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GA tieng anh 8- bai 4- chuan KTKN- Hung ne

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8- Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm- Easol, Eah' Leo, ĐakLak- 2010- 2011
Period 20; Week 7
Period 20; Week 7 Date of preparation: September 24
, 2010
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and Read (PAGE 38, 39)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- talk about the life in the past
- talk about past events
- express feelings
- distinguish facts and opinions
- love traditional activities of family.
B/ Language content:
1. Vocabulary: (n) equipment, folktale, traditional story
(adv) used to
(v) belong to, sound
2. Grammar: * simple past tense
* adverb “used to” (used to + V (infinitive)
3. Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
C/ Techniques: Question-Answer, Brainstorming, Dialogue drill, Play role, example, listing...
D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette player, chalk, board,
E/ Procedures:
1. Class organization: (1 min)
2. Check up: (No) :
3. New lesson:( 43 mins)
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

(5 minutes)

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and write the names of the things that do
not belong to the past.
- Call on Ss to give answers
* Answers :
- The TV - The radio - The mobile - The lighting fixture
- Modern clothing / school uniforms
New lesson
New lesson

(1 minute)

- Introduce the new lesson.
- Look and write
- Give answers
- Repeat and read the new words.
- Listen

38, 39)
38, 39)


(8 minutes)

- Introduce the dialogue between Nga and her grandma
- Supply the new words
+ used to + V(infinitive): (diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ mà nay
không còn nữa)
e.g: I used to go fishing when I was ten.
+ great-grandfather (n) (Picture) + great-grandmother (n) (Picture)
+ look after (v) =take care of (v) (Explanation)
+ sound (v): (Trans.) + equipment (n) (Example) modern equipment
+ light – lit – lit (v): (Mime) light the lamp
+ traditional story (n) (Example) + folktale (n) (Example)
+ tale (n) = story (n)
-Help Ss to read and understand the words and sentences
- Correct mistake(s) in their pronunciation if necessary
-Listen to the teacher’s introduction
- Guess the meanings of the words
with the teacher’s explanation
- Take notes
- Read as T's guide
Teacher: Lưu Thanh Hùng (Hero) Trang 41
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8- Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm- Easol, Eah' Leo, ĐakLak- 2010- 2011
-Play the tape two times - Listen to the tape.

(19 minutes)

1. Practice the dialogue with a partner: P. 39
- Play the tape two times
- Play the tape one more
- Get Ss to practice the dialogue with a partner
- Go around the class to check Ss’work and offer help
- Ask Three pairs to read the dialogue aloud.
- Correct mistake(s) in their pronunciation
2. Answer the questions.... P.39
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions.
- Go around the class to check Ss’work and offer help
- Ask Ss to share the answers with a partner.
- Call on Ss to give answers
- Give necessary correction
* Key:
a/ She used to live on a farm.
b/ Because she used to stay home and help her mom. (She used to look
after her younger brothers and sisters.)
c/ She used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes.
d/ Her great-grandmother lit the lamp and her great-grandfather used
to tell stories after dinner.
e/ At the end of the conversation, Nga asked her grandmother to tell
her the story “The Lost Shoe”.
3. Fact or opinion? Check the box. ( page 39)
- Explain the difference between Fact and Opinion (give examples)
+ Fact = Event
+ Opinion (express feelings)
- Get Ss to read the dialogue again and check the boxes if the sentence
is Fact or Opinion
- Go around the class to check Ss’ work and offer help

- Give necessary correction
*Key: a-F; b-F; c-F; d-F; e-O; f-O
- Look at the book and listen
- Repeat in chorus
- Practice the dialogue in pairs.
- Practice the dialogue before the
class (3 pairs)
- Read the dialogue and answer the
- Work in pairs, sharing answers
- Read answers aloud.
- Listen and take notes.
- Read and decide
- Give answers.

(7 minutes)

* Survey
Did you use to ................? Name
- Get up late.
- Ride bicycle too fast.
- Go to school.
- Eat too much candy.
- Forget to do your homework
- Ask Ss to ask and write into name column in groups.
- Give feedback by asking Ss some questions to check “Who used to
get up late / ride bicycle too fast ...? “

- Write it down.
- Work in groups.
- Show their work.

(2 minutes)

- Summarize the lesson:
+ Give some advice to Ss
- Listen and remember.
Teacher: Lưu Thanh Hùng (Hero) Trang 42
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8- Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm- Easol, Eah' Leo, ĐakLak- 2010- 2011
+ Summarize the lesson (remind weak students)
4. Homework:
4. Homework: (1 minute)
- Learn new words and structures by heart.
- Practice reading the dialogue and translate it into Vietnamese.
- Prepare unit 4: Speak and listen
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 21; Week 7
Period 21; Week 7 Date of preparation: September 27
, 2010
Lesson 2: Speak and Listen . ( Page 40, 41)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:

- compare the life in the past and the life at present
- talk about they used to do in the past and what they do now
- understand the main idea of a story by listening.
- have a good moral lesson.
B/ Language content:
1. Vocabulary: ((n) thatch, traffic lights, amazement
(a) Foolish, greedy, dead
(v) Lay, discover
2. Grammar: * simple past tense
* Simple present ten
* Adverb “used to”
3. Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
C/ Techniques: Play role, Pair work, Picture recognizing.....
D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, chalk, board, cassette player,....
E/ Procedures:
1. Class organization: (1')
2. Check up: (5') – Call 2 pairs Ss to read the dialogue on page 38, 39 and answer the question:" what
did you use to do last year?"
3. New lesson:( 38')
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

(4 minutes)

Picture recognizing:
- Hang two pictures on the board, one in the past and one at present.
- Ask Ss to work in two groups, picking out words related to pictures.
- Give marks and correct.

Suggested answers:
Picture 1: small houses, travel on foot, no electricity, children play at
home, work hard.....
Picture 2: big houses and building, car, TV, shop, have electricity,
entertainment, go to school
New lesson
New lesson

(1 minute)

- Introduce the new lesson.
- Play the game
- Listen
SPEAK ( Page 40
SPEAK ( Page 40


Teacher: Lưu Thanh Hùng (Hero) Trang 43
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8- Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm- Easol, Eah' Leo, ĐakLak- 2010- 2011

(4 minutes)

- introduce the usages and form of “used to”
- Ask Ss some elicited questions to guide Ss to the topic “The life in
the past and the life at present”
1/ Do you see any changes in our life from the past to present?
2/ Where did people use to live?
3/ What did they used to live?
4/ How did they used to travel?
5/ How did people use to work?
6/ Did there use to be any electricity?
- Take notes.
- Answer

(7 minutes)

- Get Ss to work in closed pairs, then open pairs.
- Ask them to compare 2 pictures , using “ USED TO “ to talk about the
actions in the past ,
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of class
- Give feedback.
* Suggested answers :
1. People used to live in small houses. Now they live in big houses and
2. People used to walk. Now they can go by cars or motorbikes.
3. Now, there is electricity everywhere.
4. People used to work hard all the time. Now they have a lot of time
for entertainment.
5. Most children used to stay at home. Now, they all go to school.

6. Children used to play traditional games such as hide and seek, skip
rope ... outdoors. Now, they have many modern games – video games.
- Work in pairs
- Ask and answer loudly.

(5 minutes)

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, talking the things they used to do last year.
- Go around and help if necessary.
- Check Ss' work
- Correct.
-Work in pairs
- Show their work.
- Listen and remember
Pre- Listening ( 5 mins)
Pre- Listening ( 5 mins)
- Introduce the situation and supply necessary words
+ moral lesson (n) (Example) + lay – laid – laid (v): (Picture)
+ discover (v): (Mime) + gold egg (n): (Picture)
+ shout (v): (Mime) + amazement (n): (Mime)
+ cut open (v): (Mime) + dead (a): (Explanation)
+ foolish (a): (Example) + greedy (a): (Example)
- Help Ss read the words
* Predictions :
- Ask Ss to predict the moral lesson of the story.

- Have them look at four titles and guess which is the most suitable
-Listen to the teacher’s introduction.
- Read as T's guide
- Guess the most suitable moral
Teacher: Lưu Thanh Hùng (Hero) Trang 44
S + used to + V (infinitive)
S + didn’t use to + V (infinitive)
Did + S + use to + V (infinitive)
Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8- Trường THCS Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm- Easol, Eah' Leo, ĐakLak- 2010- 2011
to the story.
- Call on Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board.
- Give their prediction.

le- Listening (5 mins)
le- Listening (5 mins)

Checking the prediction
- Turn on the tape twice and ask them to check their predictions.
- Call on some Ss to read their results and give feed back
Answer key : b. Don’t be foolish and greedy.
- Turn on the tape once more to check their results again.
- Listen and check their prediction.
- Give answers
- Listen again and check the answers
Post- Listening (

Post- Listening (

6 mins)
6 mins)

Comprehension Questions.
1. Why were the farmer and his wife happy?
2. What did they do to their chicken?
3. What happened at the end of the story?
- Ask Ss to listen and answer the questions.
- Call on some Ss to answer
Keys :
1.Because the farmer discovered one of the chickens laid a gold egg.
2.They cut open all the chickens and found more gold eggs.
3.There were no more eggs of any kinds.
- Answer

(2 minutes)

- Summarize the lesson:
+ Give some advice to Ss
+ Summarize the lesson
- Listen and remember.
4. Homework:
4. Homework: (1 minute)

- Learn new words and structures by heart.
- Write five sentences using "Used to"
- Prepare unit 4: Read
F/ Self- Evaluation:
Period 22; Week 8
Period 22; Week 8 Date of preparation: October 4
, 2010
Lesson 4: Read. ( Page 41, 42)
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- get to know the folktale “The Lost Shoe”
- have good moral lesson from the story
- develop their reading skills
B/ Language content:
1. Vocabulary: n) broken heart, harvest, festival, prince, fairy, rags
(a) Be cruel to, upset, excited,
(v) Marry, hold, appear, drop, own, and fall in love with s.o
2. Grammar: * Simple past tense
* Adverbial clause for time
3.Language skills: Listening, Speaking, Readin g and Writing
C/ Techniques: Brainstorming, Question-Answer, Pair work, Group work, gap- fill...
D/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette player, chalk, board,
E/ Procedures:
Teacher: Lưu Thanh Hùng (Hero) Trang 45
