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Bài viết mẫu IELTS band 78

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The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created
problems that did not exist before.
What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you
There is no doubt that the internet has revolutionized communication and information-sharing in the same
way that the telegraph and the television did before it. However, societies have had to cope with
unanticipated new problems, including crimes which traditional laws are powerless to prevent. This essay
will address some of the illegal acts enabled by the internet and propose solutions.
To begin with, the global scale of the internet means that national laws are no longer adequate to control
what happens online. Take restrictions on legal reporting, for example. In some countries, the media is
prohibited from revealing details of a defendant’s past in case this prejudices a fair trial. However, such
restrictions are no longer enforceable now that information may be freely published in other countries and
accessed by all. The only solution here, it seems, is to adopt global standards. Since the internet traverses
national borders, the flow of information can only be controlled if all nations agree on what can and
cannot be shared.
Another problem concerns anonymity, as internet users can easily conceal their identity and even
impersonate others. Many crimes such as identity theft and child abuse result from the ease with which
criminals can operate anonymously online. Some have proposed a system of online identification, similar
to a passport, which would allow all internet users to be verified and traced. I believe this idea should be
explored further, though there are clearly concerns about the security of those who use the internet to
protest against oppressive regimes.
In conclusion, the only long-term solution to the problem of internet crime is greater international
cooperation. Since the problem is global is scale, the solution must also be global. A new agency of the
United Nations should be created to tackle the problems described here.
Some people say that the Internet is making the world smaller by bringing people together. To what
extent do you agree that the internet is making it easier for people to communicate with one
In the past people normally write letters to friends who live in a remote place, which is expensive and
time-consuming. With the advent of Internet, the world appears smaller than before because Internet
makes communication easier. I utterly agree that the Internet provides a cheap and time saving means for

people to communicate with each other.
First of all, Internet charges less than other means of communication. A call or message costs consumers
merely a few cents; whereas, a letter normally requires several dollars for envelop and stamp.
Communication via Internet is so costless that a majority of people who have effortless access to it
mainly use phone calls, short messages and e-mails to communicate with others. This is not the only
advantage of utilizing Internet for communication.
Besides, another advantage of communication via Internet is time saving. A phone call can reach the
contact instantly. If the contact is not available at the moment, a short message notifies him at the earliest
convenience. In addition, e-mail is becoming a formal way to contact people, replacing the custom of
sending a letter because of its advantage of time saving. Generally, a letter takes around one week to
reach the receiver; however, an e-mail arrives at the receiver's mailbox instantly after a click of send
button. Thus, Internet makes communication with other people easier the before.
To summarize, the advantages of cheap prize and time saving make Internet an easier way to
communicate. People nowadays rely on Internet to communicate in almost every occasion.
In some countries children have very strict rules of behavior, in other countries they are allowed to
do almost anything they like. To what extent should children have to follow rules?
Currently, one of the most considerable issues in every society is rule in children`s behaviors. It is a wellknown fact that children`s behaviours also change due to their family in which they are born. Opinions

are divided as to whether strict rules should apply children or not, but it is my firm conviction that
mentioned rules may make them shy or embarrassing while make some future plans or determine
decisions because of some important reasons.
First of all, strict rules are not necessary for children on their early age because if we do not let our kids
do some kind of harmful behaviours they will never understand why it is dangerous. For instance, if kid
of four wants to put heavy water glass, and we do not let do it, that child can never recognize heavy of
glass. On the other hand, this kind of rules also leads to children to reject their some responsibilities as to
do their works themselves. It means, when they want to do something, and if they fails to do it at the first
time, they always try to get help from others not themselves.
It should also be noted that, strict rules make children shy. Because of the fact that children who under the
pressure always embarrass to try new skills and it leads them to do their skills in secret which may be

cause for much more sufficient problems. That`s why these rules should not use on children`s nurtures.
Taking everything into account, it is my foregone conclusion that children behavior should not be
followed strict rules.
The Internet when used as a source of information, has more drawbacks than advantages. To what
extent do you agree with this statement?
The internet has transformed people’s lives. It has changed the way we communicate with each other,
transact business and access information. Although the internet has both positive and negative aspects, I
believe that its merits outweigh its demerits.
To begin with, thanks to the internet, people can now contact their friends, family and colleagues faster
and more efficiently than in the past. Most people have internet connection on their mobile or computer
and as a result, they can always stay connected with their near and dear ones. For example, social
networking applications like WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter allow people to chat and share videos and
other important information. Similarly, through facilities like video conferencing and webinars people
from different parts of the world can now participate in online conferences which eliminate the need to
travel to other countries and cities for attending such programmes.
Additionally, online shopping and banking have saved people a great deal of time and effort. People
today can sit at home and buy their grocery, books or household appliances from online sites such as
Amazon or eBay and their stuff will be delivered at home. Moreover, transferring and withdrawing
money have become very easy today with online facilities offered by most banks.
On the other hand, a great deal of offensive and obscene content is available on the web and children
have easy access to them. Many antisocial elements and terrorist groups like ISIS recruit youngsters
through the internet. Internet addiction is another problem. Many people are now addicted to the internet

In conclusion, the internet has greatly benefited people in different ways. Although it has some negative
aspects it can be handled efficiently by implementing proper laws and regulations and through parental
Some people say that schools should teach good behaviour to children and introduce them to ‘right’
and ‘wrong’. Parents should not be the only ones responsible. Do you agree or disagree?
According to some people, schools also have a responsibility to teach good values and behaviour to
children. I completely agree with this. Children spend a great deal of their time at school. It is, therefore,
the duty of teachers to inculcate good habits and behaviour in them.
Most children now start going to school as soon as they turn three. The school is like a second home to
them and there they get to spend time with lots of others. At this age, children have an impressionable
mind and anything that they see and hear leave an indelible mark of their mind. Needless to say, teachers
can use this period to help them distinguish right from wrong. Young children have tremendous respect
for their teachers. In fact, they respect their teachers more than they respect their parents. So, naturally,
they will show a greater inclination to walk the right path if teachers show them what is right and what is

Parents are also responsible for teaching good values to their children. However, they cannot monitor
every act of their children. When the kids are at school, teachers are their natural guardians and as such it
is the duty of the teachers to teach them what is good and what is bad. A child’s character is formed by
the time he or she turns 10. Parents and teachers are the major influences on their life during this period.
It is therefore imperative that both parents and teachers take the responsibility to teach them good
To conclude, children spend a great deal of time under the care and supervision of their teachers and
therefore, teachers have a moral duty to guide them to the right path.
Many parents are unhappy because of the increasing amount of violence in their children by
computer games, TV programs, and other leisure activities.

What are the harmful effects of such violent programs on children?
What are the solutions for this problem?
Nowadays, many parents are concerned about their children’s violent behavior because of the increase in
the portrayal of violence in various entertainment programs. These violent programs have many harmful
effects. This essay will elaborate more on the harmful effects and suggest possible solutions to mitigate
these effects.
To begin with, aggressive behavior in children is one of the side effects of watching violent programs.
Children often imitate what they see on television. When they are exposed to violence via TV programs,
they start believing that aggression is the best solution for every problem, and they start adopting these
unwanted behaviors in their daily life. For example, studies have conclusively shown that children who
watch a lot of violent content show high levels of aggression.
Another effect of watching violent content is that they become fearless. Movies always have a hero who
has the power to do anything. Teenagers often get influenced by reel heroes. They also get into the habit
of abusing weak children. Cases of bullying in schools are increasing.
There are possible solutions to handle these effects. Firstly, parental control can play a major role. Parents
must become more vigilant and closely monitor the activities of their children. They also need to educate
their young ones that violence is not good for the society and take corrective measures when they see
such kind of behavior in their children. Parental lock on TV channels can help parents to limit what their
children see on television. Another possible solution is by involving children in community services.
Social services like helping elderly people help children to become docile and develop empathy for
weaker sections of the society.
To conclude, watching violent content leads to dangerous effect on children such as aggression and
fearlessness. These behaviors can be tackled with effective coaching and proper vigilance from parents
and by involving children in community services.
The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies than on
positive developments is harm to the individuals and the society as a whole. To what extent do you
agree or disagree
In recent times, media has been in the limelight and has aroused the wide concern for the pernicious
effects associated with it. Some people are of the fervent conviction that focusing on negative and urgent
issues is detrimental to the society. From my perspective, I partially agree this view.

There are several reasons why media coverage related to problems and urgent issues is proven to bring
enormous benefits for both the social and citizens. Firstly, it is responsibility of the mass media to cover
negative issues such as the natural disaster, which allows people to protect them from the potential
financial loss and physical injury. To take a concrete example, new reports from the television programs
covering the information about tsunami and earthquake of the central of Vietnam set the pivotal platform
for warning the government and inhabitants. Secondly, the environmental pollution topics from the mass
media is of great necessity for protecting the environment. Indeed, it not only raises the public’s
awareness of protecting habitant but also catch the government’s attention to this phenomenon.

However, the excessive reports on problems negatively influence the behavior of people, as well as the
journalist’s conduct. It is obvious that when people are exposed to too much news about crimes or
accidents, they will lose the sense of security. As a result, they become over-cautious and suspicious of
the others which lead to have difficulties to build interpersonal relationship. Moreover, it encourages
journalists to create bad stories and deliver the exaggerated news. Indeed, some people believe that the
dramatic and exciting news is easy to draw the public’s attention, they tend to write their articles with the
emphasis of negative parts of the stories so that their newspapers will sell well. Therefore, it will result in
face news and unreal stories.
In conclusion, although the bad news create the felling of anxiety and uncomfortable to a large number of
audiences, they are unavoidable in current information. The government and the citizens can learn to
solve the problems.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with
examples and relevant evidence.
Model Answer :
Some students are thinking of giving up studying English as modern machines can do the job of
translation. However, I think it is wrong to drop studying English, as machines cannot do perfectly,
especially in translation, which is a sophisticated process and needs so many skills.
Firstly, what machines can do now is translate word for word, without consideration of context. When a
computer translates scientific works, they can do a satisfying job. But when it comes to literature works,
they cannot weigh every word according to different situations, and thus their job cannot display the path

of original works. Suppose we give a poem by Shakespeare for translation, we can imagine how
ridiculous the translation would be.
Secondly, machines cannot convey the manner of speakers. If the speaker says in different tones like
surprisingly, sarcastically or delightedly, the machine will not be able to express the emotions of people;
therefore, we have no idea of what speakers really mean. When there is face-to-face communication, we
can understand people judging from their expressions, body gestures and so on, even if we do not use
many words. But machines cannot do this.
On the other hand, English study offers one a new and different perspective of English-speaking countries
because language and culture are closely related to each other. Machines can never do this. When we
study English, we not only learn the language but also know more about the culture, history and customs.
Machines can never replace the process of English study and give us a better understanding of the
cultural background.
To sum up, translation machines help us in some way but it doesn't mean that we can quit studying
English because English study can give us much more than the English language itself.
It is said that "Not everything that is learned is contained in books".
Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In
your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.
Model Answer 1:
Books are our best companions and source of knowledge from our infant time till the end of life. Our
learning begins by reading books. Books open new horizons in front of us. But sometimes the hardest and
most important lessons we learn in life come from our participation in different situations. The things we
learn in real-life can never be learned through anything else. We can't learn everything from books and in
my opinion, the knowledge we gather from our experience is far more important, than anything else.
Of course, learning from books in a formal educational institution and learning from books for someone's
own interest are highly important. Books are like open doors. Whenever someone read books, it helps the
readers to broaden their power of imagination, to introduce them new ideas. In facts, books are a fine
collection of ideas, experiences, imaginations and innovations of writers for the readers. But everyone's

life is quite different than others. So, we sometimes face a whole new situation. I believe, most important

lessons cannot be taught. It must be faced and learned all by ourselves. The experiences we gather from
our daily life help us to rectify our future act. We learn from watching a situation even if we are not the
part of it. We even learn from the stories we hear from our friends or family members about some strange
situations that have occurred.
No one can teach us how to live alone, how to share our feelings, how to create self-respects. Those all
must be learned from our experiences. Experiencing our own triumphs and disasters is really the only
way to learn how to deal with life. Books, teachers, parents give us guidelines and our experiences give
the perfection of it.
A lot of people believe that the amount of violence shown on youtube affects the actions of our
young people and therefore increases the amount of violence in our society today.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
What can be done to reduce violence in our society today?
You should write at least 250 words.
Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant
Model Answer:
The question of whether the amount of violence on the internet has affected young people in our society
is something which cannot be quantified or proved. My opinion is though that the answer is “yes, it has”.
The internet today do show a large amount of violence and, although we try and shield our young people
from seeing too much, they still get to watch it. At the age of eighteen in my country, they can see
everything anyway. Violence on the streets has increased. That has been proved. The connection between
internet obsession with violence and today's street violence cannot be proved but it is logical that the two
are connected. Young people imitate what they see and it is logical that they see glamour in what they do
when they commit violence.
How can we lessen violence? Reducing the amount of violence on the internet would certainly be a good
start. Being more vigilant about what age children are when they see violence in these media, and raising
the age limits would also help. Another good idea would be to channel the violence of young people. I

don‛t think that national service should be re-established in this country but, if people are convicted of
violence and sent to prison, then why not give them the option of serving in the army. Their violence will
be controlled and they will be subjected to discipline so that they will be better able to control themselves
when they leave.
Thus I agree with the statement that the internet affects the young people in our society. There are some
things that can be done to better the situation but I doubt whether anything will be done.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communications, such as letters, emails,
or telephone calls.
Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Model Answer 1:
Humankind, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when people communicated
only face-to-face to nowadays when a person has in use many types of communication means. Some
people still prefer to use face-to-face communication despite many other sometimes more convenient
ones such as phone, mail, e-mail and fax. I think to continue this essay it is essential to clarify what kind
of conversation we are talking about.
For example, if people are negotiating it is very important to have a face-to-face communication. It is
very important to see during a negotiation how one's opponent is moving, is he nervous or relaxed, what
he is doing, etc. Scientists say that the body language and facial gestures can say many things about a
person, his strong and weak sides, his traits, manners and even habits. To know what kind of man one is
dealing with is an essential aspect in negotiation. Many managers prefer to have face-to-face
conversations with the future employees. So, in this case, they see how a person behaves.
From the other side, if I need to notify my bank that I am going to close an account I do not want to spend
my time driving there, waiting for my turn and talking with a representative. It is easier for me just to call
or e-mail them. It saves my time and my bank's too.

To summarise, from my opinion all important issues better be discussed in face-to-face conversation. It
will eliminate many further misunderstandings and bring only benefits to both sides.
Many parents use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to kids. Many people think

that the punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction.
To what extent do you agree to punish a kid to teach him/ her something important?
What kind of punishment do you think parents and teachers can use?
You should write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer 1:
Parenting is a very difficult challenge all around the world. Most of the parents consider punishment a
better teaching method instead of listening and communicating with the children. However, to my mind,
anything excess is bad. It I not deniable that the punishment is one of the easiest ways to teach children
good or bad but it should not be the only way of teaching.
To start with, children are very sensitive, want love and care. They need their parents’ support and
encouragement in every aspect of their life. So, it is considered by most of the psychologists that by
giving harsh punishments too often parents are making their children prone to violence. Hence, it is now
proven by social researchers that children learn less from punishments, becomes shy and insecure and it
may affect their social behaviour.
However, it is deniable that children are naturally advantageous and curious about everything. Some are
stubborn and need to deal differently. For such children, parents and teachers should adopt a strict but notorture behaviour. It could include numerous methods such as scolding, taking their favourite belonging
for a couple of days or limiting their leisure time. In addition, cancelling their pocket money for a month
or cancel a weekend outing plan could be a better option rather than locking them alone in a dark room.
In conclusion, I surely believe that minor punishments could teach children the difference between right
and wrong, however, the consequences could be different for every individual child. I suggest that there
should be a proper and balanced communication of parents and teachers with the children.

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