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A/ The present simple: Thì hiện tại đơn
• Form :
1/ Affirmative: I + am eg: I am a teacher.
He/ she / it / singular noun + is
We / you / they / plural noun + are
S + tobe + …………………….
2/ Neg : S + tobe-not + ………………. eg. I’m not a student
3/ Int : - Tobe + S + ………………….?  Yes, S + tobe / No, S + tobe-not
- Tobe + S +………….OR…………..?
 Trả lời chọn lựa vế 1 hoặc vế 2
- WH/ How + tobe + S?  S + Be + ………………..
II. Ordinary verbs: V(Những động từ thường)
* Form:
1/ Aff: I / we /you / they / Danh từ số nhiều + V (inf) + ……… eg: I work hard every day
He / she / It / Danh từ số ít + Vs/es + …………… eg: She works hard every day
2/ Neg : S(sôù nhiều) + do – not + V (inf) + ………….. eg: You don’t work hard every day
S(số ít) + does – not + V(inf) + …………… eg: She doesn’t work hard every day
3/ Int: - Do/Does + S + V(inf) + ……………?  Yes, S + do/does
 No, S + don’t / doesn’t
- OR : Nếu câu hỏi có liên từ “OR” thì câu trả lời bằng cách lựa chọn một trong hai vế ở trên câu hỏi để trả
- Wh / How + do / does + S + V(inf) + …………….?  S + V +…………………..
* Qui tắc thêm S / ES vào ngôi thứ 3 số ít:
- Những động từ tận cùng là” Y “:
+ Trước “Y”là một nguyên âm, ta chỉ thêm “s” vào sau động từ đó
+ Trước “Y”là một phụ âm, ta đổûi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “es”
- Những động từ tận cùng là : O, X, S, Z, SH, CH ta thêm “es”

- Những động từ còn lại ta chỉ thêm “s”
* Uses: - Diễn tả 1 thói quen, một hành động xảy ra thường xuyên ở hiện tại.
- Diễn tả một chân lý, một sự thật hiển nhiên.
- Diễn tả sở thích, khả năng của một người
* Adverbs:
ften, usually, frequently: (thường) . Always, constantly: luôn luôn . Sometimes, occasionally: thỉnh thoảng .
Seldom, rarely: hiếm(ít) khi . Every day / week / month / year ,….(mỗi ngày/ tuần / tháng / năm ….)
B/ The past simple: Thì quá khứ đơn
I. TOBE (was/ were)
• Form :
1/ Affirmative: I/He/ she / it / singular noun + was Eg: I was a teacher ten years ago
We / you / they / plural noun + were
S + tobe + …………….
2/ Neg : S + tobe-not + ………………. Eg. She wasn’t a student last year
3/ Int : - Tobe + S + ………………….?  Yes, S + tobe / No, S + tobe-not
- Tobe + S +………….OR …………………..?
- WH/ How + tobe + S?
II. Ordinary verbs: V(Những động từ thường)
* Form:
1/ Aff : S + V –ed + …………… Eg. She worked hard last year
V - II ( bất qui tắc)
2/ Neg : S+ did – not + V (inf) + …………….. Eg. You didn’t work hard yesterday
3/ Int: -Did + S + V(inf) + …………?  Yes, S + did/ No, S + didn’t
-OR : Nếu câu hỏi có liên từ “OR” thì câu trả lời bằng cách lựa chọn một trong hai vế ở trên câu hỏi để trả lời.
-Wh / How + did + S + V(inf) + ………………….?
* Qui tắc thêm “ED”
- Những động từ tận cùng là e, ta chỉ thêm “d”
- Những động từ có một âm tiết, tận cùng là một phụ âm, trước phụ âm là một nguyên âm, ta phải gấp đôi phụ

âm rồi thêm “ed”
- Những đôïng từ tận cùng là “Y”:
+ Trước “y” là một nguyên âm, ta chỉ thêm “ed” vào động từ đó. Eg. Play

+ Trước “y” là một phụ âm, ta đổi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm “ed”. Eg. Study

- Những động từ còn lại ta thêm “ed”
* Uses: - Diễn tả hành động xảy ra có thời điểm xác đònh rõ ràng trong quá khứ
- Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kết thúc trong quá khứ, không còn liên hệ đếùn hiện tại
- Diễn tả một thói quen trong quá khứ,bây giờ không còn nữa
*Adverbs: ago(cách đây),
last (night,……………………),
in+năm (trong quá khư)
1. Những trạng từ chỉ mức độ thường xuyên đứng trước động từ thường , đứng sau động từ tobe
Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never
as a rule : đứng đầu câu
2. Những cụm từ chỉ mức độ thường xuyên: thường đứng cuối câu
Every day / week/ month / year…
Once a ( per) day /week / month/ year
Three times…
 Đặt câu hỏi ta dùng : HOW OFTEN ………………………………?
a. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounce differently from those of the others:
1. A. break B. lead C. take D. neighbour

2. A. children B. contented C. rest D. friendly
3. A. alarm B. driver C. buffalo D. passenger
4. A. routine B. house C. plough D. without
5. A. office B. drop C. tobacco D. plot
II. Pick out the word whose stress differently from those of the others:
1. . A. harrow B. buffalo C. tobacco D. neighbour
2. A. children B. contented C. kitchen D. friendly
3. A. office B. pedal C. repair D. fellow
4. A. alarm B. exactly C. transplant D. dinner
A. Match the italicized verbs in column A with their meanings in column B
1. When did the plane take off?
2. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off.
3. Let's take a break. We'll go on when you are ready.
4. Could you wake me up early tomorrow?
5. She laughed and chatted happily with other women
6. Did anyone see Sue getting off the bus?
7. Suddenly, the plane seemed to dip and we realized we were in danger.
8. I've given up trying to understand her.
9. We had trouble putting up the tent in the dark.
10. Fire fighters soon put out the fire.
a. building
b. move downward
c. made stop burning
d. leave the ground
e. talked in a friendly way
f. stopped

g. leaving
h. make stop sleeping
i. continue
j. rang
B. Prepositions
1. The alarm went ...... at 5.30 and everybody got up.
2. Why aren’t you usually satisfied ...... everything you’ve got?
3. The taxi can’t drop us ...... our office because there is a ban on vehicles ...... this street.
4. Mr. Lam usually helps his passengers put their purchases ...... the cyclo.
5. My children often chat on line ...... their daily life ...... their friends.
C. Simple Present and Simple Past tenses
There (1)...............(be) three adults and two children in the Bartons. The children (2)............ (be) Ben, aged
twelve, and little Stella, who is four. Their parents are Andrew and Marion. The other adult is Leslie, who is
Andrew's brother. He is twenty-four. They (3)........... (live) in Newcastle, a large city in the north-east of England.
On weekday mornings, everyone (4)……(get up) early. Andrew Barton (5)……(work) for a company which (6)……
(manufacture) computers. He (7)…… (leave) at seven o'clock. He (8)……(like) to avoid the rush hour, he says. Marion (9)…….
(suspect) that really he (10)……(want) to avoid having breakfast with the children, who (11)……(be) very noisy.
Ben (12)............... (catch) the school bus at eight-fifteen. Leslie (13)…… (be) at university studying physics. He (14)............... (live)
away from home during term-time, so he (15)……(avoid) the noise, too.
Stella (16)……(not go) to school yet, of course. Next year, she will start at the nursery school where Ben used to go. Her mother (17)
……(look) forward to this, as it will mean that she can go back to work. Before her marriage, she (18)……(live) in London, where she
(19)……(work) for the National Gallery. She (20)……(hope) to find the same sort of job in Newcastle.
1. WH + be + S ?  S + be +…………………………..
HOW + be + S ?  S + be + ADJ
2. WH / HOW + DO/DOES/ DID + S + V (inf) +......?
3. WH / HOW + WILL/SHALL + S + V (inf) +......?
4. WH / HOW + HAVE/HAS + S + P.P(ED/III)+......?
5. WH / HOW + HAD + S + P.P(ED/III)+......?

6. WH / HOW + IS/ARE/AM + S + V -ING +......?
7. WH / HOW + WERE/WAS + S + V -ING +......?
8. WH / HOW + IS/ARE/AM + S + GOING TO+V(inf) +......?
1. admit: thú nhận
2. advise: khuyên
3. anticipate:mong
4. appreciate: cảmkích
5. avoid: lãng tránh
6. complete: hoàn tất
7.consider: suy xét
8. delay: trì hoãn
9. deny: chối
10. discuss: thảo luận
11. dislike: không thich

12. enjoy: thích
13. finish: hoàn thành

14. forget quên
15. can’t help
16. keep: tiếp tục
17. mention: nói tới, đề cập
18. mind: phiền
19. miss: nhỡ,bỏ lỡù
20. postpone: trì hoãn
21. practice: luyện tập

23. recall: nhớ
24. recollect: tập hợp
25. recommend: khuyên,đềnghò
26. regret: hối tiếc
27. remember: nhớ
28. resent: tức giận
29. resist: chống lại,phản đối
30. risk: làm liều
31. stop: dừng lại
32. suggest: đề ø nghò
33. tolerate: chấp nhận
34. understand: hiểu
35. fancy: muốn,tưởng tượng
36. imagine: tưởng tượng
37. involve: đòi hỏi phải
38. justify: chứng minh
39. escape: trốn thoát
40. excuse: xin lỗi
41. save: cứu thoát
42. stand: chòu đựng
43. forgive: tha lỗi
44. endure: chòu đựng
-Danh động từ còn được sử dụng đứng sau các động từ khác như:
call, catch, discover, feel, find, hear, get, imagine, keep, leave, notice, see, send, set, stop, watch,… + V-ing
Chú ý: Các động từ theo sau: allow , advise, forbit và permit ,…
+ allow , advise, forbit và permit,………….. + V-ing : khi không có tân ngữ chỉ người đứng sau chúng, ta
dùng V-ing
+ allow , advise, forbit và permit,…………… + O + to inf : khi có tân ngữ chỉ người đứng sau chúng, ta
dùng to inf

- Danh động từ được sử dụng như một liên từ, đi sau các trạng từ như: while, when, if,……….
Eg: He continued to speak while walking down the path.
1. go birdwatching
2. go boating
3. go bowling
4. go camping
5. go canoeing
6. go dancing
7. go fishing
8. go hiking
9. go hunting
10.go jogging
11.go mountain climbing
12.go running
13.go sailing
14.go shopping
15.go sightseeing
16.go skating
17.go sledding
18.go swimming
19.go tobogganing
20.go window shopping
* NHỮNG ĐỘNG TỪ THEO SAU VỪA LÀ V-ING VỪA LÀ TO INF (nghóa không thay đổi)  thường
dùng V-ing hơn

8. attempt:cố gắng
9. dread:sợ, ngán ngẩm
10.intend:có ý đònh
Eg. I started to learn English in 2006.
I started learning English in 2006.
* NHỮNG ĐỘNG TỪ THEO SAU VỪA LÀ V-ING VỪA LÀ TO INF (nhưng ý nghóa khác nhau)
1. REMEMBER(nhớ )
- remember + to inf: nhớ trước khi làm điều gì Eg. You remember to close the doors before leaving the house
- remember + V-ing: nhớ lại một việc đã làm Eg. I can remember sending the letter. I sent it yesterday
2. FORGET ( quên)
- forget + to inf: quên trước khi làm Eg. I don’t forget to close the door before leaving the house.
- forget + V-ing: quên một việc đã làm Eg. I forget sending you a letter ( send forget)
- regret + to inf : lấy làm tiếc Eg. Kate regretted to get a bad mark
- regret + V-ing : hối hận Eg. I regret spending all the money which my mother gave me yesterday
- stop + to inf: dừng lại việc này để làm một việc gì khác
Eg. He was walking along the road and he stopped to talk with me
- stop + V-ing : dừng hẳn môït việc gì
Eg. He stopped smoking 2 years ago
“Remember, forget, regret” khi đi với to inf thì chỉ hành động ở tương lai và khi đi với V-ing chỉ hành động đã
5. TRY
-try+ to inf : cố gắng làm một việc gì Eg. If you don’t try to work hard, you won’t pass the exam.
- try + V-ing : thử làm một việc gì Eg. I tried drinking wine but can’t drink it

- mean + to inf: có ý đònh làm gì Eg. I meant to phone you but I forgot
- mean + V-ing : có nghóa là Eg. I’m applying for a visa. It means filling in this form.
7. GO ON
- go on + to inf : Tiếp tục làm điều gì khác (AB) Eg. The teacher introduced himself and went on to
explain the lesson.
- go on + V-ing : tiếp tục điều đã làm (A) Eg. I went on working all night.
- need + to inf : Mang nghóa chủ động ( chủ ngữ chỉ người ta dùng to inf) Eg. You need to iron your clothes
- need + V-ing: Mang nghóa bò động ( chủ ngữ chỉ vật ta dùng V-ing) Eg. your clothes need ironing now
have fun, have a good time, have trouble, have difficulty, have a hard time, have a difficult time + V-ing
spend + expression of time or money + V-ing Eg. I spent two hours washing my clothes
waste + expression of time or money + V-ing
sit / stand / lie + expression of place + V-ing
find / catch + pro(noun) + V-ing
Give up + V-ing : từ bỏ
Carry on + V-ing : tiếp tục
It is no use + V-ing : Thật là vô ích
be worth + V-ing : đáng kể
look forward to + V-ing: trông đợi
It is no good + V-ing : chẳng được tích sự gì cả
Keep / keep on + V-ing : tiếp tục
take to + V-ing: bắt đầu,
It is impossible + V-ing : không thể nào
be busy + V-ing : bận rộn
can’t stand + v-ing
There is no + V-ing : không có cách gì

Put off + V-ing : hoãn lại
can’t help + V-ing
can’t bear
can’t resist + V-ing: không cưỡng lại dược
VI/ Đứng sau giới từ l: V-ing
I/ Infinitive with to ( To inf): Đứng sau những dạng sau ta dùng To inf
-Đứng sau những động từ sau là động từ nguyên mẫu có to ( xem bảng 4.8)
- Đứng sau một tính từ : S + be + adj + To inf eg. It’s nice to have a place of y our own
( Ngoại trừ busy , worth sau chúng là V-ing)
- Đứng sau for & of + O + to inf Eg. We’ve arranged for you to visit our head office.
It was kind of you to help.
- Sau từ nghi vấn : Wh / h ow + to inf Eg. We don’t know where to leave our coats.
- Ch ỉ mục đích & kết quả Eg. I learn English to communicate with foreigners.
II/ Infinitive without to (động từ nguyên mẫu không có to): Đứng sau những dạng sau ta dùng động từ nguyên
mẫu không to
- Đứng sau những độâng từ sau:là động nguyên mẫu không có to
+ Sau các động từ khiếm khuyết như: can,must , may, shall, ought to, should , might,……………
+ Đi với be able to, be about to, be all owed to, be going to, ought to, used to
Eg. We aren’t all owed to park here.
The game is about to start.
+ Sau các động từ cảm quan như: see, hear, feel, watch + V(bare inf) / V-ing
+ Sau các độnh từ cầu khiến như: make, let, have Nhưng khi các động từ này dùng ở thể bò động thì ta
chuyển đôïng từ sau nó qua thành to inf
+ Sau các động từ như: had better, would rather, had sooner…………………
+ Sau except & but (ngoại trừ) Eg. As for the housework, I do everything except cook.
+ Sau Why hoặc Why not? Eg. Why not stay for a while? ( = Why don’t you stay for a while?)
* make sb do s.th(bắt, buộc ai làm gì) =force sb to do s.th = cause sb to do s.th(khiến ai làm gì)
* let sb do s.th = allow sb to do s.th : để, cho phép ai làm gì

Chú ý: would rather + V(bare inf) …+ than…. S + be / get used to + V-ing +…….
Prefer + V-ing ….. + to …….. S + used to + V (bare inf) +………….
Prefer + Noun ….. + to ……..
Would like (‘d like) / would love (‘d love) + to inf

I. Pronunciation and stress :
1. A. mother B. love C.office D. one
2. A. family B. start C. ask D. father
3. A.change B. teaching C. chemistry D. children
4. A. Physics B.History C. Biology D. Chemistry
5. A. children B. student C. professor D. teacher
6. A. opinion B. semester C. nervous D. relax
II. Grammar
A. Use a suitable form of tenses
A: Do you enjoy (7.be) …………….…at university ?
B: Yes, I do. Although I often miss (8.see) …………………………..my old school friends.
A: Don’t you mind (9.travel) ………………..… so fast every day ?
B: No, it only takes me an hour or so (10. get )…………..…..there. Sometimes I manage (11. work)…………...on the
A: Don’t you find all the noise and people prevent you from ( 12.concentrate )………………
B: Not really. I usually do a bit of reading. Are you still at school or have you got a job ?
A: I’m still at school. I hope (13. go ) ………..………….. to university next year, but I haven’t applied anywhere yet.
B: You should apply soon. It’s getting late. B : Where would you advise me (14.apply )…………...?
A: What subject are you studying ?
B: Maths and Physics. I want (15. study ) ……………………..Physics at university.
A: I would recommend (16. apply ) …………………….…..to Newton University.
B. Choose the best Wh- questions :

17. To ……………are you talking ? ( whom, who, whose, that )
18. ………………..did you buy that car ? – In September. ( When, Where, How, How long )
19. ….is your national flag ? – Red and yellow ( What, Which of color, What color, Which )
20. ……………….is your new school ? – It is clean and nice. ( What, How, Where, When )
21. ……………… bag are you carrying ? Judy’s. ( Which, What, Who’s, Whose )
III. Vocabulary
A. Word forms
22. The company is planning to take in another 100………………………..( employ )
23. He tried to make his speech more ……………………….….( entertain )
24. The school prepares students for a wide range of ……..…...qualifications. ( profession )
25. The store was ……………………………….….…………....with shoppers. ( crowd )
26. He lost his job because he worked …………………………( effect )
B. Supply the correct preposition ( if any ) and the –ing form of the verbs in brackets.
27. Thank you………………………………………( help ) me.
28. My sister is good …………………………….( play ) tennis.
29. He needs to practice ………….……..( speak ) English more.
30. She is afraid ……………………..……….( cross ) the street.
31. She is not interested ………………..( learn ) to speak French.
32. John insisted ……………………………….( buy ) a new bike.
33. We are thinking ……………………….……..( study ) French.
34. I have no objection …………..…………..( carry ) out the plan.
35. I don’t think he’s accused ……………….( drive ) on the right.
36. Mary gets tired………………………………( do ) housework.
IV. Writing: Rewrite sentences
37. Having to get up early in the morning is awful to me.( hate)
38. May I borrow your bike ? ( Would you mind….?)
39. Didn’t your mum let you speak a word ? ( make)
40. I’ll finish the work tonight if you like. ( Would you like…?)

1/ Aff: S + HAD + P.Ped / III + ……………………….
2/ Neg: S + HAD - NOT + P.Ped / III + …………………….
3/ Int: - HAD + S + P.Ped / III + …….? - Yes, S + had / No, S + hadn’t
- OR
- WH / HOW + HAD + S + P.Ped / III + ……………………………….?
* CÁCH DÙNG: - Diễn tả hành động quá khứ xảy ra trước một thời điểm quá khứ.
- Diễn tả hành động quá khứ xảy ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ.
- Khi tường thuật các sự kiện , hành động quá khứ Eg. I told her that I had finished my homework
- Trong mệnh đề IF câu điều kiện loại 3, diều ước không that trong quá khứ.
Thường đi kèm với các từ sau: before, after, when
I. Choose the word that has the underlined letter (s) pronounced /e / or/ /.
1. a. father b. education c. background d. career
2. a. private b. shy c. hard d. rare
3. a. brilliant b. tragic c. hatred d. mature
4. a. death b. year c. receive d. teacher
5. a. prevent b. grade c. determine d. English
6. a. awarded b. academic c. address d. another
II. Complete the passage with correct form of the words from the box
force determine possible start write
physic physic final educate establish
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821 and (1) ..........to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she
decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly (2)..........for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After
(3)...........many letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was (4).......... accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So (5)........was
she that she taught school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition.
In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her (6)............... in Paris. She wanted to be a
surgeon, but a serious eye infection (7)............... her to abandon the idea.
Upon returning the United States, she found it difficult (8)................. her own practice because she was a woman. By

1857, Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for
women and children. Besides being the first female (9).................. in the United States and founding her own hospital, she
also (10).............. the first medical school for women.
III. Add a sentence with the past perfect, using the notes.
1. Claire looked very suntanned when I saw her last week.
She had just been on holiday. (just/ be on holiday)
2. We rushed to the station, but we were too late.
(the train/ just/ go)
3. I didn't have an umbrella, but that didn't matter.
(the rain/ stop)
4. When 1 got to the concert hall. they wouldn't let me in.
(forget/ my ticket)
5. Someone got the number of the car the raiders used.
(steal' it' a week before)
6. 1 was really pleased to see Rachel again yesterday.
(not see/ her/ for ages)
7. Luckily, the flat didn't look too bad when my parents called in.
(just/ clean / it)
8. The boss invited me to lunch yesterday, but I had to refuse the invitation..
(already/ eat," my sandwiches)
9. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.
(never/ fly/ before)
1. We rushed to the cinema last ni
ht, but we were too late.
(the film/ already/ begin)
IV. Put the verbs in the past perfect or past simple.
1. went to the box office at lunch time, but they...................(already/ sell) all the tickets.

2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ..................... (go) straight to bed.
3. I felt better by the summer, but the doctor warned me not to do too much. I ........ (be) very ill.
4. At last the committee were ready to announce their decision. They............ (make) up their mind.
5. 'Was Tom at the party when you arrived?' 'No, he .................(go) home.'
6. Sorry I'm late. The car ................ (break) down on my way here.
7. I ................... (take) the book back to the library when I ....................(read) it.
8. The house was very quiet when I................(get) home. Everybody............... (go) out for dinner.
9. After she ................. (fill) the basket.................. (go) to the check out.
10. Yesterday morning I.... (remember) the answer the question. Bob.... (ask) me the night before, so I ...(phone) him.
11. Las night, I........... (go) to Jim’s room and ..... (knock) on the door but there ..... (be) no answer. Either he .................
(go) out or he ......... (not want) to see anyone.
12. Angel asked me how to use the photocopier. She .................... (never/ use) it before, so she................ (not/ know)
14. Karen ..... (not want) to come to the cinema with us be cause she....... (already/ see) the film. When the students.......(do)
the experiment, they what to do.
13. Two days a go I................ (meet) an old friend who I ................ (not see) for years .............. (write) a report on it.
V. All of the sentences have one verb in the wrong tease. Cross and correct them.
1. It was lucky that we has decided to buy our tickets in advance had decided
2. I was pleased to see my old. friends last week as we didn’t see each other since we finished our course .................
3. We have to wait for hours at the airport because the bad weather had de layed all the flights ...............
4. We missed our train, so by the time we reached the theater, the play ended and the audience was leavin
the theater ..................
5. At the end of their meal they found they couldn't pay the bill because they didn't bring any money with them .............
6. The children were thrilled when they unwrapped the electric toys. but when they discovered that nobody bought a battery
they were very disappointed .............
7. When I came out of the cinema I had found that a thief had taken my car radio................
8. At first the authorities thought the athlete had been taking drugs, but they soon realized they mixed up the results of the
9. When the film star came into the restaurant I didn't recognize her because . I didn't see any of her film........
4. When we reached the city center we couldn't find a parking space, so we had decided to go by bus the next time................

VI. Choose the correct form of the verbs.
A young man walked into a supermarket in Southampton and (1) put/ had put a few items of food in a basket. He (2)
chosen-had chosen a time when not many people (3) shopped/ were shopping in the store. He (4) found

/ had found a
checkout where no one else (5) had waited/ was waiting. When the cashier (6) checked/ had checked the goods, the man (7)
gave/ was giving
her a £10 note. When she (8) was opening/ opened the till, the man quickly (9) snatched/ had snatched ail
the money from it and (10) ran/ had run
out of the store. before she (11) had realized/ realized what (12) was happening /
happened. At the time the security guard (13) stood/ was standing at the Other end of the store. When staff (l4) checked/ had
checked the records in the till, they (15) had found/ found that the thief (16) took / had taken only £4.37. As he (17) left/ had
left the £10 note behind, the operation (18) cost/ had cost him £5.63.
VI. Choose the correct answers.
1. 'Was Tom there when you arrived?' `Yes, but he ...............home soon afterwards’.
a. goes b. went c. had gone d. were going
2. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she..............any kind of contest.
a. hasn't entered b. doesn't enter c. wasn't entering d. hadn't entered
3. 'Who was the woman in red dress? Did you know?`
‘No. I..........." who she was. I.............. her before.
a. didn't know/ hadn't seen b. didn't know/ hasn't seen
c. hadn't known/ hadn't seen d. don't know/ hasn't seen
4. Did you say that you ..................... here only three days ago?
a. were coming b. had come c. have come d. come
5. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates......................
a. has left b. left c. was leaving d. had left
6. When I was a child.......................the violin.
a. I was playing b. I had played c. I play d. I played

7. It's two years...............Joe.
a. that I don't see b. that I haven't seen c. since I didn't see d. since I saw

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