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Speaking Skill

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Teaching speaking

The nature of communication
Spoken language
Receptive Understanding Speaking Productive
Skills Reading Writing skills
Written language

Questions for you
1. Do you enjoy teaching speaking?
Why? Why not?
2. What type of speaking activities do
you do with your students?

Make Classroom Speaking Activities

Acting from a script

Information gap: find similarities & differences
between pictures, …


Interviewing /Questionnaires/ survey

Simulation & role play


Find someone who …

T needs to set the contexts with several
questions can be asked and answered.

Designing Speaking Activities

Introducing oneself / daily monologue

Making a simple daily conversation.

Telling a short story.

Storytelling needs an ending . Without a proper
conclusion the story will be boring

Pair work needs an information gap so that each S
has a real reason for talking

Games need a winner because they motivate Ss
through competition

Brainstorming needs a product and usually it’s
written. It should be sth Ss can work together to
make ( a list of ideas, a story or a poster)

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