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unit 12 lớp 10 (xem ma học hỏi)

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Class: 10A1
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Teaching period: 65 Date: 09/03 /07 Trinh Cong Son
Objectives: By the end of lesion, students will study about Music. Students will be able to understand what Music is,
what its characteristic are and perceive the music, its use. Then they can describe music by their emotion.
Teaching aids: pictures, text-book, board, CD player, recording
Limitation: time, Students will able to feel difficult to listen to the words as art.
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Interaction
(5 mins)
Game: listen music, guess styles
Preparation: a recording which is connected by
5 parts of the different songs 
iPod player or headphone and CD player
Divide the class into 2 groups
Invite a rep.
Put headphone or earphone in the rep.’s ears.
Play music. That rep. has to perform the tunes
so that two groups guess.
The group guessing more and correct is winner.
Play again in CD player in order that all check.
Lead-in: what are the styles you have listened?
Good! What is music?
Music is the art of combination of instruments
and vocals/voices in the harmonious/

expressive way
How do the uses of music in our life?
To know how, we will study Music today
Take part in the game actively
Look at the rep. to guess the styles
1. love song/pop
2. chamber/classical
3. rock
4. rap
5. folk
Maybe, Ss can not answer
Pre –
(13 mins)
1. communicate (v) (with) to exchange
information or conversation with other
people, using words, signs, writing etc
Tech: explanation/example
communication (n)
2. emotion (n) strong human feeling such
as love, hate, or anger
Tech: synonym: human feeling
emotional (a) of emotion
emotive (a) making people have strong
feelings = emotional

emotionalism (n) a tendency to show or
feel too much emotion
Guess the meaning through teacher’s
Give the stress
Guess the meaning through teacher’s
Give the stress
3. integral (a) very essential, very
Tech: synonym
4. set the tones (for/of st) (exp.)
=establish the general attitude or
feeling of an event, activity etc)
Tech: translation
5. solemn (a) very serious
Tech: Picture: a solemn face
synonym: very serious
solemnity (n)
solemnize (v)
6. mournful (a) very sad
Tech: picture: a mournful face
mourning: (n) great sadness
7. funeral (n) a religious
ceremony for burying or cremating

(=burning) someone who has died
see also burial, cremation
Tech: explanation
funerary (a)
8. lull (v) to make someone feel calm or as
if they want to sleep
Tech: mine
lull (in) (n) a short period of time when
there is less activity or less noise than
lullaby (n) a slow, quiet song
sung to children to make them go to
Check: rub out and remember
Guess the meaning through teacher’s
Give the stress
Guess the meaning through teacher’s
Give the stress
Guess the meaning through teacher’s
Give the stress
Guess the meaning through teacher’s

Give the stress
Do as told
(20 mins)
1. Listening and skimming
play CD player
read again (if necessary)
2. Task 1
close test (p.125)
fairy tale: chuyeän thaàn tieân
criticize (v) opposite praise
work in pair
ask Ss to read the questions and answer/
fill in the blank
3. Task 2
Ask Ss to skim again the passage and answer
Listen and skimming
Do task one in pairs
1. communicate
2. lull
3. delights
4. integral part
5. solemn
6. emotion
7. mournful

the questions:
1. What are two things which make people
different from animals?
2. Why so?
3. What are the uses of music?
4. How about emotion/communication?
5. How about entertainment?
6. Why is it a big business?
Go around to check
Give feedback (see index)
1. They are language and music
2. labor and sprit life
3. communication and
4. hate, love, anger, sadness…
5. be happy and excited
6. a billion-dollar industry
(7 mins)
Work in group
What are our lives like without music?
Check some groups
Write a paragraph to describe your emotion
about music or any style of music you like
most. (60-120 words)
Prepare Review

Copy the home-work
Band Scorpion singers: Dan Truong & DVH Guitarist Singer
Class: 10A1
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Teaching period: Date: 10/03 /07
Objectives: By the end of lesion, students will study about Music. Students will learn more the supplement reading.
Thus it is easy to improve the vocabulary and reading skill.
Teaching aids: hand-out
Limitation: Time, new words
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Interaction
1. hit (n) success
2. Perform (v) trình bày, biểu diễn…
3. enormous (a) > < famous
4. record (v,n)
5. Split (v) divide into, break…
6. generation (n) thế hệ

7. characteristic (n) đặc điểm
8. quality: something that people may
have as part of their character, for
example courage or intelligence
= characteristic
check: chorally
Do as told
Task 1 (see Index1)
Find the errors if necessary in each line and
Task 2 (see Index 2)
Multiple choices
Are is line 2
Why how line 2
English England line 3
Starting started line 4
Having had line 5
Themthey line 5
Become became line 6
Havehad line7
Hitshit line 8
Totoo line 9
Fanfans line 9
Taking take line 10
Soas line 10
1. A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. A
Find and Correct the errors in each line if necessary

In the 1960s, the Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world. Since then, there
have been many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it are perhaps difficult now to imagine why
sensational the Beatles were at the time. They were four boys from the north of English and none of them
had any training in Music. They starting by performing and recording songs by black Americans and they
having some success with these songs. Then them started writing their own songs and that was when they
become really popular. The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great
success songs they have written to write their own songs. The Beatles did not have a long career. Their first
hits record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970. They stopped doing live performances in 1966 because it
had become to dangerous for them-their fan were so excited that they surrounded team and tried to taking
their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some of their songs remain so famous as they were when they
first came out. Throughout the world, many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask them.
Index: 2 Folk music
Like other folk arts, folk music has been passed on primarily by word of mouth. Because it is not fixed in writing, folk
music is free to change as it travels from person to person, generation to generation, and even country to country. A
folk-music tradition is the characteristic expression of a group or community of people. Folk-music traditions tend to
have long histories, even though new song and tunes are always being added and old ones dropped. Folk music thus
has the unique quality of being both old and new at the same time.

1. folk music has been kept alive in many cultures_____________
A. through oral transmission B. for various reasons
C. because if its long history D. with the help of other folk arts
2. according to the passage, folk music traditions_____________
A. are popular with ordinary people in society C. will soon be replaced or dropped
B. can be different from one community to another D. only existed in ancient times.
3. on particular characteristic of folk music is that_____________
A. changes make it worse B. it keeps growing
B. it is often forgotten D. its popularity is limited
4. the word quality in line 5 is closest in meaning to_____________
A. tradition B. property C. condition D. characteristic
5. tune in line 4 mean______________
A. melody B. music C. alarm D. tone
As with by about of on for in
Music Television (MTV) is the advertising-supposed cable television network, the first network to broadcast music
videos regularly. The network was founded in 1981 (1)……………………… an operation of MTV Networks (2) ……………….
investments from such companies as Warner Communications and American Express. It was subsequently acquired
(3) …………………. Viacom, Inc., becoming a wholly owned subsidiary. MTV’s combination of music videos, youthful
video jockeys, irreverent commentaries (4) ………………… bands and performer established the network’s popularity with
youthful viewers, and it became a leading promoter (5) ……………………new rock music and rock musicians. In 1992 both
presidential candidate Bill Clinton and his running mate Al Gore appeared separately (6) …………………two MTV
programs in an effort to reach young voters. Music videos (7) ………………… both audio recordings and some motion-
picture soundtracks are often made with the MTV viewer market in mind. MTV’s overseas affiliates make the
network’s programming available in Europe, Asia, central and South America, and Africa.
New word: subsidiary: a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company
Video jockey: someone who introduces music videos on television. Reverent (a) cung k ính, suøng baùi
Commentary: baứi bỡnh luaọn. Promoter: ngửụứi ủe xửụựng. Affiliate: ngửụứi gia nhaọp
Music in our life

Music plays an important role in our daily lives. It would be impossible for a day to go by without music. Music
serves many functions within our society: it is used to entertain, relax, motivate, persuade, teach, treat diseases,
unite, promote, patriotism, and so on.
Advertisers are fully aware of the role music can play in entering the mind of the consumer. For example, the most
effective way to aid the memory of the consumer is to accompany an advertisement with an interesting song. Once
the customer likes that song, he might remember the brand name of the advertised product as well and he will choose
that product while standing in front of a shelf full of goods of different brand names.
Music on special occasions is essential. At the Olympic sports events, it is interesting to observe how music is played.
Entertainment is an obvious function, but further, music at such events helps create an exciting atmosphere. The use
of natural anthems is to promote the feeling of patriotism, but encouraging athletes to make greater efforts.
Music can also be used as a means of treating patients. It soothes the nerves of patients with mental disorder. For
those with visual impairment, playing music is one way to help them open their hearts to the outside world.
Obviously, music has a profound and powerful impact on our lives
T/F and not mentioned (N)
Sentences T F N
1. The most important function of music is to entertain.
2. Music in advertisements can help producers sell more goods.
3. Athletes feel excited when music is played at a sports event
4. The writer implies that blind people should play music
5. The writer does not say that music has a role in education.
Music, which plays an indispensable part in human life and is loved by almost everyone, is an arrangement of sounds
that are played on instruments and/or sung. Different people, however, will prefer different kinds of music. Classical
music is mainly for a learned and serious audience. Compared with romantic music, it depends more on formal
appeal than emotional stimulation. One of the best-known composed of classical music is Mozart (1756-1791), whose
symphony No. 40 in G Minor has been loved worldwide.
Pop music, in contrast, usually refers to a nonclassical type of music emerging in the early 1900s. Pop music is
popular with a great variety of people because it consists of short songs with a strong beat and simple tunes easy to
remember. Generations of Pop music lovers will perhaps never forget sweet pop songs like Papa by Paul Alka.
Rock n Roll, a type of popular music developed from jazz (rooted in the musical traditions of African-Americans)
and country music (the southern/ western folk music of rural United States), had not appeared until the 1950s. With

hits like Heartbreak Hotel, Elvis Presley (1935-1977) was known as the king of Rock-n-roll.
From rock-n-roll, it was not until the 1960s that rock developed. Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones is an example of
this modern music with a very strong beat, based on a solo voice and (mainly) electric guitars.
Unlike those types of music, folk music, transmitted orally, often has unknown composers. A folk usually has several
versions. An example of folk songs is Auld Lang Syne, traditionally sung at midnight on New Years Eve in Britain.
1. Who are the listeners of classical music?
2. What is the key different between classical music and romantic music?
3. Why is pop music so popular with many people?
4. Why does a folk song usually have several versions?
5. When was rock-n-rock born?
6. How successful was Elvis Presley with rock-n-roll?
7. Where does rock come from?
8. What is the key musical instrument that rock is played on?
