Building Design
• What are the different types of homes in China?
• Do young people and old(er) people (like to) live in the same kinds of places?
Different Kinds of Homes
• What are the differences between houses and flats (apartments)? (or, " ... the differences
between a house and a flat") FQ
• In the cities of China, do people mostly live in houses or flats? (Why?)
• What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a flat and living in a
house? FQ
• In the future, what kind of home would you prefer to live in, a house or a flat?
• What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a high-rise apartment?
• Compare the different types of people who live in different types of homes. (Different types
of houses and flats - urban & rural/ wealthy & poor) FQ
The Design and Appearance of Buildings (or, Homes)
• In general what is the (architectural) style of the buildings (or, homes) in your hometown?
• Do you like the design of the buildings (or, homes) in your hometown? FQ
• Do you think the (outside) appearance of a home is important? (Why?/Why not?) FQ
• (Similar to above) Which do you think is more important in a home - its functional qualities
or its appearance?
• Who should be responsible for the appearance of a home? See Note
• Do you think government should make rules about the (outside) appearance of people's
homes? FQ
• (Same as above) Do you think local government should have the right to regulate on the
(outside) appearance of people's homes? FQ
• Do you think the climate of a place affects the way the buildings in that place are
designed? FQ
• (Similar to above) What effect does the temperature of a location have on building design?
• In China, are there any differences between homes in the north of China and those in the
• In China, is there any difference between the north-facing side of houses and the south
side? *
• In the cities, do you think there should (sometimes) be restrictions on the height of
buildings? (Why?/Why not?)
• What qualities (and skills) should a good architect have?
• In the future, what sort of home would you like to live in? *
• How do you think homes of the future will be (or, might be) different to the homes we have
• When a building (e.g., a house) is being designed and being constructed, what things should
the designer or the builder pay attention to? (Hint: Safety regulations)
• What reforms or improvements do you think could be (or should be) made to housing
design in your country?
Balconies and Backyards (These questions were reported overseas but have never been reported in
• What do people in China like to do in the outside parts of their home, for example on their
balcony or in their backyard?
• What do your neighbours do on their balconies?
• Can you suggest any new ways for using backyards and balconies? (这是假设的话. Use
"could" not "can".)
• Which do you think is the better place for children to play outside, a private place such as a
backyard or a public place such as on the streets, a public park or a playground?
Old Buildings
• What are the characteristics of traditional Chinese architecture? FQ
• Do you think the government should put some restrictions on the appearance of old
• Do you think spending money on maintaining old buildings is a waste of money?
• Do you think old buildings should be preserved (protected)? FQ
• (Similar to above) Do you think old homes that were well built should be demolished to
make way for new buildings or should they be maintained?
Urban & Rural Living
• What are some of the main differences between living in a city and living in the
• Sometimes people move from the city to live in the countryside. Can you guess why they
do that?
• What are some of the problems that people experience when they live in a city? FQ
• How do you think these problems could be solved? FQ
• Do you think (city) governments should have a plan for the development of the city?
• What kind of urban plan do you think would be best for solving the urban problems that we
have now?
Urban Plans
• What's your favourite part of your hometown? (Why?) *
• Would you prefer to live in the city centre or on the edge of a city?
• Do you think there should be more houses in the centre of cities (downtown)? (Why?
How?/Why not?) FQ
• Do you think the city centre is best used as a commercial centre or a place for living? FQ
• Where do you think the government should encourage the building of homes? (Why?)
• Quite often, city governments impose height limits on buildings. Why do you think they do
• What reforms or improvements do you think could be (or should) made to urban planning
in your country?
175. No Topic
IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions
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176. A Sports Event (2) (Sept. 6, 2008)
177. A Good Friend (Sept. 6, 2008)
178. A Story from TV (Sept. 6, 2008)
179. A Childhood Game (2) (Prob. May 2008) (Probably no longer used)
180. A Polluted City (July 7, 2007) (Probably no longer used)
FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably
in the examiner's question book
176. A Sports Event (2) (Sept. 6, 2008)
Describe a sports event that you watched or took part in.
You should say:
when this event was held
where it was held
who participated in the event
and explain why you remember this event so well.
Possible follow-up questions:
Part 3
See also the part 3 questions for Topic 64 that are similar to these questions.
Children's Sport (Especially at school)
Children's Sport in General
• In China, what sports do school children do at school? FQ
• Do you think it's important for children to participate in some kind of sport?
• (Similar to above) What are the benefits of sport for children? FQ
• In China, how much time do children spend on sport (and exercise) at school?
• Do you think this amount of time should be increased? FQ
• (Similar to above) Do you think schools in China should encourage students to participate
more in sport? FQ
• Outside of school, what sports would you suggest a parent in China encourage their child to
take up? (= to start doing)
• What do you think are the advantages and possible disadvantages of sport for children? FQ
• For children (or, young people), is there much difference between sport and entertainment?
• (The previous question might be:) For children (or, young people), is there much difference
between sport and other forms of recreation?
Team Sport versus Individual Sport
• Which do you think is better for children, individual sports or team sports? FQx2
• (Similar to above) Compare the advantages (and disadvantages) that children gain from
taking part in team sports with the advantages they gain from taking part in individual
sports. FQ
• What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of competitive sport for children?
• Can you think of any disadvantages of individual sports for children?
• Do you think co-operation is important in modern society?
• What are some ways that co-operation between countries can be encouraged?
Competition and Awards in General
See also the Part 3 questions for Topic 43 and Topic 109 for the topics of competition, co-
operation and rewards/awards.
• Do you think the experience of competing in sport can bring benefits to people in life
outside of sport?
• In what ways do you think competitive sport in childhood can benefit a person in
• Besides sport, can you think of any other competitive situation that people face in life? *
• Do you think competition is a good thing?
• In general, what do you think are the benefits of having competition in life?
• What are some examples of competition that exist in the classroom (at school)? FQ
Awards for Excellence in School
• Do you think it's a good thing to give school students awards or prizes to encourage them?
• (Similar to above) Do you think it's a good thing to give top students in school an award or
some prize? FQ
• Are there any (possible) disadvantages to awarding only the top students?
• Besides awards (prizes), do you think there any other ways that could encourage children to
do well at school? FQ
• What are the benefits of co-operation?
• Can you think of examples in life when people co-operate with each other? *
• Can you think of ways that nations do or can co-operate with each other?
• In competitive sports teams, such as football teams, what do you think would be the result if
a player in a team has a personality that is too competitive?
Sports Events
• What would you say are the benefits to society of having sports events?
• What do you think are the differences and similarities between high school sports events
and the (international) University Games?
Sports Organizations in Your Country
• How are Olympic athletes selected and nurtured in China?
• Can you give some examples of sports organizations (in your country)?
• In general, how would you describe the spirit of these organizations?
• What do you think is the benefit (are the benefits) of this spirit?
177. A Good Friend (Sept. 6, 2008)
Describe one of your good friends. *
You should say:
how (and when) you first met this person
when you see this person *
what kind of character (or, personality) he or she has (= what he or she is like)
what you usually do together
and explain why you became (or, are) such good friends.
• The topic might be, "Describe your best friend."
Possible follow-up questions:
• Do you think you will always be good friends? *
• Are you still good friends?
Part 3
The Nature of Friendship
• Do you think friendship is important? (Why?) FQ
• (Similar to above) How important is friendship to you? FQ
• What are the qualities of a good (or, a real) friend? FQ
• (Similar to above) How can one be a good friend?
• What do you think are the benefits of having a good friend?
• Do you prefer old friends or new friends? FQ
• (Similar to above) Some people think it's good to change friends every now and then while
others disagree with that. What's your opinion? FQ
• When you go out (to enjoy yourself / to have some fun), do you prefer to go out with
friends or family members? (Why?)
• Which do you think is more important, friends or family? FQx2 See Note
• What are some of the main differences between family relationships and friendships?
• Do you think distance (= living far apart) can affect a friendship? FQ
• How can people maintain a friendship when the two people are living far from each other?
• What kinds of people make friends easily?
• Some people make friends very easily. Do you think this is a good quality to have?
Male/Female Differences Frequent Topic
• Do you think a man and a woman can be best friends? FQ
• (Similar to above) Do you think men and women can have (close) friendships with each
other? FQ
• Do you think there are any differences when men are friends with each other and when
women are friends with each other? FQx2
• (Similar to above) How are friendships between boys (or males) different to friendships
between girls (females)? FQ
• (Similar to above) Do you think friendships between boys (or, males) are stronger than
friendships between girls (or, females)? FQ
Friendships between Non-Equals
• Do you think people can be friends with others in the same workplace?
• Do you think co-workers (= work colleagues = workmates) should also be friends with each
other? FQ
• Do you think it's possible for a boss (an employer) at work to be friends with the people he
or she manages (the employees)? FQx2
• Do you think a boss should be friends with his or her staff? FQ
• Do you think there are any advantages or disadvantages to a boss being friends with his or
her staff?
• How do you think an employee (or, the employees) can/could get along with a terrible
• Do you think a teacher can be friends with one of his or her students? FQx2
• How do you think a person should react if they encounter an unfriendly person?
• (Similar to above) How can people get along with an unfriendly boss or an unfriendly co-
worker? FQ
• What qualities do you think a good boss should have?
• How should a good boss motivate the employees at work?
• How can a boss have a good relationship with his or her employees?
Joining Groups; Co-operation and Teamwork
• Do you think it's important that people should join groups or be a part of a community?
(Why?/Why not?)
• Some people think it is better to be a 'loner', someone who is independent and self-sufficient
and who doesn't join any groups or a community. What do you think of that attitude?
• What benefits can people get from joining groups?
• In life (or, in work), do you think teamwork is important? FQ
• (Similar to above) What are the (social) benefits of teamwork (or, co-operation) between
people? FQ
• Can you think of any examples of work (or, jobs) where teamwork is especially important?
• Can you think of any reasons why teamwork, for example, in the workplace, is sometimes
difficult to achieve?
• (Similar to above) Can you give any examples of circumstances when teamwork is
especially important? (Possibly not just referring to work but to life in general.)
• Do you think competition should be encouraged in school?
• (Similar to above) Which do you think should be encouraged more in school, co-operation
or competition?
International Relations
• Do you think countries can also be friends with other countries? (How?)
• Do you think international co-operation (or, collaboration) between countries is important?
• (Similar to above) What is the role of international co-operation between countries?
• (Similar to above) What are the results (the effects) of international co-operation between
• Can you give any examples of international co-operation?
• How do you think international sporting competition and cultural exchanges enhances
understanding between nations?
• Do you think there have been any changes in the past few years in the way countries co-
operate (or don't co-operate)? FQ
• Do you think international competition can help promote international co-operation?
178. A Story from TV (Sept. 6, 2008)
Describe an interesting story you watched on TV.
You should say:
When you watched it
Who was in the the story
What the story was about
and explain why you thought it was so interesting. *
and explain what you thought about this story. *
• Possibly the word "interesting" is included: "Describe an interesting story you watched (or
saw) on TV".
• A 'story' can be either true or fictional. An example of a true story is a story about
something that happened in history, such as the story of a famous battle in China about
2000 years ago. Or it could be, for example, the story about the discovery in the 1970's of a
tomb in China - a story you saw on a documentary program. Or it could be a biographical
story about one person who did something interesting, such as the story about the scientist
who bred a new type of rice in China.
• Most 'stories' on TV are a complete episode of one program, for example, the funny story of
one episode of a sit-com (situational comedy) program. But it's also possible to describe a
'story' that you saw that was covered over several programs.
• Of course, it's also possible to describe the story of a film you saw on TV. But, it would be
better not to prepare an answer that fits both a 'film' Part 2 topic and this topic - examiners
might be suspicious of that and realize your answer was prepared before the test.
Possible follow-up questions:
• Did other people in your family also think that was a good TV program?
• Did you talk about that program with your friends or family?
• Would you recommend that TV program to your friends?
Part 3
TV and Society
Note: For some of the questions below, the wording might be, "radio and television", not just
"television" (TV).
TV tastes in China
• What kinds of TV programs are most popular in China? FQx2
• Why do you think people like to watch TV? FQx2
• Do you think people today watch more television than they used to?
• Do old people like watching TV?
• Do people prefer to watch entertainment programs or educational programs (such as
• Are the TV programs in China very different to TV programs in the West (e.g., the U.S.)?
Watching TV as a family Activity
• Why do people watch TV? FQ
• (Similar to above) Why do you think watching TV is such a popular activity for people to
do at home? FQ
• Would you say TV plays a positive role in the lives of people?
• Do you think TV has any effects on family relationships?
• What are the benefits for family members watching TV together?
• (Similar to above) What do you think are the benefits of having parents watch TV with their
children? FQ
• Do you ever discuss a TV program with your friends or family members?
• Do you think families watching TV together can be harmed by watching TV?
• Do you agree that there are "good" television programs and "bad" television programs?
• Do you think parents should control the amount of TV their children watch? FQ
• Do you think it's necessary to have government controls on what is shown on TV?
• Is this already happening in China?
The Effects of TV on People's (Children's) Education
• Does TV play a role in (or affect) (children's) education? FQ
• (Similar to above) Do you think watching TV has any effect on the education of school
children? FQ
• (Similar to above) Do you think watching TV has any effect on how well students do at
• How do you think TV could be used to promote education?
• Which do you think is better for children's education, to use the internet or watch TV?
• Do you think using the internet might be a better way to improve one's English?
• Do you think TV program producers have a responsibility to reflect the traditional culture
and values of society?
TV and Reality
• Do you think what you see on TV is actually close to real life?
• Do you think that what you see on TV is related to people's real lives?
• Do you think that children could benefit more by sometimes going outside the home instead
of watching TV? (Hints: a) see the real world, b) get exercise, c) relate to other people such
as friends)
TV versus Other Media
• Compare programs on TV and radio programs. FQx2
• (Similar to above) Do you prefer to watch TV or listen to the radio? FQx2
• (Similar to above) Which is more popular, TV or radio? FQx2
• Does radio have any advantages over TV?
• Do you think radio will "die" in the future? ( = Do you think this medium will stop being
• How is radio supported financially?
• Do you think the internet is better than TV as a source of entertainment, or news or as a
way to improve your English? FQ
• How do you think television (or the way people watch it) will change in the future?
• Do you think watching TV will grow in popularity in the future? FQx2
• (Similar to above) Do you think the number of people who watch TV in the future will
increase? FQx2
• Do you think computers (the internet) will (or, might) replace television in the future?
Advertisements on TV
• Do you think it's important (or necessary) for TV stations to make money?
• How can they make money?
• Do you like [to see (or, watch)] advertisements on TV?
• Do you think there are too many advertisements on TV?
• (Similar to above) Do you think there is a good balance between (the amount of time given
to) TV programs and advertisements on TV?
Parental and Government Controls of TV
• Do you think there should be any government controls over what is shown on TV (or
should it be completely free)?
• What laws (or, regulations) do you think should exist concerning television programs?
• Do you think parents should supervise what their children watch on television?
179. A Childhood Game (2) (Prob. May 2008) (Probably no longer used)
Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child. (Not a sport.)
You should say:
what the game was
when, where and with whom you usually played it
how you played it
and explain why you enjoyed this game.*
and explain what was special about this game. *
• It's possible that the wording is: "Describe a game you enjoyed playing with other children
when you were a child." (However, I think the person who reported those words was really
reporting Topic # 196, A Childhood Activity.)
• Topic #100 was due to retire in May 2008 but seems to be still in use.
• The Part 2 and all of the Part 3 was copied from Topic 100 with no changes. I am
guessing that some changes were made to the Part 3 questions around May 10, 2008
(date unsure) but, so far, I have not found what questions are new.
• Any future changes and additions will be made here, at Topic 179. New questions will
not be added to Topic 100.
• Also See Note
Possible follow-up questions:
• Do children today still play this game?
• Do you still like to play this game? *
------ Important Note : The questions below are only those questions that were reported as new
questions after April, 2008. I believe that these questions are certainly among the questions being
used now (March, 2009). However, it is very possible that some of the questions in Topic # 100 are
still being used now. So you definitely should look at those questions, as well as the ones below.
This confusion occurred because Topic #100 continued being used after it had been used for 1 year,
(From May 2007 to May 2008) but I think that in about May 2008, some of the Part 3 questions
were changed.
Part 3
Children's Play
• Besides sport, what play activities do children like to do?
The Benefits of Outside Play for Children
• Do you think outdoor activities are important for children?
• Why do children usually enjoy playing outside?
• Why do many children today not play outside very much?
• What are some of the benefits and possible bad points of children playing outdoors (outside
the home)?
• In general, how is outside play for children different to playing inside? FQ
• Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop children's abilities the
same way? FQ
• When new apartments (or, apartment complexes) are built, do you think playgrounds or
other recreational facilities for people (or, for children) should be included?
• What toys did you play with when you were a kid? *
• What do you think is the value of toys for young children?
Games in General in China
• What's the most popular game in China? FQ
• How have games changed in the past few decades? FQx2
• (Similar to above) How are the games that people play today different to the games that
people played in previous years? FQx2
• How have children's games changed in the past few decades? FQx2
• How do you think games will develop in the future?
• Why do Chinese adults like playing mahjong?
• Are there any drawbacks from playing internet (or, computer) games?
Games for Different Age Groups
• How are children's games different to adults' games? FQx2
• Why do many adults today not play games? FQ
• Do you think modern lifestyles encourage, or discourage, adults from playing games? FQ
• (Similar to above) Why do many adults today not play games? FQ
The Benefits of Games
• Why do you think people like playing games?
• What benefits do people get from playing games? FQ
• What social benefits can adults get from playing games with other people?
• What benefits can children get from playing games? FQ
• (Similar to above) How does playing games help in the mental development of children?
• Do you think allowing children to develop their own rules for games can help develop the
children's abilities?
• What skills can children learn from playing outdoor games?
• Do you think games can be used to teach the value of co-operation to children?
General Information About Personal (not professional) Sport in China
• Do you think sports teams (e.g., at school) should be composed of both boys and girls?
The Value of Sport and Exercise
• Today, are there more non-academic (= extra-curricular) activities in school than there used
to be several decades ago?
• Do you think there are any psychological benefits from doing exercise?
• Do you think the government should organize people's leisure activities (such as sports
Team work/ Group Activities in General
• What do you think are the benefits for children of participating in group activities?
• How do you think will affect the kind of people they will be when they grow up?
• Do you think group activities (including team sports) can help give a child a sense of
responsibility? FQ (Hint: Responsibility towards others for one's actions - not wanting to
"let the team down")
180. A Polluted City (July 7, 2007) (Probably no longer used)
Describe a city that you have been to that was polluted. *
You should say:
when and where you went
why you went there
what the pollution was like (or, what kind of pollution it was)
and explain how you felt about this pollution. *
• On November 11, 2008, this topic was moved from Topic #111 to here because the
topic is still in use. This was done to make sure readers do not overlook this topic.
• From November 11, 2008 onwards, any changes or additions to the questions for this
topic will be added to this location, Topic #180 only.
• The first line has been changed to say, "a polluted city".
• The last line has the "feel" but the full wording is unclear.
• If the words just say, 'a place you have been to', you could talk about a part of
your hometown that has an environmental problem - you don't have to talk about
going to a place away from your hometown. But I think the topic is not referring
to the place where you live. Many people report the words are, "... a city you
visited that has pollution."
See further NOTES
Possible follow-up questions:
• Do other people think this is a problem?
• If you had the opportunity, would you like to go there again?
Part 3
See here for some useful vocabulary.
See here for a good video.
Dealing with Environmental Problems
• Do you ever discuss the topic of the environment with your friends? FQx2
• What are the different kinds of environmental problems that exist right now (in cities)?
• What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China? (Why?) FQx2
• What are the causes of these problems?
• (Similar to above) Why do people create pollution?
• Do you think environmental problems are worse than they used to be? (Why?)
• Whose fault is it that we have these environment problems? FQ
• Do you think those who cause pollution are criminals? (Why?/Why not?) See NOTE
• In general, what do you think is the best way to deal with these environmental problems?
• (Similar to above) What is the government doing to tackle this problem? FQ
• (Similar to above) How is China going to (or planning to) tackle these problems?
• If you were a government official, how would you try to solve these environmental
• Do you think it is the government's responsibility to solve environmental problems or is it
the the responsibility of each individual? FQx2
• What are some things that individuals can do to help solve environmental problems? FQx2
• Do you think pollution will be less severe in the future (than it is now), or do you think it
will get worse?
• Do you think these problems will be solved in the future?
• What do you think will be the result if we ignore these environmental problems?
• Compared to before, do you think people's awareness (consciousness) of environmental
problems has increased or decreased? (How? Why?) FQ
• (Similar to above) Why do you think some people don't pay much attention to
environmental problems?
• What are some ways that the government could use to help educate people about the
environment? FQ
• Do older people in China have the same attitudes towards the environment as young
people? FQ See NOTE
• Do you think pollution (in China) today is worse than it was 20 or 30 years ago? (Or, has
the situation improved?) FQ
• What do you think China's environment will be like in the future (e.g., 20 or 50 years in the
future)? FQx2
• (Similar to above) Do you think the environment will be improved in the future or do you
think it will get worse?
• How do you think cutting down all the trees in a forest affects the environment?
• Do you think that air-conditioning in buildings such as this (the examination building), is a
form of environmental pollution?
• Do you think air pollution might (or will) have any effect on Beijing's Olympic Games this
The Problem of Waste Disposal
• What are the sources of waste (& rubbish) that society produces? FQ See NOTE
• Compare how waste is disposed of today and how it used to be disposed of many years ago.
• How do you think we could make waste (waste materials) beneficial to society? (Hint:
• Do you think recycling is important?
• Do young people & older people have the same attitudes towards waste disposal? (E.g.,
attitudes towards recycling, and towards what should be thrown away & what should be
kept.) FQ
• Do you think old people produce as much waste (such as waste paper) as young people?
• As society advances in science and technology, it seems that we have more garbage to
dispose of. Why do you think this is so?
• Do you think that advertising leads to the production of more garbage in society? FQ See
• Some people throw rubbish/garbage/trash on the street, for example, an ice-cream wrapper.
What do you think of this behaviour?
• (Similar to above) Why do you think some people don't care where they put (or, throw)
their garbage?
• How can/could these people's behaviour be changed?
• How important is it to change the behaviour of these people?
IELTS Part 2 and Part 3 Topics and Questions
Page 37
181. A Happy Event (August 11, 2007) (Probably no longer used)
182. Some Advice You Received (3) (Prob. Oct. 2008)
183. A Traffic Jam (Jan. 10, 2009)
184. A Healthy Habit (Jan. 10, 2009)
185. An Interesting Talk (Jan. 10, 2009)
FQ = frequent question = a question that has frequently been reported = a question that is probably
in the examiner's question book
181. A Happy Event (August 11, 2007) (Probably no longer used)
Version A
Describe an enjoyable event from the past that you remember well.
You should say:
what the event was
when and where it happened
who participated in this event
what you saw or did *
and explain why this event was so enjoyable. *
and explain why you remember this event so well. *
Version B
Describe a recent event that made you feel happy.
You should say:
what the event was
when and where it happened
who participated in this event
what you saw or did *
and explain why this event was so enjoyable. *
and explain why you remember this event so well. *
• This topic has been moved from Topic #125. There is no need to go there because all of
the questions were moved to here, Topic #181 and any future changes or additions will
be made to Topic #181 only, not to Topic#125.
• Some people have reported Version A & others have reported Version B. I think Version B
is the wording but I suggest you prepare for both.