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Subject : English 11 CODE
a. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others .
( 1 pt)
1.A. promise B. define C. describe D. polite
2.A. character B. change C. cheerful D. achieve
3.A. decided B. loved C. warmed D. called
4.A. systems B. weeks C. caps D. pets
b. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different ( 0,5 pt)
5. A. national B. engineer C. cosmonaut D. telegram
6. A. body B. hero C. centre D. occur
B. Grammar.
a. Choose the best answer from the four given options marked A, B, C, and D(1,5pts)
7. I need …………. time ………….. money to study abroad because studying costs a lots.
A. either/both B. neither/nor C. not only / but also D. either/and
8. The girls with ……………….. we had a lesson are talented students
A. who B. whose C. that D. whom
9. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.......20 July, 1969.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
10. My father, ………. you can see in the picture, used to be a writer.
A. that B. whom C. whose D. which
11. Susan is the woman.......husband is an actor.
A. her B. who’s C. whose D. of which
12. Collecting stamps was one of his hobbies when he was young.
A. interests B. games C. activities D. entertainments
13. Yang Liwei was 38 years.........when he flew in a spaceship.

A. age B. aged C. old D. of age
b . Rewrite the following sentences (2pts).
14. The teacher gave Lan the book. (cleft sentence in the passive)
- It was Lan.........................................................................................................................................................
15. My neighbours made a lot of noise. (cleft sentence)
- It.......................................................................................................................................................................
16. In the summer school he studied writing. He studied how to increase his vocabulary. (not only...but
17. I’ll never speak to you again if you don’t apologize. (either ... or)
c. Join pair of the sentences, using Preposition+ a relative pronouns ( 2 pts)
18. Mrs Jason apologized for the mistake. We complained to her
19. Lan’s party is next Sunday evening. We are all invited to it
20. He gave me a lot of advice. Much of them was very useful
21. The girl is John’s sister. I introduced you to her
d. Put a question tag at the end of each sentence ( 0,5pt)
22. You don’t like this program,___________ ?
23. Your Mom isn’t at work today,_______________?
Read the article in a magazine about Beijing then do the following tasks
Beijing is in the northeast of China. It is the capital of China. It is a very big city - 12 million
people live here. At the centre of Beijing is the Forbidden City. It is almost 600 years old. The
emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here. It was changed to a museum about 70
years ago. You will be attracted by its beautiful designs, the clothes and furniture that emperors used
in the past.

Just next to the Forbidden City is Tiananmen Square. The word “Tiananmen” has the meaning of
“a gate of heavenly peace” It is the biggest square in the world and it always filled with tourists.
Many of them gather here to watch the flag-raising ceremony at sunrise everyday. Local people like
to take a walk and fly their kites here.
In the northwest of Beijing is the Summer Palace. It is a famous Chinese-style garden built in a
natural landscape. In the past, the emperor used to spend their summer here. It consists mainly of a
hill and a big lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area.
The favourite attraction is the Great Wall. It is a long wall which runs more than 5,000 kilometres
across northern of China. It was built with stones and bricks a long time ago to protect the northern
border of the country. It is one of the great wonder of the world. You can experience its beauty and
greatness through climbing it step by step.
Task a. Quiz: Circle the correct answer for each quiz.(1 pt)
24. The population of Beijing is………
A. small B. medium-size C. large
25. The Great Wall was built ……
A. for people to fly their kites B. for protecting the northern
border of China
C. for emperors to spend their
26. Tourists can watch …….at Tiananmen Square
A. The flag raising ceremony B. The clothes and furniture of the
Chinese emperors
C. A Chinese-style garden
27. The emperors of the Ming and Qing used to live in …………..
A. Tiananmen Square B. Forbidden city C. Summer Palace
Task b. Answer the questions.(1,5 pts)
28. What was changed to a museum?
29. What will you be attracted by in Forbidden City?

30. What does the word ‘Tiananmen’ mean?

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