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Give the correct form of the words given in the parentheses
1. ………………. is one main cause of pollution. (populate)
2. The children seem to be ................... of working quietly by themselves.(capable)
3. Do you feel ...........................when asking your mother for money ? (embarrass)
4. Have you ever participated in any ...............................work ? (volunteer)
5. The VN Society of Learning promotion started a campaign for (illiterate) ……………… eradication.
6. Participating in the fight against illiteracy is considered an ........................ job. (honour)
7. One should devote one self to worthwhile ............................(pursue)
8. The exhibition ...:.. ………….interest in the artist's work. ( stimulation)
9. These (voluntary) ……………………… come from a high school near here.
10. The role that women could play was socially ( limit )………………………
11. Only highly (literate) …………….…..people are capable of discussing these subjects.
12. The English Speaking (compete) ……………..…… was attended by representative of three classes of my school.
13. Universities are very (competition) ……………………for the best students
14. He is the only (competition) ……………………………that has not run this race before.
15. Those students always (competition ) ………………………for their teacher’s attention.
16. On what holiday in your country do you have a big ...........................? (celebrate)
17. I was ................................ of his activities. ( suspicion )
18. She sat ........................ waiting for her turn. ( patience)
19. I was ……. ………….... his comments about my clothes. ( embarrass)
20. The ..........of illiteracy was completely successful ill our country. (eradicate)
21. We hope this application will be treated ......................... . ( sympathy )
22. He took up the work …………….. ( enthusiastist )
23. She has always remained ................ to her political principles. ( loyalty )
24. This area is densely ………………………….. ( populate )
25. She looks very (athletics) …………………….
26. I am most appreciative of your ………………..……..( generous).
27 Jill (volunteer) …………………………… to decorate the hall for the get-together.
28. A (voluntary) ………………………… is someone who serves in a community primarily.
29. Many students in my country (voluntary) ………………………… go to remote areas to help the people there.

30. When she retired, she did a lot of (volunteer )………………service for the Red Cross
II . Pick out the word pronounced differently from the others :
1. A. chicken B. children C. chorus D. chime
2. A. house B. hour C. honey D. hockey
3. A. game B. danger C. village D. change
4. A. honest B. exhaust C. hour D. hook
5. A. cheese B. chorus C. chaos D. character
6. A. hair B. honesty C. holiday D. house
7. A church B. orchid C. orchestra D. psychology
8. A. angry B. agriculture C. angel D. angle
9. A. population B. probably C. among D. solve
10.A. competition B. completion C. question D. information
III. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.
1.A. competition B. annual C. final D. stimulate
2.A. performance B. celebration C. remember D. announce
3.A. apologize B. difficulty C. enjoyment D. remember
4.A. illiteracy B. province C. primary D. country
5.A. eradicate B. minority C. campaign D. ethnic
6.A. orphanage B. participate C. vacation D. remote
7.A. knowledge B. maximum C. athletics D. marathon
8.A. stimulate B. competition C. disappointed D. opportunity
9.A. recite B. organize C. apologize D. participate
10.A .encourage B. compete C. award D. represent
IV. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
1. Don’t be afraid ________ the dog. He’s quite harmless.
2. Have you seen Peter lately? I’ve been looking ________ him this week.
3. She has learnt English for 3 years, and she is good _________ English now.
4. He always prevents me_______ doing my duty.
5. I’m grateful __________ you for your kindness.
6. Mary blew _________ the candles, then cut her birthday cake.

7. He thanked me ____________helping him.
8. Tom insisted _____________ driving me to work.
9. Don't forget to congratulate him __________ his birthday.
10. Finally, they succeeded _________ finding a cure for that strange disease.
11. She always takes good care ___________ her children.
12. I warned Ann __________ staying at the hotel near the airport.
13. The students who take part _______the fight ________illiteracy have to start at six.
14. There was a gradual increase ________ the number ________literate people in the Lowlands between 1998 and
15. It’s very kind _________ you to help me.
1. He had a bad cough so the doctor advised him to give…..smoking
A. up B. in C. of D. for
2. When the candles were blown ……,the room was in dark.
A. of B. out C. at D. in
3. I often take part …… social activities every weekend
A. For B. against C. over D. in.
4. Peter should have apologised ….being late this morning, but he did not
A. about B. at C. for D. up
5. You can believe him. I do not think he is capable …. telling lies
A. to B. of C. at D. on
6. Would you …….my opening the windows now
A mind B. concern C. worry D. want
7. I really like Emma Watson. She had such a good sense of ………………
A. Intelligent. B. humour C. honest D. patience.
8. You should ….. more attention to this new type of exercise.
A. make. B. take C. pay D. concentrate.
9. She quickly ….. at her notes again before entering the examination room.
A. Saw B. glanced C. observed D. watched.
10. It is important to ….. illiteracy out of this world.

A. Delete B. cancel C. eradicate D. damage
11. Are you willing to take……in our project?
A. part B. participation C. role D. contribution
12. I warn you …… pickpockets in the shopping areas
A. With B. against C. on D. to
13. His sister apologized ………. rude to him.
A. being B. for being C. to be D. to being
14. People are not aware ______ the problem of overpopulation.
A. for B. of C. at D. in
15 . Traveling by airplane for the first time was a ……..experience.
A. memorial B. memory C. memorable D. memorized
16. Thanks to medical improvements, the ………rate in Newtown has recently decreased.
A. dead B. death C. deadly D. deaden
17. A young adult's choices for a birth control ………might be different from that of a woman who is older or who is
A. technique B. method C. way D. skill
18 . I want to congratulate you ________the contest.
A. to win B. at winning C. on winning D. about winning
19. A-------------is a person chosen to speak on behalf of a group.
A. monitor B. representative C. president D. member
20. “ ……….you ask me, I will help you, ” the man said .
A.If B. Or C. Unless D. Otherwise
21. Students from the northern ----------are asked to help their illiterate relatives with writing and reading skills.
A. houses B. highlands C. planet D. global
22. John thanked me-----helping him with the homework.
A. to B. for C. with D. of
23. His parents prevented him------staying up too late.
A. of B. from C. with D. on
24…….. how difficult the job was, I mightn't have taken it.
A If I know B. If I would know C. if I knew D . If I had known

25. We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs.
A. look after B. look into C. look for D. look at
26. I am pleased to _______ the winner of the final competition. It's Group B.
a. recite b. announce c. explain d. appoint
27. My teachers always encourage ____ hard at school
a. to work b. us to work c. working d. that we work
29. The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.
a. sadness b. anxiety c. disappointment d. interest
30. Your friendship should be based on ______ trust.
a. basic b. fragile c. mutual d. blind
31. I had a glance at the article, but I haven't read it yet.
a. close look b. quick look c. direct look d. furtive look
32. The anniversary of the founding of the charity falls ____ 12
a. in b. on c. at d. to
33. They give care and comfort ______ disadvantaged children.
a. for b. to c. on d. at
34. All the teachers work on an entirely ___ basis.
a. volunteer b. volunteered c. voluntary d. voluntarily
35. The transition from school to work does not happen smoothly to everyone.
A. without difficulties B. full of troubles
C. with problems D. plenty of challenges
Choose the best answer or question for each situation.
1. If you want to invite your friend to your birthday party, what should you say?
A. Let’s go to my birthday. B. Please go to my birthday.
C. Would you like to go to my birthday? D. Can you go to my birthday?
2. You and some of your friends are having coffee. You are handing round the cakes to your friends and you will say
to them:

A. Eat it, please. B. There you are.
C. Please. D. Help yourself, please.
3. Your friend asks you to lay? or to clean? the tables after the party. If you agree to do, you will say:
A. Yes, I can lay the tables for you. B. Yes, of course.
C. Yes, OK D. Yes, please
4. When someone says “Happy birthday to you!” , what would you respond ?
A. Thanks. And same to you! B. It’s very kind of you!
C. Thank you! D. That’s OK!
5. Rosa and Luis got married fifty years ago. Today their family and friends are giving them a party. Everyone says to
A. Happy Party! B. What an Anniversary couple!
C. Happiness to your Anniversary! D. Happy Anniversary!
6. Your friend, Lan wants to have a farewell party before going abroad. She is wondering where she should hold the
party .You want to suggest she should have the party at home, you say:
A. Why don’t you have a farewell party at home?
B. Let’s have a farewell party at home!
C. If I were you, I would have a farewell party at home.
D. A and B are correct.
7. Before you leave a party at a friend’s house, you say:
A. I’ve enjoyed your party very much. But it’s getting very late. Goodbye!
B. Thank you. Goodbye!
C. I’ve enjoyed your party very much. Have a good time!
D. Look at the time ! I’ve really got to go ! Thank you .
8. What would you say when someone offers you a present on your birthday ?
A. I’m very glad . Thanks .
B. Thanks for the gift . It’s very nice of you !
C. That’s very nice !
D. How happy I am !

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