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Đề thi học sinh giỏi cấp trường môn tiếng anh lớp 11 năm 2009 trường thpt hoài ân | Tiếng Anh, Lớp 11 - Ôn Luyện

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<i><b> TỔ NGOẠI NGỮ </b></i>



<b>KHỐI 11 </b>

<i><b>Năm học : 2009 - 2010</b></i>

<i><b>Điểm</b></i> <i><b>Chữ ký GK 1</b></i> <i><b>Chữ ký GK 1</b></i> <i><b><sub>CTHĐ ghi lại</sub></b><b>Mật mã do</b></i>


<b>B. READING:</b>

<i><b>PART 1 - Give the correct word – form for each sentence using the suggestions.</b></i> <i><b>( 1 m )</b></i>
<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i>

1. Lasers are used as ……...…… accurate scalpels. MIRACLE

2. He stepped on some ………...……… glass. BREAK

3. What is your ………...……… for this problem ? ARGUE

4 Be careful. The streets are ………... after the rain. SLIP

5. The police are trying to find some more ………...…… PROVE

6. She received a lot of ………...… from her mother. COURAGE

7. There is no real ………...… between men and women. EQUAL

8. His bad ……...…… made his parents upset. BEHAVE

9. Tropical diseases are …………...… rare in Europe. COMPARE

10. All the newspapers praised the ……...… of the firemen. BRAVE

1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ……… 4. ……… 5. ………
6. ……… 7. ……… 8. ……… 9. ……… 10. ………..

<i><b>PART 2 - </b></i><b>Read the text and choose the best option fo each blank. </b> <i><b>( 2 m.s )</b></i>
<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i>


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means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away (3) ………
home, as many matches are played then.

It can also (4) ……… travelling to other towns to play against other school teams
and then (5) ……… on after the match for a meal or a drink. Sometimes parents, friends or
other students will travel with the team to (6) ……… their own side.

When a school team wins the match, it is the whole school feels proud, (7) …………
only the players. It can also mean that a school (8) ……… well-known for being good at
certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing (9) ………… national or
international teams so that the school has some really (10) ………… names associated with it !

1- A. having B. being C. taking D. putting

2- A.If B. As C. Then D. So

3- A. at B. on C. for D. from

4- A. evolve B. permit C. involve D. cancel
5- A. being B. staying C. leaving D. spending
6- A. support B. play C. fight D. enable
7- A. but B. however C. and D. not
8- A. turns B. makes C. comes D. becomes

9- A. up B. to C. for D. besides

10- A. famous B. old C. new D. common

1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ……… 4. ……… 5. ………
6. ……… 7. ……… 8. ……… 9. ……… 10. ………..

<i><b>PART 3 - </b><b>Read the text and Reorder the sentences to make a full paragraph. ( 2 m.s )</b></i>
<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i>


<b>A- Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these</b>

chemicals pollute the environment and harm wildlife.

<b>B- There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur</b>

or other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught alive and sold
as pets.

<b>C- The most successful animals on earth – human beings will soon be the only</b>

ones, unless we can solve this problem.

<b>D- Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in danger.</b>

Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become extinct if we do not make
an effort to protect them.

<b>E- For animals and birds, the big problem is that their habitat – the place where</b>

they live – is disappearing. More land is used for farms, houses or industry, and there are
fewer open spaces than there once were.

1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ……… 4. ……… 5. ………

<i><b>PART 4 - </b><b>Read the text and Reorder the sentences to make a full paragraph. ( 2 m.s )</b></i>
<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i>

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information on the effects of smoke on the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution
causes lung diseases.

The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The
lead from petrol produces a poisonous gas that often collects in busy streets surrounded by
high buildings. Children who live there cannot think as quickly as other children, and are
clumsy when they use their hands.

There are long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to
increase, the Earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of ice near the Poles may melt and

causes serious floods.

1. The passage is about ……….

a. air pollution b. ill health c. exhaust d. Earth’s climate
2. Some governments have passed ………. to reduce the air pollution.

a. human b. smoke c. laws d. buildings
3. Doctors ………. that air pollution causes lung diseases.

a. thought b. believed c. realized d. proved

4. The word “……….” in the passage means “air in or around a place”.
a. atmosphere b. smoke c. pollution d. climate

5. Air pollution in most cities mainly causes by gasses from ………. .
a. home smoke b. exhaust of cars c. factories d. natural gases
6. Poinsonous gas is ………. to children’s health.

a. harmful b. harmless c. harmfully d. harmlessly
7. Children effected by poinsonous gas find it ………. to use hands.

a. easy b. difficult c. comfortable d. useful
8. What will happen if the Earth becomes warmer ?

a. There will be floods. b. There will be laws about pollution.
c. The children will be clumsy. d. The gases will increase.

9. Many serious floods happens because the earth’s temperature ………. .
a. decreases b. increases c. changed d. is controlled

10. Air pollution effects dirrectly to the ………. .

a. children b. governments c. buildings d. Earth’s weather

1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ……… 4. ……… 5. ………
6. ……… 7. ……… 8. ……… 9. ……… 10. ………..

<i><b>PART 5 - </b><b>Read the text and Use the suggestions to put in the correct positions. ( 1 m )</b></i>
<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i>

There are 1-... that make it difficult for me to understand. First,
2-... as they are spelled, so when I learn new words through reading. I
sometimes do not understand them when they are spoken. Second, 3-...
have a wide range of accents. A British accent is very different from a Texas one. Third,
there are a lot of 4-... These expressions also differ depending on the
area a speaker is from. Finally, there are 5-... These sounds are difficult
for me to distinguish./.

<b>A- </b> native speakers

<b>B- </b> sounds that do not exist in my native language

<b>C- </b> several things of spoken English

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1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ……… 4. ……… 5. ………

<i><b>PART 6 - </b></i><b>Read the text and fill in each gap with one suitable word. </b> <i><b>( 2 m.s )</b></i>
<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i>

<i>conditions</i> <i>insurance</i> <i>power</i> <i>according</i> <i>little</i>

<i>labour</i> <i>first</i> <i>problems</i> <i>who</i> <i>wages</i>

Agriculture in the West and South of the United States has traditionally been supported
by migrant workers (1) ... migrate or move from area to area (2) ... to the
crops that need harvesting. Many Chinese, Filipino, and Mexican immigrants became migrant
workers when they (3) ... arrived in the United States. Often they had (4) ...
with the English language or no skills that they could immediately use in the new country.

A person looking objectively at the (5) ... of these workers might say that their
way of life was (6) ... better than slavery. They were housed in sub-standard
conditions, received (7) ... far below minimum, and had no medical or (8) ...
benefits. The migant workers had no (9) ... unions that could bargain for better wages,
better hours, or improved working conditions. They had no money or no(10) ... with
which to bargain with their employers.

1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ……… 4. ……… 5. ………
6. ……… 7. ……… 8. ……… 9. ……… 10. ………..

<i><b>PART 7 - </b></i><b>Read the text, Use the suggestions to put in the correct positions and Give the </b>
<i><b>correct word-forms ( O – is done for you as an exmple ). </b></i> <i><b>( 2 m.s )</b></i>

<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i>

<i> Estimate</i>

<i>Germany</i> <i>influence</i> <i>develop</i> <i>proficient</i> <i>originate</i>

<i>entertain</i> <i>office</i> <i>former</i> <i>communicate</i> <i> particular</i>

As (0)... 300 – 400 million people speak English as their first language. One
recent estimate is that 1.9 billion people, nearly a third of the world’s population, have a basic (1)
... in English. English is the dominant international language in (2)..., science,
business, aviation, (3)..., diplomacy and the Internet. It has been one of the (4)...
languages of the United Nations since its founding in 1945.

English (5)... in England, and is West Germanic language which developed
from Old English, the language of the Anglo – Saxons. As a result of the Norman Conquest and
other events in English history, it has been heavily (6)..., more than any others
(7)... language, by French and Latin. From England it spread to the rest of the British
Isles, then to the colonies and territories of the British Empire ( both outside and inside the
current Commonwealth of Nations ) such as United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and
others, (8) ... those in the Anglophone Caribbeans. As a result of these historical
(9)... English is the official language ( sometimes one of several ) in many countries
(10)... under British or American rule, such as Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa,
Kenya, and the Philippines.

0. <i>Estimated</i>

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<i><b>PART 8 - </b></i><b>Read the text and fill in each gap with one suitable word. </b>

<i><b> Write the answers after the numbers.</b></i> <i><b>( 2 m.s )</b></i>

Money is something we (1) ………... <i>for granted in our life. Some of us may</i>
wish we had more it, maybe in the (2) ………... coins, notes or cheques. It is hard to
imagine (3) ………...<i> people would manage (4) </i>………... money. In the earliest
periods of human history, people used to exchange goods (5) ………... . They would
exchange things they had lots of for (6) ………... they were in (7) ………... of .
For example, they might offer food (8) ………... tools. This method of exchange, which

<i>is known as barter has many (9) </i>………... . Certain goods may be difficult, or may be
impossible to divide into smaller units. It can also be very difficult to know the worth of
something (10) ………...<i> with other goods.</i>

1. ……… 2. ……… 3. ……… 4. ……… 5. ………
6. ……… 7. ……… 8. ……… 9. ……… 10. ………..

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<b>B. READING:</b>

<i><b>PART 1 - Give the correct word – form for each sentence using the suggestions.</b></i> <i><b>( 1 m )</b></i>
<i><b>( 0.1 point for each correct answer )</b></i>

1. miraculously 2. broken 3. argument 4 slippery 5. proofs

6. encouragement 7. equality 8. behaviour 9. comparatively 10. bravery

<i><b>PART 2 - </b></i><b>Read the text and choose the best option fo each blank. </b> <i><b>( 2 m.s )</b></i>
<i><b>( 0.2 point for each correct answer )</b></i>

<i><b>PART 3 - </b><b>Read the text and Reorder the sentences to make a full paragraph. ( 2 m.s )</b></i>
<i><b>( 0.1 point for each correct answer )</b></i>

1. ……D…… 2. ……B…… 3. ……E……… 4. ……A…… 5. ……C……

<i><b>PART 4 - </b><b>Read the text and Reorder the sentences to make a full paragraph. ( 2 m.s )</b></i>
<i><b>( 0.2 point for each correct answer )</b></i>

<i><b>PART 5 - </b><b>Read the text and Use the suggestions to put in the correct positions. ( 1 m )</b></i>
<i><b>( 0.1 point for each correct answer )</b></i>

1. …C…… 2. …E…… 3. …A…… 4. …D…… 5. …B…

<i><b>PART 6 - </b></i><b>Read the text and fill in each gap with one suitable word. </b> <i><b>( 2 m.s )</b></i>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

<b>B</b> <b>A</b> <b>D</b> <b>C</b> <b>B</b> <b>A</b> <b>D</b> <b>D</b> <b>C</b> <b>A</b>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<i><b>( 0.2 point for each correct answer )</b></i>

<i>5- conditions</i> <i>8- insurance</i> <i>10- power</i> <i>2- according</i> <i>6- little</i>

<i>9- labour</i> <i>3- first</i> <i>4- problems</i> <i>1- who</i> <i>7- wages</i>

<i><b>PART 7 - </b></i><b>Read the text, Use the suggestions to put in the correct positions and</b>

<b>Give the correct word-forms </b> <i><b>( 2 m.s )</b></i>

<i><b>( 0.2 point for each correct answer )</b></i>

<i>1- proficiency</i> <i>2- communications </i> <i>3- entertainment</i>

<i>4- official</i> <i>5- originated</i> <i>6- influenced</i>

<i>7- Germanic</i> <i>8- particularly </i> <i>9- developments </i>
<i>10- formerly</i>

<i><b>PART 8 - </b><b>Read the text and fill in each gap with one suitable word. ( 2 m.s )</b></i>

(1) take (2) forms (3) how (4) without (5) directly
(6) things (7) need (8) for (9) disadvantages. (10) compared


