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Tải Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 2: Clothing - Lesson 6 - Giáo án điện tử môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9

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<b>PERIOD 12</b>


<i><b>A / Aims: Further practice in present perfect, past simple tenses & the</b></i>


<i><b>B/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate the</b></i>

<i>present perfect with Sine, For, Yet, Already.</i>

<i> - The present perfect and the past simple and the passive with ordinary</i>

<i>verbs and modal verbs.</i>

<b>C/ Language content:</b>

<i> Grammar:- The present perfect with Sine, For, Yet, Already.</i>

<i> - The present perfect and the past simple and the passive with</i>

<i>ordinary verbs and modal verbs.</i>

<i><b>D / Teaching aids: Text books, chalk, boards.</b></i>
<b>E / Procedure : </b>

<b>I / Warm up and check up old lesson: </b>

- Call on some 2 Ss to demonstrate their ideas about
wearing uniform.

<i><b>- Guide Ss to play games “Classification” </b></i>

Last month, three days, 2005, yesterday, Monday, ten
years , last holiday, my birthday


- Lead in the new lesson.

<b>II / New lesson : </b>

<i><b> The present perfect tense with Sine and For</b></i><b> </b>

- Ask Ss to repeat the use of Since and For in the present
perfect tense and the form of it:

<b>Have / has + PII. (Since + point of time</b>

<b> For + a period of time)</b>

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue and ask them to make
similar dialogue.

- Call on some pairs to read the dialogues they have made
- Correct mistakes if any.

<i><b>2 . The present perfect with already and yet</b></i><b> . </b>
- Explain the use of Yet and Already:

<i>+ Yet: used in the negative and question </i>

- Go to the board to
demonstrate their
ideas about wearing

- Work in groups to
play game.

- Listen and repeat

- Copy down

- Read the dialogue
and work in pairs to
make similar

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<i>+ Already: used between auxiliary and main verbs </i>

Explain the aims of the exercise and tell them to do it
Example :

<i>S1: Have you seen Giac Lam pagoda yet?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, I have already seen it.</i>

<i>S1: Have you eaten Vietnamese food yet?</i>
<i>S2: No, I have not.</i>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogue.
- Call on some pairs to present in the front. Remark and


<i><b> The present perfect with Ever</b></i><b> .</b>

<b>Have + S + ever + PII.?</b>

- Ask them to read all the words in the box and ask Ss to
work in pairs

Example :

<i>S1: Have you ever gone to Hue?</i>
<i>S2: Yes, I have. </i>

<i>S1: When did you go to Hue?</i>
<i>S2: Last year.</i>

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of class.
- Remark and correct mistakes if any.


<i><b> The passive voice</b></i><b> : </b>

- Have Ss repeat the form of the passive:
<b>S + be + PII.</b>

- Ask them to read the example aloud and do the exercise

- Call on some Ss to write on the board and correct
mistakes. Then Give correct answers

<i>a. Jean cloth was completely made from cotton in the 18th</i>


<i>b. Rice is grown in tropical countries.</i>

<i>c. Five millions bottles of champagne will be produced in</i>
<i>France next year.</i>

<i>d. A new style of jeans has just been introduced in the </i>

<i>e. Two department stores have been built this year. </i>

<b>5. The passive with modal verbs: </b>
<b>Modal verb + be + PII</b>

- Ask Ss to read the example and change the sentences
into the passive

- Call on some Ss to write on the board. Correct mistakes.
<b>III / Home work: </b>

1. Redo all the exercises and copy down.

- Practice in front
of class.

- Write down and
do the exercise

- Work in pairs

- Write and make
similar dialogues.

- Practice in pairs

- Demonstrate in
the front.

- Repeat and do
this exercise


- Go to the board to
write the complete

- Read them aloud
and copy.

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2. Do the exercises in workbook.

3. Prepare the next lesson. - Listen and write


