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Bài học tiếng anh 9 tuần 9, 10 HK2

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<b>TUẦN 9, 10 ( HKII) </b>



1. Snowstorm (n): Bão tuyết

<i>A very heavy fall of snow, usually with a strong wind. </i>

→Snow (n) tuyết

→Snowy (adj) phủ đầy tuyết, nhiều tuyết
2. Earthquake (n):Động đất

a sudden, violent shaking of the earth‟s surface
3. Volcano (n) → volcanoes ( pl.n) ...

A mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava
Volcanic (adj)

4. Typhoon (n) a violent wind that has a circular movement, found in

<b> </b>

the West Pacific Ocean.

5. To forecast - forecast - forecast (v) dự báo thời tiết

<i>Eg: Temperatures were forecast to reach 40C </i>

6. To expect (v) mong chờ


Unexpectedly (adv)

<i>Eg: They had arrived unexpectedly. </i>

7. Thunderstorm (n) Bão có sấm sét và thường mưa to
8. Experience (v, n ) Trải qua, kinh nghiệm

<i>Eg: - Do you have any previous experience of this work ? </i>

<i> - Everyone experiences these problems at sometimes in them fives. </i>

10.Center = centre

<i>Eg: in the town / city centre </i>

Central ( adj )

<i>Eg: There will be rain in central parts of the country . </i>

11. Highland (n,adj ): An area of land with hills or mountain.

<i>Eg: highland regions. </i>
<i>Eg: central highlands. </i>

12. Delta (n) Đồng bằng

<i>Eg: The Mekong Delta </i>

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14.To prepare (v ) ...

<i>Eg: He is working hard to prepare for the exams. </i>

Preparation (n ) ... .. ...

<i>Eg: Careful preparation for the exam is essensital. </i>

15.To trust (v, n ) tin tưởng

<i> Eg: You can trust me not to tell anyone. </i>

Trustworthy (adj ) = reliable ( adj )
Trusty (adj, n) ...

<i>Eg: a trusty friend </i>

16.Hope (v,n).. ...

17.Can (n). A metal container in which food and drink is sold.

<i> Eg: canned food </i>
<i> </i>

18.Ladder (n) . ...
19.Leak (v,n) .
20.Peg (n) ... ...

21. To blow - blew- blown (v) thổi

<i> Eg: It was blowing hard. </i>

22.Expert (n, adj) A person with special knowledge, skill or training in sth.

<i>Eg: an expert in child psychology </i>
<i> Eg: They are all expert in this field </i>

23.Block (v) .

24.plastic container (n)

25.rim(n) : the edge of sth in the shape of a circle
Pacific Rim (n)

“Ring of Fire”

26.Huge (adj) . Extremely large in size or amount

<i> Eg: huge amounts of date </i>

27<b>.Tidal wave (n) sóng thần </b>

<b>28.Tropical storm (n) bão nhiệt đới </b>

<b>29.Hurricane (n): in North and South America </b>
<b>30. Cyclone (n): in Australia </b>

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<b>31.Typhoon (n): in Asia </b>

32.To warn (v):cảnh báo
Warn (sb) about sth

Warning (n)

33. Tornado (n) → tornadoes (pl.n) ... ...
Funnel (n): ...

→ Funnel - shaped (adj) hình phễu
34.To suck ( V ) ...

35.To lift (v) ... .

<i> Eg: I lifted the baby out of the chair. </i>

36. Severe ( adj ) gay go, khốc liệt , dữ dội

<i> Extremely bad or serious </i>
<i> Eg: severe weather conditions. </i>

→Severely ( adv)
→Severity (n)



<b>I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose A, B, C, or D which best completes each sentence: </b>

1. Many people were injured when the building ………….

A. collapsed B. destroyed C. struck D. erupted

2. No ships are sailing today because of the high …………..

A. volcano B. earthquake C. winds D. snowstorm

3. The ……… of the volcano was a terrible disaster.

A. prediction B. eruption C. cyclone D. shift

4. The church caught fire when it was struck by ………….

A. hurricane B. lightning C. thunder D. battery

5. When tropical storm reaches 120 kilometers per hour, it is called…………..

A. Cyclone B. hurricane C. tornado D. typhoon

6. Most of earthquakes in the world………. in the Ring of Fire.

A. happens B. occur C. broke D. erupt

7. Hillary and Tensing were the first climbers who ……… in reaching the top of Everest.

A. failed B. fail C. succeeded D. succeed

8. According to the weather………, it will be raining tonight.

A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasting D. forecasted

9. Many people become ………… because of the natural disasters every year.

A. homeland B. homesick C. homeless D. homework

10. A tornado looks like a big, dark………… coming from the bottom of a storm cloud.

A. cloud B. bowl C. funnel D. mushroom

11. There are……… tornadoes in spring than in any other season.

A. more B. much C. many D. less

12. Early warnings about tornadoes could save many………

A. lives B. life C. living D. things

13. A flood happens when a river overflows……… banks

A. its B. this C .their D. these

14. Bill Gates, ……… is known as the King of computer programmers, is famous for his
charitable work.

A. that he B. that C. who D. who he

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A. they which B. that C. which D. they

16. Hue will have temperatures………… 23°C and 27°C.

A. on B. from C. for D. between

17. The 1991 volcanic eruption in the Philippines was……… in the world in more than 50 years.

A. the largest B. largest C. larger D. large

18. These buckets must be filled………. water for future use.

A. of B. into C. with D. on

19. It snowed in Lang Son……… the winter……….. 2002.

A. in / of B. of/ in C. at / for D. for / at

20. Kangaroos, which come ……… Australia, have long tails.

A. to B. in C. from D. for

<b>II. Supply the correct Form of Words in parentheses: </b>

1. Pompeii was completely………… in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. <b>(destroy)</b>

2. The Tsunami ………. in December 2004 in South East Asia killed more than
160,000 people. <b>(disastrous)</b>

3. ……… food is very convenient for campers. <b>(can)</b>

4. Tsunamis, earthquakes, and typhoons are ………… disasters. <b>(nature)</b>
5. The sky is very ………. It is going to rain<b>. (cloud)</b>

6. It was a frightening sight for Pliny to see the volcanic ……… of Mt. Vesuvius<b>. (erupt)</b>

7. Thousands of people were ……… killed in the morning<b>. (disaster)</b>

8. He is one of the best……… in the world. <b>(science)</b>

9. The earthquake has caused great …………. and rebuilding the city will take years. <b>(destroy)</b>

10. Leonardo made many ………. discoveries. <b>(science)</b>

<b>Ill. Supply the correct Tense or Form of Verbs in parentheses </b>

1. What (happen)……… if the sun stopped (shine) ……

2. When I (be) ……… fifteen, I usually (go) …. to school on foot.

3. How long is it since you (start) ……… (write) ……. this novel?

4. What (you do) ………… at 8 o'clock last night? - I (listen) ………. to music.

5. Print media are used (transmit) ………. news.

6. My Mom is interested in (manage) …… (get) ……. a high income for my family.

7. He prefers (watch) ……… TV to (spend) ………. my free time (chat) …… on the Internet.

8. I used to (take) …… to school by my father, but now I'm used to (ride) ……. to school alone.

9. She (never travel) ……… to London, and she wishes she (do) ………… someday.

10. He (never visit) ………… her since I (leave) ………… for Paris.

<b>IV. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence: </b>

1. My younger brother plays in the street all day.

→ I wish ………
2. My daughter began to study in this college when I moved here.

→ My daughter has ………
3. He has to write these reports today.

→ These reports………
4. Mr. Smith is my Math teacher. Do you know him?

→Do you know ………
5. Mary said, “Will your mother allow you to join in the trip next Sunday?”

→ Mary asked me………

<b>VII/ Rearrange the words to make complete sentences </b>

1.suck / in / path/ tornadoes / anything / up / their / can/ is / that.

→<b> </b>………

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3. damaged / yesterday / typhoon / were / the / houses / by / many /?

<b>A. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank</b>.

1. _____ there have been changes in his life, he still remains a nice man to everyone.

A. However B. Despite C. Because D. Although

2. She complains noisily about anything _____she doesn't like.

A. what B. that C. about which D. whose

3. You seem to be quite good _____physics.

A. for B. about C. at D. to

4. Our house needs to be _____.

A. painting B. paint C. painted D. paints
5. If you saw a UFO, what _____ you do?

A. will B. would C. can D. did
6. - “Would you like a glass of green tea?” - “_____”

A. No, let‟s not. B. No, I don't. C. No, thanks. D. No, I wouldn‟t.

7. Mr. Long often goes swimming _____ Sunday morning.

A. in B. on C. until D. at
8. We‟re good friends. We _____ each other since we were in primary school.

A. know B. have known C. have been known D. knew

9. We wish you _____.

A. good luck B. congratulation C. happy D. enjoy yourself

10. The final match of EURO 2008 _____ on June 30th.

A. will be occurred B. took place C. happening D. is going

11. I had no money _____ me when I came across a nice shirt.

A. by B. at C. on D. over

12. He was happy to be _____ friends again.

A. among B. in C. near D. off

13. The doctor was examining _____.

A. the sick B. sick C. sickness D. sicked

14. Five minutes later the actor appeared _____ tom costume.

A by B. under C. with D. in

<b>B. Choose the suitable word t0 fill in each blank. </b>

If you live in an earthquake (19) _____, you should take some time to look around your
house. Place heavy books on the bottom shell of your bookshelves. Block the (20) _____ on your
fridge and washing machine to (21) _____ them from moving. Put hanging potted plants in
plastic containers. Check the (22) _____ in your bathroom and bedroom. Make sure they can't
move. Don„t put your bed next to a window. (23) _____ where you are going to be during an
earthquake is very important. The first thing to remember is to stay (24) _____. Then you should
sit under a strong table or (25) _____, or stand in the (26) _____ of the room.

19. A. place B. zone C. eruption D. lava

20. A. wheels B. rollers C. wheel D. roller

21. A. make B. prevent C. ask D. cut

22. A. mirrors B. mirror C. glass D. class

23. A. intention B. planting C. planning D. intend

24. A. inside B. instead C. indeed D. inform

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26. A. center B. corner C. top D. bottom

<b>C. Read the passage, and decide if the following statements are true, false or not mentioned </b>
<b>(NM). </b>

El Niño is a strange weather change. In Spanish, it means the Christ child since it often
occurs around Christmas. It begins in December and continues until March.

Once every four years, the World‟s largest weather system over the Pacific Ocean
changes. The winds that usually blow from East to West stop, then blow in the opposite
direction. This change makes the ocean currents reverse. The warm and high water at Indonesia
gets colder and drops to a lower level. The coasts of Southern America receive higher levels of
warm ocean water. Terrible rainstorms cause floods in the South American coastal countries. At
the same time, dry weather and low water cause drought in the Western Pacific nations. The
changes in winds and the ocean currents make the climate change. In 1982, thousands of people
lost their lives and thousands of others were left homeless when a terrible El Niño occurred.

Nowadays, scientists nowadays are using satellites to observe the atmosphere and the
ocean so as to predict what will happen and prevent the death and destruction.

27. The winds in the Pacific Ocean often blow West to East.
28. During an El Niño, people often save food and fuels at home.
29. The world‟s largest system is over the Pacific Ocean.

30. Thousands of people died in 1982 because of a terrible El Niño.

<b>D. Supply the appropriate tenses or forms of the words in the brackets. </b>

31. He can‟t live without _____ her. (love)

32. I will go with you when I‟ve finished _____ my homework. (do)
33. My parents don„t let me _____ out alone. (go)

34. The bus driver was so tired of _____ the same route. (drive)

35- Would you mind not _____ the radio until I‟ve finished with this phone call? (turn on)
36. I was enjoying my book, but I stopped _____ a program on T.V. (choose)

37. Jack made me _____ him next week. (promise / call)
38. His parents advised him _____ hard for the exams. (work)

<b>E. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word formed from the words given in brackets. </b>

39. The _____ caused a lot of bad effects. (volcano / erupt)
40. The new method enables us to do our jobs _____. (effect)
41. A _____ eruption occurred here last night. (disaster)
42. The beach is full of all kinds of _____. (pollute)

43. There is a _____ of 10% in the amount of money available for buying new books. (reduce)
44. It was very _____ of him to visit us when we were in hospital last week. (consider)

45. The car is a complete write-off. It is quite _____. (repair)

46. He is an _____ doctor who just graduated from the medical school last year. (experience)

<b>F. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. </b>

47.They don't usually drink beer.

→They are not used………
48. They say people built the school in 1990.

→ The school is ………
49. French is quite hard to learn.

→What ………
50. The boy feels sick because he eats too many cakes.

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<b>G/ Rearrange the words to make complete sentences </b>

1. earthquake / in / occurred / most / 1923 / the / dangerous / Japan / in /.
→ ………
2. fishermen / when / struck / number / storm / a large / were / the / of / killed /
3. Christopher Columbus / explorer / who / is / discovered / the / America /.
→ ………


<b>A. Choose the word or phrase [a, b, c or d| that best fits the blank space in each sentence or </b>
<b>substitutes for the underlined words or phrases. </b>

1. Thuy‟s grandma turned the television ___ to see the weather forecast.

a.off b. up c. on d. down

2. The hurrican took several days to blow itself ______ .

a.in b. out c. down d. off

3. It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius ' some years

a.for b. since c. in d. from

4. The earthquake ____ the city at two in the morning.

a.occurred b. hit c. swept d. measured

5. A funnel-shaped storms passing overland below a thunderstorm is called

a.typhoons b. tsunami c. tornado d. hurricane

6. The last tsunami caused a lot of __________ to the countries along the
Pacific coast.

a.eruption b. disasters c. destruction d. damage

7. The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.

a. fell in b. broke off c. pulled down d.put away

8. Severe thunderstorms are _______ for Tuesday night.

a. missed b. brought c. forecasted d. damaged

9. Tidal waves are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth.

a. clear b. sudden c. impressive d. slight

10. The floods have killed hundreds and made thousands ______ .

a. homely b. homeland c. homeless d. homesick

<b>B. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. </b>

11. Our____________ turns out to be correct, (predict)

12. Volcanic eruptions are one of the most natural disasters, (destroy)
13. The two teachers have different___________of their students, (expect)

14. The most_________earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama,


15. _________ , the typhoon didn‟t cause any damage on the village, (luck)


<b>A. Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. </b>

1. Martin is a kind of person to _____ one can talk about anything.

a. who b. whom c. that d. him

2. Darwin was devastated by Cyclone Tracy, _____ occurred in 1974.

a. which b. that c. who d. whose

3. Electronic is a subject ________ I know very little.

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4. The severe drought _____ occured last summer ruined the corn crop.

a. that is b. which it c. it d. that

5. Do you remember Mrs Lake, _____ taught US English?

a. who b. whom c. that d. which

6. They live in a house ____ roof could collapse at any time.

a. that b. its c. whose d. which

7. My father recently went back to the village ________ he was born.

a. which b. that c. when d. where

8. Jane‟s sister, ____ we saw at the meeting, is an English teacher.

a. that b. whom c. which d. 0

9. A tornado touched down today in Kansas, destruction to telephone lines.

a. caused b. causing c. that caused d. it caused

10. The movie _____ last night was terrific.

a. I went b. I wentto it c. I went to d. to that I went

11. Monday is the day _____ we will come.

a. which b. whose c. where d. when

12. The professor _____ course I am taking is excellent.

a. whose b. which c. whom d. that

13. I didn‟t do well in the last test, disappointed me.

a. that b. which c. this d. it


<b>A. Choose the one option (a, b, c or d) that best completes the passage. </b>

Japan is one of the world‟s most earthquake-prone countries and (1) _______ thousands of
minor tremors each year. But the Kobe earthquake was one of the (2) ________ in the country‟s
history - 6,433 people died. Nearly 27,000 people were injured, and more than 45,000 homes
were <i>(3)________</i>. The total cost of repairing the damage was estimated (4) ___ more than $100
billion. Kobe struggled to(5)_________ the huge impact of the 1995 earthquake. New office
blocks and malls were built to attract back the 50,000 people (6)__________left after the quake.

Japanese scientists have since tried to improve (7) ________ of quakes, but seismology is an
inexact science and it is extremely difficult to forecast when and where quakes will (8) .

- tremor (n); sự chấn động

- seismology (n): địa chấn học

1. a. controls b. experiences c. causes d. strikes

2. a. bad b. worse c. worst d. badest

3. a. destroyed b. struck c. swept d. torn

4. a. to b. in c. at d. for

5. a. study b. create c. avoid d. overcome

6. a. who b. which c. where d. whose

7. a. predictor b. prediction c. predictive d. predictably

8. a. errupt b. come c. reach d. occur

<b>B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. </b>

Casablanca, Sept. 24

UPI-A flash flood swept across the coastal plain about 100 miles southwest of here, killing a
large number of villagers in a market place yesterday morning. Reporters from the area said 75
bodies had been counted, and dozens of people were missing.

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The roaring water swept the village‟s flimsy dwelling places, the market sheds, shoppers,
cattle and farm implements for almost as soon as it started, the reporters said, as the crest swept
out to sea. Rescue workers quickly moved into the area from Safi, about 25 miles further south.

- scores (n): rất nhiều - crest (n): ngọn (sóng) - flimsy (adj): dễ đồ

1. When did the flood occur?

a. On the morning of Sept. 24. b. On the afternoon of Sept. 24.
c. On the morning of Sept. 23. d. On the afternoon of Sept. 23.
2. In which country is the village which was flooded?

a. Khemis Nagua b. Casablanca c. Safi d. Moroco
3. What happened to the creek beds?

a. They were swept for miles across the plains.

b. The mattresses on them were ruined by the flood waters.
c. They were flooded.

d. They were swept out of the flimsy houses.

4. What happened to the crest of the flood water eventually?
a. It went down the drain. b. It went into the sea.
c. It was evaporated by the sun.. d. It soaked into the ground.
5. What does <i><b>flash</b></i> mean in line 1 of the passage?

a. sudden b. severe c. devastating d. great


<b>Choose the sentence or phrase (a, b, c, or d) that best fits the blank space. </b>

1. „Hi, Bill. Congratulations!‟ „ _______ .‟

a. I‟m sorry b. Thank you c. My pleasure d. You‟re welcome

2. „Thanks for doing that. ‟ „________ .‟

a. It‟s a pleasure b. Don‟t say that c. Not at all d. It‟s nice of you

3. „ _____________ ?‟ „He‟s a secondary school teacher.‟

a. Who is your father b. Where does your father work

c. What does your father do d. Is your father a teacher?

4. „Excuse me! Where is the post office?‟ „ _______ .‟

a. Let me see b. I‟m not sure


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