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SKKN bậc 4 Some methods of teaching English conversation in secondary school

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"Some methods of teaching English conversation in Secondary school"

English is the language used by many countries, it becomes the native
language of many countries, the language of communication between people
and people around the world.
With the trend of international integration, Vietnam is increasingly
promoting its available capacity in all fields. Language of communication
becomes a powerful tool and prerequisite. In addition to the native language,
Vietnamese people have considered English as a second language of
communication, attaching great importance to and bringing the English
program as a mainstream subject into schools, even from primary school.
We also clearly identify the position of the subject for the general
development of the whole society: as a tool to facilitate integration with the
international and regional community; access to international information and
technical science; access to other cultures as well as important international
events. The Ministry of Education and Training sets the goals for the subject:
The lower secondary English curriculum aims to shape and develop in
students the basic knowledge and skills of English and the intellectual
qualities necessary to continue to study or go to work life.
As for me personally, as a teacher in charge of English subject in junior
high school, I understand the characteristics of the method of the subject I am
in charge. Along with the practical teaching and teaching experience, I always
research and explore to improve the quality of teaching and learning English,
especially in remote and difficult areas like my school.
With these criteria, I bravely research the topic "Some methods of
teaching conversation in Secondary English subject". In the course of
research, the record of practical theory inevitably lacks shortcomings. Look
forward to the comments of colleagues.
Sincerely thank!

I. 1- Reasons for choosing a topic.
I. 1. 1 Rationale:
In schools, English is a quite new subject, with its own characteristics,
causing curiosity to indulge students, inevitably causing difficulties that
discourage learners. Therefore, the teacher is like an artist, who needs to be
sensitive and sensitive in order to make the learner special interests and
interests for his subject.
Central Resolution 2 - VII course, has defined teaching methods to
change in the direction of "overcoming one-way communication, training into
creative thinking of learners, gradually applying advanced methods. and
modern means in the teaching process ". This orientation has been legalized in
the educational law articles 24 and 25: "The method of general education
must promote students' activeness, self-awareness, initiative and creativity in
accordance with the characteristics of each class. study, study subjects.
Fostering self-study methods, training skills to apply knowledge into practice,
emotional impact to bring joy and excitement to students ".
Starting from the "learner-centered" viewpoint, teaching and learning
methods have fundamentally changed. The teacher is not the only one who
holds knowledge and imparts knowledge but only the instructor, the
supporter, the mentor, the mentor ... The learner is no longer the passive
person who acquires knowledge. is the center of the teaching process, takes
the initiative in creativity in the learning process to achieve its teaching goals.
Teaching foreign languages in general and English in particular, innovating
teaching methods is very clear and important especially in language
communication. Based on the above points, students' direct participation in
the learning process, specific role-playing and using conversations naturally
and flexibly, will create excitement in English subject.
I. 1.2 Practical basis:

In urban areas, English cities have become an urgent need for many
people. Many centers and clubs open everywhere to meet the aspiration to
learn the language of all classes of people. Afterwards, in remote areas such

as mountainous areas, English islands come to learners New alcohol, strange,
the perception of many people is new. Therefore, creating interest for learners
is not easy.
English is a quite interesting subject, but it requires a lot of hard work
and hard work from the learners or the knowledge will easily break and
forget. Creating the hallmark for students right from the acquisition of new
things to help them remember and inculcate the concerns of teachers. On the
way of finding experience, accumulating materials and learning from
colleagues' experiences, attending professional training courses of Nghe An
Department of Education and Training and Quynh Luu Education and
Training Department, we applied Using a combination of modern teaching
methods, learning and playing, learning and learning into the lessons that are
most interesting to learners and in the experimental process of our classes, we
have achieved relatively encouraging results. . They are more interested in
learning English, more excited and brave. Many students got good grades,
better. The feeling of being burdened with a lesson was gone and that proved
our direction was the right one.
I. 2 Research objectives:
Make a mark for students in acquiring new things, forging listening and
speaking skills. Help students have conditions to receive and exchange
information, improve English proficiency, have more social knowledge.
create for them the habit of having immediate reaction in communication
I. 3 Time and place of research:
I. 3. 1 Time I conduct: school year 2019-2020

I. 3. 2 Locations at Quynh Hoa Primary School
I. 3. 3 Scope of the topic
I. .3. 3. 1 Restricted research
Some methods of teaching English conversation
I. 3. 3. 2 Limiting research areas:
Quynh Hoa Commune, Quynh Luu District, Nghe An Province.

I. 3. 3. 3 Limiting the number of participants surveyed:
Secondary school students
I. 4 New contributions in theory and practice:
I. 4. 1 Theoretically:
Role-playing and using conversation in the English subject are
implemented according to the new teaching method, students directly
participate in the learning process, take initiative in creativity, do not be
constrained to follow the pattern. According to the teaching methodology, this
topic has met the problem-teaching method, showing that the teacher creates
the situation, the learner has the opportunity to train and develop thinking
We know that each subject contributes to the formation and
development of the human personality. Skills knowledge in English subject
areas has many applications in life, they are essential to study other subjects
and study English at higher levels.
I. 4. 2 In practical terms:
For students: Students from rural areas, especially ethnic minority
students, have difficulty in communicating in languages, and moreover, they
are foreign languages. Encouraging children to play a role in conversation
helps them gain access to better knowledge, develop listening and speaking
skills. Role-playing and using conversations often make children bold,
expressing emotions such as gestures, facial expressions, gestures, stress, and

For teachers: Helping teachers to be dynamic and creative in teaching,
bringing knowledge to them in a simple, close and conspicuous way without
machines. Create a habit for teachers to self-study, explore and ponder,
drawing experience to offer the most optimal and effective solutions applied
in lectures to ensure quality and further improvement.

II. 1 Chapter I: Overview
Some methods of teaching English conversational style in Secondary
II. 1. 1 History of research issues:
Although the topic is not new, it is very important, associated with
innovating teaching methods, new textbooks, promoting the positive,
proactive and creative nature of teaching and learning in verbal
communication. The concern of foreign language teachers in remote
mountainous areas is how to create a love for their subject, while English
conversation is an important part. important in linguistic communication.
Because of that, I bravely researched this topic to find a solution to help them
learn better.
II. 1. 2 Rationale:
“Some methods of teaching English conversational style in Secondary
Teaching methods: applying advanced teaching methods such as
problem-solving and guiding students in finding and solving problems, at the
same time combining effective application of scientific achievements and
modern technology. especially the application of information technology, in
the teaching process, to ensure conditions of self-study and self-study time for
students. Orientation of subject methods:

+ Promote learning motivation: During language acquisition, students
will achieve high academic results if they are motivated to learn. Motivation
for learning when they feel interested in the subject and see their progress.
Therefore, teachers should use challenging, attractive and engaging situations
to engage children in class activities that are both highly demanding and
appropriate for them to feel the progress. His set of learning. To help students
feel the progress of learning, teachers need to set learning goals that are
moderate and not too strong. In addition, students should be encouraged to

learn by trial and error during the practice of language - they should not be
afraid of making mistakes in practice.
+ Promote individual learning methods and creativity of students: The
important thing that contributes to the effective acquisition of languages is
their own personal learning method. Teachers need to help them become
aware of the nature of the language acquisition process and encourage them to
find the most appropriate learning method for themselves; guide students in
self-study and learning tips and practice communication.
In addition, teachers should always create conditions for students to
participate in contributing experiences and personal insights into the learning
process, giving them autonomy and promoting their creativity and potential.
+ Creating maximum opportunities for practice using language: In
order to give students the most favorable language learning environment,
teachers need to pay attention to using the maximum time in the classroom,
creating every opportunity for students to use use language materials in a
meaningful and effective way. In order to do this well, pair and group
activities need to be promoted and tips to engage the children in active
classroom activities.
It is necessary to use English in classroom communication to the
maximum extent possible: between students and teachers, between students,

in order to enable them to become familiar with using English in real
communication. However, it is not advisable to exclude mother tongue
(Vietnamese) mechanically. It is advisable to use Vietnamese when necessary
such as to explain complex concept words, difficult grammar structures or to
explain teachers' requirements on exercises ...
+ Coordination of skills: As presented, the new English program focuses
on combining all 4 verbal skills from the beginning and is systematically
developed throughout the program from grades 6 to 9. All exercises in unit
units, whether in individual or group activities at all levels from grade 6 to
grade 9, combine all skills to the extent possible, depending on the
characteristics of the content of each unit.
A unit of study can start with a listening comprehension activity,
introduce a new topic that can also start with a reading comprehension

exercise or a class activity. Next activities can be: practice speaking in pairs,
read privately to collect information, listen to tapes to get the necessary
information, or fill in an empty sheet. Lessons should not have a fixed order
of using skills in a unit of study. The order of arrangement and coordination of
skills are derived from the consideration of students' concerns, needs and
interests as well as the characteristics and development process of topics and
+ Using textbooks creatively: Teachers need to understand the intentions,
requirements and goals of each lesson, each item taught in the textbook so
that on the one hand, you can teach the focus of the lesson, on the other hand,
you can using textbooks in a creative way that is suitable for students.
In specific cases, it is necessary to find ways to supplement or update the
content in the lesson so that the curriculum is always new, suitable for
students and with the life progressing and changing.
* Conversation is a communication activity of at least 2 people: speakers

and listeners with changing roles to develop listening and speaking skills for
nglish conversation in junior high school is evenly distributed in 4
blocks from 6th to 9th grade. In 6th grade, they are only acquainted with short
types of conversation, simple sentences easy to understand. The introductory
conversation is focused on the Anh7 program, which is present in sections
that contain many different content. In English 8 and English 9 the
conversation introduced in the "listen and read" section also follows topics
but with more complex sentence patterns.
* Conclusion chapter one.
- Each teacher has a different creativity in each lesson, in each research topic
so that it is suitable for students in their work area. The method of teaching
conversation in junior high school is to create tricks and skills suitable for
each student.

II. 2 Chapter 2: Content of research problem
II. 2. 1 Research task:
- Requirement on theory: Systematize some theoretical issues about tips and
activities for English conversation teaching steps in Secondary subject.
- Practical tasks:
+ Find out the reality of how students approach conversations in
secondary school
+ Proposing some ways of introduction, practice, speech production in
II. 2. 2 The specific content of the topic
- Content one: Features of the conversation
- Content two: Approach to conversation
- Content three: List the role of playing in conversation practice.
- Content four: Describe how to conduct teaching a conversation in three

steps: introduction, practice and speech production.
- Content five: Presentation of tips and activities for steps and how to handle
new words, new structures in conversation.
* Conclusion of chapter two:
- Each conversation has different teaching methods. The key is how to create
high interest for students in acquiring new knowledge and more importantly,
helping to inculcate them immediately in class and develop their English
language proficiency. in a flexible and efficient way.

II. 3. Chapter 3: Research method - Research results.
II. 3. 1 Research method:
Method of theoretical research:
Research to read documents and textbooks related to the research
problem by analyzing, synthesizing, comparing and modeling to draw
theoretical issues of a guiding nature as a basis for solving problems, research
Investigation method:

Learn about the teaching and learning situation of specific teachers and
students in acquiring new knowledge in order to uncover problems to be
solved, identify common causes, and prepare for further research steps.
according to the.
Conversation method:
Discuss with colleagues about the advantages and disadvantages of
preparing new teaching methods and using new methods.
Observation method:
Through the lessons, lectures can be directly observed on students'
situation. Thereby knowing the ability to absorb lessons, capture knowledge
through lectures. Besides learning from colleagues and discovering

limitations in teaching.
Assessment method:
Through self-study, peers and student surveys.
Also in the process of researching this topic, I also use a combination
of other methods such as creating games, tips to teach language .........
II. 3. 2 Results of practical research:
II. 3. 2. 1 Overview of research area:
Quynh Hoa Primary and Secondary School is far away from the center,
where the ethnic minorities moved down. The population is low, the economy
is still poor, so students often have to work more and have less time to study.
Some regions do not yet have access to it, which affects the reception of
Equipment is lacking, even some students lack textbooks, no students
buy books for reference.
Student physiology: afraid to learn language, afraid to speak, afraid of
making mistakes, ashamed of teachers and friends. Lazy homework and
II. 3. 2. 2 Current situation:
Teachers team is young, dynamic, creative and enthusiastic in teaching.
In recent years, the teaching of English at secondary schools has made
changes towards the positive direction of student learning activities.

Some teachers are in constant rotation and are dominated by
housework, so the investment in teaching is limited.
The number of students with high awareness is small, considering the
study task as a secondary.
Students' habits when meeting conversations just skim then solve the
exercises at the bottom. If teachers do not really create and invest lesson
plans, it is easy for students to forget that conversation immediately. Current

situation in studying subject, students often have passive habits, listen, take
notes like a copy. Most students do not have the habit of actively learning and
exploring lessons if they are not assigned the task or if they are assigned the
task, they are still confused while solving the problem. They do not have the
need to express their own thoughts, feelings, interests and talents to the
collective. The sense of preparing before the lesson is almost no, there exists a
habit of waiting to receive knowledge from the teachers. If there are
difficulties, wait for explanation from the teacher.
II. 3. 2. 3 Assess the situation:
From the above situation, there are the following advantages and
Advantages: young teachers have the ability to acquire new things,
information technology is agile and creative and hard to invest in lesson
plans. Therefore, the application of the topic to the teaching practice is
necessary. Students who are interested in acquiring new and special ideas
make their own ideas.
Disadvantages: teachers are in constant rotation so the implementation
time is interrupted. Some others are dominated by housework so the
investment is limited, afraid of making noise class, afraid of losing a lot of
time, wasting experience. charge.
Students have a passive habit when teamwork is dependent on you. The
speech production is still timid.
Therefore, when teachers organize activities, they must take care to
avoid giving students negative reactions and if they happen, promptly correct,
try to encourage and encourage students to give feedback. positive

II. 3. 2. 4 Proposed measures:
* General awareness about teaching conversation for junior high school

The purpose of conversation teaching is to help students develop
listening and speaking skills (especially speaking skills), suitable for their
level and age, enabling students to receive and exchange. information,
improve English proficiency, have more social knowledge.
Conversations are words between at least two people, with a changing
role (with speakers and listeners).
Common conversations require an immediate response of language
habits, so conversations don't require any preparation.
The language of the dialogue is shortened words. The wedge words are
used as a supporting language.
Expressive elements such as gestures, facial expressions, gestures,
stress, and intonation have a lot of support to the quality and effectiveness of
the dialogue.
The structure of the conversation is completely different from the
structure of a reading. Speech of the conversation must be concise and
The main activities of the conversation are activities in pairs, groups
and role plays.
* Approach to conversation


Step 1




Engage students'

Introduce the topic of the


conversation, introduce the

Create the need to

character context.

communicate with

Give suggested questions.


Introducing new words.

Encourage students to
think about the subject
they will learn.

Step 2


Help students

Perform speaking exercises




the through:





guidance of teachers.






- Practice freely


- Know how to apply
structure in a sample
conversation to build


under the guidance of
the teacher
Step 3


Help students develop - Perform the exercises.
communication skills

- Practice speaking through
free practice and contact
with reality.

* Tips and activities for conversation teaching steps:
We can use a variety of tricks to introduce conversations that are
appropriate and engaging to your specific audience. Here are some suggested
activities to introduce the conversation:
a. You can use visuals: using real pictures or objects to introduce:
Using pictures, introduce the characters and context of the
Use pictures to draw characters and introduce characters and contexts
by asking students questions based on pictures to answer.
Using visual items such as paintings or real objects, build a
conversation with students.

b. You can use cassette
Turn on the tape for students to listen to the sample conversations.
Read the conversation sample according to the voices of the characters
in the conversation.
Have a good voice with the class in reading the conversation sample
according to the number of characters in the conversation.
Together with one or two good students in the class, take the form of
conversation (for example, you can play the salesman and one of your
students will be the buyer).
c. Practice
Help students understand and practice conversation, often use the
following types of activities:
Ask questions and answers (questions and answers).
True / False statements
Multiple choice exercise
Fill the appropriate word in the gap (Gap - fill)

Use suggested words and phrases to build similar conversations
(Substitutions - controlled practice)
Use suggested words and phrases to build extended conversations
(Substitutions - free practice)
Match questions and answers (Matching questions and answers)
Based on the structure of the model conversation, build a situationbased role play.
Retelling the content of a conversation (in the form of monologue or
dialogue - Retelling)
* Here are some suggested activities to help students practice the
Suggested tricks to help students apply lessons to speech production
Discuss in pairs, in groups about the lessons they have drawn through
the content of the discussion (discussion).
Through empirical lessons, I now find that applying diverse, rich and
advanced teaching methods is necessary. By experimenting on the method,
the students had different judgments with this new subject. From thinking that

learning English is difficult, especially difficult in acquiring new knowledge,
they are attracted to interesting activities. Therefore interested in the subject
more and of course will learn better. The number of good and excellent
students increases, the number of weak and weak students decreases. Specific
results are:
Initial survey results:
+ Good: 5%
+ Fair: 37%
+ Average: 48%
+ Weak: 10%

Results after experiment:

+ Good: 10%
+ Fair: 40%
+ Average: 45%
+ Weak: 5%

III.1. Conclude.
* The purpose of conversation teaching is to help students develop listening
and speaking skills (especially speaking skills), suitable for their level and
age, enabling students to have conditions and exchange information and
improve High level of English, have more social knowledge.
* Conversation is divided into 3 steps: introduction, practice and speech
production. Teachers need to apply specific activities, appropriate to the right
stages and each content of each lesson.
* The main activities of the conversation are pairing, group play and role
* The purpose of the conversation is to improve listening and speaking
skills for students. Teachers should not be too focused on teaching new words.
Only introduce students new words that are really necessary. Should create
conditions for students to speculate on the meaning of the new word in the
* There are many tips for presenting a conversation. The task of the teacher
is depending on the specific level of the student, know how to flexibly apply
various tricks into teaching conversation to achieve the ultimate goal of

helping the student use the sentence patterns. learn to practice
On the basis of determining the theoretical basis and analyzing the
advantages and difficulties of teachers and students in the process of teaching

conversation in English subject. We have devised a number of measures to
improve the quality of teaching and learning. At the same time, through the
process of conducting a experimental project at grade 8 of Quynh Hoa
secondary school. I see that students have improved, the class time is gentle,
natural, students no longer feel hesitant to learn English. foreign. The children
participated in industrious, carefree and exciting activities so the results were
very high. Thus, with the proposed measures, ensuring the correct
implementation in the spirit of changing books and innovating teaching
methods, ensuring the principles of teaching in general and of English subject
in particular prove. correctness of the topic.
With the spirit of diligence in studying, drawing experience, humility learning
from colleagues and generations before me. I have boldly researched the
subject "Some methods of teaching English conversation in Secondary
school". However, the measure is always a tool, the human factor is the
specific decision: teachers' enthusiasm, love for work, love for children and
diligence of students will make the success of teaching lesson.
The above are just some of the methods that I used when teaching
conversational style, those methods that worked in the lesson. However, it can
not be plump, because for yesterday, today is good but for tomorrow, the
day ... certainly have to expand, create more to fit and ensure Requirements
with new educational methods: "Student-centered".
III. 2 Recommendations:
Above are some of the small jobs that I manipulated during my class
teaching process and achieved results. I look forward to investing in teaching
equipment, tools, materials, opening seminars and tours to help myself and
my colleagues accumulate more teaching and teaching experience to achieve
the highest results. Applicants are required current education.
I look forward to the exchange of contributions from comrades,
colleagues and experts to myself a progressive and the most effective topic

contributing to the work of Education and Training and training generations.
children, bringing foreign languages closer to them, penetrating into life and
becoming an effective and effective communication tool. It is reasonable that
we have implemented the so-called: "General technical education, training of
comprehensive, useful people for society".
I would like to thank!
Quynh Hoa March 25, 2018
Performance by:
