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Đề thi thử THPT QG môn tiếng anh năm 2019 lần 2 sở GDĐT nghệ an mã đề 414

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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

(Đề thi có 05 trang)
Họ và tên thí sinh:............................................... SBD:.................

Mã đề thi: 414

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Câu 1: She heard the news of the death of her mother. She fainted.
A. She fainted and then she heard the news of the death of her mother.
B. She fainted so she heard the news of the death of her mother.
C. On hearing the news of her mother’s death, she fainted.
D. On hearing the news of her dead mother, she fainted.
Câu 2: We found the bad weather inconvenient. We chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
A. Seeing that the bad weather was inconvenient, we chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
B. We found the bad weather inconvenient so as to choose to stay in a guest house for the night.
C. Inspite of the inconvenient weather, we chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
D. We found the bad weather inconvenient, yet we chose to stay in a guest house for the night.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 3:

A. document

B. comedian

C. perspective

D. location

Câu 4:

A. require

B. system

C. achieve

D. consist

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Câu 5: According to _____ people, most animal and plant species on earth will soon die out.
A. pessimistic
B. pessimists
C. optimists
D. optimistic
Câu 6: I_________ the bell three times when he answed the door.
A.would ring
B. rang
C. had rung

D. was ringing

Câu 7: I’m thinking of changing my job because there are few________ of promotion.

A. opportunities
B. prospects
C. chances
D. sources
Câu 8: Not only______ late, but also he forgot his textbooks.
A. he did turn up
B. turn up did he
C. up did he turn

D. did he turn up

Câu 9: The young students always wish they ______ able to bring cellphone to schools.
A. Will be
B. would be
C. will have been
D. would have been
Câu 10: He was late so I decided to ______ time by window shopping.
A. miss
B. kill
C. spend

D. waste

Câu 11: These school- leavers are looking forward______ on campus.
A. Living
B. live
C. to live

D. to living

Câu 12: Jane only makes cakes with the _______ butter.
A. best unsalted Danish
B. Danish best unsalted
C. best Danish unsalted
D. unsalted best Danish
Câu 13: ________ South Asia is said to be ___ home of____tiger.
A.the/ --/ a B. __/the/the C.___/the/a D. the/the/a
Câu 14: Marie Curie,__________, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.
A. whose scientific discovery of radium
B. was the scientist who discovered radium
C. the scientist who discovered radium
D. the scientist discovered radium
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Câu 15: _______with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn’t want to answer his phone call.
A. Because of having quarreled
B. Had quarreled
C. Because of she quarreled
D. Having quarreled
Câu 16: Why not buy the dress on_______ then you can take it back if it doesn’t fit your mother?
A. agreement
B. approval
C. affection
D. affirmation
Câu 17: All right, Johnny, it is time you ____________ to bed.
A. would go
B. will be going
C. went

D. are going to go

Câu 18: ___________ Michelle tried hard , she didn’t manage to win the competition.
A. Even though
B. In spite of
C. Nevertheless
D. No matter how
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 19: When I was a child I always looked up to my father. He was a real model for me.
A. trusted
B. admired
C. liked
D. understood
Câu 20: He finds time for them, always being prepared to lend a sympathetic ear or give some
friendly confidential advice.
A. lend some money
B. give ear treatment
C. listen sympathetically.
D. give useful advice
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 21:

A. followed

B. packaged

C. reserved

D. exploited

Câu 22:

A. variety

B. career

C. afraid

D. transfer

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 23: In remote communities, it is important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. refill
B. remark
C. empty
D. repeat
Câu 24: I’d like to add some money into my bank account.
A. give some money out
B. withdraw some money from
C. put some money into
D. leave some money aside
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.
Câu 25: Mary invited her friend, Sarah, to have dinner out that night and Sarah accepted. Choose the
most suitable response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Mary: “ Shall we eat out tonight?”- Sarah: “___________.”
A. That’s acceptable

B. It’s kind of you to invite
C. You are very welcome
D. That’s a great idea
Câu 26: “ I apologize for keeping you waiting for 2 hours. My car broke down on the way”
A. You are welcome
B. Your apology is accepted
C. It’s my pleasure
D. Thank you
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Câu 27: I would rather you to deliver the sofa on Saturday.
A. I would rather you delivered the sofa on Saturday.
B. I think you’d rather deliver the sofa on Saturday.
C. I expected you to deliver the sofa on Saturday.
D. I wanted to know if you could deliver the sofa on Saturday.
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Câu 28: I don’t agree with prohibiting smoking in bars.
A. I’m not doing a favor to prohibiting smoking in bars.
B. I’m not favor with prohibiting smoking in bars.
C. I’m not in favor of prohibiting smoking in bars.
D. I’m not in favor to prohibiting smoking in bars.
Câu 29: “ Shall I carry the suitcase for you, Mary?” said John.
A. John offered to carry the suitcase for Mary.
B. John offered carryingthe suitcase for Mary.
C. John offered Mary if he should carry the suitcase for her.
D. John offered Mary to carry the suitcase for Mary.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs

correction in each of the following questions.
Câu 30: Some underground water is enough safe to drink, but all the surface water must be treated.
Câu 31: The students in the dormitories were forbidden from going out after 11:30 pm, unless
they have special passes.
Câu 32: In pools, goldfish are not just ornamental, since they feed on mosquito larva, they are
also benefit.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 33 to 37
Galaxies are not evenly distributed through the universe. A few are found alone, but almost all
are grouped in formations termed galactic clusters. These formations should not be confused with
stellar clusters, globularclusters of stars that exist within galaxy. The size of galactic clusters varies
enormously, with some cluster containing only a dozen or so member and others containing as many as
10,000. Moreover, galactic clusters themselves are part of larger clusters of clusters, termed super
clusters. It is surmised that even clusters of super clusters are possible.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of a galactic cluster called the Local Group, which has twenty
members and is typical in terms of the types of galaxies it contains. There are three large spiral
galaxies: Andromeda, the largest galaxy in the group; the Milky Way, the second- largest galaxy; and
the Triangulum Spiral, the third largest. There are also four medium-sized spiral galaxies, including the

Large Cloud of Magallan and the Small Cloud of Magellan. There are four regular elliptical galaxies;
the remainder are dwaftellipticals. Other than our own galaxy, only Andromeda and the Clouds of
Magellan can be seen with the naked eye, and the Clouds are visiable only from the Southern
In the vicinity of the Local Group are several clusters, each containing around twelve members.The
nearest rich in members is the Virgo Cluster, which contains thousands of galaxies of all types. Like
most large clusters, it emits X-rays. The Local Group, the small neighboring clusters, and the Virgo
Cluster form part of a much larger cluster of clusters – the Local Super cluster.
The existence of galactic clusters presented a riddle to scientists for many years – the “ missing
mass” problem. Clusters are presumally held together by the gravity generated by their members.
However, measurements showed that the galaxies did not have enough mass to explain their apparent
stability. Why didn’t these clusters disintegrate? It is now thought that galaxies contain great amounts
of “ dark matter”, which can not be directly observed but which generates gravitation pull. The matter
includes gas, dust, burnt –out stars, and even black holes.
Câu 33: Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The incredible distance between galaxies.
B. An astronomical problem that has never been solved.
C. Clusters and super cluster of galaxies.
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D. recent development in astronomy.
Câu 34: The word “ galactic” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_____.
A. tiny
B. microscopic
C. astronomic
D. big
Câu 35: The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to______________________.
A. the Virgo Cluster
B. the large cluster

C. The small neighboring cluster
D. The Local Group
Câu 36: All of the following are visible from somewhere on Earth with a telescope EXCEPT______.
A. the Triangulum Spiral
B. the Milky Way
C. The Clouds of Magellan
D. Andromeda
Câu 37: According to the passage, the Local Group and Virgo have which of the following in
A. Both are rich in galaxies.
B. both emit X-ray
C. Both are part of the same super cluster.
D. both are small clusters.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanksfrom 38 to 42
If there is an eighth Wonder of the World, it is probably the lost city of Atlantis, if we just could find it.
(38)_____________ the large amounts of money that have been spent trying to find the site of this
ancient city, the most important question remains unanswered. Did it ever really exist? Atlantis was
first (39)_____________ by Plato in around 360 BC. He tells how Atlantis was settled by Poseidon.
The people were coming from a city on a hill 15 miles wide and, at first , they lived simple, virtuous
lives. But slowly they became more and more greedy and Zeus decided to teach them a lesson. It is
possible that Plato (40)__________ his story on the ancient civilization of Minoans Crete, but other
sites have also been told. It is true that the Minoans were an advanced society and it is possibly that
sports on the north coast of Crete were destroyed by a vocanosome time around 3420 BC. When Plato
died he left the story incomplete and his student, Aristotle, claimed at Plato had (41)____________ the
whole thing up. Whatever the reality, there are yet thousands of people out there (42)_________
believe Atlantis will still be found.
Câu 38:

A. Because

B. Although

C. Due to

D. Despite

Câu 39:

A. written

B. published

C. composed

D. described

Câu 40:

A. based

B. thought

C. imagined

D. inspired

Câu 41:

A. taken

B. put

C. pulled

D. made

Câu 42:

A. whose

B. which

C. who

D. that

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50
Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best way to make an important
decision, such as choosing a university to attend or business to invest in, involves the utilization of a
decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by
people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure
believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the
exact format that worksheets can take, they are all similar in their essential aspects.
Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible
solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that all possible solutions to the problem.
Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed, and the relative
importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each consideration is assigned a
numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding

these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.
Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each
with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making
procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally
comprehend and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once.
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A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with
complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question "What will I do
after graduation?" A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced
degree, or travel abroad for a year.
A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to
narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long-range and immediate goals
because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short-range ones. Focusing on longrange goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to "What will I do after graduation
that will lead to a successful career?"
Câu 43: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. tool to assist in making complex decisions.
B. A comparison of actual decisions and ideal ones.
C. Reseach on how people make decisions
D. Differences between long-range and short-range decision making
Câu 44: The word “ utilization” in parargraph 1 is closest in meaning to_______.
A. performance
B. realization
C. application
D. employment
Câu 45: Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision on worksheet.
A. Caculating a numerical summary of each solution
B. Listing the consequences of each solution.
C. Deciding which consequences are most important

D. Writing down all possible solutions
Câu 46: According to a decision- worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one
A. uses the most decision worksheets
B. is agreed by the greatest number of people
C. Has the fewest variables to consider
D. has the most points assigned to it
Câu 47: The author organizes the paragraph 3 by__________.
A. classifying types of worksheets
B. Describing a process
C. explaining a theory
D. providing historical background
Câu 48: The author states that “ On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds
at once “ (paragraph 3) to explain that________.
A. some people have difficulty making minor as well as maijor decision
B. people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice.
C. Most decisions involve seven steps
D. human mental capacity has limitations.
Câu 49: The word “ concise ” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to__________.
A. expansive
B. wordy
C. condensed
D. short
Câu 50: The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. decision
B. advantage
C. disadvantage

D. problem

-----------THE END ----------

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