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Appling english songs in teaching vocabulary and grammar to studennts grade in loc thinh secondary school

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1. Name of the initiave : "Applying English songs in teaching vocabulary
and grammar to students grade 6 in Loc Thinh Secondary School"
2. Scope of application of the initiative : English – Secondary School
3. Time to apply initiatives: 2017-2018
4. Writer :
- Full name : Nguyen Giang Nam
- Year of birth : 1983
- Qualifications: Teachers University English.
- Job: Teacher.
- School: Loc Thinh Secondary School – Ngoc Lac – Thanh Hoa.
5. Where to apply initiatives:
- Loc Thinh Secondary School – Ngoc Lac – Thanh Hoa.
- Address : Loc Thinh Commune – Ngoc Lac – Thanh Hoa.


1. Name of the initiave :
2. Scope of application of the initiative :
3. Time to apply initiatives
4. Writer :
5. Where to apply the initiative:

1. 1. Advantages:
1. 2. Difficulties:
2.1. Choose from teaching:
2.2. Applying the initiative in some lessons in each unit
2.2.1 English 6 – Unit 1: Greetings
2.2.2 English 6 – Unit 2: At school.
2.2.3 English 6 – Unit 3: At home.
2.2.4 English 6 – Unit 4: Big or small.
2.2.5 English 6 – Unit 5: Things I do.
2.2.6 English 6 – Unit 6: Places.
2.2.7 English 6 – Unit 7: Your house.
2.2.7 English 6 – Unit 8: Out and about.
2.2.9 English 6 – Unit 9: The body.
2.2.10 English 6 – Unit 10: Staying healthy.
2.2.11 English 6 – Unit 11: “What do you eat?”
2.2.12 English 6 – Unit 12: Sports and Pastimes.
2.2.13 English 6 – Unit 13: Activities and the seasons.
2.2.14 English 6 – Unit 14: Making plan.
2.2.15 English 6 – Unit 15 Countries.
2.2.16 English 6 – Unit 16: Man and invionment
3.1 Results of implementation:
3.2 Evaluation learn from experience:
3.3 Recommendations





As we know, English has become popular worldwide and more than forty
countries are using English as a primary language, and nearly 400 million
people are using it as a second language in communication. In Vietnam, English
is seen as a key that leads to the success today.
As a teacher of English department, we always want our students to
understand fast and efectively, especially the children can apply the knowledge
in actual communication. For this, we need to have innovative teaching methods
so that each class students are more interested in active learning and memory
training class at all.
We all know that any languages in the world which we use to
communicate with requires us a large vocabulary because vocabulary is an
integral part of the language. In studying English we can not train and develop
the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing that are not based on the
foundation of the vocabulary.
Indeed, without the necessary vocabulary, they will not be able to develop
good skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing whether they have mastered
phrases and grammar is trhuc.
Therefore, to help students master the vocabulary and the grammar in use
is very important that concerns me and I decide to implement the project:
"Applying English songs in teaching vocabulary and

grammar to students grade 6 in Loc Thinh Secondary
- To help Students be interested in learning a foreign language , which
give them the chance to widen knowledge about every fields in their lives.
Moreover, Students can update modern technology all over the world, so
nothing is better than they have a large amount of vocabulary and deeple
understanding about grammar in use.
- To help students study the vocabulary well and use it in real life with
correct grammar.
1. 1. Advantages:
- The school board has always been interested and create favorable
conditions for facilities and service literature for teaching subjects: Paintings,
music cassettes, ..
- Local governments and organizations inside and outside schools who
always support teachers in the process of work.
- Teachers themselves always receive support from teachers and professional
in groups and colleagues in their school.
- The majority of students in the class love learning English and prepare
books and supplies for learning.
- Most parents are concerned and they all facilitate their children's learning.

1. 2. Difficulties:
- The majority of them are students in deep, they don’t have method of
learning vocabulary really effective. To the parents, it is very difficult for them
to check or guide them to learn at home because they all do not know a foreign

- Some students especially boys often distracted and less interested in
studying and learning vocabulary.
- Some students have little time at home studying outside school hours
because they have to help their parents with housework, farm work ...
- They have limited access to communicate in English and they are also
afraid to communicate and exchange each other in English outside school hours.
- The majority of students in the class are disadvantaged so they have little
reference to raise capital from outside the vocabulary that provide textbooks.
To promote good positive creative initiative of students in learning, we need to
organize the teaching process in a positive way the activities of the school, in the
process of teaching and learning, the teacher is only the transmission of
knowledge to students, students want better comprehend the knowledge that,
then you have to learn by their own activities.
Dominant method of teaching foreign languages in our integrated,
meaning that new words should be taught in context, the context can be a
reading, a conversation or a keyword. However, it comes with the teaching and
learning of foreign languages is still teaching new words like? Teach new
sentence structure as students know how to use new vocabulary and structures in
communication in foreign languages.
From the beginning, the teacher should consider the various procedures
for each step in the processing of vocabulary new context: suggestive, teach, test
and reinforce vocabulary.
- There should be taught everything from the new one? Teach how much of the
information in a medium?
- Use pre-learned phrases or going to school to introduce new words.
- Use pictures, visual aids to introduce new words.
- Ensure that students understand the structure, using lexical structure to
improve communication functions, establish the relationship between the new
structure and vocabulary have.

- Fix memory deep vocabulary of students passed through the sample questions
and practice exercises.
The result of the first -term school year:





NU %





NU %

- From the survey above, There are only 4% of excellent students in
class 6A and 3% of excellent students in class 6B .

- Last but not least, My aim is to guide students how to learn the new
vocabulary and grammar in the most efective way. This is the best way to help
them love learning and to be active to achieve their daily lessons.
2.1. Choose from teaching:
English is an important subject, it is a language to communicate with
other countries in the world. If we want to communicate well with foreigners we
are required to have a rich vocabulary.
In general the current environment, when it becomes to new language is
mainly talking about grammar and vocabulary, vocabulary and grammar are
always clings relationship with each other, always be taught in collaboration to
clarify the meaning of each other. However teach vocabulary is introduced and
specific issues. Usually in a lesson always appear new words, new words are not
finished yet and should be included in teaching. To choose from to teach,
teachers should consider these issues:
We all know how to teach two different types of words. From actively
involved in the four skills (listening - speaking - reading - writing). For this type
of investment teachers need time to introduce and guide students to practice
With passive teacher just stop at getting to know, do not need to invest time into
the application operations. Teachers need to know the options and decide what
will be taught from such an initiative from the public and as a passive.
For the initiative was only for students that writing and defined as
dictionary is not enough, so that students know how to use them in
communication, student teachers need to know how to pronounce, is not unique
retail, but also know the correct pronunciation of the word in the speech chain,
especially the meanings of words.
- The number of words to be taught in all, depending on the content and
level of students. Never teach all the new words, for they will not have enough
time to perform other activities. However, in a class should be taught from a

maximum of 6.
- If the word is needed to understand the text and in accordance with the level
of students, then it belongs to the group of positive, so you have to teach the
- If the word is needed to understand the text but harder than the level of the
students, it is not in the active group, so then you should explain to the students
understand the meaning of it immediately.
- If the word is not necessary for understanding the text and is not that hard,
you should ask students to guess.
2.2. Applying the initiative in some lessons in each unit
Teachers can use some easy English songs in introducing new words to
help students learn new words happily. Beside, English songs also help students

master the gramar better. I will introduce some lessons which I’ve applied the
songs while I was teaching both vocabulary and grammar.
2.2.1 English 6 – Unit 1: Greetings
In this lessson, after teaching vocabulary and the English’s habits in
comunicating I use the funny and easy songs for them to revive the things that
they have learned.
The song:
“Hello, hello”
Hello, hello
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
I’m fine, thank you.
Hello, hello
What your name?
My name’s…………………………..

That’s my name.
Goodbye, goodbye.
Goodbye to you……
With this song students can remember the new words and the model
sentences that they have learned better.
Link youtube: />2.2.2 English 6 – Unit 2: At school.
I teach students the song “Open the book” in order to help them
remember and practice the new structure that they have been introduced by the
teacher. The structure: What is this?
What is that?
The song:
“Open the book”
What’s this?
What’s this?
It’s a book.
Open the book,
Close the book.
What’s this?
What’s this?
It’s a door ………
What’s this?
What’s this?

It’s a bag……….
What’s this?
What’s this?
It’s a window………..
Link youtube: />2.2.3 English 6 – Unit 3: At home.

When I teach them about family member, in stead of asking them to learn
by heart at home and check their revision during the next lesson. I teach them
the song: “In my family”. With this song they even are widened the family
vecabulay by knowing more new words, example: grandmother, grandfather,
aunt, uncle, cousin…
The song:
“In my family”
In my family,
In my family,
Lots of love,
For you and for me.
Mum and Dad,
Sister and brothe,r
Grandma and grandpa,
Not like any other.
Aunt and uncle,
And cousins too,
My family helps me,
My family helps, you.
In my family………..
Link youtube: />2.2.4 English 6 – Unit 4: Big or small.
In this unit, while I teach students Part C: “Getting ready for school”.
There are some new words about the activities before going to school, students
usually feel difficult to remember these new words so I teach them the
song:“What do you do in the morning?”
The song:
“What do you do in the morning?”
What do you do?What do you do?
What do you do in the morning?

I get up.
I have my breakfast.
I go to school.
That’s what I do. That’s what I do.
That’s what I do in the morning.
What do you do?What do you do?
What do you do in the afternoon?
I have my lunch.
I learn at school.
I go home.
That’s what I do…….in the afternoon.
What do you do?What do you do?
What do you do in the evening?
I do my homework.
I have my dinner.
I play with my toys.
That’s what I do…….in the evening.
What do you do?What do you do?
What do you do at night?
I say goodnight.
I brush my teeth.
I go to bed.
That’s what I do……… at night
With this song, I teach them not only the new word related in the lesson
but also the othe new words that I want them to remember more. For example:
Play with toys, say goodnight…
Link youtube: />2.2.5 English 6 – Unit 5: Things I do.
There are some new words that students have to know how to read, write,

and communicate in reality so students must be remember clearly. In order to
help them remember wll I teach them the song: “Days of the week ” on youtube. This
is an easy song to remember the new words.

The song:

“Days of the week”
Sunday, Monday

Thursday Friday Saturday
And it’s Sunday once again!
These are the days of the week
These are the days of the week
These are the days of the week
And seven days there are
Link youtube: />2.2.6 English 6 – Unit 6: Places.
In this unit, When I teach students vocabulary and the grammar about
prepositions and the structure asking position of people and things, I also teach
them the song: “Where is my teddy bear?”. This song helps them remmber the
vocabulary a lot. They always feel excited in the songs, I think they do not have
any difficulties with these new words.
The song: “Where is my teddy bear?”.
Where is my teddy bear?
Where is he?
Where is my teddy bear?
I can’t find him any where.
Look behind the bedroom door,

Is he hiding there?
Look behind the bedroom door,
I can’t find him any where.
Look in front of the sofa.
Is he hiding there?
Look in front of the sofa.
I can’t find him any where.
Look between the bed and chair.
Is he hiding there?
Look between the bed and chair.
I can’t find him any where.
Look next to the big toy box.
Is he hiding there?
Look next to the big toy box.
Yes, my teddy’s hiding there.
Link youtube: />9

2.2.7. English 6 – Unit 7: Your house.
In this unit, When I teach students vocabulary and the grammar about
transportation and the structure: “How do you go to school?” in part C: “On the
move” , I also teach them the song: “How do you go to school?”. This song
helps them remmber the vocabulary a lot. They always feel excited in the songs,
I think they do not have any difficulties with these new words.
The Song:
“How do you go to school?”
How do you go to school?
I go to school by bus.
History is on Monday.
I don’t like that much.


How do you go to school?
I go to school by bike
Music is on Wednesday.
That I really like.
How do you go to school?
I go to school by car.
English is on Monday.
That’s the best by far.

Through this song, students not only remember the new vocabulay about
transportation better, but they also revive the previous vocabulary that they
studied the last lesson. For example: days of the week, subjects.
Link youtube: />2.2.8. English 6 – Unit 8: Out and about.
In this unit, there is a quite difficult grammar about a new tense: “The
present progressive tense” my students have some difficulties in appying into
making example. So I decide to teach them a song: “What are you doing?”.
After that they feel relax and understand the new tense very well later.
The song:

“What are you doing?”
What are you doing?
I”m walking.
I’m running.
I’m jumping.
I’m dancing.
I'm reading.
I’m eating.

I’m drinking.

I’m sleeping.
I’m putting on my shoes.
I’m putting on my hat.
I’m saying goodbye.
All the songs I list above, I realize that this song brings students the most
happiness. And I feel sucessful with this. Thanks a lots to the writer of this song.
Link youtube: />2.2.9. English 6 – Unit 9: The body.
When I teach my students about colors in this unit, part B: Faces, I just
realize that all of my students have difficulty in remember correctly the colors.
They usually make mistakes with practising the exercises which I give them
after the lesson. After singing the song: “Sing a rainbow” they all agree that the
difficulty disappears. They do very well with all the exercises both pracising and
doing test.
The song:

“Sing a rainbow”

Red and yellow
And pink and green
Purple and orange,
And blue
I can sing a rianbow,
Sing a rianbow
Sing a rianbow too.
Link youtube: />2.2.10. English 6 – Unit 10: Staying healthy.

In this unit, there are lots of new words about food and drink and the
strucre to invite each others with these new words: Would you like ..?, What’s
for lunch?, Is there anything to .....? My students still find difficulty. They urged
me to find a suitable song that can helps them in learning. I tried and found the
song: “At the supermarket.” As a reult, the song helped them alot. Vocabulary
wasn’t matter any more with them.
The song:
“At the supermarket”
I would like some lemons,
I would like some meat.
I would like a melon,

They’re very fresh and sweet.
At the supermarket
We buy something to eat.
Apples, bread and biscuits,
Pasta, rice and meat.
I would like some onions,
I would like some rice.
I would like some apples,
They’re healthy and they’re nice.
I really like this song both the lysics and the words. When the students
sang chorally I myself sang with them with a lot of happiness. Thanks the writer
so much.
Link youtube: />2.2.11. English 6 – Unit 11: “What do you eat?”
In order to help students study well with this unit, I tried to surf on the
Youtube a song that related to this unit. At first, I could find out any suitable
song. However, I have a sister who is very good at finding the information on

the net. She agreed to help me and my students. She found, for me, a suitable
song for this unit.
The song:
“How much?”
How much? How much? How much is that dog?
How much? How much? How much is that dog?
It’s 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.
Hey, I’ll take it.
How much? How much? How much is that
cat? How much? How much? How much is
that cat? It’s 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Hey, I’ll take
How much? How much? How much is that monkey?
How much? How much? How much is that monkey?
It’s 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.
Hey, I’ll take it.
How much? How much? How much is that banana?
How much? How much? How much is that banana?
It’s 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.

Hey, I’ll take it.
After listening and singing thi song my students can use the new structure to
comunicate well. Not only that, they can widen their vocabulary with some new
words in this song.
Link song: />2.2.12. English 6 – Unit 12: Sports and Pastimes.
It’s quite easy for me to find out the suitable songs for this unnit because
the theme of unit 12 is about sports and pastimes. I can choose even 4 or 5 songs
for this unit, but I just introduce 1 of them.

The song:
“Sport songs”
What do you like?
What do you like?
What do you like?
Baseball, baseball, I like baseball.
Basketball, basketball, I like basketball.
Volleyball, volleyball, I like volleyball.
Soccer, soccer, I like soccer.
Baseball, basketball, basketball, soccer. I like sports.
What do you like?
What do you like?
What do you like?
Dinning, dinning, I like dinning.
Swimming, swimming, I like swimming.
Skiing, skiing, I like skiing.
Skating, skating, I like skating.
Dinning, swimming, skiing, skating. I like sports.
Link song: />2.2.13. English 6 – Unit 13: Activities and the seasons.
I don’t have got any difficulties in finding a suitable song for this unit.
After that I decide to teach them the song: What’s the weather like today?”
The song:
“What’s the weather like today?”
What’s the weather, What’s the weather?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it cold or is it sunny?

Can we go outside to play?
When it’s windy, When it’s windy.
We go outside, we fly out kite.
The kite goes high up in the sky
And we play until It’s night.
When it’s snowing, when it’s snowing.
We make a snowmanin the snow.
We wear out coat and play together.
Until it’s time to go.
When it’s sunny, when it’s sunny.
We wear our hats and goes outside.
We play together at the park,
And have fun on the slide.
What’s the weather, What’s the weather?.........
Link song: />2.2.14. English 6 – Unit 14: Making plan.
The song:
“Where are you going?”
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Where are you going today?
I’m going to the shop, park, pool, bank, zoo, beach.
I think this song is quite short but it is suitable for students in this unit because
they can practice the new structure: “What are you going to .?”
Link song: />2.2.15. English 6 – Unit 15 Countries.
You don’t have spend too much time surf for the suitable song because
the theme of this unit is quite popular. Many writers choose this topic for their
book. I just think that the song: “Where are you from?”
The song:
“Where Are You From?

Where are you from? Where are you from? Where are you from? Where
are you from? Where are you from? Where are you from? Canada, Korea, Italy,
China, America, Australia, Japan or India. Where are you from? Where are you
from? Where are you from? Spain, Germany, Mexico, The Philippines, Brazil,
Sweden, New Zealand. Thailand, Peru, Greece, Turkey, Jamaica, Poland.

France. Where are you from? Where are you from? Where are you from? Where
are you from? Where are you from? Where are you from?
Copyright Maple Leaf Learning
Link song: />2.2.16. English 6 – Unit 16:
I’ve found a suitable song for this unit, however I just wondered if there
are any one who concerns about my initiave. At last, I decided that I wouln’t
write the song that I found. If any one concerns and finds that the initiave is
quite helpful in teaching, they can try to find out a suitable song for this unit or
can contact with me in order to know the song that I found. I leave my contact
3.1 Results of implementation:
Through the process of applying to the actual topic of teaching, I noticed more
and more students academic progress:
- Students are more interested and active in all activities.
- The lessons become more lively and vivid.
- Students are almost near the end of the new word right in the classroom.
- The vocabulary of the children increased significantly.
- The weak students can use words in simple sentences. Students can use pretty
words in more complex sentences.
The following is a statistical quality of student learning in the classroom and
apply classroom topics not apply the theme:





NU %


NU %
For specific results we have found that the quality of learning of students
in grades 6 applied topics is much higher than before. It shows that my research
was partially effective in actual teaching process.
3.2 Evaluation learn from experience:
Under the current distribution programs, almost always with the new
information in lessons and even in training. If you want to teach good
vocabulary lessons more vividly, teachers need to find pictures, maps to
illustrate, enabling them to easily remember words and the attention of the
children on the subject or matter lessons mind.


Beside that, in my opinion, funny song play an important part in learning
both vocabulary and simple grammar. They help students not only relax but also
help them remember easily.
My students are really interested in all the songs that I’ve applied to each
uint. After a hard lesson, songs help them relax. They always sing happily
together. Whenever I check them vocabulary and new grammar at the beginning
of the next lesson, they can tell me correctly. Morever, they help me to find out
more interesting songs for me to teach in the following class.
I hope that with this initiave more and more teachers pay attention to the
songs that I found.And you can help me find more and more suitable songs.
Please contact me whenver you find out a new song.
My phone number: 0984025031 – Loc Thinh Secondary School –
Ngoc Lac District – Thanh Hoa Province.
Thank you in advance!
3.3 Recommendations
1. Our colleagues’experience initiatives which are chosen from the
educational scientific department need to be widely popularised, this will help
us learn different good methods from each other to make our lessons more
suitable and more interesting.
2. English is a typical subject, teachers need to be equipped enough
teaching materials such as: function room, cassette, tapes...So, I hope school
leaders and local authority will pay attention to our teaching conditions much
more, This will help teaching as well as learning English more and more
This is my own experience initiatives.
I surely do not copy from the others’.
Thank you for your reading!
Head-master’s identification



Loc Thinh, April 12th 2018
Writer of the initiative

Nguyen Giang Nam

