NOVEMBER 12-21, 2019
Round-trip transportation from JFK Airport, New York
Licensed Tour Guide, Air Conditioned Motor Coach, and site entrance fees
Breakfast and dinner each day, with select lunches also included
• City of David
• Western Wall Tunnel
• Sea of Galilee
• Nazareth – Mount Precipice
• Hosanna Road
• Western Wall (Kotel)
• Temple Steps
• Via Dolorosa
• Garden Tomb and Gordon’s Calvary
• Magdala
• Nazareth – Mount Precipice
• Dead Sea
• Mount of Olives
• Garden of Gethsemane
• The Upper Room
• Pool of Bethesda
• Church of the Holy Sepulchre
• …and more!
• Tour Israel, the Land of the Bible, with Israel Government licensed, certified English-speaking guide, as well as General
Overseer Sam N. Clements and his wife Linda
• Airfare, taxes, and fuel surcharges from John F. Kennedy Airport to Ben Gurion Airport
• Full days sightseeing, experiencing the Holy Land with sites and activities to cherish for a lifetime
• Hotels based on double occupancy, Half Board (Breakfast and Dinner); Single Room Supplement available with limited
quantity; pricing is subject to the availability upon final booking
• Highlighted inclusions: Exemplary personal attention, assistance during recruitment phases, Israel Advantage Tours
Signature Touch Service
• Gratuities to Israel guide, Israel driver, hotel staff (reception, porterage, housekeeping, dining room), and scheduled
out-of-hotel dining experiences at restaurants (IAT will manage distribution of gratuities)
• $3,900.00/person
• Single Room Supplement per person (limited availability): $750
Hurry! This tour is limited to the first 100 guests!
WE BELIEVE in the Holy Trinity—one God,
eternally existing in Three Persons: Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in one God, the Father, creator of
heaven and earth, of all things seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only
Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father.
All things were made through Him and for
Him. He is true God and true man. He was
conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and
was born of the virgin, Mary. He suffered, died,
was buried, and on the third day He rose from
the dead. He ascended to the right hand of
the Father, and He will return to judge the living
and the dead. His kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and
giver of life, who eternally proceeds from the
Father. He is Teacher, Comforter, Helper, and
Giver of spiritual gifts. Through Him the saving
and sanctifying works of Jesus Christ are applied
to the life of believers. He is the empowering
presence of God in the life of the Christian
and the church. The Father has sent His Son
to baptize with the Holy Spirit. Speaking in
tongues and bearing the fruit of the Spirit are
New Testament signs of being filled with the
Holy Spirit.
We believe that salvation is by grace through
faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on
the cross and that He died in our place. The
believer’s sins are forgiven by the shedding
of His blood. We believe that healing of mind,
body, soul, and spirit is available to the believer
through the blood of Jesus Christ and the
power of the Holy Spirit. We believe in one
baptism in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the grace of God brings
forgiveness and reconciliation to those who
repent, as well as transformation in holiness,
enabling them to live a Christ-like life.
Sanctification is both a definite work of grace
and a lifelong process of change in the believer
brought by the blood of Jesus, the Word of
God, and the enabling power of the Holy
We believe in one holy, universal church,
composed of all true believers in Jesus Christ,
offering fellowship and calling for service to
men and women of all races, nations, cultures,
and languages. We believe in the spiritual and
ultimate visible unity of the church.
We believe that the Bible—both Old and New
Testaments—is the inspired Word of God. The
Bible is God’s revelation of Himself and His
will to humankind, sufficient for instruction in
salvation and daily Christian living. The Bible is
the Christian’s rule of faith and practice.
We believe that God will ultimately reconcile
all things in heaven and earth in Christ. Therefore,
we look forward to new heavens and a new
earth in which righteousness dwells.
Executive Editor: Sam N. Clements
Publisher: Kathryn Creasy
Editor: DeWayne Hamby
Assistant Editor: Marsha Robinson
Editorial Assistant: Roxanne Corbett
Graphic Artist: Jonathan Lovvorn
FEBRUARY 2019 • Volume 95, Number 7
Ana Weathers
The Marriage Covenant
Fred Fisher
About the Church of God of Prophecy
The Church of God of Prophecy is a vibrant,
worldwide body of believers, united in
worship, working hand-in-hand to share
God’s love and a message of hope to the
brokenhearted. The organization has more
than a million members and more than
10,000 ministers, worshiping in more than
10,000 churches or missions in 135 nations
of the world.
Church of God of Prophecy Core Values
Prayer • The Harvest
Leadership Development • Stewardship
The Church of God of Prophecy will be a
Christ-exalting, holiness, Spirit-filled, allnations, disciple-making, church-planting
Movement with a passion for Christian
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, through
prayer, we will plant churches and equip
leaders to carry out the biblical mandate to
make genuine disciples of all the peoples
of the world, to the glory of Christ our
Lord, Head of the church.
General Presbytery:
Sam N. Clements: General Overseer
Tim Coalter: North America
Clayton Endecott: Europe/CIS/Middle East
Benjamin Feliz: Mexico/Central America,
and Spanish-speaking Caribbean
Clayton Martin: Caribbean/Atlantic Ocean
Stephen Masilela: Africa
Tim McCaleb: Asia/Australia/Oceania
Gabriel E. Vidal: South America
WRITERS If you are interested in contributing
articles or news to the magazine, email
or visit for guidelines.
• (423) 559-5540 • PO Box
2910, Cleveland, TN 37320-2910
Cover photo
The Old Tree Stump
Garry Lovette
DeWayne Hamby
Discovering Who You Are In Christ
Dr. Phillip E. Davis, Sr.
A Blessing Challenge
Carl Corser
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Michael Chambers
Leadership Development
& Discipleship
Children’s Ministries
The Epidemic of Bullying
Global Missions
New Church Plants Among The Nations
Facing Forward by Clayton Martin
The Love of God
Church/White Wing/Culture
SEVEN: For Younger Readers
Messages by DeWayne Hamby
Voices of Compassion
Visit us online—
MEMBER The White Wing Messenger
is a member of the Evangelical Press
Clayton Martin
General Presbyter Caribbean and
Atlantic Ocean Islands
Let us ensure that we do not take the
love of God for granted. In the rat-race
of modern existence, we must be alert
and intentional; make the effort to keep
in mind the incarnated love of God. Let
us take some time to think about the
love of God, praise Him for his great
love and then assess ourselves to see
if we are walking in the love of God by
obeying the great commandment.
God is love and there is no doubt that
He loves His creation. In the Scripture
it is clearly stated that, “God so loved
the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life”
(John 3:16). Jesus’ death on the cross is
demonstration of the love of God, done
for us while we were sinners. Although
we do not deserve God’s love, yet he
continues to love us. God is faithful, his
love is steadfast and unchanging, and
we would do well to give thanks to him
for his love that endures forever.
When asked, which is the greatest
commandment, Jesus replied: “Love
the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your
mind.’ This is the first and greatest
commandment. And the second is
like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
All the Law and the Prophets hang on
these two commandments” (Matthew
22:37-40). We have been commanded
to love God completely, totally; let all
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aspects of our lives be based on love,
that is action expressed in ways that
gives credit to our God. Scripture
repeatedly instructs us to also love our
neighbors. Loving our neighbor means
the same as loving everyone since we
are all made in the image of God. It is
impossible for us to love the invisible
God and hate people who we see. It
is as we love ourselves that we will be
able to love others sincerely.
Jesus stated, “You have heard that it
was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor
and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you,
love your enemies, bless those who
curse you, do good to those who hate
you; and pray for those who spitefully
use you and persecute you, that you
may be sons of your Father in heaven;
for He makes His sun rise on the just
and the unjust” (Matthew 5:43). In
many cases it is easier to love those
neighbors who are believers, those
in the household of faith. But, let us
seek to maintain a lifestyle of love by
growing in love of God and active love
for all neighbors. We should not just
love our friends but even those who
may be considered enemies. May God
help us all as we “… bow our knees to
the Father ...that we may be rooted and
grounded in love...” (Ephesians 3:14).
for us, an offering and a sacrifice to
God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” We
are children of God and should seek
to listen to and imitate our God and to
walk in love.
Love is not just about words and
feelings, it is crucial that we express
our love by our actions. Marvin Wilson
in his book, Exploring Our Hebraic
Heritage, said, “God’s love for us elicits
a response of love. In love, God is
searching for us. We, in return, seek to
express our love by communing with
God. As in any lasting relationship of
love or close friendship, every day one
chooses anew to cling, to stay close,
and not to stray.” Instead of taking
God’s love for granted or going astray,
let us rejoice in singing:
“I stand amazed in the presence of
Jesus the Nazarene and I wonder how
he could love me a sinner condemned
unclean. O how marvelous! O how
wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
Is my savior’s love for me! (Charles H.
Gabriel 1856-1932)
In Ephesians 5:1, 2, the admonition
to those of us who are believers is,
“Therefore be followers of God as dear
children. And walk in love, as Christ
also has loved us and given Himself
W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
The Third International Biennial
Leadership Conference, “Shape
the Future Now by Connecting the
Generations,” will be held June
27-28, 2019, in Nassau, Bahamas.
Hosted by Bishop Shelton Beneby,
executive director Connecting the
Generations International and senior
pastor of Toronto New Covenant
Cathedral in Canada, the conference
will feature a variety of workshops
on children, youth, parenting,
community engagement, mentoring,
and networking. Registration fee is
$100 for adults and $75 for youth
(16-25 years). For more information
or to register, email madgewright@ or trustmanagementco@
We enjoy receiving reports from our
subscribers and this one sent to us by
Dr. Alecia Bryant about a very special
subscriber and supporter, Sister Agnes
Thomas of Port St. Lucie, Florida:
“Sister Agnes Thomas turned 100
years young in November. After
speaking to her on many occasions,
she stated that she enjoys reading the
White Wing Messenger. So I started
sending her my copies. I decided to
subscribe to the Messenger for her to
get her own issues in the mail.
“Sister Thomas sung with the
Excelsior Gospelettes in Miami,
Florida, for many years. She was an
active member for decades. Her
pastors were Bishop J.R. Smith, Bishop
Arnold Demeritte, Bishop Charles I.
Macky, and Bishop H.E. Dean of Miami
No. 1. The Excelsior Gospelettes have
performed at the Assembly five or six
“Sister Thomas is a true champion
for mankind. She has emboldened
many people through the years. She
and her husband fed hundreds of
the children in the Miami area for
many decades. She is a great, great
grandmother and a prayer warrior for
many. Sister Thomas has been an asset
to her family, church, and community.
She is dearly loved by many. What an
honor to know this queen!”
Thank you, Sister Thomas, for your
support and prayers!
Send news and announcements to
Teens credit social media with
helping them build stronger
friendships and exposing them to a
more diverse world, but they also
express concern that these online
platforms lead to drama and social
pressure, according to a November
2018 survey from Pew Research
The nationally representative
survey of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17
finds that 81 percent say social media
makes them feel more connected to
what’s going on in their friends’ lives,
but 43 percent say they feel pressure
to only post content that makes
them look good to others. Overall, 97
percent of teens use at least one of
the seven major online platforms that
were queried in the survey.
—Source: Pew Research Center,
November 2018
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SHAUN MCKINLEY Prayer Ministries Coordinator
Prayer Points February 2019
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge
and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure
and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes
through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11 NIV).
Relationships fill our lives with love, support, and friendship. Sometimes they
challenge us to grow and mature, while at other times they bring struggle, difficulty,
and heartache.
Although relationships vary for each of us, we are called to love as Christ does.
This may not come naturally in all situations, but through prayer we can build lasting
and meaningful connections with fellow believers, our family, our coworkers, and
friends. Prayer can strengthen our bonds, heal relationships, give us direction, and
enlighten the most challenging situation.
One of the most powerful ways to pray for our relationships is by using Scripture as
a foundation. By praying consistent, targeted prayers, we can develop relationships
that grow in love, enable us to make wise choices, live with integrity, and reflect
• Give thanks to the Father for the relationships in your life, including your loved
ones, friends, and church family. Pray that He will help you grow in love, enable
you to make wise choices, live with integrity, and reflect Christ (Philippians 1:9–11
• Ask God to help you deepen in your relationships with others (1 Peter 4:8).
• Tell the Father about difficult relationships you are experiencing and ask that He
help you be patient and to love genuinely (Ephesians 4:23).
• Pray for God to give you wisdom and discernment concerning your relationships.
Ask that He reveal wrong perceptions or thoughts that need to change or be
brought into alignment with His Word (Colossians 3:12–14).
For more information, visit unless
otherwise noted.
February 19, 2019
CM LIVE! Webinar
March 9, 2019
CM One-day Training Intensive
New Haven, CT
March 19, 2019
CM LIVE! Webinar (Spanish)
March 31-April 5, 2019
Biblical Preaching/Bilingual
Tortola, BVI
April 20, 2019
Resurrection Celebration
Fields of the Wood
Murphy, North Carolina
April 30, 2019
CM LIVE! Webinar
July 8-12, 2020
101st International Assembly
Orlando, Florida
• Ask God for compassion and wise words to address difficult circumstances in your
relationships (Proverbs 15:1).
• Tell the Father about broken relationships that need heeling and restoration.
Express heartfelt willingness to do what is necessary to bring reconciliation and
be willing to forgive (Ephesians 4:32).
• Ask the Father to help you display the fruits of the Spirit in your daily interactions
with everyone (Galatians 5:22, 23).
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W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
What in the world are people talking about when
they say true love? TV, movies, books, YouTube all
portray love in so many ways. With all those stories
and songs about love, it can be confusing. There
are all kinds of love: love for your parents, love for
your friends, love for a boyfriend or girlfriend, and
some day, love for the person you marry. In all those
cases, there is a love that is real and true.
True love looks out for the best interests of
the other person. This applies to any kind of
relationship. This means thinking about what is
best for the other person. Many times, relationships
are centered around selfish motives. For example,
someone might be interested in another person as
a friend or more than a friend because it helps their
popularity, or it makes them look good. This isn’t
true love. True love puts its own best interests on
the back shelf and is looking out for the needs and
interests of the other person.
If we’re talking about boyfriends or girlfriends,
true love is based on friendship. A relationship
based on whether they are good looking or whether
they make your heart do flip-flops, won’t last. Any
relationship should focus on getting to know the
other person. It’s one of the best ways to make
sure your relationship will last, because it is based
on something deeper than just physical attraction.
That’s not a good judge of love. Attraction can
fade, but a relationship built on a solid foundation
of friendship will be much more likely to succeed.
doesn’t love God like you do. This will set you up
for lots of heartache in the future. “Don’t become
partners with those who reject God. How can you
make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s
not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with
dark?” (2 Corinthians 6:14 MSG).
The Bible gives us the best picture of what true love
is. If you want to really understand what true love
is, you will find it by reading your Bible. A good
place to start is by reading 1 Corinthians 13, which
talks a lot about what love looks like. “If I speak
every language, but I don’t love, I’m just making
noise. If I can tell the future and understand every
mysterious thing, and know everything; if I have
unshakeable faith, so I can say to mountains, “Fall
down!” and they do, but I don’t love, I am nothing
at all. If I give away everything I have and sacrifice
my body, but don’t love, it doesn’t even matter.
Here’s what love is: patient, kind, not envious or
boastful, not arrogant or rude. It doesn’t insist on its
own way; it’s not grouchy or bitter; it doesn’t laugh
when people do wrong but is so glad when it hears
the truth. Love puts up with everything, believes
everything, hopes everything, endures everything.
Love never ends. So, now there is faith, hope, and
love, all three will last forever; but the greatest of
these is love” (1 Corinthians 1:1–8, 13).
Pray: God, I thank You for giving me a picture of
what true love is in Your Word. I purpose in my
heart to always put You first in my life. Help me be
an example of true love to others and to let Your
love shine through me. Amen.
The most important thing in a relationship is the
other person’s feelings toward Jesus. If the person
you’re interested in doesn’t love Jesus like you do,
run away from that relationship. It is never a good
decision to become involved with someone who
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W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
Ana Weathers serves as the TNHarmony Teen Coordinator for the Tennessee State Women’s Ministry. She also serves as the media
director at Lakeside Church in Westmoreland as well as works with the youth and worship ministries. Ana is currently a senior
at Western Kentucky University and is working toward her Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Graphic Design with a focus on
Communication and Interactive Design.
As a Communication major, words play a very large
role in my career and in my personal life. Sometimes,
old conversations play over and over in my head. I
remember the incredibly life-giving words people have
spoken to me, as well as the hurtful ones. As much as
I wish it didn’t, what people say sticks with me—no
matter how positive or negative.
Throughout His ministry on earth, Jesus met,
interacted, and spent time with people who were
outcasts, sinners, tax collectors, Samaritans, unbelievers,
and more. The religious leaders were often angry and
confused at Jesus’ actions; they could be found calling
Him out on his choices and decisions to surround
Himself with these people, feeding into the negative
perceptions of them.
I remember memorizing John 3:16 as a child and have
quoted it thousands upon thousands of times since
then. The weight and importance of this verse is not
lost on me—it’s the entire basis of what we believe—
but sometimes, I feel as though we get so caught up
in this verse we miss the powerful words that follow in
verse 17: “For God did not send his son into the world
to condemn the world, but to save the world through
Jesus had every right to point out the flaws, mistakes,
and sins of those He encountered, and yet, His
actions and responses were the opposite. Rather than
condemning and adding to the things people already
knew about the tax collectors, Samaritans, and sinners,
Jesus took the time to tell them who they really were—
as He saw them.
Every day on my college campus I am surrounded by
some of the most broken and lost people I’ve ever met,
and I would venture to say that if you look around long
enough, you’ll see the same surrounding you. Bob Goff,
in his book Everybody Always, describes this perfectly
when he says, “People don’t grow where they are
informed; they grow where they’re loved and accepted.
Talk about who people are becoming and who you see
them turning into.”
It’s easy to add to the negative stigma of those around
you, it’s learning to speak life and tell people who
Jesus says they are that is the challenge. We have the
opportunity every day to be Jesus to those around us
by simply telling people who He says they are. It could
be something as simple as giving a compliment, helping
on a project, or even lending a listening ear to someone
who is struggling. Seek out your opportunities to develop
meaningful relationships with those around you. The
words we speak matter, and they make a difference.
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Covenant: a binding and solemn agreement to do or keep
from doing; a specified thing; a contract. There are different
forms of the marriage covenant. Some couples make their
own vows or covenant. While others use the standard
version. However, the Scripture comes into play, regardless
of the form we use. It is still binding before God, when it is
properly carried out. As we gather before God, our family, our
friends and witnesses to join a man and woman in marriage
(or in holy matrimony), it is coming before God.
Let us analyze the covenant, step by step. “Do you sincerely
promise in the presence of God and these witnesses?” You
are involving God and all your family and witnesses who are
present. “To take this woman whose hand you hold, whose
heart you have won, to be your lawfully wedded wife?” You
are saying that you love her from your heart. Your heart is
joined to her heart at this time. We will share what we both
have: your wealth, my wealth. For some, this is a lot of wealth.
For others, not so much, but the sharing principle remains.
Before this takes place, official records have been sought,
filled out, and recorded, making it an official document of
the state. It will always be there on record that these two
people were officially married by proper authority. It will
bear the signatures of the bride and groom, the minister and
witnesses. In years past, it was much harder to break the
covenant than it is now, but in the eyes of God, it is more
binding than the eyes of the law. It is still a very serious and
important decision to make.
I remember being involved in a wedding where both
parties had personal things. He had several records that he
would take a cotton ball with alcohol and clean them. He
would wipe the needle. She had expensive, monogrammed
towels. When they married, the records would be left out
of their covers, and pushed in between papers and books,
and were soon scratched and marred beyond repair. Her
monogrammed towels soon had grease or paint on them. No
thought was given to her feelings about them. The principle
of the “wealth” part of the covenant is to bring into this
agreement a degree of respect for each other and the things
and wealth they bring to the marriage.
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W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
Fred S. Fisher. Sr., served as the fourth general overseer of the Church of God of Prophecy as well as evangelist, state overseer,
general presbyter, and pastor. He has a B.A. in History and Religion and a Masters Degree in Public Counseling. He lives in South
Carolina with his wife, Betty.
“For poorer” is in effect when there is very little to share,
no money for McDonald’s, no Cokes or Pepsis, no pizza. We’ll
make a pitcher of tea or just share in a glass of water, let
baloney replace the steak. Wear the same clothes and shoes
for several months or years. We share in both the good times
and the tough times.
“For better or worse.” In times when there is a respectable
job and good money coming in, the better times when there
is no sickness or disasters. You may lose your job and then
have to make sacrifices. There will be better times and worse
times than right now. “In sickness and in health.” We always
think sickness will come later. We are young and healthy. But
in our covenant, we promise to love and care for one another
in both the sick times as well as when we are both in good
We are to give up all emotional ties to any former
relationship that we may have had. School and college
courtships are no longer appealing to us. Live for the
moment and enjoy the love you have for your new bride or
groom. To be able to truly bond with one another, we must
be able to forsake all others and cleave to our spouse. Even
as important as our relationship with our parents or siblings,
the one relationship between husband and wife is to be
different and more special than family ties. Nothing is to
take the place of this one person whose heart we have won
and have become one with. Cleave is a bonding term and
is the same as being glued together. Both surfaces must be
clean for proper bonding to happen. It is dangerous to put
anything between a husband and wife that will keep them
from bonding. When the bonding takes place and they are
torn apart, damage is done to both parties. Scratches and
scars will show up.
It is not possible to ascertain when the marriage covenant
we use now was first used. In early times during Isaac and
Jacob’s marriages, it seems to be somewhat prearranged
and large sums of money or possessions were exchanged. In
the example of Jacob, he worked for seven years for the love
of his life and did not get her and had to work seven more
years. In other societies, women were captured and taken by
force with the help of a few friends. However, in the eyes of
God, from the beginning, it was His design that one man and
one woman be united by a covenant with certain rights and
responsibilities and agreeing on what was to be required.
Cherish in early covenants meant “obey” in the agreement.
It was later replaced with the term “cherish.” Of course, this
must work both ways. Cherish each other. The New Testament
puts this responsibility on the husband, instructing him to
cherish his wife as himself. Cherish means to heat, to soften
by heat, to keep warm. It presents a sense with a female bird
covering her young under her wings to keep them warm,
secure, and safe, as a nurse would care for children.
Honor means to place great value on or esteem to be
priceless. In early church history, women had very few rights.
Responsibilities were many, but rights were few. To bring
balance to this world, Christianity places responsibility on
both the man and the woman. The wife and husband are to
both give respect to each other. Special care is to be given
equally, and attention paid—husband to wife and wife to
A Christian husband must be understanding and thoughtful
of his wife’s needs. Giving her necessary attention and
appreciation, letting her know she is valued more than
anyone else, is his responsibility. Compliments are to be paid
generously, attention given freely. When she does something
special, give thanks. She shouldn’t have to ask!
Women enjoy having spiritual and moral rights. A woman
wants to be valued regarding her intelligence, her qualities.
Show her that you recognize she has the same access to God
in salvation and worship as a man. She is a specially-made
vessel, like expensive crystal. The man is different. He is
like a clay pot. Not inferior, but especially different. When a
husband recognizes this, his marriage will enrich itself much
“Till death do us part.” The greatest loss a man or woman
can have is to lose a longtime companion.
There was a time once when three men from our church
passed away within a short span of time. We were present
during two of those couple’s last moments together. As one of
those men was being taken from his home by the undertaker,
the wife of 52 years broke with deep emotion. The look on
her face showed her great loss. The other man’s passing was
no easier. While Betty and I waited together waiting on his
passing, his wife sat beside his bed. He was 90 years old, she
was 89. They had been married 63 years. She whispered to
him as he stared into space, “It’s all right. You can go to sleep
now.” Tears streamed down her face as she lovingly cooed to
him: “You can go to heaven now, Weldon, it’s all right. I love
you, Weldon, I’ve always loved you.”
The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians that love never dies.
Keep your marriage covenant, Church. Live your life in such a
way that you build up and not tear down. Choose to nourish,
cherish, honor, respect, and love your spouse. God heard you
make those promises and He will help you.
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W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
Garry Lovette is a featured columnist in several newspapers in the United States. He holds a BA in Christian Counseling and serves
as an evangelist, church planter, and teacher with the Church of God of Prophecy.
Making friends is and has always been one of the most
pleasurable things in life to me. Whether the friend is
someone I see on a regular basis, or someone that I only see
every few years, they are all special to me. As someone who
continues to be in a learning curve, I pride myself on learning
new things and contemplating new ideas and new directions,
many times coming from the imagination of a friend. As I get
older, I don’t want to get so set in my ways, that I fail to glean
even something seemingly small or insignificant. I’ve found
over the years that sometimes the small things can be lifechanging!
This week, I was privileged to attend a convention in my
home state of Alabama. There not only was I blessed to
make new friends, but so excited to see many old friends. As
numerous old friends just kept coming up to me and shaking
my hand or hugging my neck, I realized just how rich I was to
be surrounded by such a wonderful group of people. Many of
these wonderful friends have given their lives to the service
of others. Some of them have spent over 70 years being the
hands and feet of Jesus.
My best visit happened after the convention was over.
Standing in the back of the room was a man that I hadn’t
seen in years. His hair had grayed, but it did little to change
his appearance. To me this man represents what a true man
of God is supposed to be. As I hugged him tightly, I was so
privileged to share something with him he had said to me
close to 40 years ago. This wonderful man had shared that
every morning, before he went faithfully to work to support
his family, he would go out into the woods behind his home
and kneel at an old tree stump. That old tree stump had
become his altar. It is where he could get real with God, and
where God could speak to him.
As I shared that memory with him, we both began to
weep. It wasn’t a sad memory at all, but one of the most
life-changing things anyone had ever shared with me. The
memory my friend Jimmy shared all those years ago had
impacted my life in a enormous way. My humble friend had
no idea how much his words had changed me, until today. I
still cry when I think of it.
We may think sometimes that what we do or say doesn’t
make a difference at all, but you are so wrong to assume that.
People are listening and many times they just don’t know
how to respond to what you’ve said. In my case, I usually
don’t say anything, as I am trying to “digest” what has been
shared with me.
Because Jimmy was so willing to be transparent and share
his daily routine with me, I also learned to find an old tree
stump. Living in town, there are no tree stumps for me to
kneel at and get closer to God, so my old tree stump is a
cedar chest tucked away in my closet. I love to go into that
closet, close the door, and have a good conversation with
Let me encourage you to daily find the time to get alone
in the presence of God. Oh, I know, we’re all busy, and
sometimes we just don’t feel like we have the time or the
fortitude to do it, but do it anyway. It will change your
day, and eventually will become something that you feel
compelled to do.
We all have a bucket list, whether written down or just
in our heads. There are many things we plan to do but just
never seem to get around to doing. On my bucket list, before
I leave this old world, I plan to have a place where I can have
a real tree stump for an altar. I plan to pour out my heart
there, and to lift up my praises to the God who has been so
good to me!
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Breakthrough is coming! In April, the unbelievable,
miraculous story of John Smith, a boy who was prayed back
to life, will be shared with millions throughout the world in a
new film spearheaded by Hollywood producer and preacher
DeVon Franklin.
Smith, a 14-year-old boy, walked out on a lake in his
hometown of St. Charles, Minnesota, fell through the
ice, stayed under for fifteen minutes before his body was
recovered by first responders. After doctors attempted
to revive him for 45 minutes, Joyce Smith, his Spirit-filled
mother, was brought into the Emergency Room to say
goodbye. But instead of saying goodbye, the Holy Spirit rose
up in her giving her the boldness to ask God to bring him
back. The machines started pinging and signs of life suddenly
This testimony is a faith-builder. I have been privileged
to get to know John, Joyce, and their pastor, Jason Noble,
who visited the 100th Assembly of the Church of God of
Prophecy last year. I also met the filmmakers and cast telling
this incredible faith-stirring message. Last spring, I was part
of a group brought in to meet the cast and crew, to get an
early look at what was happening. I’ve been to film sets
before but this time, DeVon spoke powerfully over us all and
I think his words apply to everyone who hears this story: “If
you come here and you only see a movie being filmed, you’re
missing what God is really trying to tell you, that He has a
‘breakthrough’ for you personally.”
Many churches will want to be on the front lines when
Breakthrough happens, so they can add their voices to those
who testify of God’s miracle power. In this special report, I’ll
share some of the stories from the Smiths, Pastor Noble, and
Rev. Franklin as well as some of the cast and crew who bring
it to the big screen.
Joyce, you had some pretty amazing faith that
God was going to raise John up. That doesn’t
happen very often or there wouldn’t be a movie.
What gave you the absolute assurance that he
hadn’t passed?
JOYCE: I’ll preface this with I’ve prayed for more people
who have died than have lived. We had prayed to God for 17
years that we could have a baby. I had three older children,
and we lost two children. This boy was our gift from God. On
my way to the hospital, I just started praying to God, “You gave
him to me. You can’t be taking him away from me. Please.
What’s going on?” And the Lord just started talking with me
and said, “Don’t worry about this. I’ve got this. I’ll take care
of this.” Now, I didn’t know what “I’ve got this” meant, other
was I just knew that He wasn’t going to take John. Something
we didn’t find out until after we had written the book was
DeWayne Hamby is the editor of the White Wing Messenger, Chief Clerk, director of Communications (comprised of editorial, social
media, and graphic art) and a member of the International Assembly Task Force for the Church of God of Prophecy International Offices.
He is also the chairman of PCCNA Proclaim, the media and communications commission for the Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches
of North America. In 2016, he published his first book, Gratitude Adjustment: Finding Joy through Thankfulness (White Wing Books).
that the charge nurse there,
said, “When you walked into
the room there was something
else that walked into the
room with you. There was a
presence there with you.” And
she said the whole atmosphere
of the room changed, even
the temperature of the room
changed. And she said, “When
you prayed for your son. . . “ and
as I say, I knew God was going
to bring him back, I didn’t know
how He was going to do it, but He was going to. She said,
“When you prayed for him, there was something that moved
up the table so hard and so forceful that it pushed me and
the other two people there back away from John, almost to
the point where I couldn’t keep my finger on his pulse.” And
she said, “We all felt it.” She went on to say, “We wouldn’t
even talk about it to each other that day. It wasn’t until the
next day when we got together and one of the nurses said,
‘Okay, I have to ask this question. What did you guys feel
when that mother prayed for her son?’ And the other nurse
said, ‘Well, what did you feel?’” You know, nobody wanted to
come out and say it first, and so finally they all agreed that
they’d never had anything like that happen. And it’s been a
bonding time for everyone who witnessed this miracle.
JASON: What I’d say, too, for
probably eight months before
this happened, God had been
preparing Joyce. She’d been
studying “Believing God” by Beth
Moore. So, God was preparing
her, and she had allowed God
to prepare her. So, when it
happened, God had put her right
there, in those studies from the
Bible, and all of that stuff. And so,
maybe more than in her whole
life, she believed that. When you look at this, I think there is
a difference between faith and belief. And I think her belief
is what God had grown and what she’d been working on.
Because the Bible says you either have faith or you don’t.
It’s not something you can grow. But belief, and that’s by
studying God’s promises, being in His Word, and I think these
miracles are available to anyone who will really get in and
run after it.
JOYCE: One of the Scriptures that we held onto is “The
power of life and death is in the tongue.” I don’t mean
someone should say, “I won a million dollars” and it’s going
to show up, I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about
reading God’s Scriptures and knowing His promises and His
truth through them. And that’s just one of the things, it
wasn’t an accident that we were studying about believing
God at that point in time. I mean, it was undeniably ordained.
Because the confessions that went on with that study in the
mornings when you would do your homework or whenever
you would do it, you would say, “I believe God is who He says
He is. I believe God can do what He says He can do. And I’m
believing God.” I mean, you’re reinforcing this. Also, in one
of her studies, I learned we are created in God’s image, He’s
omnipotent, so our words are potent. They have power to
them. And later on, in that teaching she talks about speaking
God’s words. Satan knows God’s Word because he was in
heaven with God. So, when you start speaking the Scriptures,
Satan stops hearing evil and starts hearing God’s voice. He’s
under God’s authority. And so, when you start praying that
stuff, it’s just amazing. I just had no doubt that God was
going to bring him back. I was getting irritated at the doctors
because they weren’t on the same page as me.
How long was it until he left the hospital?
JOYCE: Sixteen days until he walked out of the hospital,
from the time he fell through the water. And there’s a
timeline that goes with that. He woke up on the third day,
seven days later they took him off the vent, seven days after
that he walked out of the hospital. And forty days from the
day that he woke up, he was released from all doctors. We
didn’t know that until later. A friend of mine called me. “Okay,
let’s look at these dates.” She goes, “I have to know because
I know if this is God’s miracle, there’s God’s numbers on it.”
JASON: And God had it just set up. I mean, it was perfect.
We were saying over here, everything was within a moment.
If it would’ve been a minute longer in the water, they would
have put the rescue team in. John was right on the edge of
the ice shelf. Even just a little wave could have moved him
under it. It was literally within minutes every time. And one
of the things we tell in the story is, the heartbeat was just
the beginning, because when we got to the hospital in St.
Louis, he was brain-dead. They said that he’s not going to
live overnight. They were preparing to give another kid his
heart. We went in and prayed like crazy. He just woke up,
eyes open. He had probably 10 things going on that should’ve
killed him. His organs were in catastrophic failure, his muscles
were exploding. It wasn’t just the heartbeat, that was only
the beginning. That’s where we talked about praying. Okay,
the heartbeat’s just the beginning and we’re not giving up
until this boy walks out. And that evening we did walk out of
the room saying, “He’s walking out of here. He is walking out
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of this place.” And that’s exactly what he did. He didn’t even
take the wheelchair. He walked out of the hospital.
John, what an amazing story.
JOHN: Yeah, we were out on the
ice there (celebrating a win), and I
got a phone call from my mom, and
of course she asked me if I wanted
to go play basketball, so of course
I said, “Yes, let’s hit the gym,” and
what we figured out was I was
walking and talking, so as I was on
the phone, I wasn’t thinking about
where I was going, so the farther I
went, the thinner the ice got. She
said, “I love you,” and I said, “I love you too, Mom,” and I hung
up. They said within about three to four seconds, crack, the
ice fell, and the three of us were fighting for our lives.
That’s extraordinary faith that your mother
had. It’s inspiring. There are a lot of prayers
that people don’t pray, because they talk
themselves out of praying, they don’t think
it can happen. They don’t believe. The book
is called The Impossible, right? How has it
changed the whole family, even the people who
have heard this story, to pray for bigger things?
JOHN: Regarding my family, it’s brought everybody closer.
My brothers aren’t serving the Lord. One is, but the other
two aren’t. So, this story really got their eyebrows raised and
brought us all closer, and it’s giving us a chance to witness
to them. The story is impossible. Even so, there are certain
doubts that still come up. My parents are older, so I think,
“When I leave for college, are they going to be well enough
that they don’t need me?” But mom has always came back
with, “We are going to be okay, I’m not worried. God’s got us
under control. I continue to pray. I know He’s had us for 33
years before we even had you, I’m going to be okay.” That
sense of confidence, really, really inspires me to continue to
grow in my faith.
DeVon, the preview of the film broke records
for a faith-based film, right?
DEVON: Yes, the trailer is breaking records. It’s the biggest
trailer launch of any faith-based movie in history. Currently,
on Facebook, we’re at just about 23 million views. We have
30 million views overall in 48 hours of the trailer. We are just
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in unprecedented territory and God is doing the impossible
with this trailer so far. And here’s the other kicker, we haven’t
spent any media. This has all come organically which is a
major, major departure from how these digital roll-outs
usually happen. This thing is rolling, God is on the move, and
we’re just trying to keep up.
I know beyond having a hit movie, what else
do you want for this? What do you think this
movie could do for people who watch it and
really, for the world, once the story gets on
this platform?
DEVON: Success at the box office is just an indicator of
reach. So, my goal is to reach as many people as possible with
this film which is a powerful reminder of the power of prayer
and what prayer can do. It also shows that God is still in the
miracle-working business. It also shows what happens when
we come together, even in spite of our differences, when we
come together with one united goal, what we can do.
What would you say to churches? How
could churches really rally around and help
this movie?
DEVON: This movie is
a fantastic outreach tool
during Easter season. It’s
a resurrection story for
Resurrection time. It also
is a great outreach tool
because it gets people
remember that there
power in prayer. And
so many ministries that
are trying to find ways
to reach the community, Breakthrough is a fantastic way
to do it. Also, I’ve been able to broker an unprecedented
opportunity with 20th Century Fox. I have been able to get
them to allow churches to do exclusive buyouts. The movie
comes out April 17, 2019, two days before Good Friday,
five days before Easter. However, we have a program where
churches can buy out theaters as early as April 5 so that
their ministry can program going to see Breakthrough into
their overall Easter programming. That’s never been done
before. I wanted to make it so that we could accommodate
all the different needs of the varying ministries and church
Easter services. It’s exclusive, it’s only for churches. So, for
any church or ministry that gets this message, they can go
to to the church buyout tab, click
it, fill out the information, and we can immediately begin
processing their theater buyout.
W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
Crissy Metz (This Is Us) and Josh Lucas (Sweet Home
Alabama) star as Joyce and Bryan Smith, parents of John,
along with a larger all-star cast including Topher Grace, Mike
Colter, Dennis Haysbert, and Marcel Ruiz.
Josh, what appealed to you about this script
when you read it? And when this project came
to you? What really stood out to you? I know
it’s an amazing story, so what was it that kind
of grabbed your attention.
JOSH: The obvious
thing is the extraordinary,
miraculous, mind-blowing,
true story. One of the
things that struck me
was my mother’s a
midwife who delivered
babies, my father is an
emergency room doctor
and, in both cases, they have incidents like this one; their
stories are not necessarily the scope of this miracle but they
have moments in their medical careers where things have
happened they can’t explain. You can look at it from a spiritual
standpoint or as something that is unknowable about human
existence. They said that miraculous things happened in both
my mother’s case delivering babies, and my father’s case
dealing with people in severe crisis in an emergency room.
I guess that’s partly what struck me about it. I thought this
story was so profound and beautiful. I keep saying this story
gave me goosebumps. I’ve read this screenplay now multiple
times, and every time I read it, it gives me goosebumps even
though I know what’s going to happen. That to me is what
you hope for as a storyteller, or someone who’s going to
watch a movie.
Was your faith strengthened by the movie,
the way you might hope that will happen to
people who watch it?
JOSH: I think it would be impossible to see this movie or
look at this story and not be struck by wonder, or at least
want to know more. I do think it increases faith, without a
doubt. I think any time there is a miraculous moment, like I
said, go back to what I said about my mother delivering babies
or my dad inside the hospital ER, where those moments of
the Spirit, whatever it is that you can’t put your finger on,
it’s striking, it’s impactful in a way that I think is very positive.
That’s what I think of that.
Crissy, how did you react when you read the
script? What were your thoughts on it?
CRISSY: I was so
taken aback by this
woman who stayed
so strong in her
faith. She leaned
more into her
faith and into God
and that was just
something that you
must do because at some point you have to just relinquish
the control. I think that was so powerful because there is an
actual change. A rise and a fall and then of course the climax
of her whole journey. Even her own husband couldn’t face
their son. She had to go through all of that on her own, pull
from her faith. At some point, we all have to do that. I have
been down and out, I was like, “I don’t think I’m ever going
to be an actress, there’s nothing going to happen for me,”
so I can understand feeling alone and feeling like you aren’t
supported. Obviously, not to that degree, but knowing that
you’ve got to lean into the faith of what is in store for you.
This was something she prayed for and, by the grace of God,
it was the outcome that everybody wanted. There was a
purpose for John’s life. That is so amazing. Amazing doesn’t
even cut it. It’s not really a word to explain it. I just thought,
“Wow. This is something I would love to be a part of.” I’ll be
an extra, I want to be part, somehow, some small way. Then I
was fortunate enough to take on the role.
What’s a scene that you’ve already filmed
so far that was the most difficult, maybe
because it was the most emotionally
CRISSY: Yes. The scene we shot with me praying like Joyce
prayed over John and asked the Holy Spirit to bring him back
to life. That was really challenging. It was heart wrenching.
There are things in life you don’t want to believe, you don’t
want to accept, but you also want to believe in a miracle, but
you’re devastated. There are floods of emotions and you’re
just sort of trying to figure out the layers. I think on a cellular
level our bodies don’t know the difference in real and pretend
so I’d have to tell myself, “This isn’t really happening.” I had to
sort of adjust and that was emotionally draining. At the end
of the day, I was like, “I’m exhausted.” So, it was a challenge
in that way. It was so important. It was like this turning point
in the movie and we want it to be epic. To tell the true story
of Joyce’s faith and her love for her son.
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According to Wikipedia, “The term ‘journey of selfdiscovery’ refers to a travel, pilgrimage, or series of events
whereby a person attempts to determine how they feel,
personally, about spiritual issues or priorities, rather than
following the opinions of family, friends, neighborhood, or
peer pressure.” Similar is the case for discovering who you
are in Christ.
When God chooses us, and we accept His invitation into
the body of Christ, we go through a metamorphosis like a
butterfly. In the case of the butterfly, their life begins in the
form of an egg. The egg hatches and the result is a larvae
or caterpillar. The caterpillar feeds and grows until it finally
spins itself into a shell or pupa. During the pupa stage, the
insect goes through several changes and finally emerges
as a beautiful butterfly. These processes are collectively
referred to as a metamorphosis. According to dictionary.
com, “metamorphosis is defined as any complete change in
appearance, character, circumstance, etc. There is a change
of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely
different one, by natural or supernatural means.” Let’s
compare the similarities of the butterfly to that of a Christian.
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From my point of view, there are five phases of the Christian
metamorphosis process.
The first phase is being born as a sinner. The Holy Bible
teaches that “sin came into the world through one man, and
death through sin, and so death spread to all men because
all sinned” (Romans 5:12-14). The second phase of the
metamorphosis process is salvation or a new birth. Jesus
answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless
one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John
3:3. This second phase or salvation is critical to the overall
metamorphosis process. Without a sincere commitment
to accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, one can
never complete the metamorphosis process. Once a person
accepts and commits to salvation, he/she begins to learn
what it means to be saved. They begin to understand what it
means to put on the new man as the apostle Paul described
in Ephesians 4:20-24: “That you put off, concerning your
former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according
to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your
mind, and that you put on the new man which was created
according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”
W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
Dr. Phillip Davis is a third generation COGOP member. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Christian Leadership from Christian
Leadership University, is a certified “How to Hear God’s Voice” facilitator and also publishes a weekly blog entitled “5 Minutes With
Jesus.” He is an ordained minister and serves as pastor of Covenant Faith Ministry in Holly Springs, North Carolina.
The third phase in this process is sanctification.
Sanctification simply means that a person has reached the
point in their salvation that they are set apart for God’s
service, set apart as a vessel which contains and pours out
the Spirit of God. You no longer live! Christ lives in you and
through you (see Thessalonians 5:23).
The fourth phase of the metamorphosis process is to be
empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers
us: to make a difference in the world around us; to give
life (John 7); to provide direction (John 14:26); to help us
(Romans 8:23); to lead us (2 Corinthians 3:5); to make us
effective (Acts 1:8); to use our gift (1 Corinthians 12:7); to
be encouraged (Acts 9:31); to build our confidence (Romans
8:27); and to bring to mind those teachings of Jesus Christ and
the early apostles (1 John 2).
The fifth phase of the metamorphosis process occurs when
we transition from this life to eternal life. The apostle Paul
says, “Dear brothers and sisters, our physical bodies cannot
inherit the Kingdom of God . . . but we will all be transformed .
. . into bodies that will never die. . .” (1 Corinthians 15:51–55).
All of us must come to discover that our being is no
different than the early apostles. They were set apart for
service. So are we! They were empowered for service. We
can be, too! The difference between them and us is they
discovered who they were in Christ. They accepted their role
as a vessel to hold the Lord’s Spirit. They accepted their role
as a temple for God to live in. They accepted their role as the
mouthpiece of God. What about us? Have you discovered
who you are in Christ?
As for me, I am a preacher and teacher of the gospel of
Jesus Christ. I am indwelled by the Holy Spirit wherein I have
died to the flesh and have been set apart for the service of
the Lord. I fully recognize as did the apostle Paul that “I have
been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ
who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by
faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for
me. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The
old has passed away; behold, all things are new.” It has taken
a while for me to figure this out but figure this out, I have.
Have you discovered who you are in Christ?
A major part of the discovery process is to fully understand
what it means to die. In other words, God is living His life
through you because the natural you no longer lives. Upon
salvation, sanctification and Holy Spirit empowerment, the
natural you is supposed to be dead, so let it die; let it die
for the glory of God to work through you. For many people,
this concept is a major hurdle to overcome. You no longer
live! Christ lives through you! To make this point very clear,
let’s read these Scriptures again. “I have been crucified with
Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of
God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Believers in Jesus Christ must come to realize and accept
the fact that we are vessels to be used by God. Second
Corinthians 4:7 says, “We have this treasure,” i.e., God’s
Holy Spirit living within our body such that the excellence of
God’s power may work through us for His glory. We are no
longer our own person! The Bible makes this clear; “Do you
not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within
you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for
you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1
Corinthians 6:19).
This is who we are. The sooner we discover who we are in
Christ, the sooner we can get on with the work God has for
us to do. Until we discover who we are in Christ, we tend to
flounder or struggle with figuring out who we are and what
it is that we are supposed to be doing as a new born child of
God. The “I” within us keeps getting in the way. Remember,
“I” have died! Replace the “I” with Christ and you’ll begin to
discover who you really are in Christ. For example, I suppose
many of us think that I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). Wrong! Replace the “I”
with Christ and you’ll begin to discover who you are; i.e.,
Christ can do all things through me. We (you) can do nothing
because you are dead. God’s Holy Spirit has indwelled your
body. He has taken over our body. It is not “I” that gives sight
to the blind. It is Jesus doing it through us! It is not “I” who
is setting the captives free. It is Jesus doing it through us. It
is not “I” who is healing the sick. It is Jesus doing it through
us. It is not “I” who is doing greater works. It is Jesus who is
doing it through us. “I” have been crucified with Christ. It is
no longer “I” who lives, but Christ who lives in me. And the
life “I” now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave Himself for me. Discover who you are
in Christ. You are an heir according to the promise of God.
You have been joined to the Lord and become one spirit with
Him. Allow the Lord who began a good work in you to bring
it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Discover who you
are in Christ! You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a people for God’s own possession, set apart for His
exclusive use, that we may proclaim the excellencies of GOD
who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. This is
who we are in Christ.
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Carl Corser is an ordained bishop, serves as president of the Gideons Cleveland North Camp, board of directors and chaplain of
the Peach State Tractor Club, and owner of Corser Enterprises.
Do you remember the old song, “Make Me A Blessing”?
The words are still relevant.
Make me a blessing,
Make me a blessing;
Out of my life,
May Jesus shine;
Make me a blessing,
Oh, Savior I pray,
Make me a blessing
To someone today.
How many days have passed since you made a difference
in someone’s life through being a blessing to them? That
song used to be quite popular and sang often in our worship
services. Have you really thought about everything involved
in being a blessing to someone every day? Being a blessing
is being:
Scripture states that it is more blessed to give than to
receive. Blessing others is very rewarding. Could it be that
being a blessing to others is even more rewarding? Is there
a deeper commitment of spirit involved? I can say bless you
all day long and people who hear these words do feel better,
but God making us a blessing or being a blessing by his Holy
Spirit’s direction has a much deeper meaning.
I must possess a benevolent spirit to truly and honestly be
a blessing to others. Being a blessing to others is acting upon
a benevolent attitude; one of good will, full of kindness. Being
a blessing is loving them in their current state of being. Loving
them is not always an easy task, but in God’s love we are able
to be a loving person, being a blessing.
Once we have the individual’s attention, we need
to continually be encouraging them. They need to be
transformed and renewed in their spirit to be able to move
away from their current state of mind towards the mind of
Christ. They need to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that we are truly sincere in our being a blessing to them. Our
sincerity will build their trust and confidence in the fact that
help has finally arrived.
By this point in the blessing relationship, we need to be
supportive of them in all ways. Some areas they will be more
able to find for themselves than others. Our supportive
actions will be needed in the areas that they are weak.
The next part requires knowledge, wisdom and understanding
obtained through the Holy Spirit. With God’s help, I need to
be insightful in when, where and how I am being a blessing. A
word fitly spoken or an act of kindness timely done can make
a huge difference in their progress.
As the process progresses, we need to be nurturing them
along their pathway to success. The old adage, “Two steps
forward and one step backwards” may be true, but through
our nurturing, they are still making progress. Until their
process is complete and they are capable and willing to be a
blessing to others, we must keep on giving, giving, and giving.
God is your source and ability. You will never be able to give
all of yourself away by being a blessing to others if you will
allow God to refill you often through His Spirit.
To truly be a blessing to others, we must be all of these
to the individual to whom we are being a blessing. Being a
successful blessing to others makes others successful in their
walk with God. Oh, how rewarding it is to see the individual
you have poured yourself into become a successful Christian,
being a blessing to others around them.
Try it. Practice makes perfect. Let’s show the next
generation how it’s done. To all of us, young and old alike, we
need to just be a blessing to others, always.
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Psalm 23 is universally loved because of its
comforting message. When you read into the Hebrew
wording, the message really comes alive. “Yahweh—
the Almighty who keeps covenant with Israel—is my
very own shepherd. I shall never be in need or lack
because of this relationship.”
That is an awesome thought. The omnipotent, allpowerful God who created the universe and keeps it
in order is the same One who constantly leads me, like
a shepherd leads his sleep. He guides me from place to
place, making sure I have food and water. He protects
me and provides shelter. He knows me by name and
takes delight in me.
David showed perfect insight when he (speaking for
all of us) used the word sheep. They are not very bright
animals; they’re afraid of everything and yet can be
quite stubborn despite repeated training. Taking that
into consideration, is it not amazing that the Lord God
who inhabits the Holiest Place in Heaven cares so
deeply for you in every way like an earthly shepherd
cares for his sheep?
Shepherds raise and nurture the sheep. They give
medicine to them. Morning and evening each individual
animal is checked by the shepherd. Jesus is our Good
Shepherd; He knows His sheep, and they know His
voice (John 10:14, 27). When some enemy prowls
nearby, when a storm rages fierce, a shepherd stands
between it and the flock. When the enemy hunts
for you, desiring to sift you like wheat, when
the terrors of sin surround you, Yahweh
God stands there to protect you. You
will never be in need because of
His protection and care. He is
Jehovah-Jireh, your provider.
He is your Shepherd!
“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he
leadeth me beside the still waters.” David makes an
interesting point here. He says the Good Shepherd
makes him sit still. Have you ever found yourself
so busy that you ended up being of no good use to
anyone? That is when you need to be still and know
God. That is when God “makes” you sit, and makes you
enjoy the beauty and pleasures all around. You may
not realize that it is time to pause, but He does. And
what better place to make you rest than in the midst
of a lush, green field! With God, it is always “only the
Former Presidents of the United States have
commented while in office that they give no thought
to their personal safety. They know that the Secret
Service is there to protect them. Those highly trained
men and women are very dedicated to their task. So
much so, that the person being guarded literally lives
and moves in a shield of safety. Yet the entire Secret
Service cannot protect or give assurance to you for
your safety as much as “the name of the Lord” can
(Proverbs l8:10). He is Jehovah-Shalom, the God who
gives peace. He is your Shepherd!
“He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for his name’s sake.” The caption from
a cartoon reads, “There’s no reason for it—that’s just
our company policy.” Life is full of such examples, but
God is not like that. The two parts of this
verse are connected and the basis
for them is the phrase “for His
name’s sake.” To “restore”
means to bring back to
the point of departure or
deviation. When we go
away from God, our
Good Shepherd comes
looking for us. He
W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
Michael Chambers lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, and serves as the pastoral assistant at Victory Faith Church. Bible expository,
preaching, teaching, and writing are the driving forces in his life.
takes us back to the place where sin first deceived us,
but He doesn’t stop there. Jesus puts us back on the
path of right living—and continues to lead us. Why?
Because like an earthly shepherd, Jesus cares for each
and every one of His lambs. He is Jehovah-Tsidkenu,
the Lord who makes us righteous. He is your Shepherd!
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy
rod and thy staff they comfort me.” After telling that
the Good Shepherd leads beside still waters and
abundant, green fields, David brings in a change of
tone. Now he admits that there are times of deep,
dark fear and terror. But during these travels thru
the abyss (which can be as terrifying as death itself)
Yahweh God—David’s very own Divine Shepherd—is
right there alongside him. We all have friends who will
go with us thru trials, to a point. However, when even
the closest of friends cannot go with us, the Lord is still
there. Though He is the Almighty Lord, He brings along
His shepherd staff and His walking cane. The staff, to
protect me and steer along the right direction, and
the walking stick to steady my footsteps. With Him
beside me, and the rod and the staff on each side, I
know l shall reach the end of each and every valley
of shadows! When out in the plains and grassy fields,
there are other sheep who need the Shepherd’s
attention. But when I come to the valleys, the place
of trials, the grammatical tense changes from the
third person (“He”) to second person (“You; Thou”).
Just Jesus and me, going where no other will go. Each
fear or earth trial that comes to me—and Jesus. He
is there right beside me. When the shadows hide His
presence, He is still there! Job lost the awareness of
God’s presence, but he was ever on God’s mind. And
God was there listening to everything Job said. He is
Jehovah-Shammah, the Lord who is there.
He is your Shepherd!
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence
of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my
cup runneth over.” “In the presence of mine enemies”
is a wonderful thought. You see, the Good Shepherd
not only leads and protects, He gives honor and victory.
During the time of David, it was a common practice for
a victorious king to host a feast for his generals and
other guests. Prior to the meal, the defeated king and
his warlords were brought in and chained to the walk
and pillars. There, in the presence of their enemies,
the champions feasted! The Lord knows who your
enemies are and He has already defeated them! But
there is more. He is carefully arranging a wonderfully
spread table for you while they helplessly look on.
No matter what the devil tries to do to you, God will
increasingly bless you as long as you are part of His
flock. For an example, look at Job. Every single thing he
had, the devil took. Yet, everything the devil took, God
restored double! The second part of this verse takes
us deeper into the love of God: “Thou anointest my
head with oil.” These words raise us from the position
of “guests” (from the first part of the verse) to being
kings and priests. Only priests and kings were anointed
with the scented oil. We know that the world may see
us merely as sheep, but God sees us as more. To Him
we are mighty warriors and special priests, and the
anointing is His unique sign, the Divine seal of approval.
He is Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord your banner. He is Your
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the
days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
forever.” The twenty-third Psalm pictures the Lord in
many aspects, but it also pictures Him in many places.
According to verses one through three, He leads; in
verses four and five, He is going alongside. Now, in
the final words, we discover a spiritual truth: God’s
great love actively pursues us. The literal translation?
Right into His very palace! The presence of our Good
Shepherd goes ahead, walks beside, and follows us
closely. It’s no wonder Satan complained to God in Job
1:10 about the Divine hedge!
How secure is this ring of protection? The word
“surely” means ‘’without a doubt.’ As a shepherd
himself, David knew the ways and workings of God.
From his own experiences, David could remember
the good times and the dangerous perils. Like one of
his own sheep, he could recall when he had followed
the Lord and when he had wandered off on his own.
David also remembered that he would follow after the
sheep and securely put them into the fold at evening.
Amazed at the wonderful grace of God following
him throughout his life, he wrote that he himself
would one day enter the safety of the Lord’s house,
a welcome guest throughout eternity. He is JehovahMekaddishkem, He is the Lord who satisfies. He is your
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Kathryn Creasy
Executive Director of Leadership
Development and Discipleship
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W W W. W H I T E W I N G M E S S E N G E R . N E T
As members of the Church of God of Prophecy, our view is
usually on our local church, our district, our state or region,
our nation. Viewed from that perspective we sometimes
fail to see the very BIG global picture. The Church of God
of Prophecy is in 130 nations of the world and has more
than 10,400 local congregations with more than 940,500
With this awareness comes the realization that for the
Church of God of Prophecy to have greater impact we
must identify, develop, and engage more individuals in the
process of leadership development. To accomplish this our
Leadership Development and Discipleship staff is working
together to fulfill the following BIG commitments.
We will work together to develop
leaders by providing applicable
and accessible content, tools, and
We believe that content, tools, and resources are
necessary to clarify and strengthen our commonality in faith
and doctrine. Excellent content supported by appropriate
tools and resources will enable our leaders to minister
with knowledge (facts and information gained), with
understanding (ability to use knowledge to develop guiding
principles), and with wisdom (ability to apply knowledge
and understanding in ways that enable them to take right
actions). Therefore, we are committed to evaluating and
updating current content as well as providing additional
content to meet current needs in leadership development.
We will develop and implement a
global strategy for recruiting and
retaining young adult leaders.
We recognize that the membership and ministry of the
Church of God of Prophecy in many nations is aging. To
sustain ministry at every level and in every nation we must
engage young leaders. Even though God still calls young
men and women into lifelong ministry many are hesitant
to accept this call. We want to work together as a team
and with every level of leadership to emphasize the call
of God, to engage young men and women in leadership
development, to provide opportunities for young men and
women to serve alongside, and finally to open the doors for
lifelong ministry to them.
We will create alignment within
Leadership Development and
Discipleship ministries.
While the target audience of each ministry within
Leadership Development and Discipleship differs, our
goal is the same—engaging and developing leaders who
are equipped to make disciples. Therefore, we will work
together to achieve common goals and support one another
as we develop and implement unique ministry strategies.
We will create a culture of
accountability among leaders.
Accountability is the willingness to be answerable for
actions, for results. One of our goals as we develop leaders
is to provide applicable content and then provide a strategy
for holding participants accountable for application.
Accountability will be ingrained in the fiber of training
content through evaluation, application activities, and posttraining assignments as well as support.
We will improve relationships among
our leadership at every level and on
every continent.
Leadership Development and Discipleship ministries
wants to connect with our leaders. To do this we have
implemented a bi-monthly newsletter in Spanish, French,
and English as well as a weekly Facebook Live (currently
in English). Children’s Ministries and Youth Ministries
provide regular communication through newsletters, blogs,
webinars, and Facebook posts. The number and diversity of
our communication with you, our constituents, will continue
to increase.
Leadership Development and Discipleship ministries is
focusing our ministry efforts on these five BIG commitments.
Please join us.
If you would like to learn more about how you can
participate in leadership development opportunities visit
our website
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