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Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.73Lesson 1 : WHAT SHALL WE EAT ? A1 - P.114 - 115
Aim : Reading a text to understand the details and practicing food vocabulary.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss understand how to use adv: So, too, either, neither with
Voc. of food.
Teaching aids : Gap Fill, Drawing, word card.
I. Revision : Brainstorm
Group A, B
II. Presentation :
Pre teach Voc.
Pork (explanation) We can’t eat a cow. We eat beef
We can’t eat a pig. We eat....(pork)
A cucumber (realia)
A papaya : đu đủ
A pine apple (realia) : trái thơm
A durian (drawing) : sầu riêng
Spinach (unc.) : VNese meaning : rau chân vịt
Presentation Dialogue T asks Ss to write what Hoa and her aunt bought at the market
(group work)
Key :
Beef spinach cucumbers oranges
+ Practice Vocabulary.
Aunt : what meat do you do you like, Hoa.?
Hoa : I like beef. How about you ?
Aunt : I do, too
Hoa : I don’t like, pork.
Aunt : Neither do I
Hoa : We need some vegetables, too aunt. Do you like carrots and peas ?
Aunt : I don’t like carrots and I don’t like peas, either.
Hoa : I like spinach and cucumbers
Aunt : So do I

Hoa : Oh, these fruits look good Are they ripe ?
Aunt : The papayas are not ripe and neither are the pineapples.
Hoa : Let’s buy oranges
Aunt : OK.
II/ Model sentences
A : I like beef
B : I do, too
So do I
A : I don’t like carrots
B : I don’t either.
Neither do I
+ So – do/does/ did - S
S – do/does/ did ., too
- Neither - do/does/ did - S
S - do/does/ did (not) +
Responses using so, too ...
III. Practice : (Word Cue drills)
* T. asks Ss to practice the agreement sentences only (first)
T. I do, too Ss So do I .....
I am, too Ss So am I .....
He is, too Ss So is he .......
* Ss run through the cues first (then).
Hoa/beef/ her aunt.
Hoa / be happy / her aunt
We / not play tennis / they
Hoa / not like durians / her aunt
Cucumbers / be good / carrots
Coffee / be not good / beer

* Ss practice (chorus, individual)
* Closed pairs (free)
* Checking + Delayed mistakes.
IV. Production : Group A/ B
Nam Lan Nam Lan
V. Homework :
Read A1 and find out more new words.
Translate it into Vietnamese.
2005 Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.74 Lesson 2 : A1-2 P.114 - 116
Aim : I don’t like ..., either, I like ..., to, neither do I, So do I” to express preferences.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use so / too / either / neither well.
Teaching aids : Pictures, drawings.
I. Revision : Networks

II. Presentation :
1. Set the scene : Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt went to market Hoa doesn’t like some food and
her aunt doesn’t either.
They also choose something they want.
2. Presentation dialogue : A1 - P.114 - 115
T : read the A1 again. When Hoa says “I don’t like pork” ; “Neither do I”. What does Hoa ‘s
Aunt say ? → Ss.
T : good ! “Neither do I “ or ?
Ss : “I don’t, either”.
T. in a vegetables stall, Hoa says “I like spinach and cucumbers”. How about her
aunt ? What deos she say ?

Ss : “So do I / I do, too.
T : models
Model Sentences
a) S1 : I like spinach and cucumbers.
S2 : So do I / I do, too.
b) S1 : I don’t like pork.
S2 : Neither do I / I don’t either.
III. Practice : Chorus, Individual
Picture Drill :
Example Exchange :
a. S1 : I like carrots
S2 : So do I/ I do, too
b. S1 : I don’t like bey
S2 : Neither do I / I
don’t either.
IV. Further Fractice :
Survey :
Example :
S1 : I like durians. Do you like them ?
S2 : Yes, I like them, too / So do I.
Name Durians Fish Chicken Cucumber Carrots Peas
V. Homework : Talk and write about the food you like.
Feb. 2005 Unit 12 : LET S EAT
P.74 Lesson 2 : A1-2 P.114 - 116

Aim : I dont like ..., either, I like ..., to, neither do I, So do I to express preferences.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use to talk about food : likes hand outs
Teaching aids : drawings, handouts
I. Revision : Networks

II. Presentation :
1. Set the scene : T.asks students if they have ever gone to market, what food they buy or see at
the market, etc. In this lesson Hoa and her Uncle went to market yesterday. Now guess what
they bought.
- Ss tell their prediction - T. writes on the B.B
- Ss look at the picture on the page and then listen to the first part of the text (from yesterday ...
to OK).
- T. has Ss listen and repeat after the tape.
- Ss practice the D. in pairs, altermating roles.
- T. introduces the structures with too and either.
Model Sentences :
a) S1 : I like spinach and cucumbers.
S2 : So do I / I do, too.
b) S1 : I dont like pork.
S2 : Neither do I / I dont either.
Concept checking :
- What are the Vietnamese meaning of these sentences ?
- When do we use so / too, either, neither ?
Ss when we have the same situation and want to talk about preferences
(Dióựn taớ yù thờch hoỷc khọng thờch gỗ vồùi so / too/ either / neither)
Is tell me the structures of so / too and either / neither.
Statements (yù nóu)
(+) - Special Verbs
(am, is, are, was, were, can, may, must,
shall, will).

(=) - Ordinary Verbs (+)
S + Dont / doesnt / didnt + V
S + Special Verbs + too
So + Special Verbs + S
(+) S + Do / Does / Did + too
So + do /does/did + S
S + dont / doesnt / didnt + either
Neither + do / does / did + S
- Where are there stresses ?
+ Follow the same steeps for the second and third parts of the text.
- T. introduces the structures with so + either in the 2
part ; and neither in the 3
- T. asks Ss to reread the D. to write a list of food Hoa and her uncle bought (in pairs).
- Ss read aloud the list in front of the class.
- Corrections
Answer : Bey, spinach, cucumbers, organges.
III. Picture drill : A2
T. shows Ss pictures about food, Ss look at and practise speaking in pairs (open - closed pairs)
Carrots Meat Papaya Spinach bey fish
Mango organe
Example Exchange :
S1 : I like carrots S2 : So do I / I do, too
S1 : I don’t like bey S2 : Neither do I / I don’t either.

Notice : Ss practice about : The third singular person
S1 : She likes spinach
S2 : So does her mom / Her mom does, too
S1 : Lan doesn’t like pork.
S2 : Mai doesn’t either / Neither does Mai.
V. Homework : Learn by heart the model with so/ too/ either/ neither.
Feb. 2005 Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.75 Lesson 3 : A3 - 4 P.116 - 118
Aim : Reading a text to understand and how to make a meal.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will understand more details about the menu of a
dinner meal at Hoa’s aunt’s house.
Teaching aids : Pictures, posters and coloured chalks.
I. Revision : Picture drill
T. shows Ss pictures about food. Ss practise speaking express “like + dislike” using so /too/
either/ neither.
Example : S1 : I like fish.
S2 : So do I / I do, too
S1 : I don’t like meat
S2 : I don’t either / neither do I.
II. Presentation : Pre - reading
T. presents : Today we ‘ll learn this lesson about how to cook a meal and in this lesson we ‘ll
find out the menu, Hoa ‘s aunt cooks for dinner.
1. Pre - teach vocab.
- a bowl (picture)
- a dish (T elicits : How many dishes do you have a meal)
- Soy sauce (unc) (T. elicits)
- (to) slice (T. mimes or elicits)
- (to) stir - fry (T elicits)
- (to) add (T. elicits). Repetition drill

2. Ordering : Poster
Ss guess the order of the statements.
a) First, she sliced the beef.
b) Then, she cooked some rice and boiled some spinach
c) Hoa ‘s aunt cooked dinner.
d) next, she sliced some green peppers and onions.
e) And then she set the table and her familys at down to eat.
f) After that, she stir-fried the bey and vegetables.
g) Finally, she sliced the cucumbers and made cucumbers salad.
III. While - Reading
Ss open books, read the text silently and check their order
A3 - P.116
T. helps them to correct.
* Answer key : 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5f, 6g, 7e.
* Comprehension questions :
- Ss work in groups and write the menu.
- Ss go to the board, write their answers.
Answer key :
a) Cucumber salad with onions
- boiled spinach
- stir - fried beef with green pepper and onions
- rice
b) Add the missing verbs
1. Slice 3. Heat 5. Add 7. Add
2. Slice 4. Stir - fry 6. Boiled/cook
* Ss match the instructions to the pictures.
1c, 2f, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6e, 7g
IV. Post - reading : A4 - P.118
Ss write what did they eat and drink yesterday ?
For breakfeast, I ate ..., I drank ....

For lunch, I ..........
For dinner, I .........
March 3
2005 Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.75 Lesson 3 : A3 - 4 P.116 - 118
Aim : Reading a text to understand and how to make a meal.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to prepare the food and how
to make a meal.
Teaching aids : Posters .
I. Pre - Reading
1. Pre teach
a bowl (realia)
a dish (realia)
soy sauce (unc.)
(to) slice
(to) stir fry
(to) add
2. Set the scene :
Hoa ‘s aunt cooked dinner that evening. She did something and made a meal. Now you guess
the order of the statements.
a) First, she sliced the beef.
b) Then she cooked some rice and boiled some spenach.
c) Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner.
d) Next, she sliced some green peppers and onions.
e) And then she set the table and her family sat down to eat.
f) After that, she stir - fried the bef and vegetables.
g) Finally, she sliced the cucumbers and made cucumber salad.
T. There are 7 statements. You order in group of 4.

II. While Reading
Ss read and check their order. A3 - P.116
Answer key : 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5f, 6g, 7e
Comprehension questions A3 - P116
- What did Hoa, her aunt and uncle have for dinner ? write the menu.
Ss work in groups of 4.
Answer key :
a) - cucumber salad with onions.
- boiled spinach
- stir -fried beef with green pepper and onions
- rice (the answer keys were written on the B.B)
b) Add the missing verbs to have the recipe Hoa ‘s aunt used. Then match the instructions to the
pictures (G.4)
1. Slice ; 2. Slice ; 3. Heat ; 4. Stir-fry ; 5. Add ; 6. Boild (cook) ; 7. Add.
The answer keys were written on the B.B
Matching (Group of 4) → Correction
Ss match the instructions to the pictures :
1c, 2f, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6e, 7g
7 Ss answer befor class → T. corrects
III. Post reading
Do A4 - P.118 individually
Write about what you ate and drank yesterday ?
For breakfast, I ate ... I drank .......
For lunch, I ........
For dinner, I .......
Compare with their partner → some Ss read aloud → correction.
IV. Homework :
Finish your writing in your notebook.
March 5

2005 Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.76 Lesson 4 : B1 P.119
Aim : Listening for specific information to understand why Ba had to go to the doctor’s.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will able to write a dialogue based on B1.
Teaching aids : Posters, the tape.
I. Revision : MIME
Ss in turns, select a piece of paper with a feeling written on it. Suggested feeling : cold, hot,
angry, headache, stomachache. Student mimes the feeling in front of the class and ask : “What
‘s the matter with me ?”.
II. Pre - Listening
1. Pre - teach
Dirt (n) = bụi bẩn
Dirty (adj) : bẩn
2. Set the scene : Ba’s seeing the doctor because he has a stomach ache. The doctor examinees
True / False Prediction :
1. Ba had a headache F
2. He was at the doctor ‘s T
3. He ate spinach, but his parents didn’t T
4. His Mum washed the spinach F
5. Vegetables often have dirt on them. T
6. That dirt can’t make him sick F
T : There are 6 statements. 3 are T/ 3 are F
Predict which statements are T and which ones are F
Ss do in group of 4 → write on the BB (3 groups)
III. While - Reading
Ss listen and check their predictions
Answer key : 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F
- Open their books and read B1 then check again and T. asks Ss “What ‘s line number ? why do

you know it ? or what sentence tells you ?
* Comprehension questions : Answer key :
1. What did Ba eat last night ? 1. Fish, rice, soup + spinach
2. Who washed the spinach ? 2. Ba did
3. Why did Ba goto the doctor ? 3. Because he had a stomach ache.
4. What made him sick ? 4. The dirt on vegetables.
IV. Post - Listening:
Ss complete the story B1 - P.119 (group of 4)
1. doctor 7. More carefully Answer key
2. sick 8. Vegetables
3. asked 9. Make
4. had 10. She
5. spinach 11. Medicine
6. wash
- Ss retell the story.
V. Homework : Rewrite the story in your exercise books.
March 2005 Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.76 Lesson 4 : B1
Aim : Listening for specific information to understand why Ba had to go to the doctor’s.
Teaching aids : Posters.
I. Revision : MIME
Ss in turns, select a piece of paper with a feeling written on it.
Suggested feeling : cold, hot, angry, headache, stomachache.
Student mimes the feeling in front of the class and ask : “What ‘s the matter with me ?”.
II. Pre - Listening
1. Pre - teach
Dirty (adj) (T.elicits)
T. Show Ss Picture P.119 and presents the new lesson :

- Who are there in this picture ?
- Where is Ba ?
- Can you guess what ‘s wrong with him ?
2.Predict : True / False Prediction :
1. Ba had a headache
2. He was at the doctor ‘s
3. He ate spinach, but his parents didn’t
4. His Mum washed the spinach
5. Vegetables often have dirt on them.
6. That dirt can’t make him sick
III. While - Listening
Ss listen and check their predictions
Answer key : 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F
T. Why did Ba have a stomachache ? Ss answer
T. explains
- (to) make S.O + adj / do + St : Làm cho ai thế nào; bảo ai làm gì
- (to) wash St well / carefully.
Ex : Eating green fruit can make you sick
He made the boy wash the car.
* Comprehension questions :
1. What did Ba eat last night ? ( Fish, rice, soup + spinach)
2. Who washed the spinach ? ( Ba did)
3. Why did Ba goto the doctor ? (Because he had a stomachache.)
4. What made him sick ? (The dirt on vegetables. )
Ss work (WI, groups, pairs)
IV. Post - Listening:
T. asks Ss to complete the story by filling the missing words.
After Ss doing → T and Ss correct again.
V. Homework : Write a short paragraph to summarize the story what happened to Ba last

Do B1 in workbook (P.76 - 77)
March 2005 Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.77 Lesson 5 : B2 - P.120
Aim : Reading Comprehension and F.P.in Indefinite quantifiers : “a little, too much, plenty of,
lots of ...”
Objectives : After this lesson, Ss will know the important of food for human life and
understand what a balanced diet means to have a healthy lifestyle.
Teaching aids : Posters, picture and color chalk
I. Pre - teach Vocab. :
1. Pre-reading
- an amount of (expl. VNese meaning)
- a diet (elicit) - a balanced diet
- moderate (adj) : you eat S.t not much, not less
- (to) affect (the food we eat make us healthy. )
- energy (suger gives us energy).
- lifestyle (T.elicits)
- diary products (like honey, butler, cheese ...)
- body - building (food such as meat, bread, eggs ...)
- areals (like vegetables, corn, fruit ...)
- fatly food (VNese)
R. O. R
* T/F . Prediction : T. hangs out poster. Ss read and guess what does “a balanced diet” means
1. Eat a lot of meat.
2. Eat a little fruit, vegetables.
3. Eat a moderate amount of sugar.
4. Eat a little fatly food.
5. Eat plenty of the food you like.

2. While - reading :
Ss read the text and check their predictions.
Ss listen to the tape and look at the book for double check T and Ss correct their
Answer key : 1F, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5F
Comprehension questions : a - c P.120
T. asks - Ss anwser → write out on the B.B
T + Ss correct their answers
Ss practise speaking in pairs (open - close)
T. reminds and explains the way to use.
- alittle / too much / plenty of / lots of / a lot of.
3. Post reading
First Ss do the matching.
Then Ss discuss about “a balance diet”.
Ex : to have a balanced diet we should eat a lot of fruit and ...
a lot of sugar
SHOULD a little fatly food
Too much coffee
SHOULDN ‘T plenty of deep fried food
* From the “table” T. lets Ss write sentences.
V. Homework :
Do La .Fo. (2 P.125) + B3
Unit 12 : LET ‘S EAT
P.78 Lesson 6 : B4 - P.121

Aim : Listening for details + F.P in food vocabulary.
Objectives : After this lesson, Ss can answer the food that Lan, Ba, Nga, Hoa had for their
Teaching aids : Pictures, poster and cassette.
I. Checkup :
Choose a few, a little, much or many in these sentences.
a) There ‘s only _______ milk in the fridge. Let ‘s buy some more.
b) He drank too ________ beer last night.
c) There were too ______ people in front of the theater.
d) She has a lot of books, but only ______ book are intersesting.
e) You made so _________ mistakes in your writing.
f) He never spends so ________ mistakes in your writing.
II. Revision (poster) Jumbled words
Soodeln = noodles ecir = rice febe = beef
Evetgabels = vegetables ceiju = juice
Sifh = fish trifu = fruit
III. Pre - listening :
Ss guess what Lan, Ba, Nga and Hoa had for their lunch
I guess I listen I check
Lan B, d, f, g
Ba C, a, e, h
Hoa a, d, g
Nga b, e, g
IV. While - listening :
Ss listen to the tape 2 or 3 times → go to the board and write out their answer, other Ss compare
the answer with their friends T. asks Ss to listen one more time to check again.
Answer key :
V. Post listening :
Ss play a game : “Lucky numbers” for comprehension.
T. guides + helps Ss to play.

1. What did Lan have for lunch ?
2. LN
3. Did Ba have some fruit ?
4. LN
5. Who had vegetables ?
6. LN
7. Who drank juice ?
8. What did Nga drink ?
9. Did Hoa have fish ?
10. LN
Write - it - up
From key answer → Ss write out sentences.
What Lan, Hoa, Nga and Ba had for their lunch.
EX : For her lunch, Lan had ...
VI. Homework :
Write out sentences what you had for : breakfast / lunch / dinner ?
2005 Unit 12 : LANGUAGE FOCUS
Aim : Further Practice in Past Simple, Indefinite quantifiers, too and either, so + neight and
Teaching aids : Pictures, poster, color chalk.
I. Simple Past tense : La. Fo. 4 (P.123 - 124)
First task and to retell to use, form in Past Simple tense
T. shows pictures → Ss tell activities in each picture then Ss map the dial with his / her friends.
Do / homework ? →
Dinner / at home ? →
School / yesterday ? →
Watch video / weekend ? →

Baseball / yesterday ? →
No, watch TV
No, restaurant
No, movie theatre.
No, read books
No, soccer
EX : S1 : Did you do your homework yesterday ?
S2 : No, I watched T.V.
Ss practise speaking in pairs (open, close)
II. Indefinite Quantifiers (L.F.4) P.124 - 125
T. reminds S. again the way using a little / a lot of / too much by (Ss) matching the correct
expressions to the picture.
Key answer : a) a little c) a little e) too much
b) a lot of d) a lot of
Then Ss complete the dial, cues from the pictures (P.125)
Ss practise speaking the D. in pairs open / close.
III. so/ too/ either / neither (La. For 4) P.126 - 127
First T asks Ss the way to use so/ too / either / neither
Then Ss play game → Noughts and crosses with 9 pictures P.126
T. guides + helps Ss the way to play.
Mangoes Bananas Papaya
Corn Spinach Potatoes
Fish Chicken Beef
EX : I like mangoes
- So do I / I do, too.
She doesn’t like fish
- He doesn’t either / neither does he.
IV. Imperatives : La. For 4 P.127 - 128
Ss look at the pictures and complete the instructions about making a cucumber salad.
T. preteach newwods

(to) peel (P)
(to) stir (P)
(to) mise (P)
* Key answers : a) peel b) wash c) slice d) mix
e) add f) wait g) wait
V. Homework :
Finish all exercises in U.12. And review from U9 - 12 for one period test.
P.81 Lesson 1 : A1 - 4 P.129, 130, 132
Aim : Reading for comprehension and sports vocabulary.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tell about the most popular sports all
around the world.
Teaching aids : Pictures, handout
I. Pre reading :
1. Pre - teach :
skate boarding : (Picture)
Roller - skating : (explanation)
Roller - balding : ( “ )
Football (American Football) : (picture)
Baseball : Picture
Table tennis
(to) take part in
(to) win the prize
a competition
surprising (adj) → Surprisingly
* Labeling the pictures A1 - P.129
2. Pre - Questions : A1
T. introduces the Topic and give practice in listening and reading.
T. asks students which sports they like most and which sports they always play in their free

- Ss answer
T. calls on some students to identify the sports in the picture . (Roller-skating, American
football, tennis, swimming, roller balding).
T. has Sts listen to the tape once or twice.
Let students read the passage to themselves.
- T. asks Ss if they play any of the 10 sports that are popular in the USA and asks them which
sports they think are the most popular in VN.
- Ss ask + ans. In pairs (in front of the class).
Pre - Questions :
- Which sports do you think are the most popular in the USA ?
- What other sports do you think are also favored ?
II. While Reading : A1 - P.129
Ss read and answer the questions
Comprehension Questions
- What s the most popular sport in USA ?
- Which sport is at 11
position ?
III. Pre- Reading
1. What kind of sports in the picture A4 - P.132 ?
2. What is WFF ? WTS ?
IV. While Reading
Ss read and check their predictions
1. Matching (Guess the words)
Organized tỗnh nguyóỷn
Increases tọứ chổùc
Volunteer thay vỗ
In stead of gia tng
2. Comprehension Questions

A4 - P.132
V. Post Reading
Find someone who
Name Sccor
Likes .... best
Badminton Walking Table tennis Swimming
IV. Homework : Write about the 5 most popular sports in VN
Mar. 3
P.82 Lesson 2 : A3 - 5 P.131 - 133
Aim : Practice in using Adjectives + Adverbs to talk about Sports.
Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe sporting activities and
pastimes, using.
Adj + Adv. s
Teaching aids : Word cards, poster.
I. Presentation:
1. Pre - teach :
Good - well Quick - quickly
Skillful - skillfully Safe - safely
Slow - slowly Careful - Carefully
Bad - badly Careless - Carelessly
Interesting - interestingly Strict - Strictly
Sudden - Suddenly Clear - Clearly
R. O. R
Presentation - Text : A3 - P.131
T has Ss look at the pictures and read the sentences below them.
Ss listen to the sentences once or twice and then T. uses the elicited questions to highlight they
key words : adj with n. and Adv with V : eg

Good player - plays well
- T. asks Ss to practise in pairs, one partner says the word (adj or adv) ; the other uses it
properly in a sentence that describes the activity in the picture - changing roles.
- T. calls on some pairs to do this in front of the class.
Model Sentences.
- He ‘s a skillful Volleyball player.
- He plays skillfully.
II. Practice
Word Cue Drill . A3 - P.131
Good/ well slow/ slowly
Soccer player Swimmer
Quick / quickly Safe / safely
Runner Cyclist
Example Exchange
Bad/badly S1. He’s a good soccer player
Tennis player S2. Yes, he plays well
III. Further Practice
Language Focus 5 1) P.162
Ss check the correct box and then complete the sentences
A5 - P.133
Change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs then copy the whole passage into their exercise
IV. Homework : Finish your writing.
Mar. 6
P.83 Lesson 3 : B1,4 P.134 - 137
Aim : Listening to a text about an invitation and practice in Modal Verbs “can, should, ought
to, must”.

Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make an invitation or refuse to an
Teaching aids : Word cards, Wordsquare.
I. Revision : Wordsquare
Table tennis
Brush teeth
After, before, meals, adult, swim, thin
Can, should, eat
Pre - teach
Ought to
A table tennis paddle WHAT and WHERE
T: what are Ba and Nam doing ?
T. asks Ss listen to the dialogue twice and calls Ss’ attention to the modals “can, ought to,
should and must”.
- Ss practice the D. in pairs - change roles
- Some pairs role-play the D. in front of the class
- Ss read through the dialogue again to find the answers.
- Ss give the answers in front of the class and on the B.B.
- Ss copy the answers in their exercise books as homework.
Answer keys :
a) Nam must finish his homework before he can play table tennis.
b) Nam will be ready in a few minutes.
c) Ba will finish a question for math.
d) Ba has a pair of paddles.
e) Yes, but he didn’t bring it with him. He says : “I might not have my table tennis paddles with
Presentation Dialogue. B1 - P.134
Model Sentences :

- What should Nam do before he plays table tennis ?
- He ought to do his homework .
- He must do his homework first.
III. Practice
Word Cue Drill
Nam/before / table tennis
Do homework.
Children / when / swimming
Swim with an adult
We / after meals Lan/ when / everything
Brush teeth Eat more

Example Exchange (As model Sentences)
IV. Further Practice : B4 - P.137
Ss complete the passage with the modal verbs in the box.
1. can ; 2. Must, 3. Must not, 4. Should, 5. Can, 6. Should/ought to, 7. Can/should,
8. Should/ must.
V. Homework : Make 6 sentences with should (not), can (not), must (not).
