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Bài 2. Ôn tập kiến thức cần nhớ và bài tập vận dụng.
I. Ngữ pháp:
1. Cách dùng động từ và danh từ cùng gốc
tend: v - tendency: n
2. Các từ và cụm từ chỉ số lượng:
most, most of, little, a little, a great deal of, a large number of , ...
Would you like a little wine ? There is very little wine in the bottle.
II. Practice:
1. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D
1. Have you ____ for a job yet ?
A. requested B. begged C. applied D. inquired
2. Yes, I have. It’s for a secretarial ____ in a large company.
A. post B. matter C. work D. employment
3. Have you been for an ____ yet ?
A. overview B. inspection C. appointment D. interview
4. Yes, I ____ one yesterday.
A. took B. attended C. waited D. examined
5. Did they ask you what examinations you’ ve ____ ?
A. overcome B. passed C. succeeded D. obtained
6. They wanted to know a lot about my education and my ____.
A. awards B. winning C. passes D. qualifications
7. Did they ask you about your hobbies ?
A. None B. Not C. No D. Without
8. Do you hope that you can get that job ?
A. No B. I do C. Yes, I do D. Not
2. Complete these sentences with the words following.
most most of much many little a little
a great deal of a large number of few a few a lot of
1. ____ people can speak a foreign language perfectly.
2. His theory is very difficult, but ____ people understand it.
3. She has ____ interest in polities.

4. Would you like ____ champagne ?
5. My father has been to London ____ times.
6. My students always make the ____ of time to master English.
7. ____ people think it easier to find a good job if they know English well.
8. After working hard at English for months his English is ____ better now.
9. The disabled always have ____ trouble in their life.
10. ____ Vietnamese students know English.
3. Give the correct form of the words.
1. Do you think they are ____ with my work ?
2. He can’t prove his honesty to my ____.
3. That boy could give a ____ proof of not involving in the robbery. So he was released.
4. It’s usually difficult to ____ the examiners.
5. His answer is most ____ of all.
1. “Don’t ____ me till you see me”, Paul said to his girl friend.
2. The average ____ is about 65.
3. He is the only son so he is an ____ heir.
4. Their interest in doing business is beyond ____.
5. The result of Jones’ examination is contrary to his parents’ ____ .
6. She can’t do such a hard work because she is ____.
4. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Dear sirs,
I ____ (1- write) to apply for the fost of film editor, as ____ (2-advertise) in this morning’s Daily sun. I was born
on July 12
, 1973 and I ____ (3-attend) Elma Street Primary school from 1979 to 1988, and Roger Holm Secondary School
from 1989 to 1992. I ____ (4-pass) my school Certificate Examination that year and ____ (5-get). Grade A in Literature,
English, French and Art, and Grade B in mathematics, science, history and geography.
I ____ (6-work) as a junior clerk at the East-West Trading Company from July 1993 to 1995. In October 1995 I

____ (7-obtain) a position with New Angle Film Productions as an assistant editor. I ____ (8-like) the work a lot.
I ____ (9-speak) French and Spainish fairly well and ____ (10-drive) a car. I ____ (11- be able) to get on well
with people and I ____ (12-enjoy) hard work. My hobbies are photography, ____ (13-watch) television and ____ (14-play)
the piano.
I ____ (15-attend) an interview at any time.
Yours faithfully,
Chairman Rambo
5. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb “make and do”
1. I haven’t got a $ 50 note. Will two $ 20 and $ 10 note ____ ?
2. That will ____, children! You’re giving a terrible headache.
3. Why does she ____ such a fuss of him ?
4. What have you ____ to this table cloth ? It’s got some kind of red liquid all over it.
5. Don’t forget to ____ your hair before you go out.
6. Could you ____ me a favour ? Please drive me to town.
7*. This car is very economical. It ____ 40 miles to the gallon.
8. He had difficulty ____ his way through the crowd.
9. It’s very important to ____ a good impression at this meeting.
10*. This room could ____ with a good clean.
11. Please sit down and ____ yourself at home.
12. Don’t have anything to ____ with her. She can’t be trusted.
13. When her father was younger, he ____ a fortune selling clothes.
14*. I think the answer is 2,347. What do you ____ it ?
15. How would you like your steak ____ ? Medium, please.
16. He ____ so much noise that he woke the child up.
17. She wan’t happy about ____ without sugar in her coffee.
18. The new manager ____ some changes as soon as he arrived.
19. How did you ____ in the examination ? Quite well, I think.
20*. What time do you ____ it ? Nearly six o’clock.
6*. Find and correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. The system has capabilities such as communicating with other computers, processing records, and mathematical

2. The personnel officer told me that I would answer the phone, welcome visitors, distribute mail, and some typing.
3. This summer I want a job more than to go to Disney World.
4. Nancy not only called the post office but she checked with the neighbours to see if the package had come.
5. During basic training. I was not only told what to do but also what to think.
6. Jupiter is larger than any planet in our solar system.
7. State officals were more concerned with the damage than what caused it.
8. Thomas decided to join the army after his freshman year and been in it ever since.

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