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What is your experience in learning and using english

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What is your experience in learning and using english? Describe
its and explain why it is good for your studying?
Hello everybody, My name is Quynh Anh , I come from class 11A1
Today, I’m will talking about my experience in learning and using english
This is only my own experience, I'm not an expert and since every person is different. I
still make many mistakes but I see them as an apportunity to correct and improve.
You want to learning English well? It’s quite simple
Firstly, you must have the spiritual self learning. whether you have learned over
many times in the Centre but you do not have the essential self learning, you also can not
good in any field, English nor foreign rate. You know? teachers just might help you find
inspiration, show you the way and shaping methods. Goes like, stumble or not, you have
to mobilize yourself, self experience and stood up after fall.
Hard times, feeling tired, I can only tell myself: “Carry on, must try harder”. Learning
from yourself, learing from your mistake. English is simply a skill, to become proficient
you need to learn the basics and practice every day and every day. If you ask me why your
English is not good, then the first question I ask you is: “How many hour you really spend
to learning English?” If you learn one hour per day-your results will correspond to one
hour.If you study for four hours every day – the results will correspond to four hours.
Assuming English has 1000 theme, then you need to go from 1-1000 and no way off, little
by little each day.
Secondly, set up plans and goal for yourself. You must do front-loading before you
First of all you need to know there are two types of goals: Long-term objectives and shortterm goals, determine the time to complete it. You must study while others are sleeping,
work while others are loafing, prepare while others are playing and dream while others are
Thirdly, if you want to change yourself, you must change your enviroment first.
You should use Facebook, Youtobe google and so on in English, any online service
that you are using. Practice watching videos in English on YouTube, follow the pages
in English. You create an environment that gives you the motivation and feel
comfortable. Learn all vocabulary around you now, and all things you see in your
home, your school and your life. And speak outloud what are you doing now.

Initially you can not say things familiar and very short and truncated. No problem,
you have to go through such a process before you used to say long sentences.
Then, you have to learn pronunciation skills, pronuniciation well can improve
listening and speaking skill. Listening english music and paractice .
A language is like a jigsaw puzzle, you need to have a lot of pieces in order to put them
toghether and make sentences. When you succeed you get your sadisfaction!! You did it!! You
are speaking the bloody english, for god's sake!! :-) Learning new words requires a little bit of
time, patience, and unfortunately it could be boring. Anyway there'are a few tricks. Remember
that your brain works by connections. It's more likely for you to recall a word if it's associated
with something else: a picture, a facial expression, a situation, etc. The more the association is
full of meaning for you the more you get a chance not to forget it. The more you use it the
more you remember it. Never learn a list of words, once you decide to learn a new word use it
in sentences. It heps your brain to make associations.

Start by listening to simple stories, fary tales, and stuffs for children, they'are entertaining and
quite simple. Watch your movies in english (with subtitles in english). In the beginning is tough
but I promise that after a few months it gets better!! Listen to good english (from natives either
brits or americans) everyday is the most important thing, It helps you learn new phrases
When you're alone speak english to yourself, better if you whisper. For example try to explain
to yourself what you've done during your day or what you're about to do.
Reading is very important. When you don't know a word or how to say a thing that's great!! It's
a new wonderful opportunity to learn something new. Isn't it??!! If you read a lot, your
grammar skills improve, your vocabulary grows and also your writing takes advantage. It's
proved that your brain is able to understand words even if something is mising or wrong.
In the beginning, it is hard to learn English. It have many problems, many
dificult .Sometimes, you feel depressed and tired but, be persevere,telling myself,
"I will not do today, tomorrow, but I will do it.". Don’t give up, because if you give
up, you have no chance, if you don’t give up, you have a chance. Today is hard,

tomorrow is much harder but, the day after tomorrow will be beautiful.
Trên đây là kinh nghiệm học tiếng anh của tôi( dịch với chỗ mô nớ thì sữa cả nội dung luôn
:v ) Probably in this script there're a few mistakes. Since I want to improve, if you could correct
me I'd be more than happy.
Thank you for your listening
