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<i>threatened </i> <i>reduced </i> <i>endangered </i> <i>increased </i>
<i>contaminated damaged </i> <i>introduced </i> <i>established </i>
<i>digested </i> <i>swallowed </i> <i>destroyed </i> <i>awarded </i>

<i>marked </i> <i>advanced </i> <i>allowed </i> <i>enacted </i>

<b>/t/ ……… </b>
<b>/id/ ……… </b>
<b>/d/ ……….. </b>
<b>II) VOWELS </b>

<i>found </i> <i>would </i> <i>sound </i> <i>ground </i>

<i>loud </i> <i>cloud </i> <i>should </i> <i>mouse </i>

<i>south </i> <i>bound </i> <i>proud </i> <i>could </i>

<b>/au/ ……….. </b>
<b>/ʊ/ ……… </b>
<b>III) STRESS </b>

<i>habitat</i> <i>subject </i> <i>primary </i> <i>belong</i>

<i>commercial </i> <i>animal</i> <i>review</i> <i>advice </i>

<i>pleasure </i> <i>describe</i> <i>extinction</i> <i>natural </i>
<i>swallow</i> <i>different </i> <i>knowledge </i> <i>medicine</i>

<b>1st<sub> syllable: ………. </sub></b>

<b>2nd<sub> syllable: ……….... </sub></b>

<b>1. Word choice </b>

<i><b>Complete these sentences by filling in the gaps with: transmission, functions, benefits, distracts, conducts, </b></i>
<i><b>reserve, </b><b>excluded</b><b>, measures, thoroughly, excessive, habitat, </b><b>extinct</b></i>

<b>a) Before practicing scuba diving, you are supposed to check the equipment carefully and know how it </b>
<i><b>__________. </b></i>

<i><b>b) Many species of whales prove to be endangered because of __________ hunting or of their reduced </b></i>

<i><b>c) Don’t swim if it rains or a storm is coming. Water __________ electricity. </b></i>
<i><b>d) There are some __________ carried out to rescue rhinos from extinction. </b></i>

<i><b>e) One of the objectives of the plan is to limit human-to-human __________of the new coronavirus. </b></i>
<i><b>f) I cannot bear the noise of my brother’s radio; it __________ me from reading my books. </b></i>

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<i><b>h) To avoid getting the coronavirus you should __________ wash your hands; avoid touching your eyes, </b></i>
nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

<i><b>i) The 4,439ha Sơn Trà __________, located 600m above sea level, is home to 370 animal species and 1,010 </b></i>
plant species.

<b>j) </b> If a defender interferes with a free throw, holds or sinks an attacker who is not in possession, he is

<i><b>__________</b></i> from the game for twenty seconds.

<b>k) </b> These birds are in danger of becoming <i><b>__________</b></i> as their forest home disappearss.

<i><b>l) One of the biggest __________of reading books is that it can boost your brain power. </b></i>
<b>2. Collocation </b>

<i><b>Complete these sentences by filling in the gaps with: raise, commits, making, driven, pieces </b></i>

<i><b>a) A critical part of learning and understanding something new is to connect it with __________ of </b></i>
information that you already understand.

<i><b>b) “Go Green” project aims to __________ awareness of the community towards environmental protection. </b></i>
<i><b>c) Human beings have __________ rare animals and plants to the verge of extinction in the past 100 years. </b></i>
<i><b>d) If a player __________ a violent foul with intention to harm, the player is ejected from the game without </b></i>


<i><b>e) Localities across Vietnam are __________ major efforts to deal with the spread of the novel coronavirus. </b></i>

<b>3. Preposition </b>

<i><b>Complete these sentences by filling in the gaps with: to, from (×2), of, into </b></i>

<i><b>a) So far, the new coronavirus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, has led __________ more than 20,000 illnesses and 427 </b></i>
deaths in China.

<i><b>b) Most of this air pollution we cause results __________ the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural </b></i>

gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles.

<i><b>c) Under FINA rules, a water polo match is divided __________ four quarters of eight minutes. </b></i>

<i><b>d) Urgent support is needed to protect vulnerable countries __________ the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) </b></i>

<i><b>e) We should be aware __________ the danger of the new coronavirus and take basic protective measures </b></i>
against it.

<b>4. Idioms </b>

<i>Complete these sentences by filling in the gaps with: <b>chance</b><b>, chin, word, nose, cat </b></i>

<i><b>a) I've always been able to learn languages easily. I guess I just have a __________ for it. </b></i>
<i><b>b) I knew it was a __________ in a million to photograph the rare bird during its mating ritual.. </b></i>

<i><b>c) Apparently, my relative let the __________ out of the bag by letting villagers know that he is the father </b></i>
of the child.

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<i><b>e) He said he wouldn’t charge more than €150, but he went back on his __________ and gave me an invoice </b></i>
for €200.

<b>5. Synonym & antonym </b>

<i><b>A. Match the words in bold in the sentences with the correct synonym from the list </b></i>

<i>• pretending </i> <i>• attraction </i> <i>• pollute </i> <i>• follow </i>

<i>• persuade </i> <i>• knowledge </i> <i>• carefully </i> <i>• interrupting </i>

<b>a) Many schools provide environmental education to increase students' awareness of conservation needs. </b>
<b>b) He kept on butting in with silly comments, which made his teacher angry. </b>

<b>c) It’s no use trying to get him round with charm. Once he’s made up his mind he never changes it. </b>

<b>d) Alan Blake invented the game he called Octopush as a means of keeping the club's members interested </b>
<b>and active over the cold winter months when open-water diving lost its appeal. </b>

<b>e) He didn’t really hurt his leg, you know. He limped a bit, but he was only putting it on to get our sympathy. </b>
<b>f) Developing nations attending the summit were not required to adhere to the guidelines of the Protocol - </b>

a treaty to limit emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, and SF6.

<b>g) To avoid getting the coronavirus you should thoroughly wash your hands; avoid touching your eyes, nose </b>
and mouth with unwashed hands.

<b>h) The fertilizers and pesticides that they spray on their lawns could contaminate the water. </b>

<i><b>B. Match the words in bold in the sentences with the correct antonym from the list </b></i>

<i>• clear </i> <i>• flexible </i> <i>• tiny </i> <i>• childish </i>

<i>• recovery </i> <i>• untidy </i> <i>• experienced </i> <i>• well-organized </i>

<b>a) Over the course of the novel, Cassandra undergoes a definite transformation from child to mature young </b>

<b>b) You'll never win the case with him as your lawyer—he's just out of law school and still wet behind the </b>
<b>ears! </b>

<b>c) Since the release of the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, on 26 June 1997, the books </b>
<b>have won immense popularity. </b>

<b>d) I’m afraid you’ll have to wear a tie, sir. It’s a hard and fast rule of the club. </b>

<b>e) I appreciated Frankenstein's Cat for its fascinating explanation about the often baffling subject of </b>
bioengineering and its sister sciences.

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<b>6. Word form </b>

<i><b>Complete these sentences by filling in the gaps with: global, differentiate, globally, difference, globe, different, </b></i>
<i><b>differently, globalized </b></i>

<i><b>a) It is commonly said that this is the __________ between the affections and the intellect. </b></i>

<i><b>b) The 2003 report addresses the growing problems presented by slums in an increasingly __________ </b></i>

<i><b>c) The flowing way the chapters and books are organized makes it easy to link passages from __________ </b></i>
books in the series together.

<i><b>d) One of the consequences of __________ warming in mountain regions is increasing risk of infectious </b></i>

<i><b>e) There are at least 13 wildlife species in the park known to be __________ threatened including black </b></i>
caiman, giant otter and ocelot.

<i><b>f) After studying epistemology, Stephanie was able to __________ between her beliefs and opinions. </b></i>
<i><b>g) In this game, 11 or 12 teams of two people travel around the __________, competing in tasks of intellect </b></i>

and strength to move one leg closer to the big prize.

<i><b>h) Martha, the little girl who originally told us about them, described them __________ from what Fitzgerald </b></i>

<b>V) GRAMMAR </b>

<i><b>1. Tense: Quá khứ đơn – Quá khứ hoàn thành (với các trạng từ thời gian after/ before/ by the time) </b></i>
<i><b>2. Article: the future; the world; the globe; the earth; the universe; at home; at school; at work; … </b></i>
<i><b>3. Conditional: cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 3 </b></i>

<b>4. Phrases and clauses of reason/ concession </b>

<i>Complete the sentences with although/ in spite of/ because/ because of </i>
<b>a) The car crashed __________ the driver was careless. </b>

<b>b) He walked slowly __________ his hurt leg </b>

<b>c) __________ we had planned everything carefully, many things went wrong. </b>
<b>d) The villagers refused to leave __________ the drought. </b>

<b>e) We didn’t go out __________ it rained heavily. </b>

<b>f) __________ the high prices, my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday. </b>
<b>g) She went to bed early __________ she felt tired. </b>

<b>h) __________ he worked hard, he didn’t receive any praise. </b>
<b>i) I can’t sleep __________ the hot weather. </b>

<b>j) __________ her poor memory, the old woman told interesting stories to the children. </b>

<b>5. Reduced adverb clauses </b>

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<i><b>a) After __________ (sing) two songs, the performers did a dance. </b></i>

<i><b>b) Before __________ (answer) the phone, he grabbed a pencil and notepad. </b></i>

<i><b>c) Although __________ (impress) by the bravery of his fellow soldiers, Bloch had harsh words for the </b></i>
army leadership.

<i><b>d) When __________ (orbit) the Earth, astronauts don’t feel the force of gravity. </b></i>
<i><b>e) Although __________ (damage), the machine was still operational. </b></i>

<b>6. Passive gerunds and infinitives </b>

<i>Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form </i>

<i><b>a) When I told Tim the news, he seemed __________ (surprise). </b></i>

<i><b>b) Janice is going to fill out an application. She wants __________ (consider) for the job. </b></i>
<i><b>c) I don’t appreciate __________ (interrupt) when I’m speaking. </b></i>

<i><b>d) The mail is supposed __________ (deliver) at noon. </b></i>

<i><b>e) The mountain climbers are in danger of __________ (kill) by an avalanche. </b></i>
<i><b>f) Does Dr. Johnson mind __________ (call) at home if his patients need his help? </b></i>
<i><b>g) I expect __________ (meet) at the airport by my uncle. </b></i>

<i><b>h) The children appear __________ (excite) about the trip. </b></i>

<i><b>i) Mrs. Gates appreciated __________ (serve) breakfast in bed when she wasn’t feeling well. </b></i>
<i><b>j) Sally’s low test scores kept her from __________ (admit) to the university. </b></i>

<b>5. Incomplete independent clauses </b>

<b>5.1) The art of storytelling ____________ almost as old as humanity. </b>

A. that is B. is C. it is D. being

<b>5.2) ____________ a few of the sounds produced by insects can be heard by humans. </b>

A. Only B. There are only C. That only D. With only

<b>5.3) ____________ when lava cools very rapidly. </b>

A. Because pumice is formed B. To form

C. Pumice is formed D. Forming pumice

<b>5.4) Duke Ellington wrote ____________ during his career. </b>

A. that over a thousand songs B. over a thousand songs

C. over a thousand songs were D. there were over a thousand songs

<b>5.5) Before the invention of the printing press, books ____________. </b>

A. that were very rare B. were very rarely

C. were very rare C. as very rare


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<b>- Chris: “Excuse me. I don’t want to interrupt you but …” </b>
<b>- Mr. Brown: “____________” </b>

A. What can I do for you? B. Certainly, how dare you!

C. I quite agree. D. I have no idea.

<i><b>2. Wendy and Mark are university students. They are both living on campus. Select the most suitable </b></i>
<i>response to fill in the blank. </i>

<b>- Wendy: “How often did you write home?” </b>
<b>- Mark: “____________” </b>

A. I didn’t come home yesterday. B. I used to write home once a week.
C. My hometown is a coastal province. D. Oh, I miss my hometown so much.
<i><b>3. John and David are working at an advertising company. They are talking about the office renovation </b></i>
<i>project which is supposed to have been carried out already. Select the most suitable response to fill in the </i>
<i>blank. </i>

<b>- John: “Why are the renovations being delayed?” </b>

<b>- David: “____________” </b>

A. Yes, but it should be changed. B. We must get a permit first.

C. It was delayed over two hours. D. The building really needs renovating.
<i><b>4. Mike and David are university students. They are talking about the result of the chemistry test. Select </b></i>
<i>the most suitable response to fill in the blank. </i>

<b>- Mike: “I was worried about the chemistry result, but Mr. Brown gave me an A!” </b>
<b>- David: “____________” </b>

A. Don’t worry about it. B. Congratulations! That’s great!

C. Mr. Brown is so mean. D. Good luck to you!

<i><b>5. Mrs. Brown, a housewife, is at the grocery store. Select the most suitable response to fill in the blank. </b></i>
<b>- Shopkeeper: “What can I do for you, madam?” </b>

<b>- Mrs. Brown: “____________” </b>

A. I would like a kilo of apples, please. B. You can go your own way.
C. I can’t do anything for you. D. Excuse me, I’m busy.

<i><b>6. Jane is a high school laboratory staff. She is asking Tony, a student, about his visit to the lab. Select </b></i>
<i>the most suitable response to fill in the blank. </i>

<b>- Jane: “When did you last visit our laboratory?” </b>
<b>- Tony: “____________” </b>

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<b>- Alice: “Hurry up! We don’t have much time left.” </b>
<b>- Ann: “ ____________! We still have 15 minutes.” </b>

A. That’s too bad B. You are right

C. Take it easy D. It takes time.

<i><b>8. Virginia and Berth are high school students. They are talking about Eva, their childhood friend. Select </b></i>
<i>the most suitable response to fill in the blank. </i>

<b>- Virginia: “Have you heard about Eva? She is going to get married with Todd!” </b>
<b>- Berth: “____________” </b>

A. Congratulations! B. Glad to hear that!

C. Good luck to you! D. I was hard of hearing.


<i>Find and correct the mistake in these sentences </i>

<b>a) Of the more than 1,300 volcanoes in the world, only about 600 can classify as active. </b>

<b>b) If the man had transported to the hospital sooner than he was, he could have survived the electrocution. </b>
<b>c) I’ve lost one of my gloves. I must have been dropping it somewhere. </b>

<b>d) The rock formations in the Walley of Fine in Nevada have been wore into many strange shapes by the </b>
action of wind and water.

<b>e) It suggested to me by my teacher that I start looking for a job before I finished the program. </b>

<b>f) On New Year’s Day, most Americans watch football on TV, visiting friends, and relax around the house. </b>
<b>g) Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills, to plant trees on </b>

unproductive land, and rotating crops.

<b>h) Garlic has been hailed for its ability to lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer, boost immunity, and </b>
curb high blood pressure.

<b>i) A migraine is an intense headache characterized by pulsing pain, nausea, dizziness, double vision, and by </b>
being sensitive to light and sound.

<b>j) What people who suffer from chronic medical problems need most from family, friends, and those they </b>
work with are compassion and support.

<b>k) Walter Hunt invented an enormous amount of devices, including the safety pin and a machine for making </b>

<b>l) She did fundamental contributions to both the theory and fieldwork of anthropology. </b>

<b>m) I grew up next to DIA. What I remember most from my childhood is the continuous roaring of jet planes. </b>
<b>n) Lack of sleep will effect your athletic ability in the game tomorrow. </b>

<b>o) Some people are so disinterested in politics that they do not even bother to vote. </b>


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<i><b>❖ Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using modal perfect </b></i>
<b>1. It’s obvious that someone has posted the letter because I can’t see it here now. </b>

→ Someone

<b>2. It’s not a good idea to invite so many people to the party. </b>
→ We

<b>3. I’m sure that Andrew hasn’t failed the exam. </b>
→ Andrew

<i><b>❖ Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using reported speech </b></i>
<b>4. The teacher asked his student,” Where are you going after school”? </b>

→ The teacher asked his student

<b>5. Hill asked me, "How long will you stay in Greece?" </b>
→ Hill asked me

<b>6. Liam asked me, “When did you finish your assignments?” </b>
→ Liam asked me

<i><b>❖ Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using comparison </b></i>
<b>7. A camping vacation is definitely cheaper than a resort vacation. </b>

→ A resort vacation

<b>8. A smart phone can send messages more quickly than a laptop. </b>
→ A laptop

<b>9. My old laptop was a lot bigger than my new one. </b>
→ My new laptop


<i><b>❖ Combines each pair of sentences using structure: conditional inversion </b></i>
<b>1. It rained heavily yesterday. We didn’t accomplish painting the walls. </b>

<b>2. He doesn’t push the button. Otherwise, we’d all have problems. </b>

<b>3. He neglected my advice. That’s why he lost the game. </b>

<i><b>❖ Combines each pair of sentences using structure: too … to/ so … that </b></i>
<b>4. The coffee was too hot. We could hardly drink it. </b>

<b>5. Gerrard is very intelligent. He always gets perfect scores in math. </b>


