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I/ Put the verbs in parentheses into the Present simple tense:
1. I (have)……………….. coffee for breakfast every morning.
2. She sometimes (buy)………………….. vegetables at this market.
3. Hoa (have)………………… a lot of friends in Hue.
4. Nam and Trang always (visit)………………… their grandparents on Sundays.
5. My father (listen)………………… to the radio every day.
6. The children (like)…………………… to lay in the park.
7. She (not live)…………………. with her parents.
8. Lan (brush)………………….. her teeth after meals.
9. The students (not go)………………… to school on Sundays.
10. How ……………. Nga (go)…………….. to school? -By bike.
11. I (eat) …………………. my breakfast in the kitchen every day.
12. These boys often (play) …….…..…… football at weekends.
13. It (rain) …………………... in the winter.
14. She (go) …………………. to school three days a week.
15. My little boy often (watch) ………..………… cartoon films.
16. She (study)………………….. English very well.
17. My father often (play) ………………… tennis in the morning.
18. Ann (speak) ………………… German very well.
19. Tom (work) …………………. at the library.
20. The tree (be) …………………. 3 meters high.
II/ Give the correct Present simple form of the verbs in brackets:
My brother (1. be) ……………. a journalist. He (2. work) ……………. for a
newspaper office in HCM City. Every day, he (3. go) ……………. to work at 6:30 a.
m and (4. come) …………. back home at 5p. m. He often (5. travel) …………. to
Hanoi on business. He (6. enjoy) ……………. his work very much. In his free time,
my brother (7. learn) ……………. to play the guitar. He (8. play) …………….
pretty well. Now all my family (9. be) ……………. in the living room. My brother
(10. be) ……..………. playing the guitar and we (11. be) ………..……. listening

III/ Change into Negative and Interrogative sentences.
1. She works very hard.

2. It usually snows here in the winter.

3. I like a big breakfast every morning.

4. The films start very early.

5. He swims every morning.

6. They always open the window at night.

7. We often see our neighbors in the garden.

8. Tom walks to school every morning.

9. These young children learn very quickly.

10. My sister goes on holiday every year.

IV/ Add “DO or DOES” to make questions and then answer them with Yes or No.
1. ………. the students study hard every day?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
2. ……….. Mr. Brown go to his office every day?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
3 ……….. you want cream and sugar in your coffee?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
4. ….……. the children go to bed very early?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
5. …….… that girl come from South Africa?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
6. ……… you know that Italian student?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
7. .………Miss Lan prefer coffee to tea?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
8. ……… your English lessons seem very difficult?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
9. ………. you drive to work?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
10. ………. they work hard in the university?
→ ……………………………………….………………………….…………
V/ Put the verbs in parentheses into the Past simple tense:
1. Mr Tam (take)…………………. his children to the museum last Sunday.
2. I (meet)…………………… her at the movie theater last night.
3. Two years ago, she (teach)……………….. at a village school.
4. What …………….. you (do)…………….. yesterday morning?
5. They (return)………………… to Hanoi two weeks ago.
6. Nam (leave)…………………. home at 7 o’clock yesterday.
7. Liz (go)………………. to Nha Trang last summer holiday.

8. My father (buy)………………. a new car for me two months ago.
9. I (be)……………… busy last night, so I (miss)……………. a good film on TV.
10. He (live)……………….. at this village from 1995 to 2000.
11. They (sell) ……………….. their house several days ago.
12. When…………….…you (see) ………….….. her?
13. ……………..he (come) ……………… to see you last night?
14. She (meet) ………….…….. me in the street last Sunday.
15. I (wait) …………….…..…. for the telephone call all this morning.
16. He (live) ……………….… in London last year.
17. I (study) …………………….. music when I was at school.
18. They (sell) ……………….. their house last year.
19. They (walk) …………….… to the corner two days ago.
20. Professor Tuan (teach) …………….… another class last year.
VI/ Give the correct Past simple form of the verbs in brackets:
Last year, Minh (1. spend) ……………. his summer vacation in Nha Trang. It
was the first time he (2. go) ……………. to Nha Trang. He (3. stay) ………………
at a friend’s house. His friend (4. take) ……………. him to see a lot of interesting
places in Nha Trang such as Cham Temple, Hon Chong, Tri Nguyen Aquarium… .
Minh (5. see) ……………. sharks, dolphins, and many different types of sea fish at
tri Nguyen Aquarium. Minh (6. buy) ……………. a lot of gifts for his friends in a
souvenir shop. He (7. like) ……………. the beach best. He (8. feel) …………….
happy and healthier after the trip.
VII/ Complete the sentences with didn’t + Vo.
1. I saw John but I didn’t see Mary.
2. They worked on Monday, but they _______________ on Tuesday.
3. Mary played tennis, but she _______________ volleyball.
4. We went in the store, but we _______________ to the bank.
5. My sister bought a lot of coffee, but she _______________ any sugar.
6. She had a pen, but she _______________ any paper.
7. Jack did the laundry, but he _______________ the shopping.

8. My grandfather ate meat, but he _______________ it too much.
9. Lan drank milk, but she _____________ coffee
10. They lived in a building, but they _____________ in a house.
VIII/ Change the following sentences into Negative and Interrogative.
1. I watched TV last night.

2. I enjoyed the party.

3. They sat down and talked to each other.

4. I had a good vacation.

5. He got up early this morning.

6. We listened to music last night.

7. She missed me so much.

8. My father slept well last night.

9. Jack went to the shop.

10. Joe fell and hurt his arm.

IX/ Put the verbs in parentheses into the Present or Past simple tense:
1. I sometimes (stay) _______________ at home all the weekend.
2. It (rain) _______________ very hard last week.
3. We always (listen) _______________ to her very carefully.
4. The shop usually (close) _______________ at 5 o’clock.
5. My friends (want) _______________ to stay all weekend two days ago.
6. I (wash) _______________ my clothes yesterday morning.
7. John (study) _______________ very hard last night.
8. One of my friends (phone) _______________ me very late last night.
9. We rarely (go) _______________ to a concert.
10. I often (drink) _______________ two cups of coffee.
11. They (sell) _______________ their house last year.
12. Peter (eat) _______________ a big cake yesterday.
13. The Wilsons (build) ____________ a new house in Washington, D.C. in 1978.
14. John (drive) _______________ downtown with his friends everyday.
15. You (make) _______________ several mistakes two days ago.
16. John (play) _______________ tennis every day.
17. We (spend) _______________ two weeks in Japan in 2000.
18. I (brush) _______________ my teeth after every meal.
19. He (meet) _______________ his friends some days ago.
20. They usually (stay) _______________ at home on Saturdays and Sundays.
X/ Insert the adverbs in the correct position in the sentence:
1. We play soccer in the street. (never)
2. My father is busy on Sundays. (always)
3. He sends me a present. (sometimes)
4. They don’t go swimming in the winter. (often)

5. What do you do at recess? (usually)
6. They play catch at recess. (usually)
7. He doesn’t go swimming on the weekend. (often)
8. Where do you go on your holiday? (usually)
9. You can drink a little coffee. (sometimes)
10. Nam is late for school. (never)
         
I/ Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence:
1. _____________ have you learnt English here? -For 3 months.
A. Where B. When C. How long D. What
2. _____________ does it leave from? Over there, by the newspaper shop.
A. Which B. Whose C. Why D. Where
3. To _________are you talking?
A. whom B. who C. whose D. that
4. ____________ did you buy that car? – In September.
A. When B. Where C. How D. How long
5. _____________ is she here? -Because she wants to see me.
A. Whose B. Where C. Which D. Why
6. _____________ don't you want to come? -I don't like discos.
A. Where B. Why C. Whose D. Which
7. _____________ do you want to come? -I'm free at four-thirty.
A. What B. How C. Where D. When
8. _____________ do you work? -At MacDonald's.
A. When B. How C. What D. Where
9. _____________ do you do? -I'm a student.
A. Where B. How C. Who D. What
10. _____________ papers are these? -Not mine.
A. Which B. Why C. Whose D. Where
11. _____________ are you going out?

A. Why B. Where C. Whose D. Which
12. _____________ the matter? -I don't feel well.
A. How's B. When's C. What's D. Who's
13. _____________ one do you want? -The blue one, please.
A. Who B. Which C. When D. How
14. _____________ students want to come? -Only John and Adam.
A. Why B. Which C. Whose D. Where
15. _____________ will he go? -By ship, I think
A. How B. Who C. What D. When
16. _____________ is he? -In the garden, I think.
A. Who B. How C. Where D. What
17. _____________ is he? -Oh, that's John.
A. Who B. What C. How D. Where
18. _____________ are you so happy? -I've got a new job.
A. When B. Why C. What for D. What
19. _____________ wants to come? -We all do.
A. Who B. When C. How D. What
20. _________ hat is that? -Mary's, I think.
A. Whose B. When C. What D. Why
21. _____________ can't you do it? -My computer is broken.
A. Which B. Where C. Why D. Whose
22. _____________ is he? -Getting better.
A. Where B. Who C. How D. What
23. _____________ do you do? - How do you do?
A. What B. Who C. How D. When
24. _____________is your new school ? – It is clean and nice.
A. What B. How C. Where D. When
25. _____________ bag are you carrying? -Judy’s.
A. Which B. What C. Who’s D. Whose
26. _____________ are you going now? -To the library.

A. Why B. Where C. What D. When
27. _____________ English book is this? -It's Pierre's.
A. Whose B. Whom C. Where D. Which
28. _____________ time is it now? -It's eight-fifteen.
A. When B. How long C. Which D. What
29. _____________ money do you have? -Seventy-five cents.
A. How B. How many C. How much D. How far
30. ____________ were you in the army? -Three years.
A. How tall B. When C. How long D. What time
31. ".................. did he finish his homework?" "A few minutes ago."
A. How long B. When C. How much time D. How many times
32. ……………... were you absent yesterday?"
"I was too busy to go to the club yesterday."
A. What B. Why C. How D. When
33. How .................. is your house from here?
It's about thirteen minutes by bicycle.
A. many B. much C. long D. far
34. - ..................... did he ask for? -2 pounds.
A. How many B. How C. How much D. How few
35. ................. book is this, yours or mine?
A. What B. Who C. Which D. Whose
36. ................... do the buses run? "Every twenty minutes"
A. How farB. What time C. How often D. How much
37. "............................ is this house?" "10 meters."
A. How farB. How fast C. How soon D. How long
38. .................... is your skirt, the yellow one or the blue one?
A. Why B. Which C. When D. What
39. "................. shall I do?" "Why don't you consult a doctor?"
A. What B. How C. Why D. Whom
40. ..................... languages can you speak?

A. How much B. How many C. How few D. How
41. How ................ is he? - He is 5 feet 6 inches.
A. high B. tall C. long D. wide
42. ....................... wants some more pudding?
A. What B. Who C. Whom D. Where
43. "Peter is twenty years old." ".................... is his younger sister?"
"Thirteen years."
A. Mrs. Black B. Who C. What D. And how old
44. ………….. is this building? -It’s about two hundred years old.
A. How long B. How far C. How old D. How
45. "....................... ?" "On June 19
A. When is your birthday B. What's the day today
C. What's today D. When were you born
46. "I have just bought for my mother a skirt on her birthday.""............. ?" "Grey."
A. What color is it B. What are their colors
C. What color has it D. Is it grey
47. ................ does your grandmother live with?
A. Who B. Whom C. Where D. A & B are correct
48. What .................. does this train get to London?
A. size B. color C. time D. kind of time
49. Do you know how ................... it is from Da Nang City to Ho Chi Minh City?
A. long B. much C. far D. fast
50. " ...................... are you?" "Fine, thanks."
A. How B. What about C. How much D. How well
II/ Make questions from the underlined words:
1. They do their homework at night. (when)
2. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who)

3. I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which)
4. She felt better after she took a nap. (how)
5. She talked to him for an hour. (how long)
6. My parents have two cars. (how many)
7. I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. (why)
8. We have an English class every day. (how often)
9. They like to dance at weekends. (what)
10. The club is not far from their house. (where)
11. Their favourite kind of music is Latin Jazz. (what)
12. The train arrived at ten o’clock. (what time)
13. They get home at six o'clock every night. (When)
14. The travel agent speaks French poorly. (How )
15. Those books cost $8.95. (How much)
16. They travel by car. (How)
17. He comes here once a week. (How often)

18. She feels good. (How)
19. Francine wants to learn English in order to get a better job. (Why)
20. They meet on the corner every morning. (Where)
21. We go to the movies twice a week. (How often)
22. The banker goes to the park after the play. (Where)
23. We learn ten new words every day. (How many)
24. They eat lunch in the cafeteria. (Where)
25. He drives a Ford. (What kind of car)
26. This plate was kept on that shelf. (Where)
27. The committee meets in Room 10. (Which room)
28. The play begins at eight o'clock. (What time)
29. It rains in the spring. (When)
30. He gets up at seven o'clock every morning. (What time)
III/ Make questions from the underlined words:
1. My name is Lan.
→ …………………………………………….….……………………………

2. I’m 17 years old.
→ …………………………………………….….……………………………
3. My address is 3 Le Loi Street.
→ …………………………………………….….……………………………
4. They lived here in 1980
→ …………………………………………….….……………………………
5. Lan drank your lemon juice.
→ …………………………………………………………………………….
6. It’s very hot in HCM City in March
→ ……………………………………………………………………………
7. I go to school by bike
→ …………………………………………………….……………………..
8. He gets up at 6.00
→ ……………………………………………………………………………
9. I was born in Long An
→ ……………………………………………………………………………
10. I speak English fluently.
→ ……………………………………………..………………….…………
11. I have learnt English for 6 years
→ …………………………………………………..........………..…………
12. I go shopping once a week.
→ ………………………………………………………………..………….
13. Mr Pike likes traveling.
→ …………………………………………………………….……………..
14. The boys are playing football at stadium.
→ …………………………………………………….…………………….
15. He was absent from school because he felt sick
→ ………………………………………………………………..…………
16. I’m a student.

17. It’s half past eight.
→ …………………………………………………………………………..
18. He can run 100 miles an hour
→ ………………………………………………………………………….
19. My sister bought some books last afternoon.
→ …………………………………………………………….…………….
20. Mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.
→ ………………………………………………………………………….
I/ Make the right choice for the verbs in brackets.
1. Would you like (to do/ doing) scientific research?
2. Are you able (testing/ to test) your strength and energy?
3. Are you willing (checking/ to check) and double check your work?
4. Do the ethical standard have to be high (to meet/meeting) the requirements of the
5. What do you hope (to do/ doing) when you graduate?
6. Where have you decide (going/ to go) after class?
7. Do you want (to have/ having) more free time?
8. Are you going (having/ to have) with them?
9. Does that young pharmacist enjoy (dealing/to deal) with “the drugstore public”?
10. Why did he avoid (meeting/ to meet) you?
11. Is there anything here worth (to buy/ buying)?
12. It’s no use (helping/ to help) him, is it?
13. Did you miss (to see/ seeing) him yesterday?
14. Did you miss (going/ to go) to Hanoi?
15. Would you mind (to wait/ waiting) a moment?
II/ Circle the correct answer to complete the sentences.
1. I’m looking forward to ……………….you at Christmas. (see/ seen/ seeing)
2. Little boys like ………………. trees. (climb/ climbing/ have climbed)
3. Mr.Ha decided ……………..….. his new suit . (wearing/ to wear/ wear)

4. Some people are used to ………....…. in crowded buses. (standing/ stand/ stood)
5. I dislike …………..……. on the subway. (to ride/ riding/ ride)
6. I enjoy ………………. with Miss Phuong. (to study/ studying / studied )
7. Students must practice …………….…… . (to use/ using / use)
8. Hoa and Lan have stopped ……………….to each other. (to talk/ talking/ talks)
9. I regreted not ……………..…..him the truth. (telling/ to tell/ told)
10. She is good at ……………..….. the drum. (playing/to play/played)
III/ Choose the best option that best completes each sentence:
1. I enjoy _________ alone.
A. be B. to be C. being D. to have been
2. Would you like _______to the party?
A. to come B. come C. coming D. to have come
3. Do you mind_______ such a long way to work everyday?
A. to travel B. travel C. to have traveled D. travelling
4. I like that house. I would like _______there.
A. live B. living C. to live D. to have lived
5. Sometimes I would like_______ to play the piano.
A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. to have learned
6. I love _______to your wedding but it just isn’t possible.
A. come B. to come C. coming D. to have come
7. Please remember _______this letter.
A. to post B. post C. posting D. to have posted
8. We tried ____the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.
A. putting B. put C. to put D. to have put
9. When you see John, remember _______him my regards.
A. to have given B. to give C. give D. giving
10. Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember_______ it by the window
and now it has gone.
A. leave B. to leave C. to have left D. leaving
11. Jane needed some money. She tried _______Harry but he couldn’t help her.

A. to have asked b .to ask C. asking D. ask
12. He tried _______the shelf but he wasn’t tall enough.
A. reach B. reaching C. to reach D. to have reached
13. Did you remember _______Mary? _Oh, no I completely forgot.
A. to phone B. phoning C. to have phoned D. phone
14. Please tell me how _______this
A. do B. to do C. doing D. to have done
15. One is never too old_______
A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. to have learned
16. You are old enough _______out alone.
A. going B. to go C. to have gone D. go
17. I’m glad _______you
A. to meet B. meet C. meeting D. to have met
18. It’s nice _______you
A. to know B. know C. knowing D. to have known
19. Please tell me what_______
A. do B. to do C. doing D. to have done
20. We stopped_______ hello to her.
A. say B. to say C. saying D. to have said
21. I remember___________ her somewhere.
A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see
22. She forgot__________ off the gas before going out.
A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned
23. I suggest__________ money for the poor people in our neighborhood.
A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved
24. My parents do not allow me___________, so I had to stay home.
A. go B. to go C. going D. gone
25. Lan suggested___________ to the zoo at weekend.
A. goes B. went C. going D. to go
26. This movie is not interesting. How about____________ to the concert?

A. to go B. going C. go D. went
27. Her parents want him__________ some good books to read.
A. to choose B. choose C. chose D. choosing
28. Would you like_________ and visit my country?
A. come B. coming C. to come D. came
29. The children enjoy__________ with their friends through computers.
A. to chat B. chat C. chatting D. chatted
30. You should practice___________ English to talk to your foreign friends.
A. to speak B. speak C. spoke D. speaking
31. Don’t forget___________ your dictionary with you to class.
A. to bring B. bring C. bringing D. to bringing
32. Her classmates started___________ when she won the race.
A. to shouting B. shouting C. shout D. shouted
33. You should remember___________ your warm clothes when it’s cold.
A. to wear B. wearing C. wear D. are wearing
34. The students stopped__________ when the teacher entered the classroom.
A. to talk B. talk C. talked D. talking
35. She always thinks of _________ for another job.
A. applying B. to apply C. apply D. applied
IV/ Use TO INFINITIVE or V-ING to complete sentences:
1. She expects (get) ……………………. a pay rise next month.
2. His mother wants him (get) ……………… a good result in this semester.
3. I will refuse (work) ………..…….on Saturday and Sunday if I can’t get the double
4. We promise (help) ……………….. him when he is in trouble.
5. Their friends hope (see) …………………… them again.
6. He seemed (be) ………………….. happy when he saw you.
7. The boss decided (go) …………………….. abroad.
8. Miss Linda enjoys (work) …………………… with young children.
9. I start (work) ………………………. at 7:00 am every day.

10. I can’t stop (think) ……………………. of him.
11. The teacher encouraged his students (work) ……………………. alone without
(receive) ………………….. any help.
12. Would you like (spend) ………………. your holiday with me in Dalat?
13. I remember (sit) ……..……………. near you when we studied at University.
14. Would you mind (give) ……................. me a hand?
15. It’s obvious he’s only interested in (make) …………………. money.
16. Our teacher managed (book) ……..………… two seats on the morning flight.
17. Would you mind (open) …………………… the window?
18. My father hates (wear) ………….…….. a tie to work.
19. I don’t really like (get) …………………….. up early.
20. I enjoy (go) …………………… shopping.
21. I am looking forward to (see) ………………… you.
