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alter table PERSON_LOCATION add
foreign key ( person_id )
references PERSON ( person_id )

alter table PERSON_LOCATION add
foreign key ( location_id )
references LOCATION ( location_id )
alter table PERSON_IDENTIFIER add
foreign key ( person_id )
references PERSON ( person_id )

alter table PERSON_LOCATION add
foreign key ( id_type )
references PERSON_IDENTIFIER_TYPE ( code )
Now that we have our DDL, we can move on to the next step in our process, which is to actually
create the database objects. Normally, you'd use Oracle's SQL*Plus to accomplish this task.
However, since this is a book about JDBC, I'll show you how to use JDBC to execute the DDL
instead. In Chapter 9, we'll cover the execution of DDL and DML. Among other things, you'll see
how to execute the DDL to create the HR tables.
Chapter 9. Statements
Now that you have a firm understanding of how to create a Connection object for each of the
four types of clients outlined in Introduction to JDBC, and you have the DDL to create the
example HR database to use as a context for the chapters on relational SQL, we're ready to
change our focus from the Connection object to the Statement object. The Statement
object, which you'll create using a Connection object, allows you to execute both Data
Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements. The Statement

object is the most dynamic of the JDBC objects, because you can use its execute( ) method to
execute any valid SQL statement. If you use the execute( ) method, you can use its return
value at runtime to determine whether there is a result set and then use the Statement object's
getResultSet( ) method to retrieve the result set, or you can use the Statement object's
getUpdateCount( ) method at runtime to determine the number of rows affected by your
statement. For most situations, however, you won't need that much flexibility. Instead, you'll need
to insert rows into a table, update or delete rows in a table, or select rows from a table. To that
end, you'll most often use one of the Statement object's other two execute methods,
executeUpdate( ) and executeQuery( ).
In this chapter, we'll start by covering how to create a Statement object from a Connection
object. Then we'll see how to use the execute( ) method to execute the DDL from Chapter 8.
We'll continue by using the executeUpdate( ) method to insert rows into our new tables.
Finally, we'll use the executeQuery( ) method to query data in the database.
9.1 Creating a Statement Object
Before you can use a Statement object to execute a SQL statement, you need to create one
using the Connection object's createStatement( ) method, as in the following example:
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( )
. . .
catch (SQLException e) {
. . .
finally {
. . .
In this example, we assume that a Connection object named conn already exists. In a try
block, call the Connection object's createStatement( ) method to create a new
Statement object. If an error occurs during the call, a SQLException is thrown.

Once you've created a Statement object, you can then use it to execute a SQL statement with
one of its three execute methods. Select the execute method that best suits your needs:
boolean execute(String SQL)
Returns a boolean value of true if a ResultSet object can be retrieved; otherwise, it
returns false. Use this method to execute SQL DDL statements or when you need to
use truly dynamic SQL.
int executeUpdate(String SQL)
Returns the numbers of rows affected by the execution of the SQL statement. Use this
method to execute SQL statements for which you expect to get a number of rows
affected -- for example, an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
ResultSet executeQuery(String SQL)
Returns a ResultSet object. Use this method when you expect to get a result set, as
you would with a SELECT statement.
In the sections that follow, we'll examine the use of these three methods in detail. So let's start
with the execute( ) method.
9.2 The execute( ) Method
The execute( ) method is the most generic method you can use to execute a SQL statement
in JDBC. To execute a SQL statement with the execute method, call it by passing it a valid SQL
statement as a String object, or as a string literal, as shown in the following example:
boolean isResultSet = false;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
isResultSet = stmt.execute("select 'Hello '||USER from dual");
. . .
In this example, we assume that Connection object conn already exists. First, a boolean
variable named isResultSet is created to hold the return value from the call to the execute(
) method. Next, a variable named stmt is created to hold a reference to the Statement object.
In the try block, the Statement object is created with a call to the Connection object's

createStatement( ) method. Then, the Statement object's execute( ) method is called
passing a SQL SELECT statement. Since this is a SELECT statement, the execute( ) method
returns a boolean true to indicate that a result set is available. You can then call the Statement
object's getResultSet( ) method to retrieve the ResultSet object that contains the data
from the database. For example:
boolean isResultSet = false;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rslt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
isResultSet = stmt.execute("select 'Hello '||USER from dual");
if (isResultSet) {
rslt = stmt.getResultSet( );
. . .
We'll cover result sets in great detail in Chapter 10.
If an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE SQL statement is passed to execute( ), the method will
return a boolean false, indicating that no result set is available. In that case, call the
Statement object's getUpdateCount( ) method to retrieve the number of rows that were
affected by the SQL statement. For example:
boolean isResultSet = false;
int rslt = null;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
isResultSet = stmt.execute("delete person");
if (!isResultSet) {
rslt = stmt.getUpdateCount( );

. . .
If a DDL statement had been passed to the execute( ) method, it too would have returned
false. However, since no result set was created, nor were any rows affected by DDL, there is
nothing more to do after the execute( ) method is called.
If an error occurs during a call to the execute( ) method, a SQLException is thrown. This
means that each call to a method from the Statement object requires you to use a try block or
declare that the method from which you are calling a Statement object's method throws a
Now that you have the necessary background to use the Statement object's execute( )
method, let's use it to execute the DDL we created in Chapter 8.
9.2.1 Executing DDL
In Chapter 8, we documented the DDL statements required to create the objects for our HR
database. We will now execute those statements via JDBC. To do this, we need to choose an
appropriate execute method. A DDL statement to create a database object does not affect any
rows, nor does it return a result set. Consequently, the execute( ) method is the best
candidate for executing our DDL.
Example 9-1 shows a sample program that reads and executes SQL statements contained in a
text file. Specify the name of the SQL command file on the command line when you run the
program. The program allows each SQL statement in the file to span one or more lines and
expects each SQL statement to be terminated with a forward slash character (/) on a separate
line following the statement.
Example 9-1. An application that executes DDL statements from a file
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class ExecuteDDL {
Connection conn;
public ExecuteDDL( ) {
try {

DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver(
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@dssw2k01:1521:orcl", "scott", "tiger");
catch (SQLException e) {
System.err.println(e.getMessage( ));
e.printStackTrace( );

public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception, IOException {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.err.println("Usage: java ExecuteDDL <dml file>");
new ExecuteDDL( ).process(args[0]);

public void process(String fileName) throws IOException, SQLException
boolean rslt = false;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
Statement stmt = null;
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(1024);
String line = null;

while ((line = in.readLine( )) != null) {

if (line.length( ) == 1 && line.indexOf("/") > -1) {
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
rslt = stmt.execute(sql.toString( ));
System.out.println(" ");
catch (SQLException e) {
System.err.println(e.getMessage( ));
finally {
if (stmt != null)
try { stmt.close( ); } catch (SQLException ignore) { }
sql = new StringBuffer(1024);
else {
sql.append(" ");
in.close( );

protected void finalize( )
throws Throwable {
if (conn != null)
try { conn.close( ); } catch (SQLException ignore) { }
super.finalize( );

Our DDL execution program is named ExecuteDDL. In its main( ) method, it first verifies that a
parameter has been passed on the command line. Then it creates an anonymous instance of
itself and executes that instance's process method. The filename parameter is passed to the
process( ) method, which then parses and executes the DDL contained in the specified file. A
database connection is made when the ExecuteDDL( ) object instantiates itself. Its default
constructor, ExecuteDDL( ), loads the Oracle driver and then connects to the database using
the DriverManager.getConnection( ) method.
The process( ) method begins by allocating five variables:
A boolean to receive the return value from the execute( ) method
A BufferedReader object used to read the contents of a SQL command file
A Statement object to execute the DDL
A StringBuffer object used to hold a SQL statement read from the SQL command file
A String to hold the results of the BufferedReader.readLine( ) method
The process( ) method continues by entering a while loop in which lines are read from the
specified SQL command file until the end of the file has been reached. Inside the while loop, the
method performs the following steps:
1. The current SQL statement is echoed to the screen.
2. An if statement tests to see if the line has a length of 1 and contains a forward-slash (/)
character. If these conditions are met, the current statement in the buffer is executed.
3. If the conditions in step 2 are not met, the current input line is appended to the
StringBuffer object named sql.
If step 2 indicates that a complete SQL statement has been read into the buffer, the if statement
will execute a try block. Inside the try block, the following steps are taken to execute the SQL

statement contained in the buffer:
1. A Statement object is created using the Connection object's createStatement( )
2. The SQL statement is executed using the Statement object's execute( ) method.
The current contents of the StringBuffer object named sql are passed as a String
parameter to that method.
3. To give the user of the program a warm fuzzy feeling that everything is working as
expected, the word "OK" followed by a blank line is displayed.
If an error occurs inside the try block, execution branches immediately to the catch clause
following the try block. There, the code prints the current error message to the screen. Upon
completion of the try block, regardless of whether an exception occurs, the finally clause
closes the Statement object if it exists (an error could occur prior to the instantiation of the
Statement object). The sql buffer is then reinitialized to hold another SQL statement.
When there are no more SQL statement lines to read, the while loop ends. Any partial,
unexecuted SQL statement still in the buffer is displayed, and the BufferedReader object is
then closed. The program terminates after calling the finalize( ) method, which closes the
database connection.
There are some very important points to note about the code in Example 9-1. First, in the
process( ) method, the Statement variable stmt is declared outside the try block. This is
done so that the stmt variable is accessible in the finally clause. Had it been declared inside
the try block, it would be out of the scope of the catch and finally clauses. Second, the
finally clause guarantees that any open Statement object is closed regardless of whether
the statement executed correctly or failed and threw an exception.

With Oracle's JDBC implementation, you must always
explicitly close a Statement object; otherwise, you will leak
memory and lose database cursors.

9.2.2 Creating the HR Tables
You can use the program in Example 9-1 to create the tables for the HR example schema used

in this book. Begin by entering the commands to create the HR database tables from Chapter 8
into separate text files. Then, if you have any errors in your SQL, it won't be so hard to correct
them. Use one file per table and place a CREATE TABLE statement with all related ALTER
TABLE, CREATE INDEX, and CREATE SEQUENCE statements into each file. End each
command with a forward- slash character (/) on a separate line. Then compile the program in
Example 9-1 and execute it for each file using the following syntax:
java ExecuteDDL filename
If you have any syntax errors in your command files, you will get a fairly informative SQL
diagnostic message from the database. Make any necessary corrections and re-execute the files.
Continue that process until you have no SQL creation errors. I say creation errors, because you
may encounter "object already exists" errors when you reexecute your SQL after making
corrections. You can safely ignore any "object already exists" errors.
9.3 The executeUpdate( ) Method
Now that we've created some tables using the execute( ) method, we can continue by using
the executeUpdate( ) method to insert, update, and delete rows in those tables. The
executeUpdate( ) method works just like the execute( ) method, except that it returns an
integer value that reports the number of rows affected by the SQL statement. The
executeUpdate( ) method effectively combines the execute( ) and getUpdateCount( )
methods into one call:
int rslt = 0;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
rslt = stmt.executeUpdate("delete person");
. . .
In this example, we once again assume that a Connection object named conn already exists.
The example starts by declaring the int variable rslt to hold the number of rows affected by
the SQL statement. Next, it declares a Statement variable, stmt, to hold the reference to a
Statement object. In the try block, the Statement object is created using the Connection

object's createdStatement( ) method, and a reference to it is stored in stmt. Then, the
Statement object's executeUpdate( ) method is called to execute the SQL DELETE
statement, returning the number of rows affected into rslt. Now that you have the general idea,
let's see the executeUpdate( ) method in action.
9.3.1 Executing an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE Statement
Example 9-2, shows an insert , update, and delete program which uses the executeUpdate(
) method.
Example 9-2. An application to execute, insert, update, or delete DML
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class ExecuteIUD {
Connection conn;
public ExecuteIUD( ) {
try {
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver(
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:oracle:thin:@dssw2k01:1521:orcl", "scott", "tiger");
catch (SQLException e) {
System.err.println(e.getMessage( ));
e.printStackTrace( );

public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception, IOException {
ExecuteIUD iud = new ExecuteIUD( );

"(code, description, inactive_date) " +
"values ('EID', 'Employee ID', NULL)");

"(code, description, inactive_date) " +
"values ('PHONE', 'Phone Number', NULL)");

"(code, description, inactive_date) " +
"values ('SSN', 'Social Socurity Number', NULL)");

"set description = 'Social Security Number' " +
"where code = 'SSN'");

"where code = 'PHONE'");

public void executeIUD(String sql) throws IOException, SQLException {
int rslt = 0;
Statement stmt = null;


try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
rslt = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
System.out.println(Integer.toString(rslt) + " rows affected");
System.out.println(" ");
catch (SQLException e) {
System.err.println(e.getMessage( ));
finally {
if (stmt != null)
try { stmt.close( ); } catch (SQLException ignore) { }

protected void finalize( )
throws Throwable {
if (conn != null)
try { conn.close( ); } catch (SQLException ignore) { }
super.finalize( );
Our insert, update, and delete program, ExecuteIUD, starts out in its main( ) method by
instantiating a copy of itself. Then it calls the executeIUD( ) method three times to insert three
identifier type codes into the PERSON_IDENTIFIER_TYPE table. These inserts are followed by
an UPDATE statement to change the description for type code SSN. Finally, a DELETE
statement is executed to delete the phone type code.
The executeIUD( ) method begins by creating two variables. One is an int named rslt that
holds the return value from the executeUpdate( ) method. The other is a Statement object
named stmt that is used to execute the SQL statements. The method continues by echoing the

passed SQL statement to the screen. It then executes the try block, in which the SQL statement
is executed.
Inside the try block, the program creates a Statement object and then proceeds to execute the
passed SQL statement by using the Statement object's executeUpdate( ) method. The
executeUpdate( ) method returns the number of rows affected by the statement, and the
program displays that number followed by a blank line on the screen.
If an error occurs in the try block, program execution immediately branches to the
SQLException catch clause where the Oracle SQL diagnostic error message is sent to the
screen. Upon completion of the try block, the finally clause closes the Statement object if it
is open.
The only notable difference between this example and the last, as if you haven't already heard
this enough times already, is that the executeUpdate( ) method returns an integer value that
reports the number of rows affected by the SQL statement just executed.
9.3.2 Auto-Commit
When you use executeUpdate( ) to perform your inserts, updates, and deletes, be aware that
auto-commit is on by default. This means that as each SQL statement is executed, it is also
committed. Effectively, each statement execution becomes its own transaction. If you are
executing multiple statements, it is not efficient to commit after each one. In addition, if you are
performing complex insertion processes such as those involving both parent and child tables, you
probably don't want your parent rows to be inserted without the corresponding child rows also
being inserted. So for reasons of both performance and transaction integrity, you may want or
need to turn off auto-commit. You can do that using the Connection object's setAutoCommit(
) method, passing it a boolean false:
Once you've turned off auto-commit, you can execute any number of executeUpdate( ) calls,
which will all form one transaction. Then, when you are done making all your executeUpdate(
) calls, you'll need to call the Connection object's commit( ) method to make your changes
9.3.3 Oracle and SQL92 Escape Syntax
Another issue to be concerned about when using Statement.executeUpdate( ) is that it

requires you to perform rather complex string concatenations. Because executeUpdate( )
requires a String object as an input parameter, you have to convert any values stored in other
data types that are required to build your SQL statements into String objects before
concatenating them to build your SQL statement. To accomplish this task, you must write your
own helper functions and use either Oracle's built-in database functions or SQL92's escape
As you convert values in other data types to Strings and concatenate them into a larger
String object to represent a SQL statement, you must consider the following issues:
• You must escape any use of the single quote, or tick character.
• You must convert numeric data types to strings.

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