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Lecture Organizational behavior - Chap 8: Introducing organizational behavior

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Chapter 8
Teamwork and Team
Teams are worth the hard 

Chapter 8 Study

What are high-performance teams?

How can team processes be improved?

How can team communications be improved?

How can team decisions be improved?

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How can we create high
performance teams?

Characteristics of High Performance Teams
• Set a clear and challenging direction.
• Believe in the goals and motivated to work hard to

accomplish them.
• Turn a general sense of purpose into specific

• Set standards for measuring results and obtain

• Members have the right mix of technical, problem-

solving and interpersonal skills.
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How can we create high
performance teams?

Team Building
• Collaborative way to gather and analyze data about

the team’s work. The goal is improved teamwork
and increased team effectiveness.

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Figure 8.1:
Steps in the teambuilding process

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How can we create high
performance teams?

Formal retreat approach
• Team building occurs during an offsite “retreat.”

Outdoor experience approach
• Members engage in a variety of physically

challenging situations that require teamwork.

Continuous improvement approach
• The manager, team leader, or group members

take responsibility for ongoing team building.

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How can team processes
be improved?

New members may worry about:
• Participation
• Goals
• Control
• Relationships
• Processes

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Coping Mechanisms Used by New
Team Members

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How can team processes
be improved?

Distributed leadership

• Sharing of responsibility for meeting group task and

maintenance needs.

Task activities
• Various things members and leaders do that directly

contribute to the performance of important group tasks .

Maintenance activities 
• Support the social and interpersonal relationships

among team members.

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Distributed Leadership

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Figure 8.2 Task and
maintenance leadership in
team dynamics

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How can team processes
be improved?

Disruptive behaviors:

• Bullying and being overly aggressive toward

other members.
• Withdrawing and refusing to cooperate with

• Using the group as a forum for self-confession.
• Talking too much about irrelevant matters.
• Trying to compete for attention and recognition.

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How can team processes
be improved?

• Set of expectations associated with a job or position on a


Role ambiguity
• Occurs when a person is uncertain about his or her role

and what is expected.

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How can team processes
be improved?

Role overload

• Occurs when too much is expected of the


Role underload
• Occurs when too little is expected of the


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How can team processes
be improved?

Role conflict 
• Occurs when a person is unable to respond to role

expectations that conflict with one another.

• Forms of role conflict
 Intrasender, Intersender, Person-role, Inter-role.

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How can team processes
be improved?

Role negotiation 
• Process for discussing and agreeing upon what

team members expect of one another.
• Team members meet to discuss, clarify, and agree
on their individual role expectations each holds for
the other.

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How can team processes
be improved?


• Represent ideas or beliefs about how

members are expected to behave.
• Considered rules or standards of conduct

that are supposed to guide members.
• Help members to guide their own behavior
and predict what others will do.

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How can team processes
be improved?

Key norms that can have positive or negative 
• Performance norms.
• Ethics norms.

• Organizational and personal pride norms.
• High-achievement norms.
• Support and helpfulness norms.
• Improvement and change norms.

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How can team processes
be improved?

Leaders can

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How can team processes
be improved?


• The degree to which members are attracted to

a group and motivated to remain a part of it.
• There is a strong relationship between
cohesiveness, conformity to group norms, and

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Figure 8.3 Cohesiveness and norms
influence behavior

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Figure 8.4  Ways to increase and
decrease team cohesiveness

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How can team processes
be improved?

Inter­team dynamics
• The relationships between groups cooperating

and competing with one another.

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How can team processes
be improved?

Ways to achieve positive inter­team dynamics
• Refocusing members on a common enemy or goal.
• Negotiating directly.
• Engaging members, of different teams, in activities

learning how to work cooperatively together.
• Refocusing reward systems to emphasize

contributions to overall organizational performance
and on how much teams help one another.

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Figure 8.5 Interaction patterns and
communication networks found in teams

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