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: Commercial business




Hanoi, 2019

The PhD dissertation is completed at Thuong Mai University
Supervisors: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh Nhan
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mai Thanh Lan

Examiner 1:………………………………...................…………………
Examiner 2:…………………...................………………………………

Examiner 3: ………………………………..................…………………
The Doctoral dissertation will be defended at Thuong Mai Universitylevel Board of Examiners at Thuong Mai University at ……….

The Doctoral dissertation can be found at: The National Library of
Vietnam Thuong Mai University’s library


1. Rationale for the study
Regarding scientific aspects, the term “corporate social responsibility” has been
officially used for the first time since 1953 when H.R. Bowen published the book
entitled "Social Responsibilities of the Businessman". Corporate social responsibility
(CSR) is a harmonious combination of environmental, social and economic factors in
enterprises' decisions. More and more businesses have already realized that CSR towards
employees plays an important role in business strategy. With a view to achieving good
results in CSR towards employees, enterprises’ managers must ensure the scientific,
systematic and efficient process of CSR implementation.
Regarding legal aspects, not only are employees indispensable to enterprises but they
are also an important force of the society. Employees are associated with their basic rights in
labor relations which are recognized by the law, namely Article 5 of the Labor Code 2012 of
Vietnam. Nowadays, not only the rights of employees are stipulated in the labor regulations
but they are also recognized in CSR standards through the code of conduct.
Regarding practical aspects, Garment is the main economic sector of Vietnam. After 20
years of development, over 5000 garment companies are using more than 20% of workers
in industries. Currently, CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises has been
implemented partially in line with labor regulations. However, it still has many limitations.
For a good CSR towards employees, enterprises must pay attention to its implementation

process. In addition, barriers and challenges of garment enterprises are subjective and
objective factors for more complicated CSR for implementation.
On basis of the mentioned-above analysis, the author realizes that the research on
“CSR towards employees in garment companies” is urgent.
2. Research objectives and tasks
Objectives: To propose major scientific and practical solutions to enhance CSR
towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises.
Research tasks: (i) Develop a theoretical framework on the content of CSR towards
employees, the process of implementing CSR, some subjective factors and objective
conditions having impact on CSR towards employees of enterprises; (ii) Study
experiences of foreign garment enterprises and find out lessons learned for Vietnam
garment enterprises; (iii) Analyze and assess the status of the content and
implementation of CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises; (iv)
Analyze how a number of subjective factors can impact the process of implementing
CSR towards employees of Vietnamese garment enterprises; (v) Analyze and identify
objective conditions affecting CSR towards employees of Vietnamese garment


enterprises; (vi) Research orientations and opinions on CSR towards employees to
propose solutions and recommendations to enhance CSR towards employees of
Vietnamese garment enterprises from now to 2025 with a vision to 2030.
3. Research questions
For the foregoing research objectives and tasks, the dissertation has to answer the
following questions: (1) What is the content and process of implementing CSR towards
employees of Vietnam garment enterprises? (2) How can subjective factors affect the
process of implementing CSR towards employees and how can objective conditions
have impact on CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises ? (3) What
should we do to enhance CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises as

well as to improve the objective conditions affecting CSR towards employees of
Vietnam garment enterprises?
4. Object and scope of research
Object of research: CSR towards employees of enterprises in general and Vietnam
garment enterprises in particular.
Scope of research: Survey conduction in 308 Vietnam garment enterprises; Research
time: Analysis of data on CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises, namely:
secondary data are collected from 2010 to 2017, primary data are collected from surveys
conducted; Research content: (i) CSR ensuring rights and interests of employees: Labor
contracts, working hours, occupational safety and health, salary and welfare, freedom of
association and collective bargaining; (ii) The process of implementing CSR towards
employees of enterprises from making plan on implementation, implementation and
evaluation of the implementation of CSR towards employees; (iii) Identification of subjective
and objective factors affecting the process of implementing CSR towards employees.
5. New contributions of the dissertation
With regard to academic aspect: The theoretical framework of CSR ensuring
rights and benefits of employees related to labor contracts, working hours,
occupational safety and health... is developed; The theoretical framework of the
implementation of CSR towards employees of enterprises from making plan on
implementation, implementation and evaluation of implementation of CSR towards
employees is scientifically developed; Some key factors affecting the process of
implementing CSR towards employees are identified, hypotheses are created, variables
and scales are selected in line with the research context. Namely, independent variables
are business leadership, strategic planning, corporate finance, corporate culture; control
variables are business size; objective factors are the situation of development and
international economic integration, state management on the implementation of CSR


towards employees, code of conduct related to implementation of CSR towards
employees, other stakeholders affecting CSR.
With regard to practical aspects, the dissertation analyzes and evaluates the
situation in a systematic and objective manner and comes to a conclusion that compared
to SMEs, large-scale garment enterprises stand out in terms of implementing clauses
ensuring rights of employees in labor contracts, carrying out advanced health care
programs, social insurance, health insurance for employees. SMEs still have limitations in
ensuring rights of employees, ensuring working hours in line with their commitments,
strictly complying with regulations on rewards for extra working hours in weekdays...
Large enterprises have initially been interested in the process of implementing CSR
towards employees from making plan on implementation, implementation and evaluation
of implementation of CSR towards employees. However, they still have difficulties CSR
implementation accounting, CSR communication and communication report making.
SMEs do not know the whole process of implementing CSR towards employees. The
dissertation also finds out other stakeholders influencing the most CSR towards
employees. The use of exploratory factor EFA, CFA, SEM and Boostrap tests result: CSR
= 0.271*LD + 0.193*HD + 0.180*TC + 0.158*Size and Leadership variable has the
strongest impact. The dissertation proposes some solutions: to enhance the content of the
implementation of CSR towards employees; to promote the implementation of CSR
towards employees; to improve subjective objectivefactors to create favorable conditions
for CSR towards employees of garment enterprises.
5. The dissertation structure
The dissertation has the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Research overview and methodology
Chapter 2: Theoretical and practical framework of CSR towards employees of enterprises
Chapter 3: Situation of CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises
Chapter 4: Solutions to strengthening CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises.
1.1. Overview of researches

Foreign and domestic researches on "corporate social responsibility (CSR), CSR
towards employees” published in books, scientific articles with empirical, clear and
specific evidence are the following:
Researches on CSR focusing on a number of theories that are considered
fundamental: Stakeholder and responsibility level theories;


Researches on "CSR towards employees" mainly focusing on: (i) Content of CSR
towards employees in line with the implementation level, ISO26000, CSR ensuring rights and
benefits of employees, (ii) The process of implementing CSR towards employees.
Researches on some subjective factors affecting the implementation of CSR
towards employees" coming to a conclusion that CSR towards employees, the process of
implementing CSR towards employees are affected by many factors: business
leadership, strategic planning, corporate finance, size and type of business.
Researches on objective factors affecting CSR towards employees of enterprises
such as the situation of economic development and international economic integration;
state management on the implementation of CSR towards employees; CoC related to the
implementation of CSR towards employees; other stakeholders.
1.2. Research gap and scientific values inherited in the dissertation
1.2.1. Research gap
Firstly, according to some practical researches deploying the pyramid of CSR
towards employees of enterprises, levels of CSR are interlinked. Therefore, subsequent
researches can focus on CSR ensuring rights and interests of employees to overcome this
limitation and ensure the comprehensive and systematic process of the implementation
of CSR towards employees.
Secondly, domestic researches are mainly reports, theoretical and practical review
articles on CSR and some researches referring to the process of implementing CSR in
seafood processing and exporting enterprises, electronic business enterprises. Therefore,

the research gap is to establish a theoretical framework on the process of implementing
CSR towards employees from making plan on implementation.
Thirdly, researches identify some subjective factors: business leadership, strategic
planning, corporate finance, corporate culture, enterprise size and objective conditions
such as the situation of economic development and international economic integration,
state management, CoC, other stakeholders affecting the implementation of CSR
towards employees... Not many researches systematically and comprehensively focus on
developing models and testing the aforesaid subjective factors have impact on the
process of implementing CSR towards employees.
1.2.2. Scientific values inherited in the dissertation
Scientific values inherited from foreign and domestic researches in the
dissemination are (i) Theory of the content of CSR, CSR towards employees; the content
of CSR ensuring employees' rights and interests; the process of implementing CSR
towards employees; (ii) Some research results related to factors affecting the
implementation of CSR and CSR towards employees; (iii) Experience in CSR towards
employees, such as Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd (China), CBC Fashions


(Asia) Private Limited (India), Abu Taher Company leading to lessons learned for
Vietnam garment enterprises; (iv) Analysis of data collected from the Vietnam General
Confederation of Labor, Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, International Labour Organization (ILO) and International
Finance Corporation (IFC),...
1.3. Research methodology
1.3.1. Research approach and process
(i) Research approach
The dissertation focuses on studying the content of CSR ensuring rights and benefits
of employees; the process of implementing CSR towards employees from making plan on
implementation to evaluation of the implementation of CSR towards employees.

(ii) Research process
In order to answer the identified research questions, the research uses a process
consisting of some steps from making the theoretical framework of CSR towards
employees, preliminary qualitative research, preliminary quantitative research, official
quantitative research and in-depth analysis after quantitative research.
1.3.2. Research scale and hypothesis
(i) Research scale
These scales are inherited from domestic and foreign researches of Panapanaan
et colleguages (2003), Jonker & Marco de Witte (2006), Sumina Elizabeth Thomas
(2011); Teresa Correia de Lacerda (2014), Barbara J. Fick (2014), Le Thi Huong
(2017), ILO & IFC (2017), Labor Code (2012)... and a five-point Likert scale
specifying that 1 point is strong disagreement and 5 points are strong disagreement.
(ii) Research hypothesis
H1-Business leadership has a positive impact on the process of implementing CSR
towards employees of enterprises ; H2-Strategic planning has a positive impact on the
process of implementing CSR towards employees of enterprises; H3- Corporate finance has
a positive impact on the process of implementing CSR towards employees of enterprises;
H4- Corporate culture has a positive impact on the process of implementing CSR towards
employees of enterprises; H5- Business size has a positive impact on the process of
implementing CSR towards employees of enterprises; H6- Type of enterprise has a positive
impact on the process of implementing CSR towards employees of enterprises.
1.3.3. Qualitative research method
Method of collecting primary data sources: The dissertation collects primary data
sources from interviews, experts, case studies and surveys.
Method of collecting secondary data sources: Secondary data is collected from
textbooks, monographs, scientific researches at all levels, domestic and foreign scientific


articles. Besides, data collected from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, General
Department of Vietnam Customs, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL),
Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), ILO and IFC…
1.3.4. Quantitative research
(i) Preliminary quantitative research
Preliminary quantitative research is carried out on basis of data collected from
surveys conducted in 50 Vietnam in which 152 notes of employees and 107 notes of
managers are collected. The preliminary quantitative research results show that scales of
all variables have Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient greater than 0.6 and the corrected itemtotal correlation greater than 0.3, which means that they are reliable. However, observed
variables such as glv6, CSR14 are eliminated as the corrected item- total correlation is
lower than 0.3. Type of business, the control variable is also excluded because the level
of significance is greater than 10%. H6 is removed. Only business size, the control
variable, is satisfactory with the level of significance lower than 5%.
(ii) Research model of subjective factors affecting the process of implementing CSR
towards employees of enterprises
The research model has a total of 32 observed variables including 4 independent
variables being leadership, strategic planning, corporate finance, corporate culture and 1
dependent variable being CSR and 1 control variable being business size.
Strategic planning


Corporate finance
Corporate culture


The process of
implementing CSR
towards employees

Business size

Source: The author
Figure 1.3: Model of subjective factors affecting of implementing CSR towards employees

(iii) Official quantitative research
Official quantitative research is conducted on the basis of data collected from 308
Vietnam garment enterprises. Namely, 782 survey notes on the content of CSR ensuring
rights and benefits of employees collected from employees are open to EFA and CFA
and 525 survey notes on the process of implementing CSR towards employees collected
from managers are open to EFA, CFA and SEM with 6 steps.


2.1. Some concepts of corporate social responsibility
2.1.1. Concept of employees
Employees are people who are at working age, working under labor contracts making
them perform certain work and get paid as agreed in accordance with current legal provisions.
2.1.2. Concept of corporate social responsibility of enterprises
Corporate social responsibility of enterprises is a commitment of businesses to related
parties to complying with and exceeding the requirements of the law leading to the

improvement of the quality of life of employees, appropriate treatment for partners, community,
environment to ensure the sustainable development of businesses as well as society.
2.1.3. Concept of corporate social responsibility towards employees
Corporate social responsibility towards employees of enterprises is to fulfill their
commitments to employees through responsibility for ensuring rights and interests of
employees leading to improvement of the quality of life of employees as well as the
sustainable development of enterprises and society.
2.2. Content of corporate social responsibility ensuring rights and interests of
employees of enterprises
2.2.1.Labor contract
In a labor relation, employees are always in a disadvantageous position. In order to
enforce employees' rights as well as identify a formal labor relation, employees and
employers sign a legal document called a labor contract. Regarding labor contracts with
clauses ensuring rights of employees, signing a labor contract appropriate to the nature of
work and terminating the labor contract in accordance with the labor regulations are
fundamental rights of employees. Besides, many businesses have realized that they need to
attach importance to and enforce clauses ensuring benefits of employees in labor contracts.
2.2.2. Working time
Working time is the period of time that employees must perform work according to
legal provisions, the agreement of employees and employers in labor contracts and
collective labor agreement. Regulations on working time include committed working
hours; extra hours per day, month, year and leave. CSR relating working time should
expand the voluntariness of about extra working hours of employees.
2.2.3. Occupational safety and health


Regarding CSR ensuring employees’ rights to occupational safety and health,
training on occupational safety and health, fire protection, labor protection, not having

emergency exits entangled or locked, periodic health examinations for employees are
prerequisites. In addition, commitments to ensuring benefits such as advanced health
care programs, organization of cultural and sports activities are also important.
2.2.4. Salary and welfare
For CSR related to salary and welfare being a lever stimulating financial benefits
for employees, employees' salary must not be lower than the prescribed minimum wage;
social insurance, health insurance of employees must comply with legal regulations. The
state always encourages enterprises to pay competitive salaries, pay allowances higher
than prescribed and give housing support to employees.
2.2.5. Freedom of association and collective bargaining
With a view to protecting rights of employees, employees in any enterprise are allowed to
have the right to join labor unions, freedom of association and collective bargaining to establish
general rules on labor relation. For example, enterprises organize annual employee conference
as well as allow employees to discuss working conditions or collective labor agreements
resulting to clauses and conditions that are better than provisions of labor regulations.
2.3. The process of implementing CSR towards employees of enterprises
The process of implementing CSR towards employees of enterprises is studied by
Panapanaan et al (2003), Nguyen Thi Minh Nhan (2015)… in line with the PDCA method.
2.3.1. Making plan on implementation of CSR towards employees of enterprises
Determination of objectives of implementation: to comply with provisions of labor
regulations regarding protection of rights as well as improvement of benefits of employees, to
meet requirements of customers in international business, to implement the sustainable
business strategy of enterprises, to improve labor productivity and quality of work, to enhance
the reputation of enterprises, to attract qualified and skilled human resources .
Research and selection of codes of conduct: Codes of conduct must be appropriate to
social ethics, codes of conduct to be selected must be provided from reputable
organizations, codes of conduct are accepted by many international customers. In the
process of finding out codes of conduct on labor, it is important to pay attention to
reputation of certification organizations and reasonable certification evaluation cost.
Development of programs on implementation: Starting from drafting the

implementation program to issuing and saving store and copy the departments and units in
the enterprise to implement the program on implementation of CSR towards employees.
Some social responsibility programs for employees can be single programs or dual


programs containing social responsibility to ensure rights and benefits. Firstly, they develop
programs, then prepare written documents on programs and distribute them to other
divisions in enterprises.
Drawing up a budget for implementation: Drawing up a budget is estimating all receipts
and expenditures related to one or more programs of implementation of CSR towards
employees in each period. All receipts and expenditures at any time must be noted exactly.
2.3.2. Implementation of CSR towards employees
Assignment of a division responsible for implementing: In SMEs, the owner or the
division in charge of administration and human resources is responsible for
implementing CSR towards employees. In large enterprises, may be CSR committee or
Advisory and Innovation or Life quality committee.
Preparation for written registration for the code of conduct: enterprises must
initially contact organizations having right to grant the certificate. After receiving written
registration of enterprise, the organization will evaluate preliminarily and officially
regulations in the code of conduct.
Issuing instructions on how to comply with the CoC: Enterprise have to provide a
unified set of documents to all departments and employees specifying responsibilities,
obligations and duties of the department in charge of CSR and other departments making
them aware of and fulfill their own ones.
Implementation of internal communication activities on implementation:
Enterprises need to well inform each employee of the content, process and time of
implementation of its CSR towards employees through traditional and modern internal
communication activities.

Organization of training courses on implementation: Trainers are experts or staff of
enterprises qualified about the implementation of CSR towards employees to meet
requirements and objectives of the training courses. Trainees are divided into 2 groups:
Group 1 include staff responsible for implementing CSR towards employees and group 2
consist of remaining employees of the enterprise. The trainers must develop the training
content and method appropriate to each group.
Organization of programs on implementation: Enterprises should carry out programs
ensuring rights and benefits of employees in cooperation with their departments and
employees. These programs should focus on guiding employees to sign the type of labor
contract appropriate to the nature of their work; ensuring extra hours per day, month and
year of employees in accordance with labor regulations;...
2.3.3. Evaluation of the implementation of CSR towards employees of enterprises


Determination of criteria for evaluating the implementation: quantitative
assessment criteria such as the number of clauses ensuring rights of employees, the rate
of labor contracts signed appropriately (regarding their type and the nature of work)
signed in the right type; the rate of working time appropriate to commitments... and
qualitative assessment criteria being awareness of grassroots labor union, satisfaction
level of employees regarding the annual employee conference,…
Measurement of main results of the implementation: through data collection and
analysis, warning signs, direct observation and personal contact.
Take corrective and preventive action: enterprises need to adjust objectives of the
implementation of CSR towards employees; the action program or no - action propram.
2.4. Subjective factor affecting the implementation of CSR towards employees
2.4.1. Leadership
According to Labelle và Saint pierre (2010), leadership is the most critical factor of
the implementation of CSR towards employees. Each leader has a their own style and

their decisions have an impact on the implementation of CSR.
2.4.2. Strategic planning
In opinion of Carroll (1984), “Strategic planning is a necessary condition to
implement CSR towards employees" as strategic planning is to develop and follow the
roadmap for achieving selected strategic objectives.
2.4.3. Corporate finance
Finance plays an important in every activity of enterprises. With a view to implementing
well CSR towards employees, enterprises must pay attention to their financial status.
2.4.4. Corporate culture
From the point of view of Kotter, J.P. & Heskett, J.L (2011), “Culture also reflects a
combination of values and interdependent behaviors that are common in enterprises and
tend to be passed down for a long time”.
2.4.5. Business size
From the establishment to development of an enterprise, its size may be the same or
increase. Results of some researches show an important and positive link between the
enterprise’s size and implementation of CSR towards employees.
2.5. Objective factor affecting CSR towards employees of enterprises
2.5.1. Situation of economic development and international economic integration
Globalization and international economic integration have been prominent trends of
the world economy. Economic integration requires enterprises to implement CSR


towards employees to ensure fundamental rights of employees in line with ILO and labor
standards of bilateral, multilateral and free trade agreements (FTA) signed by countries.
2.5.2. State management on the implementation of CSR towards employees
The State promulgates legal provisions and policies related to the implementation
of CSR towards employees of enterprises in the Labor Code, Law on occupational safety
and health,...The State assigns the central and local agencies to implement CSR towards

employees including ministries, departments and people’s committees and at the same
time inspects the compliance with policies, plans and legal provisions related to the
implementation of CSR towards employees.
2.5.3. Codes of conduct on CSR towards employees
Codes of conduct such as SA 8000, WRAP, OHSAS18001 focus occupational safety
and health of employees, harassment and abuse prohibition, compensation and welfare with
which enterprises have to comply in order to sign contracts with employees...
2.5.4. Other stakeholders
The fate of enterprises lies in the hands of customers. Suppliers ensure the quality
and price of enterprises’ products. Therefore, when the community is aware of social
justice, they can put pressure on enterprises to implement CSR towards employees.
2.6. The situation of the implementation of CSR towards employees of some foreign
enterprises and lessons learned for Vietnam garment enterprises
Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd (China), CBC Fashions (Asia) Private
Limited (India), Abu Taher Company (Bangladesh) gradually paying attention to
sustainable development and CSR towards employees. Lessons learned for Vietnam
garment enterprises include (i) The content of CSR towards employees is to ensure rights
and benefits of employees; (ii) Objectives of the implementation of CSR towards employees
are set specifically, reasonably and feasibly; (iii) It is important to assign a division
responsible for implementing CSR towards employees methodically and professionally in
the whole enterprise; (iv) The assessment of the implementation of CSR towards employees
is conducted regularly; (v) These enterprises make report on the implementation of CSR
towards employees.



3.1. Overview of Vietnam garment enterprises
3.1.1. The establishment and development of garment enterprises
The establishment and development of Vietnam garment enterprises from 1958 to
now with 5 particular stages: From 1958 to 1975, from 1975 to 1990, from 1990 to
2000, from 2000 to 2010, from 2010 to now.
3.1.2. Some business results of garment enterprises
According to the Export Promotion Organization (2017), "Vietnam's export growth
rate in the period of 2010 - 2017, which was 32%, reached the highest level in the world".
Vietnam’s textile and garment products have been popular all over the world. Optimistic
business results are an important basis for implementing CSR towards employees.
3.1.3. Characteristics of labor in garment enterprises
Labor in garment enterprises has some following characteristics: unequal distribution,
high proportion of female employees, high proportion of untrained employees, labor
instability, labor transfer, high risk of being eliminated of aged employees.
3.2. The situation of the content of CSR ensuring rights and benefits of employees
of garment enterprises
On the basis of 782 survey notes collected from employees and 308 survey notes
collected from enterprises’ managers, the EFA of 5 factors (hdld, glv, at, lp, td) and CFA
show that the contents of CSR ensuring rights and benefits of employees are appropriate
to market data and meet requirements related to unity, convergent and discriminant
validity, which together with secondary data results in the following analysis:
3.2.1. The situation of labor contract
Responsibility for ensuring the right to labor contract of employees: Results of the
performance of responsibility for ensuring the right to labor contract are average,
3.13/5.0; "signing the contract appropriate to the nature of work - hdld2" has the highest
score (3.36/5.0) because signing the contract appropriate to the nature of work is the
basis for building a harmonious relationship between employees and employers. Large
garment enterprises have paid attention to "clauses ensuring rights of employees hdld1", however, SMEs fail, which have been shown by ILO & IFC in recent years.


When terminating labor contracts, large garment enterprises have complied with
provisions of the Labor Code on severance benefits, however, 97,37% SMEs fail to pay
right severance benefits for their employees (ILO & IFC, 2015).
Responsibility for ensuring benefits of employees related to labor contract: “Clauses
ensuring benefits of employees in labor contract-hdld4” for employees related to salary
adjustment, salary increase, welfare... in large enterprises have been partly interested. Meanwhile,
some clauses ensuring benefits of employees in labor contract are impossible to SMEs.
3.2.2. The situation of working hours
Responsibility for ensuring the right to working hours of employees: Results of the
performance of responsibility for ensuring the right to working hours are average,
3.01/5.0. Large enterprises are capable of “ensuring the working time in line with the
commitment-glv1”. However, “ensuring extra hours per month-glv3 and per year-glv4”
need concerning as they have the lowest scores. According to the Labor Union Institute
(2017), the average extra hours of employees is 47-60 hours per month and up to 500
hours per year or even 600 hours per year. Is it possible for employees to have good health
if they work overtime too much?
Responsibility for ensuring benefits of employees related to working hours": Ensuring
employees’ voluntariness regarding extra working hours-glv6" has relatively low scores
(2.84/5.0) because garment enterprises (both large enterprises and SMEs) make decision
on extra working hours on their own rather than allow their employees to do this.
3.2.3. The situation of occupational safety and health
Responsibility for ensuring occupational safety and health of employees: Results of
the performance of responsibility for ensuring safety and health get 3.22/5.0 and
“training on occupational safety and health and fire protection- at1” has the highest
scores. However, “not having emergency exits entangled or locked during working timeat2” has the lowest scores because of charactẻristics of the garment industry such as the
large scale of operation, the large number of employees, workshops full of materials
such as cloth, fibre, fabric, yarn which are flammable and cover the exits.
Responsibility for ensuring benefits related to occupational safety and health: The

organization of "advanced health care programs for employees- at5” in large enterprises is
considered average meanwhile in SME there are still many shortcomings. In large garment
enterprises, "the organization of cultural and sports activities for employees- at6” receives
optimistic feedback and employees have many opportunities to interact with their colleagues
but "taking care of health for employees” is still a limitation of SMEs especially small ones.
3.2.4. The situation of salary and welfare


Responsibility for ensuring the right to salary and welfare of employees: Results of the
performance of responsibility for ensuring the right to salary and welfare of employees
achieve 3.21/5.0. "Properly complying with the minimum salary provision- lp1" has the
highest scores. Both large enterprises and SMEs strictly follow provisions on minimum
salary as well as the Decree No. 49/2013/ND-CP and the Decree No. 121/2018. "Abiding
by regulations on overtime on weekdays- ld2" is what large enterprises do but SMEs have
the lowest scores.
Responsibility for ensuring benefits of employees related to salary and welfare:
Garment enterprises have increased CSR regarding salary and welfare of employees and
get 3.02/5.0. "Competitive salary payment-lp5" is the expectation of both employers and
employees. However, "paying allowances higher than prescribed- lp6” is still quite
limited in large enterprises and strange to SMEs.
3.2.5. The situation of freedom of association and collective bargaining
Responsibility for ensuring the right to Responsibility for ensuring of employees:
The implementation of CSR regarding freedom of association and collective bargaining
achieves 3.03/5.0 helping enterprises minimize problems arising in the labor relation. In
Vietnam garment enterprises, "the organization of annual employee conference- td3" is
to create a forum to promote direct democracy at work. Large-scale garment enterprises
focus on "establishing grassroots labor union- td1" but not many SMEs do.
Responsibility for ensuring benefits of employees related to freedom of association

and collective bargaining: The performance of responsibility for ensuring benefits
regarding freedom of association and collective bargaining achieves the lowest scores in
the whole content of CSR. “Collective labor agreement having better clauses compared
to labor regulations-td5” is impossible and most SMEs are confused with this issue.
3.3. The situation of the process of implementing CSR towards employees of
garment enterprises
3.3.1. The situation of making plan on implementation of CSR towards employees
Determination of objectives : “The determination of objectives-CR1” has been initially
concerned by large enterprises. Large garment enterprises exporting their products in
international trade have determined their objectives methodically and professionally.
However, according to survey results, 65.58% of enterprises (202 in 308 enterprises) fail to
do this work.
Study and selection of codes of conduct: “Study and selection of codes of conduct regarding
CSR towards employees- CSR2” achieve 3.32/5.0. However, 68.18% SMEs (210 in 308
enterprises) fail to do this work as their main customers which are domestic ones do not require.


Development of programs on implementation: Enterprises have well “developed
programs on implementation of CSR -CSR3” are Viettien General Garment JSC, Nha Be
Corporation, Garment 10 Corporation JSC, Phuong Dong Garment JSC... According to
survey results, 28.89% of large and medium enterprises (89 in 308 enterprises) have
developed their programs on implementation of CSR.
Building budget for the implementation: In large garment companies, the accounting
department cooperates with the department responsible for implementing CSR and human
resources department in building budget for the implementation of CSR. According VCCI,
2016, 79.27% of SMEs do not have sufficient budget for the implementation of CSR.
3.3.2.The situation of the implementation of CSR towards employees
Assignment of a division to implement CSR: Large enterprises have paid attention to

"assignment of a division responsible for implementing CSR towards employees- CSR5" but
SMEs fail. According to survey results, 26.29% of large enterprises (81 in 308 enterprises)
lead the way in the assignment of a division to implement CSR towards employees.
Preparation for written registration for the code of conduct: Large enterprises have
“prepared for written registration for the code of conduct on CSR towards employeesCSR6” quite well but SMEs have just done this work averagely. Large enterprises apply
codes of conduct on CSR in order to get involved in international trade. However,
according to survey results, only 29.22% of enterprises (90 in 308 enterprises) have
prepared for written registration for the code of conduct on CSR towards employees.
Issuing instructions on how to comply with the CoC: “Issuing instructions on how
to comply with the CoC on implementation of CSR towards employees- CRS7” is
followed by almost large enterprises, while it is shown in slogan and business
philosophy of SMEs.
Implementation of internal communication activities: "The implementation of
internal communication activities on the implementation of CSR towards employeesCSR8" is stuck with difficulties in both large enterprises and SMEs. That’s why only
21.10% large enterprises (65 in 308 enterprises) have done this work. Their division in
charge of implementing CSR towards employees cooperates with the communication
department and other departments in information storage and processing.
Organization of training courses: In large enterprises, training is the key for a professional
division who is in charge of implementing CSR. This work seems strange to SMEs.
Deployment of programs on implementation: “Deployment of programs on
implementation of CSR towards employees-CSR 10” in large enterprises gets positive
results but faces many difficulties in SMEs. According to survey results, 70.78% of


SMEs have not implemented CSR towards employees due to objective determination
failure and insufficient budget.
3.3.3. The situation of evaluation of the implementation of CSR towards employees
Determination of evaluation criteria: Large enterprises have gradually been interested

in “determination of criteria for evaluation of the implementation of CSR towards
employees-CSR11” but SMEs fail. According to survey results, 26.29 % large enterprises
(81 in 308 enterprises) large-scale have determines quite well evaluation criteria.
Measurement of main results: “Measurement of main results of the implementation of
CSR towards employees- CSR12” has been followed by large enterprises but stuck in
difficulties in SMEs. According to survey results, 73.70% of SMEs have not paid attention to
this work yet.
Performance of corrective and preventive actions: Large enterprises have initially
“performed corrective and preventive actions- CSR 13” but SMEs fail. According to
survey results, 81.49% of SMEs (251 in 308 enterprises) have not done this work yet
because of their insufficient budget and failure to assign a division in charge of
implementing CSR.
3.4. Analysis of subjective factor affecting the process of implementing CSR
towards employees of garment enterprises
Subjective factors affecting the process of implementing CSR towards employees
are analyzed on the basis of results of 525 survey notes collected from managers of 308
garment enterprises. The use of EFA and CFA, SEM model result in the regression
equation: CSR = 0.271*LD+ 0.193*HD + 0.180*TC + 0.158*Size.
3.4.1. Leadership of garment enterprises
Business leadership is the most powerful factor (0.271). It is a decisive factor for
garment enterprises’ implementation of CSR towards employees as well as development.
3.4.2. Strategic planning of garment enterprises
The strategic planning has a strong impact (0.193).Some large enterprises have based
on their resources and the change of the environment to develop their strategic planning.
3.4.3. Gartment enterprises’ finance
Garment enterprises, especially large ones have timely and sufficient financial
resources (0.180) to implement CSR towards employees. SMEs are not capable of
raising capital from investment funds or credit policies,...
3.4.4. Garment enterprises’ size
This factor has a weak impact (0.158) because CSR implementation model has not

been selected in line with the size of enterprises.


3.5. The situation of objective factor affecting the implementation of CSR towards
employees of Vietnamese garment enterprises
3.5.1. The situation of economic development and international economic integration
of our country
The international economic integration has created opportunities making Vietnam's
economy more dynamic than ever. Vietnam enterprises are aware of the process of
entering FTAs, however, they are not able to abide by labor regulations immediately.
3.5.2. The state management on implementation of CSR towards employees in
The process of developing and promulgating legal documents of the State is strict
and logical. Hundreds of effective documents cover almost all aspects of CSR towards
employees. The implementation of relevant policies and laws is a complex and multisectoral issue. The number of inspectors is quite small and their qualification is limited.
3.5.3. Current codes of conduct regarding CSR towards employees
The code of conduction that are popularly applied by Vietnam garment enterprises is
SA 8000. In order to obtain the WRAP certificate, enterprises only have to abide by
regulations on protection of employee's rights, environmental protection and comply with
regulations on occupational safety and health...
3.5.4. Other stakeholders
Customers have tightened regulations. Limited supply of raw materials in the domestic
market is a big difficulty for garment enterprises. The community is the foundation for the
development of enterprises. Un some localities, public opinion has not been taken seriously.
3.6.  General  assessment   of   the   situation   of   CSR  towards   employees   of   Vietnam
garment enterprises
3.6.1. Achievements and reasons

Responsibility for ensuring rights and benefits for employees: Garment enterprises
have signed labor contracts in line with the nature of employees’ work, ensuring the
number of extra working hours per day, annual leave in accordance with labor
regulations, established grassroots trade unions... Large enterprises have developed
clauses ensuring rights of employees in labor contracts, ensured the working time…
The process of implementing CSR employees: The process of implementing CSR
employees in large garment enterprises from making plans on implementation,
implementation and evaluation of the implementation of CSR towards employees has got
remarkable results.


Reasons for the mentioned-above achievements: Objective reasons are lot of
opportunities created from the economic development and international economic
integration, good state management on CSR towards employees and pushes from
customers for businesses to make progress in international trade. Subjective reasons are
business leaders’ timely decisions on implementation of CSR; large enterprises’
awareness about the necessity of strategic planning for the implementation of CSR
towards employees.
3.6.2. Limitations and reasons
Regarding CSR ensuring rights and benefits of employees, both large enterprises
and SMEs have not obeyed clauses ensuring benefits of employees, ensuring the number
of extra working hours per month, per year in line with labor regulations,...SMEs still
find it difficult to abide by clauses ensuring rights of employees in labor contracts,
ensure the working time as their commitment, allow employees to join trade unions as
they wish.
In terms of the process of implementing CSR towards employees, SMEs are not aware of the
whole process of implementing CSR towards employees so they fail to implement CSR

systematically. Besides, large enterprises still encounter some difficulties in CSR accounting.
Reasons for the aforesaid limitations
Objective reason are: Enterprises have got involved in international trade very fast
leading to their unsustainable development; Tthere are still many shortcomings in the
state management on CSR towards employees; Many codes of conduct on labor and
their implementation require technical facilities and human resources; Customers have
tightened regulations; Enterprises still rely too much on suppliers; The community has
not put strong.
Subjective reasons are: Business leaders still face some obstacles; many garment
enterprises have not paid adequate attention to strategic planning for their sustainable
development; garment enterprises, especially SMEs are not able to mobilize capital;
salary payment forms are not really flexible and appropriate.


4.1. Orientation of development and direction of operation of Vietnam garment
enterprises from now to 2025 with vision to 2030
4.1.1. Orientation of development of garment enterprises
With a view to promoting the development of the textile industry to be a key one,
the decision No. 3218/QD-BCT, Decision No. 432/QD-TTg, the Decision No. 145/QDTTg focus on developing the quantity and quality of human resources for sustainable
development and labor management in line with international standards of DNmay.
4.1.2. Direction of operation of garment enterprises
Direction of operation of Vietnam garment enterprises is diversifying export
markets, expanding the domestic market, renewing export marketing methods and
continuing to carrying out training programs for their human resources.
4.2. Perspectives on strengthening of CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment

In order to strengthen their CSR towards employees, Vietnamese garment
enterprises need to hold on to the following perspectives: relying on compliance with
labor regulations and policies, meeting international labor standards and customers’
requirements in international trade, carrying out and associating sustainable development
strategies with their management process.
4.3. Enhancing of the content of CSR ensuring rights and benefits towards
employees of Vietnam garment enterprises
4.3.1. Strict performance of responsibility regarding labor contracts
Labor contract is the "backbone" of labor regulations. Therefore, SMEs have to
comply with clauses ensuring rights of employees in labor contracts. Both large
enterprises and SMEs must increase clauses ensuring benefits of employees in labor
contracts, especially for employees aging over 35 and suffering from health and
sensitivity decline.
4.3.2. Compliance with the content of CSR towards employees
regarding working hours
Employees are always free to decide for which enterprise they work, how long they
work for this enterprise and when to leave it and start working for another one. Therefore
it is necessary for SMEs to ensure the working time of employees in line with their
commitment. Both large enterprises and SMEs should comply with their provisions on


the number of extra working hours per month and year. They must obey labor
regulations and attach importance to both legal and human aspects in labor use as well as
increase the voluntariness of employees regarding extra working hours.
4.3.3. Strengthening of responsibility for occupational safety and health
Enterprises shall not have their emergency exits entangled or locked during
working hours, enhance advanced health care programs and organize cultural and sports

activities for employees to help them connect with each other as well as express
gratitude and appreciation to employees.
4.3.4. Ensuring the implementation of CSR towards employees
regarding salary and welfare
Ensuring the payment of overtime pay is a cure for the chronic shortage of employees of
enterprises. SMEs must ensure social insurance and health insurance for their employees in
accordance with provisions of the law, pay competitive salary for employees, pay higher
allowances than prescribed and provide housing support to short-term and long-term
4.3.5. Performance of responsibility for ensuring freedom of association and collective
bargaining of employees
Leaders of enterprises must always actively raise their awareness about labor
relations in order to create good conditions for the establishment and development of
trade unions. Leaders of enterprises need to consult their trade union about benefits for
employees, sign collective labor agreements having better clauses compared to labor
regulations contributing to regulating benefits of both employees and employers.
4.4.Promotion of the process of implementing CSR towards employees of Vietnam
garment enterprises
4.4.1. Making plan on implementation of CSR towards employees actively
Paying attention to defining objectives of implementing: The more specific
objectives are, the more feasible they are. Enterprises need to define their objectives of
implementing CSR towards employees over time, from making the list of foundations
for setting objectives to making an objective summary in line with each period of
development of enterprises from its establishment, growth, stability and degradation.
Researching and selection of codes of conduct regarding: In International Trade,
labor standards and implementation of CSR towards employees have become
compulsory so that actively researching and selecting codes of conduct on CSR, garment
enterprises shall create an opportunity on their own to dominate the world market.
Improvement of the method of development of programs on implementation:
Garment enterprises need to actively improve their method of development of programs

on implementation of CSR to achieve their defined objectives. The top-down approach is


appropriate to SMEs, meanwhile large enterprises should use both top-down and
bottom-up approaches.
Paying attention to development communication plan on implementation: When
development the communication plan implementation of CSR towards employees,
enterprises need to focus on the content of CSR ensuring rights and benefits of
employees, their objectives of implementation of CSR, written instructions on how to
comply with codes of conduct regarding labor, methods of implementation of CSR and
management of implementation of CSR.
Strengthening CSR-related budget planning and accounting: Planning and
controlling budgets allocated for the implementation of CSR making the financial
lifeline of enterprises smooth and stable. Therefore, enterprises can come to an
agreement on objectives of the implementation of CSR and encourage each other to
implement CSR towards employees. Especially, enterprises need to pay attention to
complete the procedure for budget planning and strengthening CSR accounting.
4.4.2. Mobilization of resources for the implementation of CSR employees
Development of human resources for the implementation: Enterprises should rely on
their size and conditions to develop human resources for the implementation of CSR
towards employees. SMEs should develop human resources from departments related to
staff responsible for implementing CSR towards employees. Meanwhile, large
enterprises should establish particular CSR committee, Advisory and Innovation.
Completion of the written registration for the code of conduct: When completing
the written registration for the code of conduct, enterprises should pay attention to
drafting procedures and processes on labor use, working conditions, health safety,... and
apply them gradually.
Promotion of the issuing of introduction on how to apply the code of conduct: In

order to achieve good results in the implementation of CSR towards employees with
limited resources, enterprises should promote the issuance of instructions on CSR
towards employees by raising awareness of employees about SA8000, WRAP, OHSAS
18001...; conduct quarterly and yearly internal assessments to find out limitations.
Organization of the information systems regarding the implementation: Garment
enterprises need equipping with modern information infrastructure such as: SV.HRIS,
Lucky Hrm... in order to have a complete and updated information database on the
implementation of CSR towards employees.
Enhancing of the internal communication on the implementation: Garment
enterprises have a transparent, clear and multi-dimensional internal communication
strategy. In the implementation of CSR towards employees, enterprises need digital
internal communication channels: internal magazine, intranet, electronic newsletter...


Improve the quality of training courses for human resources implementing: The training
framework should be selected on the basis of the content, form and location of training. It
consists of training objectives, forms, schedules, contents and methods and audience.
Promotion of resources in the implementation of programs: The implementation of
CSR towards employees requires the mobilization of all resources. In the process of
mobilizing all resources, it is necessary to take into account the ability of enterprise
meaning that the SWOT analysis should be used.
4.4.3. Focusing on controlling the implementation of CSR towards employees
Enhancing the development of criteria for controlling the implementation: With a
view to controlling the implementation of CSR towards employees, enterprises should
promote the development of criteria for controlling the implementation of CSR and pay
attention to both quantitative and qualitative ones.
Attaching importance to the measurement of main results of the implementation:
The measurement of main results of the implementation of CSR should be carried out

actively and intentionally on basis of quantitative and qualitative criteria regarding CSR
ensuring defined rights and benefits of employees in order to find out achievements.
Analysis of the difference between criteria and results of the implementation: In the
analysis of the difference between criteria and results of the implementation of CSR
towards employees, enterprises need to consider the appropriateness of results and criteria,
focus on information collection methods and use GAP method.
Performance of corrective and preventive actions regarding CSR towards
employees: Corrective and preventive actions are performed in garment enterprises so as
to adjust and rectify limitations in the implementation of CSR.
Making report on results of the implementation of CSR towards employees: Results
of the implementation of CSR towards employees are often specified in the sustainable
development report or the CSR report of enterprises which are considered as tools in
measuring and recognizing achievements in the implementation of CSR.
4.5. Improvement of subjective factor to facilitate the implementation of CSR
towards employees of garment enterprises
4.5.1. Changing the views of business leaders on the implementation of CSR towards employees
The implementation of CSR towards employees stems from the business leadership.
Business leaders should broaden their strategic perspectives; changing their opinion on
the implementation of CSR; actively implement CSR towards employees; combine the
implementation of CSR and human resource management activities in enterprises.
4.5.2. Strengthening business strategies oriented to combine with the implementation
of CSR towards employees


The business strategy planning stems from the determination of main long-term
objectives of garment enterprises. The CSR towards employees must be integrated into
strategies and strategic planning of enterprises and become mandatory conditions.
4.5.3. Budget planning for the implementation of CSR towards employees

Enterprises need to take the initiative in the budget planning for the implementation
of CSR towards employees. On basis of the strategic planning and the model of CSR
towards employees, they will carry out appropriate policies and measures to improve the
efficiency of capital mobilization and supplementation in accordance.
4.5.4. Selection of the model of the implementation of CSR towards employees in
accordance with the size of garment enterprises
In SMEs, the division responsible for the implementation of CSR towards employees
must perform their duties flexibly and appropriately. However, large enterprises must assign a
professional department to implement CSR methodically and systematically.
4.6. Proposals and recommendations to improve objective factor to facilitate CSR
towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises
4.6.1. Proposals to other stakeholders to increase their pressure on garment
enterprises to implement CSR towards employees
Customers and suppliers must take drastic actions to make enterprises implement
CSR towards employees regularly and completely. In addition, the community should
more pressure to force enterprises to implement CSR towards their employees.
4.6.2. Petition to the National Assembly, Government, Ministries and Departments
The Government should have a roadmap for economic development and
international economic integration: The Government should pay more attention to
economic development to promote the internal strength and affirm Vietnam's position in
international trade. It is also necessary to abide by global labor standards conventions.
Besides, regarding negotiated FTAs, it is important to quickly carry out procedures and
legal review to prepare for the official signature.
The National Assembly and the State should complete legal documents related to
CSR towards employees: It is essential to complete the process of developing and
promulgating policies, complete the legal framework to create a solid and progressive
basis for the Labor Code, Law on Occupational Labor and Safety. The State also need to
support enterprises and employees in the implementation of the Decree No. 85/2015/
ND-CP. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade should be clearly defined
and a specialized management agency responsible for the implementation of CSR

towards employees must be established.
Ministries and Departments should promote enterprises to study and apply codes of
conduct on labor: In order to encourage garment enterprises to apply prestigious
international codes of conduct on labor to meet requirements of international customers,
