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Kiến thức tổng hợp tiếng Anh lớp 89

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Ôn Tập tiếng Anh lớp 8- 9 ===============================
Kiều Thị Huyền
LƠP 8 9
1. Thì của động từ

Trạng từ thờng
- always, ofen,
ally, rarely=seldom,
once or tiwce a
week, never

* Chỉ 1 thói quen ở hiện tại
- ex: He usually (go) goes to school in the morning
* 1 sự thật không thay đổi
- ex: The sun (rise) rises in the East.

S+ am/is/ are+
S + am/is/are+
not+ V-ing
Am/is/are+ S+ Ving?

at the moment, at
the time,Verb!
(look!, listen!, be

at present = now

* Chỉ hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm đang
- It (rain) is raining now.
- Lan (eat) is eating at preent
- Listen! She (sing) is singing

S + have/has +
S + have/has
+not+ V3/V-ed
Have/Has + S +

for + khoảng t.gian
since + Mốc t.gian
never, ever, just =
recently = lately, so
far = up to now = up
to the present= until
now,already, yet,this
is the first time ....,
several times.
for + khoảng t.gian
since + Mốc t.gian
so far = up to now =
up to the present=
until now

* Chỉ 1 hành động xảy ra trong qk t.gian không xác
ex: She (vờsit) has visited Ha Long Bay several
* Chỉ hành động bắt đầu ở QK mà còn tiếp tục
đến hiện tại
- We (learn) have learnt English for 7 years.
- My mother (be) has been sick sinse yesterday
- Lan (just buy) has just bought a new shirt.
* Dùng để nhấn mạnh 1 hành động khởi sự trong quá
khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại và còn tiếp tục ở tơng lai.
- She (wait) has been waiting to see you since 2 o
- He (work) has been working in this factory for 4

- Yessterday, last
(last week /month/
year...), ago, in +
year(in 2000...)

* 1 số việc xảy ra ở thời điểm xác định trong quá
- She (meet) met him yesterday.
- Mr Pike (stay) stayed here last nigh

At 5 P.m/ at 5 oclock
+ Thời gian trong QK,
all day yesterday

* Chỉ 1 hành động xảy ra ở 1 điểm thời gian xác
định trong QK
- At this time last night, she (study) was studying
lessons at home.
* Chỉ 2 hành động cùng xảy ra song song ở QK
- My mother (cook) was cooking while my father
(watch) was watching TV.
* Chỉ 1 hành động đang xảy ra ở QK thì 1 hành
động khác xen vào
-When he ( drive) was driving, he (see) saw a
serious accident.

2. The
tại tiếp
3. The


S + bare-V/V-s/Ves
S+do/does not+
Do/Does+ S+
bare-V ?

4. The
5. The
S. Past
( Qk)

S + have/has +
been + V-ing
Have/Has + S +
been + V-ing?

6. The


S + V2/V-ed
S + did + NOT +
Did +S + bareV?
S + was/ were +
S + was/ were +
not+ V-ing
Was/ were + S +

Cách dùng và ví dụ


Ôn Tập tiếng Anh lớp 8- 9 ===============================
Kiều Thị Huyền
7. The

S + had + V3/ Ved
S + had + NOT +
V3/ V-ed
Had + S + V3/ Ved?

9. The

S + will/ shall +
S + will/shall +
not + Vinf
Will/Shall + S

before, after, by,.....

Tomorrow, next (next
week/ month/
year...), someday,...

Dấu hiệu

Từ,từ khi


*Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra ở QK trớc 1 hành động

khác hoặc 1 thời điểm trong QK
- Before 1975, he (work) had worked in that
- When I (come) come, he (leave) had left by 7
- After he (graduate) had graduated, he (go) went
Diễn tả hành động xảy ra ở tơng lai.
- Tomorrow he (visit ) will viisit me.
- She (stay) will stay at next Monday.

Cách dùng
Mốc thời gian
Khoảng thời


vị trí
Trớc thời gian
Trớc thời gian

Rồi,đã rồi


Cha,vẫn cha


Cuối câu,sau have và
Cuối câu



Trớc PII


Cha từng, cha bao
đã từng


Trớc PII


Trớc đây,trớc đó


Cuôi câu

Gần đây
Cuối câu,sau chủ ngữ
Till now/Up to
Cho đến bây giờ
Cuối câu
Lần đầu tiên,lần
đầu câu,cuối câu
thứ hai...
Bài Tập
Choose a, b, c or d that best completes each sentence:
I will see him when he...... here tomorrow
.a.comes b. will come c. has come d. had
The boys broke a window when they ... football.
a played b. were playing c. haf playedd. are
What ................... to you yesterday?
a. happened b. did happen
c. had happen
d. was happening
It was the most exciting film I.......................... .

b. never saw b. ever saw
c. had ever seen d. have ever seen
He said that he ............................ his work since 7 oclock.
b. has done
c. had done
d. would do
I......................... about him when suddenly he came in.
b. talked
c. am talking
d. was talking


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
Please don’t touch anything before ........................ .
the police will come
b. the police comes
c. the police come
d. the police would come
“When...............................................?” - In 1928
a. penicillin was discovered
b. was penicillin discovered
b. did penicillin discovered
d. did penicillin discover
They have been in love with each other................. they were young
a. while

b. until
c. for
d. since
Do you know what ......................... there yesterday?
a. she is doing b. was doing c. did she do d. she did
At present, that author .................. a historical novel.
a. is writing
b. was writing
c. has written
d. had written
By next month, I......................my first novel.
a. will finish
b. am going to finish
b. finish
d. will have finished
I....................... the money from him yet.
a. haven’t received b. don’t receive
c. will receive
d. am receiving
Don’t make noise. My mother ............................ with her friend.
a. is talking
b. was talking
c. talks
d. talked
.................... the teacher gave me a passing grade.
a. After taking the test
b. After I take the test
b. After I took the test
d. After I had taken the test
No sooner.............................the office than the phone rang

a. was he leaving
b. he was leaving c. he had left
d. had he left
17. How many times .................... there so far? A few times.
a. have you been
b. would you be
c. were you
d. had you been
18. It’s at least a month since ........................ Tom.
a. I last seen
b. I last see
c. I have last seen
d. I last saw
19. Up to then, I.......................... such a big fire.
a. have never seen
b. had never seen c. never seen
d. never see
20. I.............................. her since I........................ a student.
a. know/ am
b. knew/ was
c. have known/ am
d. have known/ was
21. They.........for 3 hours when the storm suddenly broke.
a. had been running b. have been running
c. are running
d. will be running
22. I assumed you ........paying for the repairs until the end of last year.
a. have been
b. was been
c. are being

d. had been
23. ...........get tired of answering the same questions every day?
a. Have you ever
b. Had you ever
c. Do you ever
d. Are you ever
24. She .......working on that manuscript for 2 year now.
a. will be
b. has been
c. had been
25. I.........there once a long time ago and .......back since.
a. went/have not been
b. go/am not
c. have gone/was
d. was going/had not been
26. She...........trying to pass her driving test but fails every time.
a. kept
b. is keeping
c.did want
d. keeps
27. I.........complete silence now while I try this experiment.
a. am wanting
b. want
c. had wanted
d. have wanted
28.The students.........by Mrs.Monty. However, this week they .....by Mr.Tanzer.
a. are usually taught/are being taught b. usually teach/are teaching
c. have usually been taught/have been teaching
d. were usually teaching /are teaching

29. No matter what happens next I.......help you.
a. am
b. have
c. will


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
30. In the last hundred years, traveling.......much easier and more comfortable.
a. becomes
b. has become
c. became
d. will become
31. In the 19th century, it ............two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.
a. took
b. had taken
c. had taken
d.was taking
32. In the past the trip ..............very rough and often dangeruos, but things..........a great deal in the last
hundred and fifty years.
a. was/have changed
b. is/change
c. had been/will change
33. Now you .......from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.
a. are flying
b. would fly

c. will fly
d. can fly
34. When Carol........last night, I .......my favorite show on television.
a. was calling/watched
b. called/have watched
c. called/was watching
d. had called/watched
35.By this time next summer, you..........your studies.
b.will complete
c.are completing
d. will have completed
36. Right now, Jim........the newspaper and kathy............dinner.
a. reads/has cooked
b. is reading/is cooking
c.has read/was cooking
d. read/will be cooking
37. Last night at this time, they .......the same thing. She .........and he..........the newspaper.
a. are doing/is cooking/is reading
b. were doing/was cooking/was reading
c. was doing/has cooked/is reading
d. had done/was cooking/read
38. When I.........home last night, I.....that Jane..............a beautiful candle light dinner.
a. had arrived/discovered/preparing
b. was arriving/has discovered/was preparing
c. have arrived/was discovering/had prepared
d. arrived/discovered/was preparing
39.The sun ....................late in winter.a. is rising always b. rises always c. is always rising
always rises

40. While I................Tv last night, a mouse ran across the floor.a. watch b. watched c. was watching
d. am watching
41.This is the most intersting novel ..................a. I’ve read
b. I had read
c. I’ve never read
d. I’ve ever read
42. When it began to rain, they...............in the yard.a. played
b. had played
c.were playing
d. have played
43.I haven’t seen you ..........................a. since a long time
b. for ages c. ages
d. for long
44. It .................every day so far this week.a. rained
b. has rained
c. rains
d. is
45. I..................any letter from him yet.a. haven’t received b. will receive
c. don’t receive d.
didn’t receive
46. We .................to Dalat several times. It’s a foggy city.a. were
b. have been
c. were
d. had been
47. Be careful! The bus ......................near.a. will come
b. will be coming c. is coming
d. has come

48.I haven’t met him since he...............school.a. left
b. was leaving
c. had left
d. was left
49. My uncle .....................on this farm since he was 20.a. has worked
b. have worked c.
d. was working
50. It................... me 15 minutes to go to school every morning.a. takes
b. has taken
c. is
d. took
51. When I woke up this morning, it..........................a. rained
b. was raining
c. has rained
d. is raining
52. He................London 2 years ago and I.......................him since then.
a. left/ hadn’t seen
b. left/ haven’t seen c. was living/ haven’t seen
d. left/ didn’t


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
53. By the time Tom got back,Peter..................a. have gone
b. went

c. will go
d. had gone
Give the correct form of the verbs
1.The sun always (rise) in the east. Look, it (rise)!
2. I don’t think I (go) out tonight. I’m too tired.
3. Where you (spend) your summer holiday last year, Tam?
4. In my country, it (not rain) much in winter.
5. Let’s wait for Lien (arrive) and we (have) dinner.
6. The moon (move) around the earth.
7. Mai (be) very happy when she (receive) a letter from her sister this morning.
8. Would you like (join) my class next Sunday? We (visit) the local museum.
9. My father (read) now. He always (read) a book after dinner.
10. A friend of my brother’s (call) him last night, but he (not be) at home. So I (take) a message for him.
11. - Are you busy this evening?Yes, I (meet) Tuan at the library at seven. We (study) together.
12. Mai (telephone) you when she comes back.
13. When we (be) small, our family (live) in the countryside.
14. Miss Trang is in hospital.- - Yes, I know. I (visit) her tomorrow.
15. I (read) an interesting book at the moment. I (lend) it to you when I finish it.
16. Look at those black clouds. It (rain).
17. I (not invite) her to the party because I (forget) her phone number.
18. Look! Our new teacher (come). She (have) long, black hair.
19. The boys like (play) games but (hate) do lessons.
20. Please stop (talk); I (try) (finish) a letter to the Y&Y Green Group.
21. His doctor advised him (give up) (smoke).
22. By (work) day and nihgt he succeeded in (finish) the job in time.
23. There (be) many volunteers in Sea Games 22 nd in Viet Nam in 2003.
24. How long you (know) Mrs. Chi? - I (know) her for five years.
25. Your dog ever (bite) anyone? - Yes, he (bite) a policeman last week.
26. We (not see) her since we (be) on holiday in Ha Long Bay.
27. Phuong (not finish) her homework yet.

28. Would you like some coffee? I just (make) some.
29. She (feed) the cat yet? - Yes, she (feed) it half an hour ago.
30. The weather (become) colder and colder in December.
31. He (cut) my hair too short. - Don’t worry; it (grow) again very quickly.
32.I (not go) out this evening. I (stay) at home.
33. The film (begin) at 7.30 or 8.00?
34. You (be) away? - Yes. I (go) to the country last Sunday.
35. They just (phone) to say that they (not come) back till Friday night.
36. My uncle (not visit) us since he (move) to the new town.
37. You should practice (speak) English every day.
38. The movie (start) at 8.15 this evening.
39. We already (finish) the first semester exams.
40. Mr. Binh (learn) Chinese at school, but he (forget) most of it.
41. We (have) a party next Sunday. Would you like (come)?
42. While my sister and I (watch) a movie on TV last night, our uncle in the USA (phone).
43. Please continue your work; We don’t mind (wait).
44. Ha Long Bay in Viet Nam (be) a World Herritage Site. It (visit) by millions of people every year.
45. If Mr. Lam (go) to Paris next week, he (see) the Eiffel Tower.
46. I myself (witness) an accident on the Main Road yesterday. A boy (knock) down by a car. Then he
(take) to the nearest hospital
47. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water.
48. The first festival (hold) nearly eight hundred years ago.
49. There’s someone behind us. I think we (follow).


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
50. An interesting book (read) by Lan at the moment.

51. This bike (use) for more than six years.
52. Nowadays, many historical places (destroy) seriously.
53. A new text book (publish) next month.
54. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. It (visit) by millions of people every year.
55. Since the 1980s more and more paper (recycle).
56. Tet holiday in Viet Nam (celebrate) around January and February.
57. Last night when we (visit) him, he (do) an experiment on the upstair.
58. I (not see) your uncle recently. - No. He (not go) out since he (buy) a new color television.
59. Look! The athletes (march) proudly behind their flag.
60. She (not see) that film before.
61. Listen! Why they (cry)? What (happen) to the?
62. As soon as her mother (come) home, all her friends (call) her.
63. She (come) to see you if she arrives here.
64. When I was younger , I (play) football but now I don’t.
65. I (work) on a farm once and had to get up at 5 every morning. It was difficult at first as I (not get up)
so early.
66. Cuckoos (not build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds.
67. I (wear) my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong.
68. I wish that dog (lie down). He (keep) jumping up on my feet. I (think) he (want) to go for a walk.
69. I (lie) in the beach when the phone (ring). It (stop) after a few rings.
70. It (be) cold when we (leave) the house that day, and a light snow (fall).
71. I (walk) along the street when I suddenly (feel) something hit me in the back. I (not know) what it
72. When I (see) the man, he (stand) outside the bank. He (have)a cap on.
73. When I (open) the cupboard door, a pile of books (fall) out.
74. I can’t help (feel) anxious about her study.
75. Most people prefer (ride) to (walk).
D¹ng 1: Chia ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc, sö dông th× thÝch hîp
Bµi 1:
1. She (not drink) coffee. She (drink) Coca Cola.

2. It (be) often hot in the summer.
3. What you (do) every evening?
4. The earth (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
5. I (see) her very often.
6. Most rivers (flow) into the sea.
7. Vegetarians (not eat) meat.
8. Bees (make) honey.
9. Rice (not grow) in cold climates.
10. Where Martin (come) from? – He (be) Scottish.
Bµi 2:
Nien (1) (be) Hoa’s next-door neighbor in Hue. She (2) (be) beautiful. She (3) (have) big
brown eyes and a lovely smile. Last week, she (4) (go) to Ha Noi (5) (visit) Hoa. They (6) (travel) around
the city and (7) (see) a lot of interesting places. Nien (8) (think) Ha Noi (9) (be) beautiful but so noisy
and busy, so she (10) (not like) (11) (live) there.
Bµi 3:
1. Bad driving (cause) many accidents.
2. Nga and Hoa (see) a movie tonight.
3. Sue can (speak) Vietnamese very well.
4. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces of music.
5. How -------- you-------- (learn) to drive? – My father (teach) me.
6. We usually (go) to the library three times a week, but last week we (go) twice.


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
7. Alexander Graham Bell (introduce) the telephone in 1876.
8. Yesterday I (be) busy, so I (not have) time to phone you.
9. What------- you -------- (do) next summer vacation?

- I (visit) my grandparents in Nha Trang.
10. Would you like (come) to dinner tomorrow?
Bµi 4:
1.They (award) him a medal for bravery last year.
2. Mr. Brown used (play) football when he (be) young.
3. -------- you-------- (go) out last night?
5. Last night I (go) to bed late. Suddenly I (hear) a noise. I (get) up to see what it (be) but I (not see)
6. What-------- you--------- (use) to do in your free time? – I used (go) fishing.
7. Martha (phone) me yesterday. She’s on holiday in France. She (have) a great time and (not want) to
come back.
8. My parents used (live) in Hue. They (be) born and (grow) up there. In 1969, they (move) to Da Nang
and then to Saigon. At present we (live) in a small house in Ho Chi Minh City.
Bµi 5:
Although I (1) (have) a car, I prefer (2) (travel) by train, especially if I have to (3) (make) a long journey.
As the train (4) (travel) at full speed through the countryside, I can (5) (relax), drink a coffee, read a
book, or just (6) (look) out of the window, sometimes the movement of the train (7) (keep) me asleep,
something you couldn’t do while (8) (drive) a car. The trouble (9) (be) that I hate (10) (wait) in cold
stations, and I (11) (get) angry when I have to waste time on (12) (look) for a taxi or a bus at the
beginning or the end of my journey.
Bµi 6:
1. It’s difficult (climb) this mountain.
2. You must (take) an umbrella. It (rain) now.
3. When I was a child, I used (spend) hours playing with a tin box.
4. In England the sun (not shine) every day.
5. Do you remember the film we (see) last week?
6. Everyone stopped (laugh) when we (come).
7. Sandra practices (speak) her English more frequently.
8. An is in hospital. I (visit) him tomorrow.
9. I like (think) carefully about things before (make) a decision.

10. Ask him (come) in. Don’t keep him (stand) at the door.
11. Don’t forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed.
12. Did you succeed in (solve) the problem ? Let me (suggest) some solutions.
13. Steve used (be) a football player. He had to stop (play) because of an injury.
14. I prefer (walk) to (ride).
15. Don’t try (persuade) me. Nothing can make me (change) my mind.
16.Your poem should (write) in English.
17. Yesterday afternoon, my father (fix) his motorcycle while my mother (cook) dinner.
18. It’s a serious problem. I don’t know how it can (solve).
19. The teacher ordered Tom (go) to the blackboard.
20. I learned how to swim when I (be) very young. I (teach) by my mother.
21. He said that his mother (not be) very well, so he can not (go) to the party.
22. When we (meet) George and Linda yesterday, we (walk) through the park.
23. “What you (do) at eight o’clock last night?”
“We (watch) television.
Bµi 7:
1. I couldn’t make my car (start) this morning.
2. Mr.Robinson enjoys (listen) to music while he (drive).
3. Jane is trying (avoid) (meet) him.


Ôn Tập tiếng Anh lớp 8- 9 ===============================
Kiều Thị Huyền


These tigers used (keep) in iron cages.
She is said (be) very good at cooking.
I hate (laugh) at by other people.
Marie Curie (award) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.
A: (you/ ever/ connect) a printer? B: I (know) how to connect it since I (be) twelve.
A: Mark (not be) here recently.
B: Really? When he (go)?
A: He (leave) here three months
10.A: You (see) the film Harry Potter yet?/B: Yes, I (already/ see) it./A: When you (see) it?/B: I (see) it
last month.
A1>Dùng các động từ trong ngoặc ở hiện tại đơn hay hiện tại tiếp diễn.
Mr Green always (go) to work by bus.
It (not rain) in the dry season.
They (have) lunch in the cafeteria now.
My little sister (drink) milk every day.
The doctor sometimes (return) home late.
He (write) a long novel at present.
Look! The bus (come)
The earth (move) around the sun.

Something (smell) good in the kitchen now.
They often (thank) me for what I do for them.
A 2: Dùng động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn.
His uncle (teach) English in our school five years ago.
The old man (fall) as he (get) into the bus.
They (not go) to the movies last Sunday.
When I saw him, he (sit) asleep in a chair.
You (find) my fountain pen yesterday?
Where she (be) at 5 oclock this morning?
It (take) me 5 minutes to walk to school last year.
The light (go) out when we (study) our lesson.
There (be) a lot of noise at the fair yesterday.
They (give) me the letter a few minutes ago.
A3: Chia các động từ sau ở hiện tại hoàn thành.
They (not speak) to each other since they quarelled
I wonder where he (live) since then.

You already (drink) three cups of tea since I sat here.
I (wait) here for her since 7 oclock and she (not come) yet.
John (do) his homework already.
We (go) on a picnic in the countryside several times before.
A4: Dùng các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tơng lai hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành.
1. Miss Snow (type) ten letters before lunchtime yesterday.
2. The train (start) before we arrived at he station.
3. There (be) an English class in this room tomorrow evening.
4. The films already (begin) when we got to the cinema.
5. He said that he (see) that man before.
6. I (take) my borther to the zoo tomorrow.
7. Mr Brown died after he (be) ill for a long time.
8. You (stay) at home tonight?
9. By December 1st last year, he (work) in the bank for 5 years.
10. I (be) twenty years old next June.
A5: Dùng thì đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.
1. Mrs Green (take) Alice to the dentist many times.
2. My sister always (wash) her hands before meals.


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3. Hurry up! The train (come) in.
4. I hope it (not rain) when we start early tomorrow.

5. He (sleep) so he did not understand what you said to him.
6. Will you wait a minute while I (look) through the text?
7. You must tell me what you (do) since I last saw you.
8. An economic crisis often (follow) the war.
9. You (witness) many things by the time you die.
10.So far you (make) no mistakes on this exercise.
11.What you (do) at 7 p.m yesterday?
12.We didn’t recognize him. He (change) a lot.
13.He discovered to his horror that he (eat) a fly.
14.Where you (spend) your holiday last year?
15.He (do) nothing before he saw me.
16.All of them (sing) when I came.
17.She constantly (invite) me to lunch and dine with her once or twice a year
18.Why didn’t you listen while I (speak) to you?
19.They had sold all the books when we (get) there.
20.Where are you? – I’m upstairs. I (have) a bath.

1. The simple present
2. The pre. Continuous
3. The present perfect
4. The simple past
5. The past continuous
6. The past perfect
7. The simple future
8. The near future
9. The Modal verbs

S + bare - V/ V-s/es
S + am/ is/ are + v-ing
S + have/ has + PP
S + V2/ V-ed
S + was/ were + V- ing
S + have/ has + PP
S + will/ shall + bare-V
S+ am/ is/ are going to+ bareV
S + can/could/may...+ bare-V

S + am/is /are + PP
S+ am/is / are/ + being + PP
S + have/ has + been + PP
S + was/ were + PP
S + was/ were + be+ V -ing
S + have/has + been + PP
S + will/ shall + be + PP
S+am/is/are going to+be+PP
S + can/could/may + be + PP

1) A group of students have met their friends at the railway station.......................................
2) They didn't allow Tom to take these books home................................................................
3) The teacher won't correct exercises tomorrow.....................................................................
4) How many trees did they cut down to build that fence?......................................................
5) This well-known library attracts many people......................................................................
6) All students attended the meeting.......................................................................................

7) People say that he is intelligent...........................................................................................
8) He can't repair my bike........................................................................................................
9) Mary has operated Tom since 10 o'clock..............................................................................
10) This is the second time they have written to us about this..................................................
11) Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years..........................................................................
12) They didn't look after the children properly.........................................................................


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13) Nobody swept this street last week.....................................................................................
14) People drink a great deal of tea in England.........................................................................
15) People speak English all over the world...............................................................................
16) Tom was writing 2 poems.....................................................................................................
17) She often takes her dog for a walk......................................................................................
18) How many lessons are you going to learn next month?.......................................................
19) She didn't introduce me to her mother................................................................................
20) Someone had invented electric lights before I was born......................................................
21) Farmers usually milk cows twice a day.................................................................................
22) He likes people to call him "sir"...........................................................................................
23) People know that Japan produces a wide range of cars.......................................................
24) Our teacher used to bid us talk in class...............................................................................
25) Don't let other see you........................................................................................................
26) Workers were digging a large hole in the ground.................................................................
27) Before they took exams they had revised their lesson........................................................
28) The car knocked a woman down in the street......................................................................
29) When he came home his father was reading a newspaper..................................................
30) Cows were eating grass on the meadow..............................................................................

31) My cousin will meet you at the station.................................................................................
32) She is running her own company.........................................................................................
33) Visitors must leave umbrellas and raincoats in the cloakroom............................................
34) My mother used to make us clean the house......................................................................
35) John hasn't finished his home work......................................................................................
36) They suggested banning advertisements on TV...................................................................
37) I will shut the door if you like...............................................................................................
38) We have just seen a horrible accident.................................................................................
39) What language do people speak in this country?................................................................
40) At 7 p.m., Mrs. Smith was making cakes..............................................................................
41) He isn't going to buy that house..........................................................................................
42) When I was 18 years old my parents didn't allow me to go out in the evening...................
43) This terrorist has kept 3 hostages for a week......................................................................
44) He hasn't seen you for years...............................................................................................
45) The examiner will read the passage 3 times........................................................................
46) An earthquake destroyed the town......................................................................................
47) He didn't type the letter last night.......................................................................................
48) They will pick me up at my house........................................................................................
49) When did you see him in that bank?....................................................................................
50) My father will take me to Ho Chi Minh City next week.........................................................
51) A man returned the keys to me...........................................................................................
52) Mary will see her friends off at the station...........................................................................
53) You were wearing your new hat when I met you yesterday..................................................
54) He is preparing everything for the presidential election......................................................
55) Last Friday when I came to Jane's house she had finished all exercises..............................
56) They will have to pull down that building.............................................................................
57) He gave me a knife to cut this bread...................................................................................
58) People usually steal a lot of goods from supermarkets........................................................
59) Countries are finding a way to solve the problem................................................................
60) He put the letter in the drawer, then he locked it up...........................................................

61) She can sew 3 shirts a day...................................................................................................
62) By the end of this year we will have learnt 2,000 English words.........................................
63) Don't ask for another book until you finish this one.............................................................
64) We consider that she is the best singer...............................................................................


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65) Nobody has used this room for ages....................................................................................
66) Her father was planting different kinds of flowers in the garden.........................................
67) I am translating an article from English into Vietnamese.....................................................
68) The Prime Minister is making a speech at the moment.......................................................
69) People said he had swallowed a safety pin..........................................................................
70) How many days did she spend finishing the work?..............................................................
71) Someone is following us......................................................................................................
72) She read the letter again and again last night.....................................................................
73) The doctor pulled out one of my teeth yesterday morning..................................................
74) The tailor has just made a new suit for me..........................................................................
75) Someone saw him pick up the gun......................................................................................
76) He has caught a lion and shot 2 others...............................................................................
77) He received a letter from home by the evening post...........................................................
78) I put the 5 pound note into one of my books yesterday.......................................................
79) After he had told a story, we clapped our hands..................................................................
80) His wife usually brings him sandwiches at lunch time.........................................................
81) They were continually asking questions..............................................................................
82) We have to pick fruit very early in the morning...................................................................
83) How many books do you give me?.......................................................................................
84) He always lost keys..............................................................................................................

85) The light went out while I was making a cup of tea.............................................................
86) When she went to Barcelona she learnt some Spanish........................................................
87) The State will assign our students to different jobs.............................................................
88) The Government launched the blood drive..........................................................................
89) The students of chemistry made many experiments last week...........................................
90) When will you do the work?.................................................................................................
91) My brother has sent me this interesting book......................................................................
92) She asked her mother to let her go.....................................................................................
93) He couldn't find his key........................................................................................................
94) She used to pull my hat over my eyes.................................................................................
95) For the past years, I have done all my washing by hand.....................................................
96) A pair of robins have built a nest in the porch since last week............................................
97) The police haven't found the murderer yet..........................................................................
98) They sold one of her own paintings at $1,000.....................................................................
99) I will put your gloves back in your drawer............................................................................
100) Have you seen Philip lately?...........................................................................................
101) When did you receive my letter?....................................................................................
102) Mr. Speed is dictating 3 letters to Ann............................................................................
103) I found the book boring..................................................................................................
104) Jack felled a tree in the garden yesterday.......................................................................
105) When I came back home my mother was preparing lunch.............................................
106) The house was dirty because we hadn't cleared it for weeks.........................................
107) People say that they bought this shop last year.............................................................
108) He wants her to write an article......................................................................................
109) My parents encouraged me to apply for this job............................................................
110) A 70-year old pensioner, Mrs. Parker, found a puma in her back garden........................
111) A teacher should be a person that everyone can respect...............................................
112) If I collected a lot of shells on the beach I would give you some....................................
113) People believed that the policeman had saved many children from the fire..................
114) European countries decided to put a high tax on petrol.................................................

115) People say that the decision imposes tight restrictions on cross-border trade...............
116) My sister often makes me do the washing up.................................................................


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KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn


The policeman allows all vehicles to go when traffic lights are green............................
Everyone believes him right...........................................................................................
We made her head of the class......................................................................................
They were carrying the injured player off the field.........................................................
I like you to take photographs........................................................................................
Haven't you yet found out information about the trains to Hanoi?.................................
Peter advised me not to sell this flat..............................................................................
He urged the Government to pass the law......................................................................
She decided to paint her house blue..............................................................................
My classmates used to call me John...............................................................................
Mr. Brown will appoint Tom the director tomorrow..........................................................
You should pay more attention to your study..................................................................
He heard the bell ring.....................................................................................................
Did anyone take English books away?............................................................................
The major ordered the soldiers to march........................................................................
Before we gave you our decision we had thought carefully............................................
Do people use milk for making butter and cheese?........................................................
Did they build that house in 1972?.................................................................................
They didn't invite me to the birthday party.....................................................................
The teacher will give her a prize if she works well..........................................................
People said that he could swim across this river.............................................................
The policeman showed you the way to Thule zoo..........................................................
He won't tell me the truth about the situation................................................................
They can see the valley from the top of this hill.............................................................
All the students choose him the monitor........................................................................
You must wash your hands.............................................................................................
My favorite football team hasn't won many matches so far this season........................
My father has used this bicycle for 5 years....................................................................
The government is taking measures to attract foreign investment................................

Someone broke into her house last night.......................................................................
How do you spend this amount of money?.....................................................................
Pauld didn't tell me the ending of the story....................................................................
She needs English for her work......................................................................................
Have you seen any good films so far?............................................................................
They didn't see you at the bus stop................................................................................
How did you break your leg?..........................................................................................
My dog is attacking the postman....................................................................................
I couldn't catch any fish..................................................................................................
Mrs. White was drawing diagrams on the blackboard.....................................................
Most of the boys listened to the teacher attentively.......................................................
She promised not to report me to the police..................................................................
I believed one of the dogs had discovered some cannabis.............................................
The cashier used to do the accounts..............................................................................
The computer can do all the accounts............................................................................
My dictionary doesn't give any example of this word.....................................................
The local council decided to rebuild the house opposite the college..............................
She asked me to lend her $10........................................................................................
She is going to buy a cookery book................................................................................
The policeman is sticking a parking ticket to the windscreen.........................................
All the tourist guides can speak at least 3 foreign languages.........................................
Mr. Nam gives lectures in universities everyday.............................................................
How do you make a survey?...........................................................................................


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I found this baby bird at the foot of a tree......................................................................
She couldn't catch his name...........................................................................................
I needn't wind this watch................................................................................................
They were watching her on closed circuits TV................................................................
They can't carry the piano upstairs................................................................................
He often sends postcards to his mother..........................................................................
Daisy is hanging all the washing out..............................................................................
Why did people think Halloween was important?...........................................................
Why don't you write a novel?.........................................................................................
He saw you shopping......................................................................................................
Will you post this letter on the way to work?..................................................................
Children should teat old men with respect.....................................................................
She is taking care of the baby girl..................................................................................
He immediately accepted his guilt.................................................................................
I am sure that I will prepare everything carefully............................................................
I advise my sister to put her moneybox under the carpet..............................................
How many ways can you solve this problem?.................................................................
He gave the magazine back to me.................................................................................
Tom borrowed her book and lost it..................................................................................
Someone turned on a light and opened the door............................................................
Lan left her bag in the classroom...................................................................................
Some students haven't submitted their assignments to the teacher on time................
They brought their children up in Italy............................................................................
After 10 minutes he will call us in...................................................................................
They are repairing my piano now....................................................................................
You must keep dogs outside shops.................................................................................
The postman usually leaves letters in the hall................................................................
You can't wear this shirt because it is very small............................................................
The government is launching an anti - smuggling campaign.........................................

He can speak 4 foreign languages..................................................................................
She used to make cloth puppets.....................................................................................

1. Statement: ( Câu thông báo, gồm câu khẳng định và câu phủ định)
a. Affirmative: Jason said, " Tom has worked here since last year."
Negative : I don't like that house", she said.
2. Questions:
a. Yes- No question: Are you tired?", Tom asked me./ Do you work here?", Tom asked.
b. Wh/ How- questions:
" When did you go to bed last night?", the policeman asked him.
" How long have you been there?", Jason asked.
3. Command and request: Go away!", she told us. — " Open the door, please", she requested.
4. Exclamation:
How intelligent he is!", she said. — " What a lovely garden!"
1.1. Indirect speech thường dùng để kể lại, thuật lại lời nói của người khác
1.2. Reporting verbs:
E.g. a. " Where did you go last night?", Mary asked John.
Mary asked John where he had gone the night before.
( Khi reporting verb(s) ở present / future thì chúng ta thay đổi ừ liên quan đến người; khi reporting verb(s) ở quá khứ, chúng ta


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KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
phải thay đổi tenses, persons, adverbs và đôi khi cả động từ)
b. - I shall come back to this restaurant .", he said.

E.g. He has said that he will come back to that restaurant.
He said that he would come back to that restaurant.
1.3. Changing persons:
→ he/ she; me/you → him/her; my
→ his/ her
We → they ;
→ them;
→ their
Mine → his/hers ; our
→ theirs ; myself → himself/herself.
1.4. Changing tenses:
* General rule : “ We have to go one tense back if reporting verb is at a past tense”.
1. Present → Past
; 2. Past → Past perfect ; 3. Future → Future in the Past
* Present perfect → Past perfect
* Future perfect → Modal perfect (would have V3/Ved)
* can → could/ may → might / have to, has to → had to/
* must → had to or must ( deduction or possibility):
→ He said that George must be a fool to behave like that.
* mustn’t (prohibition) → mustn’t / couldn’t :
→ The guard said we mustn’t / couldn’t cross the border.
* needn’t → didn’t have to, needn’t.
→ The boss said that I needn’t/ didn’t have to come in the next day.
* shall (future) → would : “ I shall tell him exactly what I think,” she said
→ She said she would tell him exactly what she thought.
* shall ( offers, suggestions, requests for advice) → should:
- “ Shall I speak to him in person?”, she asked.→ She asked whether she should speak to him in person.

 Unchanging: would rather/ had better/ should/ ought to/ used to/ had + V3/ conditionals 2,3/ past subjunctive…
1.5. Changing time:
→ then/ immediately;
today → that day;
→ that night ;
Yesterday → the previous day/ the day before;
last night → the night before
Tomorrow → the next day/ the following day;
two days ago → two days before/ earlier
The day after tomorrow → two days after. The day before yesterday → two days before/ earlier
1.6. Changing adverbs of place:
Here → there ;
this place → that place
1.7. Changing verbs:
come/ bring → go/ take
* Jason said to me,” I’ll go to your birthday party.” Jason said that he would come to my birthday party
1. Statement:
said (to O)
S + told (O)
reported …

S + V (changed) + ( O/ C/ A)

1. “ I like your dress.”, she said to me. →
She tells me that she likes my dress.
2. “ I like your dress.”, she said to me. →

She told me that she liked my dress.
3. “ You haven’t learnt well recently.”, they said to Jason.
→ They said to/ told Jason that he hadn’t learnt well recently.
2.1. Yes- No question:
asked O


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S + wondered
IF/WHETHER S +V (ch) + ( O/C/A)
wanted to know
IF/ WHETHER: (liệu có hay không.)
1. He asked me," Do you like these trousers?" - He asked me if I liked those trousers.
2. "Will you go to school next Sunday, Jack?" asked Mary.
- Mary asked Jack whether he would go to school the next Sunday.
a. Yes and no are expressed in indirect speech by: subject + appropriate auxiliary verb:
- He said, 'Can you swim?' and I said 'No' .
→ He asked (me) if I could swim and I said I couldn't.
-He said, 'Will you have time to do it?' and I said 'Yes'
→ He asked if I would have time to do it and I said that I would.
b. whether can emphasize that a choice has to be made:
- 'Do you want to go by air or sear the travel agent asked
→ The travel agent asked whether I wanted to go by air or by sea.
* Note whether or not:
'Do you want to insure your luggage or not?”, he asked

→ He asked whether or not I wanted to insure my luggage or
→ He asked if I wanted to insure my luggage or not.
c. whether + infinitive is possible after wonder, want to know:
'Shall/Should I wait for them or go on?”, he wondered
→ He wondered whether to wait for them or go on
→ He wondered whether he should wait for them or go on.
d. whether is neater if the question contains a conditional clause as otherwise there would be two ifs.:
job will you move to York?' Bill asked
→ Bill asked whether, if I got the job, I'd move to York.

2.2. Wh- questions:
asked O
S + wondered
wh- / how- S +V (ch) + ( O/C/A)
wanted to know
* Wh-: Who/ whom/ whose/ what/ which/ when/ where/ why...
* How-: How long/ how far/ how often/ how old...
1. "Where did you go yesterday?" → I asked her where she had gone the day before.
2. They asked ," How can you repair this machine, John?"
→ They asked John how he could repair that machine.
3."Why did the dog bark violently last night, Daisy?", asked Tom.
→ Tom asked Daisy why the dog had barked violently the night.
asked/ told….
+ O + ( not) to infinitive…
requested/ advised
* Don’t → Not to infinitive
1. The teacher told students," Open your books now."

→ The teacher told students to open their books then/ immediately.
2." Don't enter this area.", said the guard to the boys.
→ The guard ordered the boys not to enter that area.
S +


'If you get the

¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
S + exclaimed / said / told (O) that + S + V (ch.) + (O/C/A)
He said, “ What a dreadful idea!” or “ How dreadful!”
→ He exclaimed/ said that it was a dreadful idea/ was dreadful.
S + exclaimed/ said / told (O) + what (a/an) adj N (s) + S + V(ch.)
+ how adj/ adv. + S + V (ch.)
He said, “ What a dreadful idea!” or “ How dreadful!”
→ He said that what a dreadful idea it was/ how dreadful it was.
S + gave an exclamation of delight/ disgust/ horror/ relief/ surprise…
“ Good.”, he exclaimed. → He gave an exclamation of pleasure/ satisfaction.
With an exclamation of delight/ disgust/ horror…, S + V + ( O/ C/ A)
“ Ugh!”, she exclaimed and turned the programme off.
With an exclamation of disgust, she turned the programme off

a. Other types of exclamation, such as Good!/ Marvellous! (Tuyệt!)/ Splendid!(Hết sẩy!) Heavens!( Trời ơi!)/ Oh!
(O!)/ Uah!(ghê quá!) etc. can be reported as, in (b) or (c) above:
b. Note also:
He said, 'Thank you!'
= He thanked me.
He said, 'Curse this fog!'
= He cursed the fog.( nguyền rủa, chửi rủa)
He said, 'Good luck!'
= He wished me luck.
He said, 'Happy Christmas!'
= He wished me a happy Christmas.
He said, 'Congratulations!'
= He congratulated me.
He said, 'Liar!'
= He called me a liar.
He said, 'Damn!'etc.
= He swore.
The notice said: WELCOME TO WALES'. =The notice welcomed visitors to Wales.
1. Had better : She said to Jason,” You’d better arrive on time,”
→ She said that Jason had better arrive on time.
→ She advised Jason to arrive on time
2. “ If I were you…” : “ If I were you, I should get another lawyer.”, she said.
→ She said that if she were me, she would get another lawyer. (LM, p.291)
→ She advised me to get another lawyer.
→ She told me that I should get another lawyer.
3. “ What about…?” → suggest :
“ What about go camping?”, he continued.
→ He suggested going camping.
4. “ Why don’t you…?” → suggest / advise : She asked, “ Why don’t you visit Jane?”

→ She suggested that I (should) visit Jane.
→ She suggested my visiting Jane
→ She advised me to visit Jane.
5. “ Will…you?”/ Would…you?” / “ Could… you?” → “ say that…be + to inf.”/ “ suggest. that….(should) V…” / “
order that…” / “ order SO to do sth”…
“ Will you stop talking?”, said the teacher.
→ The teacher ordered(told) them to stop talking.
→ The teacher said that they were to stop talking.
→ The teacher suggested that they (should) stop talking.
6. “ Would you mind + Ving…?” → ask … to inf / ask if….would mind + V-ing.


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“ Would you mind opening the window?”, said Jason to the boy.
→ Jason asked the boy to open the window.
→ Jason asked the boy if he would mind opening the window.
7. “ Let’s….” → suggest + V-ing / suggest that….shoul + V …
Marie said to her friends, “ Let’s wait here.”
→ Marie suggested their waiting there.
→ Marie suggested that they should wait there.
8.“ Let + O + V …” → ask….to let….
“ Let me go”, said Jason to his principal teacher.
→ Jason asked his principal teacher to let him go.
 Reporting command and request depends on situation, speaker’s position, which helps to choose the accurate
reporting verb.
 Some famous verbs that are used to report command& request
1. advise SO (not) to do sth: (khuyen ai nen lam/ khong nen lam viec gi)

* The doctor advised the patient to take those pills.
* Teacher usually advises his/her students not to smoke.
2. apologize (to SO) for doing/ having done sth: ( xin loi ai vì da lam gi)
* She apologized (to her boss) for being late yesterday.
3. ask/ tell sO (not) to do sth: ( yeu cau, sai, bao ai lam/ khong lam gi)
* My parents asked me to study hard.
* Jason told us (not) to shut the door.
4. command/ order sO to do sth: ( ra lenh cho ai phai lam gi)
* The officer commanded/ ordered his men to fire.
5. object to (doing) sth: ( phan doi (lam) viec gi)
* I strongly objected to being charged a fee for using my credit card.
Object + that : I objected that he was too young for the job.
6. request sO to do sth: (yeu cau ai lam gì) – be requested to do sth : (duoc yeu cau lam gi)
* The police requested drivers to take care on the icy road.
( Drivers were requested to take care on the icy road.)
7. suggest : goi y/ de nghi
Suggest + V-ing: - He suggested taking the children to the zoo.
Suggest + that : - I suggested that we (should) break for lunch now.
Suggest (to SO) that: - I suggested to the others that they could join us.
8. remind sO to do sth: ( nhac ai laøm gi)
* Please remind me to buy a loaf of bread.
9. deny doing sth/ deny that : phu nhan, khong thua nhan (da lamgi).
* She denied knowing anything about it.
* He denied that he had been involved.
10. accuse sO of (doing) sth: ( len an ai da lam gi)
* The policeman accused the boy of stealing the bicycle.
* Jason accused his neighbor of thief
11. regret: hoi han/ hoi tiec:
- regret + V-ing : - I regretted (his) ever raising the matter.
- regret + that : - I regret that I cannot help.

- regret + to inf. : We regret to inform you that your applications have been unsuccessful.
12. allow/ permit sO to do sth: cho phep ai lam gi
13. beg(ged) sO to do sth: cau xin ai lam gi.
14. urge sO to do sth: thuc giuc ai lam gi ……


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I. 1 He said, 'Get out of my way.'
2 'Climb in through the window,' he ordered.
3 'Please pay at the desk,' said the assistant.
4 'Open your bag, please,' said
the store detective.
5 'Don't worry about anything, Mrs. Pitt,' said her solicitor. 'Leave it all to me.'
6 'Don't use bent coins in a slot machine,' I warned him.
7 'Follow that car,' the detective said
to the taxi-driver.
8 'Wash it in lukewarm water,' recommended the assistant.
9 'Have confidence in me,'
urged the doctor.
10 'Take me up to the 33rd floor,' he said to the liftman.
II. 1 'What happened to Mr. Budd?' said one of the men. 2 'Which of his sons inherited his estate?' asked another.
3 'Who is going to live in the big house?' enquired a third. 4 'What will happen to his racehorses?' asked someone else.
5 'Which team has won?' asked Ann.
6 'Which team won the previous match?' said Bill.
7 'Who is playing next week?' he asked.
8 'Who will be umpiring that match?' asked Tom.

9 'Who wants a lift home?' said Ann.
10 'Who has just dropped a $10 note?' I asked.
1 'What country do you come from?' said Bill.
2 'How long have you been here?' said Ann.
3 'Are you working as well as studying?' asked Peter.
4 'Have you got a work permit?' Bill wanted to know.
5 'What are you going to study?' asked Ann.
6 'Have you enrolled for more than one class?' said Peter.
7 'Do you want to buy any second-hand books?' said Bill.
8 'Have you seen the library?' asked Ann.
9 'Do you play rugby?' said Peter.
10 'Will you have time to play regularly?' he went on.
1 Tom invited Ann to come for a drive the following day.
2 Ann accepted with pleasure and asked where he was thinking of going.
3 He said he'd leave it to her.
4 She suggested Stratford . . .
5 adding that she hadn't been there for ages.
6 Tom agreed and said that they might go on the river if it was a fine day.
7 Ann wondered what was on at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.
8 Tom said they'd find out when they got there ...
9 adding that it was usually possible to get seats on the day of the play.
10 He asked Ann if she could be ready by ten.
1. My friend said, "Are you going to leave tomorrow?"
2."Have you done your homework?", said my mother.
3. I asked Bill, "What time did you go to bed last night?"
4. Paul said "I must go home now."
5."There's been an accident and the road is blocked", said the policeman.

6. "We are waiting for the school bus", said the children.
7. Mary said, "My father died a year ago".
8."Must you go now?", said Mr. Brown.
9."Whose bicycle did you borrow yesterday?", his mother asked him.
10."It isn't so foggy today as it was yesterday", said the teacher.
11."Be modest if you are a good pupil", said my father.
12."Shut the door but don't lock it" she said to us.
13. Tom said, "New York is bigger than London".
EXERCISE 5: Turn these sentences into reported speech:
1. “You took the money”, he said.(accuse)


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
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2. “I stole his bicycle”, he said to the police.(admit)
3. He said to the police, “I didn’t steal the bike”.(deny)
4. He said, “I’m sorry I’m late”. (apologize)
5. “I’ll drive you to the airport. I insist.”, John said to Linda.(insist)
6. “I’m happy to hear that you have passed the final exam. Congratulations!”, Jim said to me.
7. “It was nice of you to invite me to dinner. Thank you.”, Miss White said to George. (thank)
8. Don’t play with the matches.”, I said to Jack. (warn….. against)
9. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier.”, Margaret said to him.(apologize)
10. “I’ve always wanted to be a pilot.”, Paul said to his friends.(dream)
11. “You didn’t do what I said.”, the mother said to her son. (accuse)
12. The police said to the thief, “You broke the traffic rules.” (blame)
13. The student said , “I didn’t cheat in the exam.” (deny)
14. Tom said to Kate, “I would drive you to the station.” (insist)

15. Ba said to his father, “I broke the window glass this morning.” (admit)
16. “We should go for a picnic on Sunday.”, said Linda. (suggest)
17. “I always want to be a rich man.”, said David. (dream )
18. The manager told the visitors, “Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport.” (warn…… against / warn …
19. “Let’s eat out tonight.’, said Tom. (suggest)
20. “It’s too expensive to have dinner at a restaurant.”, Tom objected. (object)
21. “I must have made a mistake in the calculations.”, said Mr Forest.(admit)
22. “I’ll pay for the meal.”, Sarah insisted. (insist)
23. Neil told us, “Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.” (suggest)
24. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t come to visit you last summer.”, Kate said to her parents. (apologize)
25. “I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!”, Said Dane. (congratulate)
26. “I wish I’d asked for his name and address.”, said Tom. (regret)
27. James said to Daisy, “You are selfish.” (accuse)
28. “You mustn’t drink too much caffeine.”, Marta said to Martin. (warn…… against / warn …to-inf))
29. “We should take the jumper back to the shop.”, Jack said to us.(recommend + O + to-inf /
recommend + gerund)
30. “It’s not true! I have never been arrested by the police.”, Larry said. (deny)
EXERCISE 6: Complete the following sentences without changing their meanings:
1. The doctor said to me, “You should lose weight.” The doctor advised me ..................
2. Mary said, “Let’s go to a movie.” Mary suggested ......................................................
3. “I didn’t break the windows”, Bill said. Bill denied ......................................................
4. “You told a lie, Tom”, she said. She accused Tom .......................................................
5. “I can’t go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack”, said Mary. Mary apologized for
6. “I won’t help you with your homework. Never ! ” Jane said to me. Jane refused ........
7. Joe said, “Please come to my party.” Joe invited..........................................................
8. Mr. Gray said, “Don’t play in the street.” Mr. Gray warned the children not ...............
9. “Would you like to come on a picnic with us? They invited ........................................
10. “Please don’t tell anybody what happened.” He asked ............................................

11. “If you don’t give me a pay rise. I’ll resign.” She threatened ...................................
12. “I’ll finish the work by the end of this week.” John promised ....................................
13. “You ought to take a break, Andrew.” She advised....................................................
14. “Don’t forget to go to the supermarket after work.” They reminded ........................
15. “Stay away from me.” Tom warned ..........................................................................
16. “Why don’t we sing a few songs?” He suggested .....................................................


Ôn Tập tiếng Anh lớp 8- 9 ===============================
Kiều Thị Huyền
17. You cant run out of the garden, Ms. Kelly said to the children. Ms. Kelly prevented the children
18. Are you the new manager, Daisy? Congratulations! said Bill. Bill congratulated....
19. Please give me some more money, Mum, Daisy said. Daisy insisted her mother .
20. You can stay in my house when I am on holiday. Jim told us .................................
.21. Ive been spending a lot more time with my children. He said .............................
22. John left here an hour ago. She told me ................................................................
23. Oh, Im too hot. He said ........................................................................................
24. Are you enjoying yourself? He wanted to know .....................................................
25. Whats the weather like? She asked me ...............................................................
26. Will Ted and Alice be at the party? She asked us ...................................................
27. Does Ann always go to church on Sundays? He wondered ....................................
28. How can I solve the problem? I wanted to know ....................................................
29. Did you study hard for the exam? She asked ........................................................
30. What did you think of the performance yesterday? She asked me..........................
Mệnh đề quan hệ
A. Grammar.
I. Relative clauses - Mệnh đề quan hệ

* Mệnh đề quan hệ hay còn đợc gọi là mệnh đề tính ngữ, vì nó dùng để bổ nghĩa hay nói về
danh từ chỉ ngời, vật đứng trớc nó. Mệnh đề quan hệ thờng bắt đầu bằng một đại từ quan hệ.
1. Đại từ quan hệ: (relative pronouns): Gồm có đại từ quan hệ chỉ ngời - Who, Whom, That. V i t
quan h chit vt - WHICH
- Who: là đại từ quan hệ chỉ ngời, nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ ngời đứng vế trớc và làm chủ ngữ
cho mệnh đề sau.
Ex: I know a lot of people. They live in Ho Chi Minh city.
I know a lot of people who live in HCM city.
The boy is my son. He is in red hat
The boy who is in red hat is my son
- Whom: là đại từ quan hệ chỉ ngời, nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ ngời đứng trớc và làm tân ngữ của
mệnh đề sau.
Ex: This is the girl. You wanted to meet her last week.
This is the girl who you wanted to meet last week.
- Which: là đại từ quan hệ chỉ ngời, nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ vật đứng vế trớc và làm chủ ngữ
mệnh đề sau.
Ex: I lost the pen. It is red. I lost the pen which is red
- Which : là đại từ quan hệ chỉ ngời, nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ ngời đứng vế trớc và làm tân ngữ
mệnh đề sau.
ex: The book is for reference. I bought it 2 years ago.
This book which I bought for 2 years ago is for reference
2. Đại từ quan hệ sở hữu - Whose. là đại từ quan hệ sở hữu, nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ ngời vế
trớc và làm tính từ sở hữu của mệnh đề sau.
Ex: The girl is very beautiful. Her dress is red.
The girl WHOSE dress is red is beautiful
3. Trạng từ quan hệ: Where / When
- WHERE: là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn, nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ nơi chốn ở vế trớc và làm
trang ngữ chỉ nơi chốn của mệnh đề sau.

EX: Kim Lien is the village . Uncle was born in this village.
Kim Lien is the village WHERE Uncle Ho was born


Ôn Tập tiếng Anh lớp 8- 9 ===============================
Kiều Thị Huyền
- WHEN: là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ thời gian nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ chỉ thời gian ở vế trớc và làm
trang ngữ chỉ thời gian của mệnh đề sau.
Ex: Lunar New Year is the days. Family member gather on that days
Lunar New Year is the days WHEN family member gather
II. Other forms: Một số dạng khác
7. Making suggestions:
S + suggest + V-(ing) + ...
S1 + suggest + (that) + S2 + should + V(infinitive) +...
8. Adverbs clauses of concession:
although/ though/ even though : mặc dù (chỉ sự nhợng bộ)
Ex: He went to school although/ though/ even though he was tired.
B. Exercises
E1: Điền đại từ quan hệ đúng (who, whom, which, whose) vào các khoảng trống:
1. The boys are playing in the garden are my cousins.
2. He finally married the girl. he loved.
3. The flowers.my friend gave me have withered.
4. Mary is the girl..bicycle was stolen yesterday.
5. The vegetables..Mr Green sells are not fresh.
6. Is this the book.you lost?
7. The singer..you like best is Miss White.
8. The street..leands to my school is very wide.
9. Your friend, name I cant remember, made a lot of noise.

10.The rever from.we get our water-supply is nearly empty.
E2: Kết hợp các cặp câu sau, sử dụng đại từ quan hệ Who, Whom, Which, Whose
1. Alice is my friend. Alices mother died last year.
2. The boy will be punished. He threw that stone.
3. My sister wants to speak to you. You met my sister yesterday.
4. The flowers were roses. I bought the flowers for my sister.
5. Do you know the boy? He sat next to me at the dinner party.
6. Swimming makes people strong. Swimming is a good sport.
7. The woman is a nurse. Wwe saw the womans daughter last week.
8. The man is the doctor. My parents bought the mans house.
9. The car was very modern. Mr Green was driving the car.
10.the paint on the chair is still wet. You are sitting on that chair.
11.The man is a secretary. You saw the man at the desk.
12.The house was built twenty years ago. We are living in the house.
13.The girl is very beautiful. Her dress is red.
14.Wiliam is my uncle. I went fishing with Wiliam last Sunday.
15.Jane is a woman. Jane is going to China next year.
E3: Nối các cặp câu sau đây dùng cặp từ quan hệ When, Where.
1. Thats the room. The meeting is help in that room.
2. Ill always remember the day. I first saw that sight on that day.
3. She was born in Malaysia. Rubber trees grow well there.
4. No one knows the school. My uncle taught at that school 10 years ago.
5. Please ask them the time. The train started the trip at that time.
6. New Years Day is a day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner then.
7. There are many hotels. Tourists can enjoy their holidays there.
8. Well take you to Dalat. You can enjoy pure air there.
9. You cant enjoy hiking in winter. Snow covers everything in winter.
10.The field is very fertile. They plant potatoes in the field.
EX1 Fill in the blank with : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHERE, WHEN, WHOSE
1. What is the name of the girl is wearing a white blouse?


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
2. I don’t like food……………… is very spicy.
3. Do you see the girl ………………… you told me last night?
4. Last week, I return to my home village………………… I was born.
5. I never forget the day …………………….. you gave me s surprise birthday party.
6. He is the man…………. friends always trust him.
7. The hotel ……………… we stayed wasn’t very clean.
8. Is there any thing…………………. I can do?
9. The girl ……………………. eyes are blue is Miss Lan.
10. I enjoy reading the book…………………… my mother gave me on my last birthday.
EX2. Rewrite the sentences, using “ Relative Clauses”
1.This is the student. I talked to him last night .
 ............................................................................................................................
2.She is taking about the girl .The girl learn with her daughter.
 ............................................................................................................................
3.The lion tamer is rather tall .Her hair is black.
 ............................................................................................................................
4.The chair was broken .My father used to on it .
 ............................................................................................................................
5.Christmas Day is the day .We often have festivals on it .
 ............................................................................................................................
6.The schoolyard was in bad condition. We used to play on it .
 ............................................................................................................................
EX3 Use the relative pronouns to combine these sentences :
1.They are talking about the clowns .The clowns made them excited. ......................................................................................................

2.I was sitting on the chair .It suddenly collapsed.......................................................................................................................................
3.The city was beautiful .We spent our holidays there.................................................................................................................................
4.May Day is the day .We will come on that day................................................................................................................................
5.I saw some houses .Most of them were still good ...............................................................................................................................
6.You never tell me the thing . You know it ...............................................................................................................................
7.The car was broken down. The roof of the car was damaged.................................................................................................................
8.Do you know her ? The girl is sitting behind me . .................................................................................................................
EX4. Choose the best answer :
1. She feels tired and sleepy .............................. (so/ because/ but/ and) she stayed up late watching TV, last night.
2. William suggested .............................. (to stay/ staying/ stay/ stayed) at home for a change.
3. What about .............................. (to go/ go/ going/ have gone) for a ride?
4. Can you turn .............................. (on/ off/ in/ for) the light? It’s too dark.
5. If it is raining this evening, I .............................. (will go out/ don’t go out/ go out/ won’t go out).
6. The baby .............................. (laughed happy/ happily laughs/ laughed happily/ happy laughed) as she played with her toy.
7. Who is going to .............................. (look for/ look up/ look after/ look out) your children when you are at work?
8. Mary’s eyes are weak.............................. (but/ however/ and/ therefore), she has to wear classes.
9. (Why don’t we/ I suggest/ How about/ Let’s) ..............................put all the guests on the first floor?
10. I am very tired .............................. (so/ because/ but/ and) I have to finish my homework before going to bed.
11. She missed the train .............................. (so/ because/ but/ and), she went to work late.
12. Lan suggested .............................. (to go/ going/ go/ went) out.
13. Let’s .............................. (to go/ go/ going/ have gone) for a ride.
14. Can you turn .............................. (on/ off/ in/ for) the TV? I want to see the film .
15. If it is raining tomorrow, I .............................. (will stay/ don’t stay/ stay/ won’t stay) at home.
16. The baby .............................. (cried loud/ loudly cried/ cried loudly/ loud cried) as Ba picked her up.
17. Who is going to .............................. (look for/ look up/ look after/ look out) your house when you are out?
18. I was tired .............................. (but/ however/ and/ therefore), I went to bed.
19. (Why don’t we/ I suggest/ How about/ Let’s) ..............................putting all the guests on the first floor?
20. Lan is very tired (..............................so/ because/ but/ and) she has to finish my homework before going out.


¤n TËp tiÕng Anh líp 8- 9 ===============================
KiÒu ThÞ HuyÒn
21. Our teacher asked us .............................. ( to work / work / working ) hard for the exams .
22. .We should .............................. (select /destroy / recycle / produce ) waste paper to save money and labor .
23. They were amused .............................. ( in / at/ about / with ) the T.V programs ,last night .
24. Oliver Twist and other boys in the orphanage were .............................. ( well-educated / well-treated /ill-treated ) .
25. Oliver Twist was.............................. ( happy/ unhappy / beloved ) that he ran away to London.
Read and answer:
In many secondary schools in Britain, wearing uniform is compulsory. Many schools say that there are many disadvantages to this system.
Most students don’t like school uniform. They say that they don’t have a chance to change their clothes. The main reason why most students
don’t like school uniform is because most schools choose such colors and styles that don’t suit young people at all.
1. Is wearing uniform in many secondary schools in Britain compulsory or optional?
2. Do most students like school uniform?
3. What do they say?
4. Why do most students dislike school uniform?

EX6 Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks :2
books, reading , research, small, developing , love, , reference, library cards ,library
My friend's mother works in the (1).................... in my school .It's rather (2)...................but well-equipped. So, she's busy all the day long. She
always stands at her desk and is ready to help those who come there to read or to do (3)..............................After receiving the readers'
(4) ................................., she helps them to use the card-catalogue and find the (5) .............................. they want to borrow. She always feels
happy to satisfy all the readers' needs because she thinks the books are helpful in (6) ........................................ the children’s intelligence and
creating their (7)...................... for (8)................................. .
EX7- Choose A, B, C, D to complete the passage:1,5

These days it is impossible to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being
polluted (1)………the future looked bad. (2)……..can each of us do?
We cannot clean up our polluted rivers and seas overnight. Nor we can stop the (3)…………….. of plants and animals. But we can stop
adding to the problem while scientists look for the answers.
It may not be easy to change your lifestyle (4)……………….but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of driving you do, or
use as little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save (5)……………., which also reduces the household bills. We must all make a personal
decision to work for the future of our earth if we want to ensure a better world (6)…………our grandchildren.
1. A. and
B. however
C. so
D. moreover
2. A. where
B. when
C. why
D. what
3. A. appear
B. appearance
C. disappear
D. disappearance
4. A. complete
B. completeness
C. completely
D. to complete
5. A. coffee
B. energy
C. money
D. health
6. A. from
B. for
C. to

D. in
EX8 - Fill in the gap withsuitable word in the box
farming destroying serious cooperation (su hop tac)

important fast

Nowadays, people are destroying rain forests of the earth (17) ................ It is estimated that every year 100,000 square kilometers of rain
forests are destroyed for the supply of wood paper and fuel as well as for the (18)........... land. Rain forests are very (19)..............for the world
climate .They receive the rainfall on the earth and produce a large amount of the world’s oxygen. (20) ............ rain forests, therefore, is
destroying our environment . Saving rain forests is an (21) .............problem. Nations need (22) ....... To save rain forests, if not it will be late.
EX9- Read the passage and choose the best answers: (2pts)
People from North America and Europe are interested in saving natural (21)_________. As the world’s energy resources (coal,
gas, and oil) (22)______limited, they try not to waste them. Like foodstuff, water and electricity are (23)_________in people’s lives,
(24)__________they are used economically in most households. Nowadays, most (25)___________bulbs are replaced with energy-saving


Ôn Tập tiếng Anh lớp 8- 9 ===============================
Kiều Thị Huyền
ones. As a result, a lot of electricity is (26)__________, and the costs of the electricity (27)__________are reduced. When buying a new
appliance, consumers are often interested (28)__________knowing how energy-efficient each model is.
A. beauty
B. environnent
C. sources
D. ressources
A. is
B. are

C. has
D. have
A. necessities
B. luxuries
C. resources
D. appliances
A. and
B. because
C. but
D. so
A. light
B. standard
C. saving
D. cheap
A. used
B. spent
C. saved
D. wasted
A. bills
B. accounts
C. wastes
D. counters
A. at
B. of

C. in
D. about
EX10. Read the following passage and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2 points)

There are many celebrations throughout the year in Viet Nam, but Tet or the
Lunar New Year is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet
usually occurs in late January or early February. A few days before Tet is the time
for people to clean and decorate their homes. During Tet, people, old and young,
enjoyed special food cooked on the occasion of Tet. It is also the time for family
members to be together.
1. The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet
2. Tet usually begins in early January
3. People often make their houses nice and new for Tet.
4. Tet is the time for family reunions
EX11. Correct the tense and form of the verbs.
My uncle (be) (1).. an engineer. He (be) (2).. an engineer for 15 years. He now (work) (3).. in a factory
in Binh Duong. He like (play) (4).. football. He (go ) (5).. to play football once a week at an amateur football club in
the town. Last month he (go) (6).. to Singapore. He (stay ) (7).. in a hotel by the sea and (swim ) (8).. a
lot. Since he (return) (9).. home, I (not see) (10).. him but I hear H (travel) (11).. to France next week. I
hope to meet him soon
EX12: Each of the sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it.
1. If she will come this afternoon, well take her to the Water Park.
2. He might staying at home today because he isnt very well.
3. The boy which he met you yesterday in my closest friend.
4. Linh didnt send me any postcard since she went on holiday.
5. My teacher suggested to give lessons to poor children
1. The conditional sentence (Câu điều kiện)
Một câu điều kiện thờng có hai mệnh đề là mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề phụ (mệnh đề

if). Mệnh đề phụ có thể đặt trớc hoặc đặt sau mệnh đề chính.
Có 3 loại câu điều kiện căn bản sau:
Câu điều kiện loại 1: Dùng để diễn tả điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tơng lai
Mệnh đề phụ với If
Simple present

Mệnh đề chính
Simple future
Simple present
Bare infinitive.

Ví dụ: If I have time, I shall visit you.
John usually walks to school if he has enough time.
If you hear from Jane, please call me.
Câu điều kiện loại 2: Dùng để diễn tả điều kiện không có thật xảy ra ở hiện tại


Ôn Tập tiếng Anh lớp 8- 9 ===============================
Kiều Thị Huyền
Mệnh đề phụ với If
Past Subjunctive
(To be chia were ở các ngôi, động từ
thờng chia ở quá khứ)

Mệnh đề chính

Ví dụ: If I had much money, I would buy a new bicycle.
(I dont have money)
If you practised English every day, you could speak if fluently.
If I were you, I would not tell him about that.
Exercises: Dùng hình thức cho các động từ trong ngoặc:
1. If you (go) away, please write to me.
2. If he (eat) another cake, he will be sick.
3. If it is convenient, lets (meet) at nine oclock.
4. I (not do) that if I (be) you.
5. If he (take) my advice, everything can go well.
6. He never does his homework. If he (do) his homework, he (not worry) about his examination.
7. Its too bad we lost the game. If you (play) for us, we (win).
8. What you (do) if she refuses your invitation?
9. If today (be)Sunday, we (go) to beach.
10.They (make) fewer mistakes if they were more carefull.
11.You (be) ill if you drilk that water.
12.If Tom (go) to bed earlier, he would not be so tired.
13.If its raining heavily, we (not go) for a donkey ride.
14.If he (try) hard, hell pass the examination.
15.I could understand the French teacher if she (speak) more slowly.
2. Cách dùng của động từ wish
Động từ wish (ớc ao, mong ớc) thờng đợc dùng để diễn tả những ớc muốn, những điều không
có thật hoặc rất khó thực hiện.
Future wish: (ớc muốn ở tơng lai)
Cấu trúc:

S + wish(es) + S + Would + V
Ví dụ: I wish I would go to the moon tomorrow.
My mother wishes she would visit London some day.
Present wish: (ớc muốn ở hện tại)
Cấu trúc: S + wish(es) + S + V (động từ to be chia were/ động từ thờng chia quá khứ)
Ví dụ: I wish I wree at the seaside now.
He wiskes he could speak English fluently.
Exercise 1: Đặt ra những ớc muốn trái với nhũng sự kiện sau đây.
1. I dont have time to study.
2. My friend, John lost his pen.
3. I cant answer th questions.
4. They will leave for France next week.
5. We are not living in England.
6. She wont visit me began.
7. He is so stupid.
8. My younger brother play in the street all day.
Exercise 2: Dùng hình thức đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
1. I wish I (see) that film on television again.
2. We wish she (be) our teacher of English.
3. I wish our team (play) better next time.
4. I wish I (be) a lion tamer.
5. I wish I (can) play the piano.
6. The little boy wishes he (become) an acrobat when he grows up.

