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Name: ………………………….. TEST (45 min.)
Class: ……………… English 7: Unit 12 14
I. Multiple choice (3m)
1. There’s a football match ……………..television tonight.
a. in b. on c. at
2. I prefer reading books ………………playing sports.
a. than b. more c. to
3. ………………do you like?
a. What kind programs b. What kinds of programs c. What kinds programs
4. My mother is a slow cyclist. She cycles very………………
a. slow b. slowly c. quickly
5. …………….singing? Let’s start.
a. How about b. How’s about c. Shall we
6. Teenagers like to hear the ……………pop music.
a. late b. later c. latest
7. ……………do you watch TV? – Every night.
a. When b. How long c. How often
8. Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?
a. Thanks. I’d love to b. No, I wouldn’t c. No, I don’t
9. Long ago, there were ……………….TV sets in Vietnam.
a. none b. not c. no
10. If you want to know what the weather is tomorrow, watch the……………….
a. Late news b. weather forecast c. the world today
11. Most imports …………police and hospital series.
a. have b. get c. include
12. We don’t like………………..dinner at home.
a. having b. have c. to have
II. Supply the correct word form (3m)
1. He (not like)…………..staying at home this summer vacation.
2. We prefer (talk)………………about our study.
3. They would like (have)……………dinner in Bamboo Restaurant.