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Evaluation of current solid waste management in xuan luong commune, yen the district, bac giang province and propose appropriate measures for sustainable management

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Study Mode

: Full-time


: Environmental Science and Management


: Advanced Education Program Office


: 2014- 2018

Thai Nguyen, 01/09/2018

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry
Degree Program

Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management

Student Name

Ngo Thanh Huong

Student ID


Thesis Title

Evaluation of Current Solid Waste Management in Xuan
Luong commune, Yen The district, Bac Giang province and
Propose Appropriate Measures for Sustainable Management


Duong Van Thao, PhD, Thai Nguyen University of
Agriculture and Forestry

Signature (s)
With the rapid economic development, Xuan Luong commune, Yen The district,

Bac Giang province is currently facing the environmental degradation. One of the
factors causes this problem is domestic solid waste generated from households.
There have been a number of interventions introduced to the community to
improving the environmental quality and reduce pressure of solid waste to the
nature, but the efficiency was relative low. To have a clear perspective on solid
waste situation in Xuan Luong commune, this study was conducted under the


purposes of evaluating the current status of solid waste management and perception
of local community on solid waste situation, thereby proposed a number of
appropriate measures to promote the solid waste management of local authority,
contributing to sustainable development of the commune. The results showed that
the rate of solid waste generation in Xuan Luong commune, in overall, was
relatively high but not at alarming rate, about 0.32 to 0.36 kg/person/day and the
amount of solid waste generated in the commune was 2.33 tons/day.

Solid waste, Xuan Luong commune, Waste collection,

Number of Pages


Date of Submission



This thesis has been greatly conducted by the support and assistance of many
people whom I wish to extend my grateful appreciation to their valuable
contribution in order to make this research possible.
Firstly, I would like to say thanks to the school board Thai Nguyen University
of Agriculture and Forestry, faculty of Advanced Education Program, thanks the
teachers that have imparted to me the knowledge and valuable experience during
the process of learning and conducting the study.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Duong Van
Thao for his enthusiasm, patience, knowledge and immense. He provided me his
useful comments, remarks, and encouragement through the implementation and
completion of this graduated thesis.
My sincere thanks send to all of the officers and managers from Xuan Luong
People’s Committee and Yen The Urban Environment Company for the enthusiasm.
It was absolutely that I could not complete my study without their assistances.
Particularly, I would like to thanks Mr. Ngo Quang Do, Vice president of Xuan
Luong People’s Committee for his suggestions, guidance and inspiration during my
internship duration.
Also, I would like to express my deep gratitude and motivation to my family,
classmates and friends for their encouragement throughout my studies.
Ultimately, due to time budget and research skill limitation, so this study is
inevitable defectiveness. Therefore, I would like to kindly receive the contribution
and feedbacks from reviewers and friends in order to complete my study with the
best results.
I sincerely thank you!

Ngo Thanh Huong



LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................. ix
PART I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1
1.1. Research rationale ................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Research's Objectives ......................................................................................... 4
1.2.1. General objective .............................................................................................. 4
1.2.2 Specific Objectives............................................................................................. 4
1.3. Research questions ............................................................................................. 5
1.4. Limitations .......................................................................................................... 5
1.5. The significance of research ............................................................................... 5
PART II. LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................ 6
2.1. Overview of solid waste ..................................................................................... 6
2.2. Environmental pollution caused by solid waste ............................................... 11
2.2.1. Water pollution................................................................................................ 11
2.2.2. Air Pollution. ................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3. Soil pollution. .................................................................................................. 13
2.2.4. Human health. ................................................................................................. 14
2.3. Solid waste management in some countries around the world and in Vietnam15
2.3.1. Waste management in some countries around the world ............................... 15
2.3.2. Situation of environmental management in Vietnam and shortcomings need
to learn. ...................................................................................................................... 17

PART III. METHODS ............................................................................................ 19
3.1. Material............................................................................................................. 19
3.2. Methods ............................................................................................................ 19
3.2.1. Sampling Size and Sampling Techniques ...................................................... 19
3.2.2. Method of secondary data collection ............................................................. 20
3.2.3. Methods of primary data collection ................................................................ 20
3.2.4. Method of determining the waste volume and composition ........................... 21
3.2.5. Methods of data analysis ................................................................................ 23
PART IV. RESULTS .............................................................................................. 24
4.1. Natural condition and socio-economic development of Xuan Luong
Commune .................................................................................................................. 24
4.1.1. Natural condition ............................................................................................ 24
4.1.2. Socio-economic development situation ....................................................... 25
4.2. Current situation of solid waste generation in Xuan Luong commune ............ 28
4.2.1. Solid waste sources in Xuan Luong commune .............................................. 28
4.2.2. Amount of solid waste generated in Xuan Luong commune ......................... 29
4.2.3. Solid waste composition in Xuan Luong commune ...................................... 31
4.2.4. Solid waste collection, recycle and reuse in Xuan Luong commune ............. 34
4.3. Solid waste management in Xuan Luong commune .......................................... 37
4.4. Proposed appropriate measure to sustain the solid waste management in Xuan
Luong commune........................................................................................................ 41
4.4.1. Enhance the dissemination and awareness of local community on domestic
solid waste management ........................................................................................... 41


4.4.2. Establish garbage collection teams in remote villages ................................... 41

4.4.3. Promote collaboration with scientific units to transfer advanced technology to
process solid waste and enhance rural environmental quality. ................................. 42
4.4.4. Issue policies and regulations to encourage the public participation on solid
waste management. ................................................................................................... 42
PART V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION .................................................... 43
5.1. Discussion......................................................................................................... 43
5.2. Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 45
5.3. Recommendation................................................................................................ 46
PART VI. REFERENCES...................................................................................... 47



Figure 1. Map of study area ...................................................................................... 24
Figure 2. Economic structure of Xuan Luong commune in 2017............................. 26
Figure 3. Solid Waste Components in Xuan Luong Commune................................ 34
Figure 4. Solid waste classification and burning in Xuan Luong commune ............ 38



Table 1: Component table of some basic gas emissions in landfill .......................... 13
Table 2. Amount of solid waste generated in communes of Yen The district .......... 29
Table 3. Amount of domestic waste generated in Xuan Luong commune ............... 30
Table 4. Types and source of solid waste in Xuan Luong commune ....................... 32
Table 5. Solid waste components in Xuan Luong commune.................................... 33

Table 6. Survey result on solid waste source classification in Xuan Luong
commune ................................................................................................................... 35






Biochemical oxygen demand


Chemical oxygen demand


Commune people’s committee


Law of environmental protection


Ministry of agriculture and rural development


Ministry of natural resources and environment


Total organic carbon


World Bank


1.1. Research rationale
Human life is being improved in high standard, following high demands of
items for daily life that increase in the types of items and going to larger. It still
tends to rise in number and variety. Therefore, service sector and production service
have much more increase dramatically to support the needs of human beings. Base
on the use and disposal after using production in wrong way, the problem on types
of waste were generated by production, business and daily activities which have
emerged and must be considered and found the correct and efficient interventions.
According to confirm of the materials Cyclopes Institute (Chalmin, 2012)
and Veolia Propreté, the second largest waste management company in the world:
The amount of trash collected worldwide is between 2.5 and 4 billion tons a year,
the world now have the amount of trash similar with amount of cereal production (2

tons) and steel (a billion tons). The World Bank (WB, 2015) had warned of a waste
crisis was becoming more serious, and created huge burden on finance as well as
the environment for governments (Daniel et al., 2012). The study was conducted by
Blacksmith Institute and Green Cross Switzerland in more than 3,000 locations in
49 countries shown that more than 200 million people worldwide were at risk of
exposure to hazardous wastes (2013). Meaning that, they have to fight with these
public health threats caused to serious social disease, especially for children (WHO,
2007). If there are no preventive measures to minimize the number of trash, amount
of trash will get bigger and bigger threat to security problems, social issue, and
human health. Specifically, human will release to the environment more than 11


million tons of solid waste per day in 2100, its number get high as 5 times as the
amount of grain produced in a whole year (World Bank, 2015).
Today, environmental problems including treatment and management solid
waste have been concerned by both government and local community. But it has not
been properly inspected, so that, pollution levels in places are at alarming rate as well as
the perception on environmental protection of the local is low, especially in rural areas.
Rural areas in Viet Nam have significant changes along with economic
transition towards industrialization and modernization of the country. Along with
the process of New technologies have been applied to agricultural production such
as livestock and crop production. Besides that, the handicraft sector is also
interested in and developed.
However, when the economic is not rich, the farmer life has to face to a lot
of difficult things. People concern about environmental protection as a marginalized
and it is trivial, which issue difficult to take a good resolve for the environmental
management in rural areas. The main sources of waste in rural areas are the
packaging of plant protection, the abuse and the use of chemicals unreasonable in

agricultural production, the handling of waste from the craft village, the treatment
of waste from the craft village is inefficiency and unsatisfactory, beside that the
sense of responsibility of the people in protecting the environment is not high, with
inadequate attention and loose management from state agencies.
According to statistics in 2014, there were about 90.7 million people in the
total Vietnam population, in which 67% of the people living in rural areas.
Meanwhile, the total national area was 330951 km2, 262805 km2 of agricultural


land include cultivation land was 101511 km2, 153731 km2 of forest land,
aquaculture land was 7120 km2 and rural residential land was 5496 km2 (accounting
for 79.5% of the total land area of the country). The process of the economic and
labor restructuring are relatively slow, but the structure of the production sector in
rural areas is increasing diversely and promoted directly.
Farm household sector structure is shifting to increase gradually in the
number and the proportion of households participate in non-agricultural production
such as industrial, handicraft and service (MONRE, 2011). Along with the positive
changes in rural, Vietnam also expressed limitations and shortcomings: developing
infrastructure in lack of planning, and spontaneous, around 23% of commune have
planning but not high quality (MONRE, 2014). Technical infrastructure and social
infrastructure is backward. Each year, in rural areas, it is about 6.35 million tons of
household waste released, equivalent to each person released average around 0.3
kg/person/day (Chi D.K, 2011). Environmental pollution has caused of serious
consequences that bringing negative impact on agricultural ecosystems, affecting
human health. Meanwhile rural sanitation is poor and many shortcomings so
protected rural environment is a matter of urgency because the pollution state in the
rural environment is at an alarming rate in many places.
Xuan Luong is a commune in Yen The district, Bac Giang province. The

total land area is 2522.4 ha and having 1746 households living in 14 villages
(2017). Due to require problem solving narrowing down land fund and utilize
recycled and reused materials, waste management in Xuan Luong should be
operated under two requirements:


• Firstly, limits the minimum amount of waste generated.
• Secondary, limits the minimum amount of waste buried and increases
maximum amount of waste to recycle and process.
The first requirement, the minimum amount of waste generated can rely on
scientific and technological progress if it is generated by industrial production.
However, for waste arises from households (household waste), it is a difficult
problem; the reality is not feasible because of the following reasons:
• Firstly, population growth in the city are increasing, so the quantity of
waste generated will be drastically increased
• Secondary, people's lives have been increasingly, the amount of waste
generated will be increased.
Therefore, we should focus on solving requirements" restrictions at the
minimum amount of landfilled waste and increase the maximum amount of recycled
and processed wastes ".
1.2. Research’s objectives
1.2.1. General objective
This study was to assess the overall solid waste management in Xuan Luong
commune, of which focus on the evaluation of domestic solid waste generation in
the commune. Thereby, propose appropriate measures to sustain solid waste
management in the communal area.
1.2.2. Specific Objectives
- To study the current solid waste management in Xuan Luong commune.

- To evaluate the perception of the local people on solid waste management
and environment.
- To propose appropriate measures to sustain the solid waste management in
Xuan Luong commune.


1.3. Research questions
The following are the research questions:
1. What kinds of solid wastes have discharged into the environment and how
have solid wastes processed?
2. What is the awareness of local community on solid waste management?
1.4. Limitations
The study was implemented in households in the villages of Xuan Luong
commune, Yen The district, Bac Giang province.
There were some limitations throughout the study. From the above
mentioned, the first limitations was the small sample size since it was challenged
for the researcher to collect data and conduct an interview for all people living in
the commune. The second constraint was the time limitation since the researcher
had a short time for this study.
1.5. The significance of research
- Research indicated clearly solid waste problems in Xuan Luong commune.
- Provided the direction to manage the solid waste clearly in rural areas.
- Rated the positive side and pointed out the drawbacks in the work of solid
waste management, thereby withdrawing lessons from experience to apply to other
rural areas.
- The results of this study may be used as a model for solid waste recycling in



2.1. Overview of solid waste
Environment refers to a system of natural and artificial physical factors
affecting the existence and development of human beings and creatures.
Environment components refer to physical constituent elements forming an
integral part of the environment such as land, water, air, sound, light, organism and
things in other physical forms.
Environmental protection refers to the environmental conservation, and the
prevention and control of harmful impacts on environment; the response to
environmental emergencies; the mitigation of environmental pollution, degradation,
improvement and remediation; proper extraction and consumption of natural
resources for the purpose of maintaining a pure environment. .
Environmental pollution means the status that environmental components
have been changed to the extent beyond environmental technical regulations and
environmental standards and adversely affect human beings and living organisms.
Economic growth in the past five years has had adverse impacts on the
environment, not only in cities but also in rural areas which are home to 70 percent of
the population. Environmental pollution has become a serious problem in many rural
areas, caused by a number of reasons including weak management, lack of
specialized environmental observation and supervision equipment and dedicated
employees. Moreover, most rural localities are meeting with difficulties in fulfilling
the criterion on the environment under the programmer on building new-style rural areas
(Tuyen B.C, 2014).

Under Clause 10, Article 3 of the Environmental Protection Law 2014:
"Waste is waste material in the form of solid, liquid and gas from manufacturing,
trading, services and daily life, or other activities." Thus garbage is all material
things from food, utensils, waste manufacturing, and service, medical that people do
not use anymore and left.
Pursuant to Article 3 of the Decree on the management of waste and scrap,
Decree No.38/2015/NĐ-CP on: Waste management including hazardous waste,
domestic waste, ordinary industrial solid waste, the liquid waste, wastewater,
industrial emissions and other special wastes; environmental protection in scrap
• Solid waste management means activities of planning, managing, investing
in building solid waste management facilities, separating, collecting, storing,
transporting, reusing, recycling and disposing of solid waste in order to prevent and
minimize adverse impacts on the environment and human health.
• Solid waste means waste in a solid form, discharged from production,
business, service, daily life or other activities. Solid waste includes ordinary solid
waste and hazardous solid waste (MONRE, 2011).
• Hazardous solid waste means solid waste containing substances or
compounds that exhibit any of the characteristics of radioactivity, ignitability,









• Scrap means products and materials discarded from production or
consumption and recovered for reprocessing or reuse as input materials for the production
of the products
• Domestic solid waste (also known as household waste) is the solid waste
generated from the human daily life.
• Rural solid waste as in solid form discharged from trading activities,
manufacturing, services, and people living in rural areas. Rural solid waste arise
mainly from agricultural production, animal husbandry, the abuse of using plant
protection products and fertilizers in agriculture, solid waste from craft villages activities
and daily domestic waste. Rural solid waste can be classified into three main types:
• Solid waste from craft villages: The waste is generated from manufacturing
activities of the village
• Agricultural and rural Solid waste: the waste is generated from agricultural
production and animal husbandry such as animal waste, poultry, and packaging of
plant protection.
• Rural areas are part of the territory outer zone of cities, towns and township
which are managed by the CPC (Decree No. 41/2010 / ND-CP on credit policies for
agricultural and rural development). Along with the process of national innovation,
rural development is an inevitable process for economic and society development
and also improving the quality of the rural population life. This development brings
huge benefits but also brings many environmental consequences. Rural environment
are under pressure by pollution increase from the human activity, the use of

fertilizers, pesticides indiscriminately. Besides that, the vacant on the waste


processing from the livestock sector, craft villages bring a big pressure on the rural
environment (MONRE, Rural Environment, 2014).
Pursuant to Decree No. 38/2015/NĐ-CP on management operations of solid waste:
• Solid waste management activities include management planning activities
investment in the construction management facilities of solid waste, classification
activities, gathering, storage, transportation, reuse, recycle and solid waste disposal
to prevent and mitigate the harmful impacts on the environment and human health.
Planning on solid waste management is the work of investigation, survey,
forecasting total emissions sources and types of solid waste; determining the
location, the size of collection sites, transfer stations, transport lines and facilities of
solid waste; identifying methods to gather and treat solid waste; building the plan
and human resources to thoroughly treat solid waste (Article 7 the planning content
of solid waste management)
• Waste classification is the activities of waste separation (already
delimited), in facility, the aim of dividing into categories or groups in order to
manage more effective with different processes.
• Collection of solid waste means activities of gathering, separation, packing
and temporarily storing solid waste from different collection depots to a place or
facility recognized by a competent state agency.
• Storage of solid waste means the keeping of solid waste for a given period
of time at a place recognized by a competent agency before solid waste is
transported to a processing facility.


• Transportation of solid waste means the process of carrying solid waste
from a place of generation, collection, storage or transfer to a place of processing,
recycle or reuse or to a final landfill.
• Waste treatment means the process of using technological and technical
solutions (different from pre-processing) in order to reduce, eliminate, isolate, burn,
destroy or bury waste and hazardous elements in such waste
• Solid waste sanitary bury in landfill operation is suitable with the
requirements of technical standards for solid waste landfills.
• Solid waste classification helps to identify different type of Solid waste
generation. When performing Solid waste classification help us to increase
recycling and reuse of waste materials, as well as offering appropriate technological
methods for the processing, thereby bringing economic benefits and environmental
 Classification can be divided into the following ways:
+ Classified by source
Solid waste is trash related to human activities discharged from households,
schools, offices, trade areas
Solid waste from craft villages is the waste discharged from the production
operations of the villages in these areas.
Agricultural solid waste is the waste generated from agricultural activities,
livestock such as cattle, straw, twigs firewood, and bags of pesticides.
+ Classification according to hazardous levels


Rural hazardous solid wastes are toxic wastes such as packaging of
pesticides, chemical fertilizers, the rotting biological waste, contaminated wastes as
determined poultry, cattle infection. Non-hazardous solid waste is the waste does

not contain substances or compounds containing one of the direct hazardous
properties or interactive components.
The nature of the solid waste related to the application of the gathering
method, arranging collection frequency, deciding how to collect and the treatment
technology. Physical and chemical properties of solid waste such as specific weight,
moisture, gasification, thermochemical have major impact on the selection and
operation of equipment, analysis and design of treatment systems. Physical and
chemistry factors of solid waste such as specific weight, moisture, gasification,
thermochemical have a major impact on the selection and operation of equipment,
analysis and design of treatment systems thereby reached the highest effect after the
end of the treatment process and ensure that environment is protected. Biological
factor of solid waste are analyzed in various types of solid waste containing organic
components. Most of this section have capable of biological conversion creating
into gas, inert organic solids and inorganic solids. Besides that, it can estimate and
provide some biological treatment methods by using microorganisms to achieve
environmental efficiency as well as economic savings (Tram N et al., 2012)
2.2. Environmental pollution caused by solid waste
2.2.1. Water pollution
Special waste is organic matter in water environment will decompose
quickly. At the landfill, water from waste conjunct with rainwater, groundwater


form to water waste. Water waste will move in landfills and promote the ability of
biological degradation as well as transport of pollutants into the environment around
them. Overall, the level of pollution in wastewater is very high, COD indicator is
from 3000 - 6000mg / l, N-NH 3 is from 10 to 800 mg / l, BOD5 is from 2000 to
20000 mg / l, TOC (total organic carbon) is from 1500 to 20000 mg / l, phosphorus
is from 5 to 100 mg / l, and the large variety of microorganisms and other

contaminants (Tram N et al., 2012).
2.2.2. Air Pollution
Ordinary solid waste can easily evaporates, and carry the bad smell causes of
air pollution (Craig, 2012). The organic waste such as fruit, vegetables and some
other ordinary waste are easily decomposed in normal condition by microorganism
metabolic activities which release the stench and pollution gases to disperse
potentially in the air cause of air pollution that impacts on the environment and
human health (Feachem. et al, 1977).
In addition, landfills also create a clear and obvious threat to human health as
well as a threat to the environment from the hazardous contaminated air emissions
emitted from the landfill biodegradation (Meyer J, 2012).


Table 1: Component table of some basic gas emissions in landfill



45 - 60


40 – 60




0.1 – 1.0


0.1 – 1.0

Sox, H2S, Mercaptan, ..

0 – 1.0


0 – 0.2


0 – 0.2

Volatile organic substances

0.01 – 0,06

Source: Handbook of solid waste management, 1994
2.2.3. Soil pollution
Organic waste in the soil will be decomposed by microorganisms in aerobic
or anaerobic conditions create simple humus mineral such as H20, C02, CH4 (Craig

C, 2012).
Besides that, waste water from landfills move into soil cause soil
contamination. If the amount of wastewater too much beyond the capacity of the
soil purify so that soil environment will be overwhelmed and serious pollution
(Meyer J, 2012). The contamination substances with heavy metals, toxic substances,
and microbes in the water flow will go down through the groundwater and make
pollution (Olawoyin R et al, 2012).


Some wastes difficult to degrade such as plastic, rubber, plastic bags if have
no suitable methods on collect and treat that the cause of degradation and reduction
of soil fertility (Vamsi K et al., 2010).
2.2.4. Human health
Solid wastes arising from human activities, if not collected and processed
correctly that will cause environmental pollution causing serious consequences to
public health. Moreover, solid waste components are complex which contains
pathogens from humans, livestock, organic waste created good conditions for flies,
and mosquitoes breed and spread disease to humans (Takele T, 2004). Such as some
bacteria, viruses, parasites exist in the rubbish can cause human diseases such as
malaria, skin diseases, plague, diarrhea, parasites, typhoid (Njoroge G et al., 2016).
Besides that, Collecting and processing wastes improperly can endanger to
sanitation worker. At the open landfills, wastewater and stench can spread out into
water, soil, air, which creates good conditions for the intermediate hosts cause for
human disease as well as chemicals substances can affect negatively on human
health (International Finance Cooperation, 2007).
Pollution from rural craft villages cause increased incidence of some
diseases, especially in children. Children living in weaving families had some
disease by cotton dust as sore throat (22.9%), stuffy nose (19.1%), wheezing

(15.5%), incessant coughing (9.9%), itchy eyes (7.6%), rashes, and allergic
urticarial (2.3 to 7.6%) (Tram N et al, 2012). According the eighth national
scientific conference and the fourth international scientific conference for labor
medicine and environmental sanitation in 2012: In handicraft villages, there are


65.9% of children had a pulse rate higher than standard according to age and 17.6%
of children have maximum blood pressure a higher than standard by age. Children also
had the manifestations of the impact of noise, such as tinnitus (22.9%), ear pain (12.2%),
and hearing loss (9.2%) (Phong L, 2015).
2.3. Solid waste management in some countries around the world and in
2.3.1. Waste management in some countries around the world
Waste management in Nuremberg - Germany
Nuremberg government has launched a local law in 1990, it requires to
divide household waste and business waste into many different types. Putting paper,
glass, and organic waste in the same barrel are illegal (Tram, 2012).
Purchase and sale policies: local authorities encourage consumers to buy
products that generate less rubbish, items can be recycled that are made from
recyclable materials. Paper is recycled from postal paper which is using in offices
widely. The cleaned products are sold and has benefitted from tax incentives
(Global Time, 2014).
Consultancy services: local authorities have established an advisory team
related to waste problem. These counselors guide people buying items having less
rubbish, composting household rubbish, and using reusable products (Tram N et al., 2012).
Waste Management in Singapore
With a small geographical area and a dense population density, the
development of collecting and treating waste system is very important. To achieve

this goal, Singapore has developed a modern waste management system that using

