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A Practical SEO Guide...................................................................................................................... 4
The Old SEO..................................................................................................................................... 4
The New SEO ................................................................................................................................... 5
Social Signals ................................................................................................................................... 6
Keyword Research .......................................................................................................................... 7
Knowing What Google Says .......................................................................................................... 11
Introduction to WordPress ........................................................................................................... 12
Wordpress Is Easy to Configure for SEO ................................................................................... 13
Getting Statistics On Your Site ...................................................................................................... 14
So Why Is Analytics Important? ................................................................................................ 14
Analytics Will Tell You If Your Content Is Interesting ................................................................ 15
WordPress Plug-Ins ....................................................................................................................... 16
WordPress Themes ....................................................................................................................... 17
Off Page Optimization ................................................................................................................... 18
What Are Search Engines Looking For? ........................................................................................ 19
Social Media Signals ...................................................................................................................... 20
Social Media Optimization ............................................................................................................ 21
Networking and Back Linking ........................................................................................................ 22
So how do you get these authoritative links? ........................................................................... 23
Blog Commenting ...................................................................................................................... 24
Backlinks from Videos ............................................................................................................... 24
Doing Niche Research. .................................................................................................................. 25
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 27


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A Practical SEO Guide
This is a Practical SEO guide that will help you to get your site to be found by
other people searching in Google. This means being ranked at the top of the
first page when people are searching using a certain keyword.
It's important for you, if you’re an affiliate marketer or if you are a small
business marketer. Your business will depend on how much traffic you can get
to your website and that will depend on how often you’re findable when
people are searching for what you offer.
SEO used to have a pretty simple formula. First, a person had to concentrate
on getting ranked in Google. And then once they were able to get their site
ranked in Google, the other major sites such as Yahoo and Bing followed suit.

The Old SEO
And getting ranked in Google was basically getting the most authority
backlinks to your site, as well as having a lot of relevant content on your site.
Most site owners created their own backlinks to mimic what it would look like
if others found their site to be worth talking about. The same site owners
would create content that the algorithm would find relevant, even if it didn’t
make that much sense to the actual reader.
If you don't understand the concepts of “algorithm”, “backlinks” and “content”
right now, that's okay, I'll explain it more later in this guide.
You don't want to get to know the old way of doing SEO anyway. You want to
understand the new way of doing SEO that will be a reflection of the work
you're doing to know your customers and to know your subject.


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The New SEO

In 2011 and 2012 Google changed the way that they ranked websites by
changing their programming. In marketing circles, this programming is called
their “algorithm”.
Instead of ranking sites on the first page, at the top of the listings by using the
formula I talked about, they began to incorporate other aspects of online
In previous years, it was always said that it was unimportant for a website to
be popular as far as what it did to determine the website’s ranking. This
means that website that received a lot of attention and a lot of traffic, didn't
necessarily find itself at the top of the search engines when somebody typed
in a topic that their site was about.
Now, popularity does matter. It matters in how people use your website’s
content in their social media channels; (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) and it
matters how they show their approval of what your content says on a regular


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Social Signals
Google has called this “social signals”, and it means that if you give users
things they like to read and share with their friends, you’re more likely to be
first in your chosen topic for your keywords.

That also means that the “backlink” process has taken on a new form.
Marketers will now need to find new ways of networking with other website
owners in their niche. And they will also need to look to try to get attention
from both news and related trade organizations.
This is the new SEO. While you will find sites that will still use the old formula
to rank, Google is working overtime in order to eliminate them the advantage
that they used to have.

This May Seem Like A Lot of Work, But…
Therefore, even though the way that I am teaching you in this guide will seem
like a lot of work, you will not have to look over your shoulder six months or a
year after you get your site ranked at the top. You won’t be wondering if
Google will penalize you and drop your site. If you follow the guide that I'm
giving you in these pages, you will have your site ranked; you will get traffic
and you will have longevity in your market.

You Must Be Dedicated
Obviously, I can’t guarantee these things to you because I don't know how
much work you're willing to put in to this process. I don't know whether or
not you will be willing to do the networking that it will take. And I don't know
whether or not you will want to keep working, or if you will hit a brick wall.
SEO is about relationships, persistence and determination…not about
formulas. The kind of person that does well getting their site ranked at the top


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of Google for their chosen keywords tends to be a person that does not give up

When one thing doesn't work, they move on to add another tactic. And they
keep adding them until they get what they want: which is to have their site
ranked at the top for the keywords that their customers are searching for.
Your success in SEO will be determined by the same qualities. So if you're
ready, let's learn how to do the basics that will put you in a position to be
successful. Once you have done the basics and everything else that you can do,
you'll need to apply as much pressure as you can until you reach your goal.

Keyword Research
The most important aspect of what you'll be doing in getting your website to
rank will be to determine what keywords you want your site to be found for.
To have your site rank for keywords that people are not searching for, will not
make you any money.
The key to making money with your website will be having people who were
going to the search engines and find your site when they are on the way to
find answers for questions they have. In most cases, these people will have not
heard of your website or your company before they find it on the search
To determine what keywords are most relevant, you'll need to go through a
basics series of questions that will give you insight on what keywords you
need to try to rank your site for. The way I look at this is basically using
question words such as: who, what, how and why.
Let's explore each one of the question words and how it relates to figuring out
what keywords you would like to get your site ranked for.


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Before you can get deep into which keywords potential customers going to
use you're going to want to take a hard look at who would actually want what
your website is selling. Take a hard look at the demographics.
When I use the word demographics, I mean answering questions such as …
will the people come from a specific country or geographic location? Will your
customers be of a specific age? What about their gender? Will those customers
have children or be interested in things for their children? Determine who
your customer is.

When it’s determined which certain group of people you're going to be
targeting, you want to start thinking about what words they use in order to
search for things on the Internet. You also want to determine the difference
between words they use when they are doing research and words they are
using when they are ready to buy.
You also want to think about their particular preferences. What do they like?
What words do they use to express their likes and dislikes? What is troubling
them? See if you can find out what kind of solutions they like and prefer in
order to solve their problems.


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The words that you want to rank for are those that people use when they are
ready to buy. You only have a limited amount of time and resources and you
want to spend them on those people that are most likely to buy.

As time goes forward and you have ranked your sites for words that people
use when they are ready to buy, you can then start looking to rank for
research words. But, you want to start with words that are buying keywords.

You may be wondering how you are going to find these keywords. Well, one of
the best ways to do that will be for you to use the Google Adwords Keyword
Basically, what you'll do is to put your subject into the search box, and
determine the results that Google gives you.
Google will tell you which keywords are searched for the most and you can
use them to determine which ones you want to target. In general, you want to
try to target those words that don't have lots of competition, but yet are being
searched for a lot.
It will be impossible for you to avoid competition altogether. This is where
your determination will come in. If you're willing to invest the time and effort
you may have to out rank sites that are your competitors. When the keyword
you’re looking at has lots of searches the effort that you make is going to be
worth it.
The question you will have to always ask yourself is how long you want to
work to get a keyword before it actually starts to make you money. Make sure
you’re always working on some “low hanging fruit” before you attack the “big”


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The next thing you want to determine is why certain keywords are important
and what keywords your customers have recently been using.
Google’s tool to give you this information is called Google trends. Google
trends will allow you to determine which searches related to your subject are
rising in popularity.
If the search has been rising in popularity over the last six months, you'll want
to use it even if you can't find that word in the Adwords Keyword Tool.
Focusing on those terms that customers have been using recently is a good
strategy for finding keywords that may not have as much competition as


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Knowing What Google Says

Another important thing that you'll need to do in order to keep your website
in good standing in the search engines is to make sure that you understand
what they want. Search engine engineers routinely change their algorithm to
do for their customers what they feel is best.
This may mean that they will make a change that could affect the way your
site ranks. So you’ll want to make sure that you are ahead of the situation. By
knowing what those changes are before they happen, or as soon after they
happen as you can find out.
There are several ways that you can do this. One of the easiest ways to do this
is to set up a Google alert. If you set up a Google alert for changes that Google
Webmaster Tools might make then you'll be keeping up with everything that
might affect your website that Google is doing.

It may be difficult for you to figure out exactly what some of the changes may
mean as Google states them. You may need help to determine what they may
mean for your niche or for your site.
Seek the help of search engine blogs that will track the changes as they
happen. Sites such as Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal, and
Mashable will break the information down into understandable chunks.
The other thing that you'll want to do is to make sure that you are signed up
for Google Webmaster Tools. This will require you to align your site with


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Google and you will get communication on a regular basis about what Google
analysis of your site indicates.
If there is a problem that the Google algorithm indicates that might cause
them to make your site less visible, you'll want to know about it. Google
Webmaster Tools is the best way to do this, as they will send updates to your
associated Gmail box.

Introduction to WordPress

As you build your website, you'll want to use a platform that will be easy to
update and easy to customize. While there are a number of website builders
on the market that you will be able to purchase, one of the best and most
popular site building systems is WordPress.
WordPress is highly customizable through its plug-ins. When you want to
increase the options that you have in terms of the way your website operates,
you can do that through the WordPress Plug-in system. And the good thing

about this is that both WordPress is free and many plug-ins are free to help
you customize your website.
WordPress is also easy to customize in terms of the look. Many WordPress
themes that will change the look of your website are free, and those that you
can also purchase are available for relatively inexpensive amount.


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This is important because if you spend money on a designer and you are
unable to make the changes yourself, a considerable amount of your profit will
be spent making updates to your website.

Wordpress Is Easy to Configure for SEO
Using the plug-in system, WordPress has a number of ways that you will be
able to make your site SEO friendly. Many of the technical things that Google
will look for in your site will be findable when you use plug-ins.
We will discuss some specific ways for you to find plug-ins for SEO and any
other function that you'll need in this course.


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Getting Statistics On Your Site
Before getting deep into specifics about plug-ins and settings, I want to talk
about something that's very important to doing business online. You may

choose to use a WordPress plug-in to implement this and so this is a very good
time to talk to you about analytics. Analytics programs give you statistics
about your website activity.
The best way to install an analytics program will be to look for a WordPress
plug-in that uses the free Google Analytics online tool to add to your website.
To find this plug-in all you need to do is to go to Google itself, type in Google
analytics WP plug-in, and then look for the results.
Download the plug-in, and install it to your website. You will be required to
start a free Google Analytics account in order to complete the installation.
Once Google has verified that analytics is on your site, you will be ready to
start analyzing statistics about who is coming to your site and what they're

So Why Is Analytics Important?
Google Analytics tells you most of what you'll need to know about your site
visitors. With the information you're given, you'll be able to make adjustments
so that once customers began to arrive at your site you can guide them to see
your products and services so that they can buy them.
If for some reason your customers are coming to your site and getting stuck
on a page that does not put them in the position to buy, you'll want to know
that. If your customers are coming to your site and leaving very quickly, you
want to know that also.
Google analytics will tell you who visit your site; how long they stay, which
pages they access, who sent them, and when they visit. All of this is very
important information that you'll be able to use to improve on the activity on
your site.


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Analytics Will Tell You If Your Content Is Interesting
The other important factor is that it will tell you whether or not people are
interested in your content. The more interested that people are in your
content, the more they are likely to share on social media and the more likely
they are to stay and read. As part of its algorithm, Google has taken into
consideration how long a person stays on your site, as well as how many or how
much they share your information with their friends.
If your content doesn't interest people and they’re are quickly leaving, use
your analytics program to help you to develop better content and to continue
to improve on it until you get the results that will help you to get better
rankings you want as well as to influence more people to buy.
Another important aspect of Google Analytics is it will tell you what mobile
users are doing. As you know, an increasing number of searchers are using
their mobile devices to access the Internet. You want to make sure that these
mobile users find your site enjoyable and acceptable. Use Google analytics to
monitor this and make adjustments so that this increasing number of people
will want to visit your site.
Analytics will also give you good information to share with advertisers. When
they approach you about wanting to put their ad on your site, you can use
your analytics information to share with them. You be sharing real
information that will help them to make a good decision about whether or not
your site is worth their time.
Also, once you have an analytics program, you can then begin to set realistic
goals for your site and then work on them until you accomplish them. For
example, you may want to set a goal of a certain number of site visitors by
certain period of time. Your analytics program will tell you how you're
progressing, and will give you clues on what you can do to increase that traffic
until it reaches what you want it to.


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WordPress Plug-Ins
I would like to talk a little more detail about WordPress plug-ins here. Plug-ins
are a way for you to add new features to the way your site works.
WordPress is a great word website builder all by itself. However, you may find
that your particular market or site visitors would like to have something on
the site that would make their experience a better one.
You can find plug-ins that will help you to change your site’s function. You can
change the way comments appear, you can change the way advertising
appears, you can add social media buttons and the list is endless.
When you are running up against a brick wall in terms of what your site does,
a quick trick to find out if there is a plug-in for it is to go to the Google search
engine, and type in what you want your website to do and along with “WP”
and “plug-in”. If there is a plug-in available, typically, you'll be able to find one
this way.
In most cases the plug-ins that you will find when you look for them in search
engines will be free. In other cases these plug-ins will require you to pay, or
make a donation.
The good thing about paid plug-ins is that the creators will keep up with the
changes that WordPress makes in its platform. And you won't probably have
to wait for the functionality to be fixed. With free plugins, there is sometimes
a wait before a creator has time to fix their software to match any security
changes that Wordpress must make to patch their software…
There are certain plug-ins that you will need to make your life easier, doing
SEO on your site. I will provide links to these plug-ins below.

In order to start your site successfully for SEO, download the following plugins and install them into your WordPress site. Each plug-in may require some
additional configuration. However, if you are uncertain about the
configuration, then just use the default. You will be able to customize the plugin as your site matures.


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 Akisimet (Spam Protection)
 All In One SEO Pack
 Google Analytics
 Shareaholic (Social Media Sharing)
 Online Backup for Wordpress
 W3 Total Cache
 WP Touch (For Mobile)

WordPress Themes
WordPress themes will help you to customize the way your site looks to site
visitors. They allow you to change the site’s design, colors and overall feel.
Since you want visitors to stay on your site as long as they find it interesting,
you want to do what you can to make your site appealing. The look of your site
is important, depending on what your visitors expect.
So, you'll want to choose your theme carefully, and continue to make changes
as your site matures and as you get more visitors. Monitor your analytics
program to watch your visitors to make sure that they are enjoying your
content, sharing it, and reading it for a considerable length of time.
While the theme itself will not affect your site’s ranking, the length of time
they spend on your site will affect the rankings. In addition to that the number
of times people “like” (in the social media way) and share your content, this

will also have an effect. Therefore, having an appealing look to your site that's
pleasant and helps people to enjoy what you’re giving them will help you to
rank your site.
Like plug-ins, WordPress themes can either have a cost or be free. You can
easily find themes that are free to use by searching for them on Google or any


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other search engine. However, since this is for your profit, you may want to
consider purchasing a theme.
As is the case with plug-ins creators of paid themes make sure that their
themes work when there are changes in the WordPress platform.
What you don't want to happen is for your free theme to break, just as you are
beginning to get new customers to come to your site. Disrupting the flow of
buyers can be damaging to your income, and you want to make sure that you
keep that pipeline open.

Off Page Optimization

The word optimization basically means that you're making your site findable
in the search engines. You can do optimization work on your actual site and
on websites outside of yours.
The work you do outside of your site to make your site findable is called “off
page optimization”. This is an important part of what you need to do for the
search engines to consider your site to be one that is credible to be shown to
those searching for certain keywords.


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Don’t Look for Secret Tactics Or A Magic Bullet
While you may be looking for certain specific secret tactics that exploit holes
in Google's algorithm, that is not a good long-term strategy. Google is closing
up an increasing number of gaps in their algorithm to help them figure out
which site is authoritative and which one isn't in a particular niche.
In this guide I have been telling you about things that you can do to work with
the search engines, not against them. And if there is any one message that I
have for you when you're doing SEO, for the long run, especially if you're
doing it for profit is that you want to work with the search engines and not
against them.
So what are the search engines looking for?

What Are Search Engines Looking For?
They're looking for sites that have authority, relevance and credibility in their
Let's think about it from the search engine’s perspective. If you owned Google,
you would want people to have a good search experience every time they
came to type keywords into the search engine bar.
In order to do that you will want to make sure that when they type in words
then they would find what they were looking for, because if they didn't they
would go and look for another search engine to use.
You would then try to make sure that every time someone searched for
something, they would get the most credible and relevant site that they could
find. You want to make sure that the sites were reputable amongst their peers
and that people found their information so important that they felt they need

to share it.
This is not much different from the way that Google determines which sites
show up when people type in words to the search engine. You will want to do


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work “off the page” in order to help to determine that your website is credible,
authoritative and relevant for the subject and keywords that you're
competing. One of the ways that Google will determine this is that they will
look at social media signals.

Social Media Signals

This basically means how people on social media are using your content. Do
they find it interesting and useful? If they do they will share it with their
friends and this will be easily traceable by Google. Content that people are
finding shareable gives your business more power in the search engines and
helps you to rise above sites that have no credibility.
So, one of the things that you'll be able to do is to make sure that you are
connecting with those social media sites that your customers use. You want to
create content that is interesting that visitors will want to talk about, and
share. Don't be afraid of being criticized. As long as people are interacting
about your content, the search engines will find your site relevant.
As you have news, or interesting items, or changes in what you're offering,
make sure to put this information on your social media sites. Share it with the
people that you are connected to. Monitor your analytics to make sure that
they find it interesting enough to share with their friends.

Continually look for ways to get people on your social media accounts
involved with your content. This is a very important part of getting social
media signals working for you.


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Social Media Optimization
I want to take a little more time and get into social media optimization.
Obviously I talked a little bit about it in the last section.
But I want to make sure that I share the mindset with you that you will need
to be successful with social media, so that you don't alienate people as you
start promoting your business. Most importantly, you want to make sure that
social media is done... Socially!
That means that you'll need to make sure that your relationships are two-way.
In other words, when you share content and someone comments, you’ll want
to make sure that you are commenting back to them.
You may be tempted to use your social media accounts as a place online just to
share your links as you develop them. While others do this, it is the wrong
mentality to have if you want to have long term success.
You want to use social media as a way to share with people that you are
connected to. That means that you'll need to participate in conversations.
In some cases you will be the one to start these conversations. In other cases
others will start them and you will get involved.
The point is that social media works best when people know you and like you.
And the way that you do that is by helping them to get to know you and you to
get to know them.
Social media optimization is easy once you understand this simple principle.

The more people that like your content, the better your search rankings will
be. The more people share your content, the better your search rankings will
So the best thing that you can do is to get involved on social media, with the
intention of having a conversation. Here are the sites that you want to start


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 Facebook
 Twitter
 Google Plus
 LinkedIn
 Pinterest
 YouTube
Make sure that your website is clearly displayed in your account so that when
people find what you say interesting they want to go your website and check
out the rest of your content.
Also, when you fill out your profile make sure you make your profile personal.
Add a picture, add some personal details, and make it so that you look like
someone that to be friends with.

Networking and Back Linking
Still an important part of SEO is getting sites that have authority to link to
your site. It is an indication to the search engines that others in your niche
find your site credible and worth talking about.
If you go back to the section where I talk about what you would do if you

owned a search engine like Google, you would want to show sites to your
visitors that come highly recommended by experts in their area. When you
have authoritative links from people in your niche to your site, it’s a way of
saying to the search engines, “people that know what they're talking about
recommend my site”.


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So how do you get these authoritative links?
Here is where you will want to be careful. You've probably read in SEO guides
that what you'll need to do is to try to fake out Google and create this
authority yourself. This guide will not cover those methods.
First, they are false authority. While they may work a little bit longer in the
future, Google is intent on rooting them out and if you are in business you do
not want to base your profits on something that could be eliminated.
As I have said before you want to work with the search engines, not against
them. What does this mean? This means that you will need to get authorities
in your niche to link out to you.
One of the best ways to do this is to build relationships with some of the other
site owners in your niche. What do other site owners say about what it is that
you're doing? Do they know you? Are they aware of what you're writing and
what you're doing? If not, you will want to let them know and to make sure
that they are aware of the kind of things you're doing.
What you may have to do before they are going to be ready to link out to you,
is for you to link out to them first. Basically, you are building relationships
with people with whom you share a common interest.
Another thing that you can do is joint ventures (JV). You'll do these events

with individuals who are key people in your niche. By doing joint venture
events, you can do webinars that provide helpful information; you can do a
Google hangouts or face to face events. Live events are great way to get
exposure from long-standing players in your niche, as well as to build the kind
of relationships that cause authoritative linking.
Of course, in some cases some site owners will ask you to write articles for
their site. This is typically called guest blogging. In order to have those kinds
of relationships you’ll probably have to do some guest blogging offering


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I always say that when you want to have something in your business, give it
away, first. Therefore, you will probably need to be the first to start offering
chances and opportunities for people to guest blog on your site. I would
recommend that you wait until you're getting some traffic so that it will
benefit the person doing the blog. When you're constantly building
relationships in this way you will find that others are willing to give you the
same opportunities as you are giving them to get more exposure to their site
into their blog.
As you develop relationships with other bloggers and site owners, you will
also find occasion that you'll want to comment on their content. In fact this is
one of the best ways to get the attention of influential bloggers and let them
know that you are serious.

Blog Commenting
Typically a blog will have a space for you to comment on a particular article

and you'll want to do that with a link back to your site. In cases where you're
not giving a link back to your site, you may want to reserve the amount of time
that you spend commenting on those sites. Although they may be great for
relationship building, they may not be sufficient for building either revenue or

Backlinks from Videos
In order to promote your site, one of the things that you'll be doing is creating
videos to give people an idea of what else they can find on your site. Videos
are one of the best ways to promote your website.
In most cases you will create what's called teaser content. You'll give people a
video that will tell them what they can find on your site, without giving them
the entire part of what you're offering. People who see your video will then


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click through to the link to find the rest of what they would like to find out on
your site.
In most cases you will put your video on YouTube and other video sharing
sites that are like it. The best part about this is that you will actually be
creating back links to your site that will give your site more authority.
The more videos you create, the more opportunities for authority that you will
get in building your site for SEO. The problem may be the amount of time that
it takes to create and upload the videos to the various video sharing sites.
The software Video Niche Dominator makes the steps easy by giving you tools
to create the video and then automating the process of uploading them to the
sharing sites.

Regardless of what you used to get your videos posted, they serve two
purposes. First, videos give people a personal connection to you and your
content. Second, they also give people a different way of experiencing your
content. You should be using videos as much as you can.

Doing Niche Research
In determining the interesting parts about your market, you'll need to do
specific research in your niche. You'll need to know what keywords people are
using, as well as what they find interesting, perplexing, and attractive.
We've already talked about how you will use the Google Keyword Tool in
order to do some of your keyword research. However, that will not be the
entirety of the work that you'll need to do to determine what people in your
niche are really concerned about.
What you want to do is to try to find out what questions people are asking in
their own words. And one of the best ways to find out is to use Yahoo
Answers. Yahoo Answers is a website that people used to ask questions in
order to get answers from individuals all over the Internet.


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