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<b>PRONUNCIATION (Cách phát âm)</b>

Những âm b, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z phát âm bình thường

<b>Consonants (phụ âm)</b>


<b> Vietnamese</b> <b>Exampl</b>

tʃ ch (cong lưỡi) <i>chip </i>

ʤ ch (cong lưỡi, rung) <i>jar </i>

x kh loch

ŋ ng ring

θ th (lè lưỡi ra tới

ð đ (lè lưỡi ra tới răng) <i>this</i>

ʃ s <i>she</i>

ʒ z (cong lưỡi) decision

j d, i <i>yes</i>

<b>Vowels (nguyên âm)</b>
<b>Short vowels</b>

<i>(nguyên âm ngắn)</i>

a a cat

ɛ e bed

ə ơ <i>ago</i>

ɪ i (ngắn) sit

i i (vừa) cosy

ɒ o hot

ʌ ă/â run

ʊ u (ngắn) put

<i><b>Long vowels (nguyên âm dài)</b></i>

ɑː a (dài) <i>arm</i>

ɛː e (dài) hair

əː ơ (dài) her

iː I (dài) see

ɔː o/ô (dài) saw

uː u (dài) too

<b>Diphthongs (nguyên âm đôi)</b>

ʌɪ ai my

aʊ ao how

eɪ ây (nếu đọc
lướt: e/ê)


əʊ âu/ơu no

ɪə ia near

ɔɪ oi/ôi boy

ʊə ua poor

<b>Triphthongs (nguyên âm ba)</b>

ʌɪə aiơ fire

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<b>ABBREVIATIONS (những chữ viết tắt)</b>

<b>Chữ viết</b>

<b>Từ tiếng Anh</b> <b>Nghĩa tiếng Việt</b>

adj adjective tính từ

adv adverb trạng từ

aux v auxiliary verb động từ khuyết

conj conjunction liên từ/từ nối

det determiner hạn định từ

excl exclamation thán từ

n noun danh từ

obj pron object pronoun đại từ làm túc từ
poss adj possessive adjective tính từ sở hữu
poss det possessive


hạn định từ sở hữu
poss pron possessive pronoun đại từ sở hữu

prep preposition giới từ

pron pronoun đại từ

poss pron possessive pronoun đại từ sở hữu
ref pron reflective pronoun đại từ quan hệ

v verb động từ

v2 past form of verb động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn
v3 past participle of verb quá khứ phân từ của động

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<b>Unit 7: TELEVISION</b>

<b>A. VOCABULARY: (Từ vựng)</b>


programme ˈprəʊgram n chương trình

although ɔːlˈðəʊ, ɒl- prep mặc dù

exchange ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ, ɛks v trao đổi

clip klɪp n một đoạn ngắn trích trong phim

channel ˈtʃan(ə)l n kênh, đài

on ɒn adv đang có, đang hoạt động

vtv viːtiːˈviː n (Vietnam Television) truyền hình Việt Nam

bean biːn n đậu

awful ˈɔːfʊl adj kinh khủng/tồi tệ

cartoon kɑːˈtuːn n phim hoạt hình

stupid ˈstjuːpɪd adj ngu dại, ngớ ngẩn

newspaper ˈnjuːzpeɪpə, ˈnjuːs- n tờ báo

character ˈkarəktə n tính nết, tính cách

educational ɛdjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l adj thuộc về, mang tính giáo dục

entertaining ɛntəˈteɪnɪŋ adj giải trí, vui thú

national ˈnaʃ(ə)n(ə)l adj (thuộc) quốc gia

comedy ˈkɒmɪdi n hài kịch, phim hài

news njuːz n tin tức

compete kəmˈpiːt v thi đấu, tranh tài

character ˈkarəktə n nhân vật

<b>2. A CLOSER LOOK 1</b>

MC ɛmˈsiː n người dẫn chương trình (Master of


viewer ˈvjuːə n người xem

weatherman ˈwɛðəman n người nam dự báo thời tiết

newsreader ˈnjuːzriːdə n người đọc tin

remote rɪˈməʊt adj từ xa, ở xa

control kənˈtrəʊl n bộ điều khiển

volume ˈvɒljuːm n âm lượng

button ˈbʌt(ə)n n cái nút, cái bấm

forecast ˈfɔːkɑːst v dự báo

report rɪˈpɔːt n bản tin, bản dự báo

distance ˈdɪst(ə)ns n khoảng cách

announce əˈnaʊns v thông báo

event ɪˈvɛnt n sự kiện, tiết mục

divide dɪˈvʌɪd v chia ra

work out wəːk aʊt v tìm ra câu trả lời, giải

comedian kəˈmiːdɪən n diễn viên hài

screen skriːn n màn hình


g ˈθaŋksgɪvɪŋ, θaŋksˈgɪvɪŋ n lễ tạ ơn

both bəʊθ det, pron cả hai

neither ˈnʌɪðə, ˈniː- adv cũng không

thieves θiːvz n kẻ trộm, kẻ cắp (số nhiều)

security sɪˈkjʊərɪti, sɪˈkjɔːrɪti n sự an toàn, sự an ninh
<b>3. A CLOSER LOOK 2</b>

exhibition ɛksɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n n cuộc triển lãm, trưng bày

depend dɪˈpɛnd v phụ thuộc, lệ thuộc

meeting ˈmiːtɪŋ n cuộc hội họp (cuộc mít tinh)

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penguin ˈpɛŋɡwɪn n chim cánh cụt

series ˈsɪəriːz, -rɪz n phim truyền hình nhiều tập

adventure ədˈvɛntʃə n cuộc phiêu lưu

wing wɪŋ n cánh

sound saʊnd v nghe có vẻ

connect kəˈnɛkt v nối

outdoors aʊtˈdɔːz adv ngoài trời

become bɪˈkʌm v trở nên

ill ɪl adj bệnh

beginning bɪˈgɪnɪŋ n phần đầu

stadium ˈsteɪdɪəm n sân vận động

broadcast ˈbrɔːdkɑːst v phát sóng

monthly ˈmʌnθli adj, adv hàng tháng

cost kɒst v chi phí, có giá là

cable ˈkeɪb(ə)l n cáp


clumsy ˈklʌmzi adj hậu đậu

mini-series ˈmɪni ˈsɪəriːz, -rɪz adj phim ngắn nhiều tập

entertain ɛntəˈteɪn v giải trí

Finland ˈfɪnlənd n nước Phần Lan

Iceland ˈʌɪslənd n nước Ai-xơ-len, Băng Đảo

discovery dɪˈskʌv(ə)ri n sự khám phá

education ɛdjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n n sự giáo dục, nền giáo dục, học vấn

trouser ˈtraʊzə n quần

detective dɪˈtɛktɪv n thám tử

teenager ˈtiːneɪdʒə n thiếu niên (13-19 tuổi)

fatty ˈfati adj béo

fox fɒks n con cáo

human ˈhjuːmən n con người

million ˈmɪljən n, adj triệu

educate ˈɛdjʊkeɪt v giáo dục, cho ăn học

audience ˈɔːdɪəns n khán giả

<b>5. SKILLS 1</b>

dɒkjʊˈmɛnt(ə)ri n phim tài liệu

pacific pəˈsɪfɪk adj thái bình, hịa bình

parrot ˈparət n con vẹt

instructor ɪnˈstrʌktə n người huấn luyện

skating ˈskeɪtɪŋ n môn trượt băng

rink rɪŋk n sân (băng, patin)


wheelbarrow n xe cút kít

wicked ˈwɪkɪd adj xấu, ác

knowledge ˈnɒlɪdʒ n kiến thức

jungle ˈdʒʌŋɡ(ə)l n rừng rậm nhiệt đới

journey ˈdʒɜːrni; ˈdʒɜːni n cuộc hành trình

Jupiter ˈdʒuːpɪtə n sao Mộc

discover dɪˈskʌvə v khám phá, tìm ra

planet ˈplanɪt n hành tinh

system ˈsɪstəm n hệ thống

universe ˈjuːnɪvəːs n vũ trụ

ocean ˈəʊʃ(ə)n n đại dương

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spot spɒt v làm lốm đốm

squirrel ˈskwɪr(ə)l n con sóc

lonely ˈləʊnli adj cơ đơn

giraffe dʒɪˈrɑːf, -ˈraf n hươu cao cổ

inca ˈɪŋkə n chim ruồi Nam Mỹ

habit ˈhabɪt n thói quen

leave liːv v bỏ quên

support səˈpɔːt v hỗ trợ

comment ˈkɒmɛnt n lời phê bình, lời nhận xét

<b>7. LOOKING BACK </b>

weathergirl ˈwɛðəɡəːl n người nữ dự báo thời tiết

romance rə(ʊ)ˈmans, ˈrəʊmans n tính lãng mạn, chuyện tình lãng mạn

attract əˈtrakt v thu hút, lơi cuốn

offer ˈɒfə v cung cấp

hard hɑːd adj, adv chăm chỉ, vất vả

produce prəˈdjuːs v sản xuất

quality ˈkwɒlɪti n chất lượng, phẩm chất

designer dɪˈzʌɪnə n người thiết kế

reporter rɪˈpɔːtə n phóng viên

kitties ˈkɪti n mèo con

bbc ˌbiːbiːˈsiː n tổng công ty phát thanh truyền hình Anh

British ˈbrɪtɪʃ adj quốc tịch LH Anh, thuộc về LH Anh, người


yesterday ˈjɛstədeɪ, -di n, adv ngày hôm qua

track trak n đường băng trong sân vận động

seen siːn v3 thấy, gặp

fair fɛː n hội chợ

recommend rɛkəˈmɛnd v gợi ý, giới thiệu, tiến cử

base beɪs v dựa trên

<b>8. PROJECT</b>

nothing ˈnʌθɪŋ pron khơng có gì

<i><b>B. </b></i><b>GRAMMAR: (Ngữ pháp)</b>

<b>When (Khi nào): Dùng để hỏi về thời gian.</b>

<b>Ví dụ:</b>

A: When does the game show start? (Chương trình truyền hình giải trí bắt đầu khi nào vậy?)
B: At 5 p.m. (Vào lúc 5 giờ chiều.)

<b>• How (Thế nào): Dùng để hỏi về cách thức. </b>
<b>Ví dụ:</b>

A: How do you go to school? (Bạn đến trường bằng phương tiện gì?)
B: By bike. (Bằng xe đạp.)

<b>• How many (Bao nhiêu): Dùng để hỏi về số lượng.</b>
<b>Ví dụ:</b>

A: How many carrots are there in the basket? (Có bao nhiêu củ cà rốt trong giỏ vậy?) B: Three. (Ba củ.)

<b>• How often (thường xuyên thế nào): Dùng để hỏi về tần suất.</b>

<b>Ví dụ:</b>

A: How often do you watch TV? (Bạn có thường xem ti vi khơng?)
B: Every day. (Tơi xem hàng ngày.)

<b>• What (Là gì): Dùng để hỏi về sự vật, sự việc.</b>
<b>Ví dụ: </b>

A: What makes a child happy? (Điều gì làm trẻ con cảm thấy vui vẻ?)
B: Toys and new clothes. (Đồ chơi và quần áo mới.)

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A: Who is the MC of the programme? (Người dẫn chương trình ấy là ai vậy?)
B: Jimmy Fallon. (Là Jimmy Fallon.)

<b>• Why (Tại sao): Dùng để hỏi về nguyên nhân.</b>
<b>Ví dụ:</b>

A: Why do you want to become a pilot? (Tại sao bạn muốn trở thành phi công?)

B: Because I love travelling around the world. (Vì tơi thích đi du lịch trên khắp thế giới.)

<b>Liên từ được sử dụng để nối các từ, cụm từ hoặc các ý với nhau.</b>
<b>• and (và): Dùng để bổ sung thơng tin</b>

<b>Ví dụ: This programme is both entertaining and educational. (Chương trình này vừa mang tính giải trí </b>
<i>vừa mang tính giáo dục.) </i>

<b>• but (nhưng): dùng để diễn tả sự đối lập</b>
<b>Ví dụ:</b>

Mary loves comedy, but she hates horror movies.
<i>(Mary thích phim hài nhưng cơ ấy ghét phim kinh dị.)</i>

<b>• so (nên): Dùng để nói đến kết quả của sự việc được nhắc đến trước đó.</b>
<b>Ví dụ:</b>

The weather is very bad, so we have to cancel the picnic.
<i>(Thời tiết rất xấu nên chúng tôi phải hủy bỏ buổi dã ngoại.)</i>

<b>• because (bởi vì): dùng để nói về lí do của sự việc được nhắc đến trước hoặc sau nó.</b>
<b>Ví dụ:</b>

You shouldn’t watch too much television because it’s harmful to your health.
<i>(Bạn khơng nên xem tivi q nhiều vì nó có hại cho sức khỏe.)</i>

<b>• although (mặc dù): thể hiện ý nghĩa đối lập giữa hai mẩu thông tin trong cùng một câu</b>
<b>Ví dụ:</b>

<b>Although Linda is ugly, she is very kind. (Mặc dù Linda xấu xí, cơ ấy lại rất tốt bụng.)</b>

<b>C. PRONUNCIATION: (Ngữ âm)</b>

<i><b>1. Cách phát âm phụ âm /θ/</b></i>

<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

Đặt đầu lưỡi giữa hai hàm răng rồi đẩy hơi qua miệng  theatre /ˈθɪətə(r)/ (n.): rạp hát

 birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ (n.): sinh nhật
Khi phát âm, dây thanh không rung.

<i><b>2. Cách phát âm phụ /ð/</b></i>

<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

Đặt đầu lưỡi giữa hai hàm răng rồi đẩy hơi qua  they /ðeɪ/ (pro.): họ

 weather /ˈweðə(r)/ / (n.): thời tiết
Khi phát âm, dây thanh rung lên.

<b>D. EXERCISES: (Bài tập)</b>


<i><b>I. How is th pronounced in the following words? Circle the correct option</b></i>

1. that /θ/ /ð/ 6. earth /θ/ /ð/ 11. although /θ/ /ð/ 16. breath /θ/ /ð/
2. think /θ/ /ð/ 7. feather /θ/ /ð/ 12. thank /θ/ /ð/ 17. breathe /θ/ /ð/
3. other /θ/ /ð/ 8. three /θ/ /ð/ 13. brother /θ/ /ð/ 18. them /θ/ /ð/
4. weather /θ/ /ð/ 9. thieves /θ/ /ð/ 14. month /θ/ /ð/ 19. thirsty /θ/ /ð/
5. theatre /θ/ /ð/ 10. there /θ/ /ð/ 15. healthy /θ/ /ð/ 20. clothe /θ/ /ð/
<i><b>II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently for the rest.</b></i>

1. a. this b. think c. thank d. thieves

2. a. gather b. bathe c. birthday d. weather

3. a. tooth b. breathe c. through d. earth

4. a. thirty b. than c. therefore d. those

5. a. mouth b. Thursday c. nothing d. worthy

<i><b>III.Practice saying the sentences. </b></i>

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4. They’d rather have a bath with their clothing on.
5. The athlete ran three thousand metres to the north.


<i><b>I. Match the pictures with the television programmes.</b></i>

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________

5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________

9. ______________ 10. ______________ 11. ______________ 12. ______________
<i><b>II. Match the words on the left with its definition on the right.</b></i>

1. quiz show a. a device that allows you to operate a television, etc. from a distance

2. channel b. a woman on television or radio who tells you what the weather will be like
3. TV schedule c. a film about real people and events

4. remote control d. a programme where you try to answer questions in order to win prizes
5. MC e. a person who watches television

6. weathergirl f. a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different

7. comedian g. a television station

8. documentary h. a list of the television programmes that are on a particular channel and the
times that they start

9. sitcom i. a person who hosts an event

10. viewer j. a person whose job is to make people laugh, by telling jokes or funny stories.
<i><b>III.Choose the correct answers. </b></i>

1. ‘Why are you laughing so hard?’ ‘I am watching a ________. It’s really funny!’

a. drama b. news c. comedy d. romance

2. Did you watch the ________ about the history of India?

a. documentary b. sitcom c. news d. game

3. <i>Who wants To Be a Millionaire is a kind of ________.</i>

a. music programmes b. game shows c. talk shows d. reality shows
4. I love ________. Tom and Jerry are my favourite characters.

a. romances b. comedies c. documentaries d. cartoons
5. Grandma watches her favourite ________ every day. She never misses any episodes.

a. cartoon b. series c. news d. weather forecast

6. Where is the ________? I’d like to change the channel.

a. remote control b. volume button c. TV programme d. schedule
7. Could you turn up the ________ please. I can’t hear that singer very well.

a. channel b. programme c. volume d. television

game show comedy cartoon weather forecast music science

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8. Let’s take a look at the weather ________ now!

a. forecast b. presentation c. broadcast d. programme
9. Did you see the Prime Minister on the 10 o’clock ________ last night?

a. drama b. sitcom c. news d. cartoon

10. Jill Newman was a(n) ________ on News at Ten.

a. MC b. newsreader c. host d. interviewer

<i><b>IV. Complete the sentences with suitable adjectives from the box. </b></i>

1. This is a very ___________ television programme. Millions of people watch it every week.
2. It was a really ___________ film. It made us laugh all the time!

3. Donald Duck is so ___________! I really love him.

4. VTV is the ___________ television broadcaster of Vietnam.

5. Channels like Discovery offer ___________ programmes that can increase our knowledge.
6. That’s the third glass you’ve broken this week - you’re so ___________!

7. This programme is ___________ - shall I turn over to BBC?
8. I found the talk show both informative and ___________.
<i><b>V. Complete each sentence with an appropriate preposition. </b></i>
1. What is ___________ TV tonight?

2. You can see how people compete with each other ___________ a game show.

3. <i>The Wingless Penguin is __________ Disney channel, __________ 8 o’clock Friday night.</i>
4. Comedies help people relax ___________ a hard working day.

5. My brother is interested ___________ Nature programme.
6. The talk show is on ___________ 8 o’clock to 10 o’clock.
7. Cartoons often use animals ___________ the main characters
8. He turned ___________ the television to watch the news.
<i><b>VI. Fill in the blank with the conjunctions In the box.</b></i>

1. Read over your answers ___________ correct all mistakes before you hand them in.
2. ___________ Jim doesn’t like this game show, he watches it almost every Friday.
3. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, ___________ she takes the bus everywhere.

4. He is very rich, ___________ he doesn’t spend a lot of money.

5. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly ___________ you can ride the ferry.
6. Thomas was really hungry this morning ___________ he didn’t eat breakfast.
7. I have a lot of homework to do, ___________ I can’t go to the cinema with you.
8. The waiter was not very nice, ___________ the food was delicious.

9. We enjoyed the film ___________ it had a sad ending.
10. She went to see a doctor ___________ her back was painful.

<i><b>VII.</b></i> <i><b>Join each pair of sentences, using the word in brackets. </b></i>
1. Nathan missed the bus. He was late for school. (because)

2. Keep the food covered. The flies will contaminate it. (or)

3. Julie has a guitar. She plays it very well. (and)

4. I need to study hard. I can get a good score on the test. (so)

5. He seemed a friendly person. I didn’t like him. (although)

6. The food looks delicious. It tastes horrible. (but)

7. Mason fell. The floor was wet. (because)


boring educational funny national popular entertaining clumsy cute

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8. Anna took a part-time job. She needed some money. (so)

<i><b>VIII. Choose the correct answers. </b></i>

1. Fruit tastes good _________ it’s healthy for your body.

a. but b. and c. so d. or

2. I want to buy a new jacket, _________ I don’t have enough money.

a. and b. so c. but d. because

3. Linda is going to make a cake, _________ she needs some eggs and flour.

a. so b. but c. and d. or

4. We went for a walk _________ it was raining heavily.

a. because b. although c. therefore d. however

5. We can go to the pool _________ we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer?

a. or b. but c. and d. so

6. John likes funny movies _________ he doesn’t like scary movies.

a. and b. or c. so d. but

7. I’d like to see that Korean band _________ their music is pretty cool.

a. although b. so c. because d. but

8. I still cry at the end _________ I’ve seen this movie several times.

a. and b. although c. because d. so

9. You must hurry _________ you will miss your train.

a. so b. but c. and d. or

10. His chocolate was too hot, _________ he put some cold milk in it.

a. so b. but c. because d. although

<i><b>IX. Complete the sentences with the correct question words.</b></i>
1. ___________ do you watch TV? - Every night.

2. ___________ hours a day do you watch TV? - Three hours.
3. ___________ do you usually watch TV? - In the evening.

4. ___________ of TV programmes do you like to watch? - Sports, Music, and Cartoon.
5. ___________ is your favourite TV programme? - Cartoon.

6. ___________ do you watch TV? - Because it’s entertaining and educational.
7. ___________ is your favourite cartoon character? - Mickey Mouse.

8. ___________ can you find out the times and channels of TV programmes? – In TV schedule.
9. ___________ does the film last? - About an hour and a half.

10. ___________ time do you spend watching TV? - One or two hours a day.
<i><b>X. Write questions to the underlined words.</b></i>

1. __________________________________________________________
My father watches the News every night.

2. __________________________________________________________
Tom Hank is my favourite actor.

3. __________________________________________________________
We usually watch TV in the evening.

4. __________________________________________________________
Tim is watching a game show now.

5. __________________________________________________________
I like music programme best.

6. __________________________________________________________
The game show Are you smarter than a 5th grader? is on 8 p.m.
7. __________________________________________________________

Many children like cartoons because they are funny.

8. __________________________________________________________
The Red Spotted Squirrel lasts twenty-five minutes.

9. __________________________________________________________
They watch TV two or three hours every day.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>C. SPEAKING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box. Write the letters of the sentences.</b></i>

<b>Bob:</b> (1)__________________________________

David: Mostly for one hour. (2)__________________________________
<b>Bob:</b> (3)__________________________________

David: I watch it for information and entertainment.
<b>Bob:</b> (4)__________________________________
David: I like to watch sports channel ESPN.

<b>Bob:</b> (5)__________________________________

David: I also watch Discovery, History and some news channels.
<b>Bob:</b> (6)__________________________________

David: Most of the cartoon movies refresh our mind.
<i><b>II. Put the dialogue into the correct order.</b></i>

_____ I’m fine too. Did you watch ‘The Following’ last night?
__1__ Hey Max. How are you?

_____ I see! That is getting a bit predictable, don’t you think?
_____ I’m good and you?

_____ Well, the FBI located the farm but the kidnappers managed to get away once more. They’re
still holding the poor boy.

_____ Give it a break, Paula. It’s just a TV show!

_____ Can you tell me if they found the boy? I was watching it and power went out.
_____ As usual the bad guys had help coming their way.

_____ Yeah I did. I never miss it.
_____ Whoa! How did that happen?

<b> D. READING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the passage with the words from the box.</b></i>

For me TV is the best source of (1)____________. I can relax and have fun at the same time. My
favourite TV (2)____________ is “How I met your mother”. I like it (3)____________ it is funny and I
(4)____________ myself a lot. I watch it every day. The series follows the main character Ted Mosby,
and his group of (5)____________ in Manhattan. I am also (6)____________ of “Criminal Minds” and

TV is indeed very important for me. I would go (7)____________ if I couldn’t watch it for a week.
My parents sometimes have to (8)____________ my television viewing, but that’s okay.

<i><b>II. Read the passages carefully. Then do the tasks.</b></i>
A. Don’t you watch any other channel?
B. Why do you watch television?

C. What is your opinion about cartoon films?
D. How many hours do you watch TV every day?
E. Which is your favourite TV channel?

F. On weekends I may watch for two hours or more.

friends because crazy enjoy programme entertainment restrict fond

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>A. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).</b>
1. Steve is obsessed about TV.

2. Kate doesn’t like watching the news.

3. Rachel’s favourite programmes are still cartoons.
4. Kate likes watching things that make her laugh.

5. Rachel is the teenager who watches less TV of the three.
6. Steve’s parents don’t mind that he watches so much TV.
<b>B. Answer the questions.</b>

1. Which TV programme does Steve like watching?

2. Why does Kate like watching documentaries on wildlife?

3. How much time does Rachel spend watching TV?

4. According to Rachel, what are the benefits of TV?


<b>E. WRITING </b>

<i><b>I. Arrange the words to make sentences.</b></i>
1. on/ what/ tonight/ television/ is?

2. favourite/ MC/ your / who/ is/ television?


3. Tina/ time/ television/ does/ how much/ spend/ watching?

4. they/ like/ do/ why/ cartoons/ to watch?

5. best/ television/ like/ what/ do/ you/ programme?

6. start/ the/ game show/ what time/ does?

7. Liz/ go to/ how often/ does/ the cinema?

8. you/ watch/ do/ television/ usually/ when?

<i><b>II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.</b></i>
1. What programme do you like best?

What’s _________________________________________________________
2. It’s not good for children to spend too much time watching television.

Children ________________________________________________________

<b>Kate, 14</b> <sub>I know most teens don’t like watching the news, but I do. I like to know</sub>
what is happening around our world. I also enjoy documentaries,
especially about wildlife. I’m very curious about the way animals live
and how to preserve their habitats. I also enjoy watching live shows and

films, mostly comedies and thrillers. I watch TV two or three hours a day.
<b>Rachel, 17</b> I like TV as everybody else, but now that I’m older I am more selective

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

3. Jim loves animals, so he likes to watch Animal programme.

Jim likes to watch Animal programme_________________________________
4. My sister likes to watch cartoons.

My sister is fond __________________________________________________
5. How much time do you spend watching television?

How many ______________________________________________________
6. How about going to the cinema tonight?

Shall ___________________________________________________________
7. The film is not as interesting as the novel was.

The novel was much ______________________________________________
8. Although he seemed a friendly person, I didn’t like him.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>Unit 8: SPORTS AND GAMES</b>

<b>A. VOCABULARY: (Từ vựng)</b>


sportspeople ˈspɔːtspiːp(ə)l n người thích thể thao, nhà thể thao (số nhiều)

karate kəˈrɑːti n võ karatê

tennis ˈtɛnɪs n quần vợt

table tennis ˈteɪb(ə)l ˈtɛnɪs n bóng bàn

congratulation kənɡratjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n n lời chúc mừng

fit fɪt adj mạnh khoẻ

similar ˈsɪmɪlə adj tương tự

boxing ˈbɒksɪŋ n quyền thuật, quyền Anh

fish fɪʃ v câu cá, đánh bắt cá

aerobics ɛːˈrəʊbɪks n môn thể dục nhịp điệu

chess tʃɛs n cờ

cycling ˈsʌɪklɪŋ n sự đi xe đạp

nearly ˈnɪəli adv gần như, hầu như

waste weɪst n sự lãng phí

mostly ˈməʊs(t)li adv hầu hết

<b>2. A CLOSER LOOK 1</b>

ball bɔːl n trái bóng

goggle ˈɡɒɡ(ə)l n kính bảo hộ, kính râm

racket ˈrakɪt n vợt

ski skiː n giày trượt tuyết

skateboard ˈskeɪtbɔːd n ván trượt

sail seɪl v đi thuyền, tàu

skateboarding ˈskeɪtbɔːdɪŋ n môn trượt ván

fear fɪə v lo sợ

stair stɛː n cầu thang, bậc thang

beer bɪə n bia

sphere sfɪə n quả cầu

hold həʊld v nắm, giữ, tổ chức

miss mɪs v lỡ, trượt, hỏng

fan fan n người hâm mộ

chase tʃeɪs n, v sự săn đuổi, săn đuổi

loudly laʊdli adv to tiếng

side sʌɪd n phe, phái

<b>3. A CLOSER LOOK 2</b>

Olympic əˈlɪmpɪk adj (thuộc) đại hội thể thao Ôlimpich

held hɛld v2 tổ chức

moon muːn n mặt trăng

tiring ˈtʌɪərɪŋ adj mệt mỏi

score skɔː v ghi bàn/ghi điểm (thể thao)

goal gəʊl n bàn thắng, điểm

exhaust ɪgˈzɔːst, ɛg- v làm kiệt sức

direct dɪˈrɛkt, dʌɪ- adj trực tiếp

chew tʃuː v nhai

gum ɡʌm n chất gôm

swallow ˈswɒləʊ v nuốt

litter ˈlɪtə v vứt rác rưởi bừa bãi lên, bày bừa lên

exercise ˈɛksəsʌɪz v tập thể dục, thể thao


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achievement əˈtʃiːvm(ə)nt n thành tích, thành tựu

player ˈpleɪə n cầu thủ, người chơi

ring rɪŋ n võ đài

fit fɪt adj cân đối

sportsman ˈspɔːtsmən n người nam chơi thể thao

sportswoman ˈspɔːtswʊmən n người nữ chơi thể thao

<b>5. SKILLS 1</b>

king kɪŋ n vua

widely ˈwʌɪdli adv rộng rãi

regard rɪˈɡɑːd v xem như

professional prəˈfɛʃ(ə)n(ə)l adj chuyên nghiệp

taught tɔːt v2 dạy (v1: teach)

cup kʌp n cúp, giải

shown ʃəʊn v chiếu

vote vəʊt v bầu, bỏ phiếu, biểu quyết

century ˈsɛntʃʊri n thế kỉ

hero ˈhɪərəʊ n người anh hùng

well-known wɛl nəʊn adj nổi tiếng

total ˈtəʊt(ə)l adj tổng cộng

jogging ˈdʒɒgɪŋ n môn thể dục chạy bộ

belong bɪˈlɒŋ v thuộc về

spare spɛː adj rảnh rỗi

<b>6. SKILLS 2</b>

Bill bɪl n (tên riêng của người)

Alice ˈalɪs n (tên riêng của người)

guitar gɪˈtɑː n đàn ghi ta

rosemarrick ˈrəʊzmarɪk n (tên 1 ngôi trường tưởng tượng)

individual ɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊ(ə)l, ɪndɪ

adj cá nhân

<b>7. LOOKING BACK </b>

bat bat n dơi

driving ˈdrʌɪvɪŋ n sự lái xe (ô tô)

breaststroke ˈbrɛs(t)strəʊk n kiểu bơi ếch

dive ˈdʌɪv v lặn

float fləʊt v nổi lên

pedal ˈpɛd(ə)l n bàn đạp

wheel wiːl n bánh (xe)

kick kɪk n, v cú đá, đá

referee refəˈriː n trọng tài

rope rəʊp n dây

glove ɡlʌv n bao tay

paddle ˈpad(ə)l n vợt (bóng bàn)

serve səːv n cú giao bóng

basket ˈbɑːskɪt n rổ, giỏ, thúng

court kɔːt n sân

Greece griːs n nước Hy Lạp

BC ˌbiːˈsiː (Before Christ) trước công nguyên

noise nɔɪz n tiếng ồn

tug tʌɡ n sự kéo mạnh

tug of war tʌɡ ɒv wɔː n trò chơi kéo co

cycle ˈsʌɪk(ə)l v đi xe đạp

feed fiːd v nuôi, cho ăn

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article ˈɑːtɪk(ə)l n bài (báo, tạp chí)

men mɛn n con người, người đàn ông (số nhiều)

women ˈwɪmɪn n phụ nữ (số nhiều)

contest ˈkɒntɛst n cuộc thi

blind man's bluff blʌɪndmanzˈblʌf n trò chơi bịt mắt bắt dê
<b>8. PROJECT</b>

blindfold ˈblʌɪn(d)fəʊld n, v hành động bịt mắt, bịt mắt

seeker ˈsiːkə n người đi tìm

close kləʊs v đóng

touch tʌtʃ v sờ

possible ˈpɒsɪb(ə)l adj có thể được

caught kɔːt v2, v3 bắt

catch katʃ v bắt

try trʌɪ n sự thử, cố gắng

hint hɪnt n lời gợi ý, bóng gió, ám chỉ

pull pʊl v lơi, kéo

marbles ˈmɑːb(ə)lz n trị chơi bắn bi

<i><b>B. </b></i><b>GRAMMAR: (Ngữ pháp)</b>

<b>a. play</b>  các mơn thể thao đồng đội.

 có sử dụng bóng (ball) hoặc các thiết bị khác.

 play football (chơi bóng đá)
 play chess (chơi cờ)

 play tennis (chơi quần vợt)
 play baseball (chơi bóng chày)
 play computer games (chơi trị

<i>chơi máy tính)</i>
<b>b. do</b> • các hoạt động mang tính tiêu khiển

• các mơn thể thao cá nhân, khơng đồng đội
• các mơn thể thao khơng sử dụng bóng

 do yoga (tập yoga)
 do puzzle (giải câu đố)
 do exercise (tập thể dục)
 do aerobics (tập thể dục nhịp


 do judo (tập võ nhu đạo)
<b>c. go</b> các động từ tận cùng là -ing để diễn tả các hoạt

động giải trí, thư giãn

 go jogging (đi chạy bộ)
 go cycling (đi đạp xe)
 go skiing (đi trượt tuyết)
 go skateboarding (đi trượt ván)
 go swimming (đi bơi)


<b>a. Cách dùng: Diễn tả sự việc đã kết thúc trong quá khứ.</b>

<b>Ex: We played volleyball yesterday. (Hôm qua chúng tôi đã chơi bóng chuyền.)</b>
<b>b. Dấu hiệu nhận biết:</b>

Ta thường đề cập thời gian sực việc xảy ra trong câu sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn.

In+ mốc thời gian quá khứ. Ví dụ: in the past (trong quá khứ), in 1972 (vào năm 1972)
Yesterday (hơm qua)

Last+ khoảng thời gian. Ví dụ: last week (tuấn trước), last month (tháng trước), last year (năm trước)
Khoảng thời gian+ago. Ví dụ: 5 minutes ago (5 phút trước), 1 hour ago (1 tiếng trước)

c. Cấu trúc

<b>Dạng khẳng định </b>
(Affirmative form)

<b>S + V (past)</b> Thev went skiing last weekend.
<i>(Họ đã đi trượt tuyết cuối tuần trước.)</i>
<b>Dạng phủ định</b>

(Negative form) <b>S + didn't + V</b>

Thev didn’t <b> go skiing last weekend.</b>

<i>(Họ đã không đi trượt tuyết cuối tuần trước.)</i>
<b>Dạng nghi vấn</b>

(Interrogative form) <b>Did + S + V?</b>

<b>Did they go skiing last weekend?</b>

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<b>Trả lời câu hỏi Có/ Khơng</b>

(Yes/ No response) <b>Yes, S did. No, S didn’t.</b>

Yes, they did. (Đúng vậy.)
No, they didn’t. (Không phải.)

<b>a. Cách dùng:</b>

Câu mệnh lệnh được dùng để yêu cầu ai làm gì, hoặc đưa ra mệnh lệnh trực tiếp.

• u cầu <b>Ví dụ: Do the laundry for me, please! (Hãy giặt đồ cho tơi nhé!)</b>
• Mệnh lệnh <b>Ví dụ: Stand still! Don’t move!</b>

<i>(Đứng n tại chỗ! Khơng di chuyển!)</i>
<b>b. Cấu trúc: Câu mệnh lệnh có 2 cấu trúc chính: </b>

 <b>V </b>

<b>Ví dụ: Practice more! (Hãy luyện tập thêm đi!)</b>
 <b>Don't + V</b>

<b>Ví dụ: Don’t drive too fast! (Đừng lái xe quá nhanh!)</b>

<b>C. PRONUNCIATION: (Ngữ âm)</b>

<i><b>1. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM NGUN ÂM ĐƠI /eə/</b></i>

<i><b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b></i> <i><b>VÍ DỤ</b></i>

Để phát âm nguyên âm đôi /eə/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /e/ rồi đến
âm /ə/

 Hai khóe miệng hơi kéo sang hai bên, lưỡi đặt ở độ cao trung bình
đề phát âm âm /e/.

 Thu hai khóe miệng lại, lưỡi hơi kéo về phía sau để phát âm âm /ə/.

 chair /tʃeə(r)/ (n): ghế
 bear /beə(r)/ (n): con gấu

<i><b>1. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM NGUYÊN ÂM ĐÔI /ɪə/</b></i>

<i><b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b></i> <i><b>VÍ DỤ</b></i>

Để phát âm ngun âm đơi /ɪə/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /e/ rồi đến
âm /ə/

 Hai khóe miệng hơi kéo sang hai bên, nâng lưỡi cao để phát âm /ɪ/.
 Thu hai khóe miệng lại, hạ lưỡi về vị trí thư giãn. Đồng thời phát âm

âm âm /ə/.

 deer /dɪə(r)/ (n): con hươu
 beer /bɪə(r)/ (n): bia

<b>D. EXERCISES: (Bài tập)</b>

<b>A. PHONETICS </b>

<i><b>I. Write the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.</b></i>
here there idea where aerobics near share beer care air stair
sphere hear career square really cheer spare bear fare their

/eə/ __________________________________________________________________
/ɪə/ __________________________________________________________________
<i><b>II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.</b></i>

1. a. fear b. near c. really d. wear

2. a. their b. hair c. series d. there

3. a. spare b. play c. game d. table

4. a. keep b. cheer c. meet d. week

5. a. sphere b. series c. here d. where

<i><b>I. Name these sports and games.</b></i>

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________

boxing marathon karate volleyball aerobics

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________

9. ______________ 10. ______________

<i><b>II. Use the sports or games in the list to fill in the boxes.</b></i>

<b>PLAY</b> <b>GO</b> <b>DO</b>



<i><b>III.Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.</b></i>

1. All we need to run is good _______________.

2. They fight in a square area with ropes around it, called a boxing _______________.

3. _______________ are special glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from wind, dust,
water, etc.

4. In boxing, the fighters wear large leather boxing _______________ on their hands.
5. Shall we play table tennis? - Great! Can you lend me a _______________?

6. He threw his tennis _______________ across the court in anger.
7. When we put _______________ on we can move over snow easily.
8. He sometimes rides his _______________ to school.

<i><b>IV. Underline the correct answers.</b></i>

You want to do sport, but you don’t know which sport to choose. (1) Gymnastics/ Surfing/ Skiing is
fun, but it’s expensive and you can only do it in winter. Cycling is good exercise, but you must buy a (2)
<i>racket/ bicycle/ net and a (3) helmet/ swimming cap/ skateboard. How about (4) bowling/ running/ scuba</i>
<i>diving? It doesn’t cost any money and you can do it any time and any place. You only need some good</i>
trainers, some comfortable clothes - and the Runkeeper smartphone app. With this app you can see your
distance and your speed. Do you prefer to exercise at a sports club? You don’t need an expensive
personal trainer. You can use Runkeeper while you are (5) cycling/ surfing/ weightlifting on an exercise
bike or while you are jumping and kicking in a (6) karate/ volleyball/ basketball lesson. You can’t lose
with this incredible app!

<i><b>V. Fill in each blank with the simple past tense of the verb from the box.</b></i>

1. My friends and I __________ swimming yesterday morning.
2. We really __________ the game last Sunday.

3. In 1958, at the age of 17, Pelé__________ his first World Cup.

4. The Canadian hockey team __________ six goals against Switzerland.
5. The home team __________ very well, but they lost the match.

6. My father __________ me how to ride a bike.

badminton karate football cycling yoga swimming boxing tennis
aerobics skateboarding basketball hiking judo skiing

soccer gymnastics jogging golf

goggles racket skateboard skis ring paddle running shoes gloves

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

7. I __________ a new baseball cap last week.

8. At the age of 17, Messi __________ the youngest official player and goal scorer inthe Spanish La

9. She has a black belt in karate. She first __________ karate when she was seven.
10. Argentina __________ 1 - 0 to Germany in the final.

<i><b>VI. Turn the sentences into negative and interrogative forms.</b></i>
1. They were in Rio last summer.

2. We did our exercise this morning.

3. My parents came to visit me last July.

4. The hotel was very expensive.

5. I had a bicycle when I was young

6. The children went to the zoo yesterday.

7. Ernie ate the last doughnut.

8. They bought a new house last month.


<i><b>VII.</b></i> <i><b>Fill in the sentences with the correct form (past simple) of the verbs in brackets.</b></i>
1. I ____________ (see) the film last night but I ____________ (not like) it.

2. ____________ (Marco/ win) the golf competition?

3. They ____________ (not play) very well yesterday. They ____________ (lose) the match.
4. How many goals _________________ (your team/ score) in the first half?

5. I ____________ (be) very tired, so I ____________ (go) to bed early last night.
6. ____________ (you/ go) swimming this morning?

7. The children ____________, (not be) hungry, so they ____________ (not eat) anything.
8. Susan and her friends ____________ (come) to Japan three months ago.

9. I ____________ (have) a wonderful holiday with my family last July.

10. Jane ________ (not be) at the party last Sunday, so she ________ (not know) what happened.

<i><b>VIII. Complete the dialogue using the affirmative, negative and question past simple forms of the</b></i>
<i><b>verbs in brackets.</b></i>

A: I’m doing a survey about video games. Do you play them?
B: Yeah, I play them. Go on then.

A: (1) ___________________ (you/ spend) any time playing video games last week?

B: Yeah, I did. I (2) ______________ (get) a new game last Saturday It’s called Need for Speed

A: Oh yes, I know it. Is it good?
B: Yes, it’s great.

A: (3) ___________________ (you/ buy) it?

B: No, I (4) ___________________ (download) it from the Internet.
A: (5) ___________________ (you/ play) with it yesterday?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

B: Yeah, we (8) _________________ (not have) much. I (9) _________________ (finish) it on the bus
on the way home.

A: Do you think playing games affects your school work?
B: No, I don’t think so.

<i><b>IX. Match each imperative with the rest of the sentence.</b></i>
1. Do a. _______ I hear you quite well.
2. Don’t watch b. _______ when you leave the room.
3. Play c. _______ morning exercises regularly.
4. Don’t shout! d. _______ the street on the red light!

5. Go e. _______ too much TV.

6. Don’t eat f. _______ hiking at weekends.
7. Turn off the lights g. _______ basketball with friends.
8. Don’t cross h. _______ too much fat and sugar.

<i><b>X. Complete these sentences using an imperative form (positive or negative) of the verbs in the box.</b></i>

1. ____________ me between two and five this afternoon. I’ll be in a meeting.
2. Always ____________ your documents as soon as you finish writing them.
3. ____________ after you eat a big meal. It’s not a good idea.

4. ____________ me when I am speaking.

5. ____________ warmly so you don’t get cold outside. It’s snowing!
6. ____________ careful! You almost spilled your coffee.

7. ____________ – we’ve got lots of time. The meeting doesn’t start until 10.30.
8. We need something to wake us up! ____________ a coffee.

<i><b>XI. Fill in each sentence with an appropriate preposition.</b></i>

1. Do you play sports _______ school?

2. We go swimming _______ Tuesdays and Saturdays.
3. Sports is good _______ your health.

4. Jimmy is very good _______ volleyball and basketball.
5. My karate club is _______ Nguyen Trai Street.

6. What sports do you play _______ your free time?
7. Pelé was born _______ October 21st<sub>, 1940.</sub>

8. _______ 1958, _______ the age of 17, Pelé won his first World Cup.
<b>C. SPEAKING </b>

<i><b>I. Write the questions for the underlined parts.</b></i>

Mai: (1)___________________________, Phong?
Phong: Last night I watched a basketball match on TV.
Mai: (2) ___________________________

Phong: It was on The Thao HD Channel.

Mai: Well... I don’t like sports, so I don’t know this channel. (3)______________________
Phong: I like basketball best. I really love playing and watching basketball.

Mai: (4)___________________________
Phong: I play basketball every weekend.

Mai: You are really fit! (5)___________________________
Phong: I often play it at the basketball court near my house.

Mai: (6)___________________________

Phong: My favourite basketball player is Le Bron James.
Mai: (7)___________________________

Phong: Yes, I did. Last Sunday, our school’s team played against another school and we won.
Mai: Congratulations!

Phong: Thanks a lot.

<b>II. Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation.</b>

_____ I’m not sure. I used to play tennis when I was at school.
_____ Do you like cycling?

_____ That would be fun if we could do the sport with lots of other people.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

_____ I’ve never played tennis. What about going running?
__1__ I need to get fit and lose some weight.

_____ Yes sure. What sort of sport do you want to do to get exercise?

_____ I have a friend who goes cycling every weekend. We could join his cycling club to meet other
people interested in it.

_____ Yes, we could go to the running track or just use the pavement next to the road.
_____ Yes, it’s good and faster than running.

_____ That’s a good idea. Can I join you?
<b>D. READING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the passage with the words from the box.</b></i>

Basketball is a pretty cheap (1)___________ to play in terms of equipment. So long as you have
shoes and clothes and a ball, you can play. You can play with 1 hoop or 2, but it is way more fun to have
a full court to (2)___________ on and several friends to do it with. Of course, you can have knee braces,
expensive shoes, and some fancy jerseys if you want, but you can play (3)___________ them if you want.
Basketball is a (4)___________ of 5-on-5. There are 5 different (5)___________: point guard,
shooting guard, center, small forward, and power forward. Unlike some other sports, all players can
(6)___________ points, and there is NO goalkeeper. There isn’t a (7)___________ position to play!

Basketball has 4 quarters. For pro games, quarters are 15 minutes. Teams switch directions of play
after (8)___________ quarter.

<i><b>II. Read the dialogue, then choose the correct answers.</b></i>

Marie: We might go to the football match next Saturday, Cristina.
Cristina: Football? You must be joking. I can’t stand it.

Mark: No? Why not?

Cristina: Twenty two men of two teams run after a ball, trying to kick it into a net... and thousands of
people shouting and screaming like madmen every time it’s a goal or not. Is this a game?
Mark: I see... you prefer things like hopscotch, hide-and-seek, blind man’s buff...

Cristina: Don’t tease me, Mark. I’m not a child anymore and there are much better sports than football.
Mark: Really?

Cristina: Yes, take volleyball, for example. It’s so exciting, the two teams try to keep the ball in motion
without letting it touch the ground. No foul play, no violence.

Mark: Yes, maybe you’re right I like volleyball too. For me all ball games are great!

Cristina: Not only ball games, Mark. Don’t you like badminton, cards, chess, even darts... and things
like that?

Mark: Er... of course I do.

1. What are Cristina and Mark talking about?

a. Football b. Volleyball c. Ball games d. Games

2. How many football players are there in each team?

a. 11 b. 12 c. 20 d. 22

3. Why does Mark mention children’s games like hopscotch?

a. Because Cristina likes these games. b. Because Cristina is a child.

c. Because he wants to tease Cristina. d. Because he wants Cristina to play these games.
4. What kind of sports and games does Cristina NOT refer?

a. Chess b. Baseball c. Badminton d. Darts

5. Cristina thinks football is an exciting game.

a. True b. False c. No information

6. Mark likes all ball games.

score without sport each play

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

a. True b. False c. No information
<b> E. WRITING </b>

<i><b>I. Put the words or phrases in the correct order.</b></i>

1. our/ important/ an/ sports and games/ in/ play/ lives/ part.

2. players/ how/ match/ there/ in/ many/ are/ football/ a?

3. by/ she/ to keep/ every day/ tries/ fit/ jogging.

4. yesterday/ who/ play/ football/ you/ did/ with?

5. sports/ building/ physical strength/ necessary/ are/ for.

6. to switch/ before/ go/ don’t/ the TV/ off/ you/ forget/ to bed.

7. Sunday/ I/ usually/ friends/ swimming/ on/ go/ mornings/ with/ my

8. match/ you/ on/ the/ did/ television/ last night/ watch/ basketball/ the?

<i><b>II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.</b></i>
1. What sport do you like best?

What is___________________________________________________
2. Mark plays football better than Tim.

Tim doesn’t________________________________________________
3. Beckham was a very good football player.

Beckham played____________________________________________
4. How long have you played basketball?

5. Shall we play badminton this weekend?

How about_________________________________________________
6. No sport in Britain is as popular as football.

7. My brother is not so interested in basketball as I am.

8. It’s good for you to do morning exercise regularly.


<b>Unit 9: CITIES OF THE WORLD</b>

<b>A. VOCABULARY: (Từ vựng)</b>


continent ˈkɒntɪnənt n lục địa

landmark ˈlan(d)mɑːk n địa danh

postcard ˈpəʊs(t)kɑːd n bưu thiếp

twice twʌɪs adv hai lần

place of interest pleɪs ɒv ˈɪnt(ə)rɪst n danh lam thắng cảnh

Asia ˈeɪʃə, -ʒə n châu Á

major ˈmeɪdʒə adj chính, chủ yếu

winner ˈwɪnə n người thắng cuộc

<b>2. A CLOSER LOOK 1</b>

safe seɪf adj an toàn, cẩn thận

dirty ˈdəːti adj dơ

skyscraper ˈskʌɪskreɪpə n nhà chọc trời

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

curry ˈkʌri n món cà ri

boat bəʊt v đi tàu, đi thuyền

university juːnɪˈvəːsɪti n trường đại học

spaghetti spəˈgɛti n mì ống

tea tiː n trà

coffee ˈkɒfi n cà phê

common ˈkɒmən adj phổ biến

playwright ˈpleɪrʌɪt n nhà soạn kịch, tuồng hát

leisure ˈlɛʒə adj, n rảnh rỗi, lúc nhàn rỗi

<b>3. A CLOSER LOOK 2</b>

musical ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l n buổi nhạc hội

hundreds ˈhʌndrədz n, adj hàng trăm

survey ˈsəːveɪ n cuộc thăm dò

sung sʌŋ v3 hát

pet pɛt n thú cưng

native ˈneɪtɪv adj bản địa

speaker ˈspiːkə n người nói


symbol ˈsɪmb(ə)l n biểu tượng

creature ˈkriːtʃə n sinh vật, tạo vật

UNESCO juːˈnɛskəʊ n tổ chức GD, KH & VH của LHQ

heritage ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ n di sản

merlion ˈməːlɪən n thú đầu sư tử, mình cá

Eiffel ˈʌɪf(ə)l, ˈɛfɛl n (tên một cái tháp ở Paris)

tower ˈtaʊə n tháp

literature ˈlɪt(ə)rətʃə n văn

temple of literature ˈtɛmp(ə)l ɒv ˈlɪt(ə)rətʃə n văn miếu

Danish ˈdeɪnɪʃ adj, n (thuộc) Đan mạch, tiếng Đan mạch

architect ˈɑːkɪtɛkt n kiến trúc sư

design dɪˈzʌɪn v thiết kế

visitor ˈvɪzɪtə n du khách

Tokyo ˈtəʊkɪəʊ n thủ đô của nước Nhật

<b>5. SKILLS 1</b>

purpose ˈpəːpəs n mục đích

fika ˈfika n, v cà phê, uống cà phê (tiếng Thuỵ Điển)

royal ˈrɔɪəl adj (thuộc) hoàng gia

picture ˈpɪktʃə v vẽ, chụp

Swedish ˈswiːdɪʃ adj, n (thuộc) Thuỵ điển; người, tiếng Thuỵ điển

rent rɛnt v thuê

address əˈdrɛs n địa chỉ

opening ˈəʊp(ə)nɪŋ n phần đầu

closing kləʊzing n phần kết thúc

overall ˈəʊvərɔːl adj, adv toàn thể

<b>6. SKILLS 2</b>

Europe ˈjʊərəp n châu Âu

peace piːs n sự hồ bình

prize prʌɪz n giải

award əˈwɔːd v tặng, thưởng

present prɪˈzɛnt v tặng

prime minister prʌɪm ˈmɪnɪstə n thủ tướng

prizewinner ˈprʌɪzwɪnə n người được giải

award əˈwɔːd n phần thưởng

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

diploma dɪˈpləʊmə n bằng cấp, chứng chỉ

medal ˈmɛd(ə)l n huy chương

crown kraʊn n mũ miện

sweet swiːt adj có duyên, dễ thương

<b>7. LOOKING BACK </b>

option ˈɒpʃ(ə)n n sự lựa chọn, vật được chọn

steak steɪk n thịt bíp tết

constitution kɒnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)n n hiến pháp

liberty ˈlɪbəti n sự tự do, quyền tự do

truth truːθ n sự thật

Paris ˈparɪs, paʀi n thủ đô của nước Pháp

Hong Kong hɒŋ ˈkɒŋ n Hồng Kông

Moscow ˈmɒskəʊ n thủ đô nước Nga


-doctor ˈdɒktə n bác sĩ

fare fɛː n tiền cước

leather ˈlɛðə n da thuộc

tightly ˈtʌɪtli adv chặt chẽ

brightly brʌɪtli adv sáng sủa

indoor ɪnˈdɔː adv ở trong nhà

Bangkok baŋˈkɒk n thủ đô Thái Lan

snowman ˈsnəʊman n người tuyết được nắn

postman ˈpəʊs(t)mən n người đưa thư

sunshine ˈsʌnʃʌɪn n ánh nắng

golf gɒlf n môn đánh gôn

twin twɪn adj sinh đôi

Kuala Lumpur ˌkwɑːlə ˈlʊmpʊə n thủ đô của Malaysia

China ˈtʃʌɪnə n nước Trung Quốc

Great Wall greɪt wɔːl n vạn lý trường thành

geographic dʒiːəˈɡrafɪk adj (thuộc) địa lý

Hawaii həˈwʌɪi n (1 quần đảo trên Thái Bình Dương, 1 bang

của Mĩ)
holiday maker ˈhɒlɪdeɪˌmeɪkə, -dɪ- n người đi nghỉ

pyramid ˈpɪrəmɪd n kim tự tháp

Giza ˈɡiːzə n (tên 1 thành phố ở Ai Cập)

Egypt ˈiːdʒɪpt n nước Ai cập

put pʊt v đặt, để

roll rəʊl v lăn

top tɒp n đỉnh

competitor kəmˈpɛtɪtə n người thi đấu

bottom ˈbɒtəm n đáy. đít

few fjuː n ít, vài

wrestling ˈrɛslɪŋ n mơn đấu vật

force fɔːs v bắt buộc

United Kingdom juˈnʌɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm n vương quốc Anh và Bắc Ireland

several ˈsɛv(ə)r(ə)l det một vài (>2)

performance pəˈfɔːm(ə)ns n sự trình diễn, màn trình diễn

<i><b>B. </b></i><b>GRAMMAR: (Ngữ pháp)</b>

<b>a. Tính từ ngắn</b>

 Tính từ có 1 âm tiết

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

Ex: busy (bận rộn), noisy (ồn ào)
<b>b. Tính từ dài</b>

 Tính từ có 2 âm tiết không tận cùng bằng -y
Ex: modern (hiện đại), peaceful (n bình)
 Tính từ có 3 âm tiết trở lên

Ex: comfortable (thoải mái), convenient (tiện lợi)

<b>c. Dạng so sánh nhất của tính từ dài:</b>

the most + tính từ dài

Ex1: Tokyo is the most crowded city in the world. (Tokyo là thành phố đông đúc nhất trên thế giới.)
Ex2: Hongkong is the most expensive city in the world. (Hồng-Kông là thành phố đắt đỏ nhất trên thế

<b>a. Cách dùng:</b>

Thì hiện tại hồn thành được dùng để diễn tả trải nghiệm.

Ví dụ: I have been to New York twice. (Tôi đã từng tới New York hai lần.)
<b>b. Cấu trúc:</b>

<b>Dạng khẳng định</b>

(Affirmative form) S + have/ has + p.p. He has seen that movie.(Anh ta đã xem bộ phim đó rồi.)
<b>Dạng phủ định</b>

(Negative form)

S + haven’t/ hasn’t +

He hasn’t seen that movie. (Anh ta chưa xem bộ
phim đó.)

<b>Dạng nghi vấn</b>

(Interrogative form) Have/ Has + S + p.p.?

<b>Has he seen that movie?</b>

(Anh ta đã xem bộ phim đó chưa?)
<b>Trả lời câu hỏi Có/ </b>


(Yes/ No response)

Yes, S have/ has.
No, S haven’t/ hasn't.

Yes, he has. (Rồi.) No, he hasn’t. (Chưa)
<b>c. Dấu hiệu</b>

• ever (đã từng) Ví dụ:

Sydney is the most peaceful city I have ever visited. (Svdney là
thành phố bình yên nhất tơi từng ghé thăm.)

• never (chưa từng) Ví dụ:

I’ve never seen these strange creatures. (Tôi chưa từng thấy những
sinh vật lạ này.)

<b>C. PRONUNCIATION: (Ngữ âm)</b>

<b>1. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM NGUN ÂM ĐƠI /əʊ/</b>

<i><b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b></i> <i><b>VÍ DỤ</b></i>

Để phát âm nguyên âm đôi /əʊ/ta cần lần lượt phát
âm /ə/ rồi đến âm /ʊ/.

 Miệng mở tự nhiên, lưỡi đặt ở độ cao trung
bình, phát âm âm /ə/

 Từ từ kéo lưỡi về phía sau và trịn mơi để phát
âm âm /u/.

 cold /kəʊld/(adj.): lạnh

 folder /ˈfəʊldə(r)/ (n.): thư mục


<i><b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b></i> <i><b>VÍ DỤ</b></i>

Để phát âm ngun âm đơi /ʌɪ/ta cần lần lượt phát
âm /ʌ/ rồi đến âm /ɪ/.

 Miệng mở rộng, lưỡi hạ thấp và phát âm âm

 Từ từ nâng quai hàm lên một chút, miệng hẹp
dần và phát âm âm /ɪ/.

 five /fʌɪv/(adj.): số 5

 sunshine /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ (n.): ánh nắng mặt trời

<b>D. EXERCISES: (Bài tập)</b>

<b>A. PHONETICS </b>

<i><b>I. Write the sound /aɪ/ or /ɪ/ of the underlined letter.</b></i>

1. exciting / / 6. writer / / 11. design / /

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

3. Sydney / / 8. life / / 13. winter / /

4. twice / / 9. visit / / 14. architect / /

5. sky / / 10. ice / / 15. written / /

<i><b>II. Write the words in the correct part of the table.</b></i>

home hot photo modern continent most postcard

historic hotel popular phone holiday

/əʊ/ /ɒ/


<i><b>III.Circle the one with the different vowel sound.</b></i>

1. both cloth clothes road

2. prize fight litter bike

3. town snow show bowl

4. lift fit tick lion

5. symbol cycle physics gym

6. old stone hope come


<i><b>I. Put the words in the box in the correct columns.</b></i>

<b>North America South America</b> <b>Europe</b> <b>Africa</b> <b>Asia</b>






<i><b>II. Label the landmarks and match them with the countries.</b></i>

1. ___________________ ♦ Italy

2. ___________________ ♦ France

3. ___________________ ♦ USA

4. ___________________ ♦ Japan

the USA Cuba France Nigeria Canada Egypt Japan Mexico Singapore
Columbia Britain Brazil Sweden Kenya Argentina SouthKorea Spain

Vietnam South Africa Peru

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

5. ___________________ ♦ Egypt

6. ___________________ ♦ Vietnam

7. ___________________ ♦ Australia

8. ___________________ ♦ England

<i><b>III.Choose the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word.</b></i>
1. Rio de Janeiro is an exciting city.

a. interesting b. dangerous c. boring d. expensive

2. The beaches in Sydney are clean and beautiful.

a. clear b. dirty c. famous d. fresh

3. It’s dangerous to walk around the city at night.

a. safe b. exciting c. cold d. popular

4. The dish is delicious with cheese.

a. tasty b. pleasant c. fatty d. awful

5. York is a historic city in North Yorkshire.

a. exciting b. modern c. famous d. quiet

6. The streets were very noisy throughout the night.

a. crowded b. busy c. quiet d. empty

7. That modern building is so ugly!

a. big b. impressive c. unattractive d. beautiful
8. We didn’t go camping last weekend. The weather was awful.

a. unpleasant b. nice c. bad d. terrible

<i><b>IV. Write the adjectives in the correct column. Some can go more than one column.</b></i>

<b>Weather</b> <b>Building</b> <b>City</b>




<i><b>V. Complete the sentences with the correct superlative form of the adjectives in the box. </b></i>

1. Prague is ______________ city I’ve ever seen.

2. What’s ______________ book you’ve ever read? - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I really
love it!

3. The Grand Canyon is ______________ sight I’ve ever seen.

4. Many climbers consider K2 is ______________ mountain to climb, not Mount Everest.
5. That was ______________ movie I’ve ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.

modern new huge beautiful tall big quiet polluted dangerous
awful sunny ugly historic polluted windy small noisy

exciting cold safe wet

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

6. Please give me your recipe. That is ______________ cake I’ve ever eaten.

7. Fresh air doesn’t exist in New Delhi at the moment. It is _________ city on Earth right now.
8. That is ______________ painting in the art gallery. It’s worth a million dollars.

<i><b>VI. Complete the passage. Use the superlative of the words in brackets.</b></i>

Tokyo has a population of 35 million people. It is the (1)___________ (large) city in the world. It is
also one of the (2)___________ (exciting). Everything moves fast here. It has one of the (3)___________
(big) and (4)___________ (busy) railway systems in the world. Every day, 11 million commuters use it
to get to and from work. People earn the (5)___________ (high) salaries, and they spend the
(6)___________ (much)money. They wear the (7)__________ (late) fashions and have the
(8)___________ (up-to-date) phones. It is the world’s (9)___________ (expensive) city.

The (10)___________ (beautiful) time of year to visit Tokyo is spring, when the famous cherry
blossom is on the trees.

<i><b>VII.</b></i> <i><b>Write the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets.</b></i>
1. It’s today ____________ than it was yesterday. (warm)

2. Rio de Janeiro is one of ____________ cities in the world. (beautiful)
3. The second question was ____________ than the first one. (difficult)
4. Australia is ____________ continent on Earth. (old)

5. China is ____________ country in the world. (populated)
6. My exam results were ____________ than I expected. (bad)
7. Ms. Nicholson is ____________ teacher I’ve ever known. (good)
8. The city is ____________ than it used to be. (crowded)

9. Tokyo is still the world’s ____________ city with 37 million inhabitants. (large)
10. Cool Blue Villa is one of ____________ houses ever built. (modern)

<i><b>VIII. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form (positive or negative) of the verbs in</b></i>

1. I __________________ (have) four exams so far this month.

2. Mr Tan __________________ (teach) in this school for over ten years.
3. You __________________ (not stop) talking since you got here!
4. Scientists __________________ (find) more than 30 unknown insects.
5. She __________________ (not see) Nathan since he left the town.
6. Someone __________________ (break) a window in our classroom.

7. We __________________ (not decide) what to get Mark for his birthday yet.
8. I __________________ (already/ finish) my homework. It was easy!
9. Jorge __________________ (not play) tennis since his injury.

10. My parents __________________ (be) to Australia three times.

<i><b>IX. Put the words in order to make a question. Then write a short answer.</b></i>
1. homework/ you/ have/ your/ finished? (yes)

________________________________________ ____________________________
2. your/ to/ been/ ever/ father/ has/ London? (no)

________________________________________ ____________________________
3. done/ this/ you/ exercise/ have/ before? (no)

________________________________________ ____________________________
4. had/ Jenny/ yet/ has/ lunch/ her? (yes)

________________________________________ ____________________________
5. the/ ever/ story/ heard/ before/ have/ they? (no)

________________________________________ ____________________________
6. rained/ has/ today/ it/ a lot? (yes)

________________________________________ ____________________________
7. at/ you/ have/ seen/ a/ the/ play/ theatre? (no)

________________________________________ ____________________________
8. been/ they/ friends/ have/ ten/ for/ years? (yes)

________________________________________ ____________________________

<i><b>X. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or the</b></i>
<i><b>present perfect tenses.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

2. We ______________ (not have) a maths class last week.

3. Keith’s not home now. He ______________ (go) to the beach this weekend.
4. My family ______________ (move) to Canada in 2010.

5. _________ you ever __________ (visit) San Adarino?

6. He ______________ (live) in London for two years when he was a student.
7. __________ Jenny __________ (go) to the dentist yesterday?

8. They ______________ (work) in this company since 2001.
9. _________ you __________ (see) Joana recently?

10. Jim ______________ (break)his leg in a skiing accident two years ago.
<i><b>XI. Change the following sentences into exclamatory sentences, using ‘What’.</b></i>

1. He is a very good student. → <i>What a good student? </i>
2. The weather is so awful. → _______________________________
3. The city is very beautiful. → _______________________________
4. The buildings are so attractive. → _______________________________
5. The cake is so delicious. → _______________________________
6. The flowers are very lovely. → _______________________________
7. The coffee is so strong. → _______________________________
8. The Maths lesson is so interesting. → _______________________________
<b>C. SPEAKING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the box.</b></i>

Beth: Hi Dad!

Dad: Hi Beth. (1)____________________________
Beth: Yes, thanks. This holiday isn’t long enough!
Dad: (2)____________________________

Beth: We were in London. I saw the River Thames and I went to a souvenir shop.
Dad: (3)____________________________

Beth: Yes, we visited the Natural History Museum. It’s the best museum in London!
Dad: (4)____________________________

Beth: A diplodocus. It was the tallest dinosaur in the world – it was bigger than three buses!
Dad: (5)____________________________

Beth: Yes, I did and Ben did too!

<i><b>II. Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation.</b></i>
_____ Really? Do you know its history?

_____ Yes, you’re right. It is a very beautiful city. I like it very much.
_____ What’s the height?

__1__ Where are you from, Nick?

_____ What’s interesting in your country?
_____ Great!

_____ There are a lot of places which tourists like to visit. But I like CN Tower. It is one of the tallest
buildings in the world.

_____ I’m from Toronto.

_____ Yes, of course. It was completed in 1976 and it is used for TV and radio broadcasting.
_____ It is 553 meters high.

_____ I heard it is a very big city, isn’t it?
<b> D. READING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the passage with the words from the box.</b></i>

Hi Steve,

What did you see? Did you have fun? Are you having a good time?
Did you visit any famous places? What did you do yesterday?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

Greetings from Rome! We arrived at 8:30 this morning and are staying in a lovely hotel in the city
centre. It is near all the (1)_________ attractions. The weather is warm and (2)________!

The city looks really amazing. We can’t wait to (3)_________ everything! This afternoon, we are
going to take a stroll (4)_________ the Centro Storico (Historic Center), which beautiful historic squares
– Piazza Campo de’ Fiori and Piazza Navona.

Tomorrow morning, we are going to visit Colosseum, the largest amphitheater (6)_________ built in
Roman Empire, and then we are (7)_________up the Palatine Hill. In the afternoon we are going to visit
Pasta Museum. It’s going to be a great weekend!

I (8)_________ go now. See you when I come back.


<i><b>II. Read the text, then do the tasks.</b></i>

Los Angeles, California is the most exciting city in the USA. It’s got Hollywood, Disneyland,
fantastic beaches and the LA Dodgers baseball team.

But LA wasn’t always exciting. In 1900 it was smaller and quieter, and Hollywood was a small
village. Then film studios arrived, and the village of Hollywood changed. Today it is part of LA, and
Hollywood’s ‘Walk of Fame’ is the most famous place in the city. It’s got more than 2,000 stars on it!

It’s always sunny in LA and there are lots of different attractions. You can go shopping on Sunset
Boulevard (It’s too expensive for me!), or you can surf on Venice Beach. There are theatres, museums,
the biggest theme parks in the USA and the noisiest sports stadiums. LA is the best city in the world!
<b>A. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).</b>

1. LA is the world’s most exciting city. __________
2. Hollywood used to be a small village. __________

3. The weather is good in LA. __________

4. The shops on Sunset Boulevard are cheap. __________
5. There are a lot of tourist attractions in LA. __________
<b>B. Answer the questions</b>

1. Where is Los Angeles?

2 What is the most famous place in LA?

3. How many stars are there on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

4. What is the weather like in LA?

<b>E. WRITING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given.</b></i>
1. I have never been to Sa Pa before. (ever)

This is the ___________________________________________
2. The last time I saw him was in 2010. (seen)

I __________________________________________________
3. She has never seen the more amazing sight. (most)

It’s ________________________________________________
4. The weather in Rio de Janeiro is hotter than in Sydney. (as)

The weather in Sydney _________________________________
5. They moved to New York in 2004. (lived)

They _______________________________________________
6. We haven’t been to Hanoi for three years. (went)

The last time _________________________________________
7. No other tower in England is as famous as Big Ben. (the)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

8. London is a lot older than New York. (modern)

New York ___________________________________________
<i><b>II. Use the prompts to write this passage.</b></i>

New York City/ exciting place. It/ biggest city/ the USA. It/ has/ most/ famous/
museums/and/ best/ restaurants and cafés/ the world! But wait/ minute, there/ another
NewYork. Where/ it? It/ the UK! It/ smaller/ New York City, but the people/ friendlier!

<b>New York! New York!</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>REVIEW UNIT 7-9</b>

<i><b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.</b></i>

1. a. city b. cycle c. symbol d. bicycle

2. a. weather b. earth c. marathon d. healthy

3. a. hear b. idea c. career d. beach

4. a. school b. continent c. channel d. character

5. a. remote b. popular c. cold d. snow

<i><b>II. Circle the odd one out.</b></i>

1. a. news b. documentary c. game show d. boxing

2. a. Amsterdam b. Tokyo c. Singapore d. Sydney

3. a. newsreader b. cartoon c. weathergirl d. reporter

4. a. played b. went c. began d. bought

5. a. racket b. goggles c. skateboard d. skiing

<i><b>III.Look at the picture, then complete the sentences.</b></i>

1. <i>The Road to Olympia Peak is on VTV3 ________________.</i>

2. ________________ is the sport of moving over snow on skis.

3. You should wear ________________ while swimming to protect
your eyes.

4. Hoai Anh is a ________________. She reads the news on

5. Merlion is the most famous landmark in ________________.

6. My best friend sent me a ________________ from Italy. It has a
picture of the ‘floating city’ of Venice on it.

<i><b>IV. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d.</b></i>

1. Pelé was born ___________ October 21st<sub>, 1940.</sub>

a. in b. on c.at d. by

2. Cartoons are not just ___________ kids anymore -many adults love watching cartoons too.

a. with b. about c. to d. for

3. Breda goes jogging every morning to keep ___________.

a. exercise b. trained c. fit d. health

4. We have a test on Monday, ___________ I will have to study this weekend.

a. and b. but c. so d. because

5. Our team couldn’t win the championship, ___________ they played very well.

a. so b. despite c. because d. although

6. Have you ever ___________ aerobics? Aerobic exercise can help you to lose weight.

a. played b. done c. gone d. got

7. ___________ is a marathon in miles? ~ About 26 miles.

a. How often b. How many c. How long d. How wide

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

a. towers b. landmarks c. capitals d. cities
9. They showed a ___________ on global warming called ‘Warming Warning’.

a. documentary b. romance c. comedy d. cartoon

10. ‘Can you give me the remote control on the table?’
‘___________ Don’t you like this programme?’

a. Never mind. b. You’re welcome. c. Certainly. d. Really?
<i><b>V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or form.</b></i>

1. My father ___________________ (watch) News in 60 Seconds every evening.
2. ___________________ (you/ ever/ meet) a famous football player?

3. Ten years ago, people ___________________ (not spend) as much time on screens as they do today.
4. Mr Gray ___________________ (teach) French here since 2015.

5. We ___________________ (fly) to Washington tomorrow afternoon.
6. Gustave Eiffel ___________________ (design) Eiffel Tower in 1889.

7. Someone ___________________ (knock) at the door. Can you see who it is?
8. I ___________________ (not play) basketball because I’m not tall enough.
<i><b>VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.</b></i>

1. I’m afraid I don’t find basketball very _______________. (interest)
2. He gets a lot of _______________ from football. (enjoy)

3. Is Delhi the most _______________ city on Earth? (pollute)

4. Who is the most famous fashion _______________ in Vietnam? (design)
5. Tourists like to visit _______________ buildings in Hoi An. (history)

6. Pelé is _______________ regarded as the best football player of all time. (wide)

<i><b>VII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.</b></i>

1. She have seen that film three times.
2. When did you came home yesterday?

3. My older brother can to play basketball, but I can’t.
4. Britain’s the most popular drink is tea.

5. I was not interested in that game show because it was bored.
6. Have you ever be to Paris?

<i><b>VIII. Match sentences.</b></i>

1. What channel is Puppy Dog Pals on? a. My friend sent it to me from Prague.
2. I like cartoon very much! b. Just a racket and some balls.

3. What equipment do you need to play tennis? c. It’s comedy.
4. Have you ever been to Singapore? d. It’s Disney Junior.

5. What a lovely postcard! e. Congratulations!

6. What is your favourite TV programme? f. Who doesn’t? It’s my favorite programme.
7. We won the first prize in the singing contest. g. Yes, I’ve been there twice.

<i><b>IX. Write questions for the underlined part.</b></i>
1. They have studied for three hours.

2. The students usually play football after the class.

3. Minh goes to the karate club three times a week.

4. I am meeting Andy at the cinema.

5. Pelé scored 1,281 goals in his 22-year career.

6. Vietnam is in Asia.

<i><b>X. Choose the word which best fits each gap.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

The benefits of playing sports are multiple, and it leads to balanced (3)________ and physical growth.
It teaches the children life skills like teamwork, leadership, patience. It teaches children discipline and
playing (4)________ the rules. Playing and excelling in sports (5)________ teaches kids the importance
of hard work, perseverance, learning from failure, and importance of grasping opportunities. All of these
experiences and habits are very (6)________ in adult life.

1. a. hard b. hardly c. widely d. easily

2. a. idiom b. speech c. saying d. slogan

3. a. healthy b. mental c. personal d. strong

4. a. within b. for c. of d. without

5. a. ever b. only c. well d. also

6. a. hopeful b. exciting c. useful d. popular

<i><b>XI. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks.</b></i>

<b>The Eiffel Tower</b>

The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France. It was constructed between 1887 and
1889 to be the entranceway to the 1889 World’s Fair and to celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the French Revolution. The Tower was opened to visitors on May

Gustave Eiffel’s design was chosen from among 107 that were submitted to the
World’s Fair design competition. However, many Parisians, especially artists, did
not like his design and protested the tower’s construction. They thought it would be
an eyesore, but once it was built, most Parisians soon loved the tower.

The tower is made of iron and weights over 10,000 tons. It is 324 meters tall,
including antenna at its top, and has a staircase with 1,665 steps. There are also elevators to take visitors
to the top platform where there is a panoramic view of Paris. The original elevators, now computerized,
are still in use. Over 60 tons of paint are applied to the tower every seven years to keep it from rusting.

The Eiffel Tower has become a symbol of Paris. It is the most recognized monument in Europe, and
many people think it is an architectural masterpiece. Over 250 million people have visited it since May of

<b>A. Decide if the statements are true (T) of false (F).</b>

1. The Eiffel Tower was originally built to be a watchtower. _______
2. The Eiffel Tower was opened to the public on May 6,1889. _______

3. Some artists at the time thought the tower was ugly. _______
4. The original elevators in the tower have all been replaced. _______
5. The tower is repainted every seven years. _______
6. The Eiffel Tower is the most recognized structure on the planet. _______
<b>B. Answer the questions.</b>

1. Where is the Eiffel Tower?

2. How long was the tower constructed?

3. Who designed the Eiffel Tower?

4. Why does the tower have to be painted frequently?

5. How many people have visited the Eiffel Tower since its opening?


<i><b>XII.</b></i> <i><b>Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. Use the words</b></i>
<i><b>given in brackets.</b></i>

1. What was your favourite subject at school? (enjoy)
What _____________________________ at school?
2. I haven’t visited my family since 2005. (time)

The _____________________________ my family was in 2005.

3. My parents moved to New Zealand in 2010. (lived)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

I think Paris _____________________________ in the world.
5. The computer was too expensive for me to buy. (enough)

I _____________________________ money to buy the computer.
6. Why don’t we go to Bali on summer vacation? (suggested)

Jane _____________________________ on summer vacation.
7. You won’t pass the exam unless you study harder. (not)

If _____________________________ you won’t pass the exam.
8. Matt is still working on his homework. (finished)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>


<b>A. VOCABULARY: (Từ vựng)</b>


appliance əˈplʌɪəns n thiết bị

possibility ˌpɒsɪˈbɪlɪti n sự có thể, khả năng

UFO juːɛfˈəʊ,


n vật thể bay lạ, đĩa bay

twenty ˈtwɛnti n 20

solar ˈsəʊlə ad


sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời

energy ˈɛnədʒi n năng lượng

wireless ˈwʌɪəlɪs ad


không dây, vô tuyến

robot ˈrəʊbɒt n người máy

location lə(ʊ)ˈkeɪʃ(ə)n n vị trí


səˈraʊndɪŋ n vùng phụ cận, vùng xung quanh

houseboat ˈhaʊsbəʊt n nhà thuyền (thuyền được trang bị thành nhà

motorhome ˈməʊtəhəʊm n nhà lưu động
locate lə(ʊ)ˈkeɪt v ở vị trí

<b>2. A CLOSER LOOK 1</b>

automatic ɔːtəˈmatɪk ad

j tự động

wash wɒʃ v rửa, giặt

machine məˈʃiːn n máy


ˈwɒʃɪŋ mə

n máy giặt

hi-tech ˌhʌɪˈtɛk ad


công nghệ cao

drop drɒp n giọt

drip drɪp v chảy nhỏ giọt

cottage ˈkɒtɪdʒ n nhà nhỏ ở nông


roof ruːf n mái nhà

train treɪn n xe lửa, tàu hoả

drive drʌɪv v lái xe (ô tô)

tractor ˈtraktə n máy kéo

hay heɪ n cỏ khô

<b>3. A CLOSER LOOK 2</b>

likely ˈlʌɪkli adj có thể

affirmative əˈfəːmətɪv adj, n khẳng định

professor prəˈfɛsə n giáo sư (đại học)

Lin lin n (tên riêng của người)

electricity ˌɪlɛkˈtrɪsɪti, ˌɛl-,

ˌiːl- n điện

probably ˈprɒbəbli adv có lẽ, hầu như chắc

instead ɪnˈstɛd prep,


thay vì

key kiː n chìa khoá

engine ˈɛndʒɪn n máy, động cơ

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

temperature ˈtɛmp(ə)rətʃə n nhiệt độ

surf səːf v lướt sóng, lướt web

care kɛː n sự chăm sóc

take care of teɪk kɛː ɒv v chăm sóc

housework ˈhaʊswəːk n việc nhà

whether ˈwɛðə conj có... khơng, xem xem

Henry ˈhɛnri n (tên riêng của người)

Jenny ˈdʒɛni n (tên riêng của người)


phone ˈsmɑːtfəʊn n điện thoại thông minh


camera ˈkam(ə)r


n máy quay phim/chụp


ɪnkəˈrɛkt ad

khơng đúng, sai
<b>5. SKILLS 1</b>


r ˈhɛlɪkɒptə n máy bay lên thẳng, trực thăng
such as sʌtʃ az ad

v như là, thí dụ như

wind wɪnd n gió

<b>6. SKILLS 2</b>



n (tên riêng của

view vjuː n quang cảnh
<b>7. LOOKING BACK </b>

Anna ˈanə n (tên riêng của


until ənˈtɪl prep,


cho tới khi

Jack dʒak n (tên riêng của


Tony ˈtəʊni n (tên riêng của




ɛg-n kỳ thi, sự thi cử
<b>8. PROJECT</b>



n chi

go gəʊ v sống

<i><b>B. </b></i><b>GRAMMAR: (Ngữ pháp)</b>

<b>a. Cách dùng</b>

Ta sử dụng will + V để nói về các sự việc ta nghĩ là sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.

Ex: We will live on Mars in the future. (Trong tương lai chúng ta sẽ sống trên sao Hỏa.)
<b>b. Cấu trúc</b>

<b>Dạng khẳng định</b>

(Affirmative form) S+ will+V Automatic robots will do all the chores for me.<i>(Rô-bốt tự động sẽ làm hết việc nhà cho tôi.)</i>

<b>Dạng phủ định</b>

(Negative form)

S+ will+V

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<b>Dạng nghi vấn</b>
(Interrogative form)

Will + s + V? <b>Will UFOs appear in front of us?</b>

<i>(Vật thể bay không xác định sẽ xuất hiện trước</i>
<i>mặt chúng ta chứ?)</i>

<b>Trả lời câu hỏi Có/ </b>

(Yes/ No response)

Yes, S will.

No, S won’t. Yes, they will. (Đúng vậy) <sub>No, they won’t. (Sẽ không.)</sub>


<b>a. Cách dùng:</b>

Ta sử dụng might + V để nói về sự việc có thể xảy ra trong tương lai mà ta không chắc chắn.
<b>b. Cấu trúc:</b>

Ex: We might live on Mars in the future. (Trong tương lai chúng ta có thể sẽ sống trên sao Hỏa.)
<b>Dạng khẳng định</b>

(Affirmative form) <b>S + might + V</b>

They might build a new skyscraper in this
area. (Người ta có thể sẽ xây một tịa nhà chọc
<i>trời mới trong khu vực này.)</i>

<b>Dạng phủ định</b>

(Negative form) <b>S + might not + V</b>

Their smart home project might not succeed.
<i>(Dự án ngơi nhà thơng minh của họ có thể sẽ </i>
<i>không thành công.)</i>

<b>C. PRONUNCIATION: (Ngữ âm)</b>

<b>1. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM /dr/</b>

<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

Để phát âm nhóm phụ âm /dr/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /d/ đến âm /r/.
 Thu hẹp khoảng cách hai hàm răng.

 Nâng đầu lưỡi sao cho đầu lưỡi chạm vào chân răng cửa trên.
 Hạ đầu lưỡi xuống đồng thời bật hơi ra, dây thanh rung lên.
 Khoảng cách nhỏ ở vòm họng.

 Trịn mơi.

 Đầu lưỡi nâng lên, hơi uốn cong vào phía trong. Hai bên lưỡi hơi chạm
hai hàm răng trên.

 Hạ lưỡi xuống và phát âm âm /r/.

• drone /drəʊn/ (n.): máy
bay điều khiển từ xa
• drive /draɪv/ (v): lái xe

<b>1. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM /tr/</b>

<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

Để phát âm nhóm phụ âm /dr/, ta cần lần lượt phát âm âm /t/ đến âm /r/.
 Thu hẹp khoảng cách hai hàm răng.

 Nâng đầu lưỡi sao cho đầu lưỡi chạm vào chân răng cửa trên.
 Hạ đầu lưỡi xuống đồng thời bật hơi ra, dây thanh khơng rung.
 Khoảng cách nhỏ ở vịm họng

 Trịn mơi.

 Đầu lưỡi nâng lên, hơi uốn cong vào phía trong. Hai bên lưỡi hơi chạm
hai hàm răng trên.

 Hạ lưỡi xuống và phát âm âm /r/.

• tree /triː/ (n.): cây cối
• hatred /ˈheɪtrɪd/ (n): sự
căm ghét

<b>D. EXERCISES: (Bài tập)</b>

<b>A. PHONETICS </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the words with letters ‘dr’ or ‘tr’.</b></i>

1. __ __eam 6. laun__ __y 11. s__ __eet

2. __ __ink 7. __ __ee 12. __ __ive

3. __ __avel 8. __ __actor 13. chil __ __en

4. __ __aw 9. __ __ess 14. __ __ugstore

5. coun__ __y 10. __ __agon 15. s__ __ess

<i><b>II. Read these dialogues. Write the words with the sounds /dr/ and /tr/ in the table.</b></i>
1. A: It’s a really busy street.

B: Yes, there is always a lot of traffic and pedestrians.
2. A: Which instruments do you play?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

3. A: What countries would you most like to visit?
B: Australia and Austria

4. A: Are you going to drive?

B: No, I’ll travel by train.
5. A: Is her dress dry yet?

B: Yes, it’s in the wardrobe.
6. A: Have you done the laundry yet?

B: Yes. Here are your clean trousers.

<b>/dr/</b> <b>/tr/</b>










<i><b>I. Match each word with its definition.</b></i>

1. houseboat a. a very large impressive house

2. skyscraper b. a large vehicle with beds and equipment for cooking and washing
3. UFO c. a boat that people can live in

4. motor home d. a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

5. palace e. a strange object seen in the sky that is thought to be a spacecraft from another

6. apartment f. a very tall modern building

<i><b>II. Complete the sentences with the appliances in the box.</b></i>

1. In the future, _________________ will take care of the children and do all housework.
2. A _________________ of the future will tell you what to have for dinner.

3. A _________________ helps us watch TV programmes from space.

4. All you need to do is stick the dirty dishes in the rack; the _________________ will automatically fill
up and do its thing.

5. This _________________ uses artificial intelligence to program your day.

6. The _________________ of the future will wash, dry and fold your clothes.
7. Future _________________ will be electric, self-repairing, but not self-driving.
<i><b>III.Use the prompts to write sentences with will. Use short forms where possible.</b></i>
1. you/ have/ time/ finish/ your homework

2. my parents/ visit/ my uncle/ Australia/ next month

3. it/ not snow/ tomorrow

4. they/ select/ him/ for the football team

5. Susan/ bake/ birthday cake/ her mother

6. children/ not go/ school/ in the future

7. the plane/ arrive/ the airport/ shortly

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

8. I/ not attend/ the party/ tonight


<i><b>IV. Complete the sentence with will or won’t and one of the verbs in the box.</b></i>

<i>According to technology experts the products below will be most successful by the year 2020.</i>
1. New medicines ______________ diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

2 A personal computer ______________ your voice and follow your commands.
3. Cars ______________ petrol or diesel, but other fuels like electricity, and natural gas.
4. We ______________ TV on large, flat screen.

5. Computers ______________ necessary because your TV will do everything,
6. We ______________ for everything with an electronic card.

7. We ______________ to the doctor so often.

8. Robots at home ______________ our health and warn us of the problems.
<i><b>V. Make future simple questions.</b></i>

1. ______________________ (people/ live) on the Moon someday?
2. What ______________________ (the cars/ look) like in 20 years?
3. ______________________ (robots/ replace) humans?

4. Where ______________________ (you/ be) in 2040?

5. When ______________________ (humans/ five) on other planets?

6. ______________________ (houses/ be) more environmentally friendly in the future?
7. ______________________ (computers/ take) over the world?

8. How ______________________ (fashion/ change)?
<i><b>VI. Underline the correct answer.</b></i>

1. Don’t leave your keys on the table. You will / won’t forget it.

2. Susan will / won’t be very happy if she passes the exam.
3. Fra afraid I will / won’t be able to come tomorrow.

4. I’m told you are ill. I hope you will / won’t feel better again.

5. I’m sure you will / won’t like that film. It’s very frightening. Let’s choose another one.
6. Turn on your laptop tonight We will / won’t chat a little bit.

7. You needn’t wear your cap. It will / won’t be cold today.
8. I am really tired. I will / won’t have a rest.

<i><b>VII.</b></i> <i><b>Complete the sentences with might or might not.</b></i>
1. The sky looks cloudy. ~ It ______________ rain.

2. I ______________ watch the football game on Sunday; I am too busy.
3. You should ask him. He ______________ know Susan’s telephone number.
4. Jenny ______________ be in the office - I can’t reach her at home.

5. I have a lot of homework to do, so I ______________ go to her party this weekend.

6. Where will you travel next year? ~ We ______________ go to Egypt, but we’re not sure yet.
7. Don’t go any closer - it ______________ be safe.

8. You should introduce yourself; he ______________ remember you.

9. We ______________ visit my cousin in Australia next month but we don’t know yet.
10. She ______________ be on time for work because of the public transport strike.
<i><b>VIII. Choose the correct form.</b></i>

1. Our dog is amazing - it __________ sing!

a. should b. must c. can d. might

2. Bring your umbrella - it __________ rain later.

a. can b. might c. must d. should

3. All students __________ wear their uniforms to school.

a. should b. will c. may d. must

4. We __________ wash our hands before we have our meals.

a. could b. can c. should d. might

5. __________ we go to the beach today? ~ Great!

a. Shall b. Will c. Might d. Should

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

6. Students __________ use a dictionary during the test. It’s forbidden.

a. can’t b. mustn’t c. might not d. won’t

7. I __________ go to the football match but I don’t know yet.

a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. might not d. mustn’t

8. Ingrid __________ play the violin when she was six.

a. can’t b. could c. might d. shouldn’t

9. __________ you like something to drink?

a. Could b. Should c. Will d. Would

10. I’m afraid of water because I __________ swim.

a. can’t b. may c. couldn’t d. must

<i><b>IX. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.</b></i>
1. Cars of the future run __________ electricity.

2. Phong’s dream house looks _______ a UFO.

3. We’ll live __________ a hi-tech house __________ the moon.
4. Robots at home will help people __________ household chores.
5. Will your future house be __________ space?

6. Will robots take care __________ children?

7. __________ the future I will travel to the Moon __________ super car.
8. We might have flying cars __________ 2050.

<b>C. SPEAKING </b>

<i><b>I. Make questions for the underlined parts.</b></i>

Susan: (1)_____________________________, Nick?
Nick: I am drawing my dream house.

Susan: (2)_____________________________
Nick: I like water, so I want to live in a houseboat.

Susan: A houseboat? (3)_____________________________
Nick: No, not on the river. It will be located on the ocean.
Susan: (4)_____________________________

Nick: Maybe it will be on Atlantic Ocean.
Susan: (5)_____________________________

Nick: In my house, I’ll have smart appliances. And everything will be wireless.
Susan: (6)_____________________________

Nick: I will travel to work by a super car-boat that can travel on land as well as on water.
Susan: That sounds so interesting!

<i><b>II. Choose A - F to complete the conversation.</b></i>

Lisa: I’ll definitely buy a nice car when I grow up.

Gavin: A car? (1)________________________ when we’re older!
Lisa: You’re such a dreamer.

Gavin: Well, maybe in twenty or thirty years.
Lisa: So, (2)________________________

Gavin: (3)________________________ I’ll be living in Tokyo and working in Mexico.
Lisa: But the world is running out of oil. If there’s no oil, (4)_______________________
Gavin: People will discover a new source of fuel, (5)________________________

Lisa: But if we all have spaceships, traveling won’t be exciting anymore? (6)_____________
Gavin: Maybe we’ll be vacationing in space!

<b> D. READING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the passage with the words from the box.</b></i>

A. do you think we’ll be taking a spaceship to work every day?
B. why not?

C. we’ll probably be flying around in spaceships
D. so we won’t need oil

E. where will we go on vacation?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

It is not hard to imagine the ideal (1)____________ of the future. You have appliances that know how
to (2)____________ themselves on or off at the proper time, saving energy by shutting down when you
are (3)____________ and then warming or cooling things when you are just about to arrive. It knows
your preferences and maybe even your moods, playing just the right songs or lighting (4)____________
with the right color. And all of this (5)____________ be controlled by your smartphone or even your
smartwatch, (6)____________ you are in the house or in another city. A house that can think for
(7)____________ so that you wouldn’t have to, to save on energy and to offer convenient

-preference (n): sở thích - mood (n): tâm trạng
<i><b>II. Read the text, then do the tasks.</b></i>

<b>The home of the future</b>

When you’re out of the house, is the fridge on the phone to the supermarket? Is

the heating system having a word with the bath? And when you get back home,
does the doorknob recognise you and say hello? Probably not, but in the house
of the future all this - and more - is possible.

Researchers say that technology will transform your home in ways you can
only dream about. Nanotechnology will play an important role. It will clean
your windows. Intelligent spoons will check how hot or cold your soup is and the walls will sense if
anyone is in your garden.

The next generation of fridges will use the Internet to make sure your food stays fresh and they’ll get
in touch with the supermarket to order some more and you’ll never run out of milk again.

When you are on the way home and feel like a warm bath, all you have to do is sending a text
message to the heating system. The heating system warms the water and even runs the bath so that as
soon as you walk through the front door, you can jump in and relax.

Welcome to the smart home of the future!

- nanotechnology (n): công nghệ nano (công nghệ chế tạo và sử dụng những thiết bị cực nhỏ)
<b>A. Match the words with their meaning.</b>

1. heating system (n) ____ a. communicate with
2. doorknob (n) ____ b. discover or find out

3. transform (v) ____ c. a system for making a building warm
4. sense (v) ____ d. use up or finish all of something

5. get in touch with (idm) ____ e. a round handle that you turn to open a door
6. run out of (phr.v) ____ f. change completely

<b>B. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).</b>

1. Houses in the future will be smarter than today’s houses. __________
2. Nanotechnology will help protect your house. __________
3. The fridge will remind you when to go to the supermarket. __________
4. You can control your heating system by using text messages. __________
5. Researchers say a smart house is just a dream. __________

<b> E. WRITING </b>

<i><b>I. Write sentences from the cues given, using the simple future tense of the verbs.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

<i><b>II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one.</b></i>
1. Living on Mars sounds very exciting.

It’s ___________________________________________________
2. I’ve been to this restaurant three times now.

This is _________________________________________________
3. Computers won’t be necessary because your TV will do everything.

You won’t _____________________________________________
4. Maybe Peter won’t come to the party tonight.

Peter __________________________________________________
5. I couldn’t phone you because I didn’t have your number.

I didn’t have your number, _________________________________
6. He began learning English three years ago.

He has _________________________________________________

7. Very few cities in Vietnam are as rich as Da Nang.

Da Nang is one of the _____________________________________
8. Although it was noisy, we continued to study our lesson.

In spite of ______________________________________________

<b>Unit 11: OUR GREENER WORLD</b>

<b>A. VOCABULARY: (Từ vựng)</b>


reduce rɪˈdjuːs, rɪˈdʒuːs v giảm

reuse riːˈjuːz v tái sử dụng

recycle riːˈsʌɪk(ə)l v tái sinh, tái chế

l ɪnvʌɪrənˈmɛnt(ə)l, ɛn- adj (thuộc) môi trường

effect ɪˈfɛkt n tác động

conditional kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l adj (thuộc) điều kiện

loaf ləʊf n ổ (bánh mì)

bread brɛd n bánh mì

reusable riːˈjuːzəb(ə)l adj có thể tái sử dụng

plastic ˈplastɪk n chất dẻo, nhựa

material məˈtɪərɪəl n chất liệu, vật liệu
environment ɪnˈvʌɪrənm(ə)nt, -ɛn n môi trường

check-out ˈtʃɛkaʊt n quầy thu tiền

at all at ɔːl chút nào

by the way bʌɪ ðə weɪ à này, nhân đây, tiện thể

pollution pəˈluːʃ(ə)n n sự ô nhiễm

half hɑːf n một nửa

My future home/ be/ far away/ the city crowd/ pollutions. It/ be/ located/ near/ small river.
It/ be/ cottage/ surrounded/ a lot of/ different/ plants, trees and flowers. I/ have/ large/
library/ my house/ and modern facilities/ like/ the internet connection, satellite phone/
wireless TV/ modern household appliances/ security system. My living room/ be/ large/ and
the window/ must/ have/ lovely view.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

deforestation diːˌfɒrɪsˈteɪʃ(ə)n n sự phá rừng, hiện tượng rừng bị tàn

soil sɔɪl n đất

sth ˈsʌmθɪŋ pro

n điều gì đó

sb ˈsʌmbədi pro

n một người nào đó

cause kɔːz v gây ra

flood flʌd n lũ, lụt, nạn lụt

breathing ˈbriːðɪŋ n sự thở, sự hô hấp

die dʌɪ v chết

board bɔːd n bảng

<b>2. A CLOSER LOOK 1</b>

product ˈprɒdʌkt n sản phẩm
glass glɑːs n cốc/ly, thủy


bulb bʌlb n bóng đèn

bottle ˈbɒt(ə)l n chai, lọ
broken brəʊk(ə)n ad


bị gãy, bị vỡ

apple ˈap(ə)l n táo

organise ˈɔːg(ə)nʌɪz v tổ chức



n công ty
<b>3. A CLOSER LOOK 2</b>

base beɪs n cơ sở, gốc


beɪs fɔːm n nguyên thể

save seɪv v tiết kiệm

vegetable ˈvɛdʒtəb(ə)l,

ˈvɛdʒɪtə- n rau củ quả

shower ˈʃaʊə n sự tắm dưới vòi


combine kəmˈbʌɪn v kết hợp

secretly ˈsiːkrɪtli ad

v bí mật

wrap rap n,


gói, bọc

breeze briːz n gió nhẹ

side sʌɪd n phía

cola ˈkəʊlə n nước ngọt coca-cola

packaging ˈpakɪdʒɪŋ n bao bì


kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nə n máy điều hịa khơng

kilometre ˈkɪləˌmiːtə, kɪ


n ki lơ mét

count kaʊnt v đếm

<b>5. SKILLS 1</b>

bin bɪn n thùng

refillable riː

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

need niːd n sự cần, nhu cầu

tap tap n vòi (nước)

brush brʌʃ v đánh/chải răng


kənˈteɪnə n đồ đựng, chứa
unique juːˈniːk ad


độc đáo, có một khơng

<b>6. SKILLS 2</b>

president ˈprɛzɪd(ə)nt n chủ tịch, tổng thống

want wɒnt v tìm, kiếm

voice vɔɪs n giọng nói

raise voice reɪz vɔɪs v lên tiếng

encourage ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ, ɛn- v khuyến khích, động

organize ˈɔːg(ə)nʌɪz v tổ chức

fund fʌnd n quĩ

connector kəˈnɛktə n từ nối
firstly ˈfəːs(t)li ad


thứ nhất, đầu tiên là
secondly ˈsɛk(ə)ndli ad

v hai là

sequence ˈsiːkw(ə)ns n sự nối tiếp nhau



n sự giải thích
<b>7. LOOKING BACK </b>


r dɪsəˈpɪə v biến mất

lack lak n sự thiếu

level ˈlɛv(ə)l n mức

rise raɪz v tăng lên

<i><b>B. </b></i><b>GRAMMAR: (Ngữ pháp)</b>


<b>Mệnh đề điều kiện (If-clause)</b> <b>Mệnh đề chính (Main clause)</b>
<b>If + S + V (present simple)</b> <b>S + will/ won't + V</b>
Điều kiện có thể có xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương


Kết quả có thể có xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương

If you reuse plastic bottles,

<i>(Nếu bạn tái sử dụng lại các chai lọ nhựa.)</i>

you will reduce waste.

<i>(bạn sẽ giảm được lượng rác thải.)</i>
<b>Chú ý: Mệnh đề chính có thể đứng trước hoặc đứng sau mệnh đề điều kiện.</b>

Khi mệnh đề điều kiện đứng sau, KHƠNG cần dấu phẩy ngăn cách.
Ví dụ: If you find four-clovers, you will have good luck.

<i> (Nếu ban tìm thấy cỏ bốn lá, bạn sẽ gặp may mắn)</i>
<i>= You will have good luck if you find four- clovers.</i>
<i>(Bạn sẽ gặp may mắn nếu bạn tìm thấy cỏ bốn lá.)</i>

<b>C. PRONUNCIATION: (Ngữ âm)</b>

<b>1. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM NGUYÊN ÂM /a:/</b>

<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

Hạ cuống họng xuống.

Đưa lưỡi xuống thấp và về phía sau, miệng mở
khơng rộng cũng khơng hẹp quá.

 glasses /gla:siz/ (n): kính mắt
 father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ (n): bố
 dance /da:ns/ (v): nhảy

<b>2. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM NGUYÊN ÂM /æ/</b>

<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

Hàm trên và hàm dưới giữa một khoảng cách xa
nhất định.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

Bề mặt lưỡi được giữa ở tầm thấp (thấp nhất so với
tất cả các nguyên âm trong Tiếng Anh). Đầu lưỡi
chạm vào phần lợi trước của hàm dưới. Tiếp theo,
phần thân lưỡi được đẩy lên cong lên. Miệng mở
rộng về hai phía.

 map /mæp/ (n.): bản đồ
 candle / kændəl/ (n.): nến

<b>D. EXERCISES: (Bài tập)</b>

<b>A. PHONETICS </b>

<i><b>I. Write the sound /ɑː/ or /æ/ of the letter a underlined.</b></i>

1. market / / 6. class / / 11. natural / /

2. bag / / 7. stand / / 12. bath / /

3. plastic / / 8. have / / 13. answer / /

4. thank / / 9. traffic / / 14. animal / /

5. plant / / 10. father / / 13. wrap / /

<i><b>II. Choose the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.</b></i>

1. a. afternoon b. can c. lack d. animal

2. a. paper b. way c. prepare d. later

3. a. party b. glass c. plant d. plastic

4. a. happy b. match c. package d. save

5. a. swap b. vase c. watch d. want


<b>I. Match the word with its meaning.</b>

1. reuse a. to keep something to use in the future

2. reduce b. to give something to someone in exchange for something else
3. recycle c. to use something again

4. save d. to make something start working
5. wrap e. to make something less

6. swap f. to cover something completely in paper
7. turn on g. to make something stop working

8. turn off h. to treat waste materials so that they can be used again
<i><b>II. Complete the sentences with the word(s) from the box.</b></i>

1. Our ________________ is becoming more and more polluted.
2. ________________ is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.

3. ________________ pollution can cause diseases such as asthma and bronchitis.
4. ________________ pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans.

5. ________________ pollution can lead to famines if the plants are unable to grow in it.
6. ________________ pollution can cause hearing problems.

<i><b>III.Underline the correct words.</b></i>

1. These materials are recycled/ reduced into other packaging products.
2. These containers are refutable/ reusable. You can use them again.
3. Try to reduce/ reuse the amount of wastes you produce.

4. Please turn the television on/ off before you go to bed.
5. Take these old newspapers to the recycling/ recycled bin.
6. If more people cycle, there will be less/ more air pollution.
7. <i>Recycle/ Reuse old clothing by donating it to a local charity.</i>
8. We can waste/ save a lot of trees if we recycle waste paper.
<i><b>IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.</b></i>

1. We _____________ (stay) at home if it rains.
2. She will call you if she _____________ (have) time.

3. If it _____________ (not rain) tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.

4. If everyone ____________ (recycle) paper, metal and glass, we ____________ (not produce) so
much rubbish.

5. If you _____________ (not water) plants, they _____________ (die).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

7. We ____________ (save) thousands of trees if we ____________ (not waste) so much paper.
8. What _____________ (happen) if we _____________ (keep) polluting the environment.

9. If we _____________ (not stop) cutting down so many trees, we _____________ (endanger) our
oxygen supply.

10. If people _____________ (dump) chemicals into rivers, they _____________ (not be) able to swim in
them in the future.

<i><b>V. Circle the correct word or phrase.</b></i>

1. If the weather is / will be fine, the children walk / will walk to school.

2. I lend / will lend you my laptop if you promise / will promise to be careful with it.
3. If they don’t do / won’t do their homework, their teacher punish / will punish them.
4. Jane gets / will get lost if she doesn’t have / won’t have the town map.

5. If I see / will see Ken later today, I tell / will tell him to call you.
6. My mother buys / will buy me a present if I pass / will pass my exams.
7. If there is / will be no water, all living things die / will die.

8. You aren’t / won’t be able to sleep if you watch / will watch horror movies.
<i><b>VI. Write the first conditional sentences using the cues given.</b></i>

1. If/ Sue/ not hurry/ she/ miss/ the bus


2. Rita/ pass/ the exam/ if/ she/ study/ hard

3. If/ he/ watch/ too much television/ he/ hurt/ his eyes

4. If/ it/ not be/ sunny/ tomorrow/ we/ not go/ to the beach

5. We/ visit/ her/ if / we/ have/ time

6. I/ not wait/ if/ you/ arrive/ late

7. They/ not play/ tennis/ tomorrow/ if/ it/ rain

8. If/ you/ not set/ your alarm clock/ you/ not wake up/ on time

<i><b>VII.</b></i> <i><b>Match the two halves of these conditional sentences.</b></i>

1. If man keeps polluting the environment, a. we will endanger our oxygen supply.
2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into

rivers, b. sea levels will rise too.

3. If we don’t stop cutting down so many trees, c. there won’t be so much waste.

4. If the global temperature rises, d. they will run out of drinking water one

5. If more people use reusable shopping bags, e. we will save a lot of electricity.
6. If people don’t use water more wisely, f. we won’t be able to swim in them.
7. If everyone turns off unwanted lights. g. earth will be in danger.

<i><b>VIII. Complete each sentence with an appropriate preposition.</b></i>
1. You can buy reusable shopping bags __________ the check-out.
2. The three Rs stand __________ Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
3. These shopping bags are made __________ natural materials.

4. Don’t throw old things __________. Try to find another use for them.
5. You should turn the tap __________ when you brush your teeth.
6. You shouldn’t wrap the food __________ a plastic bag.

7. Give your old clothes __________ charity.

8. You should swap your clothes __________ your friends or cousins.

<b> C. SPEAKING </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

Matt: Hi, Jane. I want to talk to you about air pollution. (1)______________________
Jane: No problem. Carry on.

Matt: According to you (2)______________________

Jane: here are many causes of air pollution. (3)______________________
Matt: (4)______________________

Jane: Yes, it is. Besides this, the chemicals of mills and factories pollute the air.

Matt: (5)______________________

Jane: We should be conscious about environment. (6)______________________
Matt: Thank you very much.

Jane: You’re welcome.

<i><b>II. Reorder the sentences to make a dialogue.</b></i>
_____ It’s a good idea!

_____ But you can recycle that!

_____ A reusable container? What for?

_____ They don’t really do anything with this, do they?
__1__ What are you doing?

_____ Sure they do. They make boxboard for cereal.

_____ And you should bring your lunch in a reusable container.
_____ I’m throwing away this cardboard box.

_____ To reduce waste.

_____ Oh, well I guess I’ll recycle it!

<b> D. READING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the passages with the words from the box.</b></i>

<b>How people can help with recycling?</b>

As inhabitants of the earth we all have a duty to (1)________ the environment. We should contribute
to environmental protection by finding new ways of using products we (2)________ away. Nowadays
recycling is an industry. As the world’s (3)________ resources run out, manufacturers must find ways of
reusing products. (4)________ can we do to help our environment?

♦ We can sort our (5)__________ by separating it and then taking it to the appropriate recycling bins.
♦ We can (6)__________ things such as jars and envelopes.

♦ We can buy (7)__________ products like stationery.

♦ We can transform our waste food into a fertilizer which we may use as compost for our gardens

<i><b>II. Read the passage then choose the correct answers.</b></i>
<b>Green Cities</b>

What makes a city green? It’s a huge challenge for cities to be earth-friendly. Not only do they have
lots of people, buildings, traffic, trash, and air pollution, but they also consume more than half of the
world’s energy.

Many cities in the world have taken up the challenge to be earth-friendly. Look at what some of these
cities have done:

Reykjavik, Iceland, is run entirely on green energy. Its transit system uses hydrogen buses and most
of its buildings use non-polluting energy sources like geothermal and hydroelectricity.

Malmo and Stockholm in Sweden are noted for their green spaces and parks and for successfully
cleaning up their water and air.

Portland, Oregon, was one of the first American cities to focus on earth-friendly transit with light-rail
and bike paths to encourage people to leave their cars at home.

Curitiba, Brazil, uses unique green methods for maintenance. Their grass parks are trimmed by sheep!
Deforestation is one of them. We should plant more trees.

Have you any problem? Is smoke responsible for air pollution?
How can we prevent air pollution? what is the cause of air pollution?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

Vancouver, British Columbia, uses wind, solar, and water energy to generate power. Nearly all of the
city is powered by clean hydroelectricity.

1. In what country is Malmo?

a. Brazil b. Spain c. Sweden d. Iceland

2. How much of the world’s energy is consumed by cities?

a. one quarter b. one and a half c. more than half d. all
3. Which city is run entirely on green energy?

a. Reykjavik b. Seattle c. Stockholm d. Portland

4. How are the buses powered in Reykjavik?

a. diesel fuel b. hydrogen c. unleaded gasoline d. geothermal
5. How does the grass get cut in the parks of Curitiba?

a. They use push mowers. b. Children stomp on it.
c. People trim it off. d. Sheep graze on it.

6. None of Vancouver is powered by hydroelectricity.

a. True b. False c. No information

7. Portland, Oregon was one of the first US cities to focus on earth-friendly transit.

a. True b. False c. No information

<b>E. WRITING </b>

<i><b>I. Write the first conditional sentences.</b></i>

1. You should work hard, or you won’t pass the exam.

If ________________________________________________________
2. Henry fails his examination. His parents will be sad.

If ________________________________________________________
3. Sue shouldn’t go out this weekend, or she won’t have time to study.

If ________________________________________________________
4. I think it’ll snow tomorrow. I will go skiing.

If ________________________________________________________
5. He should leave soon, or he’ll miss the bus.

If ________________________________________________________
6. Don’t play with matches. You will hurt yourself.

If ________________________________________________________

<i><b>II. Complete the sentences with your own words.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>Unit 12: ROBOTS</b>

<b>A. VOCABULARY: (Từ vựng)</b>


could kəd, kʊd v2 đã có thể

ability əˈbɪlɪti n khả năng

able ˈeɪb(ə)l adj có thể, có năng lực
agreement əˈɡriːm(ə)nt n sự đồng ý


t dɪsəˈɡriːmənt n sự không đồng ý

Dr ˈdɒktə n bác sĩ

role rəʊl n vai trò

Alex ˈalɛks n (tên riêng của người)

minor ˈmʌɪnə adj nhỏ

quite kwʌɪt ad

v (dùng để nhấn mạnh)

sick sɪk adj bị bệnh

build bɪld v xây dựng

worker ˈwəːkə n người lao động, công

hedge hɛdʒ n hàng rào

laundry ˈlɔːndri n nơi giặt ủi quần áo

mime mʌɪm v diễn đạt bằng điệu bộ

<b>2. A CLOSER LOOK 1</b>

recognise ˈrɛkəɡnʌɪz v nhận ra

lift lɪft v nâng, nhấc lên

guard ɡɑːd v bảo vệ

interrogative ˌɪntəˈrɒgətɪv adj nghi vấn

sum sʌm n phép toán số học

recent ˈriːs(ə)nt adj mới đây

Ongaku ˈɒŋgəkʊ n (tên riêng của người)

primary ˈprʌɪm(ə)ri adj sơ đẳng, cơ bản



n trường tiểu học

toy tɔɪ n đồ chơi

boil bɔɪl v đun sơi, luộc

salad ˈsaləd n món rau trộn, rau xà lách

cow kaʊ n bò cái

ah ɑː exc


a! chà!

ouch aʊtʃ exc



step stɛp v giẫm lên

took tʊk v2 làm, thực hiện, thi hành (v1:

took a bow tʊk ə bəʊ v2 cúi chào

bar bɑː n thỏi, bánh

jump dʒʌmp v nhảy

clear klɪə adj rõ ràng

<b>3. A CLOSER LOOK 2</b>

speech spiːtʃ n lời nói


rɛkəɡˈnɪʃ(ə)n n sự nhận ra

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

ˈməʊʃ(ə)n(ə)l j

synthesis ˈsɪnθɪsɪs n sự tổng hợp

gripping ˈɡrɪpɪŋ v nắm chặt

wifi ˈwʌɪfʌɪ n mạng không dây

cm siːˈɛm n xentimet

digital ˈdɪdʒɪt(ə)l ad

(bằng) số, kỹ thuật

essay ˈɛseɪ n bài tiểu luận

complicate ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt v làm phức tạp
scientist ˈsʌɪəntɪst n nhà khoa học

message ˈmɛsɪdʒ n tin nhắn

kitty ˈkɪti n mèo con

technology tɛk


n công nghệ, kỹ thuật

comb kəʊm n,


lược, chải

bend bend v cúi xuống, làm cong

alarm əˈlɑːm v báo thức

wake weɪk v thức giấc, đánh thức

push pʊʃ v đẩy

Nubita ˈnuːbɪta n (tên riêng của người)

e ɪntəvjuːˈiː n người được phỏng vấn
<b>5. SKILLS 1</b>


əˈpɑːt frɒm,


ngoại trừ, ngồi

<b>6. SKILLS 2</b>

disagree dɪsəˈgriː v khơng đồng ý


ˈkʌmftəbli adj thoải mái, dễ

discussion dɪ


n sự thảo luận
opinion əˈpɪnjən n ý kiến, quan


power ˈpaʊə n điện, năng lượng

as follows az ˈfɒləʊz ad

như sau
<b>7. LOOKING BACK </b>

grass grɑːs n cỏ

weight weɪt n quả tạ

said sɛd v2 nói

expert ˈɛkspəːt n chuyên gia, chuyên


replace rɪˈpleɪs v thay thế

g əˈmeɪzɪŋ adj đáng ngạc nhiên

-calm kɑːm adj bình tĩnh

couch kaʊtʃ n ghế sa-lông dài

banana bəˈnɑːnə n chuối

passenger ˈpasɪndʒə n hành khách

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

increase ɪnˈkriːs v tăng lên

mineral ˈmɪn(ə)r(ə)l v khoáng chất, khoáng sản
condition kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n n điều kiện

continue kənˈtɪnjuː v tiếp tục

prevent prɪˈvɛnt v phòng ngừa

certain ˈsəːt(ə)n, -tɪn adj nào đó

invitation ɪnvɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n n sự mời, lời mời, giấy mời

response rɪˈspɒns n sự trả lời

interact ɪntərˈakt v tương tác

signal ˈsɪɡn(ə)l n tín hiệu

trouble ˈtrʌb(ə)l n điều lo lắng, tình trạng rắc

danger ˈdeɪn(d)ʒə n mối nguy hiểm

step stɛp n bậc, nấc (thang)

react rɪˈakt v phản ứng

eco ˈiːkəʊ, ˈɛkəʊ n sinh thái

underwater ʌndəˈwɔːtə adj,

dưới mặt nước

d ʌndəˈɡraʊnd adj, adv dưới đất, ngầm

persuade pəˈsweɪd v thuyết phục

youth juːθ n thanh niên


ˈpɑːləm(ə)nt n đại hội

advise ədˈvʌɪz v khuyên

<i><b>B. </b></i><b>GRAMMAR: (Ngữ pháp)</b>

<b>a. Cách dùng</b>

Chúng ta sử dụng “could" để nói về khả năng trong quá khứ.
Ex: My brother could use the computer when he was in grade 6.
<i>(Anh trai tôi biết dùng máy tính khi anh ấy lên lớp 6.)</i>

<b>b. Cấu trúc</b>
<b>Dạng khẳng đjnh</b>

(Affirmative form) S + could + V

Sarah could ride a bike when she was 10.
<i>(Sarah đã biết đi xe đạp khi lên 10.)</i>
<b>Dạng phủ định</b>

(Negative form)

S + could not + V
could not = couldn't

Jimmy couldn’t skateboard at the age of

<i>(Jimmy không biết trượt ván lúc 13 tuổi.)</i>
<b>Dạng nghi vấn</b>

(Interrogative form) Could + S + V?

<b>Could John swim when he was small? </b>
<i>(John đã biết bơi khi cịn nhỏ phải khơng?)</i>
<b>Trả lời câu hỏi Có/ </b>


(Yes/ No response)

Yes, S could. No, S

Yes, he could. (Đúng vậy)
No, he couldn't. (Không phải.)


<b>a. Cách dùng</b>

Chúng ta sử dụng “will be able to” để diễn tả khả năng trong tương lai.
Ex: Robots will be able to do many things like humans in the future.

<i>(Người máy sẽ có thể làm rất nhiều việc giống như con người trong tương lai.)</i>
b. Cấu trúc

<b>Dạng khăng định</b>

Affirmative form) S + will be able to + Vwill = 'II The baby will be able to talk next month. <i>(Em bé sẽ biết nói vào tháng tới.)</i>
<b>Dạng phủ định</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>Dạng nghi vấn</b>

(Interrogative form) Will + S + be able to + V?

Will they be able to develop the artificial

<i>(Họ sẽ có thể phát triển trí tuệ nhân tạo chứ?)</i>
<b>Trả lời câu hỏi Có/ </b>


Yes/ No response)

Yes, S will. Yes, they will. (Đúng vậy)
No, S won't. No, they won't. (Không phải.)

<b>C. PRONUNCIATION: (Ngữ âm)</b>


<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

 Đầu lưỡi hạ xuống
 Mơi rất trịn

 Mơi đưa ra
 Hàm hạ xuống

 Đầu tiên phát âm nguyên âm dài /ɔ:/ sau đó dần
di chuyển lưỡi lên trên và ra phía trước, mở
rộng miệng tạo nên chữ /ɪ/

 coin /kɔɪn/ (n.): tiền xu
 boy /bɔɪ/ (v.): sôi
 toy /tɔɪ/ (n.): đồng xu

 cowboy /'kaubɔɪ/ (n.): cao bồi

<b>2. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM NGUYÊN ÂM /aʊ/</b>

<b>CÁCH PHÁT ÂM</b> <b>VÍ DỤ</b>

 Miệng mở rộng
 Cuống lưỡi nâng lên
 Mơi hơi trịn

 Mơi đưa ra một chút

 Đầu tiên phát âm nguyên âm dài /æ/ sau đó
miệng hơi đóng lại, lưỡi di chuyển lên trên và
ra phía sau như khi phát âm /u:/, âm đằng sau
ngắn và nhanh.

• cow /kau/ (n.):
con bị

• towel /'taoəl (n.): khăn mặt
• cloud /klaʊd/ (n.): đám mây
• mouth /maʊθ/ (n.): miệng

<b>D. EXERCISES: (Bài tập)</b>

<b>A. PHONETICS </b>

<i><b>I. Put the words in the correct column.</b></i>

/ɔɪ / /aʊ/


<i><b>II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.</b></i>

1. a. now b. down c. show d. cow

2. a. young b. ground c. cloud d. couch

3. a. toy b. join c. voice d. tortoise

4. a. could b. count c. town d. found

5. a. slow b. flower c. know d. bowl

<i><b>III.Underline the correct words then read the sentences aloud.</b></i>
1. There’s no need to shout / bow! I can hear you!

2. My brother collected noises / coins when he was a kid.
3. I grew up in a small show / town in Iowa...

4. I was filled with joy / toy at the thought of seeing her again.
5. He was talking in a very loud / out voice.


house outside boy down oil shout noise oyster

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

<i><b>I. Label the pictures with the words from the box.</b></i>

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________

5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________

<i><b>II. Complete the sentences with the words in part I.</b></i>

1. She is cutting the _____________ with a pair of garden shears.
2. To go outside the _____________, you must wear a spacesuit!
3. Earth is the _____________ we live on.

4. My mother enjoys _____________ and grows her own fruit and vegetables.
5. _____________ have replaced humans in doing many dangerous tasks.
6. I have to do my _____________ today. I have no clean pants to wear.
7. I’ll cook if you do the _____________. Deal? - Deal.

8. You can see many types of robots at the international _____________.
<i><b>III.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.</b></i>

1. Home Robots ___________ all our housework, such as cleaning, washing the dishes, etc.
2. Security Robots can patrol streets or ___________ your home.

3. ASIMO can ___________ the faces and voices of multiple people speaking.

4. Nao Robot ___________ Japanese, English, and Chinese and can answer your questions about

5. Worker robots are good at ___________ heavy things.

6. The Bosch robot could ___________ either a latte, a cappuccino or a coffee.
7. Will future robots be able to ___________ human emotions?

8. Bill Shane now ___________ his grass with a robotic lawnmower.
<i><b>IV. Put the words or phrases in the box in the correct lines.</b></i>

♦ do: _____________________________________________________________________
♦ understand: _______________________________________________________________
♦ lift: _____________________________________________________________________
♦ guard: ___________________________________________________________________
♦ recognise: ________________________________________________________________
<i><b>V. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.</b></i>

1. was/ play/ I/ when/ chess/ six/ could/ I

2. couldn’t/ football/ was/ we/ play/ it/ raining /because

3. understand/ not/ she/ anything/ said/ I/ could

robots dishes hedge robot show laundry gardening space station planet

make recognise do understand lift guard cut speak

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

4. when/ speak/ were/ you/ five/ could/ you/ English?

5. could/ my/ was/ two/ when/ brother/ he/ pictures/ draw

6. the/ could/ years/ house/ robots/ ten/ ago/ clean?

7. was/ very/ I/ couldn’t/ this/ heavy/ it/ suitcase/ so/ lift

8. well/ Dave/ play/ could/ was/ when/ tennis/ he/ young

<i><b>VI. Fill in the blank with could or couldn’t and the verbs in the box.</b></i>


Peter _______________ last night because he heard strange noises.


My brother _______________ football very well and he was the best.


I _______________ even when I was a baby.


She _______________ the box - it was too heavy.


This morning Mom _______________ breakfast because of her


_______ you_______________ an English book at the age of seven?

<b>7. </b>

I _______________ my laundry yesterday. My washing machine
broke down.


K-Bot had cameras in its eyes and it _______________ people’s faces.
<i><b>VII.</b></i> <i><b>Fill in each blank with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.</b></i>

1. Robots now ___________ help astronauts perform very difficult tasks.
2. ___________ robots recognise our voices five years ago?

3. I read the book three times, but I ___________ understand it.
4. I ___________ remember his name. Do you know it?

5. Ten years ago, my grandpa ___________ ride a horse, but now he can’t.
6. Our daughter ___________ read until she was seven years old.

7. Sorry, I ___________ help you. I must do my homework!

8. Mozart ___________ play the piano when he was only five years old.
9. We ___________ buy any bread because the baker’s was closed.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

10. Jenny ___________ help you plant vegetables. She knows a lot about gardening.
<i><b>VIII. Match the questions to the answers.</b></i>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. Can you play the guitar?

2. Could you help me with this exercise?
3. Could you wear trainers to school, dad?
4. Can you tell me the time?

5. Could you speak English when you were

6. Can Jane write the program?
7. Could you lend me some money?
8. Could they go to school yesterday?

a. Yes, I can, but I only know one song.

b. No, she doesn’t know anything about computers.
c. Alright. How much do you need?

d. I’m sorry but I can’t. I’m too busy.
e. No, we couldn’t. It was against the rules.

f. No, they couldn’t because there was too much

g. No, I can’t. I haven’t got a watch.

h. No, I couldn’t. We didn’t study it at school.
<i><b>IX. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will be able to.</b></i>

1. You _______________ speak perfect English very soon.

2. Sorry, I _______________ to see you tomorrow. I’ll be very busy.

3. If you don’t study your mathematics, you _______________ do the exercises.
4. I think Jane _______________ make the cake if she has all the ingredients.
5. Irene _______________ play in the match on Saturday because she is ill.

6. I _______________ swim sometime in the future as long as I take swimming lessons.
7. ________ she __________ take part in the festival tomorrow?

8. Are you sure you _______________ carry those heavy bags on your own?
9. What __________ you __________ cook for the party?

10. I’m afraid I _______________ attend the meeting. I’m on business in Japan.

<i><b>X. Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could, couldn’t, will be able or won’t be able.</b></i>
1. ________________ robots in the past help astronauts on board the space station?
2. Robots of the future________________ to cook our food and even run our cars.
3. There are some things that robots________________ do but people can.

4. In 20 or 30 years, some robot________________ to talk like a human.
5. When he was young, he ________________ speak English at all.
6. I’m really sorry, but I________________ to attend your birthday party.
7. I don’t think robots________________ do all of our jobs.

8. My brother________________ to start school until next year.

9. Some years ago, robots ________________ clean the house, but now they can.
10. By the age of eight she ________________ speak English and French quite well.

<i><b>XI. Complete each sentence with an appropriate preposition.</b></i>

1. What do you think about the role of the robots ___________ the future?
2. In some years, some robots will be able to talk ___________ us.

3. Sofia robot is capable ___________ answering a large number of questions.
4. Some robots will wake you ___________ in the morning and make your coffee.
5. My robot could push me out ___________ bed.

6. Buddy is designed to help you ___________ your everyday activities.

7. Young people are interested ___________ robots that can do household chores.
8. Space robots can build space stations ___________ the Moon and other planets.

<b>C. SPEAKING </b>

<i><b>I. Make questions for the underlined parts.</b></i>

1. A:__________________________________________________________________________
B: Sofia is a humanoid-like robot.

2. A:__________________________________________________________________________
B: Sofia robot was activated on February 14, 2016.

3. A:__________________________________________________________________________
B: Space robots are mainly used on the International Space Station.

4. A:__________________________________________________________________________
B: Zenbo robot can take photos, capture video, make calls, tell stories and play music.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

B: A cockroach-inspired robot took two years to build.

6. A:__________________________________________________________________________
B: Nao robot speaks Japanese, English, and Chinese.

7. A:__________________________________________________________________________
B: Athena robot was created by PhD student Alexander Herzog and Jeannette Bohg.

8. A:__________________________________________________________________________
B: Kuratas robot is 3.8 metres tall.

<i><b>II. Reorder the sentences to make a dialogue.</b></i>
_____ What did you watch?

_____ Really? What is it about?

__1__ Hi, Mike. How was your weekend?

_____ Well, the film was very, very touching. David longs to be a ‘real boy’ so that he can regain the
love of his human mother.

_____ It sounds great. I’ll watch A.I. - Artificial Intelligence tonight.
_____ I just stayed at home and watched a really good science-fiction film.
_____ It’s about David, a robotic boy with the ability to feel love.

_____ A.I. - Artificial Intelligence. It was brilliant.
_____ Who stars in it?

_____ A child robot? Sounds exciting.

_____ Haley Joel Osment plays the role of David.

<b>D. READING </b>

<i><b>I. Complete the passage with the words from the box.</b></i>

I have had my robot for 3 years now, and it has helped me enormously with my (1)________. I can’t
go to school because I have a (2)________ condition. So I send my robot to school in my place. The
robot (3)________ information to me in real time and I can ask it to perform a number of functions. It
asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move (4)________ around the school, and it even
interacts with my classmates. I am really happy with it and my grades have improved dramatically
(5)________ I have had it.

Although it was pretty difficult to get (6)________ to using the robot at first, I realise I am really
lucky to have him. I was reading in the paper the other day that a lot of kids want (7)________ to learn or
play with, or help them with their chores. I suppose a lot (8)________ people will have robots in the
future as this type of technology continues to develop at a frightening pace.

<i><b>II. Read the passage then do the tasks.</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

<i><b>A. Choose the correct answers.</b></i>

1. Who wants to have a robot that will able to do his homework?

a. Mahmoud b. Steve c. Rebecca d. Jake

2. Who finds human-like robots so creepy?

a. Kim b. Roberta c. Steve d. Mahmoud

3. Who likes a domestic robot used for household chores?

a. Jessica b. Rebecca c. Jake d. Kim

4. Who believes that we must be careful when using new technology?

a. Steve b. Kim c. Mahmoud d. Roberta

5. Who thinks companies replace human jobs with robots in order to save money?

a. Kim b. Roberta c. Jessica d. Rebecca

<i><b>B. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).</b></i>
1. Most children are excited by the development of robots.

2. Some robots are so realistic that people form a romantic attachment to them.
3. Robots have already been able to do all the housework instead of us.

4. Future robots will be able to help students with their schoolwork.
5. In the future, we will live our lives without the use of robots.

<b> E. WRITING </b>

<b>I. Reorder the words to make full sentences.</b>

1. in/ today/ Robots/ intelligent/ are/ than/ more/ those/ the past.

2. robots/ ago/ couldn’t/ years/ make/ Many/ or/ the floor/ clean/ coffee.

3. already/ many/ by/ tasks/ Robots/ do/ can/ traditionally/ humans/ done.

4. can/ pronunciation/ help/ their/ English/ children/ Teaching robots/ improve.

5. our/ will/ future/ robots/ in/ change/ life/ near/ the.

6. In 2030/ to/ robots/ will/ do/ housework/ able/ all/ the/ of/ us/ instead.

Would you be happy to have robots play a more important role in your life in
the future?

Jessica: I think it would be really cool to have a robot to do all the housework in my
home. It could do all those jobs I hate like doing the washing up and tidying
my room.

Steve: I find the idea of robots looking like, and even acting like humans, pretty
scary. It is like one of those disturbing futuristic science fiction film.

Kim: It’s like any new technology. You have to learn to use it wisely. We will
soon get used to more robots in our lives. We will soon wonder how we ever
lived without them.

Mahmoud: I have heard there is a robot you can send to school and that will even do
your homework for you.

Roberta: @Steve

I read an article on the internet about people falling in love with their robot

because it was so realistic.

Rebecca: @ Kim

Yes, but aren’t all these robots just taking jobs. The only winners will be
companies who can save money from not having to employ real people.

Jake: @ Mahmoud

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

7. will/ Future robots/ the/ human beings/ ability/ interact/ have/ with/ to.

8. we/ In/ see/ years/ humanoid robots/ our home/ the next 20 or 30/ will/ in.

<i><b>II. Write a passage about Pepper, using the words given.</b></i>

Pepper/ Japanese humanoid robot/ made/ Softbank. Pepper/ can/ recognise/ faces and basic
human emotions. Pepper/ able/ communicate/ people/ through conversation and his touch
screen. Today/ Pepper/ available/ businesses and schools. Over 2,000companies/ already/
adopted/ Pepper/ an assistant/ welcome/ inform/ guide/ visitors.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

<i><b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.</b></i>

1. a. natural b. solar c. planet d. fact

2. a. window b. show c. grow d. allow

3. a. think b. bath c. clothes d. through

4. a. pollute b. reduce c. reuse d. future

5. a. laundry b. draw c. water d. laugh

<i><b>II. Circle the odd one out.</b></i>

1. a. palace b. skyscraper c. UFO d. houseboat

2. a. reduce b. replace c. reuse d. recycle

3. a. wireless b. creative c. heavy d. laundry

4. a. might b. help c. water d. guard

5. a. rubbish b. litter c. fridge d. trash

<i><b>III.Look at the picture and complete each sentence with an appropriate word. The first letter of each</b></i>
<i><b>word is given.</b></i>

1. S__________ energy is created by the heat and light of the sun.

2. R_______ your glass, paper, metal and plastic products to reduce pollution.

3. What a__________ might you have in your future house?

4. N__________ pollution can cause temporary deafness.

5. Future robots will be able to g__________ your house while you are away.

6. Pluto is the farthest p__________ in the solar system.

<i><b>IV. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d.</b></i>

1. In the future, many cars will run ________ electricity, which doesn’t cause air pollution.

a. in b. on c. by d. with

2. You should turn the tap ________ when you brush your teeth to save water.

a. up b. down c. on d. off

3. You should donate your old clothes, toys and furniture to people in ________.

a. order b. fact c. need d. case

4. ________ robots can help to teach children in the classroom, they will never replace teachers.

a. When b. Although c. Because d. If

5. ________ robots be able to feel and behave like us?

a. Will b. Can c. Do d. Are

6. There are lots of ________ problems nowadays, mainly because of pollution.

a. natural b. social c. practical d. environmental

7. In the future, we ________ go on holiday to the Moon or other planets.

a. could b. must c. might d. should

8. Robots make car manufacturing ________ because they can take on dangerous jobs in place of

a. stronger b. safer c. larger d. heavier

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

a. recycle b. reuse c. reduce d. remake

10. ‘Will robots be more and more expensive?’ ‘_______ Prices will become cheaper over time.’
a. Not at all. b. Sure. c. Sounds great! d. I think so.

<i><b>V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or form.</b></i>

1. If we __________ (not stop) cutting down so many trees, we’ll endanger our oxygen supply.
2. Last year Mr. Johnson _____________ (teach) us Robotics.

3. My sister is really busy – she _____________ (study) for the exam.

4. In the future, robots _____________ (do) things that people can’t do or don’t want to do.

5. Mark _____________ (be) to Sa Pa twice. The first time _____________ (be) more than ten years

6. How often _____________ (you/ do) household chores? ~ Every day.

7. Twenty years ago, most people around the world _____________ (not know) what the Internet was.
8. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we _____________ (not be able to) swim in them in the


<i><b>VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.</b></i>

1. The smartphone is one of the most useful _____________ devices. (wire)
2. Solar panels take energy from the sun to produce _____________. (electric)

3. Household waste ____________ the environment when not disposed of properly. (pollution)
4. More and more companies are making products from _____________ materials. (recycle)

5. _____________ water bottles reduce plastic waste and contribute to saving the environment. (reuse)
6. The International Robot _____________ is the largest robot trade fair in the world. (exhibit)

7. Robotics helps to make work and your life _____________. (easy)

8. Robots don’t have the _____________ to think about their action before they act. (able)
<i><b>VII.</b></i> <i><b>There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct It.</b></i>

1. In the future, robots will do all the housework instead us.
2. I’m sorry I won’t able to go to your party on Friday.
3. I can write with my right hand. I’m left-handed.

4. Using a lot of plastic bags are bad for the environment.

5. If we will go shopping tomorrow, I’ll buy some reusable shopping bags.
6. Some people believe that robots will play a important role in our lives.
<i><b>VIII. Match the sentences.</b></i>

1. If we don’t do something to stop pollution, a. if we don’t cut down on waste rapidly.

2. I would love a self-cleaning house b. if you switch off your TV when you’re not

3. Smart refrigerators will help reduce waste c. that could cook all my meals for me.
4. Pepper is a Japanese humanoid robot d. that does all the housework for me.

5. You will save electricity e. that can sense emotion and exhibit its own

6. Robots won’t replace teachers in the classroom f. by letting you know when the food in your fridge
are about to go bad.

7. We’ll threaten our own existence g. we may kill most of the life forms living on our
planet today.

8. I’d like a robot chef h. h. because they can’t inspire students to do their

<i><b>IX. Choose the word which best fits each gap.</b></i>

<b>Eco-friendly houses</b>

How ‘eco-friendly’ is your house? Here are some things that you
can do to protect the environment and make the world a better place.

♦ Turn (1)____________ the lights when you are not in a
room and don’t leave computers and TVs on standby.

♦ Turn down the heating. If you’re cold, you can put on a jumper!

♦ Put solar panels on the roof. Using energy from the (2)____________ can save a lot of money and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

♦ Don’t (4)____________ away things you don’t want anymore. Remember the three Rs - reuse,
repair and recycle.

♦ Grow your own vegetables in your garden - it’s eco-friendly and (5)____________.
Saving the planet starts at home and it could start as (6)___________ as you get home today!

1. a. on b. off c. up d. down

2. a. coal b. wind c. water d. sun

3. a. tap b. pipe c. knob d. bin

4. a. bring b. give c. throw d. turn

5. a. modern b. healthy c. useful d. polluting

6. a. long b. much c. good d. soon

<i><b>X. Read the text carefully, then decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).</b></i>

What will life for teenagers be like in the year 2030? For the start, computers will be everywhere and
they will do everything for us.

We won’t have alarm clocks in the future. A picture in your bedroom will become a computer screen
and it’ll wake you up and say hello. You’ll walk into the kitchen and the toaster and coffee machine will
recognise your voice and automatically make you your breakfast.

Your computer will remind you to do your homework. You won’t need a backpack, because all your
text books will be digital and they’ll be on one e-reader.

In your classroom, the top of your desk will become a computer screen. You’ll touch the screen to
connect to the Internet, but you won’t be able to send or receive personal messages.

You won’t have to go to the shopping centre to buy your clothes. You’ll buy a sweater online and it’ll
be right size because a computer will scan your body.

Everyone will have a touch screen phone with GPS, so you’ll never get lost. The bad news is that
your parents will use the GPS to know exactly where you are!

1. Life in the future will be better and more convenient.
2. A robot will make your breakfast every morning.

3. Students won’t have to do their homework because their computer will do it.
4. There will be no more textbooks in classes.

5. At a clothes shop, a computer will scan your body for measurements.

6. Students will be able to send and receive their personal messages in the classroom.
7. GPS will be used to find out where you are.

<i><b>XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. Use the word in</b></i>

1. What are your plans for the weekend? (do)

2. Peter knew how to skate when he was 12. (could)


3. The last time they visited Europe was two years ago. (not)

4. Robots are not as intelligent as humans. (than)

5. How long have you learned English? (start)

<b>XII.</b> <b>Write sentences, using the words or phrases given.</b>
1. Robots/ the future/ be/ able/ talk/ humans?

2. You/ create/ more rubbish/ if/ you/ not recycle/ glass and bottles.

3. Reusable bags/ better/ plastic bags/ because/ they/ made/ natural materials.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<i>(không kể thời gian phát đề)</i>
<b>I. LISTENING - 1.5 point</b>

<b>LISTENING 1: Listen to an interview with a swimmer. Are the sentences True or False? Write T </b>
<b>or F.</b>

<b>1. Dan gets up early.</b> ________
<b>2. He has a small breakfast.</b> ________

<b>3. He's a student.</b> ________

<b>4. Dan has lunch at home.</b> ________

<b>5. He goes swimming after classes.</b> ________
<b>LISTENING 2</b>

<b>Listen to 2 people taking about his new apartment. Listen and circle the best answer.</b>
6 .How many bedrooms does the man's apartment have?

<b>A. one</b> <b>B. two</b> <b>C. three</b>

7. The swimming pool is ________ the apartment building.
<b>A. next to</b> <b>B. behind</b> <b>C. in front of</b>
8.What are opposite the apartments?

<b>A. restaurants</b> <b>B. clothing stores</b> <b>C. book stores</b>
9 .How much does the man pay for rent?

<b>A. $275</b> <b>B. $235</b> <b>C. $255</b>

10. What service is NOT included in the rent?

<b>A. electricity</b> <b>B. gas</b> <b>C. the Internet</b>
<b>LISTENING 3: Listen. Then write the missing words.</b>

What do you think? Is (11) ________ good or bad? I loved it when I was a kid. My eyes were glued to
the TV screen for hours and hours. I watched (12) ________ and other kids’ shows non-stop. It was good
at the time, but maybe I should have been (13) ________ playing or doing something more useful.
There’s a lot of rubbish on TV. There are so many (14) ________ that you watch just because you’re too
lazy to do something useful. A lot of people turn on the TV and sit in front of it all day or all night. What
a waste of time! I think television programmes are getting worse. Reality TV and celebrity chat shows are
the worst. The only good things on TV nowadays is the (15) ________, live sport and comedy shows.
Plus an interesting documentary or two.

<b>II. PHONETICS - 1 point</b>

<b>A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:</b>

16. A. slow <b>B. now</b> <b>C. how</b> <b>D. town</b>

17. A. there <b>B. them</b> <b>C. than</b> <b>D. thank</b>

<b>B. Choose the word that has different stress from the others:</b>

18. A. energy <b>B. volleyball</b> <b>C. equipment</b> <b>D. president</b>

<b>Choose the best answer to complete the sentences (2points)</b>
20. These three Rs ________ reduce, reuse and recycle.

<b>A. stand up</b> <b>B. ask for</b> <b>C. means</b> <b>D. stand for</b>
21. ________ do you do judo? Twice a week.

<b>A. When</b> <b>B. How often</b> <b>C. Why</b> <b>D. Where</b>

22. Playing computer games ________ is not good for you.

<b>A. so many</b> <b>B. a few</b> <b>C. too much</b> <b>D. a little</b>
23. I got good marks on the test ________ I studied very hard.

<b>A. although</b> <b>B. but</b> <b>C. because</b> <b>D. so</b>

24. You should take an umbrella with you today, it ________ rain later.

<b>A. won’t</b> <b>B. might not</b> <b>C. might</b> <b>D. could</b>
25. In my opinion, English is ________ subject at school.

<b>A. most difficult</b> <b>B. difficult</b> <b>C. more difficult</b> <b>D. the most difficult</b>
26. We ________ our new teacher yet.

<b>A. didn’t see</b> <b>B. haven’t seen</b> <b>C. have seen</b> <b>D. don’t see</b>
27. My brother often ________ soccer in his free time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<b>A. does</b> <b>B. makes</b> <b>C. plays</b> <b>D. goes</b>
<b>IV. READING</b>

<b>A. Choose the best answer for each gaps to complete the following text. (1 pt)</b>

Sydney is the (28) ________ of the state New South Wales in Australia. It is the largest, oldest and
perhaps the most beautiful city in Australia. Sydney has a (29) ________ of 4.5 million. Its harbour is one
of the largest in the world, and famous (30) ________ the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The
streets in the city centre are narrow with many art galleries, restaurants, pubs, (31) ________ the streets in
Paddington are wide and the houses are big.

28. A. home <b>B. capital</b> <b>C. continent</b> <b>D. country</b>

29. A. pollution <b>B. recreation</b> <b>C. population</b> <b>D. environment</b>

30. A. with <b>B. in</b> <b>C. at</b> <b>D. for</b>

31. A. and <b>B. so</b> <b>C. although</b> <b>D. but</b>

<b>B. Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each of the questions from 32 to </b>
<b>35. (1 point)</b>

A robot cannot think or do things alone. People use a computer to control it. Today, robots are not very
popular because they are too expensive, but they are very useful. They can help us save a lot of time and
work. A robot can do the same work for 24 hours, and yet, <b>it does not complain or get tired. In the US,</b>
people use robots to guard some important places. These robots can listen to certain noises and send
signals for help if there’s trouble or danger. In Japan, people use robots in factories to build cars. In the
future, scientists will design many types of intelligent robots. Their robots will be able to do many more
complicated things. However, some people do not like robots. They fear that one day robots will be too

32. Why do people use a computer to control a robot?
<b>A. Because it is very useful.</b>

<b>B. Because it cannot think or do things alone.</b>
<b>C. Because it is too expensive.</b>

<b>D. Because it can save time and work.</b>

33. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
<b>A. People use robots to guard some important places in the US.</b>

<b>B. Robots cannot do the same work for 24 hours.</b>
<b>C. Robots do not get tired of working.</b>

<b>D. People use computers to control robots.</b>
34. The word "it” in line 3 refers to ________

<b>A. work</b> <b>B. a computer</b> <b>C. a robot</b> <b>D. the US</b>
35. In Japan, people use robots in factories to________

<b>A. listen to certain noises</b> <b>B. guard important places</b>
<b>C. do many more complicated things</b> <b>D. build cars</b>


<b>Match the questions in A with the correct answers in B (1 point)</b>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

36. Have you ever made anything from your old things? <b>A. Running</b>
37. What’s your favourite sport? <b>B. Yes, I have.</b>

38. What channel is the film on? <b>C. They are very friendly.</b>
39. What do you think about the local people? <b>D. It’s onVTV3.</b>

<b>VI. WRITNG</b>

<b>Do as directed. (1 point)</b>

40. Do morning exercise regularly and you will be fit and healthy,

 If you________________________________________________________________
41. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence

arrive/ the/ you/ at/ What time/ stadium/ did/ ?/


<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<b>NĂM HỌC 2019 2020</b>

<b>Môn: Tiếng Anh - Khối lớp 6 (Đại trà)</b>
<i>Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút</i>

<b>ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC</b> <i>(Khơng tính thời gian phát đề)</i>

(Đề kiểm tra có 04 trang) <b>MÃ ĐỀ: A602</b>

<b>I. PHONETICS (1 point)</b>

<b>A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:</b>

1. A. should <b>B. loud</b> <b>C. sound</b> <b>D. mountain</b>

2. A. mother <b>B. monthly</b> <b>C. father</b> <b>D. brother</b>

<b>B. Choose the word that has different stress from the others:</b>

3. A. television <b>B. kitchen</b> <b>C. computer</b> <b>D. radio</b>

4. A. exercise <b>B. example</b> <b>C. holiday</b> <b>D. stadium</b>


<b>Choose the best answer to complete the sentences (3 points)</b>

5. A robot can do _______ different things from looking after a baby to building a house.

<b>A. much</b> <b>B. few</b> <b>C. little</b> <b>D. many</b>

6. These three Rs _______ reduce, reuse and recycle.

<b>A. stand up</b> <b>B. ask for</b> <b>C. means</b> <b>D. stand for</b>
7. If we plant more trees, the air _______ fresher.

<b>A. will be</b> <b>B. are</b> <b>C. is</b> <b>D. was</b>

8. John likes movies, _______ he doesn’t like scary movies.

<b>A. and</b> <b>B. but</b> <b>C. or</b> <b>D. so</b>

9. What is your favorite _______? - I like swimming.

<b>A. subject</b> <b>B. sport</b> <b>C. game</b> <b>D. color</b>

10. I _______ Singapore three times.

<b>A. visit</b> <b>B. visits</b> <b>C. visited</b> <b>D. have visited</b>

11. VTV1 is a _______ TV channel in Vietnam. It attracts millions of TV viewers in Vietnam.
<b>A. national</b> <b>B. local</b> <b>C. international</b> <b>D. wide</b>

12. We _______ to Ho Chi Minh city last Sunday.

<b>A. go</b> <b>B. have gone</b> <b>C. went</b> <b>D. goes</b>

13. My sister often _______ badminton in her free time.

<b>A. does</b> <b>B. makes</b> <b>C. plays</b> <b>D. goes</b>

14. My brother can’t swim _______ he’s afraid of water.

<b>A. because</b> <b>B. but</b> <b>C. and</b> <b>D.</b> so

15. Where is the _______ bookshop, please?

<b>A. near</b> <b>B. nearest</b> <b>C. nearer</b> <b>D.</b> most near

16. Many students _______ aerobics to keep fit.

<b>A. have</b> <b>B. go</b> <b>C. play</b> <b>D.</b> do


<b>A. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (1.5 points)</b>

Earth Day is a birthday! Just like a birthday is a special day to celebrate a
person, Earth Day is a special day that celebrates the Earth. It is a day to remember to take care of our

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

You don’t have to wait for Earth Day though, you can help the environment every day!
<b>Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).</b>

<b>T</b> <b>F</b>

17. Earth Day is a day to take care of our planet.
18. The first Earth Day was born on May 22,1970.
19. A few countries celebrate Earth Day.

20. On Earth Day, people do some good things that help to protect the environment.

21. Turning off the lights is a way to save energy.

22. You can only help the environment on Earth Day.

<b>B. Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (1.5 points)</b>

Many people are now wondering what robots will be able to do in 20 years’ time. Scientists believe
that robots will be able to learn a language, recognize your face and understand what you say. They will
also be able to walk and run, just like humans.

In the home, domestic robots will cook your meals and do the housework. They will be able to talk to
other machines in your house, like the fridge and the washing machine. Old people will have robot
friends to look after them, and rich people will have a lot of robot servants to do anything for them, even
to drive theft car.

However, robots will not be able to do complicated things like playing football or writing a book.
And they will not look like humans, they will still look like machines.

23. Scientists believe that robots will be able to learn _______.

<b>A. what to say</b> <b>B. your face</b> <b>C. a language</b> <b>D. how to run</b>
24. In the home, robots will be able to _______

<b>A. buy and prepare your food</b> <b>B. do the housework</b>
<b>C. manage other machines</b> <b>D. look after children</b>
25. Who will have robot friends in the future?

<b>A. Old people</b> <b>B. Rich people</b> <b>C. Servants</b> <b>D. Scientists</b>
26. Who will have robot servants in the future?

<b>A. Old people</b> <b>B. Rich people</b> <b>C. Servants</b> <b>D. Scientists</b>
27. "Which of the following can a robot Not do?

<b>A. Walk and run</b> <b>B. Cook your meals C. Drive a car</b> <b>D. Write a book</b>
28. The word "they" in the last sentence refers to _______.

<b>A. robots</b> <b>B. things</b> <b>C. humans</b> <b>D. machines</b>

<b>IV. COMMUNICATION (1 point)</b>

<b>Match the questions in column A with the correct answers in column B</b>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

29. How often do you watch this TV programme? <b>A. I’m reading a book.</b>

30. Who is your favourite MC? <b>B. At the supermarket.</b>

31. What are you doing? <b>C. Twice a week.</b>

32. Where can I buy some food? <b>D. Tran Thanh.</b>

<b>V. WRITING (2 points)</b>
<b>A. Do as directed. (1 point)</b>

33. Lan can sing very well, but she can't play the piano. (Combine these sentences with "Although")
 Although Lan_____________________________________________________________

34. What you/ do / sports/ at/ do/ school? (Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence)
 What sports_____________________________________________________________?

35. She is interested in watching television. (Complete the second sentence so that it means the same
<b>as the sentence before it)</b>

 She likes_________________________________________________________________

36. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. (Complete the second sentence so that it means the
<b>same as the sentence before it)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b>B. Write a passage in about 40 - 50 words about your dream house in the future. (1 point)</b>
<b>Using the following cues:</b>

- What type of house is it?
- Where is it located?
- What are its surroundings?
- How many rooms will it have?
- What appliances does it have?


<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>


<b>Infinitive</b> <b>Past</b> <b><sub>participle</sub>Past</b> <b>Nghĩa</b>


1 abide abode abode Trú ngụ, chịu đựng

2 arise arose arisen Nổi dậy, nổi lên

3 <sub>awake</sub> <sub>awoke</sub> awoke,

awaked Tỉnh dậy, đánh thức

4 be was, were been Thì, là, ở, bị được

5 bear bore born Mang, chịu đựng, sinh đẻ

6 beat beat beaten Đánh

7 become became become Thành, trở nên

8 begin began begun Bắt đầu

9 bend bent bent Uốn cong

10 bite bit bit, bitten Cắn

11 bleed bled bled Chảy máu

12 blow blew blown Thổi

13 break broke broken Làm vỡ, bẻ gãy

14 bring brought brought Mang lại, đem lại

15 build built built Xây dựng

16 burn burnt burnt Đốt cháy

17 burst burst burst Nổ

18 buy bought bought Mua


19 cast cast cast Liệng, ném, quăng

20 catch caught caught Bắt, chụp được

21 choose chose chosen Lựa chọn

22 come came come Đến

23 cost cost cost Trị giá

24 creep crept crept Bò

25 cut cut cut Cắt


26 deal dealt dealt Giao thiệp, chia bài

27 dig dug dug Đào

28 do did done Làm

29 draw drew drawn vẽ

30 dream dreamt dreamt Mơ, mộng

31 drink drank drunk Uống

32 drive drove driven Đưa, lái xe


33 eat ate eaten Ăn

34 fall fell fallen Ngã, rơi

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

36 feel felt felt Cảm thấy

37 fight fought fought Đánh , chiến đấu

38 find found found Tìm thấy, được

39 fly flew flown Bay

40 forbid forbade forbidden Cấm

41 forget forgot forgotten Quên

42 forgive forgave forgiven Tha thứ


43 get got got, gotten Được, trở nên

44 give gave given Cho

45 go went gone Đi

46 grind ground ground Xay, nghiền nhỏ

47 grow grew grown Lớn lên, mọc


48 hang hung hung Treo

49 have had had Có

50 hear heard heard Nghe

51 hide hid hid, hidden Ẩn, trốn

52 hit hit hit Đụng chạm

53 hold held held Cầm giữ

54 hurt hurt hurt Làm đau, làm hại


55 keep kept kept Giữ

56 kneel knelt knelt Quì gối

57 knit knit knit Đan

58 know knew known Biết


59 lead led led Dẫn dắt, lãnh đạo

60 lay laid laid Để, đặt, để trứng

61 learn learnt learnt Học, được tin

62 leave left left Bỏ lại, rời khỏi

63 lend lent lent Cho vay

64 let let let Hãy để, cho phép

65 lie lay lain Nằm dài ra

66 lose lost lost Mất, đánh mất


67 make made made Làm, chế tạo

68 mean meant meant Có nghĩ, muốn nói

69 meet met met Gặp

70 mistake mistook mistaken Lầm lẫn


71 pay paid paid Trả tiền

72 put put put Đặt, để


<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

74 rend rent rent Xé, làm rách

75 ride rode ridden Cỡi (ngụa, xe),đi xe

76 ring rang rung Rung chuông

77 rise rose risen Mọc lên

78 run ran run Chạy


79 say said said Nói

80 see saw seen Thấy

81 seek sought sought Tìm kiếm

82 sell sold sold Bán

83 send sent sent Gửi, phải đi

84 set set set Để, đặt, lập nên

85 shake shook shaken Lắc, lay, rũ

86 shine shone shone Chiếu sáng

87 shoot shot shot Bắn, phóng mạnh

88 show showed shown Chỉ, trỏ

89 shut shut shut Đóng lại

90 sing sang sung Hát

91 sink sank sunk Đắm, chìm, nhận, chìm

92 sit sat sat Ngồi

93 sleep slept slept Ngủ

94 smell smelt smelt Ngửi thấy

95 speak spoke spoken Nói, xướng ngơn

96 speed sped sped Làm nhanh

97 spell spelt spelt Đánh vần

98 spend spent spent Tiêu xài

99 spread spread spread Trải ra, làm tràn

100 stand stood stood Đứng

101 steal stole stolen Ăn trộm, cắp

102 stick stuck stuck Dán, dính

103 sting stung stung Châm, đốt

104 strike struck struck Đánh, co vào

105 swear swore sworn Thề

106 sweep swept swept Quét

107 swell swelled swollen Phồng lên, sưng

108 swim swam swum Bơi lội


109 take took taken Lấy

110 teach taught taught Dạy

111 tear tore torn Làm rách, xé

112 tell told told Nói, kể lại, bảo

113 think thought thought Nghĩ, tưởng

114 throw threw thrown Ném. liệng, quăng


<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

116 undergo underwent undergone Chịu đựng
117 understand understood understood Hiểu

118 upset upset upset Lật đổ, lộn ngược


119 wake woke woken Thức tỉnh

120 wear wore worn Mặc, bận, mang, đeo

121 win won won Thắng, được

122 wind wound wound Cuộn lại, vặn, quay



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