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Time: 120 minutes
(Do not use dictionary)
I. Choose the correct answers
1. ………...? No it’s my cousin Jack’s.
A: Is that Marys car? B: Whose car is that?
C. That's your car, is not? D: Is that your car?
2. My father is ………...yours.
A: the best B: stronger than
C: the better than D: as strong
3. ………...medicine for your cold?
A: You taking B: Are you taking
C: Do you take D: Taking you
4. Who cooks at your house?
A: My mother cook at my house. B: Cooks my mother.
C: Cooks my mother. D: I cook at my house.
5. Catherine ………...to the hospital to visit her cousin yesterday.
A: gone B: did go
C: goed D: went
6. We ………...with them just last night.
A: was B: are.
C: were D: been
7. Do you brush your teeth after every meal?
A: Yes, I do
B: I always brushing my teeth
C: Yes, I brush the teeth after every meal

D: I always brush the teeth
8. Were they late this morning? ………...
A: No they was on time
B: Yes, they this morning were fifteen minutes late
C: They were late because they're car was broken
D: They were only a couple of minutes late
9. What have you done?
A: I have done anything B: I’ve made a mess
C: I've finished the job D: I've breaked my mother's favorite dish
10. I'm surprised because rain was not ………...in the weather report.
A: predicted B: predict
C: predictably D: prediction
II. Read the following text carefully then answer the questions
Computers are helpful in many ways. First, they are fast. They can work with information
much more quickly than a person. Second, computers can work with a lot of information at the
same time. Third, they can keep information for a long time. They do not forget things the way
people do. Also, computers are almost always correct. They are not perfect, of course, but they
usually do not make mistakes.
These days, it is important to know about computers. There are a number of ways to
learn. Some companies have classes at work. Also, most universities offer day and night courses
in computer science. Another way to learn is from a book, or from a friend. After a few hours of
practice, you can work with computers. You may not be an expert, but you can have fun.
1. How many ways are computers helpful?
2. What can we say about speed of computers?
3. Are computers always correct?

4. Mention two ways to learn about them.
5. Can someone be an expert after a few hours of practice?
Translate into Vietnamese
Ill. Put the words in the correct order
1. to Anna a avoid wants cold catching
2. washed without wouldn't you dishes get
3. very the gave secretary interesting new explanations
4. always efficiently does Edward things quickly very and
5. drink few wine Mexicans Italian
6. only cool Veronica water drinks
7. In boys England a girls and go school week five to days
8. two begins o'clock at again school
9. the to I'm of going take square photo town a
10. tell please the me you time can?

IV. Make up sentences
1. I write/ cancel/ our/ meeting/ tennis club / Wednesday 13
2. As you can see/ this notepaper/ / I be still / Madrid.
3. I/ arrive/ Monday 4
/ expect/ return / London/. Thursday 7
4. The contract/ not/ sign yet/ I must/ stay/ until it be.
5. I phone you/ I be back/ London.
V. Translate into English
1. Nếu anh ấy đến sống ở đây anh ấy sẽ mua một ngôi nhà mới
2. Bạn đã bao giờ đi nước ngo ài chưa? Chưa. Nhưng tôi sẽ đi Canada mùa hè tới.
3. Rất nhiều nhà khoa học học tiếng Anh vì nó có ích cho công việc của họ.
4. Tôi đã không biết rằng cô ấy sẽ đến, nên tôi đã không đợi cô ấy.
5. Một con mèo xuất hiện phía trước xe của tôi và tôi đã phải dừng lại bất thình lình đến nỗi
chiếc xe đằng sau đâm vào tôi.

Time: 120 minutes
(Do not use dictionary)
I. Choose the correct answers
1. There are ………….. hotels in the desert.
A: best B: not many
C: little D: none
2. Where were you yesterday?
A: I were with my sister at the movies.
B: I was with he and she.
C: I wasn't to the office
D. I was at home
3. Which books are yours: these or those? …………..
A: Those are my. B: Mine books are these.
C: These are mine. D: They are mine.
4. The glass water is on the table.
A: to B: of
C: a D: inside
5. We are going to a party at the Shen's house. ………….. house is on Fifth Street.
A. Our B. This
C. Theirs D. Their
6. ………….. ? I'm going to work.
A: Why are you going? B: What are you going?
C: Where you going? D: Where are you going? .

7. How was the movie last night?
A: Was fantastic B: It was better then his first movie
C: It was a action movie D: The movie was very long and very boring
8. …………..you like? I like grapes and apples.
A. Types of fruit do B: How many fruit do
C: What type of fruit do D: What kind fruit do
9. Do they ever arrive on time?
A: No, they don't B: Yes, they usually does
C: No, they not ever arrive on time D: No, they ever arrive on time
10. Is that boy Mary's son?
A: Yes, name is Robert B: Yes, he is
C: No, he is Marys' nephew D: No, he is Marys nephew
II. Read the following text carefully then answer the questions
Canada is the world's second biggest country. It has an area of nearly 5,895,000 square
miles. The population is 27,000,000. There are ten provinces and two territories in Canada.
There are three small provinces in the east: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward
Island. Together, they are called the Maritime Provinces. Nova Scotia consists of a peninsula and
an island in the Atlantic Ocean. New Brunswick lies to its west. Prince Edward Island is the long
narrow island just to the north of New Brunswick.
Newfoundland consists of the large island of Newfoundland and the area of the mainland
known as Labrador, in the northeast of Canada. Quebec is a large French - speaking province,
bordering New Brunswick to the east and the United States to the south. Quebec's major city is
Montreal, which is the second biggest French - speaking city in the world. To the west of
Quebec is Ontario. About 30% of the Canadian population lives in Ontario.
1. What is the area of Canada?
2. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?

3. What are the three small provinces in the east?
4. What does Nova Scotia consist of?
5. What does Newfoundland consist of?
Translate into Vietnamese
IV . Make up sentences from given words and phrases
1. What/ nationality/ you?
2. I/ have / one/ brother/ two/ sister/ who students
3. She/ English student/ language/ school .
4. Susan/ bag/ under/ desk/ classroom
5. They/ live/ flat/ center/ Hanoi
6. What/ father/ and mother/ look/ like?
7. My / office/ ninth/ floor/ high building
8. He/ American/ doctor/ and/ work/ hospital
9. They/ England/ and/ English


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