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School :……………………
Name :…………………….
Class : 8…….. ĐỀ KIỂM TRA ( 1tiết)
Năm học 2008 - 2009
I. Underline and rewrite the misspelt words: ( 2,5m)
1. Students are advised to collect plastic botles for recycling. …………
2. She is hurt. Call a docter, please! …………
3. A beautiful skirt war made by my sister. …………
4. Natural furtilizer is made from garden waster …………
5. Would you mind siting in the front of seat the taxi? …………
II. Change into passive from ( Đổi sang dạng bị động) ( 1m)
1. People plant a lot of suger canes in Cuba.
2. Miss Loan will buy me a dictionary next week.
III.Change into active from ( Đổi sang dạng chủ động) ( 1m)
1. My bike will be repaired by Mr. Nam.
2. The glass in collected and sent to the factories.
IV. Choose a suitable word to complete the passage and then answer the questions:
( 2,5m)
Ambulance order stop to offer
Yesterday, when I was riding along a busy street, I saw an accident. A woman was
knocked down when she crossed the street at a zebra crossing. Many people stopped (1)
…………their help. A policeman arrived and asked a young man to telephone for an ( 2)
………………….while waiting for the ambulance, the policeman and some people tried to
(3) ……………the bleeding. They used a handkerchief to cover the wound, then put
pressure on it and held it tight. They tried to talk to her in (4) ………..to keep her awake.
After three minutes, the ambulance arrived and woman was taken to the hospital.