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BÀI TẬP TỰ ÔN Ở NHÀ UNIT 10,11- Khối 12

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<b> </b>

<i> Chủ đề: UNIT 10, UNIT 11</i>

<b>1. Vocabulary:</b>

- Reading unit 10
- Reading unit 11
<b>2. Grammar:</b>

- Article: a/an and the
- Prepositions

- Modal verbs: may, might, must, mustn’t, need, needn’t,...

- Passive voice of modal verbs. ( Câu bị động của các động từ khuyết thiếu)
- V-ing, bare infinitive and to infinitive

<b>II. PRACTICE: </b>

<i><b>1. Pronunciation : Choose the words with the different pronunciation of the underlined </b></i>
1. A. plant B. danger C. animal D. dam

2. A. remained B. explored C. separated D. traveled
3. A. thousand B. around C. sound D. young
4. A. slow B. down C. show D. swallow

5. A. hide B. ivory C. decline D. continent
<b>2. Vocabulary: </b>

<b>Exercise 1: Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau:</b>
1. Many plants and endangered species are now endangering of _______.
(expression /expulsion /extinction)

2. A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to________endangered species.
(save/ kills/ make)

3. Conservation is the protection of the _________ environment. ( nature/ natural/ naturally)
4. There are many ________ of pollution in our modern world.

( resources/ sources/ foundations )

5. _______ is a branch of Natural Science, and is the study of living organisms and how they
interact with their environment. ( Biology / Biological / Biologically)

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7. This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it .
( inform / information / informative )

8. A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book ________.
( review /reviewing / reviewer )

9. ____ books are ones in which the story is told or illustrated with pictures.
( Comic / Thriller / Romantic )

10. Boy, stop reading. ________ the book down and go to bed. (Put / Set / Pick )

11. It is a good book. I think it is interesting enough for you to ________.( put down / swallow/

look up)

<i>12. If you ________ a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously.</i>
(dip into / put away / pick up )

<b>Exercise 2: Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong</b>

1. The sea turtle is an ______________species. (endanger)
2. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of ______________. (extinct)
3. Many animal are in danger because of the ______________of many forests. (destroy)
4. We have to take measure to reduce levels of environmental ______________. (pollute)

5. The play was a ______________success. (commerce)

6. Work has begun on the ______________of the new airport. (construct)
7. Costs have been ______________by 20% over the past year. (reduce)
8. I found the talk both informative and ______________. (entertain)
9. It gives me a great ______________to welcome our speaker (please)
10. It’s ______________what you can do when you have to. (wonder)
<b>3. Grammar</b>

<b> Exercise 1: Supply the correct verb form: Gerund or infinitive </b>
1. Don’t forget _________ (phone) your mother

2. I love _________ (be) on my own and _________ (listen) to music
3. Would you like _________ (go) to the beach this afternoon?

4. I enjoy _________ (read) your letters very much
5. I’m thinking of _________ (buy) a car

6. Mathew suggested _________ (go) out for a meal but I wanted _________ (stay) at home
7. She couldn’t _________ (reply) because she didn’t know what to say

8. My friend let me _________ (drive) her car

9. She doesn’t allow _________ (smoke) in the house

10. I wish that dog would _________ (stop) _________ (bark). It’s driving me mad
11. The film was very sad. It made me _________ (cry)

12. Can you remind me _________ (buy) some coffee when we go out?

<b>Exercise 2: Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition ( Điền giới từ phù hợp)</b>
1. I listened ______ the news ______ the radio.

2. I’m looking ______ my neighbour’s cat while she’s on holiday
3. My sister’s coming to stay ______ December 19

4. The differences ______ British English and American English are small
5. I’m a little short ______ money

6. I normally go to the south of France ______ the winter. I usually go ______ December, but
______ last December I couldn’t go because my wife was ill

7. We are ashamed ______ his behaviour

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9. My home is far ______ school

10. Ken was proud ______ his good marks on English

11. My plan is similar ______ your, but it is different ______ Ken’s
12. Shall we visit George ______ Spain ______ next April?

13. Who was responsible ______ all the noise last night?
14. Ann wasn’t keen ______ going out in the rain.

15. The city centre was crowded ______ tourists.

<i><b>Exercise 3: Put in the or a/an where necessary: ( Điền a,an hoặc the vào chỗ trống cần thiết)</b></i>
1. Rita is studying _________ English and _________ Math this semester

2. He works as _________ assistant in _________ same shop as I do
3. Last night, there was _________ bird singing outside my house
4. What do you eat for _________ breakfast this morning?

5. Rita plays _________ violin and her sister plays _________ guitar
6. Hannah was at ____ airport, waiting for ____ friend to arrive

7. Tom can’t go to _________ movies tonight because he has to write _________ essay

8. Mel’s grandmother is in _________ hospital, so we went to _________ hospital to visit her
_________ last night

9. John and Mary went to _________ school yesterday and then studied in _________ library
before returning home

10. On our trip to _________ Spain, we crossed _________ Atlantic Ocean
11. This is _________ beautiful painting. Does _________ artist live near here?

12. I bought ____ new toothbrush this morning and I can’t find it. I’m sure I put it in ____

13. You can have ____ apple or ____ orange. ____ apples are nice and sweet

14. It’s _________ very nice school and _________ teachers are all really hard-working

15. We stayed in _________ very nice hotel. _________ room was comfortable and _________
food was excellent

<i><b>Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with “must not” và “need not”.</b></i>
1. You ___________ ring the bell; I have a key.

2. We ___________ drive fast; we have a plenty of time.
3. We ___________ drive fast; there is a speed limit here.

4. Candidates ___________ bring books into the examination room.
5. You ___________ write to him for he will be here tomorrow.
6. We ___________ make any noise or we’ll wake the baby.

7. You ___________ do all the exercises. Ten sentences will be enough.

8. I want this letter typed but you ___________ do it today. Tomorrow will do.
9. You ___________ take anything out of the shop without paying for it.

10. You ___________ carry that parcel home yourself; the shop will send it.

<b>Exercise 5: Turn the following sentences into the passive voice: ( Chuyển sang câu bị động)</b>
<b>1. They can’t make tea with cold water </b>

<b>2. They will hold the meeting before May Day</b>

→ ………..
<b>3. They have to repair the engine of the car</b>

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<b>4. You can’t wash this dress. </b>

<b>5. Members may keep books for 3 weeks. </b>

<b>6. Visitors must leave umbrellas and sticks in the cloakroom (phòng treo áo khoác).</b>

<b>7. You should have taken those books back to the library.</b>

<b>9. You mustn’t move this man; he’s too ill. </b>

<b>10. You should open the wine about 3 hours before you use it.</b>


