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Sường giáo án lớp 6 tham khảo

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……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
Teaching dare: September 4
, 2007
An Introduction to English 6
Period No 1:
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the Ss will be able to:
- Understand about learning program of English 6.
- Prepare carefully for this subject such as : an English book, a workbook, a
notebook and some objects of learning.
- Be interested in learning this subject.
B- Contents.
- Introduce English 6.
C- Teaching aids.
- Book, objects of teaching.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E – Teaching process.
1. Warm up.
- Introduce about oneself.
2. Presentation:
- Introduce some things about English language, English people and the
- Introduce about an English book as well as its program.
- There are 16 units in English program connected with 6 main topics:
1, Personal information.
2, Health.
3, Education.
4, Community.
5, Recreation.

6, The world around us.
- There are 4 skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing that are mixed
in exercises. the Ss have to practice all of them in English program class 6.
- Language focus appears after 3 units that is used for the S to practice grammar,
vocabulary as well as 4 skills.
3. Consolidation.
- Ask the s to sum up all of the knowledge about English 6.
- Feedback.
4. Homework.
- Ask the S to prepare a book, a notebook and objects of learning for the next
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
Teaching date: September 4
, 2007
Unit 1: Greetings
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Greet people.
- Identify oneself.
- Ask how people are.
- Say goodbye.
- Introduce oneself and others.
- Say how old one is.
- Say how old others aer.
- Count to twenty.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:

- “ To be “ in present simple tense.
- Contractions.
- Questions.
2. Vocabulary. topic- Greetings
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
Teaching date: September 4
, 2007

Unit 1: Greetings
Period 2
: Part A : Hello – Ex 1,2,3,4

I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Greet people.
- Identify oneself.
- Count to five.
II - Contents.
1. Grammar:
- “ To be “ in present simple tense.
- Contractions.
- Questions.

2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: Greetings.
III - Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
IV - Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
V – Teaching process.
1. Warm up.
- Ask the S to look at the picture of the page 10 on the board.
- Guessing game about this topic.
- Ask the S to say about greetings in Vietnam.
2. Presentation.
- Introduce new words: Hello, Hi, name, year old, my.
- Read aloud.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to read one by one.
- Check: What and Where.
- Grammar:
a. Introduce how to greet each other.
- Hello / Hi.
Explain the difference between Hello and Hi in greeting.
- Give situations for these ways of greeting.
- Ask the S to work in pairs to greet one another.
b. Introduce how to introduce one s name.’
- Give ex: I am Hoa / My name is Hoa.
- Introduce the way to introduce one’s name.
- Give form: S+ be + name / My name is + name.

- Ask the S to introduce their names before the class.
- Correct their mistakes.
c. Count to five.
- Put up hand and count to five.
- Count some objects or students in the class.
- Write the cardinal numbers on the board: oh, one, two, three, four, five.
- Read them again.
- Ask the S to repeat in chorus.
- Call on some S read them one by one.
- Have them play a game: Rub out and remember.
3. Practice.
- Open the tape twice ex 1.
- Ask the s to repeat in chorus.
- Get some pairs to practice again.
- Correct their pronunciations.
- Ask the s to listen to the tape of ex 2 twice.
- Ask the s to repeat in chorus.
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……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Correct their pronunciations.
- Chain game : Count and greeting others.
- Monitor and correct their mistakes.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.

Teaching date: September 4
, 2007
Unit 1: Greetings
]Period 3
: Part A : Hello – Ex 5,6,7
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S will be able to:
- Ask and say how people are and
- Say goodbye, thank you.
- Introduce oneself and others.
- Count from 6 to ten.
II- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- “ To be “ in present simple tense.
- Contractions.
- Questions.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: Greetings.
III- Teaching aids.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
IV- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
V Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
- Jumble words: cardinal numbers from oh to five.

- Practice greeting in pair.
2. Presentation.
- Give new words: family name ( England), name ( Vietnam).
- Read in chorus and individually.
- Give the S five pieces with 5 contents of the dialogue.
- Ask the s to close the books.
- Ask the s to listen to the tape twice.
- Have the S order those pieces of paper.
- Have the S look at the dialogue in the book to compare their answers with its
- Introduce how to ask about health and respond asking.
+ How are you?
+ I m fine, thanks.’
+ Fine, thank you.
- Give notes: “ How are you” is used to show the aim of saying “Hello” but not
really asking about health.
- Introduce how to ask sb again: “ And you?
- Ask the S to work in pair to practice. the dialogue.
- Get the S to review cardinal numbers they have learn since last lesson.
- Put up hand and count from 6 to 10.
- Introduce 5 cardinal numbers from 6 to 10.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to read one by one.
- Check: Matching.
4. Practice.
- Ask the s to look at the picture of ex 6 on the page 12.
- Read names of people in the book, get the Ss to work in pairs.
- Ask the S to write the dialogue in the notebook and check one another.
- Monitor and feedback.
5. Production.

Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Slap the board with cardinal numbers
- Practice with incomplete dialogue.
- Monitor and correct.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Review how to ask about age and health.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.

Teaching date: September 8
, 2007
Unit 1: Greetings
Period 4
: Part B : Good morning- Ex 1,2,3,4,5.

I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S will be able to:
- Greet others according to the different period of the day.
- Count from 6 to ten.
II- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- “ To be “ in present simple tense.
- Contractions.
- Questions.

2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: Greetings.
III- Teaching aids.
IV- Teaching method.
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……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Community, technique.
V- Teaching process.
1. Warm up.
Matching picture of each daytime with contractions.

2. Presentation.
- Introduce the S how to say: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening,
good night.
- Give note for use of saying ‘ Hello’ and ways of saying above.
+ Informal: Hello, Hi( when meeting) ; bye bye , bye( when leaving.)
+ Formal :Good morning/ afternoon/ evening ( when meeting); goodbye ( when
- Check : Rub out and remember.
- Get the S to work in pair to practice.
- Review how to count from oh to ten.
- Introduce from 11 to 15: write numbers on the board.
- Read aloud.
- Get the S to read in chorus.
- Have the S read again one by one.

- Check ; Matching.
3. Practice.
- Get the S to listen to the tape part B3 on the page 15 twice.
- Have the S guess a situation in the tape.
- Have S practice the dialogue in the tape again in pair.
- Get the Ss to practice in group to play Miss. Hoa and Children.
- Grammar : Short from: We’re = We are...
- Monitor and correct.
4. Production.
- Have the S practice ex 4 on the page 16 in the book.
- Guide the s to practice correctly.
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……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Feedback.
- Ask the S to practice similar dialogues based on that one they have done.
- Write on the board: 7+ 8=.....; 10 + 2 =.......etc.
- Have the S to work in group to write them on the board.
- Remark and correct their mistake.
- Give notes: plus/ and ‘+’ , minus ‘ –‘, is ‘ =’.
- Have the s to write them down.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Review how to say hello when meeting and leaving
- Review how to count form oh to 15.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.
Teaching date: September 9

, 2007
Unit 1: Greetings
Period 5
: Part C: How old are you ? - Ex 1,2.

I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Ask about their ages.
- Count from 16 to 20.
II Contents.
1. Grammar:
- “ To be “ in present simple tense.
- Contractions.
- Questions.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: Greetings.
III- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
IV- Teaching method.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Community, technique.
V Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
Lucky numbers. topic : Greetings .
2. Presentation.
a. Count from 16 to 20.
- Give 5 pieces of paper which have letters of number from 16 to 20.

- Write numbers from 16 to 20 on the board.
- Read aloud.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Get the S to read again one by one.
- Check: What and Where.
b. Asking about age.
- Introduce how to ask about age.
- Form:
+ How old are you? I am + cardinal number + years old.–
+ How old is she/ he ? - She/ He is + cardinal number + years old.
- Give examples.
- Have the S work in pair to practice 2 pronouns : I, You.
- Get the S to work in pair to practice with pronouns: she, he.
- Remark and correct.
3. Practice.
- Have the S count the numbers of them in the class from to 20.
- Read the numbers and have S write them in the notebook.
- Check one anther.
- Write conversations to ask each other about their age and one’s age.
- Remark and correct.
4. Production.
- Ask the S to play game tounger twisters about numbers.
- Maple dialogue about asking and answer about age.
- Monitor and correct.
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5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Ask the s to write 5 conversations about asking and answer about age.

- Review how to count form oh to 20.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.

Teaching date: September 9
, 2007
Unit 1: Greetings
Period 6
: Part C: How old are you ? - Ex 3,4,5.

I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Introduce the other.
- Continue to ask and answer about age.
II- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- “ To be “ in present simple tense.
- Contractions.
- Questions.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: Greetings.
III- Teaching aids.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
IV Teaching method.

- Community, technique.
V Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
- Let the S play game: Bingo.
2. Presentation.
- Guide S to introduce the others.
- Form: This is + a name.
- Hang on the picture with some people with their ages.
- Get the S to practice one by one.
- Get the S to review to ask and answer about age.
- Work in pair.
- Remark and correct.
3. Practice.
- Open the tape twice.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Get the S to work in pair.
- Correct their pronunciations.
- Ask the S to work one by one to introduce the other.
- Feedback.
4. Production.
- Hang on some other pictures.
- Have the S to work in group: Replay characters in the pictures.
- Show the pictures and introduce characters in the picture.
- Work in group.
- Ask the s to say about all of the content of this lesson.
- Give notes about “ year old”.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Ask the s to write 5 conversations about asking and answer about age.
- Make up 10 sentences to introduce others.

- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
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……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Prepare the next lesson.

Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200
Unit 2: at school
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Give and obey orders.
- Ask for and give personal information.
- Identify oneself and others.
- Identify places, people and objects.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Present simple tense.
- Imperatives
- This is / that is....
- possessive pronoun : my.
- Indefinite articles : a/ an.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan

- Community, technique.
E Teaching process– .
Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200
Unit 2: at school
Period 7
: Part A : Come in – Ex 1,2,3.
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Give and obey orders.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Present simple tense.
- Imperatives
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Community, technique.
E Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
Brainstormings: Imperatives in the class.
2. Presentation.
- Ask the S to look at the pictures on the page 20 in the book.
- Introduce how to give and obey orders.
- Use visual and actions to expalin about the imperatives.

- New words: come in >< go out, open the book >< Close the book, stand up ><
sit down.
- Read aloud.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Get the S to read one by one.
- Check: Rub out and remember.
3. Practice.
- Open the tape twice.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus following the tape.
- Call on some S to read turn by turn.
- Correct their pronunciations.
- Have the s do ex 2 in the book: Look at the pictures and match the commands
with the pictures.
- Keys :
a. Open the book.
b. Sit down
c. Come in.
d. Close the book.
e. Stand up.
4. Production.
- Have the S play “ Slap the board” game with the imperatives.
- Remark and correct their mistakes.
- Have the S play game: “ Simon says”.
- Monitor and correct.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Ask the S to play game with imperatives.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.

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……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200
Unit 2: at school
Period 8
: Part B : Where do you live ? – Ex 1,2,3.
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S can:
- Ask for and give personal information.
- Identify oneself and others.
- Identify places, people and objects.
- Leran about 26 letters in English alphabet.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Present simple tense.
- Prepositions : in, on.
- This is / that is....
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Possessive pronoun : my, your.
- Indefinite articles : a/ an.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.

E Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
- Simon says: Imperatives.
- Get the S to practice with some S in the class.
- Ask the S to make some conversations to get information about them.
- Feedback.
2. Presentation.
- New words: What, Where, live, hamlet( thon), commune( xa), district, my,
- Read aloud.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Get the S to read one by one.
- Check: Slap the boad.
- Ask the S to look at the photo of part B.
Give structure of asking to get one’s name:
+ What is your name?
+ My name is + a name .
- Have the S work in pair.
- Have the S guess if the photo was taken in the city or countryside.
- Give structure of asking to get information of one’s address.
+ Where do you live?
+ I live on......street, in....city.
+ I live in ......hamlet, in......commune, in .......district.
- Get the S to work in pair with the structure.
- Correct their pronunciations.
3. Practice.
- Ask the S to listen to the tape twice.
- Ask the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to work in pair.
- Write some names of streets , hamlets, communes, cities ...on the board.

- Get the S to to play mappled dialogue.
- Ask the S to answer about themselves.
- Give questions:
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
a. What is your name? c. How old are you ?
b. How are you? d. Where do you live ?
- Have the S play guessing game about some people in the picture on the board.
- Monitor and correct.
4. Production
- Open the tape with a song of English alphabet.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S & T U V
W X & Y Z Happy happy shall we be . Where we learn our ABC.
- Ask the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the S to read one by one.
- Get the S to sing a song of English alphabet in chorus.
- Call on some S to sing again.
- Monitor and correct.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Ask the S to sing a song of English alphabet.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.
Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200
Unit 2: at school
Period 9
: Part B : Where do you live ? – Ex 4,5 .
I. Objectives:

After this lesson, the S continue :
- Ask for and give personal information.
- Identify oneself and others.
- Identify places, people and objects.
- Use 26 letters in English alphabet to spell one’s name..
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Present simple tense.
- Prepositions : in, on.
- Possessive pronoun : my, your.
- Indefinite articles : a/ an.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
E Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
- Chain game with greetings and introducing oneself.
- Net words: Alphabet in English.
- Monitor and correct.
2. Presentation.
- Introduce the S how to spell one’s name in English letters.
- Give examples: My name is Phuong. P.H.U.O.N.G.
- Give the question: How do you spell your name?
- Explain: spell, How.

- Get the S to practice spelling their names.
- Monitor and correct.
- Have the S do a test.
- Correct their mistakes.
3. Practice.
- Get the S to listen to the tape twice.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Work individually.
- Have the S practice in pair to ask and spell their names.
- Have the s to read the dialogue in the book in pair.
- Correct their pronunciations.
4. Production.
- Have the S play a game: Nounghts and Crosses.
- Get the S to find names in the board.
- Feedback.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words by heart.
- Ask the S to make up 5 conversations to ask and spell one’s names.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.
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……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200
Unit 2: at school

Period 10
: Part C : my school. – Ex 1 .
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S continue to :
- Ask for and give personal information.
- Identify oneself and others.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Present simple tense.
- Prepositions : in, on.
- This is / that is....
- Indefinite articles : a/ an.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E Teaching process– .
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
1. Warm up.
- Mappled dialogues of asking about name, age, health, address.
- Feedback.
2. Presentation.
- Hang on the picture.
- Introduce new words ( Brainstormings)
school ground etc

- Read aloud.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Get the S to read again one by one.
- Check their pronunciations.
- Check : Slap the board.
- Grammar: Structure with pronouns: This/ That.
- Form: This/ That is + a/ an + noun.
- Questioned form: Is this/ that .......? – Yes ,it/ this/ that is.
- No, It/ this/ that isn’t
- Give notes with articles: a/ an.
+ “ a” is placed before words beginning as consonant.Ex : a teacher, a student.
+ “ an” is placed before words beginning as a vowel: a, e, i, o, u. Ex: an apple, an
+ ‘a’ and ‘an’ have a same meaning with cardinal number “one”.Thus, nouns are
places after them is always singular.
- Have the S practice with those structures.
3. Practice.
- Have the S listen to the tape twice.
- Get the s to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to work one by one and in pair.
- Hang on each picture.
- Have the s ask about the person in each picture.
- Monitor and correct.
4. Production
- Work in group to introduce about people and objects in their group.
- Work in pair to ask and answer about people and objects in their classroom.
- Have the S change those sentences into questions.

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Your school
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- Monitor and correct.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart.
- Ask the S to make up 10 sentences to introduce people and objects in their bags.
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.
Ngµy th¸ng n¨m 200
Unit 2: at school
Period 12
: Part C : my school. – Ex 2,3 .
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S continue to :
- Identify places, people and objects.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:
- Present simple tense.
- Prepositions : in, on.
- This is / that is....
- Indefinite articles : a/ an.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school.
C- Teaching aids.
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.

- Community, technique.
E Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
Have the S play game : chain game. Gegin with ‘This is a class,....’
2. Presentation.
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a, New words:
- Have the S look at ex 2 on the page 28, 29 in the book.
- Get the S to listen to the tape twice.
- Ask the S to find out new words in the tape.
- Explain new words: a pencil, pen, ruler, school, clock, eraser, board, window
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to read one by one.
- Check: Rub out and remember.
b.Grammar: How to introduce something following each distance.
- This: show near distance, that shows far distance.
- Give form:
+ What is this? - This / It is + a/ an + a noun.
+ What is that? - That / It is + a/ an + a noun.
- Get the S to distinguigh article: a/ an.
- Ask the S to give examples for them.
- Hang on a test. Get the S to do ex on the board.
- Feed back.
3. Practice.
- Get the S to listen to the tape twice.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to read one by one.

- Correct their pronunciations.
- Ask the S to work in pair to ask and answer about st in the picture.
- Monitor and correct.
4. Production.
- Have the S play “ wordsquare” game: Topic: Objects in the room and objects of
- Hang on the board.
- Ask the S to practice asking and answering about things occuring in wordsquare.
- Feedback.
5. Homework.
- Ask the S to learn new words and structures by heart.
- Ask the S to make up 10 sentences with “ this / that”
- Guide the S to do ex in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson.
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Unit 2: at school
Period 12
: Part C : my school. – Ex 2,3
I. Objectives:
After this lesson, the S continue to :
- Identify places, people and objects.
B- Contents.
1. Grammar:

- Present simple tense.
- Prepositions : in, on.
- This is / that is....
- Indefinite articles : a/ an.
2. Vocabulary.
- Topic: concerned activities and objects at school.
C- Teaching aids.
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
……………secondary School English 6 Teaching Plan
- A book, objects of teaching, a cassette, CD player, cards, posters, pictures.
D- Teaching method.
- Community, technique.
E Teaching process– .
1. Warm up.
Have the S play game : chain game. Begin with ‘This is a class,....’
2. Presentation.
a, New words:
- Have the S look at ex 2 on the page 28, 29 in the book.
- Get the S to listen to the tape twice.
- Ask the S to find out new words in the tape.
- Explain new words: a pencil, pen, ruler, school, clock, eraser, board, window
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to read one by one.
- Check: Rub out and remember.
b. Grammar: How to introduce something following each distance.
- This: show near distance, that shows far distance.
- Give form:
+ What is this? - This / It is + a/ an + a noun.

+ What is that? - That / It is + a/ an + a noun.
- Get the S to distinguish article: a/ an.
- Ask the S to give examples for them.
- Hang on a test. Get the S to do ex on the board.
- Feed back.
3. Practice.
- Get the S to listen to the tape twice.
- Get the S to repeat in chorus.
- Ask the s to read one by one.
- Correct their pronunciations.
- Ask the S to work in pair to ask and answer about st in the picture.
- Monitor and correct.
4. Production.
- Have the S play “ word square” game: Topic: Objects in the room and objects of
- Hang on the board.
- Ask the S to practice asking and answering about things occurring in word
Sên gi¸o ¸n 6 tham kh¶o
