Nguyễn Đình Phúc
2 - 3 sentences
2 - 3 sentences
The table below shows some background information on the staff working in a global hotel chain.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant
The percentage of staff with a language qualification
Noun Phrase
The proportion of employees who held a qualification in a foreign language
Relative Clause
The figure for employees who achieved a degree of linguistics
Relative Clause + Synonym
The percentage of staff speaking two or more languages
Relative Clause Reduction
The proportion of employees who could speak at least two languages
Relative Clause
The figure for employees who were multilingual
Relative Clause + Synonym
The percentage of employees with previous work experience
Noun Phrase
The proportion of staff who had past work experience
Relative Clause
The figure for staff having past work experience
Relative Clause Reduction
FROM …… TO ……..
TO…… FROM ……..
An increase/decrease of …..
From 5% in 1975 to 20% in 2010.
To 20% in 2010.
To 20% in 2010 from 5% in 1975.
By 15% from 1975 to 2010
= An increase of 15% in 25 years
PARAGRAPH 1: Language Qualification
Cơ bản: The Proportion of + Noun + made up / accounted for + SỐ LIỆU + TIME
The proportion of employees with language qualification accounted for 5% in 1975,
22% in 2000 and 20% in 2010 (19 words)
Nâng cao: There +be + TREND + SL+ BEFORE +VING/NOUN +SL
Between 1975 and 2000, there was a significant rise in the percentage of employees who held a qualification in a
foreign language, from 5% to 22% before decreasing slightly by 2 % in 2010. (34 words)
PARAGRAPH 1: Language Qualification
Từ năm 1975 đến năm 2000, có một sự tăng khá đáng kể về tỷ lệ nhân viên có bằng ngôn ngữ từ 5% lên 22%
TRƯỚC KHI giảm nhẹ khoảng 2% vào năm 2010.
Between 1975 and 2000, there was a significant rise in the percentage of employees who held a
qualification in a foreign language, from 5% to 22% BEFORE decreasing slightly by 2 % in 2010.
(34 words)
PARAGRAPH 2: Multilingual Employees
Cơ bản: The percentage of + Noun + BE + SỐ LIỆU + TIME
The percentage of employees speaking two or more languages was 10% in 1975
(13 words)
Nâng cao: Số liệu + BE + the percentage/proportion + of + Noun + Who/ Which/ That + (S) + V
Only 10% were the percentage of employees in Shore Hotel who were able to speak at least two languages / were
multilingual in 1975. (22 words)
PARAGRAPH 2: Multilingual Employees
Cơ bản: S+ V+ adv + SL + TIME, then + V + SL + TIME
The percentage of employees speaking two or more languages went up slightly
to 23%, then increased to 79% in 2010
Nâng cao: S+ V + adv + SỐ LIỆU + Time, Relative Clause, additional information
In the next 15 years, this figure went up slightly to 23%, which was followed by a dramatic growth at 79% in
2010, an increase of 56%.
PARAGRAPH 2: Multilingual Employees
Chỉ có 10% là tỷ lệ phần trăm nhân viên của khách sạn Shore đã có thể nói ít nhất hai ngôn ngữ năm 1975. Trong
15 năm tới, con số này tăng lên 23%, con số được theo sau bỏi một tăng trưởng đáng kể ở mức 79% trong 2010,
tăng 56%.
Only 10% were the percentage of Shore Hotel’s employees who were able to speak at least two
languages in 1975. In the next 15 years, this figure went up slightly to 23%, which was followed by a
dramatic growth at 79% in 2010, an increase of 56%. (47 words)
PARAGRAPH 3: Previous Work Experience
Cấu trúc 5 : S + accounted for + SL + TIME
Cấu trúc 6 : There was a fluctuation + TIME, hitting a low at + SL and
reaching a peak at + SL
Meanwhile, staff with past working experience accounted for 75% in 1975.
Meanwhile, there was a fluctuation in the first 25 years, reaching a peak at 78% in 1985 and hitting a low at 50%
in 2000.
PARAGRAPH 3: Previous Work Experience
Cấu trúc 6 : S + showed/ witnessed/ experienced + Trend, BEFORE + Ving +
Cấu trúc 7 : There + be + (a/an) +adj+ increase(s)/ decrease(s) in
It then showed a significant decline with the proportion at 45% in 2005 before increasing minimally to 67% in 2010.
There was a significant decrease in the proportion of past working experience at 45% in 2005 before increasing minimally
to 67% in 2010.
PARAGRAPH 3: Previous Work Experience
Trong khi đó, nhân viên có kinh nghiệm làm việc chiếm 75% trong 1975. Sau đó, nó cho thấy một sự suy giảm
đáng kể với tỷ lệ 45% trong 2005 trước khi tăng nhẹ lên 67% trong 2010.
Meanwhile, staff with past working experience accounted for 75% in 1975. It then showed a significant decline
with the proportion at 45% in 2005 before increasing minimally to 67% in 2010.
The table illustrates the percentage of employees working in three different categories in Shore Hotel
between 1975 and 2010, over 35 years.
It is clear that the proportion of multilingual employees increased dramatically while Shore Hotel
witnessed a slight decrease over 35 years. It is also noticeable that degree of linguistics gained the
smallest figure, compared to the other types.
Between 1975 and 2000, there was a significant rise in the percentage of employees who held a qualification in a
foreign language, from 5% to 22% before decreasing slightly by 2 % in 2010.
Only 10% were the percentage of Shore Hotel’s employees who were able to speak at least two languages in 1975. In
the next 15 years, this figure went up slightly to 23%, which was followed by a dramatic growth at 79% in 2010, an
increase of 56%.
Meanwhile, staff with past working experience accounted for 75% in 1975, It then showed a significant decline with
the proportion at 45% before increasing minimally to 67% in 2010. (170 words)