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I/ Choose the best keys for the blanks (5 Marks)
1- Lan and Maryam …………….. pen pals for over two years. (are / were / have been / has been)
2- They ………………..many beautiful places in Hanoi. ( visit / visited / were visited / are visiting)
3- Malaysia’s unit of currency is …..……… (ringgit / Kuala Lumpur / Hinduism / Bahasa Malaysia)
4- English is …………………..language at secondary school in Malaysia. (compulsory/ favorite/
useful / funny)
5- Ao dai is a ……………….…..…dress of Vietnamese women. (modern/ tradition / traditional /
6- Vietnamese women like wearing ao dai ……………….. (on special occasions / at work / at home
/ everyday)
7- Jeans was very…………..….because it did not wear out easily. (cheap/ expensive/ strong/ nice)
8- Jeans have never been ……..…………….fashion. (out of / modern / expensive / cheap)
9- I wish I ………….……her now. But she has gone to London. (see/ saw / am seeing / seen)
10- They have known her ……….…….……three years. (for/ since/ about/ in)
11- …..you …..……this film last years? (Do-watch / Does - watched / Do-watched / Did- watch)
12- Jeans ………..……….…from cotton in the 18 th century. (made/ is made/ make/ was made)
13- Lan took Mariam to the …….……..on Hang Luoc street. (Temple / Church/ building/ mosque)
14- I wish I ………..…… strong. But I’m weak. ( am / was / were / are)
15 – The official religion of Malaysia is…………..……. (hinduism / Islam / Buddhism / Malay)
16 – What ………………….you do yesterday? (do / does / did / done)
17 – He’s ……………..………me a new hat. (buy/ buys / buying / bought)
18 – Ao dai is worn over ……………………………………(shorts/ loose pants/ jeans/ trousers)
19 - ………………….…make Ao dai more traditional and fafhionable. (designers/ writers/ painters/
20- Students often wear……………………..at school. (uniforms / T- shirt/ Jeans/ shorts)
II/ Answer the following questions (2 Marks)
1- How many regions are there in Malaysia? What are they?.......................................................
2- Where did Maryam visit on Hang Luoc street? .........................................................................

3- What do you usually wear on the weekend? .............................................................................
4- Why students like wearing Jeans? ............................................................................................
III/ Use the verbs in the correct forms and tenses. (2 Marks)
1- Yesterday Mai…………….….. (go) to Dam Sen Park.
2- What …………..Maryam………………..(buy) for her friends in Malaysia?
3- He wishes he……………..….(be) a millionaire.
4- Hoa said she…………………(love) wearing colorful T-shirt.
5- We …………………………..(read) this novel since 2005.
6- Your exercises must ……………………..(do) before going to school.
7- We wish our father ………….………..(give) up smoking.
8- He usually…………………..…..(tell) lie.
IV/ Rewrite with the same meaning using (I wish….) (1 Mark)
1- What a pity the weather isn’t nice.  I wish.................................................................................
2- Your cousin doesn’t tell you the truth.  I wish...........................................................................
3- I’m sorry you don’t study hard.  I wish......................................................................................
4- I have no any money.  I wish....................................................................................................
Học sinh viết đáp án vào chỗ
I/ Choose the best keys for the blanks (5 Marks)
1- Maryam …………………..with Lan all the week. (stays was staying/ has stayed/ stayed)
2- Lan and Mariam … …………. In the mosque on Hang Luoc street.
( prayed / visited / went across/ stayed)
3- Malaysia’s capital is ……………..……. (ringgit / Kuala Lumpur / Hinduism / Bahasa Malaysia)

4- Malaysian children …….……...study English at school. (don’t have to / have to / should/ like to)
5- Ao dai is the ………………dress all over the world. (modern/ unique / traditional / fashionable)
6– He’s ……….………me a new hat. Is it nice? (buy/ buys / buying / bought)
7- Students often wear……………………..at school. (uniforms / T- shirt / Jeans / shorts)
8- - …………………make Ao dai more traditional and fafhionable. (designers/ writers/ painters/
9- I wish I …………..………in Hue now.. ( live/ living/ lived/ lives)
10- What …………..……….you last Sunday? (do / does / did / done)
11- …………….you ……..………this film yet? (Do-see/ Have - seen / Do – saw / Did - see)
12- Ao dai is worn over …………………………(shorts/ loose pants/ jeans/ trousers)
13- The official religion of Malaysia is…………………. (hinduism / Islam / Buddhism / Malay)
14- I wish I …………… strong. But I’m weak. ( am / was / were / are)
15- This problem must ………………..…early. (be solved/ solved/ has soled/ be solving)
16-Jeans was very………….….because it did not wear out easily. (cheap/ expensive/ strong/ nice)
17- People …………..… Jeans from cotton in the 18 th century. (made/ is made/ make/ was made)
18- They have known her ………….…… 2001. (for/ since/ about/ in)
19- In the 1980s Jeans became ……….….……. fashion clothing (out of / modern / high / cheap)
20- Vietnamese women like wearing ao dai ……………..…….. (on special occasions / at work / at
home / everyday)
II/ Answer the following questions (2 Marks)
1-What is the compulsory second language in Malaysia?.............................................................
2- Where did Maryam visit in Hanoi? .............................................................................................
3- What do you usually wear at school? ........................................................................................
4- Why students like wearing modern clothing at work? ...............................................................
III/ Use the verbs in the correct forms and tenses. (2 Marks)
1- We wish we………………………….(pass) the exam.

2- The pupils wish their team…………………..(play) well.
3- Rice………………………………...(grow) in tropical countries.
4- Last night, I …………………………(not stay ) at home.
5- Lan said she ………………….(want) you to help her.
6- ……………you …………….( ever visit) Hue yet?- No, I ………………not.
7- I wish I …………………………(take) a trip to Hue next week.
8- He……………………(get) up late everyday.
IV/ Rewrite with the same meaning using (I wish….) (1 Mark)
1- I can’t play guitar.  I wish..........................................................................................................
2- They don’t give up smoking.  I wish..........................................................................................
3- George isn’t here.  I wish..........................................................................................................
4- I lived in London, but I hate London.  I wish.............................................................................
Học sinh viết đáp án vào chỗ
Học sinh viết đáp án vào chỗ trống
I/ Choose the best keys for the blanks (3 Marks)
1- He wishes he…………..……...a president ( a, is / b, was / c, were / d, to be)
2- I have studied English …………….……ten years. ( a, on / b, since / c, for / d, in)
3- I am too old………….….I can’t run fast. ( a, Because / b, so / c, but / d, for)
4- They never go swimming……………..the morning. ( a, in / b, on / c, at / d, between)
5- Teacher asked Lan. ………………………………………….(a, How old is she/ b, How old was she /
c, How old she was / d, How old she is )
6- Nga works for an………….bank in Ha noi. (a, nation / b, national / c, international / d, internation)
7- Nga's listening is very…………..……so she has to work harder ( a, bad / b, excellent / c, good / d,
well )

8- The examiner asked Lan……………………….. ( a, Is she lazy / b, Was she lazy / c, If she is
lazy / d, If she was lazy)
9- Mai said that she…………….……….. (a, is tall / b, was tall /c, were tall / d, could be tall)
10- We………………………….that film recently, It’s very interesting. (a, see / b, saw / c, are seeing /
d, have seen)
11- He hasn’t gone to Hanoi……….………… ( a, just / b, since / c, yet / d, for)
12- Their house…………..…….. by workers now. (a, build / b, built / c, is building , d, is being built )
13- Tim …………me he was a good student. (a, said / b, asked / c, told / A, B, C are correct)
14- They ………….her if they could come in. (a, said / b, asked / c, told / A, B, C are correct)
15- Hoa asked me ………….her a cup of coffee. (a, make/ b, to make / c, makes / d, making)
16- This motor……………by him two days ago. (a, buy / b, bought / c, was bought / d, is bought)
II/ Match the column A to column B (2M)
column A column B
They went home late 1 A Listening. It’s very difficult.
If you want to have good marks 2 B I wish it were Summer now.
What did she ask you? 3 C Because they missed the train
What skills do you want to improve? 4 D It’s to the North of the city
Oh! It’s very cold 5 E Raise chicken and plant maize.
Where is your home village? 6 F She asked me if I was a student.
What do people do for living in your village? 7 G You must study hard
I can’t build my school. 8 H It was built by them.
1…………., 2……….., 3…………., 4……….., 5…………., 6………….., 7…………, 8………….
Write the verbs in the past simple (P1) and past participle forms(P2).(1M)
Base verbs Past simple Past participle Base verbs Past simple Past participle
Meet Forget
Buy Eat
Plant Meet
Change into reported . (1 Mark)
1- “Are you fine?”  Teacher asked me........................................................................................
2- “What do you do?” My father asked him.................................................................................

3- “Open the door !”  He asked me ............................................................................................
4- “ I can sing well”.  She said ....................................................................................................
Change into passive form. (1 Mark)
1- He makes this table.  This table................................................................................................
2- They painted my house last week.  My house..........................................................................
3- We must do more exercises.  More exercises..........................................................................
4- She has bought a new hat.  A new hat.....................................................................................
Use the verbs in the correct forms and tenses: (2 Marks)
1- They asked you if you…………………(can speak) English.
2- We………………………………(not see) this film yet.
3-The examiner asked him where he………………..(live).
4- Hoa said she………………..(be) a teacher.
Học sinh viết đáp án vào chỗ trống
I/ Choose the best keys for the blanks (4 Marks)
1- He hasn’t gone to Hanoi……….………… ( a, just / b, since / c, yet / d, for)
2- Mai said that she…………….……….. (a, is tall / b, was tall /c, were tall / d, could be tall)
3- The examiner asked Lan………………………………………….. ( a, Is she lazy / b, Was she lazy /
c, If she is lazy / d, If she was lazy)
4- Their house…………….. by workers last year. (a, build / b,was built / c, was building , d, is built )
5- I have studied English …………………ten years. ( a, on / b, since / c, for / d, in)
6- Nga works for an………..….bank in Ha noi. (a, nation / b, national / c, international / d, internation)
7- Nga's listening is very……………………………so she has to work harder ( a, bad / b, excellent / c,
good / d, well )
8- I am too old………….I can’t run fast. ( a, Because / b, so / c, but / d, for)
9- Teacher asked Lan…………………………………………….(a, How old is she/ b,How old was
she /c, How old she was /d, How old she is )

10- We……….….that film recently, It’s very interesting. (a, see / b, saw / c, are seeing / d, have seen)
11- He wishes he……………..…...a president ( a, is / b, was / c, were / d, to be)
12- They never go swimming………………..the morning. ( a, in / b, on / c, at / d, between)
13- Tim ………..……me if I was a good student. (a, said / b, asked / c, told / A, B, C are correct)
14- They ………..…….her that they could come in. (a, said / b, asked / c, told / A, B, C are correct)
15- Hoa asked me If she……….……. ..me a cup of tea (a, made/ b, to make / c, makes / d, making)
16- This motor……………..……by him . (a, buy / b, bought / c, has bought / d, is bought)
II/ Match the column A to column B (2M)
column A column B
Where is your home village? 1 A You must study hard
They went home late 2 B Raise chicken and plant maize.
What do people do for living in your village? 3 C It was built by them.
What skills do you want to improve? 4 D It’s to the North of the city
Oh! It’s very cold 5 E I wish it were Summer now.
I can’t build my school. 6 F She asked me if I was a student.
What did she ask you? 7 G Listening. It’s very difficult.
If you want to have good marks 8 H Because they missed the train
1…………., 2……….., 3…………., 4……….., 5…………., 6………….., 7…………, 8………….
Write the verbs in the past simple (P1) and past participle forms(P2).(1M)
Base verbs Past simple Past participle Base verbs Past simple Past participle
Watch Drink
See Make
Read Think
Change into reported . (1 Mark)
1- “Do you like English?”  Teacher asked me.............................................................................
2- “Where are you from?” My father asked him..........................................................................
3- “Close your book !”  He asked me .........................................................................................
4- “ I am a Miss World”.  She said ..............................................................................................
Change into passive form. (1 Mark)
1- He cleans this table.  This table................................................................................................

2- They built my house last week.  My house...............................................................................
3- We must help your parents.  Your parents................................................................................
4- She has seen that film. That film..............................................................................................
Use the verbs in the correct forms and tenses: (1 Marks)
1- They……………………..……….( just visit) Hue.
2- He told me……………….…………..(close) the door.
3- This exercise ………………………….(do) by me everyday.
4- Hoa said she……………….…………..(work) hard.
I/ Choose the best keys for the blanks (4 Marks)
1- They speak English very…….………..( a, good / b, well / c, goodly / d, welly )
2- I’m please………….you win the first prize. ( a, that / b, so that / c, but / d, and )
3- Mai has good marks………….she studied hard. ( a, Because / b, so / c, but / d, for)
4- We should use banana leaves to…………the food in stead of plastic bags. ( a, wrap / b, reduce /
c, recycle / d,reuse)
5- If you work hard, You……the final exam. (a, pass / b, passed / c, have passed / d,will pass )
6- I suggest……………the crack pipes. (a, to fix / b, fixing / c, fixed / d, will fix )
7- A …………faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month.( a, to drip / b, dripped / c, driping / d,
dripping )
8- Mai is ……….her little sister.(a, looking after / b,looking for / c,looking forward to / d, looking at)
9- Martin writes very quickly. He’s ……….finished his essay. (a/ already, b/ for, c/ since, d/ yet)
10- We have seen that film recently………we know the content of it. (a, so / b, because/ c, however /
d,but )
11- ………..the light if you want to look for the key.(a,turn on / b, turn off / c, turn right / d, turn left)
12- I suggest that you…………..a new house. (a, build / b, built / c, building , d, should built )
II/ Match the column A to column B (2M)
column A column B

“Junk-yard” means: 1 A That he can do every exercise.
If the pollution goes on 2 B As she fell over the stone.
We should go to school by bike 3 C A piece of land full of rubbish
He is very intelligent 4 D He goes to bed early.
Because my father is tired 5 E Therefore they are late for school.
Hoa has a broken leg 6 F It will full of rubbish
If we don’t keep our school yard clean 7 G The world will end up like a junk-yard
They got up late, 8 H For reducing the exhaust fume.
1…………., 2……….., 3…………., 4……….., 5…………., 6………….., 7…………, 8………….
Write the other sentences with the same meaning (2M)
1- I suggest taking shower.  I suggest that you..........................................................................
2- Because I am sick, I can’t go to class today

I can’t go to class today as..............................
3- How about turning off the dripping faucets?  Why don’t we ..................................................
4-  She said ................................................................................................................................
Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. (1,5 Mark)
1- Solar energy can be cheap, clean and ……………… . Most of our electricity comes from coal, gas,
oil and ………………power. One percent of the solar power that reaches to the Earth is
………………..to provide energy for all the world’s population. Solar energy can be……………for the
cloudy days and all the building in Sweden will be heated by solar…………….in 2015.
Answer the following questions. (1,5 Mark)
1- How can we do to save water?
 We should....................................................................................................................................
2- Who does the mother think polluted the environment?.
 She thinks.....................................................................................................................................
3-Why should we take showers in stead of baths? .
 Because........................................................................................................................................


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