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Difficult Tofels

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Difficult Toefls
1. Anxiety about uncontrollable situations is thought to cause
(A) to fitfully sleep
(B) fitful sleep
(C) fitful in sleep
(D) sleep fitfully
2. Geomorphology is the study of the changes that ________ on the
surface of the earth.
(A) taking place
(B) takes place
(C) take place
(D) they take place
3. The sudden expansion of heated air associated with lightning
produces ________ often heard during a storm.
(A) thunder is the rumbling sound
(B) the rumbling sound, thunder is
(C) the rumbling sound, thunder, that
(D) thunder, the rumbling sound
4. They decided to finish and finally ________the hard evening with a
pizza and a few sodas.
(A) bring to a conclusion
(B) end
(C) terminate
(D) enjoy
5. He told us ________ one man and six women applying for the job.

(A) there was
(B) it was
(C) there were
(D) they were
6. Ancient people believed that ________ with a sun and a moon
rotating around it.
(A) the earth was the center of the universe
(B) the earth is the center of the universe
(C) the center of the universe is earth
(D) the universe has earth at the center
7. ________ a teacher in New England, Webster wrote the 'Dictionary of
the American Language'.
(A) It was while
(B) When
(C) When was
(D) While
8. The bank ________ the bookstore has been broken into.
(A) opposite to
(B) across from
(C) between
(D) at
9. The jurors were told to ________.
(A) talk all they wanted
(B) make lots of expressions
(C) speak freely
(D) talk with their minds open

10. The volume of Hawaii's Mauna Loa is fifty times ________ Mount
(A) of
(B) more of
(C) that of
(D) than of
11. Gilbert Stuart is considered by most art critics ________ greatest
portrait painter in the North American colonies.
(A) that he was
(B) as he was
(C) who was the
(D) the
12. Jane changed her major from French to business ________
(A) with hopes to be able easier to locate employment
(B) hoping she can easier get a job
(C) with the hope for being able to find better a job
(D) hoping to find a job more easily.
13. The speaker is ________.
(A) very well acquainted with the subject
(B) recognized as an authority who knows a great deal in terms of
the subject
(C) someone who knows well enough about the subject which he has
undertaken to do the speaking
(D) a person who has close awareness of the subject that he speaks
about so much
14. Nestled along the shoreline of Hudson Bay ________.

(A) are several recently settled Inuit communities
(B) several recently settled Inuit communities are there
(C) near several recently settled Inuit communities
(D) is where several recently settled Inuit communities
15. Overexposure to the sun can produce ________ can some toxic
(A) more than damage to the skin
(B) more damage than to the skin
(C) damage more than to the skin
(D) more damage to the skin than
16. It is usually ________ lava but gas that kills people during volcanic
(A) not only
(B) not
(C) neither
(D) no
17. When ________ of impulses from many of the neurons in one part
of the brain, an epileptic seizure occurs.
(A) the simultaneous bursts
(B) simultaneously burst
(C) there are simultaneous bursts
(D) simultaneously bursting
18. The human body has four jugular veins, ________ each side of the
(A) there are two on

(B) it has two on
(C) two are on
(D) two on
19. Out of John Kenneth Galbraith's The Affluent Society ________ for
an increase in public goods, potentially at the expense of private goods.
(A) came the argument
(B) his argument
(C) argued
(D) the economist is arguing
20. A college bookstore that sells used textbooks stocks ________
along with the new ones on the shelf under the course title.
(A) its
(B) their
(C) a
(D) them
21. Legumes take nitrogen into their roots ________ the air.
(A) except
(B) however
(C) but
(D) from
22. Somerset Maugham, a novelist, ________ about a restless man's
quest for inner understanding in The Razor's Edge.
(A) who wrote this
(B) who wrote
(C) when he wrote
(D) wrote

23. ________ the end of the Ice Age around 8000 B.C., mammoths
became extinct.
(A) With
(B) It was
(C) That
(D) In addition
24. At Woolworth's first five-and-ten-cent store, ________ more than a
(A) neither items cost
(B) items not cost
(C) items none costing
(D) no item cost
25. Depressant drugs ________ historically have been known to be
addictive are called narcotics.
(A) and
(B) which
(C) they
(D) about which
26. The man gave ________ a diamond necklace.
(A) that is his wife
(B) his wife has
(C) his wife
(D) it to his wife
27. The committee has met and ________.
(A) they have reached a dicision

(B) it has formulated themselves some opinions
(C) its decision was reached at
(D) it has reached a decision
28. The Cathedral of Seville enjoys the distinction ________ the largest
medieval cathedral in the world.
(A) of being
(B) to be

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