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Ngoại ngữ 9-tuần 26&27

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Học sinh chép phần từ vựng, ngữ pháp vào tập bài học tiếng Anh thường.

Sau đó học từ vựng và làm bài luyện tập GV giao. Ngoài ra HS làm thêm bài tập trong sách bài tập Mai Lan
Hương, Unit 8

<b>ENGLISH 9</b>

<b>Lesson: Read ( Unit 8)</b>


1. Considerate (adj) : chu đáo, ân cần

<b> ≠</b> <b>In</b>considerate (adj) : vô tâm

Consideration (n) : sự ân cần, quan tâm

Considerate <b>of</b> somebody <b>to do</b> something
Considerate <b>to/ towards</b> somebody
Consideration <b>for</b> somebody , something

2. Describe (v) : mô tả

Description (n) : sự mô tả

Descriptive (adj) : sống động, chi tiết

3. Distinguish (v) : phân biệt

Distinguishable (adj) : có thể phân biệt được

<b> in</b>distinguish<b>able (adj)</b> <b>: </b>không thể phân biệt

Distinguish<b>ed</b> (adj) : quan trọng, thành cơng và được kính trọng ( đạo mạo)
distinguish A <b>from</b> B

4. Gener<b>ous</b> (adj) : rộng lượng, rộng rãi

Gener<b>ously</b> (adv)

Generos<b>ity</b> (n) : lịng tốt, tính hào hiệp

5. Hug (n) : sự ôm chặt, sự ghì chặt

Give somebody a hug :

Hug somebody : ôm chặt

6. Humor (n) : sự hài hước

Sense of humor : tính hài hước

Humor<b>ous</b> (adj) : hài hước

7. Groom (n) : chú rể

8. Lose heart (expre) : thối chí

9. Prior<b>ity</b> (n) : quyền ưu tiên, sự ưu thế

Prior (adj) : ưu tiên, trước

10. proud (adj)<b>of</b> : tự hào

take pride <b>in </b>

11. Terrific (adj) : tuyệt vời

12. Towards (prep) : về phía

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<b>Lesson: Write ( Unit 8)</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>OUTLINE ( page 70,textbook)</b>

Read the outline and answer the questions about Father<sub> s Day or Mother</sub>’ <sub> s Day.</sub>’

a. Why is it necessary to have a day to celebrate for your Mom and another for your Dad?
b. When should you celebrate these days?

(In what season? / In what month? / On what day?)
c. How should you celebrate these days?

d. What special gifts should you give?

<b>II.</b> <b>WRITE</b>

Follow the outline and write to a friend as instructed

<b>Lesson: Language focus ( Unit 8)</b>


1. Bureau (n) : cục, cơ quan, phòng

2. Due (adj) <b>to</b> : gây ra bởi, do

3. Compose (v) : sáng tác

 Compos<b>er</b> (n) : người soạn nhạc

4. Culture (n) : văn hóa

 Cultur<b>a</b>l (adj) : thuộc văn hóa

 Cultur<b>ed</b> (adj) : có văn hóa

5. Nation<b>wide</b> (adj) & adv) : khắp cả nước, toàn quốc

6. Prepare (v) : chuẩn bị

 Prepar<b>ation </b>(n) : sự chuẩn bị, điều chuẩn bị

 Prepar<b>ed</b> (adj) : được chuẩn bị, sẵn sàng cho gì

 Prepare <b>for </b>

7. Predict (v) : dự đoán

 Predict<b>ion </b>(n) : sự dự báo, lời tiên tri

8. Satisfy (v) : thỏa mãn

 Satisfi<b>ed </b>(adj) with: cảm thấy hài lịng,vừa lịng

<b>dis</b>satisfied (adj) : khơng hài lòng

 Satisfying (adj) :làm thỏa mãn, làm vừa lòng

 satisf<b>action</b> (n) : sự hài lòng

 Satisf<b>actory</b> (adj) : thỏa đáng (be good enough)

<b>Un</b>satisf<b>actory</b> (adj) : không thỏa đáng


<b>I.</b> <b>RELATIVE CLAUSES ( Mệnh đề quan hệ)</b>

<b>Use: </b>We use relative clauses to identify / describe the person / thing / place in the
main clause.

Ex: The man who lives next door is a doctor.
<b>relative clause</b>

<b>+ </b>We use <b>who / that</b> to refer people.

Ex: The man who / that stole the car is in prison now.

<b>+ </b>We use <b>which / tha</b>t to refer to objects or animals.
Ex<b>: </b>The table which / that is in the kitchen is very old..

<b>+ </b>We use <b>where </b>to refer to places.

Ex<b>: </b>This is the hotel where we spent our vacations.

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<b>Ex: </b>This is the boy whose sister is a singer

<b>+ </b>We use <b>why</b> to give a reason.

<b>Ex</b>: This is why she was crying.

<b>A. Complete the sentences with who, which, where, whose</b>

1. I can’t stand people _________ are lazy and unhelpful.
2. She enjoys watching movies ___________ make her cry .

3. An orphan is a child _____________ parents aren’t alive any more .
4. My parents are the only people __________ always support me.
5. Ibiza is the place__________ she often spends her summer vacation.
6. I prefer hotels ___________ have a swimming pool.

7. That’s the house ___________ I was born.

8.That’s the house ____________ was destroyed by last week’s storm.
9. Baseball is the sport __________ is the most popular in the United States.
10. The girl __________ eyes are blue is Mr. Brown’s daughter.

<b>B. Write relative clauses :</b>

1. Trinh Cong Son composed songs. They are greatly liked by millions of Vietnamese

The songs………
2. You live in a town. The town is very old.

The town………
3. The letter hasn’t arrived yet. I posted it three days ago.

The letter ………
4. I’ve got a friend. She prefers wearing traditional costumes on important occasions .

5. I gave you a book. It had many pictures.

The book ……….
6. Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday. Did you see it?

Did you see ……….
7. They are playing a song on the radio. Do you like it?

Do you like ………
8. He lives in a house. The house is not very big.

The house ………..
9. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday .

The sweets ………...
10. I am reading a book at the moment. It’s very interesting.

The book……….

<b>II.</b> <b>ADVERB CLAUSES OF CONCESSION ( Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ) : </b>
<b>though, even though, although, despite, in spite of</b>

<b>+ Though , even though , although + clause</b>
<b>+ Despite , in spite of + Noun phrase / V-ing</b>

Ex: Although the weather was bad, the trip was enjoyable.
Despite the bad weather, the trip was enjoyable.

<b>A. Fill in each gap with despite / in spite of or although/ even though</b>

1. _________ her illness, Kate went to school.

2. ___________ Sam hadn’t studied, he did well in the test.
3. Maria won the race_______________ falling over.
4. __________ not feeling well, Robert went to work.

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7. ______________his poor English, he managed to communicate his problem clearly.
8. Tuition fees were increased _____________ many objections from students.

<b>B. Sentence transformation</b>

1. He is rich but he isn’t happy.

Although ……….
2. We took many pictures although the sky was cloudy.

Despite ………..
3. In spite of my friend’s encouragement, I remained disappointed.

Although ………..
4. He still has problems with listening despite his being a fluent speaker of English .

Although he can ………...
5. Despite her severe disability, Judy has never lost the will to live.

Even though ……….
6. In spite of a good performance, she lost the match.

Although ……….
7. Although she is poor, she lives in happiness.

Despite ………..
8. Despite his improved behavior, his teacher is still concerned.

Even though ………..
9. Carol had a headache, but she still read until late .

In spite of ………...
10. Although Donna didn’t have the qualifications, she got the job.

Despite ……….

<b>NOTE: Do exercises ( pages 70,71,72,73, textbook)</b>

<b>Lesson: Listen and Read( Unit 9)</b>


1. disaster (n) : thảm họa, thiên tai

 natural disaster : thiên tai

 disastr<b>ous</b> (adj) : thảm khốc, tai hại

2. Expect (v) : trông đợi

 Expect<b>ed </b>(adj) :

<b> ≠ Un</b>expect<b>ed</b> (adj)

3. Forecast (v) & (n) : dự báo , sự dự báo

 Weather forecast : dự báo thời tiết
4. Just in case (expre) : phòng khi

5. Storm (n) : bão

 Storm<b>y</b> (adj) : có bão

6. Thunderstorm (n) : bão có sấm sét

7. Destroy (v) : phá hủy, phá hỏng

 destruct<b>ion</b> (n) : sự tàn phá, sự hủy diệt

 destruct<b>ive </b>(adj) : phá hoại, hủy diệt


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