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Let''''s go 4

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Week 24 -25
Period : 48-49 Unit 3 : LET’S MOVE
Aims : Classroom commands
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the
classroom commands
Skills : listening , speaking
Teaching aids : pictures
Students’ activities Taeher’s activities
Warm up
Singing a song
Guessing these phrases
Make a circle
Make two lines
Go to the door
Come here
Count the girls
Count the boys
Draw the picture
Give me the crayon
Practise speaking( in chorus, in
Doing the matching
Each group has to match the words
with the suitable meaning
Each group has to do depend on
teacher’s commands
Playing the game LUCKY STAR
Asking ss to sing a song

Ecliting from ss
Using pictures or mine
Checking vocabulary
Saying the commands
Introduce the game
Week : 30
Period 59-60 Unit 8 : LET’S LEARN SOME MORE
Aims : The Yes/ No questions
Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer
the Yes/ No questions
Skills : listening, speaking, writing
Teaching aids : pictures
Student’s activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
Playing in two groups
Revision the vocabulary:
Robots , frogs , rabbits ,cars , dogs ,
spiders, books , dogs , dolls , birds
Answering the questions:
Yes, I do
No, I don’t
The grammar focus
Do you like spiders ?
Yes, I do
No , I don’t
Picture cues drill

Practice speaking
Teacher- students
Students- teacher
Students 1- students 2
Playing the game :’ Nought and
Playing in two groups
Asking ss to play the game
Asking ss to revision some voc
Setting up the scene
Using the rolls and asking:
Do you like rabbits?
Do you like spiders?
Giving the grammar focus
Asking ss to copy the grammar focus
Asking ss to play the game

Week 25
Period 50 Unit 3 : LET’S LISTEN
Aims : Listening
Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen well to
choose the correct pictures
Skills: listening
Teacher aids : pictures
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up

A desk , a marker, cassetes,
notebooks,come here, make a circle
Playing in two groups
Answer the questions
It’s a desk
They are markers
There are five
She is couting the boys
They are making two lines
He is going to the door
While- listening
Opening the book
Listening carefully
Listening and choose the correct
Listen, circle and write
Students looking at the pictures in
page 27 and do the exercises
Asking students to play the game
Asking ss some questions
What is this?
What are these?
How many notebooks are there?
What is she doing?
What are they doing?
Where is he going?
Playing the record some time

Week 26
Period : 51-52 Unit 4 : LET’S TALK
Aims : introduce family members
Objective : By the end of the lesson, ss will be ablo to introduce family members
Skills : listening, speaking
Teaching aids: pictures
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
Greeting : Hello, hi
Guessing these words
Mom= mother
It’s nice to meet you
It’s nice to meet you ,too
Set the scene
Kate :Hi, Mom.I’m home.This is my
friend,Andy.this is my mother
Andy : It’s nice to meet you
Mrs Hill: It’s nice to meet you ,too
Grammar focus
It’s nice to meet you
It’s nice to meet you , too
Listening and copy them down
Practice speaking the dialogue in
group( 3 students)

Drawing your family
Chatting with students
Preteach vocabulary
Setting up the scene
Writing the focus on the board
Asking ss to practice speaking
Asking ss to draw their family
Week 21-22
Period :42-43 Unit 3 :LET’S LEARN
Aims : Doing the exercises
Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to do the exercises
Skills : writing
Teaching aids : workbooks
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
What and where
Students recall some vocabulary
A. Circle
Students look at six pictures and
circle the correct words
1. tables 2. cassettes
3.a notebook 4. pencil cases
5. a marker 6. a desk
B.Connect and write
Students look at three pictures in

part B to connect and write
1.They are crayons
2. They are markers
3.They are pencil cases
C. Write
Students look at three pictures and
write sentences
1. This is a crayon.These are
2. This is a table. These are tables
3. This is a marker.These are
D.Draw and write
Students write anything objects in
the book and write
Ex: This is a table.these are tables
Asking ss to play the game
Asking ss to look at the pictures and
Asking ss to look at the pictures and
connect and write
Asking ss to look at the pictures and
write the sentences
Asking ss to write anything objects
Week 22-23
Period : 44-45 Unit 3 : LET’S LEARN SOME MORE
Aims: Asking about numbers

Counting 1-10
Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask about numbers
and count 1-10
Skills : listening, speaking
Teaching aids : rulers
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
Kim’s game
A cassete , a notebook, a pen ,a
crayon , a pencil, a ruler, a marker
Students look at these words and try
to write them
Guessing the numbers
One,two ,three, four, five , six, seven,
eight, nine ,ten
Practise speaking ( in chorus,
Doing the matching
Three cassttes
The grammar focus
How many cassettes?
Three cassetes
Picture cue drill
Teacher- students
Students playing the game Nought

and Crosses
Playing in two groups
Asking ss to look at these words and
try to write them
Devide class in to two groups
Pre-teach vocabulary
Ecliting from ss
Modeling( pronunciation)
Checking voc
Setting up the scene
How many cassettes?
Running through these pictures cue
Asking ss to play the game
Week 23-24
Period : 46-47 Unit 3 : LET’S LEARN SOME MORE
Aims : Doing the exercises
Objective : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to do the exercises
Skills : writing
Teaching aids : workbooks
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
Matching the numbers with their
Playing in two groups
A .Complete and match
Students look at ten pictures and ten
numbers and match

Five, seven , ten , eight, two , three,
nine, six, one, four
B .Count , circle, and write
Students look at four pictures and
circle then write
1.How many desks?
Three desks
2.How many pens?
Two pens
3. How many cats?
Five cats
4. How many crayons ?
Six crayons
C . Connect and complete the words
Students look at four pictures and
connect then complete
1. fish
2. desk
Asking ss to do the matching
Asking ss to match the pictures with
the numbers
Asking ss to count , circle and write
Asking ss to connect and complete the
Week 27

Period 53-54 Unit 4 : LET’S SING
Aims : Singing a song
Objective : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to sing a song well
Skills : listening , singing
Teaching aids : cassette
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
Guessing these words
Practice speaking ( in chorus,
A song “ The famlily song”
The persons in the song : mother,
father, sister , brother
Listening and repeating ( don’t look at
the book)
Opening the book and repeating
Listening a song and repeating
Closing the books and listen the song
Students look at the missing song and
fill in the blank then drawing
Chatting with students
Pre- teach vocabulary

Elicting from students
Playing the record sometimes
Reading the song line by line without
Playing the record again
Asking ss to write and draw

Week 28
Period : 55-56 Unit 4 :LET’S LEARN
Aims : Introducing family members
Objective : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce family
Skills : listening , speaking
Teaching aids : pictures
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
What and where
Students playing the game
Guessing these words
Baby sister
Practice speaking (in chorus ,
Answering the questions
She’s my grandmother
He’s my grandfather

The grammar focus
Who’s she?
She’s my grandmother
Who’s he ?
He’s my grandfather
Who is= who’s
She is = she’s
He is= he’s
Opening the book
Reading the dialogue
Practice to ask and answer some
pictures in the book
Asking and answering about family
Asking ss to play the game
Pre-teach vocabulary
Ecliting from students
Modeling (pronunciation)
Setting up the scene
Asking some questions
Who’s she ?
And who’s he ?
Modeling the focus
Asing ss to practice ask and answer
Week 29
Period 57-58 Unit 4 :LET’S LEARN

Aim : Doing the exercises
Objective : By the end of the lesson , stdents will be able to to do the exercises
Skills : writing
Teaching aids: workbooks
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
Net work
Students say about their family
A . Write
Students look at six pictures in part A
and write
1.mother 2. father
3. brother 4.baby sister
5.grandfather 6. grandmother
B .Circle
Students look at three pictures and
circle he or she
1. she 2. he 3.she
C .Write
Students look at two pictures and write
1 .Who is she ?
She is my sister
2 . Who is he ?
He is my friend
D Circle and write
Students look at two pictures to circle
and write
1 .These are my brothers

2. These are my friends
Asking students to say about their
family members
Asking ss to write the name under
each pictures
Asking ss to circle he or she
Asking ss to write he or she
Asking ss to circle the correct words
Week 30
Period : 59-60 Unit 4 : LET’S LEARN SOME MORE
Aims : Describing people
Objective : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to describe people
Skills : listening, speaking
Teaching aids : pictures
Students ’activities Teacher’s activities
Warm up
Jumble word
Students arrange these words into the
correct words
Playing in two groups
Guessing these words
Young pretty
Old tall
Short ugly
Thin fat
Practice speaking( in chorus,

Doing the matching
The grammar focus
He’s young
He’s old
One students point to the picture and
the other student describe the person
Change the role
The game “The lucky star”
Playing in two groups

Asking ss to play the game
Pre-teach vocabulary
Ecliting from students
Using pictures
Modeling , pronunciation
Checking vocabulary
Setting up the scene
Teacher point to the picture and say
He’s young
He’s old
Giving the grammar focus
Asking ss to practice speaking in pairs
Asking ss to play the game

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