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The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan _ And How to Focus on the Best One for Your Company’s Needs

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The Six Driving Forces That
Affect Your Business Plan—
And How to Focus on the Best
One for Your Company’s
his chapter describes one of the most important elements of
your business plan. It is the element that provides alignment
between and among the functions of your business. Without this
element you cannot move toward coordinated goal accomplish-
Typically planning teams spend time discussing the current
state of their business situation. Equal time is spent discussing the
future. Almost no time is spent discussing how to get from one
state—as is—to the other state—to be. Goals will not do the job. To
get to the future requires more than letting the organization run
unchecked toward goals. The management team must drive the
organization. I’m not using the term
drive as in driving a reluctant
mule toward the barn. It means instead taking an active rather than
passive approach. It includes steering a course with all employees
speaking the same business language, aiming toward the same
goals, and moving with the same level of enthusiasm.
Employees reach a level of alignment throughout the organi-
zation when you clarify this element. Goal alignment of individu-
als with the organization’s needs has long been a target of manage-
ment theorists. Usually the wants and needs of the individual are
compared to the wants and needs of the organization. That takes

you nowhere. Too often the wants and needs of the organization
and the employee are not compatible. What I’m suggesting is to
align the business behaviors of all the people within the system.
Alignment is achieved by using a single operational focus.
To move from mission to vision you have a number of business
drivers that provide energy, power, and force to your story and cre-
ate this operational alignment. Over the years I identified and
refined six specific fields of energy that drive your goal accom-
plishment. I’ve also come to the conclusion that you cannot be all
things to all people. This dissipates your efforts and weakens the
results. You must have a single focus. The body of evidence found
by Treacy and Wiersema concludes that companies that hold mar-
ket dominance have a single focus. The authors describe with con-
vincing arguments the three points of focus from which the single
focus is selected. The three are operational excellence, product, and
customer intimacy.
The original work on the concept of business focus must be
attributed to Robert Keidel, who compares businesses to sports
teams. He explains how different organizations resemble baseball
Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan
teams, basketball teams, or football teams. This comparison pro-
vides some fascinating answers to some tough questions about how
and why organizations behave in certain ways.
What is attractive
about the concept is not the sports metaphors, but the idea that dif-
ferent organizations have different points of focus.
Keidel approached organizational effectiveness from a team-

work perspective. He states, “In a nutshell, baseball requires situa-
tional teamwork; football, scripted teamwork; and basketball,
spontaneous teamwork.” That’s not what caught my attention. He
went on to describe how an organization rewards various types of
behaviors based on the way they are designed. Keidel’s work fired
my curiosity. I was always puzzled why his metaphors and models
didn’t catch the business world’s attention. His examples clearly
had a message to me, so I took the challenge to push the key con-
cepts further. I became intrigued by what specifically drives a busi-
ness, what transparent forces seem to be at work within any sys-
tem. Keidel found three while Treacy and Wiersema also name
three. I found others. My work leads me to believe that six, not
three, drivers actually exist. These seem to be found in all my
client systems. Over a ten-year period I tested and retested the con-
cept with a number of participants in management seminars and
with clients in my consulting practice. My conclusion is that your
story or plan will have a serious defect if you don’t understand the
business drivers. Furthermore, I believe that you must pick one
from the list to create a single focus for organizational alignment.
I labeled the six drivers as:
1. Players
2. Plans
3. Processes
4. Products
5. Properties
6. Payoffs
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan

: P
A player-driven organization requires the complete identification of
all the people involved within and connected to the organization
in any fashion. It includes all who touch the processes of the busi-
ness. Often these people are labeled as stakeholders, which is at best
a vague term. I have not heard the term used where someone in the
audience didn’t ask for clarification.
I keep the definition of player simpler. Listening to everyone
who has a vested interest in the success of your company is impor-
tant but not critical to this exercise. It is not relevant to the major
parts of my model.
The two common groups of players I identified are the employ-
ees and the customers. Both are significant as dominant forces in
your organization. You may choose one or the other but not both
as your focus.
Hal Rosenbluth chose to focus on the employees as the central
driver of his business. His rationale was that the customer comes

His belief was that a company that takes care of its employ-
ees doesn’t have problems with customers. Putting employees first
means taking care of your people, eliminating the common gripes
and complaints that stand in the way of them doing a first-class job
for the customer. This model must have worked because
Rosenbluth Travel became a huge success.
Taking care of the employee first certainly has merit. We have
all experienced walking up to a counter to be served or pay for our
selections, only to be ignored. Doesn’t it drive you just a little bit
crazy when two salespeople, who are busy chatting about some
internal store problem, ignore you? I want to shout, “Hey, look at
me. Yes, me the guy with money in my hand. Me, the customer
who wants to be served. Remember me, I’m the guy who con-
tributes to your paycheck every Friday. I even put a little bonus
money in your pocket each year. I’ve probably contributed enough
Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan
to your 401(k) for you to retire. You may as well retire, since you are
not serving me.” I may make that speech someday.
A second player-driven type organization is one that focuses on
customers. This organization does more than focus; it becomes very
customer-centric. In Treacy and Wiersema’s language they are
called a customer-intimate organization. This organization’s energy
is spent solving the customer’s problem. This core process of help-
ing the customer with everything from finding the right size shoes
to checking on the faucet installation is what creates the long-term
relationships between the business and the customer. Customer-
intimate organizations are clever. They know their market is the

high-income category or people with money who want to be pam-
pered. They don’t cater to the handout crowd or people looking for
a bargain. Don’t go to Nordstrom looking for a blue-light special.
You will never hear “Attention Nordstrom shoppers. Our blue-light
special on aisle twelve for the next twenty minutes is mink coats,
with matching accessories on aisle eleven.” Sustaining a high cus-
tomer–sales staff ratio to provide intimate service costs a great deal
of money. Somebody has to pick up the tab. Guess who?
A customer-intimate organization understands that solving a
customer’s problems must be in real time. The answers or solutions
must be immediate. In a customer-intimate organization the
employee must be able to make decisions on the spot to solve a cus-
tomer’s special requirements. The required organizational structure
is decentralized with a high degree of empowerment. Employees in
a customer-intimate organization are rewarded for finding specific
solutions to customers’ problems.
Contrast that with my experience, and maybe yours also, while
buying a car. At some point the salesperson has to check with the
sales manager. Your offer is so low the company is giving the car
away or the salesperson will be fired for making such a poor deal.
Actually the salesperson is on break in the employee lounge drink-
ing coffee while you anxiously await the news confirming your
cunning ability to negotiate a deal. I caught that game early. Now
the first question I ask a salesperson is, “Can you sell me a car?” The
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan
answer is always a startled affirmative. I then go on to say, “No,
what I mean is can you sell me a car without having to go to the
sales manager? If you can’t, then I don’t want to waste your time,
so let me work directly with the sales manager. Otherwise I’m out

of here.” A Toyota salesperson in Baton Rouge must have thought I
was kidding. When he returned he discovered I wasn’t.
Customer-intimate organizations give employees a lot of room
to make deals, work with the customer, and demonstrate value in
the relationship. In my car dealership story, the salesperson had
been told the rules up-front, yet he wasted my time and tried to
play games with my mind. Don’t do that to your customers, espe-
cially when they are sending signals that such amateurish behavior
will not be tolerated.
A number of outstanding companies choose to use the cus-
tomer-intimate model. Nordstrom, Cott Corporation, and Airborne
Express are three examples I reference because they are in business-
es with radically different goods and services. Don’t be caught off
base thinking that customer-intimate means assigning a personal
shopper to your customer. Customer-intimate means solving the
customer’s problems, no matter what type business problem is pre-
sented. Each of these companies believes that time spent up-front
with the customer in a one-on-one relationship pays great divi-
dends in the long term. People and businesses pay premium prices
to have their needs legitimized, their concerns heard, and their
unique business problems solved.
Doug Christie, a sales representative for Bayer’s agriculture
division in Crossfield, Alberta, understands the concept of being
close to the customer and customer intimacy. He is always on the
job with no order too small or situation too minor for his attention.
His clients know when they unexpectedly run short of vaccines or
they need technical information, Doug is instantly available. His
office has a twenty-four–hour phone contact number. Doug works
the phone constantly, staying in touch with his clients. I jokingly
said to him, “You must have that phone permanently attached to

your ear.” He just grinned, reached back, pulled out his wallet, and
Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan
said, “No, not to my ear, to this.” Not only is he a caring salesper-
son who loves his business, he also knows his “center of gravity”—
taking care of those clients. It must work. Doug was recently named
sales representative of the year.
: A
A plans-driven organization is based on compliance of its member-
ship. It believes in using a disciplined approach to moving forward.
This organization requires rigid adherence to the plan. Rewards are
based on absolute compliance with the pre-agreed plan. Such rigor
requires an equally rigorous management system to sustain itself.

Authoritarian management is the common approach. With a fixed
structure there is little latitude for individual decision making or
unilateral actions. In a plans-driven organization the name of the
game is to accomplish the goals. Employees are rewarded for high
compliance. Sticking to the plan is important. Because of this fixa-
tion with goal achievement, the customer tends to be placed in the
back row of priorities.
A utilities company is probably a good example of a plans-driv-
en organization. An electrical company must operate from a tight-
ly managed plan to generate and deliver a certain level of power to
its users. It must do usage calculations to determine the flow of its
outputs and plan accordingly. To adequately serve the public, it
must be thinking far ahead in terms of population growth, support
requirements, and total management of the consumption require-
Plans are central to any organization that by necessity has a
high compliance component. For example, a rigid plan would be
followed by a team during an annual outage changeover procedure.
Servicing nuclear rods is not the time to be creative. They would
not be rewarded for skipping standard operating procedures, taking
shortcuts, or making it up as they go along.
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan
Another example of a plans-driven organization is the military
unit preparing for war. The precursor to battle is thorough plan-
ning, but even this has limits. Every good commander knows that
plans are obsolete the moment the first shot is fired. War is truly the
role model for chaos. That’s why the U.S. military, contrary to pop-
ular stereotypes, trains its soldiers to take responsibility, take
charge, and take command. When the carefully planned attack

becomes the typically chaotic scenario, nothing goes as planned.
Stability is achieved in the chaotic situation by discipline, training,
and dedication to the agreed plan.
A corporation represents a case for the concept of business
drivers and a single focus. If the corporation is consistent with a
uniform focus across all operating divisions, no problem exists.
When a corporation is made up of diverse strategic business units,
the problem of single focus is compounded. What is the correct
driver for the corporation? If the planning team selects the wrong
driver, serious operational difficulties will follow. Assume the cor-
poration has a customer-intimate focus. What happens between the
corporate staff and the operational staff of the business unit that is
products-focused? What functional or dysfunctional behaviors are
demonstrated in exchanges between the corporate staff and the
business unit that is an operationally excellent unit? Imagine the
communications conflict between the corporate staff and the busi-
ness unit that happens to be properties-driven. In each of these
cases you have a serious operational conflict. The management
teams are behaving from uniquely different views of the same mis-
sion. There is no internal organizational alignment, as portrayed by
the arrows in Figure 6-1.
Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan
To resolve the conflict created by misalignment, as seen in
Figure 6-1, you may choose to have all your business units come
into alignment by shifting from one focus or orientation to a con-
sistent focus across all units. There are two solutions: You may have
them all become operationally excellent. You may choose to make
them all product-focused.
Alignment can be done by that method. Before you jump to

that solution too quickly, consider the cultural shift requirements
and implications. You may not be able to get people to move from
a product focus to an operational-excellence focus. I’ve watched
organizations try to make the shift. Resistance to the change takes
many shapes and forms. Employees will passionately charge that
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan
Figure 6-1. When business units have different focus from the corporate
focus, loss of direction, cohesiveness, and teamwork happens.
the organization no longer cares about the quality of its products.
They see the company as a money-hungry organization trying to
drive costs down. They equate steps like reengineering and down-
sizing with cost cutting only for the sake of being more profitable.
A corporation with diverse business units must have a plan
focus. The explanation is quite simple. What is the function of a
corporate headquarters? It is a control function. What should head-
quarters control? How about the plan? If I am the chief executive
officer with five diverse business units, I want them to follow our
plan. I don’t care how they do it. They may have five different
approaches (see Figure 6-2) and still be able to fill my corporate
requirements. What I want from each of my unit presidents is their
contribution to the bottom line of my corporate plan.
Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan
Figure 6-2. A corporation with diverse business units must be plans-driv-
en. It is the only combination that allows diversity. The only thing that
matters in this case is whether the business unit met its plan require-
ments. That’s the bottom line.

A process-driven organization looks for operational excellence in all
that it does. These companies do extensive examinations of the
flow of primary and secondary processes found within their busi-
nesses. They seek constantly to drive out inefficiencies. They are on
a perpetual continuous improvement path. No process is too small
to be ignored when looking for delays, blocks, and leverages to
improve. This means they become very good at doing the same
tasks over and over. Tight processes are the watchword when you
look at an operationally excellent company’s structure. There is no
Operationally excellent companies focus on how they do busi-
ness and reward efficient and effective behaviors in employees.
Their people are taught not to waste any resources in getting the job
To achieve operational excellence, a company must advocate
and practice teamwork as a principle of its culture. In today’s busi-
ness environment there is no place for the lone player. The process-

es required to stay ahead of production schedules, customer
demands, and short cycle times are too complex to be mastered by
one person or a handful of selected employees. An operationally
excellent company is the right testing ground for using teamwork
as a tool to promote the culture.
The Pony Express is a good historical example of operational
excellence. The design of this mail delivery system was based on
maximum efficiency for people and equipment for its day. The
images of riders staying in the saddle for hours with no break, fre-
quent horse changes, and frequent hand-offs to fresh riders at a full
gallop have become part of the lore. As with many good business
ideas the Pony Express’s days were short-lived because of the costs
and other factors. The process was so grueling and dangerous that
the company encouraged only young, single, male applicants.
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan
