y));
//dividing numbers
System.out.println(" i / j = " + (i / j));
System.out.println(" x / y = " + (x / y));

//computing the remainder resulting
//from dividing numbers
System.out.println(" i % j = " + (i % j));
System.out.println(" x % y = " + (x % y));


Java Assignment Operators
It's very common to see statement like the following, where you're adding

something to a variable. Java Variables are assigned, or given, values using one of the
assignment operators. The variable are always on the left-hand side of the assignment
operator and the value to be assigned is always on the right-hand side of the assignment
operator. The assignment operator is evaluated from right to left, so a = b = c = 0; would
assign 0 to c, then c to b then b to a.
i = i + 2;
Here we say that we are assigning i's value to the new value which is i+2.
A shortcut way to write assignments like this is to use the += operator. It's one operator
symbol so don't put blanks between the + and =.
i += 2; // Same as "i = i + 2"
The shortcut assignment operator can be used for all Arithmetic Operators i.e. You can
use this style with all arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, and even %).
Here are some examples of assignments:
//assign 1 to
//variable a
int a = 1;
//assign the result
//of 2 + 2 to b
int b = 2 + 2;
//assign the literal
//"Hello" to str
String str = new String("Hello");
//assign b to a, then assign a
//to d; results in d, a, and b being equal
int d = a = b;

Java Increment and Decrement Operators
There are 2 Increment or decrement operators -> ++ and --. These two
operators are unique in that they can be written both before the operand they are applied

to, called prefix increment/decrement, or after, called postfix increment/decrement. The
meaning is different in each case.
x = 1;
y = ++x;
prints 2, but
x = 1;
y = x++;
prints 1
Source Code
//Count to ten
class UptoTen {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int i;
for (i=1; i <=10; i++) {

When we write i++ we're using shorthand for i = i + 1. When we say i-- we're using
shorthand for i = i - 1. Adding and subtracting one from a number are such common
operations that these special increment and decrement operators have been added to the
language. T
There's another short hand for the general add and assign operation, +=. We would
normally write this as i += 15. Thus if we wanted to count from 0 to 20 by two's we'd
Source Code

class CountToTwenty {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int i;
for (i=0; i <=20; i += 2) { //Note Increment Operator by 2
} //main ends here

As you might guess there is a corresponding -= operator. If we wanted to count down
from twenty to zero by twos we could write: -=
class CountToZero {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int i;
for (i=20; i >= 0; i -= 2) { //Note Decrement Operator by 2

Java Relational Operators
A relational operator compares two values and determines the relationship
between them. For example, != returns true if its two operands are unequal. Relational
operators are used to test whether two values are equal, whether one value is greater than
another, and so forth. The relation operators in Java are: ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=. The
meanings of these operators are:

op1 > op2
op1 >= op2
op1 < op2
op1 <= op2
op1 == op2
op1 != op2

Returns true if
op1 is greater than op2
op1 is greater than or equal to op2
op1 is less than to op2
op1 is less than or equal to op2
op1 and op2 are equal
op1 and op2 are not equal

Variables only exist within the structure in which they are defined. For example, if a
variable is created within a method, it cannot be accessed outside the method. In addition,
a different method can create a variable of the same name which will not conflict with the
other variable. A java variable can be thought of
The main use for the above relational operators are in CONDITIONAL phrases The
following java program is an example, RelationalProg, that defines three integer numbers
and uses the relational operators to compare them.
public class RelationalProg {
public static void main(String[] args) {


i =
j =
k =


//greater than
System.out.println("Greater than...");
System.out.println(" i > j = " + (i > j)); //false
System.out.println(" j > i = " + (j > i)); //true
System.out.println(" k > j = " + (k > j)); //false
//(they are equal)
//greater than or equal to
System.out.println(" i >= j
System.out.println(" j >= i
System.out.println(" k >= j

than or equal to...");
= " + (i >= j)); //false
= " + (j >= i)); //true
= " + (k >= j)); //true

//less than
System.out.println("Less than...");
System.out.println(" i < j = " + (i < j)); //true

System.out.println(" j < i = " + (j < i)); //false
System.out.println(" k < j = " + (k < j)); //false
//less than or equal to
System.out.println("Less than
System.out.println(" i <= j =
System.out.println(" j <= i =
System.out.println(" k <= j =

or equal to...");
" + (i <= j)); //true
" + (j <= i)); //false
" + (k <= j)); //true

//equal to
System.out.println("Equal to...");
System.out.println(" i == j = " + (i == j)); //false
System.out.println(" k == j = " + (k == j)); //true


//not equal to
System.out.println("Not equal to...");
System.out.println(" i != j = " + (i != j)); //true
System.out.println(" k != j = " + (k != j)); //false

Java Boolean Operators
The Boolean logical operators are : | , & , ^ , ! , || , && , == , != . Java supplies

a primitive data type called Boolean, instances of which can take the value true or false
only, and have the default value false. The major use of Boolean facilities is to implement
the expressions which control if decisions and while loops.
These operators act on Boolean operands according to this table
| the OR operator
& the AND operator
^ the XOR operator
! the NOT operator
|| the short-circuit OR operator
&& the short-circuit AND operator
== the EQUAL TO operator

!= the NOT EQUAL TO operator


class Bool1{
public static void main(String args[]){
// these are boolean variables
boolean A = true;
boolean B = false;
System.out.println("A|B = "+(A|B));
System.out.println("A&B = "+(A&B));
System.out.println("!A = "+(!A));
System.out.println("A^B = "+(A^B));
System.out.println("(A|B)&A = "+((A|B)&A));




Java Conditional Operators
Java has the conditional operator. It's a ternary operator -- that is, it has three
operands -- and it comes in two pieces, ? and :, that have to be used together. It takes the
Boolean-expression ? expression-1 : expression-2
The JVM tests the value of Boolean-expression. If the value is true, it
evaluates expression-1; otherwise, it evaluates expression-2. For
if (a > b) {
max = a;
else {
max = b;
Setting a single variable to one of two states based on a single condition is such a
common use of if-else that a shortcut has been devised for it, the conditional operator, ?:.
Using the conditional operator you can rewrite the above example in a single line like
max = (a > b) ? a : b;

Java If-Else Statement
The if-else class of statements should have the following form:
if (condition) {
if (condition) {

} else {
if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {
All programming languages have some form of an if statement that allows you to test
conditions. All arrays have lengths and we can access that length by referencing the
variable arrayname.length. We test the length of the args array as follows:
Source Code
// This is the Hello program in Java
class Hello {
public static void main (String args[]) {
/* Now let's say hello */
System.out.print("Hello ");
if (args.length > 0) {

Compile and run this program and toss different inputs at it. You should note that there's
no longer an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if you don't give it any command line
arguments at all.

What we did was wrap the System.out.println(args[0]) statement in a conditional
test, if (args.length > 0) { }. The code inside the braces,
System.out.println(args[0]), now gets executed if and only if the length of the args
array is greater than zero. In Java numerical greater than and lesser than tests are done
with the > and < characters respectively. We can test for a number being less than or
equal to and greater than or equal to with <= and >= respectively.
Testing for equality is a little trickier. We would expect to test if two numbers were equal
by using the = sign. However we've already used the = sign to set the value of a variable.
Therefore we need a new symbol to test for equality. Java borrows C's double equals
sign, ==, to test for equality. Lets look at an example when there are more then 1
statement in a branch and how braces are used indefinitely.
Source Code
import java.io.*;
class NumberTest
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader ( new
InputStreamReader( System.in ) );
String inS;
int num;
System.out.println("Enter an integer number");
inS = stdin.readLine();
num = Integer.parseInt( inS ); // convert inS to int
using wrapper classes
if ( num < 0 ) // true-branch
System.out.println("The number " + num + " is negative");
System.out.println("negative number are less than


// false-branch
System.out.println("The number " + num + " is
System.out.print ("positive numbers are greater ");
System.out.println("or equal to zero ");
System.out.println("End of program"); // always executed



All conditional statements in Java require boolean values, and that's what the ==, <, >,
<=, and >= operators all return. A boolean is a value that is either true or false. Unlike in
C booleans are not the same as ints, and ints and booleans cannot be cast back and forth.

If you need to set a boolean variable in a Java program, you have to use the constants
true and false. false is not 0 and true is not non-zero as in C. Boolean values are no
more integers than are strings.
Lets look at some examples of if-else:
//Example 1
if(a == b) {

if(a != b) {
//Example 2
if(a == b) {
else {
We could add an else statement like so:
Source Code
// This is the Hello program in Java
class Hello {
public static void main (String args[]) {
/* Now let's say hello */
System.out.print("Hello ");
if (args.length > 0) {
else {
System.out.println("whoever you are");
Source Code

public class divisor

public static void main(String[] args)
int a = 10;
int b = 2;
if ( a % b == 0 )
System.out.println(a + " is divisible by "+ b);
System.out.println(a + " is not divisible by " + b);
Now that Hello at least doesn't crash with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException we're
still not done. java Hello works and Java Hello Rusty works, but if we type java Hello
Elliotte Rusty Harold, Java still only prints Hello Elliotte. Let's fix that.
We're not just limited to two cases though. We can combine an else and an if to make
an else if and use this to test a whole range of mutually exclusive possibilities.
Lets look at some examples of if-else-if:
//Example 1
if(color == BLUE)) {
System.out.println("The color is blue.");
else if(color == GREEN) {
System.out.println("The color is green.");
//Example 2
if(employee.isManager()) {
System.out.println("Is a Manager");

else if(employee.isVicePresident()) {
System.out.println("Is a Vice-President");
else {
System.out.println("Is a Worker");
Source Code
// This is the Hello program in Java
class Hello {
public static void main (String args[]) {


/* Now let's say hello */
System.out.print("Hello ");
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.print("whoever you are");
else if (args.length == 1) {
else if (args.length == 2) {
System.out.print(" ");
else if (args.length == 3) {

System.out.print(" ");
System.out.print(" ");

Java Loops (while, do-while and for loops)
A loop is a section of code that is executed repeatedly until a stopping condition is met. A
typical loop may look like:
while there's more data {
Read a Line of Data
Do Something with the Data

There are many different kinds of loops in Java including while, for, and do while
loops. They differ primarily in the stopping conditions used.
loops typically iterate a fixed number of times and then exit. While loops
iterate continuously until a particular condition is met. You usually do not know in
advance how many times a while loop will loop.

In this case we want to write a loop that will print each of the command line arguments in
succession, starting with the first one. We don't know in advance how many arguments
there will be, but we can easily find this out before the loop starts using the
args.length. Therefore we will write this with a for loop. Here's the code:
Source Code
// This is the Hello program in Java
class Hello {

public static void main (String args[]) {
int i;
/* Now let's say hello */
System.out.print("Hello ");
for (i=0; i < args.length; i = i++) {
System.out.print(" ");

We begin the code by declaring our variables. In this case we have exactly one variable,
the integer i. i
Then we begin the program by saying "Hello" just like before.

Next comes the for loop. The loop begins by initializing the counter variable i to be
zero. This happens exactly once at the beginning of the loop. Programming tradition that
dates back to Fortran insists that loop indices be named i, j, k, l, m and n in that order.
Next is the test condition. In this case we test that i is less than the number of arguments.
When i becomes equal to the number of arguments, (args.length) we exit the loop and
go to the first statement after the loop's closing brace. You might think that we should test
for i being less than or equal to the number of arguments; but remember that we began
counting at zero, not one.
Finally we have the increment step, i++ (i=i+1). This is executed at the end of each
iteration of the loop. Without this we'd continue to loop forever since i would always be
less than args.length

Java Variables and Arithmetic Expressions
Java Variables are used to store data. Variables have type, name, and value. Variable
names begin with a character, such as x, D, Y, z. Other examples are xy1, abc2, Count, N,
sum, Sum, product etc. These are all variable names.
Different variable types are int, char, double. A variable type tells you what kind of data
can be stored in that variable.
The syntax of assignment statements is easy. Assignment statements look like this:
variableName = expression ;
For example:
int x; // This means variable x can store numbers such as 2, 10, -5.
char y; // This means variable y can store single characters 'a', 'A'.
double z; // This means variable z can store real numbers such as
10.45, 3.13411.
The above are declarations for variables x, y and z.
Important points:
1. Note that a variable has to be declared before being used.
2. The values assigned to a variable correspond to its type. Statements below represent
assignment of values to a variable.
x = 100; // x is an integer variable.
y = 'A'; // y is a character variable.
abc = 10.45; // abc is of type double (real numbers).
3. Both variable declaration and assignment of values can be done in same statement. For
int x;
x = 100; is same as int x = 100;
4. A variable is declared only once.
int x; // Declaration for x.

x = 100; // Initialization.

x = x + 12; // Using x in an assignment statement.
Often in a program you want to give a variable, a constant value. This can be
class ConstDemo
public static void main ( String[] arg )
final double PI = 3.14;
final double CONSTANT2 = 100;
The reserved word final tells the compiler that the value will not change. The names of
constants follow the same rules as the names for variables. (Programmers sometimes use
all capital letters for constants; but that is a matter of personal style, not part of the
2. Arithmetic Expressions
-------------------------An assignment statement or expression changes the value that is held in a variable. Here
is a program that uses an assignment statement:
class example
public static void main ( String[] args )
long x ; //a declaration without an initial value
x = 123; //an assignment statement
System.out.println("The variable x contains: " + x );
Java Arithmetic expressions use arithmetic operators such as +, -, /, *, and %. The %
operator is the remainder or modulo operator. Arithmetic expressions are used to assign

arithmetic values to variables. An expression is a combination of literals, operators,
variables, and parentheses used to calculate a value.
The following code describes the use of different arithmetic expressions.
int x, y, z; // Three integer variables declared at the same time.

x = 10;
y = 12;
z = y / x; // z is assigned the value of y divided by x.
// Here z will have value 1.
z = x + y; // z is assigned the value of x+y
z = y % x // z is assigned the value of remainder when y
will have value 2.

// Here z will have value
// is divided by x. Here z

Java Boolean expressions are expressions which are either true or false. The different
boolean operators are < (less than), > (greater than),
== (equal to), >= (greater or equal to), <= (less or equal), != (not equal to).
int x = 10;
int y = 4;
int z = 5;
(x < 10) // This expression checks if x is less than 10.
(y > 1) // This expression checks if y is greater than 1.
((x - y) == (z + 1)); // This expression checks
// if (x - y) equals (z + 1).
A boolean expression can also be a combination of other boolean expressions. Two or

more boolean expressions can be connected using &&
(logical AND) and || (logical OR) operators.
The && operator represents logical AND. The expression is true only if both boolean
expressions are true. The || operator represents logical
OR. This expression would be true if any one of the associated expressions is true.
int x = 10; int y = 4; int z = 5;
(x <= 10) && (y > 1) // This expression checks if x is less
// than 10 AND y is greater than 1.
// This expression is TRUE.
(x*y == 41) || (z == 5) // This expression checks if x*y is equal
// to 40 OR if z is equal to 5.

Methods (Includes Recursive Methods)
A method is a group of instructions that is given a name and can be called up at any point
in a program simply by quoting that name. Each calculation part of a program is called a
method. Methods are logically the same as C's functions, Pascal's procedures and
functions, and Fortran's functions and subroutines.
When I wrote System.out.println("Hello World!"); in the first program
we were using the System.out.println() method. The System.out.println()
method actually requires quite a lot of code, but it is all stored for us in the System
libraries. Thus rather than including that code every time we need to print, we just call the
System.out.println() method.
You can write and call your own methods too. Methods begin with a declaration. This can
include three to five parts. First is an optional access specifier which can be public,
private or protected. A public method can be called from pretty much anywhere. A
private method can only be used within the class where it is defined. A protected
method can be used anywhere within the package in which it is defined. Methods that
aren't specifically declared public or private are protected by default. access specifier. We

then decide whether the method is or is not static. Static methods have only one instance
per class rather than one instance per object. All objects of the same class share a single
copy of a static method. By default methods are not static. We finally specify the return
Next is the name of the method.
Source Code
class FactorialTest {

//calculates the factorial of that number.

public static void main(String args[]) {
int n;
int i;
long result;
for (i=1; i <=10; i++) {
result = factorial(i);
} // main ends here
static long factorial (int n) {
int i;
long result=1;

for (i=1; i <= n; i++) {
result *= i;
return result;
} // factorial ends here

Recursive Methods
Recursion is used when a problem can be reduced into one or several problems of the
same nature, but a smaller size. This process is usually repeated until a boundary situation
is reached, where the problem can be directly solved. Java supports recursive methods,
i.e. even if you're already inside methodA() you can call methodA().
Example (A Recursive Counterpart of the Above Factorial Method)
n! is defined as n times n-1 times n-2 times n-3 ... times 2 times 1 where n is a positive
integer. 0! is defined as 1. As you see n! = n time (n-1)!. This lends itself to recursive
calculation, as in the following method:
public static long factorial (int n) {
if (n < 0) {
return -1;
else if (n == 0) {
return 1;
else {
return n*factorial(n-1);

Arrays are generally effective means of storing groups of variables. An array is a group of
variables that share the same name and are ordered sequentially from zero to one less
than the number of variables in the array. The number of variables that can be stored in an
array is called the array's dimension. Each variable in the array is called an element of the
Creating Arrays

There are three steps to creating an array, declaring it, allocating it and initializing it.
Declaring Arrays
Like other variables in Java, an array must have a specific type like byte, int, String or
double. Only variables of the appropriate type can be stored in an array. You cannot have
an array that will store both ints and Strings, for instance.
Like all other variables in Java an array must be declared. When you declare an array
variable you suffix the type with [] to indicate that this variable is an array. Here are
some examples:
int[] k;
float[] yt;
String[] names;

In other words you declare an array like you'd declare any other variable except you
append brackets to the end of the variable type.
Allocating Arrays
Declaring an array merely says what it is. It does not create the array. To actually create
the array (or any other object) use the new operator. When we create an array we need to
tell the compiler how many elements will be stored in it. Here's how we'd create the
variables declared above: new
k = new int[3];
yt = new float[7];
names = new String[50];

The numbers in the brackets specify the dimension of the array; i.e. how many slots it has
to hold values. With the dimensions above k can hold three ints, yt can hold seven floats
and names can hold fifty Strings.

Initializing Arrays
Individual elements of the array are referenced by the array name and by an integer

which represents their position in the array. The numbers we use to identify them are
called subscripts or indexes into the array. Subscripts are consecutive integers beginning
with 0. Thus the array k above has elements k[0], k[1], and k[2]. Since we started
counting at zero there is no k[3], and trying to access it will generate an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. subscripts indexes k k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3]

You can use array elements wherever you'd use a similarly typed variable that wasn't part
of an array.
Here's how we'd store values in the arrays we've been working with:
k[0] = 2;
k[1] = 5;
k[2] = -2;
yt[6] = 7.5f;
names[4] = "Fred";

This step is called initializing the array or, more precisely, initializing the elements of the
array. Sometimes the phrase "initializing the array" would be reserved for when we
initialize all the elements of the array.
For even medium sized arrays, it's unwieldy to specify each element individually. It is
often helpful to use for loops to initialize the array. For instance here is a loop that fills
an array with the squares of the numbers from 0 to 100.
float[] squares = new float[101];
for (int i=0; i <= 500; i++) {
squares[i] = i*2;

We can declare and allocate an array at the same time like this:
int[] k = new int[3];

float[] yt = new float[7];
String[] names = new String[50];

We can even declare, allocate, and initialize an array at the same time providing a list of
the initial values inside brackets like so:
int[] k = {1, 2, 3};
float[] yt = {0.0f, 1.2f, 3.4f, -9.87f, 65.4f, 0.0f, 567.9f};

Two Dimensional Arrays
Declaring, Allocating and Initializing Two Dimensional Arrays
Two dimensional arrays are declared, allocated and initialized much like one dimensional
arrays. However we have to specify two dimensions rather than one, and we typically use
two nested for loops to fill the array. for
The array examples above are filled with the sum of their row and column indices. Here's
some code that would create and fill such an array:
class FillArray {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int[][] M;
M = new int[4][5];
for (int row=0; row < 4; row++) {
for (int col=0; col < 5; col++) {
M[row][col] = row+col;

In two-dimensional arrays ArrayIndexOutOfBounds errors occur whenever you exceed
the maximum column index or row index. Unlike two-dimensional C arrays, twodimensional Java arrays are not just one-dimensional arrays indexed in a funny way.

Multidimensional Arrays
You don't have to stop with two dimensional arrays. Java lets you have arrays of three,
four or more dimensions. However chances are pretty good that if you need more than
three dimensions in an array, you're probably using the wrong data structure. Even three
dimensional arrays are exceptionally rare outside of scientific and engineering
The syntax for three dimensional arrays is a direct extension of that for two-dimensional
arrays. Here's a program that declares, allocates and initializes a three-dimensional array:
class Fill3DArray {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int[][][] M;
M = new int[4][5][3];

for (int row=0; row < 4; row++) {
for (int col=0; col < 5; col++) {
for (int ver=0; ver < 3; ver++) {
M[row][col][ver] = row+col+ver;

Example 1 : declaring and initializing 1-dimensional arrays
An array groups elements of the same type. It makes it easy to manipulate the
information contained in them.
class Arrays1{
public static void main(String args[]){
// this declares an array named x with the type "array of int" and of

// size 10, meaning 10 elements, x[0], x[1] , ... , x[9] ; the first term
// is x[0] and the last term x[9] NOT x[10].
int x[] = new int[10];
// print out the values of x[i] and they are all equal to 0.
for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
System.out.println("x["+i+"] = "+x[i]);
// assign values to x[i]
for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
x[i] = i; // for example
// print the assigned values of x[i] : 1,2,......,9
for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)
System.out.println("x["+i+"] = "+x[i]);
// this declares an array named st the type "array of String"
// and initializes it
String st[]={"first","second","third"};
// print out st[i]
for(int i=0; i<=2; i++)
System.out.println("st["+i+"] = "+st[i]);
