Activity 7.1: Developing a Preliminary
Vision Document
In this course, you do not complete all of the work in the Envisioning Phase.
However, by developing a preliminary vision document, you can organize the
information that you have gathered and analyzed to summarize your progress to
this point.
In this activity, you will create a preliminary vision document by using
information that you have developed from previous activities, as well as
developing new information from the Ferguson and Bardell, Inc. case study.
After completing this activity, you will be able to:
Develop a preliminary vision document.
Before You Begin
This activity consists of small group tasks and class discussion.
To complete this activity, you will need:
The Ferguson and Bardell, Inc. case study found in Appendix 1.
The results of the activities that you completed in Modules 2–6.
Flip-chart paper and markers.
Time to complete this activity: 35 minutes followed by a 15-minute
56 Activity 7.1: Developing a Preliminary Vision Document
Exercise 1: Developing the Preliminary Vision Document
When developing your preliminary vision document, use the information on the
“Vision Document” slide as an outline.
Develop each part of the vision document in outline format. When the group
agrees on each part, summarize it on the flip-chart paper.
Develop the preliminary vision document
1. Work in small groups as assigned by the instructor.
2. Develop the problem statement.
Review the business challenge that the class agreed upon in Module 2 and
used throughout the course.
Add any relevant background information or context that is necessary to
frame the problem.
3. Develop the vision statement.
Review the vision statement that the class agreed upon in Module 2 and
used throughout the course.
Review the SMART principles that you learned about during the discussion
on vision statements in Module 2 to determine if the vision statement still
addresses the business challenge.
4. Develop the solution concept.
Determine the functionality that the product should provide to address the
problem statement and vision statement. You will use the solution concept
with stakeholders and users. State the solution concept in terms that can
communicate your ideas to a nontechnical audience.
Given that you still have work to do before completing the envisioning
phase, this solution concept is a first attempt at describing the product
5. Develop the user profiles.
List the potential users of the product, including brief descriptions of each
user. Do not forget users that are affected by the product.
6. Develop the business goals.
Review the case study. What are the success criteria of the product that will
show that the product has contributed to the business? Which are most
important? Prioritize them.
7. Develop the design goals.
Summarize the requirements and constraints. Determine priorities. What is
the level of quality needed for the first release of the product?
Next, choose a spokesperson from your group to present the preliminary vision
document to the rest of the class.
Activity 7.1: Developing a Preliminary Vision Document 57
Use this page to develop your vision document.