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Period: 13 TEST I
Date: 18/10/2007 Môn: Anh văn 9
Thời gian: 45p
I /choose the correct answer(2ms)
1/I haven’t had any news of Liz…… 2004( in/on/since/for)
2/Malaysia is divided …….two regions.(To/on/into/in)
3/The ……..Language in Malaysia is Bahasa
4/He used to work on a ship. He was a sailor(Sailor/Shiper/doctor/worker).
5/The unit of …… used in th USA is dollar.(Currency/ money/unit//change)
6/She ofen goes to……… to spray bacause her region is Islam.
7/Today Jeans are ………… all over the world(Famous/Wide/popular/nice/)
8/What subject are you good …….(At/on /in/into/)
II/Give the correct form of verbs in brackets(2ms):
1/Yesterday afternoon I(see)…………… you on Hang Dao street
2/He used to ………………….(smoke) 20 cigaretters a day.
3/I (not have)………………………………………. any news of Liz since 2003
4/I wish I (can use)……………………….. computer well.
III/Read the passage and answer these questions below(2ms)
Canada is the world’s second largest country.The area is 9,970,610sq.km.The capital is
Ottawa,and the largest city is Toronto.The population of Canada is 31,592,805.About one –
third of the people are of English and French .The United States Accounts for about four-
fifthsof Canada’s exports and supplies more than two-thirds of its imports.
1.Is canada the second largest country?-
2.Which city is the largest city in Canada?-
3.What is the population of Canada?
4.What language are spoken in Canada?
IV/Rewrite these sentences ,beginning with the words given(2ms)
1.They have told her that story since yesterday.

She has………………………………………………………………………..
2.You must return these books to the library soon
These books must……………………………..
3.It’s a pity.I can’t play the guitar well
4.My gradmother often wore Aodai.
My Gradmother used ………………………..
V/Listen and choose the correct answer(2ms)
1/His name is………( Peter/Pean/Petty/Pond)
2/He is ……….years old(15/45/5/25)
3/He is wearing ……………(Shirt/White-shirt/acolorful T-shirt)
4/He may carry…………… (A doll/a car toys/ a car toy/ a large

1.Since(0,5) 5.unit
2.into (0,5) 6.Temple
3.National 7.From
4. what 8.Modern
3.Hasn’t had (0,5)
4.Could play (0,5)
1.Yes,it is (0,5m)

2.Toronto (0,5)
3.The population of Canada is 31,592,805(0,5)
4.English and french(0,5)
IV/ (2ms)
1.She has been taught about that lesson since yesterday(0,5)
2.This table must be returned to the library(0,5)
3.I wish I can use the computer well(0,5)
4.My sister used to wear Aodai at work(0,5)
4.A car toy(0,5)
Tap Transcrip
Attention please. Here is a special anouncement .A little boy is reported missing .he was last
seen 20 minutes ago before the supermarket.His name is Peter ,he is 5 years old.
He is wearing a Colorful –T-shirt.He may carrying a car toy.
If you see him ,Please bring him to the Information Desk.Her mother is waiting for her
there.Thank you.

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