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can be interpreted as: có thể được hiểu là

Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries.
Explain the main causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some
possible solutions

There are several steps to mitigate these potential problems.
The most common causes are lack of physical activities and laziness in office and
home. Because of the advance of technology which make people spend many
hours sitting in front of the computer without any physical activity. Even children
nowadays give preference on playing computer game or chatting on internet with
their friends rather than playing outdoor sports. This will lead to problems with
related to heart, sleep patterns and concentration. If not treated properly,
obese people can be in critical conditions which endanger to their life. One of the
steps to alleviate this issue is restricting the time they spend playing computer
games. In fact, parent plays significant role in reducing obesity tendency in child

which give the disciplinary actions for playing computer beyond the specified
time and encourage them to take regular execises.
The widespread use of junk food is one of the prominent causes. In fact, the
growing popularity of fast food chains and their increasing availability in most of
the cities and towns where most of people are amenable due to the affordable
prices and convenience.

In many countries, people like to eat a wider variety of food than can be
grown in their local area. As a result, much of the food people eat today has
to come from other regions. Do you think the advantages of this
development outweigh the disadvantages? / Today’s food travels thousands
of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this a positive or
negative trend?
Today’s global trade with low transportation costs and fewer trade barriers
has encouraged the importing of food in large quantities.
_In some places even everyday items and inexpensive food like pasta or
vinegar can be imported more cheaply than being produced locally.
Consequently, supermarkets take advantage of this development.
_ some food will lose flavors and freshness when travelling by ship for weeks.
For example, fruit has to be shipped before fully ripe or additional preservatives
have to be added to food-> result
_local farmers may not be able to compete with the low cost of imported food.
They will go out of business or stop growing local fruit or vegetable species at
all. This can lead to less local variety in food offered

1/ Most government money should be invested in teaching science rather than
any other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress?
_ science is NOT the primary contributor: (the prosperity of a society derives from
other underlying causes.)

a nation can be developed if each individual need receiving a well-rounded
education, not merely knowledge about science

Literature, art as well as soft skills are not less crucial, all of which
contribute hugely to train intellectuals and highly skilled workers - the
driving force of an advanced society

if government fund prioritizes science education, this may lead to the trend
that learners look down on aforementioned subjects (những môn học nhắc
trên). They tend to pay little attention to non-science knowledge because in
their mind this knowledge is impractical and useless.

Their awareness about the world outside is not developed fully as a result.
Moreover, when teaching and studying science is highly acclaimed (hoan
nghênh), the role of non-science teachers may not be recognized.
Accordingly, not only students but also parents are more likely to show a
disrespectful attitude towards such teachers.

__a recommendation that government should inject (bơm) more money into
science education rather than other subjects:

Science helps boost the productivity of the whole society, which can be seen
clearly in developed countries such as Japan or the US.

On a personal level, technological equipment, for instance, laptop helps our
daily tasks to be completed faster and more effectively.

2/HOME SHOOLING: In some countries, there has been an increase in the
number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of
sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this overweight the
-Adv: parents can protect their children from bully
Why + how: School violence is a common phenomenon in school and enormous
students have been bullied by others. Impact of bully leaves adverse influence on
development of personality. Nevertheless, in general, this is the most expensive
way to have well educated child. Children, who are educated alone, have less
friends and colleagues, are more selfish and could have difficulties in adult life.

Why + how: School, again in general, is reasonably cheaper than home education.
There is less attention for one pupil but among more children is some kind of
rivalry. Students learn because want to be better than friend or colleague. They
meet more people so their life is more civilized. Friendship for all life starts very
often in school. Adult life has less mysteries for them than for children educated at

3. Some people think teaching children with different abilities benefits
everyone while others think intelligent children should be taught separately
and given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
It is important for children to learn the difference between right or wrong at

an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.
Agree or disagree? (cam 10 test 1)
Nowadays, education for children always is significant concern of parent. Hence, it
led to opinion that discipline is essential for child’s correction. Personally, I wholeheartedly concur with this notion and will clarify my view in the following essay.
People in favor of this opinion base their ground on the fact that prevent repetition.
Due to the pain inflicted by physical spanking, they will be fear and obey the
instructions of their parent. However, it will make children seem less expressive to
the society. One of the reasons is THE SCRARE OF DISCIPLINARY
WRONG BY PARENT. This result in lost their confident and isolated the
community. For example, kid being punishment frequently will have FEWER
friends and difficulty in workplace such as communication which limit the
contribution at work.
Those who disagree hold an argument that parent should give some educational
punishments. To be more specific, detention is one of the common deterrence
method which create a space for teenager to self-EVALUATED. Thereby, they will
understand the right things without using strong measures to punish. Another
effective technique for teacher who want to correct student’s behaviors is
communal activities. When student clean up after class, they will cherish the labor
and recognize their shortcoming should improve. Eventually, communal activities
not only prevent the re-occurrence of these mischiefs but also help them
understand to maintain general sanitation.

All in all, although punishment always is the popular choice of parent over the
world because of the effectiveness of deterrence, talking methods seem towards
reconciliation, so I think discipline is the good way to teach children the right
4. Many students are taught to push themselves and try hard to be better than their
classmates, rather than work together for everyone's benefits. Do the disadvantages

of training students to be competitive outweigh the advantages?
5. Some people believe that the country would benefit a lot from more young
people entering into university; however, others think that the large number of
people receiving college education only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
6. It is the responsibility of schools to teach good behavior in addition to providing
formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. Some people think that the government should decide which subject students
study at university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for
the subject they prefer. Discuss two views and give your opinion.
8.A recent newspaper article reports that a 14-year-old boy who seriously
destroyed his school got a punishment to clean streets instead of sent to the prison,
do you think this is right? Or the young criminals should be sent to the jail.

12. Some people think health care should be free for everyone, while others think
they should pay medical costs for themselves. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own knowledge or experience.
13. Some people think charity organizations should help people in great need
wherever they live. However, others think they should help people in their own
country. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

9/Some people argue that countries should have a moral obligation to help
each other, on the other hand, some people argue that a large amount of aid
money does not reach the poor of the world. Discuss both views and give your
Some pp think the most important thing about being rich is that it gives an
opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Today, inequality (bất bình đẳng) still remains pervasive on a global scale (phổ
biến trên phạm vi toàn cầu.). Many of us believe that helping others should be at
the top of affluent individuals’ agenda. Generally, I think that wealth come with
more responsibilities but not compulsion
Help those in need is a reflection of moral obligation (nghĩa vụ đạo đức). People
who are desperate in need of assistance are usually the most deprived in the
least developed places (Những người tuyệt vọng cần sự giúp đỡ thường là những
người thiếu thốn nhất ở những nơi kém phát triển nhất). _The idea of reaching out
to more humans around you are quite essential.
As a result of medical donations and some dedicated medical teams, several
prevalent diseases have been controlled or eradicated (diệt trừ).
Germs (mầm bệnh)
Have more access to education: Được tiếp cận nhiều hơn với giáo dục

Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison
sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of
reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
On the one hand, people who think that longer prison sentences could reduce
crime rates argue based on two main reasons (base their argument on two main
reasons). Firstly, they assume that this measure would frighten criminals off
repeating crime, thus reducing the risk of reoffending. Secondly, for those who
have criminal intentions (cho những người có ý định tội phạm), this policy could
be considered as a deterrent, which makes them think twice (carefully) about
before participating in criminal acts. Personally, longer prison sentences only
seem to be effective for people who have already committed crime or plan to do so,

but this method fails to promote educational values which could solve crime from

Because the aforementioned approach fails to be the best solution to crime
reduction, I believe that other alternatives have stronger prevented value and thus
being the effective crime-fighting solution. To start with, the government should be
put more effort into solving unemployment, which is considered to be associated
closely with crime issues. This could be done by providing adults with vocational
training (đào tạo nghề) and job opportunities, which allows them to escape the
poverty trap. Besides that, crime education should be included in their
curriculum to ensure that the young generation is fully aware of the seriousness
of violating the law and the ways to avoid. As a part of scheme (Là một phần
của kế hoạch,), reformed prisoners (các tù nhân được cải cách) who should be
invited to be speaker inform students about the long-term consequences of crime,
dispelling all notion (xua tan mọi quan niệm) of criminal intentions .
In most countries, prison is the most common solution for the problem of
crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better
education so that they do not commit crimes.
Have a better job prospect: Có triển vọng công việc tốt hơn
Relapse (v)/(noun): tái phạm
Once people turned into criminals, there is a high chance that they will relapse
their crimes despite being educated. This is why…
All in all, although imprisoning people serves as strict punishments, I still believe
that the best way to deal with the roots of crime is to educate people better.
Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent
attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Nowadays, there has been a growing concern that more youngsters are involved
in crimes. In order to deter this trend, some people advocate that like adults,
those young offenders should receive similar punishment to that of adult

criminals. As far as I am concerned, this practice is feasible on the condition that

they commit wrongdoings more than once.
It is generally believed that young people go astray (become bad pp) due to a
lack of proper education about legislation (don’t know about the law).
Obviously, some of them do not have a clear understanding of the consequence of
their behaviors when they commit their first crime. Under such a circumstance,
compelling them to attend law courses rather than stiff penalties serves the
purpose of educating (Trong hoàn cảnh như vậy, buộc họ phải tham gia các khóa
học luật thay vì các hình phạt cứng nhắc phục vụ mục đích giáo dục)
Juveniles are able to gain the sense of achievement and enough attention through
engaging in activities for community.

14. Some people think it is more important to plant trees in open areas in towns
and cities than to provide more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
28. Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some
people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe
effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
29. An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the
natural environment. Why is this case? What can be done to reduce this problem?
30. Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to
find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that social members may try to tolerate (cố gắng chịu đựng)
the changing climate rather than endeavor (nỗ lực) to make a difference.
The reasons for this may include the recognition that environmental problems are
mainly found in undeveloped countries, where industrial or agricultural
developments are the top priorities and have to be placed ahead of environment

31. Some people think they have the right to use as much fresh water as they want,
while others think fresh water should be tightly controlled by government because
it is limited resource. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
32. Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in the
protection of the environment, while others think that the main benefits are in the
world business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
33. More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think the advantages
of this trend for individuals over-weigh the disadvantages for environment?

15. People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than
other factors. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
More and more people want to buy clothes, cars and other items with famous
brands. What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative
Body 1: Cause-positive
Main 1: nhu cầu ăn mặc đẹp (symbol of status)
Why + how: vì có nhiều sự ra đời nhiều thương hiệu nổi bật về thiết kế mẫu
mã nên hút mắt người tiêu dùng .
Result: Chạy đua theo hàng hiệu
Example: người ta có thể xếp hàng ngoài trời hàng giờ để săn đón một chiếc
điện thoại mới ra hay một đôi giày hot trend.
b. Main 2: sự sáng tạo, óc thảm mỹ nhân loại ngày càng tiến bộ
(Stimulation development)
Why + how: vì sức mua ngay cang tang
Body 2: Positive

Main 1: quality
Why + how: vì đã đuơc công nhan nên

Result : Dẫn đến thị trường ngày càng được mở rộng, giao lưu hàng hóa thế
Main 2: Durability
Aesthetic appeal has developed rapidly over time due to the birth of famous
brands from fashion, car and other things. For that reason, inhabitants keeping up
with the latest trend by purchasing expensive goods. Personally, I wholeheartedly
concur with this notion and will clarify my view point in this essay.
People in favor of this opinion base their ground on the fact that keep up
appearances. Due to the desire of admiration from others, individuals have a
tendency to opt for renown products for a better impression. As an evidence, this
a reason why most of successful businessman prefer using luxurious Lamborghinis
or a Rolex watch. Thus, the consumerism is stimulated. In fact, the more increasing
purchasing power the more increase competition between brands. Eventually, this
is the driving force of economic development which contributing the better living
Furthermore, high quality also has an advantage of those products. Since those
commodities is globally recognized all over the world, so there is a standard to
follow. To illustrate, there is always a difference between authentic and fake, based
on the durability as well as the designing and material. After a long time using,
customers will clarify the long lifetime of products. Instead of using order local
brands, more and more high-end goods produced to meet the demand of citizens.
This will lead to the expansion of the commercial trade which brings high revenue
from import and export.
All in all, buying commodities from luxury brands seem expensive and waste.
However, in my opinion, this trend still brings many benefits for the economic as

well as for individual.
In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods (television,
microwave, oven and rice cookers) Is it a positive or negative development?
In the world of consumerism, home electrical and electronic appliances have
become so integral in modern life.
21. Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized
facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can
use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Many countries are spending a huge amount of money on supporting their
competitors to take part in some worldwide sports competition. Others argue that it
would be better if these countries can spend the money on children to take part in
sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

16. People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. Why
you think this is? Are arts as important as science and technology?
The news media have become more influential in people's lives, some
people think it's a negative development, to what extent do you agree or
In many countries, very few young people read newspapers or follow the
news on TV. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can
you suggest?
Nowadays, young people are no longer interested in reading newspapers or
watching news program on television. There are many reasons behind this
trend. The essay below will clarify the causes and their effects.
The major cause of this problem is that most newspapers and news programs
are designed for an adult audience which are not presented in a format that

teenagers find attractive. To be specific, the language is too difficult to
understand and the style and content is usually quite serious, few young people
do not want to read them. In order to win the attention of young people,
newspapers should find out what they are interested in. In facts, news channels
should create content that caters to youngsters need. For instance, showing
special news about idols, talk show sharing beauty tips, health care, fashion…
Moreover, these stories should be given more coverage.
The most important thing is the development of information technology.
People have no longer to read a newspaper to update the latest events all
around the world. In fact, young audiences who want to get information quickly
and read newspapers can only waste their time. By using online tools, people
can get the fastest information with just one click on the technology devices.
Therefore, reading newspapers and watching TV will be an unpopular choice


for young people. In order to help students to be able access to the traditional
information, their educational environment is critically important. It is
undeniable that the school should encourage students to read newspapers,
opening traditional information competitions where student can use
newspaper for their research. Children won't find reading pleasurable if there is
too much pressure on them. Thus, a relaxed atmosphere and a positive ethos
around reading is really important.
All in all, young people reading newspapers and watching the news on
television can increase dramatically if broadcasters know how to deploy
information and the guidance school which create the motivation for reading
In this modern world it is possible to shop, work, and communicate with people
via internet and live without any face to face contact with others. Is it a positive

or negative development in your opinion? Do you support this development?
Intro: The internet plays a significant role in the way of interaction and
communication. Because its innovative features bring a lot of benefits for
inhabitant. From my perspective, I believe that it led the positive effects on
daily life of citizen and the essay below will clarify my stand.
Body: _Social media and online platforms give people many ideas and create
opportunities for collaboration and feedback from their peers. Thanks to
the Internet, they can post informative links, share tips, and work together
on team projects. Hence, they become more confident in their work such
as presentations or teamwork.
_ The internet offers a diversity of choice customers. Shoppers, nowadays,
have a wide range of choices as they can purchase products from several
global brands from different sellers at one place regardless of geographical
barriers. Thus, the low cost of using the internet as well as time saving
benefited for customers and companies in business.
On the other hand, the level of using the social network is too high which will
lead to the addiction. People immersed deeply into the virtual world of
online communication and care less for their real friends and family members
-> Causing unnecessary disputes because they do not understand each other's
meaning and the distance of the relationship is gradually away from each
_ I think this development improved the relationship and strengthened it.
Previously, the interaction was very limited, if you wanted to talk to your

friends, you would have to go to his house directly or send him a message that
could take a few days to receive feedback. For example, with the improvement
of technology they not only know the information of their distant relatives or
friends but also their relatives can update their situation regularly.
Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on

both individual and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (bo de du
Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned
because of its negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and
other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim
that the advertisements provide useful information. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.
Today, advertisements are increasing in popularity worldwide which usually
target at children to make more profit, but, it is widely opposed by parents despite
the explanation that these advertisements can be useful. The following essay will
analyze both side of the argument and provide my opinion.
Fiercely defend their strategy claiming they are useful (ra suc bao ve ..)
Body 1: Parents object to such pressure on children
Main 1: tre tap thoi dua doi
Main 2: agree -> lang phi
People in favor of the first notion base on their ground on the fact
Because a child whose awareness is not yet fully developed, will always desire
the things they saw on TV, (they) there will be the demand their parent at all
cost (doi ba me cho bang dc )
at result, to please their child, parent willing to comply/ give in and pay for
unnecessary toy or snacks.In additional, kid may become spoiled ( dua doi, hu
hong). If all the requests are instantly satisfied, they will throw a tantrum
otherwise (lam minh lam may ). Eventually, when throwing up , arrogance
( su ngang buong) will appear and prevent collaboration with others.
Body 2: advertisers claim that there is useful information in these advertisement.
Main 1: giai tri cho tre nho (Why +how ko co result)
Main 2: ko dong y -> lua gat tre nho nhung thong tin ko chinh xac

All in all = At the end of day ( suy cho cung) , those arguments from advertiser are
just mere excuses (chi la nguy bien) to make money , thus should be banned to
protect the young generations.
All in all, ko the doi het loi len quang cao dc ma ba me van con chiu trach nhiem
cho viec quan ly con cai
-> it is impossible to blame on advertisers. Hence, parents must take
responsibilities in controlling their children.

26. In some countries, the criminal trials are shown on the TV and the general
public can watch them. To the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
10. Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other
countries. However, other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad
because all the information can be seen at TV and the Internet. Discuss both
opinions and give your own opinion.
35. Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful
educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an
adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the
drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?
36. Maintaining public libraries is a waste of time since computer technology is
now replacing their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
37. Some scientists believe that intelligent life forms may exist on other planets
and some want to send messages to contact them. Others think it is a bad idea
because these life forms may be too dangerous. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.
38. Many people are using mobile phones and computers to communicate.
Therefore, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other face to
face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
39. Some people think having more TV channels is good because they will have
more choices, while others think it is not good because programs' quality is lower.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

34. The range and quality of food has been improved with the development of
technology and scientific advances. Some people think it is good and others think
it is harmful. Discuss both sides and give your opinion

17. It is a good thing for people in senior management positions to get a higher
salary than other workers in the same company. To what extent do you agree or
24. We rely on the news for knowledge of the world, but we are unsure how far to
trust journalists, what do you think? And discuss what are the important qualities
journalists should have.
Some pp believed that” Employers should not be concerned about the way
their employees dress, but the quality of their work”. To what extant do you
agree or disagree to this belief?

Dressing up more formally can boost their work efficiency

27. In some countries, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they
imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think the development is
positive or negative?

40. Multicultural societies, where people of different ethnic groups live together,
can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
41. The world has many towns and cities constructed in previous centuries that are

suitable and livable for people in those times. What problems will this cause today
and what can be done to solve them?
18. Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more
dependent than each other, while others say that individuals are becoming more
independent of each other. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

19. In many cities an increasing number of people do not know their neighbors and
they lack a sense of community. What are the causes? How to solve this problem?
20. In some countries, more people choose to live by themselves in recent years.
Why is the case? Is it a positive or negative development for the society?

Age Population
Some countries have ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and
younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those
A young and dynamic generation plays a phenomenal role to spur the progress of
a nation.(Một thế hệ trẻ và năng động đóng một vai trò phi thường để thúc đẩy sự
tiến bộ của một quốc gia.)
DE 23/3/2019 :It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older
people than that of young people in many countries in the future? Do you
think it is a positive or negative development?
The greying population have been the top of concern in many countries recently.
For that reason, the number of elderly people higher than young person which will
have various impacts on society. From my perspective, I believe that it leads to
negative effects on the daily life of inhabitants and the essay will clarify my stand.
People in opposition of this trend based on their ground on the fact that an
increase in proportion of life expectancy clarifies that the quality of life is
guaranteed. It can be undeniable that a nation has a high rate of elderly, meaning
that country meet the conditions about social security systems including healthcare,

nutrition and education. Eventually, the higher standard of living, the more
longevity. However, this also means that the economic burden for young workers
also higher. Productivity of young labors is twice as normal to able meet the
demand of society about services, commodities, food, ... Hence, this cause the
enormous stressful and tiredness for young adult to shoulder
On the other hand, this causes budgetary pressure on society as a whole. Since
the citizens get retirement early which make the number of workers declines
relative to the number of consumers. So that the market cannot afford to supply
enough commodities for all the citizens. This will result in economic reduction

and the declination of labor resources. It is undeniable that social welfare costs will
also rise. To be more specific, the largest expenditure when a growing number of
elderly is healthcare. This would require government with difficult choices about
higher taxes or divert public spending from education and infrastructure
investment to finance programs for the elderly in order to have full medical
examination and treatment
All in all, although population ageing is still a reasonable demand of society.
However, I think this trend still have some drawbacks and should be
considered a negative trend.

Lately, there still exists the practice of imposing the parent’s point of view on their
offspring, which leads to the question whether nature or nurture has more
significant impacts on the development of personal character/ trait/ inclition.
Personally, I consider/ deem/ think these equal in strength.
People in favor of this first factor base their ground on the fact that each
individual is born with an innate/ built-in/ integrated inclination. Due to the
variation of gene codes, every person is an unique creation who possesses distinct
abilities and traits. As an illustration, in a family, the father may be quick to anger

but his son or daughter could turn out to be very calm. Nevertheless, the lack of
appropriate environment would prevent progress. When being put into an
adverse situation, the original value will be suppressed (bi de xuong) to comply
(de thich nghi) with the majority. Eventually, it could increasingly ( thay cho
more and more) be faded and replaced with other external influences.

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